LORD BUMBO - Custom Afterbirth Challenge

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hey what's up everybody and welcome back to another custom challenge this challenge is called Lord bumbo play is Isaac blindfolded start with Bumbo and pageant boy BFF if you want also start with brother Bobby because bumble can't fly it says nothing about starting with or without the d6 and I think this is actually going to be incredibly difficult considering pageant boy isn't going to give me nearly enough money to actually get bumboat to grow up all right here we go we got seven cents off the bat no nickels very very sad bum ball cannot shoot yet like I said but we are technically blindfolded and the only way that we can kill somebody right now is by hitting them with brother boobies so haha please please give me more rooms that have nothing in them item right at the bat we're gonna really hope for something that can give me some extra power here maybe like an orbital would be huge his brother Bobby sucks and to get in here and get this guy before he spawns any spiders spiders are going to be pretty impossible to kill can Bumbo do anything at all yet I don't know if he can okay I would have got a multi-dimensional baby doesn't actually do anything for me because I can't shoot ears it might double my brother Bobby tears but is that worth I'm gonna roll it miter okay there we go a chance to get a plus pitch percent chance to get soul hearts instead of red hearts so maybe if we had something right right now that would increase the chance of having red hearts to drop that'd be pretty cool Isaac's heart trinket I'm thinking small rock not exactly what I asked for okay kind of learn to still heart there because I think we might just end up dying right off the bat geez have mercy on me oh Jesus secret rooms would be very important to go to as well but we're out of bombs if I owed one bomb I would go into the shop right now and blow the crap out of the donation machine maybe our best decision here might be to try to get a bomb to go into the shop and do that with it this is probably actually just going to be a mega rip right here I don't I can't kill ragamuffin I can't kill him with brother Bobby it's not possible you can't do it go like literally though it's not possible it's almost seems like the idea behind this challenge was to have bumbo get his final former at the bat because with just brother Bobby I don't I just don't understand you know shouldn't we have started with full-grown bumbo maybe Opie didn't realize that uh it takes so much money to get bumble full-grown I don't know oh my god oh never say never can the challenge be over can that be the challenge can I be done can I go home mom mom ooh all stats upgrade really the only thing that I benefit from that is the speed and the hell oh my goodness you guys give me Taurus or something for the love of jeepers it did say that BFFs was optional and I decided not to do it Oh My Jesus [ __ ] spiders what the [ __ ] ass that's not even fair what I have no choice but to come in here into the shop and just see if I can even get a frickin penny out of these fires great great so hard so hard so hard I need that and a quarter all but Bumbo can't take the quarter only I could take the quarter I'll let him kill that last one just don't give me spiders man no spiders fine fine it might actually not be possible to get past this room all right well there you go all that work for nothing yep the challenge is broken the challenge is [ __ ] broken I no choice but to redo this would be FF there's not a choice it's not possible to do without all right back to square one man all right first item room yeah yeah secret room entrance absolutely also I'm going to blow this up so I can get that tinted rock probably well do I save my bums though for getting into a shop well that kind of solved that problem in it but I'm gonna bomb my donation machine until I have enough money to get Bumbo grown up so all right so Hart me daddy this is much more doable with BFF because brother Bobby twice the damage so like I can actually kill some things in a timely manner still not easy to wield this though because of its low shot speed and it's still not enough damage by no means makes this challenge easy though pay to play actually would be really good for after bumble is full-grown because then I can pick up all the cash and use it to hurt people just kind of reliant on that nickel huge rip all right third phase let's go Bumbo how much you need man like 20 extra coins or something like that Barry is full-grown okay so I can't actually afford pay to play at this point in time I'm just not going to think about it right now not gonna think about it we got our full-grown BFF bumbo and that should be hopefully all we need to do this and go ahead and get this - all right like I said pay to play probably better than the d6 in this case because it does allow me to do some sort of like damage without using my tears which I don't have it might be