EDC and Survival Shopping at Cabela's

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we are at the Cabela's in Buda Texas we're going to be checking out pretty much their entire store and see what awesome exciting new gears and high-value items they have in stock well I'm at their camping section this thing is place is humongous and for anybody who's curious I did get permission to actually film in here which is pretty sweet they're very very generous people but uh let's just see what they got I mean they got pretty much everything as far as water filters go they've got LifeStraw sawyer mini water filters they've got pretty much everything they also have camp bag so you can take a shower this is a Cabela's brand however this is the hammock and straps in a really nice small package I'm sure there are smaller ones out there but I like this one it's a really nice setup in my opinion and it's only 47 bucks this is by survival outdoors or survive outdoors longer or Sol but this is a first aid and fire kit this is a pretty cool deal it is $12.99 but the cool thing is they got emergency with those tender quicks button compasses duct tapes and flint wheels I mean they got a lot of cool stuff in this bag some of the most highly recommended fire starters which is the Zippo emergency fire starter the refill packs the Swedish fire light my fire and blast match are all here this is a sweet deal this is 550 paracord check that out that's already on a spool so it's already straightened up and organized for you 10 bucks same price you would find online and it's already organized you can survive in style or camp I mean it just looks really really comfy personally I don't have any experience with these or these are waterproof fire sticks but what I like about these is twelve fire starters you could probably split these down pretty easily but 399 that's not bad you could probably jump these down to 48 fire starters for that price so this is the iota it's a nice little eating tool and box cutter by CRKT the price here is at 49 but I mean it really depends on your mood and what you're looking for I think the best deal that I've seen here is probably the light my fire spork set 999 butts 4 pack now my experience with survival food or you know long-term storage food is with mountain house they have a lot of different brands but this is what I like is without having to go online you can actually buy the three for one week kits here so if anybody is a teen peer with a none fancy you're definitely a know about the protac to Triple A they got this one thing they got the whole streamline but this has got to be one of my favorites however check this out they got for 20 bucks I got the Enduro fresh green light a nice headlamp so for camping that's a really good hands-free way to give yourself illumination now this was kind of surprising this is the key smart key organizer and I know you guys a lot of you guys have seen my key smart versus key bar video way back in the day but that's awesome $9.99 for a key organizer that's actually pretty solid but looks like the design actually has changed on these since Miley video looks like they made quite a bit of improvements um if you guys own one of the current models dropped on the comments let me know how you like your key smart now that they've kind of updated a little bit it literally feel like I'm in an African safari for anybody who's never been into a Cabela's or a Bass Pro Shop or a super outfitter store they are absolutely enormous I saw this saw on sensible Preppers video when they did the battle box review for this past month I think it was Mission 20 but I've been wanting to get my hands on this for a couple months now and they got it here at Cabela's so as soon as I got the chance I'm gonna try to pick this up because this saw truly is is corny it's wicked I'm actually talking to my new friend Dan and he said they have a lot of sales you said online online we will match it if you find a sale item online and it's not that price in the store we will vacuum so guys that's pretty awesome so no matter what you see whether it's the camping gear air rifles guns knives camping equipment fishing gear if you find a really cool deal online and you come in the store and go check it out they said they'll match it with something you can actually carry while you're in the woods and you don't need a huge saw the silky pocket boy could be a really good fit point five inches long it's pretty sweet forty bucks yeah it's a little more expensive than the backhoe but I mean for a compact folding saw that's kind of hard to beat for those of you guys who like the big old fixed blades they do carry SE and that's really cool to see that in and out fitting store those are really nice high-quality production knives know if anybody has any experience with the have alone knives if you do please drop down the comments below and let me know your thoughts on it this knife is 44 bucks here and the replacements range between 79 and $12.99 you get a 12-pack which is great but I would like to know how long they last to see if it's actually a good deal to go with a just replacement blade system instead of sharpening it yourself got the tenacious the Manics the paramilitary - they got the delica 4 they've got the Enduro 4 got a whole bunch of different really high quality items for somatically no one is a stranger to the work sharp sharpener is however for field sharpening this is one of my most recommended killed sharpener so I found this interesting is a little magic firestarters non-toxic 50 pieces and it's apparently their waterproof just look like dog treats more than anything but has anybody had an experience with this drop down a comment to let me know I'm kind of interested in these are $14.99 for 50 fire starters I know that a lot of fire starters can be made cheaper but if these are really easy to light and really good please drop down a comments let me know because I'd be interested in bringing these to the channel this is Princeton Texas called the Pulsar it's a tiny little LED light this is something you get stick in a really small kit I mean it's like it's just barely the size of just half of my thumb this is probably something I'm not picking up due to the fact it's only six bucks oh and all Cabela's has pretty much anything and everything you could possibly want if you're definitely in the area have one nearby in your hometown definitely check them out I mean if you're serious as serious enthusiast about the outdoors this is the place you must go all right so I am back from my trip to Cabela's and boy was at an absolute fun experience that was my first time there and it absolutely blew me away what did I pick up well before I left I asked one of the guys a question I was like hey there's a tool I've been looking for it's called the Zippo 401 woodsman tool do you guys carry that by chance so let me check for you so one of the computer goes actually we do we have a couple over here they walk me down to the section where they had all the tools in the accident stuff and bam I was actually able to get this bad boy I'm really excited for this tool as you can see I took it out of its package and I read the instructions I put this all together and kind of had a little bit of fun and let me tell you what it seems like a really really solid build now for me I typically when I order something offline mostly from Amazon I like to get everything I don't like waiting so I usually get my packages in one-day shipping so shipping for me is about $11 with my membership and this at Cabela's today is was 66 bucks versus the 55 you get on Amazon so when I did the math I'm like well I'm out $1 to basically get absolute Instagram if occation okay sure I'm down so I went ahead and picked this up kind of support of the store a lot of people have been giving me flack for not buying more stuff on my trip outings and I really wanted to kind of do this so they had what I wanted so good there now I got this fire starter you guys saw this $4 fire starter I'll be able to break this down into about 48 pieces really cool thing to add on my kit and for my DIY projects and a lot of my EDC builds I'm gonna try my best to incorporate this and everything I can this is that little tiny EDC light that I showcase a little bit earlier the pulsar so there's more to come on this but that just about does it for today definitely throw a big thumbs up on this video if these the kind of episodes you guys want to see definitely go down and check the Amazon links down the description box below those who don't get one day shipping and want to save a little bit of money but for those who do want to support Cabela's and all the really cool things that they offer there definitely go check them out but that does it for today I hope you guys have an absolute wonderful day I'm out you
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 188,828
Rating: 4.850728 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Spyderco, Camping, Flashlights, Emergency Packs, Everyday Day Carry, EDC, Knives, Survival Knives, Outdoors, SHTF, Prepping, Self Reliance, Wilderness, Zombie Apocalypse, Shopping at Wal-mart, People of Wal-mart, Survival Shopping at Dollar tree, Cabela's, Survival Shopping at Cabela's, Shopping at Target, Dollar Store Survival Kit
Id: SBAwdX7ZKaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2016
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