Eating with the World’s Most Isolated Tribe!!! The Tree People of Papua, Indonesia!!

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oh holy Sh West Papua is home to over 300 different tribes including one of the most isolated tribes in the world how often are they being visited this is not black terrific spot they live in the jungle and then moving normalize for flights a two-hour drive and miles of trekking through the rainforest has brought me here famous for their homes high in the trees the coral why people live and eat different from any place I've seen on earth this is the way how will you survive in the jungle Oh today I'll be making contact how do I say hello following in their footsteps they just saw something in the woods here and living the life of the coral I people I've been doing this now for over three years dozens of countries hundreds of videos and this is undoubtedly the most difficult and arduous journey I've undertaken the long shaky flights sharing hotel rooms with a gang of roaches and this seemingly unending trudge into the rain forest it's all in the pursuit of documenting the world's most unique food and something tells me I'm not gonna be disappointed trying to look old it'll work this region has experienced days of relentless rainfall more than usual it looks beautiful but one wrong step one twisted ankle and it could take days to reach proper facilities we are on our way to the car why people and it is no joke right here there used to be a log but it has fallen down that's way too early to get my feet wet man it's never gonna be dry here there is a current though guys so like you gotta lean into it a little bit Oh done huh kids what do you think huh no big deal all right they were here like half an hour ago ideally you've got feet with some callous buildup so you can just feel your way through the water instead I just got these on so I'm trying to not get water in my shoe these guys that's like no issue at all it's hilarious the core oh I thought they were alone in the world until 40 years ago when first contact was made now many coral-y have been drawn to a modern lifestyle trading in treehouses for homes and villages outside the rainforest but some some still live today as they did hundreds of years ago at this point my biggest question is like what do you enjoy eating what is your favorite food out here is it just about staying alive or is there some food that's like the treasured food today there are only 3,000 Korowai in Papua what you are about to witness has never before been documented on video Wow quickly go through what they go today we will the Big Chief come to pick us up ah how do I say hello Padre gotten it go today go today how far is the village from here almost 30 minutes are you hunting before I used to kill the enemy but now I just come here to pick you up not for killing you very self-defense yeah well I want to say thank you so much for allowing us into your village and lastly I brought some cigarettes in case you smoke you smoke Marlboros [Music] this is a traditional coral-y treehouse one side is dedicated to the women and the other side to the match amazingly at any given time there are two fires burning inside the house cooking is done exclusively in the home or under the treehouse right now it's still raining super muddy but we're still gonna go hunt how often are you successful sometimes they get it and sometimes they lose when you don't get anything what do you eat they mostly eat inside it's a staple food for white people besides being their staple food so I'll go wood is also used to construct the floor walls and roofs of each home Wow where's he get the metal from the missionary gave them four tools at home and then they use it for hunting is this usually the way you're hunting with a bow and arrow yeah the coral-y chief will let us join their hunt but only if we can keep up the dinner menu is dependent upon what crosses their path during the hunt jungle rats giant insects or even tree kangaroos are all possibilities a bow and arrow for the kill and the dog to sound off or praise near even with the hunting dogs they have to wait for the dog to alert them and then they can actually hunt it with toughen arrows so we trekked for about 30 minutes now back into the jungle away from their home like even deeper from where we started and we might have to go even deeper into the super lush thick jungle to actually catch something your average city dweller would starve to death after a few days here but for the Korra wine food is everywhere this is the top of the palm tree when I had coconut ones in Vietnam I found you could eat the same thing like the coconut worms to eat the very inside of the tree it's very fibrous and watery and it looks like that so it's gonna happen here kind of peeling the palm into that was his portion this is the really thick fibrous portion right here and then here I don't know it kind of flowers up into this looks like a mop I'm just gonna try it out oh it's like a mushroom I mean the texture mmm not a strong flavor just kind of watery and like a nice mushroom II kind of texture well oh cool after a couple miles of rough terrain it looks like mammals will not be gracing our dinner plates tonight but that doesn't mean we won't be eating well right here guys it's a Tsavo tree so they've harvested part of it in the past and now they're looking for Sahgal grubs oh oh oh my god he looks pumped oh god I don't like bugs watch this is the worm what I thought it would be way bigger in Vietnam they're eating the coconut worms it becomes a coconut weevil they don't think the adult form in Vietnam but here they're like oh man why not they don't eat it alive maybe because it's a pain in the ass I think he's just gonna squeeze the head can you oh you just kind of rolled the head until it's just asleep Oh oh my god the colony workers arrived they've already harvested like half this tree after it's been