EDC & Survival Shopping at Bass Pro Shop!

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hello YouTube it is Chris here and in today's episode we're gonna Bass Pro Shop and we're gonna see what kind of awesome deals they have this week so now we're inside Bass Pro Shops and for anybody who doesn't know any better this place does everything we're gonna be doing watersports hunting camping fishing this is kind of like the mecca but for anybody's never seen it this is what this video is for to show you all the print room deals and just the sheer amount of gear that you can pick up and some items that you never even thought of [Music] this is my favorite section this is the knife section they've got work sharps knife maintenance tools on this side we've got like Gerber Leatherman shrade on the other an aisle that got SOG if you want some of the higher and nicer stuff like bench maids cold Steel's things like that case knives over here it's like I said if you've never been here this place is literally a mecca for food that's not a knife this is a knife here they have a healthy Leatherman section I love leather minimal Leatherman fool but they've got the skill attack tool KB this is an awesome little folding knife it's like 25 bucks those times you need to sell your step children to go pay for your binoculars what does all this look a little fancy and familiar we know we got this [ __ ] picked this up at Scheels when we were in Utah and then this is probably my most highly recommended little sharpening multi-tool in the planner this is the x2 park of halibut Smith's got a compass fairy rod this thing is just amazing you actually saw this in my video on Monday with my fire kit build I'm not gonna lie this seems kind of like price gouging 1977 for a three pack of two nor lumen five so it's great at codes of batteries but I mean this is the kind of stuff you see at Lowe's for like six dollars Wow for only $59 you can bury Marauders from your campsite and hide them in the woods and no one would find them for all my hunters out there this is the gerber tool now a lot of people don't like gerber however a lot of people are saying that this particular skinny knife is amazing I actually use the outdoor edge razor cut pro and there's also the have along who people who have long guys I definitely an actually be interested in checking this thing out and bringing this to the channel and maybe doing some home I don't know thing about this Brenes it's called rich hunter if anybody has any experience with this kind of I'm assuming Bucks brand let me know I be interested in checking this stuff out me and Schrader not friends but I've actually heard good things about this from way back in the day why ain't this just dandy Cabela's has it all multi-tool Cabela's owned by Bass Pro chef you guys don't know 99 the optics section we want some good optics this is the place to build a career now vortex is actually one of the most popular brands that are out there but there's a new brand that I just got in called Athlon optics and I'm being actually excited to take these and put them up against a pond and see which one's actually better ever check my previous statement whoa there's a again smart for 10 by 40 twos what are you trying to do see your cellular structure oh this section right here is Mogu for all you hunters out there my top recommended brand that they sell in a big box or bead diamond because the same company is Bo tech it's just made in Canada instead of the US now I know this is more survival shopping however these are RAM cat Bob heads pretty anybody who's interested in to the archery these are probably some of my best flying right heads I've ever tested and we've actually have a broad head video that's been moving there but then last but not least if you got a penetrate through bone that means yeah I get to try the tent before I buy it is it comfy I mean really why be a bush crafter if you can own this freaking fire pit man oh that's awesome you've ever actually camped in the woods where they don't have a bathroom 37 meters away you know what these are is but it's pretty cool you get a large towel on some body wash super contra do hmm if this ain't the biggest widest in fattest machete or under 20 bucks I've ever seen in my entire life oh oh yeah I'm sure you guys just saw the video on Monday if you haven't difficult in there and check that video cuz I have the best videos on the planet but hmm that looks familiar doesn't it he was a big loser I've always been a fan of 5 hit the fire chord well from live fire but I mean this is like $13 for 25 feet and I get the exact same performance for five dollars for 30 feet so I mean I don't know man paracord come down on your priest now extreme lights made in America and I don't hate them if she never brought them to the channel mostly because they've never responded to my email cuz it's kind of hard to afford 140 bucks here and 50 bucks there and 170 dollars here but if anybody's tried or owned or lovers of stream might let me know what you think if you're gonna be hiking in on the trail for a little bit but you don't want to take a whole