Through the Bible (Isaiah 60-61)

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[Music] isaiah chapter 60. we uh last week finished up a section that's kind of uh kind of heavy um there in you know the book of isaiah but now in chapter 60 kind of an interesting passage because uh well for many reasons but one is which one of which you may not ever hear pastors talk about isaiah 60 through 66. it's not a scripture people just gravitate to and i'll tell you i have some theories as to why people you don't find a lot of sermons or uh series on isaiah 60 onward it has to do with some people think it's difficult to understand what it's all about and and i can understand that it with some of the biblical views as it relates to end times eschatology or the the way the end times are going to roll out this has caused great confusion in these passages because people don't know what time period or what application to make of the various things that are said and so a lot of churches just avoid it all together but that's one of the things about going verse by verse is you kind of need to cover the whole thing but i think it actually is the solution to the whole problem because if you go verse by verse through the whole bible the sections that to a lot of people don't make sense uh do because you've covered the whole bible and it starts to come together nicely it's a little bit like when you're putting together a puzzle remember when you're a kid and you're trying to solve puzzles and you'd have pieces but some pieces just you couldn't figure it out until you got some of the other part of the puzzle figured out first then when you get that part figured out then the other pieces start fitting in nicely and eventually it all starts coming together i would argue that some of the different eschatological views that is um the way people believe the end times are gonna roll out or not roll out or you know there's all kinds of views out there um and i don't spend a lot of time talking about the other views because i'm i'm firmly believing in the pre-trib pre-millennial the rapture of the church that's that's the perspective i come from and you know if you're an amillennialist a lot of millennialists don't even know they're a millennialist you know if you're a catholic um you're probably a non-millennialist whether you know it or not um and that is the catholic church and and many even protestant churches believe that there's no literal millennial kingdom ah millennial no millennial kingdom and um and so that's a problem when you're talking about the millennium in the bible um that's why isaiah 60 and onward is difficult uh for catholics to read and understand because they don't really even believe in a literal millennial kingdom and so that makes it hard when you're talking about a literal millennial kingdom uh and um there's other views you know post-trib there's some people who don't believe in a rapture at all even though it is in the bible not the word itself but the idea of us being caught up in the air to meet the lord in the air uh harpabzo is the greek word used there caught up is the english the latin translation is rapture and so we have these notions in the bible that all these puzzle pieces come together quite nicely when you have that pre-millennial pre-trib view of when the rapture of the church is going to happen the second coming of christ the millennial kingdom when you see it as literal by the way that's one of the biggest things is a literal interpretation versus more of a figurative if you're not a millennialist you might be a preterist uh i've noticed a lot of the new reformed churches and that's kind of been sort of a hip trend uh with some lately in the past decade or so to become sort of a preterist where nothing is to be taken literally um i have a real simple argument uh really against that i'll just tell you what it is um you know i can understand uh 500 years ago not really wanting to take some of these biblical prophecies literally excuse me i mean like if if you're talking about you know israel uh the jews regathering into the holy land of israel in jerusalem and and uh becoming a mighty nation and all the nations of the world that would hate israel you know 500 years ago you'd have to say well that's not going to happen israel hasn't been a nation for 1500 years and they're never going to be another nation they've been scattered all over the world you would say these promises to israel must be figurative and must be speaking of the church and so this whole harebrained idea of the church replacing israel when you read the old testament you you take all the promises for the church and all the curses go to the jews and because of that kind of a notion on millennialism and what is today preterism when you take things figuratively um you you can have kind of some real problems when you're trying to go verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book through the bible um the puzzle pieces aren't going to connect for you uh you got to put all the pieces together and then it all starts to really come together nicely um i believe it's the pre-trib pre-millennial view that really fits and you can really defend the whole bible quite easily now and now i i mentioned the literal view of the bible that's that's so great today because now not 500 years ago but today god has done what he said he would do he's regathered the jews in israel they've become a mighty nation all the nations of the world are largely against the jews we see the ezekiel 38 prophecies that we talk about you know the nations that are going to be poised to attack israel in the latter days they're poised right now the very nation's listed in ezekiel 38 we talk about that in our prophecy updates um and so it's so easy to see a literal uh view of biblical prophecy today um and uh i i think that um it's unfortunate that a lot of churches have bailed out on bible prophecy because um they just can't figure it out so why talk about it it's too controversial or it's too divisive they say there shouldn't be anything divisive about bible prophecy it's an in-house discussion we can talk about it and and hopefully you know agree to disagree if if that's the case but but it's my purpose and my plan to show how it's so much easier to take the bible literally and go with the pre-trib pre-millennial view now one of the things you'll hear people talk about is dispensationalism and some people are critical of that um but i believe that dispensationalism is something that helps make sense uh and even answer some seeming contradictions in the bible um you know uh president barack hussein obama made one of these contradictions um statements where he said what are we going to do you know believe the bible when it says we're to take our children if they're disobedient and take them outside of the city and stone them to death and the bible does say that by the way it's in the bible how many of us would have survived that if if we lived when you're supposed to be taken outside of the city and stoned to death as a child when you disobey your parents i think we'd all be pretty much toast if that were the case so why does the bible say that well that's a very good question i'm glad you asked the bible says it because there was a time period let's put it this way a dispensation of time where god put a certain law on the people of israel the jews it was the law of moses given to them in the scriptures and you know let me just read to you before we get into you know isaiah 60 um ephesians chapter one uh verse eight says you know paul's explaining this to the ephesians he says wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence having made known unto us the mystery of his will isn't that something we all want to know as the mystery of god's will it's a bit of a mystery knowing what god's will is people ask me that all the time but how do you know god's will well one of the things he says the lord he has made known in dust the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he has purposed in himself listen that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in christ both which are in heaven and that which is on the earth even in him that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together to get all one this is something that the lord does in dispensation of time