Eden Stream #122 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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I clicked the record button so we literally have to get started but let's just make sure right save file please and then double check to make sure we're not modded here new run eden hard mode go I think I did that right by the way fighting cowboy was one of the guys that I met with this weekend also a twitch streamer and on YouTube check him out Holly 21 months in a row its up Holly 21 huh finally enjoyed the finer things in life no you 21 well I've never seen this room before in my life I don't know what this is how many hours we have in this game and I've never seen this room you know what this is actually kind of a good book to have in this room I don't waste my cards or honest with my mom's I mean Wow absolute [ __ ] I'm bad at Isaac don't watch me and he's not an Isaac player but other [ __ ] other stuffs and things my son you guys are like you should play Dark Souls for the switch I'm gonna see Dark Souls let's go fight in cowboy he plays it what about the pot sleeve we didn't blow them all up you know that's was a curse the of the the maze that did that probably cursed the maze yeah see switching rooms up on us you give us the word and we'll give things away that makes chat crazy and spammy if you catch my drift alright you know give me a word and I'll shout it out we're doing giveaways you guys in the chat the mods will be running it behind the scenes and they'll be getting you free games and stuff so like that's super cool because the mods are awesome err lets out 22 months and I'll stop daddy I'm here for a little bit but I'm going to my boy soon probs able to watch you play one playthrough good luck come back glad you can make it Marcy Leah prime sup welcome appreciate that prime sub but I miss anything in there and you've been born the opposite sex what do you think would have been the most significant changes in your life other than the obvious you not having a dick percent percent also don't to say you are triggered I don't know why it would be triggered by that I'm not sure why that yeah pretty great question uh I feel like my answer would be probably the most triggering turtling him with the bombs that worked out pretty good I worked out pretty good um what would be the biggest difference but not having a dig uh you know I was talking about this this weekend as well but I was talking to Nega Oryx who was also a twitch streamer and she is a she and I was trying to tell her that there would be a difference with her experience than my experience which in and of itself was a triggering thing to say but I was like whoa whoa whoa follow me here see if you can follow me like the dating scene for example for a king jogo nine months in rel welcome back that's super cool thought I was going to lose my sub streak you got it you nailed it nine months there it is but baby I told her that on the dating scene when I tell people that I am a twitch streamer and a a video game player right and also given my age people assume negative they're like ah so like you don't really have a job then like oh so like you probably look at your parents house or like you okay and then with her you know she's like yeah I'm a twitch streamer and I'm a video game player and like every guy in the planet Earth is like oh that's so cool so you know that's a little bit of difference there Laura boon 30 months in a row that's too many please stop please don't do that anymore for games oh the word is free games type free games in the chat you guys for free games sorry I was just like totally talking over all of that see this is the thing we talk about really sensitive topics when we know that the chats gonna be spammed I think it's hot huts yeah not every girl not every girl but a lot of older people and a lot of females will will approach it that way like oh okay I don't really like that I'm not saying all you guys I haven't I don't think I've ever met any of you guys in a dating sense I don't think so I'm gonna stick with IV bag here give me money or take my money away it's our options here and this is actually really Wow okay it's really good I I almost think it's worth bombing for these things just to get the money from it maybe not sam and max season 1 is the game Spence of games you wish though let's poo don't pull any scone that's disgusting I'm into that in a dating sense I'm sorry can I be into it in a different sense I don't know a thing where you can be like into sexual stuff unlike a not sexual basis welcome kids hi welcome tell your mom to sub to me tell your mom to buy you a sub to me so that all the kids can watch cuz this is like kid-friendly you know is it case sensitive yes I don't know if that was an answer to that but that's what I'm saying this is also how we just like clear out a bunch of people we get him to just spam a bunch of [ __ ] you make it way too long ah [ __ ] I gotta take that ah balls so much for our IV bag complains about getting a baton classic HUDs this is hold for more health upgrades in the boss rooms money we just got done snuggling dude you want to come back up really just got is an issue now ever since I got the brush he's addicted addicted to snuggles I'll be besties bud he just yelled at me I really wish you guys had a microphone III like you could hear him I wish I had a microphone on him that's a really good trinket though with this combination of IV bag if I could use it [Music] sharp straw is almost the same thing as magic fingers Zephir doesn't use money uses