$10,000 Charcuterie Board

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this might just be our craziest video yet because well today we've spent quite a lot of money but let me start from the beginning who here likes charcuterie boards don't raise your hand well i know i do and today we're taking charcuterie boards to the next level i don't know why but i feel like online i've seen charcuterie board this charcuterie board that sharkuchi people call them all sorts of stuff but i want to really take a deep dive today into charcuterie boards it all depends on how seriously you want to take them and if you know me you know that i take food very seriously but i really wanted to think outside the box today so we're gonna do something really fun we're gonna start out simple by making a one dollar charcuterie board that's right one dollar now come on please don't come after me if you calculate it out to the exact ram and it's a dollar and one cent but you get the idea we are going to try to nail that one dollar board and after that can you guess what's gonna happen once you've completed that we are going to add a zero which will move us on up to a ten dollar charcuterie board and you know you can start getting a little bit more creative there but again you're pretty limited because you're dealing with a lot of pretty expensive things in a charcuterie board think cheese meats nice crackers maybe some berries or fresh fruit things can get pricey but can you guess what's gonna happen next we're gonna add another zero and doing a hundred dollar charcoal reward and yeah i know that might sound crazy and it's gonna give us some good flexibility to really start putting in some unique ingredients but we are not stopping there because we're gonna add another zero after that and go to a thousand dollars for cooler board boom yes it sounds crazy but we're gonna do it we have to because don't you want to know what can a thousand dollar charity board look like i mean come on the possibilities are probably endless but here's the kicker we're not gonna stop there can you guess what we're gonna do yeah we're gonna add another zero because today we're making a ten thousand dollar charcuterie okay so i know that sounds crazy but to start let's go do that one dollar shakuti board because out of all of them maybe besides the ten thousand dollar one that's actually the one i'm most excited about let's head on over to 7-eleven so we are off to 7-eleven right now and i just can't think of any better place to get that one dollar shakuri board now i don't know what we're gonna find there i really don't but i just feel like if there's gonna be a place we can build a decent charcuterie board it's gonna be there they got the cheapest slice of pizza around and it's actually not a terribly bad slice you know it's not great but it's okay but the reality is that 711 has pretty much everything so let's go see what we can find you guys we made it 7-eleven has arrived so the key here is going to be finding stuff that we could actually use in a charcuterie board so what exactly the heck can we use from 7-eleven look at all those noodles i'm a big noodle guy myself huge noodle guy right here i think we maybe go with some sliced pepper jack this is gonna go on our ten dollars for food report though this is a little more pricey okay we're looking for lower budget stuff for the one dollar board for our one dollar board this is an absolute must jack's links baby this is it all right so now we need to sell teens which obviously these are our low budget cracker right here okay this is our one dollar cracker also i have something really special i want to show you with uh oreos it's one of the coolest hacks i've ever learned so i'm gonna bring these back too last thing we need is our meat for the one dollar board i think we're gonna take it out of a lunchable i just feel like that's a pro move right there this is a good spread right here isn't it yeah that's the one this is a fully empty saltine yeah they sent you this yeah you better have gotten a refund i don't know maybe i will huge success there at 7-eleven now we are back to the kitchen to make all these boards now as you can see we got some pretty great things that we're going to start out on that first board with there's nothing like some good pepper jack cheese a couple of premium saltines now what i will say is that guy in that store what a sweet guy we didn't catch this on video but this guy was chilling behind the counter waiting for people to check out or ask questions when we asked him about the saltines he quite literally got up and started running around the corner as if he was doing the boston marathon i personally appreciated the hustle and actually told him to stop running but he also was just obsessed with telling us the story about how they dropped off a box of saltines to them last week that was fully sealed but completely empty yeah that's the one this is a fully empty saltiness box yeah so i guess just know that there's a really good story behind these saltines now honestly i wasn't gonna do a one dollar charcuterie board without some beef jerky and i almost went for a slim jim but jack's links was just a little step up and i felt like we could splurge a little bit as long as we can work it into the budget right and last but not least something we actually couldn't find at 7-eleven but found somewhere else we got easy cheese because isn't this what dreams are made of you might have seen me pick up some oreos at 7-eleven so to start off i got a little trick here for you to start we're going to take out one of our oreos and put just a little bit of that easy cheese on top i know this is fully unrelated to a charcuterie board but believe it or not this tastes exactly like a cheesecake i know it sounds completely insane but it's actually shockingly good well let's get focused again and start building this one dollar board let's break down that one dollar board now we probably all love lunchables back in the day and i just figured we could get some good stuff out of this thing