s2-295 What's The Deal With The Devil Isaiah 14:12-17 Sunday 8am 05-03-2020

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so hey it's great to have you here we're and don't forget by the way to tag some photos of your crew as you're by yourself watching the service we love to see us since we can't see you here in the empty sanctuary it's nice for all of us to sort of connect a little bit and see who's on and joining us so that's that's great but also it would encourage you to worship the Lord check out what Psalm 95 says I've been recently just encouraged by this Psalm it says o come let us sing unto the Lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with Thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto Him with Psalms for the Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods in his hand are the deep places of the earth the strength of the hills is his also the sea is his and he made it and his hands formed the dry land o come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the Lord our maker for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the Sheep of his hand I love this there's so many things here but I think one of the things I was thinking about here as it says you know that he they the depths of the sea are in his hand you know in the deep places of the earth you know one of the most hostile places on this planet for human existence is on the deepest place of the earth you know and and to be be there is very dangerous and and yet God says yeah I got that in my hand no big deal the things that freaked us out the things that scare us God has them in the palm of his hand and one of the things that's also in the palm of his hand the Bible says as you are that if you're a believer if you're Christian you're in the palm of Xan where no man can pluck you out of his hand I'm just so thankful we have a God who's powerful and he was able to keep us from falling and he never lets the righteous fall and so on this Sunday morning we have so much to be thankful for to the Lord and this is a chance for us to worship and sing praise to His Holy Name let's do that together and let's let's pray and then we'll jump right in and Lord we are so thankful for what you've done in our lives or that you've saved us from sin and death Lord you've given us the hope of heaven but Lord you also keep us from falling and we're thankful that we can come together and stand here in your presence and bless your holy name so be glorified wherever people are watching and tuning in today lord I pray that you just make those places just little ministry minister sanctuaries where your name is exalted so we bless you we offer this time in Jesus name Amen amen all right let's roll [Music] [Music] you don't [Music] you know if you still there's [Music] yoo-hoo [Music] by [Music] especially just be [Music] [Applause] her this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you see there's good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] boots [Music] [Music] your fees [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] suits me you know my yes [Music] I fall you saw with my soul heard that awaken these bones and bring life again [Music] come to the water [Music] see from our Lord River flows drink of his mercy draw from its deaths behold [Music] come to the water see from [Music] drink Smurfs draw from it Stan [Music] [Applause] [Music] you feel we stay oh my god you satisfied [Applause] your home my soul living one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come follow [Applause] see his grail of Pigface Trust is good [Music] No [Music] you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's living water [Music] okay overwhelmed by the weight of your sin Jesus have you come to so do you well Jesus is called [Music] [Music] [Music] behind your grass coming today there's no reason to wait is called [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] over the sea [Music] see choristers [Music] don't be fooled [Music] is love [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh come too the altar the father's arms our [Music] was bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and I will ride shut the drawer is invading your life and I recount Debbie blends the words you spoon it bring me [Music] [Music] your love sustains you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my soul [Music] go south [Music] [Music] it's [Music] to [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do to you I cry [Music] in satisfied you let your spirit come rebuy this I gave to you [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Applause] [Music] [Music] let your spam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lord we do thank you so much that we can put our trust in you Lord you do your wealth or do you tell us even as we've been studying the Book of Isaiah you've shown us Lord that your kingdom is coming and your will will be done on earth as it is in heaven Lord as we read that in Isaiah it makes us excited about those days when all the sin will be done away with all the wrongs we'll be right all the death will be gone no more tears Lord it's going to be a time that's total peace and prosperity and blessing so we do pray that Lord thy will be done thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven and we also pray Lord that until then that we'd be a people busy about your purpose busy about your kingdom Lord that we'd be preparing people and Lord just give us the boldness to share the good news of the gospel so father I pray that you bless the rest of this time as we study the Book of Isaiah give us understanding sharpen our minds on this morning our we pray in Jesus name Amen a man thanks you guys nice job hey a lot of good stuff going on don't forget what's happening this week we've got Iron Works on the 9th this coming saturday 8 a.m. right here and this is gonna be for one of those groups that tends to feel left out sometimes understandably so but the singles if you're a man and you're single hey we want that we want all the guys all the brothers to tune in because we need to encourage our single brothers and know how to encourage them and and so that's part of the deal so I'd love all the guys to join me this Saturday but it's going to be kind of focusing on the single brothers so that'll be kind of cool iron works this Saturday a tan and one thing that has been talked about is a prophecy update and some of you say Brett we saw on social media for like 30 minutes that you were gonna do a promise if then it was taken down why because I like to keep people wondering no man knows the day nor the hour of our prophecy updates actually no there's a reason that happened which I don't want to go into but things have been busy things have been kind of crazy this season for me personally which is great busy as a pastor but I want