10 Times Animals Messed With The WRONG Opponent!

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like and subscribe right now or you're gonna have terrible luck for the next week you don't need anyone to tell you that things always get crazy when it comes to wildlife it's not always about the serene beauty and lush grasslands the animals of the wild can be brutal and in very many cases they are gruesome killers too they fight and battle to the death for defense protection and sometimes even for sport today we are going to show you 10 animals that picked the wrong animal to challenge and mess with the wrong opponent stick around to learn about the legendary tigress of grantham boar that killed a crocodile in an epic battle number 10 rhinos teach hippo not to mess with the wrong group there is something unbelievably riveting about watching two of africa's biggest and heaviest animals the hippo and the rhinoceros battling it out in the thick or is it just me anyway this took place somewhere near the airstrip in the malamala game reserve a national park in south africa in the footage recorded by the reserve's head ranger a hippo that was clearly way in over its head can be seen trying its luck with a group of rhinos the area surrounding the airstrip was already barren and the hippo wandered right into the rhino's territory these rhinos just didn't like another chunky boy walting into their territory the head ranger also noted that such an interaction was very rare and fights between both huge animals were unnatural at best side note a group of rhinos is called a crash don't ask why i don't know either but i'm sure that one unlucky hippo flight might have figured it out number nine lost versus tarantula ah yes the creepy crawlies of the wild wild west these guys get into fights too and although they might not be anywhere as huge as other animals it can get down and dirty this footage was recorded by a nine-year-old kid resident in sonoran desert arizona usa here is an epic battle between a giant tarantula and a spider-killing wasp also known as a tarantula hawk the footage showed the tarantula hawk or spider killer trying to paralyze its enemy by stinging it after stinging its prey and paralyzing it permanently without killing it the wasp would then drag it to its lair where it would then lay a single egg inside the tarantula's abdomen when the egg hatched the little baby wasp would start eating the tarantula from the inside out while the tarantul would still be alive and in tremendous pain does nature always have to be so gruesome about these things number eight primate family feud you know when you and your sibling or a family member get into a fight and everyone's just angry and irritated and there's a lot of yelling i mean being quarantined for what almost a whole year tends to do that to you so you imagine what it would do to animals just take that scenario and multiply it by a hundred and you have what happened at the woodland park zoo in may 2020 a group or family of gorillas broke into a fight when none of the zookeepers or other humans were awake the cameras revealed the truth gorillas tend to be more on the gentle side but they sure do pack a lot of heat with their bite force and muscle power if anyone takes a blow to the head from these animals it could even be fatal they might be gentle giants but family conflicts do occur among them that's just nature a baby gorilla was caught in the crossfire and was badly injured sustaining a gory bite to the head a fractured skull and a severe laceration poor little thing number seven chimps versus raccoon the tale of a flying intruder if you grew up with siblings this one might be a relatable fight for you an unfortunate curious raccoon found its way into the chimpanzee enclosure at the zoo the chimpanzees were not amused or interested in having any trespassers or visitors so they chased the smaller animal down and gave it a proper beating i'm talking about a full on smacking around fists pounding type of beating it was not pretty human visitors at the zoo all whipped out their phones to record the chimps as they mercilessly harassed the intruder they knocked the smaller animal around as it tried to escape they even sent it flying high in the air the chimps literally said the helpless raccoon almost evaded its angry hunters but one chimpanzee grabbed it by the tail and flung it like a booger right across the exhibit the poor thing eventually survived the torment and escaped oh the beautiful harshness of the animal kingdom number six hippo vs elephant the ultimate chunky boy face-off in 2013 a photographer named nicole camera was fortunate or not to witness an exciting face-off between a hippopotamus and a large african elephant this huge elephant apparently crossed into the hippos turf by crossing a river called the choba river within which an island sat in the middle after the elephant crossed the river and into the hippos turf this one hippo was not happy and sprung to defend its territory the photographer watched and photographed as the partially submerged hippopotamus emerged from the murky waters and swam towards the elephant the latter stood impassively near the shoreline when the hippo emerged onto the island it showed off massive teeth and jaws in an attempt to intimidate the trespassing elephant hippos pose little threat to elephants the largest land animal but this particular one