charge times I'm gonna get back up buddy all right come on come on yeah fallin dude you're drunk it's just stumbling to get up here let me clear out his hair on his brush first when you lookin at them for look at me no you're here with me Lennie a toasty bun 15 what's up mmm who wants it I'm gonna I'm gonna send kitty hair hockey pucks to people who want 150 bucks don't sleep on 15 welcome back why do I disqualify myself for the giveaway I entered before you said what it was and I already own it I just if you win it just tell them alright buddy move the move the microphone a little bit this is one that that second webcam really came in handy I need to get another one of those plenty cams I know buddy I know buddy you're such a turd that's a little turd real men brush their cats all right he just loves it so much it's like hard for me not to do it well I be fruit 9 months in a row Oh baby what's up flappy fruit it's a butt baby came out flapping Maine [ __ ] or Siberian he was a rescue so we have no idea Boop of a good 11 months in ER I can't believe it's been this long I've been watching you for much longer though greetings from Paul Scott good one of these days maybe I'll understand what your name actually means but for now you'll be buh buh be good but baby mothertrucker nobody like we're here to play games though we're not here to snuggle I'm only doing this this is like complete fanservice I actually really hate you honey we're not best buds for life I just tell him that so that he snuggles with me so that you guys throw money at me thought it works completely use them and I trained him I trained him to put up an anything so we could dance just complete cash grab now all we're friends [Music] you got to put a limit on it though you know otherwise he's gonna get sick Amin let's do this don't mind up cat hair everywhere in my mouth that's all good a buddies we are give away missed a chance to get an answer who won flappy fruit check your whispers hurt but baby info I wish that this guy was a dark mom and not a key bummer even a regular bond would be better considering the fact that I have the ability to just regenerate money terribly chaos card - that was pretty cool where are starting stats we're at eight fire right right that was pretty good I was gonna pay attention I just went rigged lucky but winner is Gary Nikki lets us seem pretty rigs here Nikki just resolved everyone should probably just riot Oh tears down bill when you see a tear stale until you think ph.d please hit me up shop okay those are mine riot we need a huts right emo what I think that'd be a good one these are pretty garbage not gonna lie we should probably blow this guy up just in case Steam sale Steam sale would be a game-changer here take my chaos card back when I drop the cash card it's in the room up there I can see it said 100 bits been feeling crap recently because I haven't had much work but feeling better I can wake up to your stream Zedd I'm sorry I've been feeling like crap man or not man what's the best hope you feel better hope we can help you out here in this room you can laugh at how stupid I am oh wow it all right five more keys could maybe do some more things keep a key beggar a beggar this is the key beggar there's a difference man holy ed right health can you get right now from the golden chest I'm not really sure if it's in there unless you breakfast it we can get health from the machine if I give up soul arts which honestly might not be the worst thing de lĂ­neas or tier one sub what's up welcome nerd has puns 100 bits thank you oh hey it's hot I'm surprised you're still free after the open water gun show mm-hmm still free like I'd make you pay there's a top take around me guys I don't go for this Oh Phil for its meat keys chaos card please all right up or down key word is free gams again casing does not matter don't spam please if you spam it doesn't even matter if the mod see you or not cuz night pots gonna kick you right in the dick doesn't matter it'll find one don't underestimate it you guys answer up or down free free no see no one's answering me now and everyone's just concerned with free games down you alright Technic jaw it wasn't no you're not you're a liar and a thief it was here son of a dick hey this could be real good tears up going help up go groaning three months in a row welcome back to run in there pew pays nothing bad but the crack dog 100 beds here have this you deserve it also is there anymore our darker purpose coming soon yeah I pledge to beat the game I just really haven't had any time whatsoever and I've been trying to pay attention to the Detroit become human let's play because I can't let that slip if it slips it's gonna slip you know what I mean slip you things are slippery if that makes sense so you know if I just like stop making an episode like a couple of times and then Elson that feels like I can't make episodes or nobody cares anymore that's bad for business is it just me or is everything like super loud right now can you guys hear the music like very loud on my screen tears up that's really good the devil which we had already taken was Abaddon and we can leave should have bought a key if there was one for sale I don't remember music is quiet the game is loud music quiet game loud okay let me do this and where is it there we go how'd you do it maybe so this weekend you guys I was in Texas in Frisco at the gearbox studio checking out their new game we happy few that's gonna come out I can't say a whole lot about it and I can't say a whole lot about any of the games either they were very