to do a good job and there's tons of stuff to cover so I'm kind of excited about that so we're gonna do it Lord willing May 15th at 7 p.m. we're going to do a live service from the sanctuary here and do a prophecy update a lot of a lot of amazing things crazy things going on in the world today cuz it rights to the Bible and geopolitics and the end times so we'll be covering that may 15th mark your calendar tell your friends it'll be fun that's gonna be great also don't forget if you want to give of your tithe or you're offering man praise the Lord that's keeping things rolling here at Athey and we're able to help people and and keep this broadcast going strong and so we're thankful for all you if you want to do that give of your tithe and offering it so go to our website in the upper right hand corner the giving tab and it's easy to do so thank you so much you guys are doing that such a help and one thing also is you know you've heard us talk about the Athey Kids Zone which is really cool it's it's our children's ministry they've been one of the things that's come out of this quarantine that's been kind of fun is you know I asked our children's ministry team to sort of make something available for our kiddos you know when they can't come to Sunday school and so they have taken it and knocked it out of the park in my opinion they're doing they're making Sesame Street look like beginners child's play I'm not kidding it's it's been great in fact I asked them to put together a little video that we could roll right now so let's take a look and see what the kids are up to we are super chasers we go around asking superheroes important questions to live you live inside of your lower back I don't know how to stretch it okay man I'm really thankful to be here with you guys yeah that reminds you have a song I don't know what are you here I'm bored I'm hungry midnight Reuben the firstborn we know to avoid trouble well not exactly we don't always see the good right away we're even in this lifetime [Applause] [Music] [Music] so there it is man they're doing an awesome job and you know if you if you have kiddos make sure if you have grandchildren they send them the link you know to those those kids videos they're up you can watch them from the website or you go to YouTube AC creeks YouTube channel and they're all there the previous shows as well so it's been really cool how the Lord is using that and they're doing an awesome job I just wanted to show you some of that pretty fun fun stuff Wednesday night will be going through the Bible Lord willing right here 7:00 o'clock Wednesday night continue right through the scriptures and you know we're looking into the Book of Isaiah as we go verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book we'll start in chapter 13 on Wednesday night and hopefully get through 14 13 and 14 so you can read ahead for our Wednesday night Bible study which a turn with me to Isaiah chapter 14 for today's study Isaiah chapter 14 we years ago me and my kids we were out setting up the Christmas lights in our house and this this was a particular year we were kind of going crazy our neighborhood at that time was really into Christmas lights so we thought let's really knock it out of the park this year and I'll never forget we put tons of lights up but but the the the best part of our Christmas light situation was was we had this we got went down to Home Depot and got one of those angels you know the wire ones with the white fluffy stuff and the little lights and everything but this angel was special it had the little motor that the wings slowly were flapping it was awesome and and so we we put that angel at the very pinnacle of our house at the very top Ridge on our house and and then we we ran these other Christmas lights from the angel down to the front lawn all these streams of lights you know many many streams so it it looked like the angel was glowing and a beaming of light coming from the sky and and then behind the beams of light on our house we had this red and it was quite the display it was pretty impressive and we were we were thinking yeah I think we got it this year you know and we're all excited but that particular Christmas years ago I remember it was really stormy and a lot of wind storms that year and one night we were there just having dinner and the wind was howling outside and then we heard it we heard this crash I thought what in the world and we went out in the front yard and there she was the angel had fallen down to the ground and was all bent up and smashed and our lights were all tangled at the ground and it was just a total mess and neighbors were driving by and they were they were saying you know sorry about your fallen angel and one of our neighbors called her Lucy why because the fallen angel the biggest one was Lucifer and and so that we we unbent you know the wires and we got it back up there and and you know as it turns out some of the gingerbread they put on these you know track houses and stuff they actually just you know put a couple screws it looked like a four by six beam was coming out of the house but it actually was just too little sheetrock screws holding it on there and that's why she fell so I put some big lag bolts through there and made it so I'd stay up this time but but she was for several Christmases after that the neighbors still called her Lucy to remind us of our fallen angels and and I'm reminded to that because that's the the topic of discussion today Lucifer yay aren't you glad we get to talk about Satan the devil the dragon the Bible has a bunch of different names for him and one of the things that today should do for you is sort of put down that claim that Satan's not a real being it's amazing to me how churches some so-called churches like to act like the devil doesn't even exist there's churches out there today I've even seen that are claiming that Satan is not really a person or a being it's more of a notion of evil and that's just wacko don't believe that Satan is a created being and some people say well how could if God created such an evil being you have to understand Satan was not created as an evil being he was created like you and me in that we were given a free will and the Lord created you know his creation with people and seems angels who had a will to choose what they were gonna do to go good or to go evil to do right or to do wrong now all that said Satan was of God's created angels perhaps the most beautiful of all interesting as we read here in Isaiah you see that the Bible tells us quite a bit about Satan and there's much to learn both here in Isaiah chapter 14 also Ezekiel chapter 28 we read about what's going to happen to him a lot of it that's there in the book of Revelation a lot of good information for us about this being that God created let's take a look and I want to break this down a little