so let me go over that really briefly because this this will help make sense of isaiah chapter 16. i'm not just trying to give you um you know a lecture on dispensationalism but um you know what is dispensationalism well the ideas that the lord has given us dispensations of time um that are that and by the way people get confused and get all defensive on this one they're not paths to salvation during those dispensations of time let me just say this christ died on the cross for the sins of the whole world and hebrews says he died once for all the reason abraham was able to be counted to righteousness is because jesus died on the cross for his sins now abraham would look forward into history when christ would die we look back through history when christ died but christ died for our sins and died for abraham's sins so we're not making the case that there's different ways to salvation in different times there's not paths to salvation but there are manners in which god the dispensations of times are manners in which god related to humanity or dealt with humanity each dispensation you know includes kind of a recognizable pattern um you know how god would work with people living in that specific dispensation of time um you know the pattern tends to be there's some kind of a responsibility given to man and then there was a failure with man and then there would be judgment before men and then there would be grace for those people and that pattern is seen in all the dispensations um but dispensationalism does tend to result in a pre-millennial interpretation of christ's second coming uh which is the view that that we hold um and and usually also a pre-trib tribulation view of when the rapture is going to happen uh so to summarize dispensationalism is a theological you know system that the scriptures show us that emphasizes literal interpretation of bible prophecy it recognizes a distinction between israel and the church and it organizes the bible into different dispensations or administrations of time generally there are seven agreed upon dispensations of time and i'm i'm not going to go in depth you can look this up um and and study dispensationalism further but um the first age is innocence you might say genesis 1 1 to genesis 3 7. that is when you know adam and eve were made and there was a dispensation where they were in good relationship with god what a we'll call that the dispensation of innocence because there was no sin yet that was a very short-lived dispensation but what a glorious one that will be i wonder if that's going to be something like the millennial kingdom um when we'll be all good with god and the world will be without sin and there won't be in a fallen state any longer but we call that the age of innocence and god walked with man in the cool of the day would you agree that that we don't walk with god in the same way that adam and eve walked with god before the sin and that's called the age of innocence the second one is conscience um that's when suddenly they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and they their knower their conscience uh convicted them of their own sin remember they ran and hid themselves that's genesis 3 8 through genesis chapter 8 verse 22. that's the age of conscience of where they knew that they were in in sin and that was a different time period and the way god dealt with their sin do you remember what he did he made skins animal skins and clothed them and that's how god covered their nakedness and it's kind of an interesting dispensation of the way god was dealing with humanity at that time but then there came in the next dispensation of time what we would call human government genesis 9 1 through genesis 11 32. um human government by the way each one of these dispensations tend to be linked to certain people especially um you know where um you know the the government of humanity would fail us you know and there you got the tower of babel in that whole story but then you have the the dispensation of promise um genesis chapter 12 through exodus 19 25 a promise to abraham um uh or um sort of a covenant if you would um you know for the jewish people that god would make an everlasting covenant with them and you might call that the abrahamic covenant and this was by the way before the law was given before the law of moses there was this covenantal period abraham all the way through to moses with the jews where there was this covenantal relationship that god had with the jews but that would bring us to the next dispensation if you would the law the giving of the law and that's of course exodus chapter 20 verse 1 and that would carry all the way to new testament time the jews would be under the law all the way to what i might say acts chapter 2 verse 4. the reason i go to acts 2 on that is because that's when the church started the day of pentecost in acts chapter 2. the resurrected jesus changed the dispensation to the next one called grace so the law period was exodus 20 chapter 20 all the way through acts chapter 2 the jews god dealing with humanity according to jewish law but then the next one would be what we might call the the dispensation of grace or you might call it the church age the dispensation of the church and that goes from acts chapter 2 all the way to revelation chapter 20. and that's going to be the church age you know you might you might even say that goes through revelation chapter you know three and four uh or or even five but then you see the rapture of the church in uh the heavenly scene in the early part of the book of revelation and then you have after the church age there there is a tribulation period seven years and the lord's going to deal differently with humanity in that time period as well um and then there's another one the last time which you might call the millennial kingdom thousand years after that so there are times that god intervened and dealt with humanity in different ways with different requirements even um but at the same time none of them were contrary to the other or contradicted contradictory to the other you might say brett why does god have different seasons and dispensations of time don't know for certain but there's evidence that god is wanting to train humanity to teach humanity to prepare humanity for whatever it is that the future holds in the millennial kingdom and even after that after the new heaven and the new earth god is building within us understandings and there's going to be hints and evidence of each one of those dispensations i think in the millennial kingdom we'll even see tonight for example in the dispensation of the law you know we in the church age galatians makes it clear that we are no longer under the law that's the mistake by the way that barack hussein obama made when he said what are we going to do take our children out and stone him if we're going to follow the bible that was the dispensation of the law when the jews were under the law and and uh and we gentiles in the church we are not under the law the law was a school master it served a purpose galatians says to drive us to jesus christ so we as christians we don't have to keep the law we're not under the law by the way this is the same thing is true the law is good for study and we learn from it but if you're trying to keep the law if you're going to try to keep one point in law you've got to keep all points of the law have you ever had somebody say the bible says you can't get a tattoo leviticus tells us that you're not supposed to mark your skin have you seen that one heard that one it's nice if you're a mom and dad trying to make your case with your kids but if your kids are smart they'd say mom and dad should we also not dad should you not shave the corners of your beard because right next to that when it says don't mark your skin also says don't shave the corners of your beard so you gotta let the the sides of your beard kind of grow out and become spit curls like the jews if you're you know or or also stone your kid if he's disobedient see we're not under those old testament laws now there's other arguments you could make for uh you know tattoos and stuff like that but but uh i think it's a real hard one to make a law old testament argument out of it because that was a different dispensation of time god was intervening with the jewish people in a different way now the