the only way that I can actually damage things by myself but we'll see how Bumbo does mom ball ball you gotta be smart in the rocks come on Bamba all right here we go there Junior oh yeah oh yeah that's better had we been able to get bumble fully grown or even into his third phase before we got to that one room it would have been okay but I wasn't going to spend another 20 minutes to try to get back to that same spot just to have to restart again all right we just gotta wait for bumble to kill everything now get him you can let him treat me like that those yellow [ __ ] spiders are absolute insanity they over jump you like times twenty blind item room dad's key opens up all the doors we can do better hot bombs okay I give me five bombs actually really good thing here bum oh can you get in there maybe if I make a hot bomb oh they get through the cars [ __ ] hacker piece of [ __ ] Bombo [ __ ] take your anger out get them Bumbo keep them alive that's a lot of money you know what bumbo you need to share some of that [ __ ] money and then you drop a bomb on me to try to kill me yeah the thanks that I get you got your share bumble I saved it all for you pin destroy him bump Oh destroy him even knew he was gonna pop out oh my god he knows where he's gonna pop out what a [ __ ] genius Bombo lords Bumbo horn photo doesn't help i don't know that is maybe we'll get angel rooms and like really defensive items which could help me out a lot maybe we'll get nothing cuz God hates me maybe that that's probably most likely the case here bumbles is confused he has no idea what he's doing he has no [ __ ] clue what he's doing you help me out might we already have free access into the secret room and I feel like that's the best use out of the miner cab so let's reroll this robo-baby technically something I can use to do damage so we'll try it I do not like robo-baby 2.0 but maybe with the ffs it'll be worth something anything to a diamonds that's pretty good too let's wait on that and come back maybe blow this guy up to even get a free nickel nickel for daddy not you bumbo sorry I love you I'm sorry that I love you ouch okay robo-baby to one all here is gonna be pretty good I'm feeling it oh that's a crawlspace Shani Rock actually did it well done shiny Rock I'm gonna get as much money as I possibly can right now so that we can turn it into some love with the two of diamonds I'm gonna buy everything in the shop do this if I can just position him right I don't the wait on bum bone is stupid-ass I mean I love you bum bum bum bows amazing right bumble is amazing but having to rely on bumbo is kind of like having to rely and put your survival into like a toddler nice all right damage upgrade doesn't help me squeezy two soul hearts look at Bamba he just didn't even try to attack anybody's like coid bumbo could dropped an island-wide coin why be getting cursed applying like every single second where what he got for me judgment card yeah you know what this is like basically shop give me a shop item play something good sir map maybe rotten meat HP upgrade find another golden poo poo this one's all yours bumbo feast my child he spit out a coin thank you for that another one thanks very very very helpful very helpful bum buh we got gimpy I mean I you know like right bumble you can have that do are you do you want that bumble go ahead take it like an idiot Hey I mean you beautiful bastard I love you so much oh wow buh buh where were you [ __ ] abandon me and the virus I mean I can't touch anybody honestly though if I the virus and like Isaac's heart right now I think Isaac's heart would be super good if I had some sort of contact damage got so much money I feel like I should pay the machine before I use my D charge pupula duplex I love it but I it doesn't do anything for me might actually be a good way to passively do damage does it actually poop do I poop if I hold down the fire right yeah I do I poop and it does room damage whenever I [ __ ] all right I'll take that and in all stats upgrade health and speed worth we can try to do better continuum range upgrade allows my tears to cross over the screen but maybe we should save the last battery for a deal to devil or an angel we get a dark bomb right now that would work so well okay 93 cents I think we can switch the safety scissors so I don't blow myself up with any bombs and cancer let's do it let's fight for it shop more options I'm taking it there's no way I'm going to be able to spend all this money this is the last shop so run circles around and he doesn't had a chance then BOOM oh my bum bow that was really good and you know what maybe let's pre-roll this from instead because those suck those also suck but you know what I'm not exactly even sure what I'm trying to get from this room well I was in say we'll come back but it's the mom fight after this so we don't have a chance able the wafer okay we just got the wafer like we have the cancer wafer effect which I totally didn't need to get to anymore and now we just have the