RARE TRIBAL FOOD of West Papua's Dani People!!! (Never Seen on Camera Before!!)

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"One tribe still lives today as they did hundreds of years ago." See a guy smoking a filtered cigarette at 00:18 ... maybe a little bit modern.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

That was interesting. Good video

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Vandamage618 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Heading to Indonesia in a few weeks, I'd love to spend a month in Papua

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Audition89 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

"... Is this supposed to be a loose fit?"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/spiderpig08 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Interesting story

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/StarWarsNerd7 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

The Dani tribe is probably one of the more commonly filmed and "touristy" tribes of the region. Near the end, he even says the chief is instrumental in bridging their customs with the encroaching modern world.

... trust me. There are some tribes that are very, very remote and actually very rarely filmed. So much so that attempting to film them could get you killed.

I don't remember the source, but there was a doc I saw some years ago where dude when deep in and met a tribe of cannibals. He brought them tobacco and even then was nearly killed. The chief spoke openly about why they eat their enemies. Pretty disturbing.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/uglyzombie 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm pretty sure that you're supposed to push your penis inside of your body before putting on your gourd.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LifeJockey 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
we've got the piggy right here we're gonna go meet the chief do you think the chief is gonna like [Music] [Music] West Papua is home to over 300 different tribes including some still uncontacted people who come to pick up what do I do - I shake his hand in Papua Central Highlands one tribe still lives today as they did hundreds of years ago and they're known as the Dany people today I'm on a mission to learn more about one of the most unique cultures on earth all right we're still working it out I'll see how they live how many wives do you have and I'll experience how they eat many people are worth killing but alone taking on everything from uncanny local fruit is show me how it's done to a food ritual few outsiders have witnessed before putting on some ferns between the Robster it's gonna kind of cook like an oven let's get started today we have traveled from Jaipur here to wa minna we're about to meet the Dani tribe but first we have to pick up a gift it's important if you ever go to a dinner party you bring a snack a glass of wine or like today a life piggy so the pics is really really valuable it's the wealth of the doneghy tribes when you have a pig you can holding the lens you can marry more woman so if I'm part of the Jenny culture I want to marry a woman I need to kind of give a dowry of pigs right you must give more or less like 10 to 20 pigs for one woman what do you think that would be in USD you can imagine one pixel almost to a 2.5 hundred US dollars Wow but all around this market they've got pigs everywhere and everybody's trying to sell their pig and we're looking for the right one oh right here hello I don't know I just came to pick a hard look like I know what I'm looking for it looks good it's a pig how long have you had this one this morning she just brought from the village nice not bad he's over like almost $120 looks like this is the best price we're gonna get time to wrap piggy up and deliver him as a gift to the Dani tribe cheap [Music] we have just arrived here at the village we've got the piggy right here before we meet the chief is there anything I should know about the people here the valley people our wedding the penis corpse the Danny people where very little covering for men it's simply a gourd snuggly lodging their nether regions it's a traditional clothes for the Danny people we call a cot eka just wearing the penis core so they doesn't need laundry that's nice I was gonna meet him the chief and his closest counsel come to the edge of the village to meet us weather will actually be welcomed remains to be seen and other people they always say what Walkmans hi nice to meet you welcome to my village my to my country everything so it means culture when they accept you I feel very welcome thank you so much for having us here it's a huge honor for me and you speak English I'm sorry what a little bit of English well it's pretty good this is Yali turns out I'm definitely not the first one to drop by his village he's the chief of this Dani tribe leading a village of 170 people how many wives do you have you know it's I have fun fine yeah it's pretty good yeah do you feel bad ever like four people maybe don't have a wise cuz you got all the wives Robyn no problem yeah not for you yeah what is a penis Gord work do you have to make your own penis Gord can you buy it nearby the penis car is they planned it it's just the fruits they can make it dry and then they were it um I want a penis cord that's kind of what I'm getting into [Music] am I the first person asked for that yes yes yeah but is it use I don't want to use too I need a new one tomorrow Oh certain thank you wha-wha-wha wha-wha-wha-wha okay Wow Wow do you want to come into wha what's happening guys I'm in a fever dream it's awesome Wow okay damn it you're a good dancer so right now we've got some gifts and we're gonna go meet the rest of the tribe and I think there's gonna be a greeting a special greeting let's find out okay what's happening did you see that why do you food huh okay it's pretending to kill me Wow wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah hug we hugged oh oh you know what sometimes brothers fight but we got a squat yeah wah wah okay [Music] this is the Danny welcoming ceremony deep in the highlands of West Papua lives one of the world's most isolated tribes one can't help but to think that this is how people may have lived centuries ago no plastic no steel ingenious tools engineering and techniques that utilize only what can be found in nearby jungles and the only required piece of clothing is made from a gourd chief of preparing a penis core based on your size huh a bit I don't let's take a look let's take a look is this supposed to be a super loose fit okay so it's not supposed to be tight cool then I think this will work for me today I'll witness a rare village feast pot-bellied pig sweet potatoes and pop Wars alien looking red fruit what's most remarkable is the way they cooked their food cleverly combining natural elements to create an earth oven fire is ready rocks are heating up time to come [Music] around here pigs our currency and pigs are status sacrificing a pig for a meal is only reserved for important social locations and rituals the slaughtering of the animal is still done today as it's been done for generations but do you know why they don't just cut the neck many people always kill it by Aaron well one is it good to the heart is that more respectful