The Ultimate DUBAI FOOD TOUR - Street Food and Emirati Cuisine in Dubai, UAE!

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I hope you're having an amazing day at smart Queens I'm in Dubai UAE and I'm on my way to go meet my friend Pei mutton he's from Dubai he's a local travel TV host he's just an awesome guy and he also loves to eat so in this video we're gonna take you on a food tour of Dubai and in this video we're gonna show you some of the best restaurants [Music] [Music] the Dubai Festival City we're gonna go to probably the lone in Marathi restaurant in the why it's called El fauna and this is one of the Emirati restaurants that serves exclusively American food absolutely okay it's the only one that doesn't the Emirati all right cool so this is gonna be the first stop on this dubai food tour they've really set this place up nice it looks like an old market /a a village they have it all on the menu and I'm gonna fully rely on Peyman to do all the ordering for us there's just coffee culture over here right so little cups like like that yeah and then you've got the coffee coffee pot and the person who's serving the coffee so I find the host I have to serve you the coffee I have to hold the cup in my right hand because I have to hand it to you in my right hand so the coffee on the left hand and it's usually a little bit like that so you never fill up the cup and then I can offer you the coffee thank you and I how do I accept it in any way you and I need to wait you need you keep drinking and I can keep pouring for you and keep pouring for you once you are done you don't want anymore you do this we got coffee we got a bunch of food that Mizell just arrived we're here with payments wife and you get my car here yeah it's really really fragrant because not only do you taste the coffee but you really taste the cardamom and maybe sometimes it has like rose rose water sometimes as well slowly correct and sometimes they have so this called ligament legume oh yeah okay and this is so you you do this mainly for dessert and you also do it during Ramadan Ramadan they write this almost every single day it's golden and then you can see that you can see the dates your fun happened then you can also see some sesame seeds sprinkled on top oh yeah it's gooey on the inside and there just has that that crunchy crust around the outside the bread that's soaked into the gravy and it gets soggy like that thank you very much so this is called city paveed but yeah and basically it's a it's like a very thin crispy pancake and it's one we're gonna have later with the fish sauce okay okay but in this case it has it's just plain broke up into chunks and I mean the gravy is just poured on top of it so it gets soggy like that just all the juice which is and it's chicken also it looks like it's gonna be more dense yeah but it's really really fluffy and really light and then it tomatoes in there you can taste like the essence of the carrots it's really a really soothing kind of just like absorbs all of that flavor mokuba yeah and it's a combination of you can see the shreds of chicken in there and there's a grain in there also it's almost like porridge looking in in texture it's slightly gummy in texture it's really soft it's it is like a thick sauce but then yep didn't really taste the the richness of the of the chicken in there and Bilal eat is basically you see that vermicelli over there and vermicelli is cooked like very quickly with just like sugar and saffron simple and cardamom as well and then you just lay like a nice omelet on on top of it so a pure breakfast maybe you can smell the the light aroma of saffron in there yep and maybe a little bit of like the kind of sweet spices like cardamom or alright it's really a unique interesting dish bolt in flavor and in texture because you got those those noodles which you can feel every every piece of noodle and then the omelet and yeah you can feel it's kind of like yeah feels like a fluffy it was like a pancake yeah and then dip the pancake is a little spongy a little bit gooey it's kind of fragrant and then yeah that's just like nice cream cheese good I feel like I do like that so this one what I suggest is we have it with the dark serum okay so you get like a spectator [Music] so you see that you're the crotch yeah they're like little hockey puck sizes oh it's really it's really fluffy really spongy on the inside it has a crispy outer edge and then that date syrup is really really good it's really fragrant there's no one you're gonna lick your your fingers on this one hmm that was really really excellent food authentic and Marathi food this is the place that you come can come for authentic Emirati food they have the full range of rice dishes as well but we decided to eat mostly a mix of snacks and breakfast because we're gonna eat a lot more rice and bigger and Marathi food dishes today as well so that's coming up we just drove through downtown dubai you can see the skyline which is always impressive just giant skyscrapers just reaching the sky within the within the desert and we're on our way next to have some tea it's a special kind of team okay yeah it's special kind of tea Kanak over here ka ra k okay but it's actually kadek ka da k and it's from India and what it means is really strong tea like black tea with either fresh milk or condensed milk and we get it in traditional drive-thru and I'll show you what that means cool so same Cuttack for everybody yeah David had a backup should i film them absolutely should do that right let me come and show you what this and then we can fake it that we didn't go out of the car yeah just a little kiosk so it's all pickle it's all like in your car yeah thank you very much 30 yes okay great this okay the stick are they done did it it was the one [Music] this is a normal one you you just pull up your car you sit in the AC because it's blazing hot outside and it's not even a restaurant it's just a little kiosk shop right within the kind of a building a little kiosk a little hole in the wall and then they deliver it right to your window so you don't even need to get out of your seat you can sit here relaxing in the AC oh yeah it's really really good it's it's so creamy you can taste the strength of the tea