reason i tell you all that is because it makes the bible really come to life and and you start to see what god's doing and the and when you understand which dispensation we're talking about it brings real clarity to the discussion and if you don't have that understanding that god deals differently through the ages with different people groups and what have you then it can almost seem like the bible's contradictory do you kill your children if they're disobedient or not uh and you see people like to make those uh what i call a false dilemma uh it's it's putting the lord in this false dilemma that never really was it's that god is doing different work through the dispensations of time just like ephesians 1 says i hope that helps because see this is why isaiah 60 and 61 has been so challenging for people to rightly uh interpret is because they don't understand the millennial kingdom is going to be so different than the dispensation we live in presently i know people that think the kingdom of god when it comes is going to be just like this only christ is going to be ruling from jerusalem but you'll still be working your job you know we'll still be dealing with things like the coronavirus and stuff like that they almost think like business as usual but but when i read the bible and i read about the millennial kingdom it's going to be supernatural it's going to be totally different than what we have right now your body is not going to be the same your your existence is going to be different people are going to live instead of you know if a person dies at 100 years old the bible says in the millennial kingdom it'll be like a three-year-old a preschooler dying um you know the longevity of life is going to be so much longer and you know we're even going to talk about how will there even be a need for the sunshine um man i love the sun we've had some beautiful days here in uh portland i'm so thankful that september you know we've been ending on these 85 degree days and stuff because it's we felt like we got a little robbed from all the smoke weeks uh of september but the lord has been gracious we see the bright shining sun there's nothing that makes you feel better than the sun you know get your vitamin d and uh feeling really good with the sunshine of course smoke rolled in tonight a little bit from southern california fires but um but i do love that sunshine and and the thing is humanity loves sunshine it feels good to yes to us but in the millennial kingdom there's going to be a whole different thing than the sun and it's not going to be a lesser people but what is what about the sword you won't even think about it because there's something that's going to be better we'll even show you that lord willing tonight because the millennial kingdom the thousand years of christ ruling and reigning on this earth is going to be so different so miraculous so beautiful you know it's going to make this look like nothing so don't be duped into thinking we have to usher in the kingdom ourselves there's a dominion now kingdom now theology that says we have to elect christian officials and we have to save everybody in the world before the kingdom of god can be ushered in by us that's just wrong and the bible says in the last days perilous times will come things are going to get worse and worse and that's what we're seeing um and if you're a kingdom now pastor good luck trying to convince your congregation things are really good right now things are getting better i've heard pastors try to make that case people are not feeling that nor does the bible teach that bible says in the last days men will grow worse and worse and that's what we're seeing then it's during that time the lord is going to return the second coming of christ and he's going to usher in his kingdom i hope this is making uh you know sense to you because there is a lot of teaching out there that it's kind of dismiss diminishing or even dismissing the things that i'm sharing with you there and some people like to try to you know um argue against that but i believe that if you were on a desert island and you read the bible cover to cover and all you had no commentaries no youtube uh you know all these people saying different theories i believe the most natural easy understanding of the whole bible contextually working together to be god's plan for humanity is is what i just explained these these seasons of time throughout history we're in the church age right now um the next season of time is going to be when when what we call the day of the lord when god flips a switch it's going to be a switch the church is going to be raptured and the lord's going to pour out his wrath on a christ rejecting sinful world he's not doing that right now that'll be a different dispensation the time of tribulation that's coming and then the millennial kingdom is going to be totally different even from that so uh i hope that helps make sense of this now the reason all of that because we're talking about the millennial kingdom largely mostly here in isaiah chapter 60. and that's why we start off with these good words by the way just a quick reminder in chapter 59 um we left off last wednesday with these words verse 20 and the redeemer shall come to zion remember zion is a name of jerusalem specifically the temple mount in jerusalem and so the redeemer we know who that is you and i as bible students know that's speaking of jesus the redeemer jesus shall come to zion and so in chapter 59 now um that's still sort of uh pre-millennial type talk but the redeemer coming to zion when that happens now we're talking millennial kingdom and that's what happens in verse 1 of chapter 60. we are seeing the second coming of christ now one of the things that isaiah as a writer one of the tools he uses literary tools is to sort of talk about something as if it's already happened but it's still yet in the future now you say well why does he do that it helps us sort of get a sense of what it's going to be like but don't be confused it hasn't already happened yet it's going to i hope that helps so what happens in chapter 60 verse 1 arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the lord is risen upon thee for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee just like the sun rise in the morning that's what the millennial kingdom's going to be this whole world is getting darker getting dirtier getting sadder we're seeing it and people are discouraged right now isn't that something i see such despair whether you're talking about the coronavirus which is really tough we have a um a brother in the church who um uh contract to the coronavirus is struggling we're all praying for his health and for his recoveries in the hospital um but you know you you it's it's depressing this whole coronavirus thing and and then all the anger and hatred and vitriol about what you should do about it and the division about how to solve the the current you know sickness and stuff um and some people overreacting and and shutting down the whole you know country and other people opening up the country and people are divided on this um and so there's there's despair and darkness you know if you saw the presidential debate last night you know um uh who won who lost well there's a lot of people are saying the american people and and they're saying it's because it was just such a kind of a brutal you know knock down drag out uh debate and people are arguing about this and that the other thing no matter what your political political opinions are you know it's just sad where we are as a country um but it's not just the united states that's feeling this you know the whole world is looking for leadership they're struggling there's just kind of a heaviness and darkness on the earth and i think that's easy to defend and show globally there's trouble we'll talk more about that i think on friday but the millennial kingdom when christ returns it's going to be like the morning sun you know that's coming up on the horizon and light is gonna shine what a beautiful picture this uh isaiah gives to us the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness on the people but the lord shall rise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee the light of god jesus gave us a glimpse of that didn't he when when jesus came he declared unto them i am the light of the