Eat His Food, Wear His Clothes | Isaiah 4:1

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[Music] let's get to it Wednesday night Lord willing we'll be right here seven o'clock doing our through the Bible study verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book and so that's what we're gonna do today we take a Sunday morning text from our upcoming Wednesday study so turn with me to the Book of Isaiah chapter four Isaiah chapter four while you're turning there we have I had to wrestle a little bit with the Lord on whether or not to teach this you know here we are in chapter three and four of the Book of Isaiah and it's it was tempting just to say yeah let's let's do something else because this is perhaps one of the darkest ugliest one of them ugliest stories in the Bible you might be saying Brett you know why are you covering a story like this the answer to keep reminding yourself through this teaching is well pastor Brett Nathan Creek they go verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book and one of the things we've learned over the years here at ather Creek is where we're at in the Bible is where we're at in life and I see sort of a parallel to the troubles were in right now humanity right now 20% of the world is in lockdown around the globe you know in New York City I read yesterday on Drudge Report that there was you know people dying you know in New York and a more rapid rate and it's really sad about one an hour yesterday so it starts to get kind of scary when those those the death rate starts to rise on this kovat 19 virus and people are just generally worried you know and so initially you'll say Brett you shouldn't shouldn't have taught that section of Scripture but I think you'll find that this scripture actually does apply and there is hope that we have here so let's let's take a look let's read it's it's chapter 4 verse 1 is our text for the day it says in Isaiah 4:1 in that day seven women shall take hold of one man saying we will eat our own bread and we're our own apparel only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach once again in that day seven women shall take hold of one man saying we will eat our own bread and we're our own apparel only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach what in the world is that verse about boy right here right you shouldn't have taught that scripture today no what's going on here some of the single guys like well sounds like a great environment man you got seven women who really want to be married to this one guy and man you know they said they won't even eat his food what could be better they won't even want to wear it go shopping and you know put it on the Visa Card this sounds like the perfect scenario yeah that's just when you take this single verse but you have to understand this is much much worse than it looks at the surface now you see one of the things is you have to understand who are these women and why are they so desperate why are they wanting this one man to take them in and the idea is as you did to marry them and you know they're all wanting him to take you know take the name but what's going on here well we're gonna break this down and I've got really four things that I want to observe from this chapter four things that are really important first of all a past situation a past situation you see Isaiah the prophet is talking about something that you and I this stuff is so unfamiliar to us because our culture is so different and the past situation is pretty dire so what's going on Isaiah the prophet he's prophesying to the people of Israel saying here's what's gonna come down there's gonna be seven women who want to take on this guy's name and be married to them but they're desperate why what's going on well that's where you have to jump into chapter three now one of the things scholars of the Bible agree on is sometimes the chapter breaks and the verse numbers aren't organized in the best way possible don't forget the numbers of verses and chapters were added hundreds and hundreds of years after the Bible was given to us by the Lord so those chapter verses a number breaks sometimes they're not in the right place most scholars agree that this chapter 4 verse 1 should be connected to chapter 3 it's almost like chapter 4 verse 1 should be chapter 3 verse 27 if you'd and then verse 2 of chapter 4 should be the beginning of the next chapter and the reason I say that is because people will read this and they don't connect why these women are trying to desperately get this man to take them what's going on well that's the the past situation you see the children of Israel during the time of Isaiah we're living in total rebellion they were materialistic they were sinful the women were living promiscuously and sort of wanting to have all kinds of gold and jewelry and they were also trying to entice men and seduce them and the sexual promiscuity was rampant and it was a bad sinful time of idolatry they'd worship idols and do all this stuff it was a bad time and Isaiah was the Prophet saying you guys are messing up and because of that bad things are gonna happen so that's basically with chapter 3 and chapter 4 is about how bad things are gonna happen and and and so the past situation was that these women they needed to have a man now you say well Bret women don't need men in Bible times it was a different thing in fact there's five things that these women are actually hoping for and but first we have to see how desperate they're let's back up we'll look