right here but i haven't had a capri sun in so long out of here i think the real main thing we're gonna get is these pieces of pepperoni that are really only a couple cents and can help us get a nice beefy meaty foundation so let's just lay a few of those down on our cutting board in a nice little formation here keep in mind all these boards are going to be really nice and abstract so here's a nice start now second is we're going to go ahead and open up our cheese stick and jerky which let's face it aren't the best quality in the world and we can't use all of it because we'll go over budget here but i'm going to cut some really nice bits of this beef here which will give another texture to our meat section and then i'll cut the cheese into nice little cubes that you can pick up and eat by hand but again not all of it because we can't go over budget here that's looking pretty good to me for now next of course are saltines when you think about it saltines are pretty much the cheapest cracker out there so to hit that dollar mark i'm going to lay a few of these out across the board and we're not going to break the bank let's just get these in a really nice formation right around our board to make things start looking a little bit pretty now our charcuterie board's starting to look professional but what is a charcuterie board without a few olives especially ones that you can't even get out of the can that's not the nicest looking selection of olives i've ever seen but it's gonna do the job here i'm gonna take my tweezers and lay just a few of my olives out on the board here because each individual one we put down is probably a little less than a cent so again that's why i couldn't splurge for full olives they just brought us slightly over budget now to finish things off we want a little bit of easy cheese to really make it nice and easy to dip those crackers in i'll put a nice little mound on my board and maybe just do a couple of those to spice things up a little bit whenever you're plating always remember plate and odd numbers so i'm happy with those three splotches of easy cheese which bring us to right around one dollar take a look at this board before we dive in all right well to dive in here's what i would do i'd probably take one of these saltines put a little bit of easy cheese on there and spread it nice and around so that we get that evenly covered then i add a few olives just for a little bit of extra salt here with one or two cubes of cheese i'd top it off with a nice piece of pepperoni and i'd call it a day keep in mind you don't want to be one of those people that takes all of one certain thing and puts them on your cracker and then there's none of that left in the charcuterie board that's basic simple charcuterie etiquette let's give this a try [Music] i'm not gonna recommend the one dollar shakuri board to anybody out there it simply just isn't good but you know what is good is the saltines challenge and hey i just want to show you these super powers so here we go i can eat these for days oh i'll find them difficult for me i can just eat them now for our 10 charcuterie board we're going to step it up a little bit so you can see we're kind of up in our cracker game here right now i know wrists don't seem like the most luxurious cracker out there but i actually don't think they're all that bad they have a lot of those qualities that you'd be looking for in a cracker they got just the right amount of salt they're light and airy while also very crispy and have that crunch every time and perhaps most importantly when it comes to cheese they're the perfect vehicle for putting a nice piece of cheese on i'm not really sure why they have those holes through them but i kind of dig it so to start let's lay down our ritz crackers we can definitely give it a little pizazz and make a few little shapes with our cracker layers here why not keep things interesting right next we're gonna go with a fresh stack of saltines because again i know saltines are a pretty dry cracker but they're cost effective and can really buff up this charcuterie board if we want them to watch me give it a little pizzazz again now of course our cheese i'm sure you all remember these really cute wax shaped cheese things and i know that i was absolutely obsessed with them during my childhood and i always thought it was cool that they opened up and looked like pac-man well let's toss down a few of these things and we can even make a little tower and leave some in the packaging if we want to sometimes that's kind of nice in a short critter board now the next thing we're going to do is open up a couple olives from a bag because we've graduated from those pre-cut have olives and we're now moving on to the big leagues that's right we got whole olives so let's add a couple of those nice and spaced out on our charcuterie board as you can see we've rearranged just a tad bit here to make things a little bit nicer looking but now it's time for a little bit of our pepper jack cheese now cheese is where things can start to get really expensive really fast so we can't go overboard with the cheese here but to make things look nice i'm going to start layering it out on my board just nice and evenly so that you can easily grab a piece and make a nice cracker out of it and again maybe get a little bit of a stack there some nice height to buff things up a little bit right now of course not everyone loves pepper jack so i'm also going to do a little bit of regular cheese which will be cut from this nice beautiful block of cheddar you'll notice that as our shakuri boards step up in value they'll get closer and closer to the source hence this nice block of cheese that hasn't been cut yet but i want to start making it more rustic so i'm going to break off nice clumps of this cheese laying those across my board and getting things really nice and beautiful you want your guests to see this charcuterie board and be blown away immediately so make sure you don't hold back when it comes to being creative but alas this wouldn't be complete without a nice little