world but but we have no idea you know in a sense jesus came you know as a humble servant in the form of a man but when he comes the second coming we're going to see him in his glory and he's going to be very different than what we saw just as the carpenter from nazareth you know the second coming of christ he's going to come in brightness and light now by the way the gentiles are talked about now now for you you know that are just kind of jumping into the bible newly keep in mind jews are god's chosen people and the bible especially the old testament is very jewish centered folk and focused on the jews and the dispensations that are related to the jew the time period you know like the law that's why so much of what we read about in exodus leviticus and all that is is about the jewish people but here in isaiah the gentiles and now gentiles are anybody who's not a jew uh you know whether it's you know us americans or greek people or you know the romans of biblical time you know they were gentiles non-jewish people and the thing is the millennial kingdom will be made up of jews and god has a big plan for the jews in the millennial kingdom but the gentiles will also be there and so this light that's shining on the earth will shy shine both on jew and gentile check it out verse 3 and it says and the gentiles shall come to thy light you might even say they are and have been doing that for a long time we the church of jesus christ have been coming to the light for you know a couple thousand years now but maybe this is even talking about in the millennial kingdom i'll show you what i mean here and the gentiles shall come to thy light verse 3 and the kings to the brightness of thy rising lift up thine eyes round about and see all they gather themselves together they come to thee thy sons shall come from far thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side then shalt thou see and flow together and thine heart shall fear and be enlarged because the abundance of the sea or the nations is the idea there the abundance of the nations or the sea shall be converted unto thee the forces you'll see in your margin the wealth uh is what that could be a translation uh converted and see and the forces or wealth of the gentiles shall come unto thee to who well if you're if you're saying something's coming from the gentiles to someone else who is that the jews during the millennial kingdom all that the gentiles have in wealth will be given to coming to the jewish person during the millennial kingdom and it says verse 6 the multitude of camels shall cover thee the dromedaries of midian and ipath and they they from sheba shall come and shall be bring gold and incense and they shall show forth the praises of the lord when the lord comes in the millennial kingdom and to rule and reign the gentile nations the jews i think will be gathered in jerusalem around the throne of jesus who's going to rule and reign during the millennial kingdom but the gentiles are going to come from afar and they'll be bring gold and and frankincense and uh and wealth is the idea kind of like his first coming remember when jesus came in his humble first coming and they the wise men brought gold frankincense and myrrh hey brett why don't they bring myrrh here in isaiah 60. good good that you asked um notice there's only gold and fragrances gold you know speaks of christ's deity frankincense speaks of christ's intervening and intercession on behalf of us myrrh in the you know nativity scene of jesus speaks of his death because myrrh was that spice they used to embalm the body of of a dead person and jesus so the gold speaks of his deity frankincense speaks of his intervening on humanity and myrrh speaks of his death in his second coming there's no death coming his second coming they're just bringing gold and frankincense i think that's really interesting that they're going to be bringing gifts like they did in the first coming but that's going to be different in the second coming and there's no need for the myrrh because christ already died christ died once for all he's coming as a risen savior in the millennial kingdom and the nations including the midianites and people from sheba which is around saudi arabia and really the gentiles from all over the world are going to come and bring you know those kind of gifts so again you can see why this is confusing to people that don't understand the millennial kingdom and and christ coming is second coming this would be hard to make sense of if you don't know that that's what we're talking about well he goes on and says verse seven all the flocks of kedar which is probably modern-day kuwait we have a few athey creakers in kuwait in our serving in our military uh we should always keep them in prayer um but uh kuwait's that sort of place down there in the in that region of of what we're talking about here in verse six uh kedar and and shall be gathered together unto thee the rands of nineveh then shall minister unto thee they shall come up with the acceptance of mine altar and i will glorify the house of my glory so there's a bunch here uh first of all who are the people of kedar i told told you somewhat today it's kuwait but uh nibao uh that group of people this is probably speaking mostly of just arabs um nibiot was the oldest son of ishmael remember abraham had isaac but he also had ishmael ishmael was not the promised son but ishmael the ishmaelites became what is known as the arab people the people of uh isaac became the people of god the jews and they've been battling it out ever since from ishmael and isaac all the way to the present day in the millennial kingdom there will be arabs and that region of the arabs that will come gathering together and ministering to the to the jews that's very different than what we see today but that's going to be seen in the millennial kingdom so nabaot was the oldest son of ishmael and kedar was also a son of ishmael so we could be talking about the arab people and it says they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar in the millennial kingdom there'll be a millennial temple we'll talk about that in the book of ezekiel coming up um the various temples and the millennial temple that jesus will rule and reign from during that time period in the future the millennial kingdom there's a temple with an altar and i will glorify the house of my glory will there be an altar in the millennial kingdom yes will there be animal sacrifice in the millennial kingdom right now during the church age there's no animal sacrifice there's a different dispensation of time during the dispensation of the law the jews were to sacrifice animals and and sheep and goats and bulls and rams and birds there was the law and that's what they did and you say will that ever be reinstituted the animal sacrifice during the millennial kingdom the answer is yes read ezekiel chapter 40 uh through 44 and you'll see that there'll be a reinstituting of animal sacrifice now some people might say brett what's the point um you might say then what's the point of communion the reason we take communion in the church age this is what christ requires this is what god requires of us in the church age do we remember jesus dying on the cross for our sins by slaying a lamb and putting it on an altar no that's the requirement of the law dispensation for the jews during that time period for us in the church age it's to go to the table and eat of the bread and drink of the cup and remember the lamb that would be slain for the sins of the world during the millennial age they're going to reinstitute animal sacrifice on the altar in jerusalem and it'll be to commemorate what jesus did to save us and the and the world and the jews from their sins and it'll be a reminder of what actually took place um on the cross uh one of the things each one of those dispensation periods that i talked about at the beginning have little snapshots and things that point to the cross or did the the cross show up in the very first dispensation of innocence or or or conscience in the garden of eden remember the proto-evangelium the first mention of the gospel where the seed of the woman born of a woman virgin is that you there would crush the head of a serpent that was the mention that was the uh point there in the age of conscience uh speaking of the cross i mean you know you