Eating Japan's POISONOUS PufferFish!!! ALMOST DIED!!! *Ambulance*

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the symptoms I should be worried about after eating this is like suddenly my muscles aren't working I can yes pufferfish poison is very very dangerous the poison heat of my muscle quickly finally we cannot please [Music] I've tried a lot of food some might call unusual bugs crocodile one time I even ate fruit face I haven't but rarely have I tried a food considered dangerous up to this point perhaps the most dangerous food I've ever eaten was raw pig's blood in northern Thailand here's a clip from that eating a lawsuit is your own grease and a few weeks ago the not part of Thailand they file some parasite inside na so someone was eating the soup every day no it's just one time it's been happening today Japan native my you and I are taking on the deadly pufferfish so with all this possible eminent danger or even death people have died eating this food why do people eat it because it's super delicious known locally as fugu this fish is so dangerous chefs must become certified before serving do you have like a little pufferfish diploma on your wall so will I put on a fugu yummy face look at this super thin layer or will this happen along the way we'll sample some of Tokyo's daunting izakaya bar snacks this insane looking creature I'm talking Japanese bar food some locals can't even keep down good but first we start with an appetizer can I eat it like this so grab your fish nets because today we're plunging into the deep end of Japanese adventure eating we're about to go to our first location it's the place they serve traditional food which is fish called dojo let's go and then you have to walk that way and I'll walk this way it'll look cool right now we are at the restaurant cool cut Samia and he's a chef nice to meet you yeah konichiwa the meal we're eating today is this your recipe sauce on all your new outdoors all know that there are a lot of different kind of meal using that those your fish in Tokyo do we eat those your fish in nabbit which is like a big pot and he created the original recipe for them so have other restaurants try to copy your recipe like O'Connell unless there's something maybe just I don't realize but maybe some people are trying to do that before jumping in the owner introduces us to our meal can I eat it like this is gonna come from your nose our actual meal starts with the bed of Japanese radish topped with pressure-cooked dojo bones and all soaking in soy sauce on the side finely shredded green onion that gets piled high atop our mini bubbling cauldron chopsticks we've got the fish the onion radish underneath it may not be obvious to you guys that the guy who helped create this dish is sitting right there that's a lot of pressure can you ask him to see you watch everyone closely as they eat maybe that's how he refined the recipe so well maybe not really no okay ready yeah mm-hmm it's like a salad like the radish they're so crunchy you don't feel like you're chewing on fish it just feels like a load of radish and some onion in there dojo used to be the casual food of commoners like me these days a rare traditional meal we eat the whole bones Oh so that's what they have to do boil a little bitter maybe because it has organs and everything I can feel the bones as I choose this time I felt some of the bones the ribcage I'm gonna grab this one fish here you can see I just barely turned it over and the fish has kind of broken and a half so on the outside it is very delicate I don't think there's anything more to say I forgot to use this in the beginning that is not how you do that this is a great start for today but again this is just kind of an appetizer because we have so much more coming up including a very dangerous fish [Laughter] before I end my life slowly suffocating from a self-induced paralysis for the sake of YouTube views let's make one more stop sir konnichiwa coordinates Rock thank you so much for having us today solo Japan's best and most interesting food is paired with the national drink sake we've entered a family-run izakaya a kind of Japanese pub where the owner's son will walk me through some of their specialties they have a huge container of I've heard it called sea squirts I've heard it called sea pineapple but here they call it hiya and it is like this insane looking creature like it looks like some kind of insane crustacean it's got shells stuck to it it's got barnacles on it have you had it before no definitely not first time doing for you yeah I'm excited kind of [Music] splitting the Joya open reveals a big fleshy patch with various organs and odd bits that get cleaned off essentially the meat from what was inside that slicing up these little fleshy patches here and putting him back in its home that is Wow art the Hoya has a strong oceanic aroma like Aquaman's armpits time to try it out with just a little dip upon soo basically a citrusy soy based sauce [Music] that's really good like this soft spongy texture it is like eating on like a lung or something full of just kind of briny seafood eNOS you love it my sister hates it you're trying to make your sister try it oh so he just said his sister hates this and then so he's like get over here and try it me and you will do it together we're gonna change your mind you're gonna go from hating it to loving it ready mmm or she you see you see the pleasure that means good well this may not be for everyone time to see if the next dish elicits the same reaction this is a squid and this thing inside is basically its stomach and whatever it was gnawing on when it died is going to marinade strips of its body so all the internal organs everything this squid ate the last day of its life is in there I hope this squid was a clean eater and if you're a real pro you'll let this stuff age for a few days before you eat it food it's here it's on a plate we're about to eat it but first alcohol here we have a cold sake in a bottle that's almost as tall as you you're like three models did I mention it's a good idea to drink while eating this come back hey I'm the only one that did that oh that looks good try it out bottoms up Cheers I like it salting and sweep and just super nice firm squid body this next one is what they usually serve this one has been just hanging out for five days kind of fermenting you can see the texture has even changed they look even maybe softer Cheers Wow very thick very pungent and fishy kind of like coats the whole inside of your mouth milky creamy texture very rich mmm milky creating there was a mouse [Music] today we're gonna have fugu the shop