at this in entirely entirety on Wednesday night but check out chapter three let's back up a little bit it says in verse 5 of chapter 3 this is Isaiah telling the people and the people shall be oppressed every one by another and every one by his neighbor at the child shall behave himself proudly against the old people ancient and the base against the honourable so the idea is people are gonna treat each other really bad during these times verse 11 look at this it says woe unto the wicked it shall be ill with him for the reward of his hand shall be given him man you know you're going to saw what you're going Reap and and it's gonna go ill with everybody Isaiah the prophet says but then he focuses on these women and these women are you know beautiful and decked out to the nines in Jerusalem they're known for being beautiful but there's there's a problem it says here in verse 16 moreover the Lord sayeth because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with stretch forth necks that is walking with pride you know prideful neck sticking out and wanton eyes walking and mincing as they go and making the tinkling with their feet their jewelry's jingling as they're walking with jewelry around their ankles therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of their head of the daughters of Zion and the Lord will discover their secret parts huh what the idea is these women who are trying to seduce men there's good they're gonna have scabs on their heads and they're gonna have sexually transmitted diseases going rampant among them and verse 18 in that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments around their feet and their calls and their round tires like the moon boy it sounds like a car you got to round tires and you got your verse 19 chains and the bracelets and the mufflers these are descriptions of things that women would wear to entice men and to be beautiful and it was materialistic it was it was vain and these women are really into it the verse 20 the bonnets the ornaments of the legs the headbands the tablets the earrings the Rings than those jewels the changeable suits of apparel women would you know have a new outfit every day and the mantles and the wind poles what's all mental and a wimple the wimple is sort of a version of a sort of a veil that a woman would wear and we'll go into this stuff maybe in depth on Wednesday all these things like it goes on in verse 22 the crisping pins the glasses the fine linen the hoods and the veils but so this is the Lord saying these women are gonna have scabs on their head and they're gonna be diseased but what else happens verse 20 for and it shall come to pass that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink and instead of a girdle a rent if you can sort of picture them tightening the girdle and it popping open because they're bloated and instead of well set hair baldness and instead of a stomach or a girding of sackcloth not not beautiful you know lace but sackcloth is gonna be what they wear and it says instead of burning instead of beauty your men shall fall by the sword and thy mighty in the war and her gait shall lament and mourn and be and she being desolate shall sit upon the ground this is almost like a job like scenario where job member job was all messed up this is these these these women because of their sexual sin because of their promiscuity because of their wicked sin and worshiping idols they're stricken with disease and they become bald-headed bloated women who are diseased and and they're just sitting in sackcloth sitting on the ground like it's it's it's a pathetic sort of scene that we see here so it's those women in chapter 4 verse 1 that are chasing after this one guy and they're saying Mary s bald bloated women sitting on the ground going please bury us and the guys like run for your life what's going on with this and why are these women wanting this man to take them well this is where culture is something that it was different in those days and the culture was such that a woman without a man in those days well first of all she caused an identity problem she lacked identity you know in Bible times and and really by the way some of these things are still in the world today wherever you know like Islam is still where the worship of choice women are treated like this where you know currently she you know she culturally should be without any help and she would lack identity almost as if she didn't even exist if her man was killed in battle which says the men were all killed in battle so there's all these women who are widowed and bloated and bald like it's just this sad pathetic scene so they lacked identity identity number two genealogy fruitfulness they couldn't have kids without a man and in those days a woman's worth was measured on how many kids she had so identity genealogy but number three safety a woman in those days there were men running around that were Marauders and robbers and thieves and they would they would just mess with people and oppress each other like we read earlier and you would need if you're a woman in those days you would need a man who was strong and with a sword to be sort of protected so that nobody would come and try to take advantage of you safety but then fourthly intimacy you'd want companionship you don't want to be alone especially when you're going through horrible things and disease and all this stuff so they were wanting you know companionship and friendship and then finally Authority without a man in the Bible times she would