Cambodia Street Food - Authentic KHMER CURRY FEAST and Vietnamese Pho in Phnom Penh!

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my hopes were on a rice and curry beat and so we just kept walking around the market finally we stumbled into this rice and curry stall they're serving all finger rice and curry this is a Cambodian feast right here hey everyone its mark Wiens in phenom penh cambodia and today i'm going to take you on a local street food tour of cambodian foods and starting this morning right around this area which is right next to the oldest I'm our c't which is a one of the biggest one of the central markets local markets or he actually you can buy anything here but there is a lot of food to eat here and this is just an amazing area to walk around hanging out with my buddy Joel yin and Micah are here as well and before we go into the market I actually wanted to walk around the outside streets a little bit and see if we can find something to eat first to begin this day [Music] one of the greatest ways to find the best food when you travel is to simply keep your eyes open for the busiest food stalls on the outskirts of this market in Pendleton there was nothing busier than a sidewalk fest all buzzing with happy morning eaters and with a steamy aroma of simmering beef broth that would make anyone stop in their tracks in order a bowl a handful of rice noodles are blanched in boiling water slices of raw beef are added to the bowl and in goes a handful of chopped onions some seasoning sauces and oils and finally a couple of ladles of extremely flavorful broth are added on top lightly cooking the raw beef and completing your bowl of piping hot sauce there are few things better in the world than a piping hot freshly cooked bowl of noodles in the morning and especially not only the noodles but sitting right in front of where they're preparing it that the chefs counter speeding all I could do this every every morning of my life this is just one of the more pretty bowls of pho that I've had in a very long time look at that oily oily broth on top of bubbles of oiled-up the slices of beef remove all the fresh green onion and then it's served with the classic vegetables the herbs the culantro on the side the top you serve the bean sprouts and the sauce and then it's an assortment of chilies and the limes there's chili sauce there's fresh chilies there's limes this is a this is beautiful and I just got to taste the broth first oh it's salty a little bit of a sweetness to it it has a little thickness to it as well from that that boiled beef bones that are in there that is delicious but I am uh I am a seasoning kind of guy so I'm going to I'm going to load up my noodles right now a wedge of lime here we it then fresh lime always hits the spot I really want to go in for both sub julienne socks and then freshly so this is like a chili oil it's like a chili actually oil oh yeah that's going to have some massive flavor oh and I can smell the shallots in there do a little bit more on there also let me go in for some of those fresh chilies as well you can never have too many chilies in a bowl ah you've been uphill few fresh chilies and you can you can also load up with the herbs but I mean let me paste it right now with that seasoning oh and grab a green onion and a piece of beef all oh what a bowl of noodles that is that is so good the rice noodles are soft the the beef is tender but it's very flavorful I love that whole bottom stem of the green onion and I'm just going to talk into her the bean sprouts all go in sawtooth coriander osted then an herb had the most like cumin oh yeah it has almost excuted aroma to it oh oh I love it okay I'm going to take that in a bite right now it really tastes like human what that is delicious all right let's go in for some more - more noodles in some well there's some onions down there as well oh that beef is so tender what up what a beautiful bowl of noodles this is just absolutely pretty [Music] I'm just completely enjoying this bowl of noodles that it's it it's superiorly delicious and I'm down to this the meatball Wow that is that is really captain there nothing I got really condensed me ball it's very very bouncy that was one of the better bowls of pho that I've ever had in my entire life everything was perfect the noodles were done well the ingredients of beef the amount of onion she added in and then that that extra kick of chili sauce and chilies that I edited this is a this is a an award-winning bowl of pho right here right across the street from the market and they have the audience and the eaters and the clientele to proved how good it is they were just there just packed all morning long and if you come over here and take a look you got to look at their master stock here there are just giant phones in there that are just simmering away to create that that incredible broth which probably has some marrow that's like boiled out into it as well what a superb way to start this morning [Music] after that wonderful bowl of noodles we're stepping into the main part of the market now and this is a market where you can literally find everything we just happen to enter right pulse slow dried seafood and nuts but you can find everything here from food to dried products to cosmetics to close to sea basically everything you can possibly think of that is in Cambodia is available within this