Finding The Best Taco In Los Angeles

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if you search up the most famous food in la you'll likely be left with just one word tacos but there are over 4 000 registered taco trucks in la and even more taquerias so i'm going to need some help we'll be splitting into teams of two to visit as many places as we possibly can while cooge cousin qcp will handle a bunch of spots in east l.a linda and i will be going west and we get going i gotta feed the bonds i'll call the uber stop it i got this hey hey two lamborghini urases just like you asked purple and gold for la you're the best [Music] hey what do you do for a living your car's awesome i eat sandwiches you as well i make pasta that's a great occupation i know your sister too so naturally we thought it'd be a lot of fun to start all together and for our first location we're going to none other than taco bell word on the street is it's one of the best in l.a i can't wait to try it it's going to be the medium for the entire day i love their naturals throughout the day we'll all be tasting it different places but ultimately we'll come together at the end of the day to talk about who is the victim what kind of taco do we even get i'll be honest never had taco bell in my entire life is this kfc it looks like whoa wait are you guys taco bell and kfc yes okay good to know that's a first so we're a little confused yeah can we get two crunchy tacos supreme the fact that i haven't had any breakfast this is my breakfast is like kind of disgusting you got it who's on the car all i know is nick better be paying for lindsay you know what i mean two regular tacos please and mild sauce do you want mild sauce oh one mild sauce please all right linda you can't eat tacos without sauce that's what makes a taco shame you know i haven't had a taco from taco bell for a while wouldn't ya me neither gotta put the sauce on let's find the best taco in l.a yeah that's pretty decent it's actually pretty good you got that nice grated cheese in that pretty fresh looking lettuce and the beef is seasoned really well my one critique would be there's not a whole lot of beef the proportions and ratios in this thing are quite off where's the beef hey where's the beef all right here we go you know there's a problem when you take a bite and you feel some movement in your stomach like instantly but you know what am i going to say what am i going to do taco bell got what you pay for look at this garbage classless ingredients i don't know why we did taco bell first we should have did at least i mainly had a toilet paper in my whole thousand room too last time when we did pizza reviews linda's numbers were way too high linda what's your review nine you guys are starting so high right out of the gates our first place she's gotta bring it down today but luckily she's a taco connoisseur i'm gonna leave taco bell with a solid six and a half out of ten and that's a really good starting score i'm giving it a seven oh i think i got sauce on the lamborghini i hate when that happens we're gonna do a full treat ah that's what i was going for i was going for a solid four but four three is pretty nice our second stop is whole box they have a very unique taco scallop and octopus are you ready yeah get your head against the seat oh i'm okay pulled over oh you got to be kidding me right now oh this is just the worst well i think you're a pretty noticeable car yeah of course i do i do so we rented this yeah this is my car we do all food content and avalon people rave about them i think they're okay and my favorite honestly is santa fe and olympia i'm writing all this down king talking yeah sorry yeah i'm actually a real really responsible driver usually i once just got a new car accident sorry how fast this thing goes i'll find out literally it's a michelin star restaurant yeah mrs stark pulled off the delicious star restaurant oh we're going there right now a lot of officers go there a lot because the food is just amazing i'm really glad you guys pulled us over one thing we know of food thank you so much have a good one oh my god so after that little snafu we are pulling up the whole box which the cops let us know has a michelin star oh this is beautiful it's a very unassuming store kind of randomly in this little food court this place doesn't mess around can we do the kampachi uni tostada yeah the scallop taco and one of the octopus got to get a bunch of the different sauces at least according to linja she monument like linda said part of today's all about the salsa oh that's good that is good it's like a spicy peanut really spicy oh yeah right after it kicks are right in the teeth but it's good we know this isn't technically a taco but because sea urchin is my second favorite food behind rotisserie chickens i figured we'd try it oh my god all right really good that's nice so we have scallop and then we also send one of our classic baja fish tacos beautiful thank you so much this is amazing lynch is in the restroom you snooze you lose i can tell all the tortillas are homemade fresh off the griddle i'm going to start with the octopus taco i'm getting smacked all across the face in this place with flavor gallop taco unbelievable you want some octopus no i know this is only the second spot we visited obviously we had a bit of a slowdown today oh i'm getting pulled over but i'm going to give this a 9 out of 10. i'm going to give this a 10 out of 10. oh we're on our way to el cabo pepe's beer at taco's fourth generation recipe are you kidding me that's straight class we're at pepe's red tacos here it is can we get two juicy tacos what was that we're doing a little taste taste test it's a whole a whole bone marrow and a whole taco something like that considering it's 24 bucks for two tacos the same taco bell no taco bell we got our tacos it's legitimately an entire bone marrow i've never seen this before but you got this had a taco truck nowhere just scraping the class that's hot though man let's taste the bone mild by itself it's fatty flavorful little dip caught that fire whoa it's going to slap the bum out that made me happy a4 that's a fair school you never know what's coming next that's true but this is setting it high next up we're hitting this taco truck that has a famous al pastor taco and supposedly they slice it right off this large gyro which i am very excited to see just absolutely beautiful wait wait can