have no authority and she you know her word wasn't considered good she wasn't trusted without a man and that that's just the way of the culture of that day I'm not saying it's good it's actually horrifying the whole things were fighting so these ball bloated sick women they needed you know these things identity genealogy or fruitfulness safety they needed you know intimacy and friendship and authority so these seven women are pursuing this one man because the ratio is out of whack there's too many women for the men because the the wars have killed off all the men and and so that's the past situation that's the that's what Isaiah says this is where we're headed as a culture as a people group you know the Prophet said because you're sinful and wicked this is the scene this is the scenario that we're about to see and and and and then that brings us to the second point of the day that we want to look at not only the past situation but now let's consider the prophetic implication the prophetic implicating you see when when we see in verse 1 of chapter 4 it says in that day that that should be a sort of a signal to us that Isaiah is prophesying about future events and as it turns out this did in fact happened to the Jews shortly after Isaiah would prophesy this during the time of Isaiah and Jeremiah things got way WAY worse than they were even here in fact these same women would be under siege in Jerusalem and starving and so starving were they well let me just read you what Jeremiah 19-9 has to say about that time the Prophet Jeremiah says and I will cause the mothers to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters and they the people shall eat every one the flesh of his friend during the siege and straightness wherewith their enemies in other words there's gonna be a siege around Jerusalem and there was and is during the time of the Syrians remember Rob Shaka and tiglath-pileser and then ultimately Nebuchadnezzar they would come and destroy Israel in Jerusalem and the and and Judea and during those times the Lord was lifting his protection remember God told him if you keep my Commandments and statutes and judgments I will protect you but if you do your own thing and live sinfully then you're on your own good luck with that and that's the situation Isaiah and Jeremiah would warn the people about but they just totally blew it off they said not we're gonna do what we want to do and look at us we're beautiful and we're wealthy but look where that leads it leads to total depravity total poverty and yuckiness and that's what's going on here with these seven brides what does it Jannah Dean you know talking about two girls for every guy or something like that but there are three girls I don't remember the number but here it's seven girls for every guy and it's not a pretty picture so there's this prophetic implication this is what's going to happen to Israel and it did happen Isaiah's word of prophecy came to pass completely now that gives me pause because you know we have prophecies given to us in our day about things that will happen during our time period you know and and one of those things we talked about last week is the says that in the last days you know pestilence and the word pestilence would be translated plague or disease and and that's that does make me wonder is the coronavirus a sign of the times I think it is does it mean it's the end of the world not necessarily but I do believe that the coronavirus is one of those birth pains the Bible talks about that we will see of Bible prophecy how things are going to get worse before they get better we're gonna see things that get uglier before the second coming of Christ that's what I believe the Bible teaches now so we've got this past situation Isaiah his day and the people of Israel you have the prophetic implication you're going down and this is what you're gonna see but that brings us to number three a possible illustration and could this story be an illustration for you and me the New Testament believer and I believe that all these stories are illustrations of Jesus somehow we see Jesus lo I come in the volume of the book it has written to me Jesus took talk to those men on the road to Emmaus and and and and told those two guys everything concerning himself from Moses the law all the way through the prophets and so you know these things are illustrations of New Testament truths that's what makes the Old Testament come alive you know if you just read this Isaiah chapter three and four by yourself and just leave it as just that one-dimensional story from Isaiah's time it's an ugly sad horrific picture but you and I get to look at it and and sort of put it through the lens of the the pictures of the Bible and and what the Bible actually tells us and I believe this is a picture of Jesus Christ and His Church and there's some lessons to be seen it's a it's a possible illustration for you and me and let me let me go through a few reasons why I see the illustration first of all notice here in our story there were seven women seven women now in the Old Testament Israel's the wife of God but if you recall in the New Testament the Church of Jesus Christ is the Bride of Christ and when I see seven that number is number that sort of gives me an indication of the Church of Jesus Christ the number seven is completion and perfection in the New Testament in the Bible the whole Bible but we also see the number seven linked to the church do you remember the seven churches of Asia Minor there in Revelation you know two