could even talk about the animal sacrifice when when god took skins from an animal and covered adam and eve of their sins those skins pointed to the cross every dispensation through the ages has pointed us to the cross in some way shape or form and then some of them were even required commemorations whether it was sacrificed on an altar when we read in the book of hebrews there's no more lamb bull ram or goat sacrifice for offering why because we're in the dispensation of grace the church age and i'm thankful for that that we don't have to slay a lamb on an altar i love that we can go to the table and eat and drink of our lord the bread and the cup and that's the way we do it in this dispensation um i hope this helps answer because um people that are not believing in dispensationalism um they they have a hard time explaining well why don't we sacrifice things anymore why don't we not get tattoos because um why don't we slay our children if they're disobedient the answer is because we don't live under the law it's a different time god has different requirements for his people during these times god's not changing some people will say dispensational is god chain you know changing his mind no dispensationalism is god rolling out his plan through the ages to teach us to show humanity what we need to know and learn to prepare us for the millennial kingdom and the new heaven and the new earth after that um and it's all part of god's plan and purpose he knew he was going to do it long before he ever did it so all that to say um i love this it's it's talking about that period where people will go to jerusalem to sacrifice in the temple there in verse 7. verse 8 goes on who are these that fly as a cloud as the doves to their windows surely the isles again probably a name for the nations the isles that shall wait for me and the ships of tarshish first to bring thy sons from far their silver and their gold with them unto the name of the lord thy god and to the holy one of israel because he hath glorified thee boy this this uh topic of conversation is is interesting um the jews are going to somehow uh fly from afar with the ships of tarshish what is that now tarshish is an interesting one because um it's used in two ways in the bible it's definitely a place and many scholars believe it's england tarshish is english england or the british and it could be that but in bible times when they talked about ships of tarshish it was almost like it was an idiom for ships that came from a far ways off and it could be just an idiom for that uh speaking of this but the ships of tarshish uh what are they gonna do now we're gonna bring thy sons the jewish sons from afar their silver and their gold with them unto the name of the lord thy god the holy one of israel because he hath glorified thee so jews are going to be being gathered now they are gathering now and some believe this is talking about that and it could be but it's mostly i think even in the millennial kingdom there's still going to be a gathering of jewish people remember in romans chapter 11 it says then when the fullness of the gentiles come in all of israel will be saved and i believe at the beginning of the millennium as the sun rises here in chapter 60 one of the things that's going to happen is the rest of the jews that have yet to gather will be gathered and they'll fly from afar and the jews will go to jerusalem and they've got a real purpose there we're going to learn what the jews role is in future studies here they're going to serve christ in the temple in jerusalem the jews are going to live in jerusalem during the millennial kingdom and will all of them i think so it's possible that every jew on the earth will come to jerusalem uh during the millennial kingdom um and i wouldn't die on that battlefield and make a you know huge issue of that but it does seem that that might be just what happens here the lord's gonna bring them on the ships of tarshish whatever those are perhaps britain maybe 747s maybe something miraculous supernatural but somehow the jews are all going to get to jerusalem according to this scripture verse 10 and the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls and their kings shall minister unto thee or serve thee the jews for in my wrath i smote thee but in my favor have i had mercy on thee that's what the lord has done with the jews because of their rebellion the lord smote them spanked them and they have been in that spanked status for quite some time you know the jews have had a tough go because of their you know breaking of their law the uh the rejection of the messiah um the many jews in israel today are atheists but the lord is going to bring them uh and gather them even though he smote them he will have mercy on them therefore verse 11 thy gate shall be opened continually they shall not be shut day no night that men may bring unto thee the the forces again that's the word wealth of the gentiles and that their kings may be brought for the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish yea those nations shall utterly be wasted um so you say some of you uh potheads are like wasted cool the nation's gonna get wasted no that means they're gonna be totally destroyed um what nations are gonna be destroyed mark this note this be clear on this the nations that says here uh it says here for the nation and kingdom that will not serve serve thee the jews shall perish yea those nations shall be utterly wasted um by the way uh this sort of couples well with what the gospel of matthew talks about there's coming a judgment where the lord's gonna divide out the nations in matthew chapter 25 the judgment of the sea the sheep and the goats and that's going to be judging the nations who treated jews nicely and who treated jews badly um the nations that are hating the jews the lord's going to judge those nations and it's going to it's going to be fully seen and realized during the millennial kingdom that's when you'll see that judgment of the sheep and the goats realized to the fullest degree is there what we're talking about in verse 12. there in verse 13 the glory of lebanon shall come unto thee the fir tree the pine tree the box together a beaut to beautify the place of my sanctuary and i will make the place of my feet glorious the sons also of them that afflict thee shall come bending unto thee and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet and they shall call thee the city of the lord the zion of the holy one of israel by the way you know throughout the bible the lord tells us who owns jerusalem isn't that interesting because uh the world cup argues to this day who owns jerusalem who does jerusalem belong to and depending on your political views and your biblical views or not having biblical views some people say it belongs to the arab the some you know nations say the islamist third most holy site in islam so the muslims own jerusalem the jews are occupiers the world tries to say but as it turns out the bible says jerusalem belongs to god isn't it funny that there's a city on the planet that god says yep that's my city it's not you know portland obviously it's not dundee it's not new york city it's it's jerusalem that god he says i have put my name on jerusalem and here in isaiah during the millennial kingdom god's going to take total ownership of jerusalem and that's what it's saying you know they shall call the um and the city of the call of jerusalem the city of jehovah the word lord there is in all caps so it's the city of jehovah the zion of the holy one of israel that's god god is going to take possession of jerusalem so when you're talking to people about the arab-israeli conflict and the palestinian debate don't get caught up this is where again some of our people that don't take the bible literally get into real trouble because in zechariah 12 and zechariah 14 it says those in the last days who will try to divide jerusalem in half are handling a cup of trembling and they're going to be dealing with deadly poison it's like a brutal thing when you try to divide jerusalem and boy that sure has turned out true all the nations that have tried to you know divide jerusalem that doesn't work out so well for them um it is interesting because uh you know the cup of trembling has happened we've seen that i think it's going to be further realized in the last