bit here from the book of Isaiah chapter 14 we have a description here of Satan's fall and his named Lucifer before the fall and we'll look at that as it says here in Isaiah 14 we'll start there in verse 12 Isaiah 14:12 there says how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nation's for thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit upon also the Mount of the congregation and the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider these saying is this the man that made the Earth's to tremble that did shake the kingdoms that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof that opened not the house of his prisoners interesting description given to us now what's going on here you know and on Wednesday night we'll look at this contextually what's amazing about this this is one of those classic scriptures that Isiah does something all throughout the Book of Isaiah and that is he's talking both about a local situation and then you'll kind of sense Isaiah his his gaze goes past his time in that era to something that's more global and eternal and there's many things like that when he talks about the kingdom when he talks about the Tribulation Period Isaiah the prophets talking about you know Babylon and the king of Babylon but then he starts moving into this thing about Satan himself and and Isaiah does that quite a bit God gives to Isaiah this profound word about Satan and what happened there so we see you know Lucifer Satan sort of in several contexts and and there's three things I'd like to kind of consider with you this morning about Satan first of all we'll talk about Satan's plunge as he fell from heaven the plunge Satan's plunge and then we'll look at Satan's plans and then finally we'll see Satan's peril so first of all Satan's plunge here in our text we learn about that in the very first verse that we read excuse me there in chapter 14 verse 12 Oh art thou a how art thou fallen from heaven now the who fell from heaven well the name Lucifer by the way interestingly enough means morning star or bright and morning star now some of you might say wait a minute Bret I thought Jesus was the of the bright and morning star how can Lucifer be the bright morning star well that's that's actually such should tell you a lot about Satan did you know that Satan is an imitator and a duplicator he tries to be sort of in place of Christ did you know the word Antichrist some people that means to be against Christ Antichrist against Christ but actually the word in the Bible means in place of Christ and that's one of the things you'll notice so on this idea of him being the bright and Morning Star revelation 22:16 tells us that Jesus is the legitimate bright and Morning Star Satan is the poser impostor he wants to be like Jesus but he's not really Jesus and that that's one of the attributes we'll talk about that in just a minute about his duplication and trying to imitate and what-have-you but so in an Ezekiel chapter 28 another passage by the way that talks a lot about Satan Lucifer and all that and what his role was before he even fell one of the things that Ezekiel 28 tells us is that he's called the anointed cherub or the the anointed angel it seems that he was sort of the highest of God's angels and the most beautiful he was he was also it seems some kind of a worship leader perhaps that's kind of funny the Satan was a worship leader because of Jay Vernon McGee the old pastor that said you know dearly beloved that guy on the radio I loved Jay Vernon and they asked him about worship you know his worship leaders and his choir in this church one time he said you know when Satan fell with his demons he fell right there in the choir loft that's what he said which is is interesting by the way that Satan was a worship leader it seems even his fingers and hands were instruments it says there in Ezekiel chapter 28 and I find that interesting by the way what's the link to worship and Satan I think it's the propensity to be giving glory to God but then allowing some of that glory to be sort of soaked up by you as the worship leader or or what have you that's something that we as Christians I'm concerned today we have that propensity today to worship worship more than actually worshipping the Lord or more more into how it sounds or who leading worship or you know making sure that that some people are you know really who we like our favorite worship leader and all this stuff and man watch out for that don't have that attitude of who's leading worship and boy I hope so and so anyway that that's that's an indication that you're probably worshipping worship and you know sometimes I almost wonder if we need a you know a guy that barely knows how to play the guitar who can't sing to lead worship just to keep us on the right track now by the way some people make that argument will Brett you know Athey Creek you know they're too polished and they're their music you know it's too good it's a performance no and by the way I don't get that very often from people at AC because I think our team doesn't an amazingly good job of leading worship and not making it about you know ourselves or our team and I know it would really bum all of us out if that were the thing but some people say yeah but your guitars sound great well the Bible doesn't say to place poorly the Bible says to play your instruments skillfully as unto the Lord and that's what I love about our team is they've they've worked hard at making it a worshipful atmosphere but but there's this fine line isn't there between being you know polished and prepared but also starting to let some of that glory or credit go to ourselves that's that's really Satan's downfall and we'll see that even as we get further into this of what his what his thing was he wanted to be glorified rather than the Lord but but all that to say his name Lucifer Morningstar sort of an imitation of Jesus Christ but a poor one at that and he says I will be like the Most High this is this was part of his strategy as an imitator to be like the Most High by the way let me share with you some of the things that Satan actually tries to duplicate and imitate in the Bible if you're taking notes you can jot down some of these imitations the Satan tries to portray himself to be like God did you know that Satan has his own Trinity it's interesting it's a it's an evil Trinity but it is sort of a Trinity nonetheless sort of trying to pose like God who's a real Trinity but in the book of Revelation we see the Satan has you know himself the devil and the beast and the false prophet there's those three things you read that in revelation 16:13 and then he also has his own church in fact it's it's there in revelation 2:9 we read about the synagogue of Satan now it's not necessarily Church like we know but it is interesting how Satan worship is on the rise in America today and