Eden Streak #30 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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sorry something in my throat yeah a really good YouTube start best speedrun ever ma the board good health good damage fire rates not so good scissors don't really give a [ __ ] MA the void XL floor all stats upgrade give me that blood hard as I can show you the world shining shimmering spender and the princess no indeed you rest let your mother void a whole new board but don't you jump out at me like that finished within 40 minutes now let's go balls to the wall and try to break the game ouch oh we gotta take some time oh I'm panicking we better go real slow though I was gonna blow this how do I shoot out of my neck and my head at the same time I guess I cut my head off should be bleeding from multiple places cuz I can show you my dick remember that low me back in the day it's like some Oh G [ __ ] back in was that I don't even know I just remember seeing one of the best of hots videos recently not recently but more recent I remember everything hey man that's cool that's pretty good excuse me good thing we taking this slow home excuse me um literally sweating from that I'm sweating from that I'm gonna find blanket away [Music] when you coughed so hard you start sweating Terraria back on the road again just can't wait to get on that road again I can show you my dick remember that nice wording remember when I showed you my day Chloe oh you know what's on squads mind need to hit the gym oh it's looking at my butt I've got a home gym thank you that's sick for a month oh hey we got our key so let's go ahead and pop this sucker open and I can go for the tinted rock but I think I'm gonna go for the risky play here see if I can't pull up some else [Music] ultra super crazy speedrun of doom ah [Music] where's that tinted rock where'd that go [Music] [Music] good good Starbound was fun yeah terraria is like 2d minecraft suicide King er no balls [Music] dude Lumi we had some epic bass going on on that game it's I'm pretty sure it's still there we both just stopped working on it it looks so good remember all like this stone and lamaze e stone and then the vines coming down who's like legit castle it's probably the most legit thing I've ever built on any building game ever legit though you know I don't want suicide King I'm gonna accidentally like fat-finger the buttons and kill myself let's take that risk out of the equation we could win the game if we wanted to right now dude best thing I've ever made and then we just abandon it just abandon it how did you like the poop in your soup video of huts I can't oh gosh that game high-quality content mmm don't have enough staff for that you doubt the world still works ever no I wouldn't with the updates of probably broke its what why don't they just update your previous worlds you're saying that every update that comes out breaks star ballons worlds I'm pretty sure all the gamers would revolt there'd be an uprising [Music] eh dizzle how is something wrong a good pill high-quality 360p yeah what was up with that you guys i uploaded that video and then everyone's complaining about 360p so i went to it and it just it just never processed the higher qualities and i don't think it's still it still hasn't it pisses me right off I was gonna re upload it but I'm like I don't know then I'll have like four views on it genital jousting was amazing you know I could use the clicker but what if it turns me into lost it so if I use the clicker and it turns me into Sampson do I get Sampson starting items then that'd be the reason to do that knockers Tier one sub welcome knockers broke the silence there appreciate that how did he touch me though come on come on come on come on touch me baby and you'll see that I am not afraid that but uh so much L fell [Music] you do not get Samson's stuff it sucks IV blades Tier one sub what's the point of the clicker then I guess clicker out of being the loss favorite game officialy genital jousting 2018 best game ever would joust again ten out of ten huts I loved being penetrated by the ultra pleasure dildo of nine thousand I think about my family's not here working in the house that'd be really embarrassing for them to hear that they're like what the [ __ ] is he talking about in his dream this is what you do how can she stop put her into a hard character after a break for easy cheese [Music] tella pills gonna have to go with the sack and that one come on come on come on come on sack me baby ma the void is so good yes yes it is unless he just get mauled in the corner ma old ha get it he doesn't have the time to play subnautica that game is beyond a time sink you know singing about a squat I was thinking about doing a subnautica let's play on my original channel but then doing it on my channel so that like when I'm like just playing it's like I play for an hour and then I go like a shark and then I just cut that in and then it's like a three minute long video of like three hours of gameplay I could save some time do it that way and then I can just like title it capital letters