wafer so every full-hearted damage is gonna be down to half a heart of damage and now it's time for the mom fight we're doing it Bobo is locked in the moms foot he's not trying to kill anything else if you know what I'm actually that's fine he assists me confused if he goes for all the little pieces that pop out of the doors he just kind of waits kind of waits for mom to come back down randomly spits out bombs which actually that one did help thanks Bumbo and I'm trying to randomly spit out my butt bombs bubble got her very nice bump Oh deal with the devil give me it to my face there's my dog bum that I was asking for earlier yeah you know what I'll take that black powder too and then I'll reroll and take a rotten baby oh my god is gonna be spitting out flies you're gonna keep one fly consistently on the screen which is going to be doing twice my damage which is five point six so now we actually have something that helps us that takes our damage stat into consideration very nice bumble help me bumble help me Bombo help me Bombo happy dad very nice it can be in the comon matter where you walk no matter how far I'll [ __ ] bombs on your enemies just call my name I'll be there in a hurry is baby y'all [ __ ] bombs on the bad guys sometimes I'll also [ __ ] on you oh jeez hell me bumbo she's Columbo is not doing [ __ ] Bombo is literally just watching me get murdered thanks [ __ ] we're hemorrhaging help we're hemorrhaging health and Bumbo is watching me burning [ __ ] hell right now if it wasn't for the wafer we'd be dead we'd be gone already peggeleh is blank rune blank rune perthro guerra we take the arrow down to the chest all right it lives flight however sent chance gonna deal with the devil let's keep it oh yeah that's what I'm talking about that's the kind of hustle that I want to see you know what empty vessels not going to be doing much for me so I think we touch a guppy item don't do it yes brother Bobbi shots actually do spawn flies from getting Guffey could be very important he's taking up his head with us important no it's not so will we roll this 9lives this is the last chance to get a deal the devil so it's not worth it to take nine lives but I'll do it anyway just [ __ ] you mom maybe we'll get a red chest maybe we'll get a random got the item who knows man Isaac's ye some ready for this Bombo is ready more like that's what I got to do she's got a lead him there fumble get there man he's a little slow when he comes down he's kind of hard to get him over there oh he knows where he's going now he knows where he's going I don't have to lead him anymore he's locked this is Roger football Delta alpha Alpha Delta seven we're locked or locked on target we drop the bomb in three two one drop Cecily should we go home now boys all right yeah a full deep let's [ __ ] do it yeah now and now for the final show what do we have box of spiders juicy sac I like juicy sack more babies tech - that doesn't work for blindfolded rainbow baby could be helpful we have PFF - but it's really underwhelming all right glitter bombs actually does sound like it's a good idea but they're all kind of lame let's reroll again after this what is this another y'all which is another Guerra de gAHS yeah give it the curse of darkness man what the hell pilgrim Wow full help speed down not what I wanted Alice's and arrange down good great three amnesia pills perfect just what the doctor ordered reroll time reroll time Oh infestation - OH Eaton's blessing um this will be my flies and spiders will do more damage which we're gonna have lots of flies and spiders fruitcake does not do anything health upgrade no thanks antigrav ACK no and the blank card if I don't get anything good that works the blank card by the time I come back with another reroll I'm reroll in it oh geez ah guys this is a little intense but all the spiders that I'm spawning with infestation to all those beautiful all right let's do it bye blank hard uh big fan helps spider love and I could take damage I spit out spiders a little Gish he's a follower he's gonna shoot out slowly tears and parasite does not actually do anything for me one last reroll you guys oh yeah canes other I the best Boston fight me so I take the scissors I could go back for them nah I hate him that much I miss it here I'm gonna sit here and fire way like this fight me man I just spit out less i spilt spiders when I get hurt I become more powerful so it's really your mistake bro ranch how to hurt me old city we're done completed the challenge that kind of feel bad that we had to give ourself BFF but we had to I literally I got stuck alright thank you so much the challenges hope you guys enjoyed watching this as much as I enjoyed playing it and I will see you guys the next video see ya
Channel: Hutts
Views: 471,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, Lilith, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: K5A_CQL9vtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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