market and I know they also have a like an award-winning food court where you can get some amazing Cambodian food so we're going to definitely check out that and walk around the market for a while thank you very much thank you very much okay it was actually quite a challenge to stumble into the food court here this market is so huge you can just go down so many different alleys there's so much to see and so much to shop for finally we we kept asking people where the food court is and we just kind of went on a chase for food and finally a very friendly man just actually walked us all the way here and they don't have a must I stopped yeah oh yeah this food court area could be the timing that we're here but most of the stalls are serving different types of noodles and there's some drink stalls but it's kind of relaxed but not not all that much going on in the food court right now so we just decided to stop for a cup of coffee and just kind of hang out and enjoy but the market is really cool we have that strong and black and it has the type of copy that has that chocolatey taste to it it's refreshing ha ha okay ha ha ha and take your peb roma all frog okay frog okay and okay yeah Pontius yes please almost nothing in the world is more exciting than stumbling into a huge spread of prepared dishes and curries that you can pick and choose from typical Cambodian food is often cooked and displayed in buffet form and it's up to you how much or how little you order within the mix of local dishes you'll find a variety of herbal salads grilled meats stir-fried dishes stews soups and curries even without knowing the specific names of dishes you can easily point to the ones you want to try they'll dish them onto plates and serve it all to you with a plate of rice we walked around the market for a little while and we we did go to the food courts but I was really my hopes were on a rice and curry beef and so we just kept walking around the market finally we stumbled into this rice and curry stall they're serving all things rice and curry they just pick and choose the dishes you want it looks superb they're friendly here and I think we may have gone a little overboard ordering but I wanted to taste it all and it's all fresh right now too because it's right before lunch it's about 11:00 a.m. the food is freshly cooked the dishes are colorful and beautiful and oh yeah just as I as I'm sitting here even after I ordered they're already getting packed people are ready to chow down of the business delicious looking food we ordered almost everything I could see this is a Cambodian feast right here I will start with this dish right here and this is something that I've been wanting to try a Tulpa joke and I think it's a I think it's a fermented fish sauce which is made into some kind of a mix that around there's a chilly in here as well Wow oh that's incredible oh that does have the fermented fish taste to it there's no denying that but then it's loaded with lemongrass and like some type of herb as well and then I'm not sure what what exactly the the creamy component is in there it's almost like roasted mushy eggplants climbs and with that pungent fish taste that is incredibly good and so much lemongrass in there as well just finely shaved up I'm going to ask them what the name of this Big Mama okay it's called Kaiba mom and this is a it almost looks like a casserole and down at the front there and then they give you they dish out a piece it has a yellow covering on top I think it's minced pork with egg oh yeah that is like a taste like meat and eggs in a casserole and it's it's a little bit salty there's not much of a spice flavor to it but it's kind of like a kind of taste like meat and eggs okay next up for this fish soup and there's some fish in here these are loaded stems there's some basil in here mm-hmm well that's holy basil you get that peppery flavor it's a light too it's like a very clean light fish sock soup and then I always love lotus gem Lotus stems are they have this wonderful crunch to them that's like a like a like an airy piece of celery it's much lighter than celery but I have that same kind of Chris penis to it next up this is a dish called Roman style or something like that and it's a type of this like a mixture I think there's the pie of green papaya on in the bottom there there is some herbs a lot of herbs chopped up there's some carrots in there and then I think there's slices of pork in there and then a few chillies and there's oh there's also peanuts so well this just full of just herbs chopped up chopped up rough cut herbs whoa oh wow oh there's some really really bitter herbs in there but then that's contrasted by the salty definitely mostly like almost briny dressing the Thai name of that herb I think it's I think it's not out they're very very bitter leaf and that might be actually cucumber or green papaya that's really good but it is it's surprising because that's so bitter and you do have to like that really really bitter taste but I really like that that's that's delicious fantastic next up this is a frog - stir-fried with long beans let me actually this is uh this is a frog leg I just want to pick up with my fingers here oh yeah Oh the lemongrass again actually you can see the fine shavings of lemongrass with Georgia just spread out through that entire dish the the Frog meat it's very nice so far this curry rice