days but even our former president um you know again obama he said we need to get back to the 1967 borders in israel which is a scary thing for us bible prophecy people when he said that because that border of 67 chops jerusalem in half half of it goes to the palestinians half of it goes to the jews and that that's something the bible says in the last days they'll try to do that now some of you might say well trump did the same thing with his you know deal of the century that he made with the jews and the and he tried to reach out to the arabs the palestinians um and i i think that you should know this if you're if you're a student of uh the geopolitics and the bible one thing you should know about the trump peace deal that he attempted to make with the palestinians and the jews did you notice how netanyahu and the jews were all excited about it but the palestinians didn't even give it the time of day and i i want you to know that was intentional he knew the trump deal knew what the palestinians were going to do they sort of offered them a a deal which included the possibility of dividing up jerusalem and israel and some of you might say well see they're trying to divide jerusalem but it's pretty clear if you understand the politics of it they were making it a deal that they knew that the palestinians would absolutely reject and they did and by the way their plan is working right now whether you like it or not um what's happened the palestinians so stoutly rejected the peace deal that other nations who are kind of worried about iran and afraid and knows that israel is the only safe place in the middle east right now there's nations beating down the door saying we want to make peace now with israel we want to be on israel's side the palestinians are being left behind by the way the palestinians i feel sorry for they're just upon in the mid in the middle of a horrible arab israeli conflict that's happened for centuries um and the palestinian people are sweet many of them i've i've met to and know and love and i have friends that are palestinians and i'm not making a statement about what i think about palestinians but i am making a statement on does jerusalem belong to the palestinians um and the answer is no the arabs are trying to make that case um and um you need to understand the history of israel and the way that all who the palestinians really are there's so much misinformation out there but all that to say the arab israeli deal that trump presented was really aroused to show that they're not interested in peace at all and the palestinians and the arabs representing them the hamas and hezbollah and iran they actually just don't want israel at all they want to wipe them off the map they want to drive the jews into the ocean and call it a day and that's what trump and netanyahu that peace deal was shaking out once they showed that then bahrain and uae and i think there's other nations that are going to follow are signing peace treatings right now first time in 25 years peace treaties have been signed with the israelis by arabs the last time was uh the um jordanians uh 20 25 years ago and then years before that the egyptians but other than that we haven't had any peace deals but now peace deals are coming in by the droves and and we're gonna see more i think uh perhaps so it is an interesting time now some of you say what does that do about the end times bret israel is suddenly at peace with all these nations fits perfectly with bible prophecy remember in ezekiel 38 prophecy it says that before the gog magog invasion they're going to be a time of peace and safety and there's going to be nations that will attack israel but there's also nations that will be aligned with israel and the ones that are signing peace deals right now are the very ones the bible said would be on their side so it's actually fulfilling bible prophecy as we speak and it's pretty exciting but i'm off the track now talking about all that the point is jerusalem belongs to god and that should be the end of the discussion he put his name on it and during the millennial kingdom this will be the end of that discussion they'll even the gentiles will all say um and bow down to the lord and say the lord uh the city is belongs to the lord and the the zion of the holy one of israel that's verse 14. verse 15 whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated so that no man went through thee i will make thee an eternal excellency a joy of many generations wow again you know how can we believe in replacement theology that god's done with the jews when he's talking to the jews through the prophet isaiah about the millennial kingdom saying you've been forsaken and hated by the world jews but um i'm going to make you an eternal excellency and a joy of generations that's what's gonna that's what the jewish people are gonna be um boy i probably shouldn't go into all this but did you hear the proud boys discussion in the debate last night and um why are people calling them white supremacists and racists like you know biden is called even today on his train trip he was talking about the proud boys being racist and white supremacists and some of you might say brett i saw african-american guys on the proud boys team and then there are um so are they white supremacists and who are they now i you know i'm an equal opportunity offender if you remember i showed the black lives matter's a marxist group that wants to you know tear apart the nuclear family like i i showed how black lives matter something that a christian can't support as an organization of course black lives matter of course but the organization is demonic and satanic and you don't want to be a part of black lives matter just telling you if you're a christian look at their statement on their website by the way they removed the destroying of the nuclear family comment um on their their thing but that's still their thing along with lgbtq uh totally supporting that uh and other things that as christians we we're not really wanting to promote but i'll also tell you about other things i told you about how we have to be careful with qanon and there tends to be um a sort of a back side of that that can be anti-semitic um and probably talk more about that at some other time but be careful who you align yourself with christians i'm finding that i'm going to align myself with the church of jesus christ and that's my organization that i'm going to trust but proud boys one of the reasons they're called white supremacists just so you know is the founder or one the founder of proud boys uh did a rant i think he did a rant somewhere and made a video ten things i hate about jews and um and he he's uh pretty anti-semitic very anti-semitic and that's another reason why you'll never see me marching with the proud boys just like i won't march with blm because the proud boys as much as some of you might want to be behind them because you're saying man god guns in the american flag as much as i love i love this country and i thank the lord for our second amendment rights and i'm i'm a proud american for sure but we have to be careful who we align ourselves with make sure that when you jump on board an organization because you think they look cool or side with your thing check their statements check who they are and what they believe and minimally i haven't looked deeply into the proud boys but um their their origins their founder who's no longer with them by the way he's the reason that uh you know some of the people are saying they're white supremacists and like the ku klux klan it's because of their statements about jews particularly there might be other things that makes them that i don't know you'll have to do your own homework on that but uh but be careful who you side with anybody who sides with anti-semitism that means to be hating jews as a christian you and i have no business being a part of those groups we should run from our for our lives from that because the bible says i will bless those who bless the jews and i will curse those who curse the jews it's just that simple we need to be on the correct side of this now the jews have been hated for millennia now and and we see it right here in in our verse it says verse 15 whereas thou has been forsaken and hated boy that's the truth nobody's hated anybody like people have hated the jews