i say something about it no no cut the camera never had one very excited to try it and here it is right along the side of a gas station couldn't have it any other way there it is alpaca store dos el paso taco the coolest thing about this for me is you see this truck at this gas station you don't expect so much and then you look and they have all these extremely fresh-looking toppings you've got radish you've got these nice onions and cilantro lime i mean look how fresh the lime is they're not those dried out ugly pieces of lime this is really really fresh thank you a little bit of mine grilled jalapeno al pastor that's good the flavor's on point the meat is is really well seasoned and then the best part about it for me is all the toppings are so so fresh i don't know if i rate this quite as high as the last one we went to i'm gonna give it a solid 7.3 7.5 walk into the next spot it's pretty close we gotta get our steps in today forget it we arrived at tacos d canasta i'm ready we just got our tacos they look good completely different than the last spot but it's going to be its own thing we got something different here it's very low maintenance high quality you could tell this is authentic in mexico you know over in america we want to [ __ ] mess a taco that you can't even put down your pie hole we got to judge this in a different level because this is its own thing but for what it is the quality for the rating i'm going to give this a solid eight two quality is amazing so i'm gonna have to do the same eight two next stop is tacos iberia la unica they are known for iberia everything nick's gotta try the ramen i love how in the middle of nowhere these spots are i mean you just pull up and there's just a truck in the middle of the road what is your most famous taco can we get two tacos should we get two of those please and then one beer ramen place i'm sure being authentic oh baby look at that she also did say we can dip these in the birya ramen which we have right here and look at all that consummate that amazing broth that's in there she suggested we take these tacos and we dip them right in there before eating oh my god i like how crunchy the taco is oh and the beer look at that would you look at that wow let's get a little spicy salsa every single place we go we have this different salsa it's different colors there's different textures different spice levels i just polished that entire taco what's the rating eight point five let me give that one a nine point one ate the whole thing like a vacuum cleaner that beauty at consummate is delicious flavorful you have every single texture every single flavor you could possibly want here delicious we are at maurico's el colima we're they're making it right in front of us frying it right here that's how you know what's good when they're not scared to show you what's going on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nothing ain't nothing we haven't seen before oh that is something wow this is coming in hot this is in the eights that's for sure we're gonna do eight point three models it's a clay attack taco they're hitting the spot i'm giving a 8.5 we are on route to trejos tacos apparently this famous actor danny trejo do you know him oh he's always the villain in films apparently the tacos are not just a gimmick of its fame they are genuinely good and get high reviews by people apparently they have a jackfruit taco can't wait yeah can i get one fried chicken and one jackfruit is going to be 1205. one just got me covered i forgot my credit card in the car nick better be painful you know what i mean while we wait for our tacos here this here i haven't seen it yet is the new osmo pink himalayan salt bundle pink grinders linjage you haven't seen it yet have you no you ready can't wait my favorite color is pink if you can't tell by her shirt and now you're gonna have something to match it linda look at that open the grinder oh gosh that's beautiful that is awesome look at the caller he's very nice so the grinders are different now so you have to hold the button by request of everybody they like the better if you hold the button we got our coarse pink himalayan salt i mean that's just you want to fill it oh i like that sound okay oh my it's like a salt cannon ninja there's the course right there and then this is the flaky and then as a throwback i think we brought back the little grinder set from very very early on that's our pink himalayan stone and this is the little grinder holder you can stick that right in there and grate your stone against here so big big bundle of osmo i'll put the link in the description below i think our tacos are ready why is it on a lettuce wrap what the hell happened here what did you order for me i just got the fried chicken wrap that's what it must come with fried chicken taco i'm actually gonna go on with some of their house-made hot sauce too i'm going hot sauce all day my taste buds are evolving [Music] i have the jackfruit i'm not sure what to think right off the bat i will say their lime does not look as fresh and juicy as the taco truck just doesn't look that good it's a three out of ten it's not good it's fine but it's just not very good it looks great thank you it does look dry it just doesn't feel right this is amazing it's got substantial texture which i wasn't expecting and the sauce is unbelievable i would just drink the sauce i think linja might have screwed me with the order a little bit i don't know why she got herself a perfect taco and got me this pay for it you get what you get do you rate this lower than taco bell absolutely oh my god this i do we're at the santa rita jalisco taco truck that was a mouthful they're known for their chicken necks i don't know about the chicken necks i don't know about all that we're gonna pace on the necks because we're not neck bones we're gonna do the asada it's a family-run joint apparently been there since 1992. can't wait to try people in the neighborhood said it's class we just arrived that's santa rita jalisco tacos i got to go to the bathroom like really bad we're getting two asada tacos we haven't had any yet i'm ready okay thank you dude every single place has had a different looking taco and that's what's amazing just wait till you get to your sister's house let's see her taco here we go a little spicy i want my mom i can't really taste as much because the sauce is so hot i might have to go straight into it with