and three talking to the churches there were the seven candlesticks which speaks of the Church of Jesus Christ so there's these seven women I believe it's possible that these seven women might be an interesting picture of the church which would make the one guy in this verse one of chapter four be Jesus himself and the question is will he accept us will he take us in scabbed bloated disease sitting in the dirt with sackcloth and scabs on our heads bald what does Christ do does he does he take an ugly bride well that's just it we have to take a look at what these seven women are saying to this guy they're saying we won't eat your bread and we won't wear your clothes but we'll just take your name only that's what she says that's what they say these girls will take your name only and so why are they saying that it's a couple reasons one maybe they didn't want to eat his bread baby they didn't want to wear his clothes and maybe they thought they could do it apart from that maybe they were so desperate they didn't want to bother him to be having to pay the bills for new clothes and maybe they didn't want to bother him for bread they just needed safety identity you know they needed you know that intimacy all those things we went over if they could at least be linked to him in name only then maybe they would survive just with a weak link to the bridegroom and that's kind of what we see here these women are are wanting not not to take the whole relationship hook line and sinker but they're just minimally saying in name only let's be married we'll only be married to a name only maybe they were so ashamed of their ugliness in their baldness and bloatedness and all that their thing and man we understand why you wouldn't want to marry us but just take us in name only even bother you for clothes or food and so they wouldn't want to you know try to imposition put this guy in a bad situation but I wonder if this is a picture of the church which I believe it is what does that mean for us well this is the thing if you want to be married to Christ you've got to eat his food and you got to wear his clothes you can't just be linked to Christ in name only that's not going to work and there are people who do sort of link themselves to Christ only in name not in truth you know there's people that were born in America because they're born in America well I'm a Christian I god Bless America just like there's people that were born in you know Muslim countries and they think they're Muslims because they were born in those countries you're born into your religion that's not true and you're only a Christian if you take on all of Jesus as your own and you're truly the Bride of Christ not just in name only what do you mean wear his clothes and eat his bread well Jesus our bridegroom one of the things he wants to do is feed us he wants to feed us if you're the Bride of Christ if you're a Christian if you're really saved one of the things you'll do is you'll eat his bread these women didn't want to eat his bread you will eat his bread if you're a Bride of Christ and and what's the bread it's the bread of life Jesus is the bread that we need to eat of we know that it's something that you cannot deny because well I mean the scriptures are so clear on this one like John chapter 6 in John 6:47 jesus said this listen he said verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life I am the bread of life your father's did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead this is the bread that comes down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die I am The Living bread which came down from heaven If any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread which I give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world Jesus died on the cross and when he said before he died he said in communion said take eat this bread is my body and you got this some of the disciples freaked out the greater group of a hundred disciples said he's talking about eating his flesh and eating his body and they freaked out thought he was being weird but no being sinful and refusing to eat of Christ that's weird that's where these women ended up being cannibals eating their own sons and daughters you see as Christians if you want to be a Christian you got to eat his bread the bread of life there's no other way to be have eternal life but through Jesus Christ there's no other name under heaven by which men can be saved you got to eat his bread if you don't need is bread you're lost it's I love where it says if you eat of this bread you'll have life everlasting the bread of life Jesus who died on the cross for our sins yes or the stinky sinful scabbed bald bloated bride sitting on the ground saying will you marry us and Jesus says yes but you got to eat my bread and if you eat you'll have life well Brett what if you are still wearing the sack cloth and you're and you're all sick well the bread of life that's what heals you it makes you healthy again as you eat of Christ you're no longer sick in your disease and your sin but you're healed when you eat of Christ but what about your clothes well that's where you got to wear his clothes what are his clothes your clothes Michaels are the sinful stinky sackcloth like these women in our story but when you accept Christ you are isaiah 61:10 says we are robed in his righteousness man don't you love that image you know these picture of these dirty women sitting on the ground stinking saying will you marry us and and the bridegroom comes up and puts a