there's these groups that meet the state of Washington and have the Satanists come and do their little goofy worship they're in the Capitol building as they did their satanic prayers or whatever in the state of Washington really weird that we and our military allow for Satan worship and and all that stuff it's just kind of crazy the days we live but he has his own church according to revelation tonight so he's got his own trinity his own church he also number three has his own ministers in second Corinthians 11:45 Paul identifies those that were ministers of Satan he also has formulated his own theology system and doctrine word doctrine means teaching and he's developed that as well in fact in first Timothy 4:1 Paul the Apostle warned young Timothy the minister there at Ephesus and said watch out for the doctrines of demons the teachings of demons if you would number five he's got his own sacrificial system and as he's trying to duplicate and imitate God there in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 20 it says there that the Gentiles were sacrificing to demons themselves I'm Satan has his own communion number 6 it sits there in first Corinthians 1021 the cup of demons and the table of demons that are talked about there interesting did you know even has his own poser gospel Satan does in Galatians chapter 1 verse 7 and 8 it says that there was a gospel that's contrary to the one that Paul has preached very important to know that that's something that we should watch out for that there's a poser gospel and it comes from Satan do you member there in in part of me Galatians chapter 1 verse 7 and 8 Paul the Apostle wore and said watch out if we or an angel from heaven come and preach to you something other the gospel other than the gospel that we have preached let that angel be accursed and that any any so-called gospel that comes from anything other than the scriptures that we've had for all these years then it's it's it's wrong and it should be cursed that's because it's come coming from Satan watch out for that well not only does that he number eight he's got his own throne just like God only a pozer throne revelation 13 chapter 13 verse 2 tells us that and then lastly he's got his own worshippers revelation 13 verse 4 you see Satan tries to match God on as many points as he can he's got all of those things to sort of be the poser God that he wants to be he's a counterfeiter I hope you know that and so this counterfeit Satan that's one of his mos he's an imitator and and that's by the way what even says here in our text in verse 14 he says I will be like the Most High he wants to be like God but not in the best sense of that word he wants to be in place of God now all that to say when you know Lucifer who is this glorious bright and Morning Star angel that was an angel of light when did this happen when did he fall from heaven or when was he cast out of heaven that's an interesting question isn't it and I don't know the answer for sure but there's some interesting things I want to share with you just quickly stuff to think about and it might answer some questions perhaps I always like what Henry Morris you know in the Genesis record if you haven't had that if you don't have that book in your library I think you should it's a really good one and there's some interesting theories around when was Satan cast out of heaven and there's there's just one theory I'd like to share with you turn back to Genesis chapter 1 with me and I'll show you something that's kind of interesting it says there in Genesis 1:1 many of you know this by heart in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth but verse 2 is where things change cataclysmically check this out and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters now the translators there that put it into English said we got to smooth this out and make sure it's just in the bidding God created the earth so the earth was without form and void and then then he started doing all his creation but there might be something when you look at the original Hebrew text that we actually are missing here it's interesting in that it says the and the earth verse 2 was without form and void the Hebrew section there is Toho Wabo who huh tofu what no tow who Bob oh who what is that it means total desolation and well the idea is destruction wait it says and the earth was destroyed destruct destruction how does that work in the creation story well this is another thing that's left out of it when your scripture says and the earth was without form and void Tohu vapo who destroyed the word was there is literally if you look in the Hebrew it's not was it was became in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth and then the earth became without form and void or destroyed now go go with me to Isaiah chapter 48 I want to show you something there Isaiah the prophet again being quite amazing Isaiah and his his prophecies and and even the telling of things that the Lord gives to him just powerful stuff but in Isaiah chapter 45 pardon me did I say 48 chapter 45 Isaiah 45 verse 18 and there it says for thus saith the Lord that created the heavens God Himself that formed the earth made it he hath established it he created it not in vain he formed it to be inhabited I am the Lord there is none else okay now here's where it gets interesting remember the toe huva bohu where it became destroyed and desolate interesting that's what this says in verse 18 only it kind of almost says the opposite check it out it says there in the middle he established the earth and he created it not in vain the word vain there as you look at the translation from the Hebrew he created it not toe huva bohu same exact Hebrew word from Genesis chapter 2 chapter 1 verse 2 you say okay wait wait so it says in the beginning God created them of this and the earth became toe huva bohu but it says here that the Lord created it not toha vibhut yes which leaves an interesting question what in the world happened between Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 it seems that something weird happened there big where God created ever the earth and then it became without form and void and then God sort of then it gives a description of what God did next and he sort of and you might say recreated a destroyed earth and man this is where speculation starts to run and crazy you have to be careful about this because you know it could be inaccurate I'm not saying I'd die on this battlefield but there's some interesting things to think about here for example when did the earth when did the earth have sort of this tropical you know vegetation all over the place like for example did you know they found the furry woolly mammoth there up in the North Pole regions and they were they were frozen in ice and they were perfectly preserved there and ice like they didn't decompose so when