a seven six we're gonna do a seven eight out of ten your sisters i have three sisters i don't know why he does this to me yeah but they have class well they're not going after me that made me feel better tacos burned our mouths we got to cool it off with a little pineapple juice everyone's telling us to get it here everyone's drinking it here they get something a little sweeter you know what i mean so refreshing tastes like actual pineapple you know what's hot when i gotta take off the hoodie matching the bev with the car how you doing how is it in here yeah it smells like what [Music] hear that i'm going to go ahead and take a second while we drive to change my rating from the first of the day and i rarely do this taco bell i like you but i am going to demote you to a flat 5 out of 10. i'll say my main differentiator is not only the salsa but also the tortillas themselves when i think about that taco bell tortilla now it just seems so dry and stale now we're on the way to teddy's red tacos teddy used to apparently be an uber driver but he would sell tacos for fun on the weekends and when people got in his car they always said it smelled good and they'd asked him what that was so we started handing out business cars one thing led to the next and now he's got this place the door says push and it made me look like an idiot because it's a pull two very one broth to go so here we have our birya broth we have some salsa here and then look at these period tacos these are loaded up go ahead show me how it's done dunk that in i don't even need to dunk this thing look at that i'm gonna do it anyway not overpowering though barium baby i'm going to give the first rating that comes to mind 7.4 out of 10. 8.2 throughout the day i think our standards are going up we're almost there time for the last two stops for our next place we're going to carnitas el momo they were featured on los angeles street food episode one so let's go check it out i'm excited the grandfather started it grandson's still keeping it going which is rare to see these days you love to see you love to see the family businesses you got to support class what do you want to do the guy at the last spot told us that this was the move so super excited for it let's get some carnitas do we just have two carnitas tops at the moment we only have the belly that will work it's unbelievable how many different tacos you get all unique they all look different making it hard to judge cheers [Music] that's too much flavor to handle that's a lot coming at you at one time so he has the specific quality though what do you rate it you know what it's been an experience i'm gonna give it an eight six point eight eight eight pretty high next stop leo's taco truck they pride themselves on having affordable tacos i hear the al pastor is banging wait i didn't run the light oh my god i thought that was me again okay we keep finding taco trucks and gas stations apparently that's just a big thing here four dollars for two that's affordable thank you so much you know it's a good taco spot when your bag of salsa is heavier than your bag of tacos this is the most unique one we've had yet i think linja i mean the pineapple the smallest one too right would you agree yeah oh shoot or trot is all over me sorry no it's okay i love orchard on me ninja you forgot something the salsa the salsa blizzard i think it's spicy salsa that's way too much it's gonna be way too spicy no really bad i'd say it's okay actually this evening is really good six four five point five oh ninja for china rating nine going to our last spots in nora town they make their own tortillas known for their carne asada and their trife pipe is uh beef intestines if you don't know what that is we're here at the last spot sonora town let's go inside we get two tribe tacos that's right and how you doing all right thank you hell yeah thank you bro turns out when you eat food on the internets you get free food sometimes pretty gentleman-like you know all class we got the cow intestines and a taco let's try it out ah crunchy so spicy it's like almost like bacon like when you get well done bacon my mouth is on fire so we're gonna have to wrap this up soon i think it's probably one of the best ones yet the little crunchy texture is pretty nice different [Music] brain cells but you taste it some of the other places was so hot you couldn't taste the thing this is perfect 10 out of 10. forget it i'm going to say 10 out of 10. this is for you guys this is some baseball cats some of our stickers thank you bro when we got pulled over earlier they referred us to king taco it's a chain with 20 locations according to the officers it's supposed to be pretty good the line was a little too long so we decided to go back and meet up with the rest of the team i bet the food is really good because of how long that line was let's go meet up with the boys hey what are you wearing huh oh what you guys didn't get hats and stickers did you guys have fun yeah no yes so fun thank you the best because we already talked about our tacos all day i say we all finish with one highlight of the day each my highlight of the day was not actually a taco it was the live sea urchin and raw scallop that we ate at that second spot we visited just after taco bell where did you guys go we were seeing everybody eating uni my favorite part of the day was getting free hats free stickers and free tacos from the best spot out of all of them yeah how about that nicholas was it that good it was close i don't know i don't even remember any of it just eating taking pictures with the fans who shot a lot of those being a gentleman eating beef tripe running around in lamborghini and uh you know eating tacos my favorite thing was meeting some really really nice cops we also know that many of the taco places are only open from 5 p.m to 3 a.m and frankly that's past all of our bedtime now we're gonna head into the cvs to get some baby wipes and head home it was just my birthday and apparently nick has a surprise what is this what i'd say oh that's so cool they got me a copy my own streaming award even my name's right there [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 6,483,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taco, streetfood, mexican, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: 8mvLLHJtQmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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