beautiful robe on his bride and says I'll take you and he covers the stench of sin and he covers and washes and cleanses and heals that's the robe of righteousness isaiah 61:10 you know in rebel army romans 13 it says now it's high time to put off the clothing of darkness and put on the armor of light and there in romans 13 16 it says and put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ see we as Christians we don't wear the dirty old clothes we get new clothes and thus were accepted and were brought into the bridegroom and we're married to Christ and were saved by His grace through faith it's just goodness it's his robing it's not my being good it's not me cleaning myself up it's Christ who takes me in the stinky seven brides of Isaiah chapter four the Lord says I want to robe you in righteousness and I want to wash you and cleanse you and let you be whole man I love that so so you see this idea of you've got to eat his bread you've got to wear his clothes but there's there's another thing about this named thing that's kind of interesting did you notice these girls the bad girls of Isaiah three they say we don't want to eat your bread and we don't want to wear your clothes but we'll take you in name only god forbid that we as a church of Jesus Christ take him in name only what does that look like well you know if you and I believe that Jesus is the only way you have to eat the bread there are people that call themselves the church and call themselves Christians that don't believe Jesus is the only way there are many paths Oprah Winfrey says you know there's many ways to be saved and you know and this whole new age which is an old lie that people believe and there's churches here in Portland that have horrible doctrine that doesn't really believe that Jesus is the only way they think he's a way that's just wrong there's churches that are linked to Christ in name only but they don't eat his bread and they don't wear his clothes and you should watch out for that because the future of that is not good you got to eat his bread and where's goes by the way if you remember in Revelation chapter three verse one there's the Church of Sardis that is in bad behavior and Jesus says a word of correction to the church in Sardis let me read it to you it's revelation 3:1 it says unto the Angel of the Church of Sardis write these things saith he that has the seven spirits of God and the Seven Stars he's talking to the Church of Sardis he says I know your works the tower has to name that thou liveth but you are dead what's wrong with the Church of Sardis it's a dead church deader than a doornail have you ever been to a dead church have you ever seen a dead church it's painful and usually their churches that don't eat his bread and don't wear his clothes they don't have the right doctrine when it comes to what saves a person and they don't really follow what the scriptures say but they call themselves a Church of Jesus Christ but it's not that watch out for these false churches they're not part of the deal Sardis had a name that they were of Christ now this is interesting they had good works isn't it interesting that a tweaked-out church can have good works you know there's there's churches that call themselves you know like they're good and they're bark dusting than the neighborhood school and they're feeding poor people which is great good stuff there even you know claiming to be diverse and loving of all people and accepting but are they a church that only have good works but they're they're dead there's no real life because Jesus is not the bridegroom and they're not the bride interesting that word named in revelation 3:1 where it's talking to the church that says you only have a name the greek word for that word name is anima and the thing about that word anima it's where we get our longer word denomination denominationalism and that's an interesting indictment against dead denominated Annamma nation ilysm you know where churches we claim to be of Christ but they really are not they're deader than a doornail how do you watch out for that well you got to eat his bread and you got to wear his clothes you got to be married to Christ we're the Bride of Christ and to be married to Christ means to follow Christ and to do what Christ asks asks of us to do and he wants us to eat and be saved he wants us to be robed and be covered that's what Christ asks for us don't you love that what he requires of us is His goodness his grace his kindness it's all there if somebody will accept it but some people don't want all of Christ and they're gonna miss out Christ you see that's the problem we see here point number three a possible illustration of the church and of Jesus Christ but then that brings us to number four and our final point of the morning so you've you've got first of all this past situation the day of Isaiah you got a prophetic implication it's cut it's gonna come down on these people even as it will on us and then number three you have a possible illustration of the church in Jesus but then number four you have a personal application and that is you and I we are called to be the Bride of Christ if you're a Christian we've been made ugly by our sin and there's a stench and a bloated baldness that's us where that that ugly bride but we're in a desperate situation and you know what's interesting our need is the same as these seven women remember the the five things I went over identity genealogy safety intimacy and authority those are the same things you and I need we need