mega super fellows and then make everyone would watch it oh my god it looks like it's mega super fails he's the next markiplier in profit I might actually literally do that we've beaten that game recently please do it I would watch that see it sounds like I'm kidding but like I'm like I'd actually do that and people are like I'd actually watch that so take the faded Polaroid oh did I walk by it it's not it's not terrible hot supplier welcome back everybody my name is markiplier yeah yeah Bob yeah you guys like my sack my sack my jacksepticeye you guys like my sack Geoff Takei that sounds naughty and racist at the same time has to be ten minutes so we can put more ads oh yeah I'm gonna put an ad break every two minutes - you gotta add breaks is generally not something I've gone for when people hate that if I did like an ad break on my youtube channel oh my god that'd be terrible I can make double the profits which is I haven't done it most people do do it I remember talking to some people that I met some youtubers and they're like oh yeah every three minutes I put it every every zero minutes any chance you're gonna do some more oxygen not including the future yes splooge absolutely is that your way of just bugging me about it because I said like a hundred times yes absolutely I love that game I thought once four months ago yesterday was my birthday happy birthday yesterday I thought buns who also welcomed back but I've had a sinus infection I have something too always awesome to see your Stram's though a gradable let's love fantastic fantastic stuff pop it lad how about a three-minute ad on twitch right now no I mean I've got YouTube red - go for it it just I've been really nice about the whole no ad break things hope people appreciate that it's probably something I'll consider just like slipping into a few videos to see if anyone says anything oops put this there jumper cables is pretty ok pretty unnecessary for our candle but I think I see what's happening Hut's to your single-bit poop emoji aren't popping up when I send them but anyway I'll be back for zelda piece for a bid to be rich the singles aren't aren't showing up Hut's cheer can we double check that pretty sure be rich is a huge liar I've got adblock adblock not something I terribly condone it does take all the money away from what I could be making literally makes it so I make zero dollars and then I just quit then I would just quit I gotta buy a snow blower you guys I need these ads I literally need to buy a snow blower it's snowed it's like over it's it's it it snowed 8 inches but like with the snow drifts and stuff it's over a foot of snow on my my driveway and chantal got stuck this morning so I had to wake up the crack of dawn and dig her flippin car out with a shovel and everyone else has got these like big huge snow blowers or just a perm I don't have one of those rad-brad tier 1 sub next donation goal snowblower you want a blower why did you just ask you Bob really good jokes have things brown that's pretty rough it took me uh I don't know three hours thoughts you have my sympathies it's a good excuse to shower all of my equipment all my snow stuff is just drenched it's pretty gross [Music] would you help your uncle Jack off a horse I remember third grade no what did that talk did that come from answer the questions please I'm not seeing any questions oh when this is legend zelda stream starts can we be the all annoying chat see you explore a previously unexplored area says lick good try the last vlog ran in 50/50 challenge okay I'm not seeing any other questions answer the questions streamer I am answering the questions squiggles raggy snowblower donation goal away here's me giving back a little of what I've gotten Thank You squiggles appreciate that two of diamonds will afford to name balls of steel that's pretty good I don't need the hell I don't need the help [Music] 69 cents oh and to the bread 10 big ones snowblower money appreciate that dude I'm gonna be blowing so much streamer doesn't read my questions you got to submit the questions I can't just read all the questions out of the chat that's too much to ask a try dude I can't man therapist 14 months in RL what's up welcome back quit hating on me don't fret on me when do you have time to either pre-record your runs or enable your hacks well all the time this is the reason that I don't show my my fingers ladies take pill bottle you have PhD yeah I also have a candle that burns my enemies into a boo Lydia unless I miss them I don't need the health brat wouldn't that be cool you guys if the pennies that you guys earned you could spend them on special channel only badges why not why isn't that a thing blaze and devil if I you should get you should get you a little bit closer to your goal this should thank you so much my friends you guys are fantastic how much are snowblowers $300 I don't know Ellis oh no man alright telling me you can't read the whole of chat play a game and engage us in conversation at the same time what the [ __ ] unsub resaw unsub again putz lame uh you know I respect you for that Chino you tell it how