spread because we have enough budget now to play around with a bit of a jam and that's why i have this nice fig spread that evidently has been already dug into and eaten from the store the 10 charcuterie board what do you expect maybe it's just melted yeah smell good you think and last but not least to finish off that ten dollars we can't forget to put a little bit of meat in here though we can't afford too much because we really ball down on the cheese there so i have these nice little petite salamis which i absolutely love i'm gonna lay them right in the middle of my board to finish this 10 charcuterie board off take a little bit of our fig spread because why not and then i'll take a nice little chunk off of my cheddar cheese place that right in the middle this time i'm going to eat my olive on the side because it didn't taste so good last time on the cracker and i think that's going to complete it first just a little nibble of my baby belle cheese i have to really get in the spirit of the 10 charcuterie board followed of course by a nice ritz cracker very crispy and buttery topped with a little bit of that fig spread and a tad bit of cheddar cheese that's a harmony in my mouth now for our 100 charcuterie board this is when we step things up a little bit this is when we get more outside the box we get nicer meats nicer cheeses this is when things really can start to get spicy we graduated now from ritz and we can move on to triscuits you get what i mean but here's one thing that i want to say i feel like a good charcuterie board always has some sort of highlight some sort of centerpiece let's just say well at least the one i'm about to make is going to what i have here is a beautiful rabbit and pork cheek terrain from regalis foods you've definitely heard me say their name before and they send me a lot of my higher end more unique foods but my point here is that this is going to be kind of the centerpiece for our 100 charcuterie board yes this bad boy right here is going to run you about 15 bucks which is a nice chunk but not too much of the overall price of your charcuterie board so of course to start i'm just going to gently break this baby open and rest it right down in the center of my board to start i'm going to go in with some dry aged abarico pork it's a chorizo sausage that looks amazing chorizo is how i should properly say it i'm gonna chop this bad boy in half and just show you how incredible the inside of this looks like now if we use the whole tube i can tell you right now we're gonna go over budget so i'm gonna go ahead here and just slice some nice perfect bits of this just enough to give us a nice spread on our board next we have some bread that i've flown in from spain it smells incredible i want to chop it in nice thin little strips here to be able to grab a piece of it and put whatever you like on the bread but i like the idea of leaving it in this whole beautiful baguette so i'm going to let this sit right along the outside now in my opinion when you have a nice charcuterie board you must have some good salmon and to keep things nice and fancy why don't we just leave it on the gold tray and let people grab it however they want actually let's make it prettier and place it down in a nice little rustic shredded pile here next i have some spicy italian salami that i'm going to lay right up against our chorizo layering the salami up against itself like this is always a very simple way to make something look nice and beautiful before we put down the rest of that sausage let's come in with a few bowls that we're eventually going to fill with some beautiful different things these will be different little landmarks that we can build around as we finish the rest of our board and it gives us something good to nestle things up against giving our board a very full feeling next we're going to take some cornichons which are those cute little mini pickles that you've seen and we'll pile a few of these into one of our bowls as those will really help to elevate just about any charcuterie board out there they're also pretty cute too and they come with these nice little sweet onion bulbs next some sopraceta salami because we really gotta go full italian for a little bit here this is a much more meat-centric charcuterie word but we'll get to the other things in just a moment nestled right in the back here i'm going to add a little bit of sliced cheddar cheese and then i'm going to break this beautiful blue cheese and rest it down somewhere in the back of my board now i don't know if you heard me before but like i said we've graduated now from ritz crackers so here's where i'm gonna start the spread of our crackers i'm sure everybody who's ever been to a party like i said guys i party so i've been to a party or two has probably seen these crackers and the thing is they're not actually half bad so we'll spread them all around our board really making sure that we take up some of that extra blank space now the next thing we're gonna work on is prosciutto and trust me what we're gonna have in a bit is gonna be a heck of a lot nicer but this is imported from italy and it's pretty dang good stuff to step it up however we're gonna be wrapping a few nice pieces of melon in this prosciutto and dropping those down on our charcuterie board it's time now to put down some of our nice breadsticks shipped straight from italy and i'm not gonna lie those actually took a shocking ding to the wallet given that you think they're just bread but they are after all from italy so here you have them now another unique thing i'm going to add here is some chocolate which yeah i'm sure you've seen people add chocolate to a charcuterie board before but i just think this makes a nice little touch if you add this to the board now next i'm going to go in with some olives finally got it open we're stepping up our olive game a little bit here now with some marinated spanish mixed olives what's great about these is that they have pits inside them so it makes it nice and super awkward for you when you're at a party and trying to eat an olive