and it is quite sweet but you need that when it's when it's so hot outside you need that that that extra boost of sugar yeah the experience I always say is fantastic oh yeah you'll see all kinds of people so this cop car just just they go then the police come in here if you come here at night I mean there is a line the whole parking lot is full absolutely so they come and they just order this they park over here get out of the car or sit in the car and what's the name of the place dunya and dunya so show me it says dunya shan pastry the pastries as well okay well I mean a second everyone goes how many cups would want to have per day a few cups per day yes for many many more than a few I'm terrible I'm gonna have like two three of these a day okay on top of the coffee [Music] he was the perfect way to take the drive and we are now at a restaurant called Amara Bunny and this is where we're gonna have a real feast of a lunch with rice and some amazing food oh yeah oh yeah yeah this is gonna be great that's all I got I can't wait do they have a communal area but upstairs they have private rooms so you can get a little more privacy you can come in here with your own group and oh it's a traditional dining setting well this is absolutely perfect for Micah you can take a nap where most of the dishes are rice along with a variety of different meats and Haman was telling me that the Mundi it's Mindy yeah is a style of meat preparation that's usually traditionally underground where they slow cook the meat so it's just fall-off-the-bone tender and the food here is most of mostly Yemeni in origin the food comes really fast because all of the meats have been precooked slow-cooked you can see them glistening and they they serve we ordered all family-style so they have a platter there's rice on the base we got both chicken which is red in color and you can see how that's just glistening in the light and then we got a lamb drumstick on top plus a few different salads and sauces to go with it and we're gonna eat the traditional style where we just all dig into the central platter oh oh you can just feel how tender that's gonna be that's gonna be like effortless chewing oh okay you know oh that is that is the perfect sign right from there just a clean bone it just slides out so this meat is gonna be in look at the way this this way I'm just falls apart oh I think I think a baby could definitely eat that see see I'm just gonna tear off this drumstick that's all um drumstick we got to share it we got a shirt and all right that opens it up and now we can now we can dig into some of that lamb with the rice all right got some all that lamb is just crazy tender yeah it's just ultimate tenderness and got the fatty juices flowing oh that's flavorful so the red sauce is like a tomato basically a tomato tomato puree probably got like some some greens in there maybe a little bit of lemon yogurt and then you can chicken over a little bit just mix it up with the the rice and you can see the rice is really the rice is really long grain it's really long grain rice so with that tomato sauce which outstanding because the tomato sauce is it's really refreshing it's really tomatoey but it's really light at the same time you can't even hold the chicken without it if you grab a part of the chicken it will just fall apart in your fingers I don't even know how they can assemble it without while keeping the meat intact it's so soft and tender that sauce is really really good and then right grab some of that chicken and it's you really you're gonna really love just I mean one of the one of the best things about eating with your fingers is it adds an extra element to the to not only the flavor because you can you you actually get to feel while you're eating yeah it's so good chicken is really flavor to pull to UM and then just a combination but the lamb is where it's at though the way I'm is where it's at yeah you're both really good though mmm I got a good piece of fatty meat green chili sure which they they provide for you which could be the the perfect accompaniment to this could this meat and rice feast oh yeah yeah oh it's really fragrant I can't do that so far it's not spicy but I it's it's the type of chili that kind of grows on you I think so good [Music] and then oh that's just oh yeah okay that buddy had some seeds in it so that has a little bit of hue to it it's fantastic [Music] [Music] that mule is absolutely just a stunning meal and now we are just a great thing about this room is you can just sit back on these pillows it's completely acceptable that was such good food the lamb in particular was just the highlight for me it was so unbelievably tender and also not only is the food really amazing but the thing I love so much is us eating together being able to share the same platter of food and it's it's like this throughout this whole region you share a meal together and it really is a special part of the culture back into the oven these guys are mostly Iranian owned most of these little bacala's now what they started doing is they started making bread right in front of it so they have like this little space over there where they just do bread now these guys do that thin crispy bread called the gog and they'll give it to you you can have its savory and you can have it sweet but the one that is the classic is just that bread lots of good oil and in that fish sauce oh it is super this is something you okay yeah just from the appearance of the shop with the random balloons hanging outside of the shop you know it's gonna be good it's a little grocery slash convenience store in the door but you don't even need to go inside to watch you make the bread oh he's gonna make it right now and it's called the by God your sauce that's the worst I'm making the chips [Music] if that Jesus half-melted crit all that was an awesomesauce gonna be more okay [Music] [Music] it's so hot it's like molten lava and chips I'm sure the videos in your that worships me my favorite part of him making it is when he takes the the little triangle of cheese and because the cheese is half melted because it's sitting in the Dubai heat he just kind of like it with what all with one hand he opens it and just kind of like squeezes the cheese and kind