Bought a Viola for Brett's Birthday!

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okay but can we talk about that kid in the video? who was that?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Allenmtb 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
Today is a very special day. It's actually Brett's birthday, 3rd of March, and... being such a good friend that I am, such a team ensemble player, I thought, "What not a better gift to buy Brett for his birthday, than a viola?" I just drove to the uh, instrument shop I'm about to go buy a viola Now, I don't wanna be seen buying a viola, so, (I'm) gonna have to disguise myself to hide my identity from the... the shame. All these violas I think I like the one before, how much is that? The other one? Four and a half thousand I think I'll get this one. Time to give it to Brett! Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Bretty Bang! *laughs* Nah. I don't know who you are You're upgraded... to violist rank! How did you get this viola? I bought it. For you, bro, it's your birthday present. After twenty- twenty-one years of violin, you're finally upgraded So bad... Did you actually? Yeah, I bought it - Is it? - It's for you, It's yours Hip, hip, viola! Hip, hip, viola! That is so bad I'm like, happy but not. I'm actually a little disappointed Hey Brett, do you wanna play something for us? On your new viola! *ZOOM INTENSIFIES* OH! - Brett, hurry up and play some viola - Oh, God damn For- for the fans - So this is my birthday gift? - Yeah I thought you just borrowed it Nah, nah. Well That's how bad the case is It's fitting for viola. Ugh! Oh... What are you doing? *laughs* Hello that's uh- my son His name is Kachikawawa Little Yang Yin Yang (You saw me, yeah you did) (I know that shit) Who is he? Doesn't matter. Anyway Alright Dude, this case is... Are you sure this is new? Yeah Dude, I got the budget version, man Dude, this is budget as fu- If you don't like it, just burn it Would that make us more money on YouTube?- Oh, that majestic... C string Spend ten racks on a C string might be love... Dude What? Rosin There's no ro- oh there IS rosin So much it's pre-rosined for you Four fine tuners! 'cause violists need that shi- Yeah, I got the cheapest one Dude Sounds pretty um... original Listen to the sound Can you get a refund? No, but you can... I kept the receipt for tax claiming purposes It's like it's like a... Nah, I can't say it It's like an unwanted... unwanted uh... Just watch our video The vio- the birth of the viola *laughs* Yeah Which actually just happened, just came out of this thing *Viola giving birth* What does it say? Student Plus Dude, that's... It's quality Happy birthday, man Thanks, man To myself - Still sounds better than my violin - What? Nah, just kidding *laughs* I was like, what? "Viola gang" x8 "Spend ten racks on a C string"
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 3,007,328
Rating: 4.9713559 out of 5
Keywords: viola, violin, cello, twoset violin, lindsey stirling, flute, yo yo ma, lang lang
Id: B_nFV0zdv5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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