Bug Out Bag Food

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[Music] hey guys john here with survival dispatch and i get asked the question a lot all the time what do you carry as far as food in a bug-out bag or a get home bag so I thought I would break out exactly what I've been carrying in my bag what stays in there all the time and how I go through the different steps throughout the day of putting together enough calories to support myself on the move so this is stem from many years of hiking and what people have to remember is if we ever found ourselves in a bug-out situation or a get home situation where we're carrying a lot of pounds of weight in our back and we're covering a lot of miles we're gonna burn a lot of calories so we always want to make sure that you know we're replenishing our body with you know some fats some proteins and a lot of carbs but you know make sure we get calories and ourselves as well you know a lot of people say oh you can go three weeks without food you can but try going three weeks without food just while having a normal desk job you'll want to kill somebody think about doing that Plus hiking you know 10 15 20 miles a day with a heavy pack trying to avoid situations and you're just gonna make things 10 times worse so you know what I always do is is I always make sure that I'm getting calories and stuff in my body so that I have fuel to to do more activities because that's the biggest thing is yes the human body can go 2 or 3 weeks without food but it starts shutting down after a couple of days and with your Ana if you find yourself in a survival situation your activity level is going to go way up you're no longer sitting on the couch sitting at your desk you know walking around you're now running you're now maybe cutting wood you're setting up camps you're tearing down camps you're avoiding situations so your your your activity level is completely different so you know one of the things that people also say is hey I'll be able to hunt or forage for food yes that is correct but in certain situations you know are you actually gonna have time to address a deer to cook the meat to build a fire even without giving away your location so you know what I try to do is is I try to make my food as in class as possible so that I can carry what I need for for myself you know to to go as long as I need to now if I come across wild edibles and things like that fantastic what that does is that prolongs my food schedule so you know if I'm able to find berries or a fruit tree if I'm able to take a small game real quick something like that you know I'm able to add that into the mix and prolong my food so you know the other question you have to ask yourself is in a get home situation or are you stopping to fish you know a lot of people have fishing kits in there but you have no clue how long you might sit on that bank and not catch anything you might not even know if there is actually fish in that River pond stream whatever it might be so you might just be wasting your time you know and you might find yourself based in a situation where you thought you were gonna have all this food and you know kill kill deer and hunt you know to cut fish things like that and now you're in a situation where you have no food and it's definitely not where you want to be so so how I set my pack up is pretty much breakfast lunch and snacks come in a single ziploc bag so I have a day of breakfast lunch and snacks in a ziplock bag the only meal that I cook if I need to is dinner I'll pull out my stove I'll boil some water I usually use free dry freeze-dried food and that's the only meal I cook I don't get up in the morning I don't make oatmeal I don't do any of that stuff I I want to make myself as as ready as possible in the morning so you know I can I can break down camp if I set up camp and I can just take off you know I'm not waiting for water to boil I'm not cleaning pots I'm not doing anything like that it's just literally start putting in miles and eat while I go so for breakfast and lunch and snacks I everything is 100% open up and eat pretty much I don't even need a fork for any of this so I can just tip it back you know I can and just keep putting in miles because that's the biggest thing well we're talking about a get home situation or a bug-out situation it is about getting miles down when you stop to set up camp you become static in stationary and that's where bad things can happen so you know we're not wanting to have every single one of our meals be freeze-dried because then you're stuck you know waiting for water to water to boil you can cold soaked freeze-dried food but it's just it doesn't taste good usually you know it's just cold mushy stuff so so let's talk a little bit about the different categories of stuff that I carry with me 100% store-bought you know I don't I don't make my own protein bars anything like that in the morning I usually start with something like honey stingers you know they just give you a bunch of energy and boost to get going in the morning so that's usually what I go with is honey stingers you can also go with you know I like to get some some quick energy and protein into me so you can go with something that is high in protein like nut bars things like that you can do trail mix if you want to make bags of trail mix moving into to the snack category carry beef jerky I like the epic bars you can get them in tons of different flavors to each his own but you know quite a bit of protein a little bit of fat in there also so that's good snicker bars you know you can see this one's kind of smashed because all this did come out of my bag it's always in there as it says right here it satisfies Snickers bars you know I also use food is one of my morale boosters if you find yourself in a survival situation it's probably going to be a crappy situation so anything that you can do to make it a little bit more tolerable to boost your mood a little bit is a huge score also so you know having something like a Snickers bar may pick whatever candy bar you like I like Snickers bars throw it in your bag you know you can have this as a midday snack you know it's a huge win also coming into lunch time I usually I like these tunas you can get them in tons of different flavors you don't get flavor fatigue you know of eating the same thing every day that's also something else that you have to consider when you're talking about food in your bag is don't just pack it up with like I got 18 of the same meals you you will get so tired of it and once you get tired of it you're gonna want to stop eating it as much and then you're not getting as many calories in you so I like these tuna packets because I can get tons of different flavors of them and you know just get a little bit of variety I like peanut butter and honey packs I just like being able to to get you know some good taste