sitting in the rain kind of rotting they come back and they look for beetles and worms and whatever else could be in there but it has that sour yeasty fermented saw potion all to it and the worms this is a special fan twist growing in the wild winters in the photo I when they hunting they take this also but will they eat this yes with all their raw ingredients in hand we head back to the tree house to start preparing dinner believe it or not were actually up in a tree house right now and right here they're making this splendid meal this is today's main dish using ingredients caught from and found in the surrounding rainforest it starts with a layer of dry saga tree starch that is sprinkling of pika a type of edible clay material it tastes like clay oh yeah sure dry fancyson the practice of eating earth or soil like substances is nearly universal around the world in tribal and traditional rural societies clay minerals have beneficial microbial effects protecting the stomach against toxins parasites and pathogens and then they're putting on the fern then they put on all the saga worms from the tree and then all this kind of burn right here yes and then more on top so this is kind of like a giant cake or something Diane beats awesome okay you're gonna put all these super hot rocks on here now they're gonna bundle all these leaves it's like its own self-contained oven and all of this is just stuff they caught and collected from right around here yeah so cool oh they're gonna put it on the fire oh wow 45 35 minutes on the fire and then we're gonna bust that open and eat it was that you looks like what the dry lo oh no it's the saga worms that didn't make it into the main dish are put directly onto the fire and treated as an appetizer of sorts smoky countries like grilled chicken I think us it's like singed it's a little like charcoal flavor it sounds like they're murdering a pig now they're not turn it off coming up next you thought that was it but what about the Beatles from today they're right here the Beatles we caught earlier from the same saw go tree were dispatched for easier transport sorry your dad we're gonna eat you for dinner all of them are dumped onto the hot cinders to cook through the fire I mean it's on there it's like a little bitter can I give you one yeah that's pretty good no ball in the final okay I was helping you yeah I got it I'm all ready to I'm fine boom [Applause] so this is finished cooking we're all gonna join together and I don't know which way we're bringing it okay right they kind of cook everything this way whether they've got some pork or some tree kangaroo Wow look at that that vibrant red orange color is from the saga it looks kind of like a pizza except for this pizza has worms in it oh it's super hot but he's ripping it apart with his hands she says no use this be smart and he says yes I agree that is a good idea oh and then this is how they prepare this is like one serving right here thank you after a portion of saga pizza is handed to each housemate they retreat into their own personal space to eat inside all big salgo reveal that fern that we saw in the jungle earlier it's kind of cooked down it's kind of a mush and then that is mixed with all the Sahgal and then there's just little chunks of warm throughout I don't know everyone just kind of rips it up and eats pieces I'm gonna try it this is shaky oh this is so good this is so weird it's become this really gummy chewy texture and then the greens the furnace have broke down they're soft now earthy and grassy it tastes like the jungle well what you would expect I mean look at that there's a giant Samba worm wreck and in my next bite but then you really gotta chew the heck out of it though that is out there men I must say this is one of the most special moments of my life being so far away a place we had to trek hours to through the rain to finally being in this treehouse their home where they have a fire inside they're cooking food that we caught today it's so refreshing it's so cool to see something this new this different it's beautiful I love it and it's a really I don't know it tastes like the jungle got a little bit of everything in there losado lo worm lo greens and that's pop walk in a pizza every once in a while it's good to get a reminder of just how soft I am the real world for me consists of cameras computers and YouTube the real world here consists of the real world using ancient knowledge passed down from generation to generation not through books or blogs but through daily practice through my eyes these rainforests are daunting and overwhelming where I see an endless list of potential hazards the core oh I see food they see medicine they see tools they see home and a decade from now when the apocalypse has wiped out most the earth when humanity is reduced to strangers battling over the last can of beans at a Walmart the Korowai will be doing just fine from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and A's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's ok too we're just happy you're here guys thank you so much for watching that has been pop wall I will see you next time I'm peace hey we got proof yeah before you go let me tell you about our new merchandise it's a shirt that says balls but it's so much more than that it's an ode to the wonderful ball shaped food found all across our ball shaped globe balls balls balls balls get your ball shirt or sweatshirt today by clicking the link below and be sure to check out our second channel more best-ever food review show for raw clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 19,292,119
Rating: 4.8697605 out of 5
Keywords: papua, papua travel, papua food, free papua, sonny side, best ever food review show, korowai, korowai tribe, korowai people, korowai travel, indonesia, indonesian food
Id: X6Oaruks5Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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