yes the chief removes and saves the ears and tail as a token and reminder kept in the village home that only the highest-ranking men may and don't know yes that's the secrets of keeping this and women never entering the Woodman house how many do you have really keep it secretly if you won't even tell me I'm kind of a man no it's see you came up it's like [Music] [Music] the woman's start building the earth of it by layering straw and leaves and a shallow pit the men used bamboo knives to clean the pig and prepare for roasting and the red fruit guy prepares the red fruit here we have that insane red fruit that we bought yesterday where do you even get this it looks like a fruit from Avatar and the first step is to split it open super of course tough skin that he's got to use this like thick steel blade to get through crack it open I get a little slap on guys check this out this guy's got a joint some kind of tobacco rolled from with a leaf can I oh yeah a little too bad go bus I'm not really a smoker okay here you go it's kind of mild so now we're taking out the center piece do you eat this eat know this okay my sign language tells me he doesn't eat it but what do I know maybe they do maybe they don't we're gonna find out right now we're about to put the pig in an earth oven here they've heated up all these rocks are blazing hot they've absorbed all the heat from the fire and they're using these giant like wooden tweezers to move the rocks to this earth oven over here and then throw the pig and everything else inside oh it's not easy as it looks Oh actually it's not that hard but I got a tiny-ass rock you can see there's a pit already forming with all these rocks so now they're putting on some ferns even more foliage between the rocks I think so there's not such direct heat so indica putting in some potato these are sweet potatoes oh there's a little bit of everything what and then they put even more leaves on top of all these sweet potatoes and more rocks they need my help it's the whole layered oven starts with foliage rocks sweet potatoes foliage rocks and then the pig on top [Music] this is our final product right here the earth oven it looks amazing it looks beautiful I've never seen anything like this I'm told we just need two hours for it to cook in here hopefully everything inside is cooked but I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing you by year the modern world creeps closer to the once uncontacted Danny people but evidence of their early culture can still be seen everywhere [Music] women in the tribe who used to remove sections of their fingers each time a loved one died a village elder using fresh pig intestine to cushion his nose bone and of course the practice of using all natural tools to cook up a feast for an entire village right now they're taking all the stones off apparently this is the job of the women and they're just using a stick to kind of pull out all the foliage or grabbing the rocks throwing them to the side and the pig is right here looks like it's probably cooked oh yeah here's a piggy oh look at this this is the whole pig right here [Music] now in this next layer is the red fruit Wow that is beautiful okay there's no oven mitts what are you eating hmm what is this this really so they're eating this be sure they look like birds I see them showing the fur but it tastes almost inedible it is so hard still the women continue unpacking the oven retrieving steaming hot sweet potatoes while the men section the pig the big pieces of meat are divided up by the cheese yes he just chopped this whole pig in half with a bamboo knife Wow eat everybody yes baby and boy everybody and me yes well you oh thank you though jobs are divided everyone eats kids are the first to get a taste a few elders disperse sections of the pig ensuring everyone gets their fill [Music] you can see like this thick-skinned fat right here oh thank you Wow from the hind leg huge piece of pork some fat oh it's really good Oh hot hot hot hot yeah very hot oh wow this looks so good oh thank you wow these guys are so kind of dated whoa I want to share with some other people too hmm here there's a huge piece of skin thick fat it's like rubbery it looked like a wild boar this pig do you eat this eat this the skin let's try it [Music] that's actually pretty good thick skin all that fat inside it just bubbles and juices up I'm telling you man piggies do one animal you can get away with like no salt no seasoning just roast it up and it's still going to be good it's like a natural cooking vessel this is a sweet potato Wow look how soft it got my gosh it's been cooking up steaming underground super hot still mmm is really good I said an airplane we're so far out how could it be airplanes out here as with many of life's best dining experiences the cooking is intense and laborious but the eating is over within a matter of minutes this is going to be our dessert for today although I don't know how to thirty it actually tastes me they've stripped these kind of red kernels away from the core of the vegetable and then they've added water and now she's gonna kind of massage and press it can I ask where do you get like a purple Tupperware container around here you guys have a Walmart so this is what we want right here this kind of red oil they call it look at this it's become like a red sauce or paste and the smell is kind of earthy and chalky all yet to try not to drop the seeds in though oh that's harder than it looks hahahaha what chief whoa that's out of this world it is not sweet at all very unique flavor a little bitter a little tart it's like a wood varnish or something oh thank you so this is essentially like a very intensive dip that they make and this is a purpose right here it becomes a sauce a gravy or an oil whatever you want to call it that they're gonna put on the sweet potato and then you just eat it like this no no you you I have some chief Yali is one of the most fascinating and memorable people I've met in my travels he is the bridge between traditional dany culture and a culture that's moving quickly into the future increasingly interacting with and becoming dependent on the outside world but more than honored to have had the privilege of interrupting his life for an afternoon and I can't wait to try out my new outfit do I put this here like this this is the right way help me is this right Oh higher yeah we did it from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and A's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here thank you so much for watching I will see you next time please alright um is it ever gonna come off my hands oh do you have a power washer some dole soap Dial soap time thank you okay what - all water yes ah good idea before you go let me tell you about our new merchandise it's a shirt that says balls but it's so much more than that it's an ode to the wonderful ball shaped food found all across our ball shaped globe balls balls balls balls get your ball shirt or sweatshirt today by clicking the link below [Music] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 15,653,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: papua, west papua, papua food, dani tribe, papua dani, dani culture, dani people, earth oven
Id: cUJZ79XyFgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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