in my protein as well I can also squirt these on my stinger bar as well these are like a crispy waffle so you know I can put these on here and eat it as well if I feel like I need a little bit more of a pick-me-up as far as pick-me-up I like energy shots these are GU shots you can get these with caffeine and I'm also but you know all these do is pretty much just give you amino acids and in caffeine if there's caffeine in it sugars but to get your body going you know so these are used a lot in marathons triathlons things like that you know this is what guys go for they're super lightweight they're small they're compact they're single serving sizes so you can get them in I mean literally these come in like a hundred different flavors so you can find one that you like but if you need a boost while hiking in the middle of the day you know I pop usually one of these multivitamins multivitamins are something that most people forget to to put in their pack also you know when you're in a situation where you're not eating the same as you usually do you want to make sure that your body is still getting the vitamins that it needs in order to operate at the highest level possible that it can and multivitamins are a great way they're super lightweight and you know even if you're not wanting to carry a ton of food with you carry and multivitamins allows you to to get all the vitamins and minerals that your body's not getting out of foraging and things like that so I carry multivitamins and then electrolyte drinks you know have Gatorade packets here I really like tailwind once again this is used a lot in the running community what's great about this is it's not as sweet it's not as high in sugar as Gatorade it also has 200 calories built into it it dissolves quick I always feel like Gatorade at times if I'm doing a lot of really physical activity it can kind of be a little hard on the stomach I'm sure some of you guys have felt that before that's just due to some of the stuff that's that's actually in it where tailwind is a lot a lot easier on the stomach I mean these are made for like ultra marathon runners and stuff like that where they'll literally go you know two or three days in a 100-mile race and have nothing but tailwind so you know that's my that's my daily bag and what I do is is I take a mixture of all this and I make a one day ziploc bag so this is pretty much all these items all that I've added in here is I do have a tailwind recovery drink in here as well that I I will have you know usually at the end of the day and I have a Starbucks just an instant coffee is what I had so threw that in there as well just in case I wanted a cup of coffee if it's a cold you know if it's cold out something like that I just want something to warm me up but what I do is is this is this is one day so I've taken all these items I put it into a single zip lock bag I like to run a chest rig I use a hill peoples gear chest rig so what I do is is at the beginning of the day I take this out of my pack and this goes in my chest rig so I can open it up and I don't have to stop - I want to stop to get you know my tuna out I want to stop I want you know piece of beef jerky real quick I can literally just reach in I can eat it if I don't want to eat the whole thing I can just throw it back in the bag so what I do is is I make one of these for every single day that I think I'm gonna have to journey I have about ten of these if not more pre-staged in my pantry so if I'm just I work about 25 30 miles away from work so in my get home bag I have just one of these it should only take a day or so to get home so I just have one of these but if next week I have to say travel to 300 miles I will just grab more of these out of my pantry and slip them into my bag so therefore you know because that's another thing is is if you travel a lot of different distances you have to be able to make your adaptable for those different distances you know this one bag of food is not gonna get me 400 miles home it's just not enough calories so now I'm putting myself into a compromising situation so all I do is is I just grab more of these and throw them in my bag doesn't make my bag heavier yes it makes my bag heavier but I now have the food needed in order to to cover that distance so this is this is what I've done through years of hiking and then I have a trash bag if I want to clean up my trash so so you know gage how many days you think you're going to be to get to your destination that might be your bug out location that might be getting home but calculate the number of days put the adequate number of bags in there and you're good to go so that's how I handle breakfast and lunch let me clear this off real quick I'll bust out how I handle my dinner around kind of a camp set area and we'll talk about that all right guys we talked about breakfast lunch and snacks throughout the day while traveling now we're going to talk about dinner dinner is the only meal that I cook it's usually at the end of the day I'm trying to let my body rest a little bit so I might be sitting down you know I might take my shoes off let my feet air out for a little bit so dinner is kind of where I slow down for just a little bit and you know really focus on making sure that you know I don't have any hot spots on my feet if I have some sort of muscles I might try to rub them out things like that so it's a good time to to also cook some food get some good flavor and you get some good needed calories if it's cold weather season you want to make sure that you eat before you go to bed get that metabolism that furnace burning it'll keep you a lot warmer at night go to bed on an empty stomach I promise you you're gonna be miserable if it's cold out because your body just isn't working to try to break that food down so it's going to just you're going to be cold so you know there's kind of two trains of thought a lot of people you know either it's a love or hate relationship that's just how MREs are sorry a lot of people say they're way too heavy so therefore therefore they'll never carry them you know it's a debatable thing because you know built into an EM one of the reasons why it's so heavy is because it has all the water in it that's needed to cook the meal it has the stove and everything that's needed to cook the meal and it has the food also so when you start starting to to you know really calculate weight here it's not that heavy now I will say MREs aren't the best-tasting thing in the world I don't carry them a lot I just don't like the lifespan isn't as long as say freeze-dried food and there's a whole lot more variety I think and better companies that make better quality food in freeze-dried that's why I go three strides but you know MREs are a good solution I say just break them down it still gives you that that warm meal that you might need so you know Emory is definitely your