Eating A $3,000 Michelin Star Dinner

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most of you probably know what a michelin star restaurant is or at least what it means it's the best of the best yet the vast majority of us will never ever get to dine at one why it's expensive super hard to get a reservation and there just aren't many of them but today i'm only gonna eat at michelin star restaurant for the entire day before i go don't forget to like the video because this one's going to be expensive let's take a field trip before we start i do want to give you a little rundown of what exactly we should be expecting today what is a michelin star restaurant most people will never even get to try a one michelin star restaurant let alone a three which we're gonna be trying later today and for those that don't know the michelin guide is a series of guidebooks that essentially tell you what the best of the best restaurants are i do all sorts of things with food and even i have only eaten at two or three michelin star restaurants and even i have only met two or three michelin star restaurants in my entire life and today we're eating at them the entire day for breakfast lunch and dinner let's head into the first one the first restaurant here is called risdora it's a one michelin star so we're starting off slower but we're going to build up very quickly so let's head in [Music] it gave me a nice cocktail it does have booze in it is that crack manny that's correct that is correct never too early things are gonna get wild today it's really good actually thank you so much guys thank you before we explain what are both of your names i'm a diary this is chef every star ciao i'm dominique limardo i'm the executive pastry chef at risdora [Music] so here we have our wobo nino burgesa what's neat about it is in the center of this raviola there is an egg yolk so as you cut it you're going to see like a nice egg yolk open up and pour out here we go i know it's a lot of pressure right pull it open but it looks like yeah oh it looks pretty perfect look at that that's so beautiful you nailed it we have focaccia so this is supposed to remind you of sitting on the beautiful streets of italy chowing down on on on prosciutto and fashion perfect okay and then steak and eggs so steak and eggs so here we took an american brunch dish uh so we have parmigiano and the whole industrial eggs on top of the arugula salad the hanger steak we actually marinated in balsamic vinegar the whole dish is tied together by that parmesan yes and the last one here so the staple of restaurant noco frito it's a fried dough use sparkling water in it it's topped with moridella prosciutto and culpa and does the sparkling water get a little lighter and fluffier is that the idea so i think we should try the egg yolk raviolo as the first dish we've obviously already cut it open it's got those white truffles it's got the mushroom in there it's got the nice egg sauce on the bottom [Music] the coolest part about that dish right there is that you can actually taste the truffle but it's not overwhelming it doesn't punch you in the face it's perfect the egg yolk sauce there on the bottom pulls the whole thing together with this really gooey sticky and almost kind of creamy sauce for the pasta it's also just mind-blowingly delicious this is the focaccia the one that's supposed to remind you of sitting on the beautiful italian streets or countryside um given that this is our start to the day this is our one michelin star but also more of our kind of breakfast brunch type place we have a steak and eggs dish and i feel like this is the one that i'm most excited to try it also kind of represents most what we're doing for this first stop of the day now when i eat i'm a big fan of always taking a well-rounded bite which means that you have to have each part perfectly layered on that single bite that you take but let's try it out what i love about this dish is that the chef treated all three components very differently but also the attention to detail is super super evident that steak obviously has all that balsamic in there while the eggs are really fluffy creamy with that parmesan cheese in there and then the salad just kind of brings it all together with that super light crispiness at the end this final dish the specialty of the restaurant it's the most simple but often those are the best bites you'll ever have in a place it's very simple a fried dough ball with a little bit of prosciutto or meat on top nothing no this is one of those bites that you have to eat right out of the deep fryer it's got to be piping hot and delicious that dough is soft and chewy and it's really cool that you can bite into this light fluffy shell you're gonna have to give me a few minutes to finish all this food this concludes our one michelin star stop and we're ready to head to the next one to me it's already evident why a place like this will get a one star over a traditional restaurant but what will actually separate a one from a two from a three let's go find out so the one michelin star restaurant was fantastic but now we are headed to two gabriel cuther i think i'm saying the name right but we'll find out in a few minutes and i have a little fun fact for you as we head to the next restaurant believe it or not the michelin guide was actually founded by the actual michelin tire company you know the big fluffy looking michelin man back when this was founded in the early 1900s there were only a couple hundred cars in all of france and this michelin guide was given to people for free in hopes that more people would buy cars so the goal wasn't actually primarily to guide people to good food instead it was to get them to use as many tires as possible to make these brothers as much money as they could make just thought i'd toss a little factoid on you for today he just subscribed he just subscribed yeah give me a facebook this is our two michelin star restaurant gabriel cruther i think we were missing the r back in the car right here we've got the two michelin stars let's go inside and see the real plaque you can already tell this is going to be an incredible meal i'm i'm salivating [Music] so we've reached the two michelin star restaurant i don't know if i mentioned this earlier but one michelin star means it's high quality cooking and worth a stop when you step up to two michelin stars it means it's