and then you just have this terribly ugly pit in your hand and don't know what to do with it also you can see there's some nice bay leaves inside here to really kind of marinate them and make them taste fantastic now to finish things off a little bit i figured our 100 board deserved a little bit of fruit not a lot but a little bit of fruit so i'll go in with a few of the main fruits nothing super crazy but enough to just spice things up a little bit and like i said we graduated from ritz and moved on to triscuits with this one add a bunch of triscuits to your 100 board and call it a day now instead of just taking a bite out of our 100 charcuterie board and then putting that one away we are now going to build on that to get a 10 000 charcuterie board and next up is one thousand dollars which is honestly where things get a little bit crazy and also when my credit card bill starts to get a little bit sketchy now to start i'm gonna do something really cool this beautiful piece of cheese right here is a triple creme brulee shipped all the way from france i actually want to be really delicate with this thing because this bad boy right here is going to run us about a hundred bucks i have pre-made puff pastry and when i open this up i should be able to gently roll it out and then put my three right inside i'm sure you've heard of baked brie before and that's exactly what you're going to be looking at with this now luckily making a bakery is actually quite simple we're going to rest this down on the bottom of our puff pastry fold it up trim around the pastry to make sure we don't have too much excess and then very simply press and wrap up that brief once it's all wrapped up like this we're gonna place our bree on a baking sheet and paint it in a nice layer of egg wash just to get that beautiful golden brown crust and color that we're all looking for and once it's been fully coated in that egg wash we're simply gonna place this in the oven at about 375 fahrenheit until golden brown now here's our next little thing this is a cetra caviar and this bad boy right here is going to run you about 200 it may be kind of hard to see but what we have here are some beautiful beautiful eggs typically you're not supposed to dig in with anything other than a mother of pearl spoon but i'm just going to take a slight dig out of here just to kind of show you how beautiful this is caviar can up any charcuterie board it's salty fatty and can go with so many different things so we'll place this right by our charcuterie board and know that this will be one of the stars of our 1 000 charcuterie board now what we have here is the butt of a prosciutto which we've shaved a bunch off of to get some nice big pieces here you can just see how absolutely gorgeous this is and for a thousand dollar charcuterie board you can't just be going out and buying pre-sliced prosciutto so i'm gonna rest this off to the side of our board just to really show where we got all this from and then we can lay some beautifully sliced prosciutto all up against this leg this gives off that really fresh aspect of everything and it's something that i absolutely love when i see a charcuterie bowl now with our bread i also want to leave this nice and rustic so let's leave the whole piece here this time next i've got this gorgeous scottish smoked salmon from i gourmet then i'm going to go ahead and cut around with my knife ultimately peeling back what is beautiful beautiful salmon flown across the world i'll layer some of these up right next to my prosciutto and i can't help but salivate when looking at and smelling the fatty delicious salmon in front of me that's going to be good what i have right here is a berico chorizo pre-sliced and simply the best of the best it's so delicate and fatty that it's almost breaking as i pull it out of its container here and the very best way to describe this is that it's melt-in-your-mouth salami now i know this may sound absurd but what you're looking at right here is 300 honey and that's why i'm not going to use all of it this is called manuka honey and i don't know if i'm saying that correctly but believe it or not it's not even the most expensive honey out there and just wait till you see what we have for that ten thousand dollar board honey goes so incredibly well with something like a charcoated board so it excites me now again here from my gourmet i have a kerrygold aged cheddar and it also has some irish whiskey in there let's peel off that external wrapping and lay this down next we're going to color things up a little bit because you know how much i love color in anything with food so i'll lay this wine cheese across the table right in the corner here now i got some olives from la tienda i think you probably remember when i used one of their full cinco hote barico legs cutting that thing was absolutely incredible and i'll pour these spanish olives into a nice bowl and let those sit right in the middle of my board now this might not look like it's open but believe it or not it actually is and it has almost a jello like top this is a little foie gras pate that i'll place right in the back of my board here now of course let's start laying down a few crackers what you see here have apricot pistachio and sunflower inside them into our olives i'm also going to add a few chilies calabrese chili peppers to be precise then a nice beautiful hunk of focaccia right in the back of my board here more crackers that we've sent straight from italy and you know what you have to excuse them for breaking a few because they came from a long journey and a nice little bowl of marcona almonds which i'll place just next to our caviar here what we have here also from la tienda is iberico acorn fed chorizo which when i pop off the cap looks pretty incredible to spice and color up the board i'm gonna put a few tomatoes that have absolutely gorgeous colors and are heirloom tomatoes i got from a nearby farm and i'll finish with this incredible looking cheese that's been coated in all sorts of gorgeous herbs but again i want to break this hunk of cheese