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Eddy: Oh, f*** that!! Hello! Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. And today, we are playing a game called... Our friends thought this would be a fun idea, and prepared these boxes. But... Eddy: They've been freaking us out. Alright. Anyway, the rules are basically... Gotta open a box. Describe it. You can tell the truth or lie, and the other person has to guess if it's a truth or a lie. I just want to make it through this video without seeing a single cockroach. (both) Scissors, paper, rock! - Why am I so nervous? - I'll go first, I'll take it out first. Brett: First one. Okay, I'm gonna open it. Ah! Brett: This... is what it is. What is it? Whoaaa! - What? Now what? - Whoaaaa! WHOAAAAA!! It's like a little toy. It's a massive toy poop. It's a poo toy. Brett: And it's a long strip of paper coming out from the poo toy, saying like, "Sob stories," "lack of talent." "Stripping." Brett: It's got like, America's Got Talent on a toilet paper. Brett: It's got Britain's Got Talent on the second piece. We all know they're very good at this. Poo toys. Poo toy sob story. I believe you. I mean, I think A, that's too specific. And B, that sounds like something our friends would come up with, 100%. - So I believe you. - Yeah. Yeah, you were right. - Was it right? - Yeah. Can I see? Oh, dude! That's epic. Wow. Does that mean I win a point? - Okay. Your turn. - Nice. Eddy: Dude, I'm so scared. Why are you trying...? I think he's just trying to scare himself! Why does he look so mysterious? All right! Okay. Eddy: What is this? Eddy: We have here, what appears to be... A box, made of manuscript paper. And the manuscript paper... Eddy: ...shows the Flight of the Bumblebee. Inside the Flight of the Bumblebee is... ...a little mannequin baby thing, holding a violin. Eddy: And the face of Ben Lee. What is the mannequin's material? It's like, squishy. Eddy: Probably plastic. I think you're making it up. Really? - You sure? - Yeah. Yeah. Locking it in. You were right. It's you. How did you know? - Huh? - How did you know I was lying? Dude, I just suck at lying. - I hate Among Us. - Sixth sense. Damn, I suck at lying, man! Wow, Menuhin Competition, first prize! When I had dreams. Dreams are gone. - Brett: All right, next one. - Eddy: Next one. What the f***. Um. Brett: Yeah. I don't know where to start. Okay, it's like a little... What?? Dude, what are you laughing about? It's like a... Brett: ...tuner. Tuna? - Yeah, and it's... - I can't smell it though. - It's the instrument tuner, not tuna. - Or like, fish? - Tuner. - Oh, alright. Okay okay okay, gotcha. And it's got a picture... ...of your face, on the tuner. Perfect pitch, yeah. Gotcha. And the legs has the Gucci shoes. Brett: And then, the head is like... ...on top of the tuning fork, printed out. Smiling. Knowing Brett, he's gonna be telling... ...the truth deliberately, as if he's telling a lie. Alright, I think it's... True! - Correct? - Yeahhh! - Let's go! - So good! See, I know Brett. I know he's the type to do like, reverse psychology BS. Brett: Alright, next one! I can't see. I can't see, I wanna see! Ew. What?? - Brett: Hmmm... - Eddy: It's a... Alright. Here we have... ...a fluffy cat. And... It's got a... Eddy: ...picture of Debussy on it. - Debussy cat. - Yeah. And there's a piece of paper on it that says, Eddy: "Pet me." You're saying it's a... weird item, with cat, and it says "Debussy" and says "Pet me." Mmmmmmm... I think he's lying. Oh, it is! Oh, my god! Wow. See, I'm so bad at lying that even when I'm telling the tr... Actually, this happened all the time! When we were playing Among Us! I'd tell the truth, and everyone thinks I'm lying! And they'd freaking vote me out! What the f***?! Brett: All right, my turn. The cardboard. Alright, now we're talking! Yes. Yes. What? Bro, what are you doing?? I'm just... testing it. Brett: It's an instrument. Mm-hmm. It's triangle-shaped, made out of instruments that remind you of the Illuminati. Nah, you're lying. You're lying. Eddy: I don't believe you. Dude, what is that?? That is the weirdest thing ever! Dude, this was so good! I loved