we're going to have you been there before oh I just thought maybe you have a chef you go to he didn't kill you and you're like this is the guy who doesn't kill people let's go here every time maybe something like that we didn't find this guy from Craigslist or something we have made it to our final destination for today I'm here with head chef and owner of the restaurant thank you for having us today I'm very excited and a little scared is it true that every year thousands of people die from eating this fish it's not really in this decayed only six people die by a poisonous fish in Japan but all of them die by yourself fishing you know some Japanese love go missing in the video we want people to be worried about my safety so they keep watching can we say it's like at least 1% dangerous no no okay safety it looks like all the drama surrounding this Blowfish is completely overblown in the list run no accident no oh the few people who it has killed were inexperienced fishermen who didn't know how to cook it the truth is you're much more likely to die from choking on a chicken wing than from this plump little cutie what part of the fish is poisonous Hogan is still dangerous liebherr and a female organ of prophecy is very very dangerous smells organ puffer fish is delicious food the male organ is delicious yeah pickle takes to the testicles are yummy yeah I love it if there's a boy or a girl in here oh no delicious testicles today from here you're gonna scoop out the fish and then we're gonna head back in the kitchen and see how it's taken apart take it away so right now we have the net the pufferfish is a bit in the corner trying to get away and I've heard that it's gonna pop up as soon as he gets it oh oh alright so right now he's just caught the pufferfish it's inside well this thing looks way bigger when you take it out the purple fish can't see the outside of the water are you trying to say it's like looking at me right now yes stop okay yes don't tell me that today we'll try three different fugu dishes sashimi fried foo goo and fugu hotpot but first I want to show you how it's taken apart so right now we're headed into the kitchen he's gonna start to fillet this fish first the chef suffers the spine killing the fish instantly and allowing it to bleed out for 15 minutes so we avoid ingesting any toxins in its blood step 2 fin removal office fin it's used to make heat isn't it here exactly means puff of these fields okay I had that last night every part of the fish that won't kill you gets used even the fin is served in socking what they actually put the fin inside so the grill fin is n so we'll save that for a future video dangerous part is in the oven the chef makes quick work of the fugu removing its head skinning it then cutting out the poisonous organ I made a mistake this is er Mel oh it isn't me yes Oh can I eat the balls I mean the testicles yes but a very very tiny this poor fish you thought it was a lady and then he's like it's got tiny little testicles they're not even worth eating it this is our organ very very dangerous finally after sectioning off most of the body the fugu filet remains ready to be made into sashimi sashimi both sigh to make a sesame we need to make a feeling the other bits are saved for fried foo goo and hot pie [Music] this three-course meal starts with fish broth poured into a hot pot along with some vegetables and fish parts this is a mouse this is a in yes tell this is a one of the head while that's boiling we get started on the sashimi carefully filleted into super thin delicate pieces all right here we go oh look at this super thin layer of fugu here this chef tells us the sashimi has almost no flavor so it's best paired with ponzu in a little bit of hot radish we'll dip Cheers mmm Wow it's very chewy it's almost like some kind of octopus I mean all the kind of salty flavor is coming from that sauce there you've eaten this before in your mouth felt numb yes a little bit I think this is fine this is just a meat part I ate their organ so you're insane you ate the organ okay well our second fried course includes various bony sections of the fugu while this is still boiling we can try the fried one usually we put the women over it I'm gonna grab this big piece of mouth here and I'll get chin Cheers which is fatty and flaky yeah comes right off of the bun it's very meaty like it if I didn't know what this was I would just think this is some random fishing that my life wasn't in danger finally the last and most special dish fugu hotpot the chef scoops me up a portion of veggies and some choice cuts of meat we're gonna mix everything up the fish here there's a soy base inside it seems like some of the most interesting sections were safe for the hotpot so that's why I was so pumped to try this out Cheers mmm that is really yummy yes well that piece that I had it's very like robust fatty it's a really good fatty texture you like it for me I can totally see why someone would risk their life to eat this now you know there's spam if you just look at that fish hanging out it doesn't look like it would taste that good all right stunning delicious sir thank you thank you so much I got to go so much wooden hunter so cool so what did we learn today do not be fooled by the fugu hype it could kill you but it's not going to so next time you're in Japan fugu is definitely worth a try Mayu such a pleasure hanging out and eating all this wonderful food with you today everything we did today all the locations and the food it was all made possible with the help of Tokyo by food they have over 85 food experiences here in Tokyo they'll have even more outside of Tokyo next year and it's not just about the food experience for each person who makes a reservation they actually feed ten people in Cambodia it's a win-win for everybody also for you guys if you're heading to Vietnam anytime soon I highly recommend a company called one trip one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including hanoi 'no chang Danang ym and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time a piece yeah nailed it okay let's get drunk [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 22,439,819
Rating: 4.3575854 out of 5
Keywords: fugu, japan fugu, puffer fish, pufferfish, eating pufferfish, blowfish, poisonous fish, poison fish, poison fugu, best ever food review show, sonny side, Japanese seafood, japan food, Japanese street food, japan street food, japan seafood, japan strange food, japan crazy food, tokyo seafood, where to eat tokyo
Id: tsqOJJATl0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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