and make it nice and rustic keep things so incredibly beautiful across our shokuri board now for the ten thousand dollar board let's step it up and build upon what we have around us we've added in a third cutting board in the middle of this whole thing here and to start i'm gonna cut this first big thing open this is from regales foods and i'll give you a little hint as to what it is they always find me crazy crazy things but what's in here is very exciting i'll slowly open it and you can try to guess as i start to open it but what i'll say is that what's in here will make any charcuterie board incredible we have a full frame of black locust honeycomb and this right here is the start of our ten thousand dollar charcuterie board this right here is a show stopper in and of itself and i'll prop this up at the back of my cutting board as our little foundation for everything now of course i did not forget about that amazing bakery that's in the oven but since we're building on all the boards it doesn't really matter at this point when this thing falls into everything for now i'm just going to gently slide this off and place it in the middle of my cutting board i can feel this on the edges and tell you right now that this thing is oozing with delicious cheese now next i want to do prosciutto and melon but not just any prosciutto and not just any milk our quote on quote prosciutto will be cinco hota's already carved him and again if you've seen my cinco hotas ramona barico video you know how incredible and amazing this acorn fed ham is latinda sends me all of his stuff straight from spain in these beautiful mountains where the pigs are raised and grown but with every nice bite of this you're often looking at something like 25 maybe even more and lucky for you we have quite a few of them what we have right here is a japanese melon and when i cut into it immediately i should smell that bright vibrant deliciousness i had to go to a pretty random store pretty much in the middle of nowhere to get this thing so i truly hope i'll be able to tell the difference in flavor between this and a regular melon that i can buy up the road this will be our version of prosciutto and melon next we have a few of these incredible quail eggs which i've already hard boiled for three and a half minutes and are quite delicious i thought those would be a really nice touch for a charcuterie bowl now here from i gourmet we have white sturgeon caviar which will run you about 250 bucks but is quite delicious if you ask me i know it seems like a lot for a pretty small amount but i'm going to rest this right up top near the corner near my melon now i don't know how many of you have seen mr beast's video but these are little candied green peaches each of which can run you up to 500 for that tiny little peach it's sometimes kind of hard to believe now we'll go down with this shockingly expensive but really delicious looking baby corn a bunch of cans of this spanish octopus marinated in olive oil which is wrapped nicer than any canned good i've ever seen let me just open it up to let you see what's inside i've never seen octopus like this but boy oh boy do i like it then of course i'll go on with some black truffle cheese which i'll cut straight down the middle to get that rustic look yet again but geez we're running out of space here some gorgeous white truffle honey and black truffle pate these crackers from italy that are called air bread that just looks so amazingly fancy and we're so expensive that we had to get them for our chocolatery board these sauteed marcona almonds which i'll sprinkle just around the board to get that nice rustic look again you know almonds are expensive when they come in a jar like this some duck foie gras mousse which i'll place here in the back and of course a beautiful nice baguette from a local italian bakery which we've almost entirely run out of space for some european blue cheese wrapped in the most unique setup i've ever seen boy oh boy is that pungent and of course now we need our berries so why not sprinkle out a few things like huckleberries these extraordinarily expensive strawberries called dream berries and an absolutely absurd selection of cheese which i'll start to lay out for you now all right for my cheeses what i have right here is a 100 manchester cheese this right here you can see has been cut from a wheel and it's entirely sheep's milk so i'll rest that off right to the side here now right here i have a beautiful goat cheese that's been wrapped in grape leaves and tied up in this nice little bundle you can see here that i can unwrap the cheese take off a little piece and then it's got this beautiful delicate delicious flavor so this too will get placed down right here on the edge now here we have some beautiful very very fresh figs that i've shipped across the country and you'll notice that when i split one of these open they almost have the syrupy honey-like interior and when you taste them your mind will be blown now i don't want to say anything weird about this cheese here but let me just tell you that this is something special oh boy oh i feel like i just have to taste it [Music] now this is yet another cheese from i gourmet called humboldt fog it's got one of those almost sharp smells when you bring it up to your nose and you can see how much mold is on the edge here but this again is an extremely special cheese that i can't wait to cut into what you're looking at right here is a really really unique cheddar cheese and i picked it because it's very interesting how it has these lines of mold it's completely edible and this bark that's also apparently got quite a lot of flavor you know i just figured this would be a unique cheese to add to the mix this right here is probably the most unique bit of cheese that i've got and as i spin it around you can see that it's almost got these grill marks on the bottom but again this bad boy made quite the dent into my bank account now what we have here again is from la tienda pretty much all my kimono barico typically is and it's a cinco hotel 100 embarco