they were able to look at these furry woolly mammoths they found in their digestive system little better cut flowers in their you know mouths as they were chewing them which tells us something about that it seems that the Ice Age came instantly that it would have been an instant cataclysmic thing where suddenly the earth sort of froze and you say okay Brent what would have happened there don't know I wasn't there but there's all kinds of speculation people talk about a polar axis shift that may have took a taking place in times of past people talk about you know there may be there was a water vapor canopy over the atmosphere of the earth that sort of made a greenhouse effect that made the earth more tropical just like your greenhouse in your backyard even in the winter of Portland you can have all kinds of things growing there because it's it's it's a greenhouse some argue that there was a water vapor canopy that made the earth more tropical and and then when that burst well think about Noah in his flood where did all that water come from some people believe that burst the gravitational pull pulled the water into the earth and flood into your whole earth and there's all kinds of speculation and stuff but here's the thing what was it that happened there between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 was that the polar axis shift was there some Khattak you know what happened to the dinosaur there's all kinds of questions about that but here's the thing I wonder if maybe Satan was hurled out of heaven and that's when he crash-landed here if you would on earth he was sort of you know stuck here on well Brett isn't Satan in Hell the answer no that's just the cartoons you've been watching too much Warner brother cartoons where Satan's and hell nope Satan's never been to Hell by the way did you know that that's just one of those things we think that's just not true now he's gonna go there even our text tells us that but he's not there yet and he never has been in hell so that's something to think about but where is he well that's just it Satan is here it seems on this earth we know he was here in the Garden of Eden there was Adam and Eve where he was doing his thing but you know interesting the Bible tells us in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 that he's called the god of this world Satan is he in in in John 12:31 Satan is called the prince of this world Jesus called him that that's kind of interesting that Jesus called him the Prince of this world Ephesians 2:2 tells us that he has the Prince of the power of the air in this world which is really interesting so Satan is all about this world now can I just say that answers a lot of questions for me why is there evil in the world no duh Satan is the Prince of the power of the air he's the god of this world he's the Prince of this world that's why things are the way they are why is their corruption why is their sin why is their disease and death you know when your when your car gets smashed by a tree because of a windstorm and your insurance company will claim an act of God did it nope nope this world is in a fallen state and it's that way because of Satan you know so much gets blamed on God when really Satan's the one who's doing this and and and remember in our text here if you go back in verse 16 it says they that see thee after it's all said and done they'll see Satan and they'll look narrowly upon them now the idea of looking narrowing these people will be squinting their eyes kind of in wonder that's that's what it means to look narrowly upon someone and it says and consider this is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms that made the world the wilderness and destroy the cities thereof you see when Satan is bound up at the very end and will talk about his doom here in a second but one of the things that you'll see is Satan is the one who destroys this world if you're an environmentalist you should not like Satan because he's the one who's gonna make the earth desolate it's his doing that's gonna cause all the two catastrophes that it's gonna come on this earth in fact it was kind of fault there was the Garden of Eden before man sinned and Satan there the serpent caused Adam and Eve to sin and brought death and destruction into this world you can blame Satan for this coronavirus because of a fall of man in the Garden of Eden that's where disease was introduced that's where you know mutation of genes and problems and all kinds of things happened there in the Garden of Eden with Satan so really it starts to answer a lot of questions you know why is there evil in the world and the answer is Satan well why would God create evil now it's interesting because Isaiah's gonna tell us later on in our little story here that the Lord he actually says this in isaiah 45:7 he says i form the light and create darkness i make peace and create evil i do all these things saith the lord you say what god created evil see here's what I believe this is telling us God created Satan as an angel of light as a beautiful creation but because Satan chose with his free will that God created him with he turned into evil that's an amazing thing when you start thinking about that makes your brain start to short-circuit I don't have all the answers to that question we'll talk about that when we get to isaiah 45:7 what we'll dive into that deeper but the idea is here that Satan was a created being and he has messed this world up he's a counterfeiter and his satan's plunge he was thrown from this earth now now the thing about this by the way is God never intended you know hell to be for people you see Satan's plunge not only includes being cast down to this earth whenever that happened whether it was between Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and 2 or some other time whenever Satan was cast down out of the earth there's gonna be a greater casting down even still do you know that even though Satan is called the Prince of this world the god of this world he's got certain liberties right now if you recall in the book of Job remember when job was just minding his own business suddenly Satan shows up in heaven did you know the Satan still kind of has access to heaven he has to sort of you know submit himself to God to a degree it seems if you read the book of Job you know remember Satan says hey look at Jobe you've just blessed him if you let me mess with them he'll curse you to your face and there was this cosmic discussion going on there but Satan he's cast out of heaven but he still sort of has access to the earth and heaven to mess with people and the reason that's important is because there's a there's an ultimate casting down that's gonna happen let me tell you about his you know Satan's plunge and let me go a little deeper still his first part of his plunge was when he was cast out of heaven to the earth