identity who are we what is what are we all about and and one of the great things about being a real Jesus following Bible believing Christian is we have identity in Christ it's acts you know chapter 17 verse 28 says in him we live and move and have our being everything that we have is in Christ what about genealogy is our life fruitful that's the thing we talked about the woman wanted to be fruitful and childbearing we as Christians if we're linked to Christ we will be fruitful and you can see the fruit of being linked as we abide in the vine Jesus will see good fruit John chapter 15 what about safety we have safety in Christ there's there's safety boy in these days of uncertainty people are longing for something that's stable Jesus is exactly what the doctor ordered in these times of CO vid 19 to have safety in Christ what about intimacy some of you are lonely right now because you're locked in and you know stuck in your house and you can't go anywhere black Christ be your friend oh what a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear I love that Jesus is our friend and there's a friend that sticks closer brother we have companionship and intimacy with Christ but then the authority we get to move and authority because of Jesus as Christians we can believe things and know that they're true and we can tell others with authority remember when Jesus spoke he spoke as one having authority not as the scribes and as the Pharisees we have authority in Christ in fact in 2nd Corinthians 10 verse 8 Paul said I should not boast somewhat not part me for though I should boast somewhat more of our Authority which the Lord has given us for edification not for your destruction that I should not be ashamed we have authority in Christ to build up and encourage and edify one another that's what Paul says these are the same things that these seven women lack and they only want to be linked to the bridegroom and name they're not going to get it but those who do link to the bridegroom in clothing what they wear and what they eat the bread and they are truly under his covering they're gonna have identity genealogy safety intimacy and authority you know it's interesting there's some people that just aren't gonna get this like these seven women I don't think they're getting that he doesn't want to be with them they're not willing to wear the clothes and eat the bread could it be that those churches those people that think they're Jesus people but they're really not could they be the ones that Jesus is talking about in Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 where it says this not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven in other words each a brand and treat wear the clothes you got to do the will of God many will say unto me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name we've done many many wonderful works and then I will profess to them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity there are those that will are not willing to eat his bread and not willing to wear his clothes that say Lord didn't we do a bunch of great stuff in your name and I'll say depart from me that wicked servant I never knew you I don't know about you but I don't want to be that clueless person that thinks they're linked to Jesus but or not who is it that is going to be truly saved and linked to the bridegroom it's the one who eats the bread drinks the cup and as their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life that's where it's at let me share with you one final verse of our text because this story doesn't end up all bad there's a small remnant of people that Isaiah says they're gonna make it check it out right after he says well not eat your bread will not eat wear your apparel only let us be called by your name verse 2 of chapter 4 says and in that day shall the branch of the Lord don't pause for a second the branch of the Lord the Lord there's all caps which means the Jehovah so it's the branch of Joe who's the branch of Jehovah the the word is net ser in the Hebrew I'll show you this on Wednesday night but that's Jesus the branch is a prophesying of the coming Messiah so in verse 2 we have this beautiful mention of Christ the branch of the Lord it says in that day the branch Lord be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for listen for them that are escaped of Israel there's gonna be a small group of people that will escape for their lives and be saved some of these bald bloated sick diseased women they're gonna want to have this guy but they're not gonna get it but there's a small group it says they're gonna escape and it says verse 3 and it shall come to pass that he that is left in Zion and he that remained this in Jerusalem shall be called holy even everyone that is written among the living in Jerusalem do you see what's happening here there's a small remnant of people as diseased and messed up as they were that they're gonna be saved and they're gonna be called holy and they're gonna their names are gonna be written down and they're gonna be the ones who are gonna make it that's the person you and I want to be we want to be the person who where's his clothes eats his food that were robed in his righteousness that we eat in the bread of life and that were married to him not just a name only but in truth being the Bride of Christ the church and having our names written in the Lamb's Book of Life can I say this you know if you're not a Christian the way you become a Christian is to repent of your sins and say I'm a