pork loin let me pop off the cap and see what this beautiful baby looks like wow i have to say this looks absolutely stunning but be careful because a couple of these bad boys and you don't have any more spending money for the year next i have a bunch of amazing jams from regales foods the first is a saskatoon berry jam i've never even heard of that but it smells just like blueberry next i have a hoscop berry preserve and i apologize if i'm pronouncing that wrong i'm not really sure how to describe the smell of this one other than the fact that it smells incredible now i have a low bush blueberry preserve with the most incredible wild blueberry smell i have ever experienced and next a sea buckthorn preserve something i've had in the past and is incredibly delicious it's very tart and very very unique then a cloudberry preserve incredibly sweet and incredibly delicious and last but not least we have a wild huckleberry jam and again i don't know if any of you have seen that mr beast video where he has 100 000 sunday but each spoonful of this is about 50 so i guess it's up to the person eating the charcuterie board of how much you actually consume but this whole bowl right here is a few hundred dollars next what we have right here is a dry cured muyard duck prosciutto when i cut into this beautiful thing you can see how incredible it looks with that perfect balance of fat to duck let's lay that right down in the middle of our bowl i know we haven't gotten to highlight many of these products up close but let me show you how luxurious this honey is like i said this honey will run you about 300 bucks and even the box alone looks expensive but that's why it goes on our 10 000 charcuterie board this honey is so so thick not quite as thick as me it's unbelievable next we have a regalis foods black truffle balsamic it's been barrel aged for 18 years in modena italy you can't get better than that now from i gourmet i have all these dried limes oranges and lemons which are absolutely beautiful and which you can fully eat and crunch down on now i'm sure you all remember when i opened an entire 82 pound parmigiano reggiano cheese wheel in my video recently that was certainly a heck of a lot of fun but of course we still have lots of parmesan cheese left and we can't let it go to waste so let's add this to our charcuterie board this right here is a couple hundred dollars worth of parmesan and we're going to add a few more hunks as well now we really have a lot more things we have breadsticks straight from italy extremely nice mustards more chorizo all sorts of beautiful loaves of bread and so much fruit and let's not forget this absolutely incredible first day of harvest olive oil i should also mention that a lot of the cheeses here have won massive awards i mean this table has easily three to four thousand dollars worth of cheese on it right here and i'm not gonna sit you through every single one because we simply can't go through them all but what's important is that we've officially reached a ten thousand dollar table and i actually might say a tad bit more than ten thousand dollars since we stacked them on top of the boards behind them it's truly incredible looking at this massive spread okay so now that we've built out this crazy charcuterie board i have something extra exciting for today now believe it or not i actually don't eat a lot of dairy don't drink a lot of milk anymore i used to and who doesn't love chocolate milk i guzzled through that stuff like crazy but now that we've made this massive ten thousand dollar recruiter board i need some help to eat it so i've brought in three random subscribers off youtube i have never met these people before and they're all really excited to just dive in and try whatever it is they want to try i'm also really curious because we have a lot of foods here that not only i've never tried but they're going to have absolutely no idea what they are so it's going to be really cool to see those reactions so let me introduce you to felix sage and judah okay so the first thing i want to say we're wearing masks all that stuff but i do want to say that everyone is vaccinated so just to be covered safe we are being very conscious of that but with that said we could not let this stop us from eating the charcuterie board so i'm gonna do is have each subscriber come up one by one pick out a couple things maybe try what they want to try and then talk a little bit about it simple as that we're gonna go ladies first here and let sage jump in and try what she wants to try so first of all i'll say what do you think about this whole spread here this is like a work of art i love just looking at everything it's just like so much to take in it is right and what are your thoughts in general on like a ten thousand dollars for a curry roar isn't that kind of nuts that's outrageous it's insane it's like food heaven it's food heaven i really like that it's food heaven uh you can grab whatever you'd like all right so no pressure this is so much to choose from you guys are just like waiting patiently over here i think i'm going to try the harmony yeah i feel like that's a good call okay so i'll get you some of that go for it i will try this every day the boys over here are really jealous okay i know you want the whole tin of caviar you can't have the whole tin of caviar i'll give you the whole tray of pomona verico how's that is that a good compromise okay so we talked about these peaches right each one of these can be up to 500 it's crazy right grab one of those peaches when i scrape into the honeycomb you can see that like immediately all the honey oozes out there all right so dive in here sage and see what's going down caviar what you thinking it's like a flavor explosion it's a flavor a little fatty right a little salty have you had white surging caviar or before no do you like it or it's really good it doesn't justify the price obviously right yeah for that little thing to be that expensive but all right what do you want what do you want to try to definitely want to try the japanese peach i