specific about that so I'm gonna respect that considering I'd like for them to invite me back but it was super cool being at the studio get to meet a bunch of cool people I was super nervous going into it and then by the end of it I was like that was awesome I had a really good time like I'm not one for just like traveling alone either like traveling alone to a place where you're gonna have to meet a bunch of did you take that from me I don't leave it to meet a bunch of people that you don't know it's nerve-racking man I'm introverted for sure definitely introverted but it was awesome hosted at least one picture of handsome jack on Twitter I think if you're following me there they have like big big statues of some of their game characters nice shot buddy kind of pinched me in there they told me I can't even joke about games they just sends out an email today saying you can't even joke about the existence of games or not so shut up so shut up I will can do it also if your box comes into the chat I'd like to know for anybody from gearbox I do apologize if I miss you guys when the chats going bagram folks in the game probably should have like super friend at the gearbox people uh yeah orbital I guess it's the medium one the middle one not blue or red code uh seven months in a row top coda welcome back douche nugget you want to come up again dude I'm telling you he has a problem you have an addiction get help go seek help eat em you Tut's lucky but is peace sup one minute to type in chat to claim peace up that's our second cubeface so that's gonna be a waiver that we're gonna get health here perks and relax once again nothing bad here we should blow him up but this is the shop on the meeting actually we got a golden key it doesn't matter give me all the lock doors in the world right now can you guys hear the music now could I fix it enough I know it's not everyone's favorite type so like I'm not gonna always blast the music sometimes we do when we're having fun but yup I hear it sorta Schmid's decisions decisions decisions we take this meal for now at least but having the ability to get almost infinite money with IV bag would be awesome I don't have a bomb in fact so let's maybe wait on that now blast the music I want to hear that and not use this Tyler once you can even dig spotted dick you know I love you right shop refresh is the only reason I keep IV bag what about for the ability to get chopped refresh there's no saying we're gonna get more trinkets for this smelter I almost forgot what it was actually called there for a second I was like Schmidt oh it's smelter I don't know if I've ever actually said it appropriately smelt the fish [Music] thirty bucks from Seoul again then oh man one man donation train brush addiction is no joke please use this to get your kitty some help thank you for the 30 bucks brush addiction is no Josie guys did you put joking about it how do you wean him off brush I'm honestly considering using crack-cocaine as an alternative for the brush and I think it's a little bit healthier you know you got it you got to take these things in steps maybe benadryl caffeine pill speed-up pill did I leave my chaos card behind again up I did I think it affects cats everywhere lb two-thirds book what do you think about two-thirds book look worm-eaten that's worth it look one was super good no this is kappapride huts how much do you earn yeah yeah answered no youtuber or streamer in the history of history keyword lovey rocks I'm gonna go for it nope not worth not worth no no no you guys all say no I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna take it because we're gonna go reroll the machine in the shop and I'm gonna specifically by soul hearts from it I'm gonna show you guys up because then there's gonna be a Bible for sale and I'm gonna buy it and then we're gonna book worm and we're gonna have a huge party to celebrate and everyone got laid I actually really want to find a bomb because of the nickel I'd shopkeep [Music] did not here rocks and herd racks amazing lovey's rack yeah that's appropriate welcome kids hey Oh gross pock inappropriate alright this is where this is workplace we expect workplace behavior Christian Strauss please I got no bomb well [ __ ] my face uh yes to that and then yes to this and then yes to this and then yes this was we don't want blank card chaos card is that even worth you think is it even worth it to be able to one-shot everything on the planet I don't know cracked uh 100 bits again just want to ask what changed your mind about our darker purpose to you seemed a bit skeptic about it at first it was just that people wanted it or did it grow on you in some way I read the comments I saw some potential I was like you know what a lot of people had some some some good things to say about it I've never ever just like dead set in like one way or another you know I'd love to hear other people's opinions and I think it makes someone a better person to be able to absorb other ideas and a worse person if you just stuck like yeah this is how it is so I'm not too proud to admit I can't say it's my favorite game but I would like to beat it especially for the fans of the game I would like to be able to hold multiple trinkets and then that would make it less of a terrible thing to not take Ishmael to fish maybe possibly I'm sure we no longer have enough to buy an item so we could still IV bag dog like shop refresh came about or if there was an on sale on sale item for three cents would be pretty cool - you know what I honestly would really like to take even more options