excellent food excellent cooking but worth a detour as in if you're in new york city and have to travel halfway across the city to get there you should do it we are now going to watch the most commonly ordered drink here be made the name of this cocktail is a plot of the dragon blood of the dragon [Applause] we are letting the chef go ahead and give us whatever he wants so i'm super excited to see what he brings out the whole menu or wine menu elise is on the the ipad look at this i mean you could drink for years in this place [Music] almost 100 full pages of different alcoholic choices here [Music] cheers boom wow so the drink is a beer cocktail actually i've never heard that term before made with some sort of liqueur that's that's illegal technically then you see the bread here which you can already tell it's just very fancy bread it comes in a beautiful presentation what i'm extremely excited for are these little arancini bites that italian dish with some saffron in there and then some caviar on top they're beautiful naturally i think it would be fair to start off with the bread it's very very hot and flaky on the outside almost like a croissant i'm going to dip it into this light and foamy mixture here not a really good friend whenever i get to a restaurant and they've taken the time to make the bread really good i know i'm in for a treat for the whole meal i am always in for a good bite of caviar the best thing i can say about that bite right there is that it's extremely well balanced the caviar on top is fatty has that salt you have that really citrusy gel that's holding it up and the orangini is warm and crispy even though it's very small this dish almost hits on every single little thing you want in a good bite of food let's move on to the next course [Music] so we have two different wines uh paired for the entrees here uh the first one 2011 leon bayer compta eggleshan this is a very special soil this riesling is grown on muscle car it's a very hard soil you get a very well built very structured style of riesling here this is a very classic producer kyugel this is their pinot noir grocery lau or grand cru 2012 is one of the most important producers and they make a beautiful example of pinot noir and all sauce here we have a red grape that ripens very well and produce a really complex style fog rock can often be a controversial ingredient though it's probably one of my favorite flavors and foods out there and you'll see it a lot in french cuisine i'll take a nice small sliver and put a little bit of the pistachio on there like i said well-rounded bites bhagra is extremely fatty super flavorful but doesn't have too aggressive of a liver flavor and this dish does a really good job of giving us some of those acidic notes to balance out the fattiness of that foie gras this is a very unique presentation of a waffle while i'm not exactly sure whether that's supposed to pair with the farm bra this here is actually one of my favorite bites from the day it reminds me a ton of pizzelle of those italian anise flavored cookies and it has this really cool smoked jam on the inside that brings it all together i'm always very big into kudos and this one looks extremely creative with the fermented farro which i've never had before those light crispy looking cucumbers and the fatty fatty toro fish there's also a yuzu sauce over the top which is one of my favorite all-time ingredients in cooking honestly because of the creativity behind this dish right here i would say this is probably my favorite bite of the day so far so do you happen to know why the silverware is tilted one way yeah there are there um ergonomic for a right-handed guest uh we also have a separate set for left-handed guests as well we'll pay attention to the guests when they eat their first two no way we'll pay attention and see what hand they use and then we'll make a little note and adjust accordingly like i said the attention to detail in a michelin star restaurant is sort of what sets different places apart thank you [Applause] [Music] first let's go ahead and try the steak [Music] and now for the fish that is a special bite fish is something that can so easily be dry or just sad and bland but this is a true flavor explosion when you eat it and once again it has all those individual elements that taste so incredibly good together so this is the pig carpaccio with olive oil ice cream and nutmeg tweel minnie gets olive oil ice cream for the first time wow you like it that's like not what i expected but i like it it's really smooth it's super simple the figs are obviously super super fresh you can lightly taste the olive oil in there but it's just soft creamy this is a cocktail that we wanted to share with you uh it's something that is truly connected to chef and his cookbook so this is inspired by a hemingway daiquiri which is traditionally rum grapefruits maraschino cherry liqueur and lime it's really inspired by chef koi there's memories of summer [Music] here's the world amazon plus for the dessert and everything is done to all of that you know explain to people what nissan plus is mison plus is any step that you can do ahead to be prepared when the order comes in so you can put things together it means everything in its place everything in its place calculated that's so that when service is happening every single move is calculated timely and the food is up to par and perfect you know with crispiness beyond perfect that's what we're trying to achieve you know perfect doesn't exist i know you have the cookbook can you talk to me about it this is beautiful this is a project that people are asking me to write a cookbook and i always put it off and put it off and then this time i accepted to do it because i was prompted to dig into my rules they wanted me to do talk about isis the region i grew up in i know some chefs don't want to give away their secrets and their techniques do you put everything in here that you're doing in the kitchen or is this sort of a spin-off the waffle recipe is in here in a recipe is only a recipe and then comes technique and then comes mastering the technique yeah so it's not because you have the recipe that you're going to be the best cook in the world there are many recipes in out there and it's not because somebody's trying to do it that they're going to get that result you know everything you see in this place has a story so