feel like everyone's going to want to try the beach it's super like sweet and like fruity and the texture is like interesting isn't that strange yeah what do you think though do you like it i love it it's really good right yeah you love peaches you want to just snag another one yeah you might as well i mean you're here you might as well right all right so this is cinco hot so it's all acorn fed whoo it's really salty but in a good way yeah but the flavor is super rich i found it to be like super super addicting actually i don't know why um you picked out the honey too yeah right i did the black locust honey from a full honeycomb right which you've never had before yeah it smells almost like stronger than regular honey do you get like more floral like flowery notes to it all or no that's what i usually kind of yeah like whoa so good so good um i want you to try this white chocolate honey smell the cap in there you smell that oh wow just go for it white chocolate that's amazing is that the best that's like the best thing i ever like ate look at that i didn't make it so i'm not gonna take too much credit sage i think it's time for the boys to have a turn yeah we're gonna have them dive in thanks for trying everything maybe they'll try the same stuff maybe we'll try different but we'll find out you can definitely grab a bunch of this thank you sage thank you all right so jude is up here he's got his plate he's got the spread what do you want i definitely gotta try some of this honey okay you're going right for the honey okay i like that all right beautiful i have to go with the caviar pick your cracker though you gotta pick a cracker too obviously i'll try these yeah two of those look at that that's a big body cavity yeah can you handle that okay so jude is also going to get something extra special here right he's going to get just a tad bit of edible gold here on his caviar because he was saying the caviar wasn't fancy enough for him so we need to give him gold what is going on here but i mean that looks pretty good that looks really good all right you want gold on one and gold do you have to have gold in both no that's good grab a couple because sage just went like nuts on on the peaches that's a hormone sausage yep it's a chorizo grab a cracker for it interesting cracker choice not what i would have picked but that's fine let me just take a big hunk of that that's awesome okay i like that choice okay so just like sage you're gonna get your whole you're gonna get your animal sleep here wow is that incredible is that all right yeah for sure okay so take that on the other side take that on the other hand this one will be yours how's that it's very rustic the presentation right you're just going nuts you're just going crazy over here is that the white sturgeon caviar it's like pretty creamy has a nice salinity to it yeah i really like that this is all finger food right yeah okay take you taste the gold no no i'm good gold tastes like that's the right answer you should not taste the gold how was that a little saltier but uh it has like a bit of a brininess to it but i really like it a little bright too okay he's a pro describing food i think we should just stop out peaches wow that is incredible that's cool it reminds me of like a lot of those like asian candies but if you made them like the real fruit that it was supposed to be it's super interesting really interesting combo that you're about to die let's see that sausage is great would you know that that's like nicer sausage that that's hormone sausage or not really i probably wouldn't know it's that i probably would nicer but i probably wouldn't eat it it tastes great yeah super good you like octopus yeah and how is that i would not expect something this good from like a canned seafood but i love the the richness the marinade that it's in the honeycomb this is exciting right oh wow a nice like floral almost fruity aspect to it super interesting choice right i'm really happy someone tried this because really really unique you know see what you think i don't know i have no idea what that's going to taste like it takes a while for the wine flavor to kick in but it's definitely there and yeah i think it's like the wine and cheese pairing is right there absolutely yeah yeah we are not letting him drive home after that cheese there's no way we're letting him touch his car and getting home like that all right amazing you happy yeah that's wonderful amazing all right well thank you for trying looks like it's felix's turn yeah yeah let's do this all right felix you're up you ready yes i am all right so you're you're from france yes i am all right so i like any of the cheese stuff you're just gonna roast me on it anyway right of course okay okay all right i'm just i don't want to say anything you dive in there's chocolate here on the charcoal report yeah that's a good question i don't have a good answer right now but chocolate rewards i have seen before i have chocolate i like that everyone's getting different stuff here this is really good a few marcon almonds what else i'll try the uh the chorizo okay how about the salmon salmon i would probably go for that that's from scotland i would grab a few pieces of that if you want a cracker good choice i like that choice you know that's the cracker that i would have probably picked so i feel like i just got roasted yeah i'll probably get some fresh food as well prosciutto okay come on i want to try these uh these truffle cheese oh my gosh you know what i feel like you're the first one to try the truffle cheese so you know what we're gonna give them the entire home okay all right that's a lot and a little little peach come on barry that's a lot right look at that look at that that's amazing okay for the honey you want both the black locust and the white reminder yeah you want both okay so let's give you both i'm gonna first dig into this honey you're going to see it just ooze out of there and then let's give you a nice basis right yeah give that a try yeah we got the floral um yogurt jude on like kind of the flowery floral