of like flicks it onto the the base and then after that he has some fish sauce and this is a local fish sauce made from anchovies that he sprinkles on and then oh and that's my other favorite part when he finishes he he holds it up and then he he tosses it perfectly so that's the special so it's the regarde bread it's got an egg on top of it it's got cheese it's got the fish sauce [Laughter] that's right off the griddle there we go that one's for you thank you it's super hot here's masters yeah oh it's amazing oh it's so good because it's crispy and hot and then you've got that salty creamy cheese and then you have the extra saltiness from that fish sauce I mean this is a must-have if you come to divine I couldn't let you leave the bar without having thank you thank you yeah dude thanks to Peter for bringing me all these pledges that's a snack worth standing in the hundred and ten degree weather and watch me watching it being made and and and sweating to eat sandwiches in the buff yeah so this is going to be the one with the chest oh-ho chips or is it if things could not get better these are just some some Oh chips Amon they are potato chips he he like crunched them up in his in his fingers and then he opened the bag and then sprinkled them on top I got you something else all cool so with that other regard going with the chips you gotta have lemon so you know what this is like salted yogurt oh nice alright potato chips on the inside so this one's for you thank you oh come on the hot sauce too so it has like a vinegary sourness to it that creamy cheese the potato chips which are crunchy you know if the the base of it the the bread almost kind of has a dose of okay you're a dosa texture and flavor to it absolutely close to it thank you mmm oh it's so refreshing there you go oh that's cold that combination is fantastic what a combination and this is just an amazing stall he is a he's a such a skillful chef I love to watch him make it and we're moving on got some water you got it you got to stay hydrated but the guys here the whole crew here is really really cool they're they're really nice they're really friendly it's such a cool place [Music] Haman and I were discussing how Emirati food is not all that common at restaurants and they're not even that many emirati restaurants with in Dubai there's so many international restaurants but when I came to Dubai I really wanted to focus on eating emirati food and one of the reasons that there's not that many Emirati restaurants is because everybody eats Emirati food at their homes and so you eat with your family and you eat with your friends at home you home cook it and so it's still even a new concept to eat Emirati food out at restaurants this is gonna be the the finale of this food tour today Peyman also happens to be an amazing cook and so he's invited us and his wife have invited us over to their apartment and we're gonna cook for dinner tonight we're gonna be making a dish called Mitch booths all those are lemons yeah I don't know if you guys do dried lemon yeah fully dried lemon like it's just like ever the first step is to fry the fish and we've got some little pomfret fish frying in a little bit of oil and then just seasoning with salt and pepper the fish doesn't need to cook for long because mainly it's gonna cook again but we really want to use that that fish oil flavor the whole dish in that look at the rice and that's gonna be what gives the the metrobus a lot of its flavor onions first onions into that that boil where the fish has been fried he added in the garlic and onions frying that around in the oil and then added in turmeric the coriander powder those dry lemons which are so aromatic and then some salt and pepper in there as well it's a bloody mess as well okay once again like those tomatoes are just gonna sell fresh coriander as well all of that spice that rich sauce the tomatoes are in there the coriander the cilantro is in there they're all just sizzling away and then you take the fish and you put that back into the sauce to sizzle away and let all this flavor just mingle and come together a little bit of water in there so the final step is to add in the raw rice and put that in there you cook it along with everything so all the flavors mingle everything mixes together and that's just gonna be one aromatic all in one meal with fish in herbs and spices and rice all together thank you and as that cooks we're sitting down to have some tea and some dates and mmm Oh tea is wonderful Oh oh that's a really really like honey date almost like crystallized honey thank you very much [Music] I'm gonna dig into some of this rice first oh thank you and some pickled shallots to go with it as well oh it's awesome seriously you're really good oh yeah and that lemon comes in so nicely comes has this like citrusy complexity to it and then it's he takes those tomatoes in there which have just been boiled down until they've just just like disintegrated into the rice you can taste a little bit of the fish flavor hey man you did an awesome job cooking my pleasure and all the food today is in the fantastic it's good to have you guys with us really just an amazing day of eating local and Emirati food with Peyman they have shown us really great hospitality and I've enjoyed every single bite of this entire day now when I say a big thank you to Peyman I'll leave his link in the description box below he vlogs he follow his social media check out all the links below and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and I would love to hear from you in the comment section below and subscribe for lots more food and travel videos goodnight thanks again a pleasure and yeah see you again thank you thank you
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 15,620,234
Rating: 4.766221 out of 5
Keywords: Dubai, Dubai food tour, restaurants in Dubai, Emirati food, Arab food, Arabian food, Dubai food, best Dubai restaurants, must try food in Dubai, Dubai street food, things to do in Dubai, what to do in Dubai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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The Ultimate DUBAI FOOD TOUR - Street Food and Emirati Cuisine in Dubai, UAE!

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