one thing that would be definitely worth it oh good lord the money look at that it's almost worth it to keep going diplopia youtube diplopia you to prime solve welcome and shesh our sheep three months in a row welcome back heck yeah [Music] lucky bod is salty plants would you put winning stuff salty plant get out of here your saltiness should be you think that we should like should we keep going mildly intrigued at this point sack of sacks for three cents i think we could pull that are so that's good enough it's good enough we did really really well on that shop we did really really well let's see if I can't miss with this chaos card reach for the tab button hit Q or something I've hurt my hip somehow that's no good was it well-being birth to a child that involves hips [ __ ] my hips hurt also this gooey pink plopped out can't stand kids damn kids that's you right now suck in my orbital please ASA spades like could be fun but should play a game with tyr again I'd be super down for that adjectives a prime sob welcome would you damn kids have names I can read goddamn it goddamn it Nicko prime sub welcome Nick oh my coach and zero to Zed burst Rick's has just won a game you guys as games being like one in the chat you might want to like go there and check it out like go check it out might be worth your time logit is like making it rain games right now we have hundreds of games to give away right about a hundred get your grubby little paws on some get in there sack of penis look another Pinay this is not a bloat although he looks like a bloat it's a it's a mock bloat peep he's full lies full of lies full of lies and deceit lies and receipts Oh double chaos card two spades no the devil that's for you sir Billy very welcome got like a speech impediment there for a second I'm not sure what happened this one please keyword derp obviously must chat-los our damn minds why don't I take the penny in there because I can't reach it are you playing something else after this most likely yes what it is I don't know I didn't really plan we're just kind of just going just moving forward what does the giveaway what's the giveaway mods currently more sack place moonlighter afterwards I don't know 110 bits when does chat ever makes sense is nerd your for chat self this [Music] nerds attacking you chat trigger time is now activate so we did it's got a bomb bet you the stack of sacks is a bomb and that one moment you didn't save a freaking bomb and that happens to you my point still stands fight me and a DS BAM I have Bam Bam here is benthic BAM Bam's goes BAM perks how do i redeem it's his rainbow pancakes question from delicious lamb shank I recently watched the first few of your rebirth vids what do you think about your old videos I won't even mention rogue legacy and will mention it cuz you want more of it um I think that I was definitely learning how to really do it at that point in time I would agree with you guys that it's cringy and bad but you know that's that's what it was and that's what I had to go through anybody who's going through the same thing right now he probably understands I thought was pretty good at the time that counts for anything finally got some help but it's too late for the money maybe I shouldn't have even taken it I don't know this hot seven xbox one and a way to string with it no I don't shine paw I have ps4 so now don't have an Xbox one noop just like super grumpy face oh there we go I'm grumpy today leave me alone sound like Alexia get away stupid kids pegasus 190 missed a few streams in last month's life has been busy hot slam Hut's rip try to be more active again welcome back Pegasus or just thanks to the bid filly I'll be to get more active have you ever played fortnight or planned to I have played it I think that likud like probably make funny fortnight videos but I don't know I just haven't there's so many other things I have plans right now I'm mainly like I'm feeling an indie kick or like I was saying earlier like a different stream earlier I would like to go back and play all those roguelikes that you guys have wanted me to play but I haven't played them and our darker purpose is one of them like nuclear throne would be another one of them's spelunky would be another one of them maybe darkest dungeon but I'm not sure would be one of them don't play 49 place that's okay you guys it's okay to be triggered I knew by saying that you would be let it out you know just let that energy out alright this is a battery room so let me justlet spiders spawn and spawn and spawn infinite source of batteries infinite source of batteries because of the King I think hots price everything ah I don't need the batteries honestly I really don't need them until I need them you know which help you got there King no look at my keys you dick do you play Smash Brothers I don't play Smash Brothers I do not I used to play with my brothers there were way better at me at they were way better at the game than me and they kind of beat it out of me not gonna lie [Music] not fun to be just completely demolished and embarrassed by your brothers it was like you know what this game's not for me I've never really been into fighting games though ever I can say there's been a single fighting game that I've like really really enjoyed [Music] I can handle the timing of like a bullet hell game not so much of like a fighting game this place oh that was the third book still would take this though let's still would take this shop give me a book or shop refresh am i streaming tomorrow nope there's no plans to stream on Wednesdays just to