aspect thing right tastes really natural and then while you eat that give you a little bit of white truffle honey which is my personal favorite if i were to go out and buy probably anything on this tray i smell more like the the onion than the truffle actually yeah you have like the strong flavor of the truffle that's coming first yeah and then you have the sweet flavor of the onion really good all right so i'm going to try the salmon cracker on the crackers nice texture i'm going to take another bite oh okay good play with the cracker is very good as well yeah all right let me try this uh this sausage so good yeah melt in your mouth stop i think i've tried this in france before yeah just break that just crack that thing in half so this is truffle this is a truffle cheese this is a really really nice cheese see how much of the truffle you get i don't know we're going with a lot of truffle on your plate you can't taste the truffle for now weird which it tastes really good like as cheese yeah you don't taste a lot of the truffle but it's like it reminds me like of a gouda something like a gouda okay cool i'm probably guessing you know like a lot more about cheese than i do yeah yeah yeah yeah of course all right i have to go for the pizza yeah the peach everybody loves the peaches he's thinking yeah this is like very soft breaking in little piece in the mouth okay i'm going to try the hammond and that's right i'll try the perfect sweet that's our like last little bit a sweet get some of the fat in there too right because the fat should melt in your tongue that's very good good flavor unique flavor yeah very intense you feel like it's very like it's been aged for for some times take a little bite of the chocolate with the marcotte almond mmm there's like really almost very good right toasted mark on orange really really kind of nutty the texture of the chocolate is it's like sandy yeah yeah it's crazy yeah i've never said that before yellow is so good yeah good color yeah you were skeptical but then you happy i loved it good crazy crazy board before you guys all leave i know you guys are all about to taste different things i do want to ask kind of each each one of you before you grab as much as you can and run um i want to ask you all what are your final thoughts on on this ten thousand dollars or who you are we wanted to kind of set a record here what are your final thoughts just on this board this is the extravagance that i dream of so this is gonna remain in your dreams yeah for years i i will not forget this how about you what do you think sage i'm so happy i was able to try the black truffle honey because that's something i never tried before and now i know i love it so something new that i got to experience so i'm happy about that good it's going to be your new your new go-to right i love that um very unexpected which part is unexpected just everything i wasn't expecting to see a big socket ball like that yeah yeah i didn't tell you what you were all kidding me so yeah thank you all again for coming i appreciate it um again grab a bunch to go and uh thanks for being on the video thanks for joining me thank you awesome all the crazy goodie bags um actually before we end the video there's one more thing i want to say and i actually thought about this a little bit more after i finished filming up to this point i've really been taking a lot of the money i'm making and putting it right back into the videos for your enjoyment but i also don't want to be just aimlessly throwing money around especially when there's so many things out there that could really use it so yeah there's many times where i'm just going to want to make you guys all really happy and put out videos that you love and even make you happy in person but in doing so i also want to make changes i genuinely mean that so given the times that we're in i have a really great idea i was scrolling through instagram recently and found this there are crazy things going on right now in india and that's why i've decided to donate every last penny that i make from this video to this cause and now i'll close out the video well i'm super thankful that i was able to get three random subscribers to come on in here and try what we made today now obviously i didn't really cook any of this stuff other than i guess this bakery in the middle that none of them seem to want to try but i get it when you're facing up against that compared to halo and a barico or truffle honey or really nice caviars i understand and you know the funniest part is i'd say we fit about nine thousand dollars worth of stuff on here i mean just from the few honeys we have here the hamona barrico all of these cheeses and then some of the more specialty things like foie gras that already gets us to about 7 500 bucks then of course we have our salmon all of those amazing cured meats that kind of thing all the different breads and crackers shipped from italy that get us up to that 10 000 mark but i want to do more of these videos in the future and of course it'll be so much easier as the virus continues to ease up but for now i want to thank those three subscribers for taking their time to come today it's honestly an extremely rewarding feeling for me to be able to give back to people like that after all you're the ones that allow me to do what i do if you liked the video please don't forget to subscribe and hit that notifications icon because you could be next in one of these videos and i mean that quite soon i'll be roaming the streets and giving out tons and tons of caviar for free and after that there's going to be a heck of a lot more so again don't forget to subscribe turn on those notifications and let's get a hundred thousand likes on this video wouldn't that be awesome in the meantime thanks so much for watching i got a lot of charcuterie to eat or shark gucci however you say i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 1,893,907
Rating: 4.9230223 out of 5
Id: 8Nm94mHDYJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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