and he became the god of this world if you would but it's gonna get worse because Satan's gonna continue to deceive nations and do all of his dastardly deeds but then there's coming a time where Jesus is going to return there's gonna be the rapture of the church I believe or we're taking up two beautiful Lord there's gonna be the Antichrist and this unholy trinity of Satan there on the tribulation period read revelation six or nineteen and then the return of Christ that's at the end of the tribulation not the rapture that's a different thing the rapture is not a return of Christ that's where we are taking up to be with Christ but the return of Christ the second coming is at the end of the Tribulation Period and that's where Jesus comes and wipes out Satan and subdues the Antichrist the false prophet all that stuff down what's gonna happen to those guys there are they gonna be put into hell no they're gonna be put in a place anybody want to take a stab at what it is you can tell your friends at home he's gonna be in a put a put in a place called the abuso or the abyss as what it's called and he's put there for how long a thousand years the Millennial Kingdom that's why the millennium is gonna be the kingdom is gonna be so wonderful Satan's gonna be gone he's gonna be locked away in the abuso or the abyss and Christ is gonna rule and reign on this earth for a thousand years but you say okay well why isn't Satan put in hell Isaiah says he's gonna be brought down to the pit of hell but not yet when does that happen that happens at the end of the Millennial Kingdom there's gonna be this strange event at the end of the Millennial Kingdom thousand years peace and prosperity end of sin wiping away all tears but did you know there's gonna be a last-ditch effort the Satan's gonna do at the end of the millennial kingdom and it's for a purpose and I'll tell you what the purpose is during the Millennial Kingdom there's gonna be literal people on the earth still who are they not us remember when we're taking up to the Lord we're giving our new bodies we're not going to be like we are now during the Millennial Kingdom we're gonna have a total different deal however there will be a small bit of the population that will make it through that Tribulation Period as just normal living people but during the Millennium they're gonna live and they're gonna have children and they're gonna have children's children and they're gonna live a long time kind of like the antediluvian world or the pre-flood years remember when people lived nine hundred years well the Bible says we'll see here in Isaiah even some descriptions about the Millennial Kingdom but one of the things that the Millennium will be if a person dies at the age of a hundred in the Millennial Kingdom people will think oh what a shame just like a child dying people are gonna live for a long time during that time you say okay Bret got it what's the deal with Satan at the end of the millennium he's gonna be loosed for a season to deceive many and in fact it's because of those people that were born during the Millennial Kingdom they will have never had the same choice you and I have had to choose good or evil God or Satan and at the end of Millennial Kingdom there'll be a final sort of option for that group of people not us those that would be living on this earth as people in the Millennial Kingdom are you still with me brought your make of this stuff up no check it out Revelation chapter 20 I'll just read it to you real quick you can turn there if you're quick but in Revelation chapter 20 and we read about this event it says in Revelation 20 verse 7 it says and when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison that's the abuso of the abyss and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is the sand of the sea now don't be confused gog magog that's not the same battle that's talked about in the book of ezekiel different if you're confused by that just pick up the teaching on Revelation 20 and I go into that in detail but it says he'll go to deceive you know the number will be that one a go a Satan will be like the sand and sea there'll be people who still choose Satan even after even after a thousand years of peace and prosperity they'll still choose Satan it's crazy and then it says in verse 10 it says and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever so what when to Satan finally meet his ultimate doom it's at the end of the Millennial Kingdom after has for a very short season a time to deceive the people on the earth after the Millennial Kingdom then Michael the Archangel that says here will bind them up and throw them in not the abuso this will be the Greek word here's Gehenna which is more to the traditional place you and I believe is hell that's by the way when Satan will first be introduced to hell is there in Revelation 20 after the Millennial Kingdom I hope you understand that there's so many things we know we all clumsily call things heaven in Hell like there's two places and stuff but you know if you know your Bible hell is that we just clumsily call things out some people are talking about you know the the Hades and sheíll which is like Abraham's bosom the bad part then there's the busou or Saint will be locked up and then there's Gehenna that is the ultimate place of eternal death lake of fire that's the one we traditionally think of when we say Hell but that's not even going to really be king into gear until the end of the Millennial Kingdom now if I lost some of you and you're new to the Bible you say that's weird it is weird but it's what the Bible says is gonna happen to Satan so if you want to know that's kind of the plan so you see the point that I'm making here is that ultimately what Isaiah is saying Satan's plunge his fall started way back when he was lifted up with pride we'll talk about how that looked in a second but it ultimately will end him up down in the pit of hell that's what it says here back to our text in Isaiah verse 15 yet thou shall be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit Satan's ultimate doom is gonna be when he gets to that place called hell the reason that's important even if you don't get all the timing and the nuance of what I just said people asked why did God create hell and why would he send people to help the answer God doesn't send people to hell people send themselves to hell and they marched their way to hell and they follow Satan you see hell was made for Satan and his demons that was the whole purpose of hell Satan wants to deceive you and have you go with him why does Satan want me to go with don't know for sure maybe he's just having a bad day or millennia or you know thousands of years I don't know maybe Satan he wants you know misery loves company maybe he wants to have as many people go with them as possible it's it's also like you know poolside