it is you really should do all those things absolutely everybody should I think that we honestly need to somehow turn off the idea that we get pennies though when we donate because then some of us just have all of the pennies all of the pinna is a little overpowered flipping hacks how do I get pennies you're earning them right now if anybody is here watching me you're earning pennies it's like I don't know 10 pennies a minute or something like that I don't know I have 3000 pennies to annoy you with all right so you're saying that we should up the questions to about 5,000 pennies then it's reasonable I'll do that wTF is a penny this is rad-brad you guys earn pennies by watching me it's like a what do you call it what's the what's the good name for it it's a rewards program on Hutt's gaming and if you've been here you have them but you out us you have to sign up for twitch alerts faying stuff in order to redeem them said about 16 months in a row welcome back how do you do that you guys is there a button in the lower-right or something like that where do you where do you get your stuff cryptocurrency I don't want P nice notice me Hutts done what chino said work the shaft for more pennies Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom we didn't get the lucky foot we got the lucky foot so that's pretty lucky foot mister bladdy three months in our land exactly on my birthday and my sub runs out what a coincidence let's be old together happy birthday mr. bladdy what's up thank you so much for the game Keys of the day I appreciate that [Music] [Music] you know this does solve my health issues level for Cuba meets so much for speed run I can't do it you guys this is none of my blood well buddy calm yourself dude there's so many bombs going around though do the challenge room while you have low HP I'm not gonna walk all the way back over there you crazy let's take my health back Take Back the Night nope blaze until villa 5 $5 low made a little error back there I made an error with the $10 I got it no dick god you're such a dick how much time would you spend on games if you hadn't earned money from it love from Hulk Poland's I you know a while ago I was playing games games in general or YouTube channel cuz I have my youtube channel before I made money I've probably spent I don't know two years or so on it before I actually like saw any return at all it's just a passion that's kind of how it has to be I think well why don't just use my hangman guard oh so yeah I used to upload once a week but playing games I still play games all the time why don't I take my restock first [Music] because apparently I'm an idiot I don't know I don't know chat go away from me spend all our money on pills then these are good pills oh God these aren't good drowsy pill probably worth taking with us what else we get lemon party yeah I love this song Sushi's Ora sushi killer yeah this used to be my old outro song you guys remember that in a time long before now doo-doo-doo dude dude dude I could totally play this and get more pills but PhD we get double payouts - I just want one more tears up tell a pills challenge room I wanna if this takes me into the challenge room I'll do it not with that blazing five more dollars a grammar error oh yeah that's fine that's fine I just even I don't even pay attention anymore I just zip right through it cuz there's even a lot of like none English as a first language speakers so I hold nothing against anybody here except for you blaze and you make another mistake and now I'm gonna know you you knew better dug your own grave partner [Music] infinite health it's a break oh yeah no I could I could have kept buying the hell from the shop it isn't you know kind of how I feel about it yeah thank you AG for the host I appreciate that hope life is well gamer asked a question you could have had a break five coins for two hearts give at least eight paintings back it's less of a break because there's no items you know I mean we kind of needed an item there to really make that worthwhile but we could have gotten our fire rate to five instead of six is really what would have been nice there well okay infinite cubes of meat with it's not really health oh there weren't health upgrades there were in the pills so ya know you guys are you know you're onto something there we could have spent another hour and a half on this game and made that happen but I decided not to so Oh thank you for that sir may I have another [Music] doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo you guys have never heard of XML grenade I'd recommend giving him a fallout you got some cool content stuff pretty cool guy and I've noticed his streaming improving immensely pretty good stuff can't figure anything else about these pennies I have nothing on my screen about them well how did you guys discover the pennies and use them without working the shaft Chino please go to the hush-hush shop would actually be pretty cool to go into but but we would not have infinite monies and we'd had to fight the hush we'll see when we get closer to it so I can promise there especially if I don't