well brett it's like the racism of african-americans african slaves i would say anti-semitism is worse i'll tell you why by the way one of the things the proud boys guy founder said is the holocaust wasn't really as bad as they said it was and he was minimizing the holocaust even saying that not not really six million people died i mean he sounds like ahmadinejad of iran suddenly this guy saying the holocaust really wasn't that big a deal but see the difference between racism and african-american you know horrible treatment that we've done there that's bad enough but nobody has said we're gonna totally annihilate all african americans off the planet i've never heard that agenda but that agenda has been applied to the jewish people many times whether you're talking about you know the emperor hadrian uh in the roman empire or you're talking about antiques epiphanies or if you're talking about pharaoh or if you're talking about adolf hitler there's been many times throughout history where they said we're going to annihilate the jews and wipe them off the face of the earth ethnically cleanse the earth of jews that's as bad as it gets and the lord says you've been hated all these centuries but during the millennial kingdom i will make thee an ex an eternal excellency and a joy for many generations one of the biggest things we're going to see in the millennial kingdom is jewish people will no longer be hated but they'll be exalted and they'll be blessed they'll be in the right mind uh unlike how they are now part of the persecution they've done or received is somewhat to their own doing not all but you know they've made some mistakes as a group of people like we all have but in the millennial kingdom all those things will be righted and there'll be an eternal joy that's going to be the future in the millennial kingdom verse 16 thou shalt also suck the milk of the gentiles and shall suck the breast of kings and thou shalt know that i the lord and thy savior and your redeemer the mighty one of jacob some of you are like brett what's that all about the jews are going to suck the breasts of the gentiles and the kings of the nations yes but in the bible times we get all weird on this imagery and stuff but the idea is the other nations are going to come and nourish the jewish people that's that's all that's being said there it's very flowery you know literary use of this idea of the breastfeeding you know on on the gentiles uh don't get all caught up in that uh other than this means that other nations are gonna come and bless and nourish israel during the millennial kingdom verse 17. for brass i will bring gold for iron i will bring silver for wood brass and for stones iron i will also make thy officers peace and thine exacter's righteousness violence shall no more be heard in my land wasting nor destruction within my borders but thou shalt call thy walls salvation and thy gates praise isn't it interesting that one of the only cities well one of the few cities in the world that still has walls and gates is jerusalem to this day but it says here that those walls and those gates are going to be a blessed city and there's no more violence isn't it interesting yeah roof shalem means city of peace jerusalem city of peace and it's not been that it's been the city of violence for many many years i've been there when bombs have gone off on buses and violence has sprouted you know decade after decade jerusalem and israel's been a speed bump for the generations of battles and armies that have marched through that region of the world um the history of israel is horrifying when it comes to blood and warfare and violence but during the millennial kingdom it'll be the epicenter of peace um verse 19 the son shall be no more remember i talked about the light and the sun and jesus is the coming and the rising of the sun in the millennial kingdom the sun verse 19 shall be no more by light by day neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee but the lord shall be unto thee and everlasting light and thy god thy glory thy son shall no more go down neither shall thy moon withdraw thy itself for the lord shall be thine everlasting light and the days of thy morning shall be ended you see what i mean how the millennial kingdom's going to be different than today it's not like we're going to just go on our normal oh it's normal day sunrise sunset sunrise sunset it's not going to happen in the millennial kingdom now the book of revelation sort of mentions this in revelation 21 uh listen to what says in verse 23 revelation 21 23 it says the city had no need of the sun neither of the moon to shine it for the glory of god did light it and the lamb that's jesus is the light thereof and the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and the kings of the earth you bring their glory and do honor to it so the book of revelation agrees with the book of isaiah about this no need for the sun if you want to get a suntan and get some vitamin d just bask in the light of the lord so we see that right here verse 21 thy people shall also uh all be righteous they shall inherit the land forever the branch of my planting the work of my hands that i may be glorified a little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation i the lord will hasten it in his time i'm going to make israel bigger stronger the things that are small i'm going to make big this is the lord just saying i'm going to bright shine brightly and breast bless greatly during the millennial kingdom quickly chapter 61 we looked at a good chunk of this on sunday um where jesus gave his first scripture reading in his ministry in that little synagogue in nazareth in luke chapter four but he read only a part of this and we looked at and if you missed this i i whether you knew it or not i was talking about dispensationalism that i started this study with tonight because we talked about what part of it's the millennial kingdom which part of it is um was for us today the church age and we found out that half of this is for us today because jesus said so the other half of it's for the millennial kingdom and he stopped reading in that section because he wanted to say to them today this is fulfilled in your ears he couldn't have said that the whole section if we read the whole thing so he stopped mid-sentence and and i'll show you where that is again but if you missed that study it's an important study on jesus the millennial kingdom and the current blessings of christ so it says verse 1 of 61 the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord hath anointed me that is jesus speaking here we know that from luke 4 anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord that's where jesus stopped mid-sentence and he closed the book and they sat down and they looked at him finished the sentence and he said today these things have been fulfilled in your ears all that we just read right there jesus is the fulfillment of that the first coming the second coming different dispensation of time the millennial kingdom starts right here he says to proclaim the acceptable lord and the day of vengeance of our god that's going to happen on the day of the lord the rapture of the church the tribulation period all that's going to kick in a whole different dispensation of god's wrath and vengeance and to comfort all that mourn who's mourning we've talked about that on sunday the jews are mourning at the wailing wall in jerusalem remember that verse three to appoint them that are mourning in zion who are that who are those people the jews mourning in zion to give unto them beauty for ashes that's what we were just reading about in chapter that god's going to take the violence and the hatred of the world of the jews and going to turn it into something beautiful beauty for ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he might be glorified so this is the promise in the millennial kingdom the jews are going to be no longer sad no longer disappointed or there's i i always refer to their music is it always a minor king every song you hear in jerusalem or in israel like very serious scary music because they've been so oppressed all the centuries their music is depressing forgive me if you're a jew and you like that kind of music forgive me but i like more major keys and and i believe jerusalem and the jews are going to be