logic remember when you were a young person and you know the kids would all come up and want to push you in the pool and you knew you were going in because you were outnumbered but what did you do I remember this if I was gonna be pushed in the pool and my buddies were all gathered around they were trying to push me in the pool I would know that I was going in but I would grab as many t-shirts and hair and whatever I could find and pull as many people in to that pool with me as possible maybe that's what Satan's doing but he's bent on allowing and calling and pulling as many people to hell with them as possible the Bible tells us and Peter talks about this the Lord says oh I would that none should perish but that everyone would come to repentance and have eternal life the heart of God is that you don't go to hell and by the way he's made the way so that you don't have to go to hell and quite frankly when people say why would God certain people know you've got it wrong really in that if you want to go to hell you can but you have to and forgive me for this expression but I think it's kind of important you have to almost like literally step over the dead body of Jesus Christ to go to hell you have to ignore that Jesus came and died on the cross for you for your sins and ignore that say I don't need that you have to work your way around that just so that you can go to hell that's what the Bible tells us but here's God saying man that's why I gave my son that no one would perish that everyone would have everlasting life so it's this false dilemma that we've created when we asked the question well if God is love he won't send people to hell exactly God is love and he's done everything apart from forcing you to not go down he's actually invited you lovingly and not only did he invite you he made the way the truth the life through Jesus Christ you're a sinful person saw my and we deserve death and hell because of that in Satan's glad he sucked us in to his sinful plot but the salvation we have is that a righteous one who never sinned died for our our sins in our place Jesus dying on the cross so that we don't have to go to hell man I hope you accepted Christ I hope you have confessed with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross was buried rose from the grave and forgives you for your sins and if you're stubbornly hearing that saying that's ridiculous I don't need to believe that and God is if it even exists you might say you know God he's gonna he's gonna weigh my good and my bad and that's just nonsense the Bible says there's no one righteous not even one we've all sinned we've all fallen short of the glory of God there's no one righteous and and so the key is to be saved to become a believer in Christ and accept the free gift and do what God's done the you know to plan for salvation for you for me meanwhile Satan's doing his best to bring as many people with him in his plunge into hell so that's number one the plunge Satan we see that Satan Lucifer has fallen number two we see his plans what are his plans well that's verses 13 and 14 notice what he says here it says for now a set in nine heart and by the way that's where sin really begins it's not as much in your outward actions as it's what you're saying in your heart it starts stirring in your heart and Satan says in his heart and he gives what what I call the five I wills I will do this I will do that I will do the other five times check it out he says in his art number one I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High God um this is what he wants to do so let's break this down number one I will ascend into heaven he was thrown out of heaven it's basically him being in denial God says you're out of heaven no I will ascend into heaven and that's the first sign that you're being like Satan saying when God says this is what's the way it is and you say it's not that way I hope you're not one of those people because one of the first things Satan does is just basically says the opposite of what God says and if you're one who says I don't like what the Bible says about this or what God thinks about that sin or whatever I don't like to call that sin I think it's wonderful if you're saying the opposite of what God's saying you're being like Satan that's what it is here you just can't deny it so he is I will ascend to heaven God said no you're gonna descend to hell you can you can say stuff against God all you want but God's Word always comes to pass it's always true number two I will exalt my throne above the stars of God now this is an interesting theological discussion among the scholars and linguistic people of what he's talking about is throne above the stars a lot of scholars believe that the Stars being referred to are the other angels and there's reasons for that I don't have time to go into but this is where Satan wants to make himself in charge of the Angels is the idea when it says he was all his throne above the other angels is the idea there now have you ever heard that mantra that Satan when he was thrown out of heaven that he took one-third of all the Angels with him where in the bible does it say that you know Satan took all the Angels or at least one-third of them with them it doesn't say it anywhere in the Bible there is a mysterious thing that we kind of deduce that from in Revelation chapter 12 let me just read it to you talking about Satan trying to mess with Israel the woman who would bring forth the child the Messiah Jesus I know this is a lot I'm giving you a lot of things that take time to learn about but it says here in Revelation 12 chapter 12 verse 3 and there appeared another wonder in heaven behold the great red dragon any guess who that is that's there referring to of Satan in the book of Revelation I love the book around it calls a spade a spade there's other places where the devil's this angel of light all this but revelation we see him for who he really is he's a big red dragon it says having seven heads ten horns seven Crown's upon his head and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born there's some crazy imagery a dragon being thrown from heaven but it was its tail wiping out a third of the stars what's John talking about well in a nutshell some scholars would suggest this is where we believe Satan when he was cast out of him and took one-third of the angels with them and they became fallen angels some would say demons some people say demons and fallen angels are two different but that's a whole nother discussion but be that as it may fallen angels or Satan's army comes from that time where he was cast out of heaven and some would believe that it's a third of the Angels that's the bad news the good news is 2/3 of the angels are still on the Lord's side which is that that's the good news but in this thing Satan's plan he says I will exalt myself my throne above the