hold my polaroid invincibility then definitely no promises thanks to the shout out dude no problem AG and soos I'm you know I'm thinking drowsy if we do get to the hush fight we use a drowsy pill GG easy there's my tears upgrade and sack I will take that yes this place is mean should we do a giveaway you guys I feel like we haven't done one in a while we should absolutely do that we should absolutely do that I'm gonna set that up right now I kind of just like spaced out for a while I was in the zone if I'm in the zone Auto Zone it's really hard to pull me out of it we have a lot of things that I just don't really even know about we have some good ones like Killing Floor 2 rocket League they are billions I know those are for sure really really good we have some like hacky sack I don't know what hacky sack is but type hacky into the chat to win that game that's a thing and stuff I guess I don't know I don't know what it is alright utero - we got less than five minutes to get there - the hush fight let's see if we can't pull it off I don't know what hacky-sack is I don't hacky sack is dude I will fight any of you in hacky sack and win I will do that I don't care if you call me a douche because I'm good at hacky sack it's what I did in middle school why don't I just bomb into this room I you know you know chat you know you know I did what I picked up health gosh darn it possum had 12 months in a row 12 months sweet going through a rough time right now always glad to know I can come here and have a great time thanks for all you do Utz thank you for supporting me possum at a full year is phenomenal I appreciate that you know you're not just like you weren't just here for the t-shirt you went further it helps me immensely you know I kind of want to play that I kind of want to bomb it too gross guy dropped an umbilical cord speed speed up we got our health back brah brah I don't need it actually oh excuse me let us today than it did it roll this in three two one boink ender potato thank you so much for following me my friends one minute to claim your prize Issac Ali seven months in a row welcome back and this launched like ah why do they do that don't spawn those goddamn things on me please no deal with the devil that's a big bummer we'll do the hush fight hi-hats first time donating keep up the amazing content thank you so much rainbow Doge appreciate the hundred bits oh there's a couple questions that we missed here let's go back to the questions holy [ __ ] there's a lot of questions good lord do you guys settle down on the questions golem says how much time would you spend a games I read that one already a gamer you could had a break did read that one you can't kill the metal if you had to choose between being a youtuber streamer that does not play games and playing video games for fun and only having one option for the rest of your life which would you choose youtuber streamer that doesn't play games or playing a video games for fun and only having one option being like I'm really I feel like I'm not cut out for a desk job and that's where I would have been and it just it wasn't fulfilling for me so I might still take the youtube streamer option I might still go with that even if I wasn't about games you know if I had to like do a vlog channel or some silly challenge thing I like cheering people up being weird on screen um I have to know we took my knife again I hate this you're a bad Isak player [Music] ABB's all tears in France thanks to the stream pretty fun to hang around keep doing what you do you were adequate thank you maitre has a question as you may know I'm a game dev oh did the thing do it 14 seconds holy poop yeah you did it you can take that off screen now Congrats I'm a game dev but I'm also huge math nerd enthusiast to merge both of my passions I've been working in several months of a 4d graphics engine figure out new math is super fun and so is seeing the wacky results however I am a tea you're a tea guys look out he's a team Oh God is team did you mean to end that right there was there more to that matrix mightor beaver pockets it's not something that we necessarily need okay you know I tried to buy a bunch of stuff and came up with balls so maybe go for cards we could have taken deeper pockets and that would have been fine too but no card there's two clubs that's pretty good actually I am satisfied the knife is really good for the hush exceptionally so yes lame but [ __ ] ran out of characters they didn't even tell me ordy game though sounds pretty nuts know what that means you haven't said to show whoops looked away from screen and I got hit by a slowing bullet Sammy 5-under Pitt's first time joining you on twitch was up heck yeah 500 bits and your first time feels pretty good welcome so silent fight no music Adie blades $45 hey hi it's been super busy lately but glad to be back to catch us trends Oh daddy Oh we're buying a snowblower you guys get ready to blow press B to pay blowing respects I paid pennies for this question dude we got to stop getting hit man we said this is supposed to be an easy fight and then here we are dying