what i like about what you're doing here is you're creating a lot of dishes based on your childhood experiences and that's the kind of town i grew up in you know in a very small town thousand people living in the town i grew up on a farm all the traditionalization recipes that i used to work with that my mother made and then in the back you have restaurant recipes yeah i hope you won't mind if i still i want people to enjoy them i want people to get interested in cooking for themselves get interested in the opponents what we went through with the pandemic taught people that all those little things that we took for granted are actually very important and that sitting out on the table with good food is so important [Music] we are late to the three michelin star meal which is not a meal you want to be late to so let's go [Music] we have arrived at our three michelin star restaurant i got to put on my jacket for this one obviously and the definition of a three michelin star restaurant is exceptional cuisine that's worth a special journey meaning they highly suggest you travel even long distances to eat there let's go the last place i'd expect to find a three michelin star restaurant is inside a mall so we just sat down we were greeted by a nice glass of champagne the tasting menu here is nine different courses i feel like nine is gonna be that perfect sweet spot where we get a few small bites some larger courses in the middle and some nice desserts to finish up this little holder right here is one of the heaviest weights that i've ever felt this size it's also in a beautiful wrapping here and honestly this reminds me of an ice cream cone i think this is going to be a common theme throughout the night but despite being very tiny that bite packs a punch the outside wafer is super light and buttery and crispy and the salmon on the inside is so smooth and creamy and delicious just the smell of this lobster stock alone is incredible then when you actually taste the broth it's so incredibly thick and complex and they've clearly really allowed the stock and this broth to have the time to develop all that flavor i actually have a theory about restaurants this good the better the restaurant the quieter the kitchen often is and that's because the staff is so well trained and so prepared for each dinner service that they're really quiet when it comes time to actually cook everything and i feel like that same thing is reflected in the dining room [Music] this is of course caviar served with a mother of pearl spoon the classic thing that you want to eat caviar with if somebody ever gives you caviar with a mother of pearl spoon that means they know what they're doing that is crazy this isn't some sort of bowl that looks like an eggshell this is an actual egg and when i go in there's a beautiful egg custard this is one of those bites that you taste once and you never ever ever forget [Music] nick lift up your plate lift it up this is why people don't take me to fancy things wow that whole mousse right there is one of my five favorite ingredients brown butter oh it's a truffle shower what's inside are the most decadent of ingredients you can get anywhere and we're also right in the middle of white truffle season and of all the bites we've had today this is the one i'm most excited to dive into [Music] again it's small what you're looking at right here is essentially the best little thing of risotto you could ever imagine the rice is cooked perfectly it's suspended in a very creamy sauce definitely with a little bit of parmesan and then white truffle and brown butter [Music] what i can say about this right away is that it is very tender oh my god it's like chewing through a sponge [Music] eight different chocolates every single one of them is a handcraft of course things to overpaste with the farmer that we actually have a look at in the back all right i'm just gonna try the horchata one on camera i'm a big fan of horchata i was hoping the chocolate would actually taste precisely like the actual drink and it does it's a fun way to end the meal too thank you this is going to put a dent in the bank account [Music] that's the french loan being called no way live camera and it's fun waving at each other we don't communicate with each other because there's likely no microphone but you can wave at each other exactly yeah all right nice to meet you he's one of our chefs he's expediting service tonight [Music] and if something obviously moves and comes down there's a little bit of problem oh my god because these are the you know the bordeaux and like the burgundy white which supports from 2000 up how much do you think this room is worth than wine a lot sir because there's already one bottle alone with 53 000 how many restaurants in the world have done anything like that you think that's not too many so that ladies and gentlemen is how you eat at michelin star restaurant for the entire day we started at a one star we went to lunch at a two star and we just finished up at a three star in fact the three star experience took four and a half hours alone we'll be heading back to the studio to give a little debrief on the entire experience but i will say that that was probably the best day of food of my entire life and you can probably understand why i'll see you back at home i got back home at 2 30 in the morning and that was easily one of the craziest videos we've done yet i'm a little tired but my stomach is happy and full to boil it down for you here's what i think the key difference between a michelin star restaurant and any regular place you might go dine at this evening is one simple thing attention to detail that was made clear across all of our dining experiences yesterday and the attention to detail whether it was in the food or in the service itself was incredible all across the board well that was a lot of fun i think i'm gonna take a break from michelin star restaurants for a while once again don't forget to toss a like on the video and subscribe because you're not going to want to miss that next field trip [Music] you
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 4,544,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michelin, michelinstar, finedining, gourmet, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: NiT7PBiEooo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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