first option so as far as I go you know I have my bottle of water to rehydrate my food this is a GSI outdoor pot pretty much and what I've done is I've made it a full cooking kit so the top what I like is it's also a mug so if I want to drink hot fluids out of it and it also has a koozie so the first thing you would do is take the koozie off to cook with but you can put the koozie back on you can hold it all day long so so the the top this is just a pot gripper so I can take it off the stove lighter amsr pocket rocket - stove and a fuel canister so you know you'll you'll screw the stove on top and take the koozie off put your stove on top once it's all done boil your water and then pour the water into the freeze-dried food but I like this because it makes it a you know all-inclusive cooking kit all into a small package so that's how I carry all of my stove stuff so bringing it into the bag this is a a lock sack this is how I have hiked for for many many years this bags these bags just they laughs I think for forever I feel like they never rip the reason why I put it in this bag is I'm able to seal it just in case I ever had a breach of food it doesn't fly you know chili mac all over the inside of my bug-out bag but the other reason why I carry this bag is I can keep all my food I can keep my utensil my sponge everything like that so all I have to grab is these two things and I have everything I need to make a meal the other reason I carry this is you'll see this kind of crinkled I will literally take this bag if I'm in bear country I'll tie a piece of string around it throw it up in a tree and I can hang this in a tree if I'm worried about bears coming around I don't have to carry a bear canister they're just big and cumbersome get this thing up high enough the other thing too is it's an extra layer of protection with regards to smell you know if you're thinking two-legged creatures are going to be you know smelling your food and giving away your location it gives out another sweet but what I'm more focused on is the smaller four-legged creatures I've had squirrels and chipmunks literally bite holes through small packs and stuff that I've had on my backpack when I've stopped at night trying to get to you know nuts and stuff inside so I keep it in an extra ziplock bag just so that you know it helps prevent that as well so type of food you know that I like to carry I got quite a few different brands in here just to kind of show you the difference and once again the reason why I carry this larger bag depending on how many days I'm gonna be out that's how many meals I pack in here so you know if if it's just a one day I think kind of trip or two that you know I might just carry one mountain house if I am hundreds of miles away from my destination you know I can just fill more and more bags in here so you know you got things like spaghetti and let's see what else is in here this backpackers pantry this is mountain house backpackers pantry I just kind of want to show you guys a difference here this is Wild West chili and beans you know if you need to clear out the campsite Alpine air this is a this is a I like this brand Alpine air this is a Thai style chicken with noodles what else we got here Valley food storage Irish pub cheddar potato this is a trail fork this is a new brand that I've liked a lot the coconut granola with milk on a cold morning if I did want to fire up the stove there's some granola and you know if I needed to reward myself one day backpacker pantry hot apple cobbler so you know sometimes you just need dessert I keep my long spork in here so I can dig out and sponge so I can clean my pot so you know when I get to camp I set up my stove I get water boiling pour it into the bag and then eat out of the bag I don't I don't carry any other pots dishes plates anything like that it just makes more of a mess so you know this is this is what I do for dinner you know a lot of people might vary with regards to things but usually you know like I said dinner is the only time of day that I start to line down and really focus on I'm trying to let my body you know recoup a little bit so I like to use dinner to try to to keep me slow you know one thing to a lot of people say they don't want to carry a stove yes I could boil water over a fire but that's giving off you know first of all I have to go get wood second of all I have to have conditions you know correct with regards to to wind rain things like that to get a fire started it takes time to get a fire started you might not want to give away your location with regards to smoke you know spewing through the air and yes I know people are gonna say like oh you can dig it Dakota fire hole and things like that it's so much easier just to carry a stove I mean this thing weighs you know nothing it's a small light weight I know I can boil water in four minutes five minutes have it going so you know I choose to always carry a stove stove also puts off a ton of heat with no signature there's no smoke anything like that so if as super cold conditions I could just warm my hands up if I needed to so you know that's why I carry a stove in it's versatile you know I mean you can use it for so many things I can boil water in it super easy if I had to purify some water so you know carry a stove with you I believe you should always carry a stove with you if you're going on multiple day tricks so carry a stove but this is this is what I carry for dinner I I choose to go with freeze-dried food over MREs I do have some MREs but I usually leave them with a house for situations like that so stick with freeze-dried food carry a stove spork sponge and water and you're good to go so guys I hope you really liked you know my food setup how I set things up this is something that I have used in the field for multiple years so you know I I don't change that much nowadays it's pretty much set brands might change here and there but the basis of it has been the same for years it strides true and it's tested so I hope you guys like this video if you got any questions or comments with regards to anything else with regards to food in a bag feel free to leave it below if you got any other comments leave those below as well and until next time be safe [Music] you
Channel: Survival Dispatch
Views: 81,604
Rating: 4.8590236 out of 5
Keywords: bug out bag 2019, bug out bag contents, economic collapse, bug out bag food, bug out bag, survival dispatch insider, get home bag, bug out bag essentials, get home bag 2018, survival kit, bug out bag food kit, bug out bag food ideas, bug out bag food storage, bug out bag food uk, bugging out survival, economic collapse prepping, 72 hr bug out bag contents, food storage prepping, economic collapse preparation, wilderness survival
Id: j_lnmIzzKco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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