Hots loses to an extra slow hush with mom's knife I wouldn't be proud of that to stop running into them I thought he was gonna die and turns I thought that was me I'm not crying you're crying ivy blades not read that one Chino hunter bets how much you need for a snowblower I I don't know man should we look at snowblowers right now online would you stop spawn and [ __ ] I'm not I'm not interested in your [ __ ] dude pop up yes pause the game yes you should you know like if I could get a big one I totally would because I had a neighbor today who was running around to everybody else's driveways because he had the biggest snow blower and he was snow blowing everybody else's driveways even if they were already snow blowing and I was like damn that's that's really nice I'd like to be that guy who like runs over and helps people that can't get the snow off their stuff you know and then there's like a old lady that lives across the street and what's what is she gonna do how's she gonna get a foot of snow out they are expensive yeah I know that'd be nice though it can help people helping people blow that is consider it did you got to share the blow load like don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh let's go up I'm ready to go snow blowing because snow gets lonely too hot dog buns do we have like a website for huts out-of-context huts you know someone was running a Twitter account out of context huts there was actually a few of them that spawned up and I do believe that they're no longer there I haven't heard from them in a long time let's see here let's go to what's the website that I was gonna go to northern tool northern - an equipment it's like down the road so it's probably something that I would as probably swear I swear I would maybe shop I don't know can I can I even show you guys what's going on here let me see if I can't like you can kind of see it a little bit enough to like maybe get a price in their longing garden snow and ice removal snowblowers single stage 2 stage 3 stage 3 part snow blowers or snow blower accessories you guys I don't know a single double triple stage what what stage do I want Home Depot sells a 24 inch for 500 bucks ok so I said 300 now we're already at the 500 we need a 3 stage get a 2 stage rip that question will be forever unfinished did you finish it I'm a tea maximum over stage how big is your driveway it's pretty big we do who did some self Hutt's to redeem a question Kieran akka 23 months in row 23 in me.com DNA results are in and you're the bud father he'll not to pay for but support - that's what's your favorite dessert mmm that's a good question sour kangaroo hundreds think of that burrito stage show the page I'm showing you the page it's right here see it single double stage or triple stage which one people are saying double you need a two stage 24-inch and banks 11 months in a row why are you guys subbing I'm looking at snowblowers and Hank Hills boys huts you need to learn about snow blowers and snow blower accessories far superior than your average man shovel pretty much goddamn triple stage I don't know what a triple stage even as you guys alright to stage it is let's look at it holy [ __ ] oh my god it's on sale for one thousand two hundred and forty nine dollars a 28-inch StormTracker twenty eight hundred ninety two stage electric I don't want electrics no electric start that'd be fine but I don't want something that plugs in you know lithium-ion two-stage cordless electric snowblower I'm not I'm not digging the electric but it's much cheaper why only $6.99 oh god good lord this free shipping though airless tires no please tell me this isn't real only a thousand dollars holy moly you guys yeah so we're talking about $1,000 then let's single-stage 200 300 bucks it looks so small though these aren't that big ones if I got a big one if I got one of these big ones I could blow everybody and then in a neighborhood we're screwed dude I'm really gonna spend $1,000 rip rip single-stage is for nine Minnesotans that's playing snowblowers what am I supposed to do with that $1,000 anybody have a spare $1,000 that you might find in your couch if you do I'll take it hey that's convenient because I need a fast of dollars oh look out for that the world yeah why not this is a pretty quick run for how the runs have been going on lately and we did hush fight which we don't normally do we can get Louie banned again we did $1,000 for that no would you stop taking damage man this room has balls this is pretty good run he says as he loses pork chops a little loan of $1,000 I'll just not eat for a month that's fine you think I spent a thousand dollars on food I don't think so yikes yikes Braille ham let's look up snow Jill they're high-quality snow blowers in their electric instead of gas yeah I'm thinking not electric they'll hive mind I'm thinking I'm gonna need some gas some pretty serious snow here you won't spend $1,000 because that is not who you are who donating on this stream so it is not you but viewer spends money as you gain the profit like an evil genius would that sounded very negative pretty thick