singing beautiful praise that's not in a minor key uh during the millennial kingdom well verse 4 and they shall build the old wastes they shall raise up the former desolations and they shall repair the waste cities the desolations of many generations and strangers shall stand and feed your flux and your sons of the aliens shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers but you shall be named the priests of the lord men shall call you the ministers of our god ye shall eat the riches of the gentiles and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves during the millennial kingdom the jews are going to have a specif specific role of ministering to the lord priests of the lord ministers of our god they're going to be in jerusalem ministering to the lord and sort of like the priests of the old testament who provided for the priests and the levites of the ministry the people they would give a tithe of their wheat and their grain and their food and their stuff and then the priest would be sort of supported by people kind of like taxes uh in a way but the millennial kingdom the jews will be provided for by the world as they serve god in the temple it's all laid out right here verse 7 for your shame you shall have double for your confusion they they shall rejoice in their portion therefore in their land they shall possess the double every everlasting joy shall be unto them you know the lord's going to make up for all the losses of the jews you know there's still horrible things that have happened to famous artwork and wealth of jews that were taken by the nazis during the holocaust and there's still artwork in people's houses hanging that belong to some jew that was some nazi you know there's still artwork that the germans and people are hiding there's even movies that i forget the name of that one movie there's one movie about this one woman who goes and retrieves artwork that would belong to her family uh but that kind of stuff you know um is still horrible lord said i'm going to give the jews double for all that had been taken so when you feel bad for the jews and the holocaust which we could and should the lord's going to make that right in the millennial kingdom for i the lord love judgment i hate robbery for burnt offering i will direct their work in truth i will make an everlasting covenant with them lord has made an everlasting covenant and you can talk about which one whether it's the abrahamic covenant or even the new covenant jeremiah 31 we can talk about that when we will when we get to jeremiah 31 and verse 9 their seed shall be known among the gentiles their offspring among the people all that see them shall acknowledge them that they are the seed which the lord hath blessed i will greatly rejoice in the lord my soul shall be joyful in my god for he hath closed clothed me with the garments of salvation he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments and as a bride adorneth herself with jewels now this roving of righteousness is such a glorious theme you've heard this one we've talked about this now some of you might say brett you know i'm a little troubled the context here is the millennial kingdom and he's talking about the jews you're right so can we not claim the robbing of righteousness the answer is we can claim the robbing of righteousness for a lot of reasons as gentiles as the church of jesus christ we've been grafted into the vine of the jew but the idea of being robed is not just an isaiah 61 verse but it's it's all throughout the bible even romans you know chapter 13 talks about it's high time to put off the clothing of darkness and put on the clothing of light put ye on the lord jesus christ jesus is our robe of righteousness according to romans 13 end of that chapter and we can apply this promise to the jews which is given to the jews we can't apply it to ourselves because of other scriptures that confirm that thank the lord for that um verse 11 for as the earth brings forth her bud as the garden causes uh the things that are sown in it to spring forth so the lord god will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations how is the lord going to bring righteousness into this world the same way when you see a plant grow by the way what part of you does it take for plants to grow the answer is nothing god does isn't it amazing when you you know you just plant a seed in a garden and uh you know a plant grows like that's just a miraculous thing and the lord is saying even as the plant grows with just my doing it that's how my kingdom's gonna be brought in that's why kingdom now dominion theology where we are gonna usher in the kingdom we're gonna be the ones to do all the work nope god is like a plant growing he's just going to let the sun rise jesus rise on the earth the second coming of christ the light's going to shine the earth is going to be brought into everlasting righteousness it's the kingdom that's coming and that's why jesus taught us to pray thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven the kingdom of god when it comes when jesus comes and rules from jerusalem it's going to be a glorious salvation for the jews but it's going to be a glorious existence for the whole world because we're going to be robed in righteousness everlasting kingdom new bodies new heaven new earth eventually it's going to be amazing something to look forward to this whole world is dark it's falling apart the lord says he's going to fold it up like an old garment and put it away and there's going to be just newness coming we have that to look forward to keep your eyes on jesus don't get all caught up in all the depression of things that are going on in the world i mean we need to know what's going on in the world but don't become part of this world be careful who you're aligning yourself with and joining forces with man we as christians we we're citizens of heaven let's keep our eyes on jesus there's no person trump or biden who's gonna save this this world or save the united states that's not gonna happen we're in big trouble because of sin and the answer to darkness and sin and evil and destruction and the world falling apart it's jesus and it's christ coming to make all the wrongs right and to have his light shining upon this earth that's what we should be looking forward to that's what we should be praying about and until that happens may our eyes be on jesus in jesus name let's pray and so lord tonight these two chapters really powerful exciting to hear about what your kingdom is going to be like but lord it's so so much that we read but at the same time so much that's still kind of a mystery but we know that it's going to be good and that's why you taught us to pray thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven that's what we pray tonight lord forgive us where we get caught up in this world's practices and scenes and get all frustrated by what's going on lord you you've told us everything that's going to happen there should be nothing that really surprises us as christians but we find ourselves surprised and shocked and blown away and depressed lord i pray that we'd turn our affection and our attention to you may we rest solely upon your word as it is truth lord thank you for the firm foundation of the scripture i pray that your church would be given to good doctrine good teaching solid biblical world view lord may we not be easily duped to following this group or that group or that movement or that emotional high lord may we be people of doctrine people of your word lord set firmly on the truth of scripture lord so we thank you for the study time tonight man bring forth good fruit in our lives we pray in jesus name amen amen well there it is we'll pick up in chapter 62 uh next week but until then may the lord bless you let's close with this song the lord bless thee and keep thee the lord make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee and be gracious unto thee the lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace and we'll see you guys on friday night god bless you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 4,218
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: _sChVOkraQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 14sec (4394 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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