Eating Cambodian Cheese (Prahok) in Siem Reap

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Thanks for posting a new food video here OP, it's been lacking in the culinary section somewhat recently.

But that Yank was annoying as hell.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nocturnalvisitor ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 23 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Everyday culture. Good one!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/before-the-fall ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 24 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/unseetheseen ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 24 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
last week on the best-ever super fuchsia Danny a hotel manager in Siem Reap guided me through her local market as we gathered the ingredients needed to cook broblem or fried Cambodian cheese it's a little bit rotten sewing yeah Cambodian cheese is actually pungent smelling fish that's been fermenting for over one year oh yeah she's really big with the odds stacked against her Danny will try to prove to me that this dish actually tastes good it seems like you're putting every effort possible to cover up the taste but first she's giving me a VIP tour of her village but this is your village yeah this is my minute you've lived here your whole life yeah [Music] how many people would you say are in this village in this village is roughly 500 people does this have everything does it have like a market here not small market the one that we already been okay so that's the market for the ad is there like a blockbuster or a KFC McConnell the one not in his own in town but there's a school right yeah the school gets the school Lafayette goes right here can we go can we go look at okay let's go what subjects are they dislike math and English and English on the English Priebus for life so we work for the NGO that they support for the children it was really touching to stumble upon some of the great work of NGOs and independent contributors right here in Danny's village a lot of Cambodian people the most important thing for them yes English okay yeah if they can speak English they cannot find a good job for work that's why they need to study English can i play with you I'm really bad so it'll be fun thank you oh I should probably stretch first but we'll just go for it that was you pound over here pound it thank you all right real quick pounded the local children were indeed in awe of my natural athleticism but alas we broke away to meet one of Danny's neighbors so you have a brick house right yeah how's it brick yeah and this is uh this is from guru the class now this is from the Lisa Cooney oh yeah coconut miss how long does it take to make a house like this make like this only they spend on the three day three days yesterday before my how it's like that okay yeah after that I just take it out I see no I have enough money yeah did you just did you throw a match at it no I just do to the poor people how do you give a house to somebody just get to them right they ask me all kind of have the wood and everything okay so this is your neighbor yeah my name's you people do people shake hands here or bow or what should I do thank you thank this okay sister died how's my accent that rickety not a month go off are you a mess yeah there's no way I'm gonna remember then what does that mean nice to meet you yeah yeah regularly - nothing really yeah yurina my it's like hurting my tongue then I start to say one foot it's it's call it no but when you say like you don't have to say one my blog which is it really inaudible on it seems easy enough okay so also this is the food after that tree tree and when you texted a bit writes a type of like tiger balm it tastes like huggable yeah but you use this for eating it yeah I was it sometimes it looks like the tree had a tumor this is are you sure this tree didn't have cancer look at this so this is for the people are sick and the black a little bit they only eat that blood pressure is up yeah oh my blood pressure is probably I mean I eat a lot of eggs and bacon oh yeah should I try it yeah is this precious kidding me yes oh is it clean now that you run your hand on it that's cool rainwater have an boyfriend I bite it like an apple yeah it tastes like Tiger Balm don't you gotta be alright don't you go that's how you girl oh oh I just wallet yeah Wow it tastes like it really it tastes like old cheese a little bit like tiger balm or if you put a bunch of really stinky like Swiss cheese or something more extreme than Swiss cheese and you put it in water and then you like shook it all up and let it sit there for three days yeah that's what it tastes like I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but this isn't responsible to be it's not supposed to be delicious right it's like your medicine um where should I put this name in here okay yeah I don't want to waste it but I definitely don't want to eat it thank you okay everyone has these shrines right if this is for good luck and protect the house and protect they die okay I find a belief and this comes from Buddhism right yeah okay and do you have one of these I have one but but my mum in sizes oh yeah I put her in here so I try to take her to the