it. All right. - Yay, one point to me! - Fine. I can't see your face. Dude, I can smell that. What the f***. "What the hell?" Eddy: It's a... Eddy: Like an aluminum tray, and there's a bunch of paper cutouts of you. Eddy: Five small ones, including one with you with makeup. Eddy: I don't know if you guys can see. And then there's two birds... I don't know why there's two birds. In the center, there's one big piece, like slice of pizza. Eddy: And a big cut, like face of yours. And then there's a paper thing that says, Eddy: "Perfect pizz boy." Mmmm. Yeah. And that's why it smells. He's not lying. I'm lying? - Brett: No, you're not lying. - Oh, I'm not lying. Lock it in! I'm a genius! - Oh, it's a toast! - They put bread! Oh, that's so close! That's so good. I'm a genius. Brett: All right, here we go! Hmmm. It's like a clown. And it's got lots of different colors. Basically, it's like a mirror reflection to you. Brett: And, uh... Brett: Yeah, it's like ref— It's a mirror... Brett: ...that reflects to you. And it's got the text that says, Brett: "This idiot needs to go practice." - I think it's true. I think it's true. - "This idiot needs to go practice." - You sure? - Yeah. - You sure? - Yeah! - Yeahhh! - Whoo, let's go! Yeah. I knew it, Brett's trying to act sus on purpose. - Brett: It's pretty good. - Eddy: That is very smart. - Brett: Last one! - Eddy: Last one. Really?? That's so nasty. Eddy: Oh, f*** that! Eddy: F*** that!! Dude, he just ran away! - Yo! Wait, the game has to keep go... - Eddy: I don't like playing this game! Eddy: I ain't taking that s*** out!! Can I just do this? I'm doing this for you guys, so you have to subscribe to this channel. I'm gonna die, I have freaking PTSD from this s***. You know what, I'm a genius. I'm gonna get scissors, and cut this open. So I don't have to touch that s***. What the f***, that's so unnecessary! That's nast... All right, describe what you see! All right, I see... Can the camera see? Eddy: All right, they're definitely fake. Eddy: Yeah, they're fake. They're fake. They're fake. Eddy: They're fake. They bought Chicha San Chen bubble tea. Eddy: But then, on the straw, sticking out of one straw is a cock... - Eddy: A fake cockroach. - Oh nah, he's not lying. - Eddy: There's two cockroaches... - Nah, he's not lying. Nah. There's one on top of it, - and there's two inside the bubble tea! - Brett: That's disgusting. Eddy: I'm not touching that. Eddy: Can they see from here? Like... Okay, Eddy's not lying. What's the answer? Yeah, I'm not lying. You're right. - Alright, yeah, okay. - Yeah! - I was like... - I think you've figured it out. I was like, the 1% chance like, damn, that acting was so on point! You ran out twice! - Can I see? - Yeah. - Show me. You gotta pick it up and show me. - You wanna look at it? I can't see it. It's so nasty, bro. - Eddy: It's nasty, right?! It's nasty!! - Oh, f***!!! - It's not real, is it? - And dude, imagine you open the box, - you just see that dark... - I wouldn't be able to fake that either. Oh, it's so... - 'Cause I saw bubble tea, I was like, "Oh, nice." - Oh, f***! But I saw like, a little thing inside the bubble tea. And I saw what was next to it. And I was just like... "I'm out!" Brett: Nah, that's fake, that's fake. Eddy: Nah f*** you, don't throw it at me. No no, I'm just checking this. - Ah! - Eddy: Ah!! F*** off. I guess I still lost. Eddy won 3-2. But that doesn't count. You lost 'cause you ran away. So I'm gonna take the show, the winner's clearly me. Please like and subscribe. Thanks to our friends who prepared all of this. It's very genius and smart. And, um... Yeah. Do you wanna come in the conclusion? Eddy: I see you with the straw in your hand. Alright, guys. That's all of it today. Please like and subscribe. - Eddy: F*** off! - No, I'm just holding it! Eddy: Don't hold it!! I don't want this! Eddy: Ahh! No, just...! Alright! Thank you, please subscribe, bye! Eddy: I'm out!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 536,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: onGCgNhAne0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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