bunch of stuff with you this is kinda neat survival essentials I mean these were must-haves alright for those you out there who like camping stoves and have never heard of em berlet he's a Bass Pro Shop slating y'all know my boy McHale famous no but this is by far my favorite stove on the planet because it's actually really really really really small it's like literally a quarter inch thick but if you get the fire ant and titanium always 2.7 freakin ounces man I'll buy you but this seems like a survival essential I mean we do have a lot of hogs in Texas I mean I I subscribed to big lighters but five pack for like 250 so I was looking for some waterproof boots got a recommendation from a friend and I'm actually gonna be trying these on see you little thing alright so if you're here at Bass Pro Shop you don't want cotton socks cuz if you're gonna have anything else revalue name that if they're gonna want to go with merino [Music] now if you're gonna live in snake country get some of these these are regards and it's way a lot cheaper then the snake Gators but they do the exact same thing and they have the exact same inserts uh trying to sag myself a good catch so I'm actually in the fishing section checking out some other stuff but um actually found this by outdoor edge has anybody used this this looks kind of convenient got ceramic and coarse and it's not very big and it's only 709 if anyone's ever tried these extendable reels let me know what your favorite one is because I'm actually interested trying to bring a smaller more compact rig into a survival bag actually a lot of buddies who are a fisherman who are also rivers and they actually use these kind of as like a go bag not like a full survival bag or bug-out bag but because of all the compartmentalization the put kind of like a like a small to medium-size fishing rig though they whenever they hop out of the truck they want to go fish and they can but they also have things like fire starving first-aid kits and they have like a whole bunch of preps built inside I really like this all right so we got some new time to check out honestly I really wish the impulse aisles places like Walmart where this nice I mean a LifeStraw survivor whistles no no we are back from our trip to Bass Pro Shop and you can see we did get quite a few things we should pick up those pair of boots I tried those on from the recommendation from my buddy and they literally felt like I was wearing like some type of athletic shoe they were a mega make it comfortable but the fact that they are completely waterproof and they're gonna be much more rugged and durable on my secret adventure that I'm going on in November that I'm gonna keep teasing us about until we actually get to release that but we also got the merino wool socks I practice what I preach I actually stand behind my stuff I'm definitely gonna be trying at the outdoor edge edge X this will be a fun little way to kind of feel sharpen and have something in my pack that isn't too big then I decided I'll give the Cabela's multi-tool world six bucks if it if it's being crapped well I only spent six bucks and then we got the nice little ascends aluminum pot grabber it's gonna be much better than the polymer what I had but I got a surprise for you I wanted you guys to check this out so for you guys who keep asking about Bob Hansel and the snakebite and all this stuff well I realize this is a piece of kit when I'm tricking out in Texas that I'm missing you guys I don't know this is this is a snake stick it allows you to safely pick up a snake and relocate it at a distance and handle the snake a lot more effectively than obviously than reaching down with the gloves there's a few those things need like better boots you need some snake gaiters gloves like that I don't advise anybody handling a snake but if you do decide you want to relocate one I know a lot of guys who have these for their yards their fields and properties these definitely come in freaking clutch but all that is about it for the episode and out of the gear we got let us know which one was your favorite and what's your most interested us and actually feel testing butt out of the stuff that you saw in the video that we didn't pick up what do you guys want to see us bring to the channel and we'll terribly take that under heavy advisement so definitely drop your comments and suggestions it down in the comment section but that's a button for now and if you enjoyed it the overview of the experience and the shopping trip for EDC and survival from Bass Pro Shop dip to this video a big thumbs up and share this with your friends and family in your social media networks so we keep growing thriving and making awesome videos for you guys but that's just better for now hope you guys have it up suit wonderful day [Music]
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 103,526
Rating: 4.831337 out of 5
Keywords: EDC Everyday Carry, Camping, Survival, Axe, Machete, Tent, Hammock, Cold Steel, Sports, Outdoors, Wilderness, Bushcraft
Id: zC6qKhQaWe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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