say Thursday but do you smash the brothers Smash Brothers is more about being smashed by brothers not fun rip range still would have taken body over a bookworm though yeah yeah there we go all right turns out good decision for good decisions bookworm is the chance to shoot to tears instead of one plus it gives me a monocle salt you know that's always a positive okay shops gotta be up here then huh their last shop milk second-to-last hunter bit some nerd cough pre-recorded cough you made me look away and I got hit by a little [ __ ] flame nerd completely also yep totally pre-recorded you're right that whole thing that just happens what we're looking to get in this shop I don't remember remember now we didn't get it whatever it was [Music] you wanted a book okay then no big deal that it didn't get one thoughts you're my favorite youtuber thanks you thanks you one oh eight three nine six four thanks you [ __ ] is wrong with you brain this doesn't work sometimes did I drink all my tea I even drank most of my tea it's one of those rare moments where I kind of hope for a arranged upgrade and not a demon baby why don't I use my chaos guard blank card I don't know not sure that's a good question you just I just realized I can play my xbox one games on my PC says shine paw like permanently like all the time phones are good give me those thanks sir we're doing well I'd like piercing your thing would be a victory appreciate the bit spam you guys cut pillars how pillars United corporation [Music] I hate these guys a lot I'd like flight too why it would be nice Billy buoy bells it would be a shame of the cup got dunked with a 1337 thank you bill bill coming with a cup dunk not the cup fail look at that I'll have our roles to play [Music] there's my two of diamonds it's a last shop too but I guarantee it'll be greed you're gonna call it now I bet you can't pronounce my name says you eukaryotic gamer that's my best guess I don't know somebody rhotic clowns bill filling the fill comes after bloody Fox prime sub 22 months in around 22 months I'm Ernie it's nearly two years and I still loving content which mostly on YouTube because it it's late here in Germany Thank You bloody Fox for 22 months you're still supporting me even they can't make it a lot appreciate all of you guys seriously I look at my twitch numbers and I'm like yeah buddy makes me feel good about myself also pays the bills which also makes me feel good so thank you for supporting me seriously you know bills are good to be able to pay it's not greed 99 bombs is victory [Music] I have a forgotten challenge for you it's called the defender will have to go back on its up Christopher I'd another one of the tube screamer guys that I met in Texas you guys check them out what was I saying before that uh oh yeah submit the stuff to Reddit you guys all have to go on there and check my reddit with the pyro I think I gotta go this but the soul is also just like really really good donate to the donation machine you might need a few luck ups from mad kappa you want me to do that bill i can do that for you Mountain kW tap was that means that the game you're giving away keyword his tap ta P casing does not matter I'm gonna go with this I'll go with my gut the soul and the health would have been like super nice to get but I just got 99 bombs and now we can make it rain what was I gonna do though it's gonna like go do something and like don't see any use for money considering you're quite aways over the hosh time limit but too much about money I guess but help it would be nice so I flew back from Texas you guys my plane got delayed four times yesterday four different times but I made it I got on my plane my gate was also like super super small like one of those ones that they like crammed in a hallway cuz they obviously need two more gates double active I don't want that uh and yeah so that was stuff pretty interesting I just and for like an hour because there were no seats left and then like right before they were about to call us onto the plane I got another email saying they delayed it again like the planes right there I can see the plane I can see it ten months ten or ten would sell again IGN men Lilla flu and thank you so much for still supporting me welcome back you know this feels like a powerful run but I think we're kind of proving right now that it is not a powerful run and it didn't have my chaos card charged up because I'm apparently a big dum-dum just finish it just finish it please you get delayed even more that blows I know did salt in the wound he's recovering it was fine it was fine I'm totally fine I made it that was feeling those apple juices they'll find cowboy but by that time standing for an hour just kind of you know killed the buzz stop it don't do that please no Hey just from [ __ ] socks man hey did you quit making rooms like this ah freaking orbiting pieces of [ __ ] ah it's so hard to tell like where they're actually to go well kind of low in health I'm not gonna lie not gonna lie why did I go up immediately off that rum still drunk he had loads apple juices caught up a I need more health Oh range down that's it yeah that's the one thank you for that good perfect yep that is actually more hell thank you range up pills would be nice did you tell your chat about the new Isaac expansion you played well I got a rile up my chat like that lies but the flying noses not the flying noses I'm trapped this is cool it's cool it the noses aren't going anywhere I can smell you I need that on a sound clip we're not even supposed to joke about new games Chris 9s