temple and then some off ladies that are done take her to the temple to sleep in hand will be right yeah that's why I bought like the big one and put her inside [Music] I put it off as long as possible but it's getting late and we need to get this meal started right after I figure out why this picture is here yeah you're into cream sport I know you know this one game Hey I never know him yeah and it just written a lot of a photo like that just give to me in the buff and take it out of it oh my god oh if I give you a picture of me will you put it on your wall today I'll try two kinds of bro Hawk the first is wrong with fermented fish red ants chili and spices what is this one so this is for hop we call so hop as well that we consider yeah and then like some arms the rate under intense at the market yeah that's one that's one so it's a little stinky and sour yeah so what do you put this you put this on a bagel or something you used to be a chef yeah when is the last time you cook to this dish that we're going to have today you know like one month I could only two-time okay two times a month depending on good that's so that's like how often I have tacos the man bro hope will try is made with beautiful gray fermented fish and mixed with pork garlic sugar chili pepper lemon leaf and firown' yella lucida a Cambodian fruit that adds in sourness to the dish finally we throw in a couple eggs to find it all together [Music] now that looks yummy hahaha right oh my gosh Wow you put the whole thing in there yeah I used to work at an Applebee's and this is pretty much the same kind of kitchen setup okay now it's starting to look like ground beef almost so next we'll put in some taco seasoning and then we'll cut up some tomatoes get some tortillas and we're ready for stinky fish tacos okay here we go Wow guys it's a very complex flavor and honestly it's a little too complex for a lot of you to even understand but I'll try to explain it see it has some nice sourness from the fruit we put in there's some sweetness from the sugar the fish is already super salty so there's a nice savory quality to it and then overall I would just call it yummy and I'm pretty sure you don't just eat both of this I think we're going to mix it with some vegetables too to kind of cut the taste a little bit you know it's like you got a 1.75 of whiskey that you paid five dollars for you need to cut it with some water all right we have to cut this too so it's not filling pen finally it's dinner time our spread includes morning glory red ant bravo Bravo mixed with pork white rice and an array of fresh vegetables first you got to break it in half okay we need some real estate to put that beat on when she does this look at her face right now I see freak she's freaking me out which is your food all my salsa eat this when you get it I see which is spicy is the thing we have no water here huh Oh huh I put it too close together all right here we go I see not too spicy okay yeah do that maybe I didn't put enough on maybe I'm more Cambodian than you mmm is it possible we've got the raw version with and then we have the coach version so you put them Pro holding into the cabbage when you make a little roll goes in your mouth and then what it's some guys okay oh it's you mix it in your mouth hmm okay it looks just like ground beef so I'm like oh I should put a lot of it on there but maybe that is enough okay got a roller on up it's really good yeah yeah wow you're quite the chef so you put in all this powerful stuff to fight the fish flavor the lime leaf and the garlic and then it becomes like this whole powerful creature and then you need to reduce its power with this other stuff so you always put it on a vegetable yes and then put it in mouth and put some rice and then mix it in your mouth okay I want to try was a green pepper you know I was really intimidated yeah first of all Cambodian cheese I was already like okay what's going on here and then I saw the giant pile of rotting fish it's been aged for a year but after the way you prepared it it's amazing I would actually eat this normally mm-hmm yeah it does take a lot of work though thank you so much for this awesome experience by getting to see the local market and everybody there sewing up so many different things I've never seen before getting to see your village kids a little school and then just having us in your home it really meant a lot to me and I hope you know maybe one day I can take you back in some way hahaha that's only a thank you thank you very much in my printer and now I'm we got to let the camera guy eat we usually start from but we're gonna let him eat at this time well hey guys thanks for watching my video if you would like to see my channel grow consider sharing this video on reddit I heard people like videos there also leave a comment oh gosh ah oh God they found me you found me okay hi
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,278,896
Rating: 4.9255705 out of 5
Keywords: cambodian cheese, prahok, making prahok, eating prahok, how to make prahok, cambodia prahok, cambodia street food, khmer street food, cambodia market food, khmer traditional food, traditional cambodian food, siem reap, street food siem reap
Id: 9fXPz4mYf6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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