snow you know it would you have a point there it would technically be you guys buying me the snow blower so does anybody just have like a spare one in the back even if it's broken I'll try to fix it just walk it up to my house it's not that big of a deal AB saw prime sub what is up apps all from rants yeah remember that correctly nice proud of myself yeah engineer by the way I don't know what many much does for the knife probably just makes it so I throw it not as long [Music] or raita swish we have like too much range here on this thing I don't want to throw it that far unmanageable no snow almost ever oh my bottom the flippin bottom corner screwed me the our health is actually like for reals really really low I'm kind of nervous screw the blower just have subs go shovel you don't need to buy a snow blower just move down to Atlanta and freak the [ __ ] out like everyone else when it snows sounds like an excellent idea [Music] our canon 3000 it's no fun because I can throwing into the blow snow funds because I can thank you so much my friend I appreciate that hell yeah Vaughn aussi $10 good luck with the blowin huts you guys are super generous you guys are ridiculous ridiculously cool flamethrowers pretty bad at melting snow away that sounds like it would just make a lot of ice we're just melt it all down until it turn into liquid and then it would freeze on the very cold ground hey would you like X dry so that's no boy could I oh boy Chino free shirt to anyone that shows up the Hudson house with their own snow shovel and shovels for at least three hours deal get yourself a deal partner ooh that's yeah that's pretty good right +4 damage that's really good we need $1,300 for a nice snowblower don't see I'll take it Oh take it see I told you nice two things at once man remember that mod csgo knife skin mod silly okay if I can get that 1,300 our snow blower I will vlog myself shoveling out that old lady's driveway and then I'd be like are you shovel doubt your rights I blew your driveway lady where's my brownies oysters so you're supposed to do cookies and or brownies and if you got some of that medicinal [ __ ] you know that's just kidding as a joke we need some rich people we need to just kill ourselves you know I thought I'd at least get one black heart back from that my mistake that's really good doubles my my health probably the best thing that it could have gotten health-wise here it's good sounds like an infomercial do it for brownies everybody donate to two bucks and we win 700 viewers everybody donates two dollars if everybody that you're onto something here lo me if everybody just put two dollars into the pot you lose two dollars but I gain the ability to blow my neighbor's you've like rich in burritos sour kangaroo says as he throws 100 bits one dollar bow and a fax two months in a row welcome back wacky dude redeemed a question finally gonna abridge binge watch the flip out of your Zelda let's play oh yeah dude it's worth we had some we had some good times get some bad times had some good times 50 episodes or whatever love yeah let's keep it up yeah this is only 50 right now this is the time for the mom this is the time for the MA place ma play with zero black hearts feels really good man well I did my part with two hundred bits yes you did blow your what do it for a wrong way not blowing it let's do it it's a childhood dream come true alright you guys that's that's one person out of seven hundred we're on the right track that's work that's better than zero people I just that that's disturbing how expensive those things are for 1,300 bucks The Verge $2.00 trained to blow appreciate that verge that's like twice as much as one oh my God we're growing almost exponentially I guess it's kind of exponentially right two to the zero is 1 to the 1 is 2 and now we need for 130 sapphire here's my contribution to the fun the rest of my PayPal money blow that old lady dad Thank You Saffy it's working two dollar trains working I would but I got no ad bits with the mom's knife there's no reason not to do this there really isn't it's a no-brainer here check that out buddy AB saw one under bits today you get my bit Jannetty and I got a nice stream good trade I'll be off for today but I look forward to more from you good night good night a saw that was you know that was productive I liked it mom's ninth Eagles poop lower you see how I'm essentially snow blowing right there whoa all right this is this is taking way too long maybe mother Boyd will go faster mild avoid skills with your damage right it's killing them real quick what time is it for you outs 5:48 some batteries would be nice underwear yeah I don't know if that does anything I don't think it does now if moms nice white face reward maybe really bad stuff you guys love toots love me do you love me I plan your love games away the me do the void a No
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 8,722
Rating: 4.9722223 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch
Id: jffBNiBaVjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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