seemed confident that it could fight off the elephant eventually when more elephants showed up to stand with their comrade the hippo got the message and backed down immediately number 5 zebra knocks the living daylights out of a wildebeest zebras and wildebeest are often known to maintain a certain symbiotic and peaceful relationship they do this by feeding on the different parts of the same plants in the savannah both species are often seen living happily together without any frequent altercations however on this particular day in guzai game reserve at the kumasinga hide something unbelievable happened when a herd of zebras attacked a lost wild beast cow a herd of approximately 40 wildebeests approached the waterhole and one of the cavs got confused and tried to attach itself to the zebras it's not uncommon for a lost wildebeest calf to attach itself to a group of animals and sometimes even humans for security you would think zebras would be understanding but maybe they were just really pissed off that day as you would expect the lost little calf started yelling and calling out for its mother this must have startled or irritated the zebras leading them to view it as a threat to their security they started kicking and beating the little thing as it continued to bleed for help number four jaguar versus cayman jaguars have some of the most powerful bites of any big cat they can instantly kill and paralyze prey so it would not surprise you that they operate with certain confidence knowing that they can kill just about anything a big cat photographer steve winter made his way to brazil's pantanal national park in 2016. he was on a mission to document jaguars and he had been trailing one particular 10 year old jaguar named scarface what a name out of nowhere scarface shocked winter and gregory with an incredible kill scarface suddenly bobbed his head underwater to grasp his prey with his mighty teeth firmly when scarface emerged from the water he had a caiman in his jaws caimans are a type of large crocodile-like reptile and this one was a goner with the hungry scarface the attack was fast and swift and absolutely inescapable for the caiman number three gorilla vs wildlife photographer almost any wildlife photographer will probably tell you that their chosen profession comes with inevitable hazards and risks after all you can't predict how mother nature or wildlife will behave and both can turn on you at any given moment without warning unlucky wildlife photographer christopher carteau 46 was taking snaps of a group of silverbot gorillas in the forest of the volcano's national park in rwanda when the alpha male of the family began to charge at him unexpectedly clenching his fist tightly before tackling the photographer in a display of wanton aggression remarkably chris managed to capture the gorilla on camera moments before escaping the attack now it's time for today's best pick [Music] today's best pick was sent in by a subscriber if you come across a photo you'd like to know more about then make sure to send it in and who knows you just might get lucky and get your photo featured number two tiger vs crocodile this photo shows a tiger putting in all its energy to kill off this croc question is is it real well absolutely big cats attacking these bigger reptiles are not an uncommon occurrence however what determines success is who surprises who first since they are both ambush predators that wait for prey to come close enough for an attack this photo depicts one of the most shocking battles between wild animals ever captured on camera a bengal tigress named maklee made news headlines worldwide as the legendary tigress of ranthambore when she was filmed killing a 14 foot 4.3 meter crocodile in a wetland area of india's ranthambore tiger reserve maklay attacked the reptilian to protect her cubs that's one protective mama tiger before we move on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works number one an epic three-way clash in kenya this three-way battle will top those by a thousand times a safari live crew happened upon just such a scene of a young lions that had started stalking some adult black rhinos guardian cat it didn't take long for the writers to detect the threat and the larger of the two a bull charged at the cats to run them off then out of nowhere elephants charged into the scene the lions were treated realizing they were outmatched leaving the other large animals to a tense standoff in the end the elephants backed off leaving the day's success to the rhinos we have come to the end of this video thank you for sticking around don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe to our channel so you don't miss more amazing content
Channel: 100M
Views: 1,674,161
Rating: 4.709919 out of 5
Keywords: top, education, 100m, Animal, Animals, Tiger, Crocodile, Alligator, Viral, List, Pets, Pet, Biggest, Natura, Crazy, Amazing, Snake, Wildlife, Lion, Best of, leopard, Elephant, Buffalo, Tiger Vs, Vs, Tiger vs alligator, alligator vs tiger, anaconda, caught on camera, Africa, Asia, National Geographic, Natgeo, Animal Attack, Discovery Channel, Documentary, Science, Incredible, Unbelievable, Amazing Facts, Wild Animal, Wild Animals, tiger attack, crocodile attack, epic, mongoose, lion attack, Top 10, In The World
Id: iAMh05UwReg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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