stinky bald-headed bloated sinner my sin is true and the Lord is right and I repent and repentance means to change your mind about that sin and as you change your mind about the sin that you've committed then then what you do is you realize I need to confess Lord forgive me of my sins and then confess Romans 10 verse 9 of 10 if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart the lord jesus christ you will be saved that's what it says so if you're there at home and you're wondering am i a Christian am I am I in my sins still and or am I just a name sort of playing the Jesus game or Mayan truth the Bride of Christ you can make sure of that by accepting Jesus believing eating the bread being robed and righteous how do you do that Romans 10:9 then if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart the Lord Jesus Christ that God raised him up from the dead you will be saved man what a glorious promise that is so you can right where you're sitting if you truly repent of your sins am a sinner doesn't mean you're perfect it means you're perfectly forgiven I'm a sinner and lord I confess it you died on the cross for my sins you were buried but then also that you rose up from the grave that you had to believe that Jesus was more than just a man who died he was a man who died and rose if he didn't raise up from the grave you and I couldn't believe what he said because he just be like a normal person when Jesus rose from the grave the whole world was turned upside down and that's when people realized Jesus really is the Messiah so you can be saved by saying Lord I believe that you died on the cross for my sins rose from the grave and that I'm forgiven for all my sins and then and then Lord you to the rest give me that robe of righteousness wash me cleanse me heal me of the stench of the sin of my life and you get to be written in the Lamb's Book of Life the Bible says your name is there and so when you go up to the heaven when you die someday you will say man I'm here and the Lord will say enter in thou good and faithful servant why cuz you're robed because you've been eating his bread wearing his clothes man that's what I would wish for all of you hey if you've not done that do it right now right where you're sitting accept Christ believe confess your faith if you need to help with that we'd love to hear from you we'd love to get get a phone call or an email you know at info at Athey Creek com we'd love to hear from you or tell us hey today I confessed Christ as my savior and you're now the Bride of Christ tell us if you did that we'd love to hear from you also we'd love to encourage you if you know you even if you're a little foggy on how to do that and you're not sure you're doing it right call up the church office we'd love to talk with you on the phone or we could even you know you know FaceTime you know or whatever we'd love to connect with you that are just accepting Christ even maybe right now I love that we have the answer you know in these dark uncertain times of coronavirus cove in nineteen with you know sickness and and disease around the world a lot of people are pretty depressed right now and if your life is all about your jewelry and your nose-ring and being happy and healthy and fun and all that it does seem like we need to understand those things that can all come to an end like that we see it right now you know the big spring break partiers they're on Paul in Panama City we're down there you know busting a move on the beach and act like nothing was happening but now they're showing that kids are getting sick just as much as you know like teenagers and Millennials and Gen Z are getting sick just as much as the old people and you know instead of just trying to survive this world and all the bad stuff that's going on would it be better for us just to link ourselves to Christ then no matter how bad it gets here we can put our trust in him we can put our faith in him we can find our comfort in him our protection with him you know like like all these things that these seven Brides were looking for we find in Christ so man go to Jesus Jesus is the answer for the world today above him there's no other Jesus is the way would you pray with me as we close the service and Lord we are so thankful that you choose a bride that's pretty flawed it's pretty messed up pretty sinful and and you robust and righteousness you wash us and you cleanse us and you you you present to yourself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle Lord you're the one who does that you're the one who pulled us out of the miry clay you're the one who pulled us out of sickness and death and disease so Lord we put our hope in you forgive us where we put our trust in men or material goods or our poor financial portfolio or whatever we were trusting in two weeks ago Lord where we find ourselves a bit shaken this week may we put our trust in you be with your church Lord I pray that our lights would shine during this time that others might know you and hear of you I pray that there'd be a calm on your church that we would have a quiet confidence Lord in you just bless your people Lord I pray thank you for saving us thank you for the hope of heaven that we have and we bless you in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 4,654
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Micah DePaoli, Oregon, Through the Bible, Isaiah, love, bride, Christ
Id: SAttX4qIE58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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