college is award-winning all the dishes are really good hot chocolate ich Euler is probably the best thing that I've taped it on the table so far but I got I got to move in for the fish now and this appears like it's a roasted grilled fish could be a actually very catfish yeah it's like a little snakehead fish from the from the head appearance I will go in for a little bit of fish from the side here break into this guy and put this on to my right and the fish is eaten along with these pickled vegetables this one over here is like a like a mango looks like a mango relish and then this one is a bean sprout with some kind of vegetable maybe mustard greens but I really want to try that mango actually so I'll go a little bit of mango over here and while I'm at it I want to I want to sprinkle my rice with a little extra ingredient the whole point of chopped up chilies is up does a welcome addition to a piece like this spring to my my rice and save a bit more for later oh yeah that's going to that's going to be fantastic and now moving for the face with those pickled vegetables it tastes almost like it looks the fish is just roasted and then the mango is like a sweet mango that's a little bit sour a little bit sweet this is really really good food and this is just properly local right within the market delicious flavours friendly environment and they have a just a wonderful selection of different things that you can choose from all three of us are just loving the meal here this food is is really really superb and we've got such a variety of different dishes so many different flavors and so many different complexities of herbs and mixtures the fermented fish piece mixture with lots of lemon drop in it that one that one is is probably the highlight of our table to harvest but I also really like this this salad with the herbs and the green papaya [Music] you have to really really embrace the bitterness of that dish it will hit your tongue with a like a fierce herbal bitterness the almost that is actually quite medicinal and paste [Music] [Applause] [Music] we successfully accomplished that beef off on our own while that was good and this is a very popular restaurant within the market I can I can definitely say that was one of the the best Cambodian whole feast meals that I've ever had wow that was good that profit that was that dish in particular was just outstanding that was one of those meals that you feel like a sense of accomplishment well that's a lot of shining lights but you really feel like a sense of accomplishment like you've done something you've you've reached the finish line you have done something something you've achieved something put that meal can you walk out here half and this one half okay one in one right outside of the market I saw beautiful colorful tiered fruit stand I think these are candy tiered truth got some of the little plums and then some of the little green through which I'm not sure what it is but then she piles it into a plastic bag and when you order she also adds in a bunch of like chili sugar and maybe but like some quite a lot of sugar enos on this but it looks kind of like a good snacking fruit check out how about sugar and salt is almost just kind of melting onto the fruit let me try one of these little green one of these little green guys first whoa make sure you don't poke your palm whoa aah that tastes like I'm okay that'd be like a plum or like a green grape but more crisp and then it really is kind of sugary sweet but salty at the same time anyway it does catch like due to the hot Sun just sort of melting that sugar salt mixture is just sort of melting in the hot Sun [Music] well that one is a little cocky and do and it really is sweet and salty but that's really good actually you could say here hang out on the street depend on pen and just snack on bag to this it's not all the components of a successful snack it's our it's salty it's sweet and it's juicy that little bag of salty sweet fruit was the perfect way to end its food tour everything from that foot that we had for breakfast to that giant cursed piece for lunch was truly superb this is a really local Cambodian phenom penh market and if you're looking for this place is it's energetic it's lively there's so much going on but at the same time it's quite manageable its friendly it's fun to walk around you'll find food both inside the market and outside the market on the side streets there's there's a lot available thank you all very much for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it also I'd love to hear from you in the comments section below and if you're not already subscribed please click Subscribe now I'm going to be sharing with you lots more food and travel videos goodbye from Poonam pen thank you again for watching and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,050,500
Rating: 4.9096541 out of 5
Keywords: Khmer food, Cambodian food, Cambodian authentic food, Cambodian curry, Khmer curry, authentic khmer food, authentic cambodian food, Mark Wiens, Phnom Penh street food, Cambodia street food, Cambodian street food, street food videos, food videos, food travel videos, food vlogs, pho, best pho in cambodia, bestt pho, vietnamese street food, vietnamese pho, vietnamese pho street food
Id: bO1dfN2XveY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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