was a joke didn't you get the email even joking about it game gives credit to his its existence what's for dinner this is clock flying those shits again they're gonna run into the oh the red pooop' so I gotta kind of keep moving here this is nocopyrightsounds by the way I just put on their big playlist and just randomized it ain't got time to care about music son card and it's like really good but no tech 18 months in rel hey Dad double bye baby time flies should I feel old now thanks for always entertaining me whenever I have a bad day your you surely light it up sadly I can't catch a stream sell up and keep up the love and the great work greetings from Germany dig % thank you no tag welcome back there's so many guys that like can't make it the streams all that often but still support the crap out of me and like that yes probably what gave me upload thank you true story we've been half-life free a gearbox I'm still non-stop earning you guys's chats give me bands give me in trouble they can't ban me you guys think that gearbox could like get switched to ban me I think they have enough power sue me I like to live dangerously this is my wife Oprah how do you show a clip says the legends I think there's a way to put a gift on the donation [Music] I can go for the health I ain't using money for anything else I know Microsoft sends Microsoft police to beat you midstream true story Microsoft police to beat me what if I'm into it maybe mods can ban you Nintendo ninjas that's just racist making pad thai you want some I would like some yes please this monkey flop here Oh monkey flops here do something quick do this this this la patate monkey plop also one of the guys I met she's got should check them out there we go if you guys have never used chatty chris monkey flop fighting cowboy I highly recommend it I love you guys all highlighted in chat now [ __ ] up I'll let you view Betty here monkey flop sorry could not my friends list your you just Bray Sony soldiers I don't want this I do not want this I didn't look at the screen close enough I thought that was a so hard on the corner of my eye you've been here it since at least 2 a.m. [ __ ] well I'd here before us right streaming big-time better range upgrade we did get it Roger that Roger Roger I don't think I really need any of that although getting rid of the red health is good so why not the arrow would be nice but we're not getting it top secret um would be the place to check for it let me know if all the other people show up to and then I'm not seeing them so I'd like to you know pay attention also JP speaking up sup JP can't see the forest of the trees right now or Spore the trees Texas should have booze until at least two am now Texas doesn't sell you booze after midnight we walked all the way to quick stop quick trip whatever the hell it was and it was 12:30 they're like nah sorry I can't do it just this big ol husky Texan with a lisp did not expect that it wasn't mean or anything pull it a shock and he's like the Balch better get the hell outta my [ __ ] place you miss gearbox there there were here earlier they said they already developing spoiler drones did I seriously miss him oh Jesus under what name I'm sorry I love you like I said if you if you're showing up gray it's hard to pick you out I'm [ __ ] with you knock you is 19 months in a row the die is dying ripped Smurfs putz you guys every single time I post something like I post someone read it and like 50% of the comments were like through it looks like you [ __ ] blew a smurf you know how many times I've heard looks like you blew a smurf I'll [ __ ] never no one ever goes for like the looks like you like a tout mrs. Smurf or something like come on why do I see blowing dick to make you feel more manly if you think I'm gay what's that do something for you you hots oh it looks like you blew a smurf maybe blew him up guts landed on my face while he's gay whoa that was very risky of me and I'm glad it paid out looks like you ate a lot of blue fun dip in it now now you're getting creative now you're speaking my language fun dip I will take wiggle worm it's fun you know what yeah this room is not fun oh Jesus criminy I'm not even gonna [ __ ] with this room my bomb blew me into the bullet uh-huh sure came oh this is balls dude oh jeez oh Jesus who dropped a black heart by the way it's not like a champion that drops black hearts right oh I touched him I can touch him I picked up the syringe the virus touch him poison him they drop black hearts right no I would [ __ ] around and go for an extra-large Scott dammit that was the right way to go how DTF night penny questions we all know you ate out Smurfette with a chill collar on that's why it's no fun to mention it what did you like have sex with somebody ha that's probably why nobody says that looks like you got a pile of blue gushers and blue a smurf okay there it is okay well nice I thought you were going to different route and then you just like still went there okay [ __ ] this room I can't even handle the spikes can't do it did you not get the Frick off cuts down oh good right how nice where'd you go why would you go diagonally move double-dip a boo bop bop why would you go that direction I walked specifically to the side why is my chaos card in the [ __ ] wall if we're going down I can't afford this health loss not be able to devil sweet bro unpossible tier 1 sub welcome unpossible with run stir pible barely missed hush fine cowboy $5.00 blowing another man actually makes you more manly it's putting another man into your mouth giving you the power of two men [Music] all right I hear you will not will not discuss if I agree or disagree goodness thanks to the five bucks dude practically bought me a beer I mean apple juice sup kids money really does not help me defeating a sammich only makes it tastier that's what that reminded me of show him what it mean to be real super sand lesbian you monster frisbee oh shoot I'm coming back for the judgement card I'll be back for you I need it you can't whisper if you suck a dick I'm not even sure were you guys talking about any more officially lost oh check your whispers game over if you guys win one of the giveaways they're gonna whisper in your ear in your ear the game code there's a time limit if you win but don't answer then we have every right to give it away to somebody else I can't and see what's happening can you guys see the screen this is madness what the range up is really good actually [Music] bump bump bump huh what should I do for dinner it's a squat dick no nope I'm gonna stop there why would I take judgment you'll see we could we could easily just blow this and we can we just get out the topic of like dick and all that stuff cuz every single time I say something now it's just like God Jesus Christ get my mind on a different different route here people thoughts I need an answer you should go with a grilled cheese dog what you do is you take a piece of bread you slap some butter on the underneath you put the cheese right on top you put it over this of the stove until like lightly right so you brown the butter underneath it gets nice and crispy you take a hot dog that you cooked put it right in the middle fold in half thank me later Hunter bits Nerdist puns tried calling chat on their weirdness they get weirder this is your community these are your people I take no responsibility sounds pretty good [Music] tell squat Chinese food it's too late I already told him what to do [Music] I'll take the pepper if I don't like it should I just not take it this is good this is good this is good this could be good Pinkley five months in a row what's up pink Olli welcome back gosh heck in Chino this is a christian stream i remember that email a while back from twitch saying that like we have to take responsibility for our own chat that if they say something that's like we said it that was worrying and fiery parts to diamonds i'd like to try to blaze a trail directly to the boss just in case things go real bad perks honestly would be pretty good but for right here read health would be pretty good oh Jesus I'm running into spiders that I can't see good though would you not get the Frick off give me a double adversary room I'm trying to use bombs here it's not working Oh [ __ ] hell dude I can't be killed by their rocked stuff can be killed by their butt stops and the creep and the spiders stop open away bombs oh this is getting close here person amazing this No thank God judgement tears up tear a 2/4 and we got some hell good good it's alright just cuts just giving off your chest dad you got black candle okay kill the blue one last or fire rate is real good I think we can technically get it down to three oh look my nuts gave me era we just need a chest maybe a battery we don't even need a chest we have the card cards are good good enough just gimme what I need game one battery please what happens if I could try to get two battery though and I try to full clear and then I die I get like a triple adversary room what then what then sack would be the place we'd find a battery though just end it putz end it destroyed cats can do this isn't it at all and I get a battery please no battery so we just finish it if I just finished it for safety sake or just died I can't even see the screen that's like the biggest problem here I can't see his tears I can't even tell what's happening do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do that was honestly way too close of a match black flame Minnesota or MN three months you might just have a new butt baby by 2019 what's up dude thanks for the research what if I walked into a demon judgment and then lost the game help the hissed of you guys being yeah we didn't even really need to find a battery like this was good enough look at this madness this is like super good enough hi welcome to Hutt's gaming this is how we play Isaac I had two cards one rune in one card and I made this happen can't stop me thought you could stop me and realize you couldn't you're like oh [ __ ] I'm pretty good stop them Wow holy sin then and say yes that's a yes that's a yes this is a yes here I'll take some health so I take libera ipecac with Oh dr. fetus libera ipecac who under Bansi breaks everything he breaks earthing he we back-breaking earth I hand girl look at this hi welcome the Hutt's gaming ok warden tarnation fun stop dude GG game I thought that was another era Papa poo I can show you the world this is my swamp typical Hut's run typical Mike two months in a row that Mike welcome back Zen highs are 10,000 bits kill the cup D Thank You Zen Heiser tad a thousand bits you're nuts used to think you're crazy but now I can clearly see you nuts all righty rooster we're done we're done here in the bag remember oh this was close why don't I just do that I just even think about doing that in this man
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 5,774
Rating: 4.9658117 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: IM7uPkn-h1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 1sec (4321 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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