stars of God that implies his demonic entities that are serving him number three I will sit upon the Mount of the sides of the Congress of the congregation and sides of the north the sides of the north is an idiom the Jews would use for the edge of the earth and the idea here is you know that he would be sort of over the earth which he did successfully sort of take the title deed to Planet Earth when he was there at the garden with Adam and Eve so that actually came true only for a season it's gonna be dripped from him by Jesus himself some day Revelation chapter 1 tells us that number four I will ascend above the heights of the clouds which speaks of pride that's really Satan's number one downfall was pride isn't it funny he says five times I will I will I will I is the center you know letter of the word pride and I as a center letter in the word sin and Satan was all about the eye I will ascend upon the heights of the cloud and then lastly I will be like the Most High he wants to be in place of God so you have the plan here that he has and part of his plan has been fulfilled he's done some of that he has been exalted to a degree he has subdued the earth in his own power he has a group of angels that are on his his side but he also is completely doomed and greater is He that is in you than he was in the world Satan is weak in comparison to God um one thing I always like to remind people is God and Satan are not opposites in this horrible cosmic battle where God's just barely hanging by a thread and hopefully he beats our foe Satan imagery Satan is a fallen angel and by the way who's gonna ultimately bind up Satan and end his deal it's not God it's it's Michael the Archangel another angel is gonna wipe out Satan isn't that interesting you see to say that an angel can wipe out God is like saying you know it'd be like putting them I like to think of a Elementary School football team going against the New Orleans Saints who do you think is gonna win would we be hanging on the edge of our seat hoping that those fourth and fifth grade kids are gonna be able to survive the New Orleans Saints football team it's not even not even close in the same way God and Satan aren't in the same league well why is God allowing Satan then if he could just flick him and do away with him why does he allow Satan to do what he's doing it's a great question it's the same reason by the way he's gonna allow him to be loosed at the end of the Millennial Kingdom it gives humanity a choice whether they're gonna choose to follow God or follow Satan and evil and God is a perfect gentleman he doesn't he doesn't force people to follow him you know he were called the Bride of Christ he doesn't hold a gun to our head and say will you marry me he says I'm inviting you will you be people who follow after me and he's and he's gentle and kind and Satan's the alternative you have an alternative and for some reason God has allowed that alternative for millennia but there's coming a day where God's gonna remove that alternative and that's when doom comes to those who follow Satan it's a real deal and it's a real problem for those who follow Satan and his plans so we have number one we have Satan's plunge number two we have Satan's plans and finally lastly number three we have Satan's peril Satan's peril and that's where Satan is gonna be ultimately wiped out by Michael the Archangel and he's gonna be bound up and thrown into everlasting fire that's what revelation 20 calls it and you know when it says there in Revelation chapter 20 about it says you know the devil that deceived them would be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast of the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever some people like to talk about how hell is a place of total annihilation if you go to hell you're just gonna go there and be annihilated so that you won't exist anymore you'll cease to exist that'd be wonderful if that were true in fact that'd be so wonderful I'm not even sure I'd be afraid of Hell if suddenly you just cease to exist for all eternity that's not so bad I mean some people say great just let's just end it all right now but if how is eternal torment not just eternal destruction but eternal torment then it becomes a horrifying place of eternal death see that's the problem when people try to talk about this you know total annihilation theory that everybody's just kidding that goes to hell are just gonna be annihilated and cease to exist then where does the weeping the wailing and the gnashing of teeth come in if just instantly or annihilated and and and and then how long does that happened well the Bible implies eternity and that's what happens here to the devil the false prophet who by the way as a person and the Antichrist who's also a person and they're gonna be they're tormented day and night forever and so it's a big gamble if you're one is trying to make this argument that hell's not eternal but you say well how do we know people are gonna go to that same place well the same chapter says in the sea which are the nations of the world gave up the dead that we're in it and death and he'll delivered the Dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works and death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire Gehenna this is the second death whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire Satan's doom is that he's gets thrown into hell the bummer is at the great white throne judgment that's gonna be all the people who rejected Christ and rejected God's plan of salvation the Bible says they'll stand before that throne of judgment and when they are revealed to have rejected the good news of gospel then they're gonna go with their leader and that's that's the thing that's why I'm saying God is not sending people to hell people send themselves there by rejecting the ticket the free gift of salvation that Jesus gives to you to me and it's gonna be a horrifying kind of thing and I say this was great sobriety and sadness there's a lot of people that are still headed for total destruction and hell and and that's just not a not a happy thought and that's one of the reasons why I love sharing the gospel that's why I do what I do is because I love to share the good news of salvation and some of you might be tempted to think well this is just some person's interpretation nope I would challenge you to read your Bible it's not just faster Brett here telling you what hell is and what Satan is it's funny how people dismiss things just because I think I lost some guy's opinion well read your Bible read what the Bible says well the Bible is just written by man that is a stretch when you look at the Bible honestly it's this miraculous book that tells us the future of the world and what's gonna happen and we're seeing all those things come to pass perfectly exactly like the Bible said they would and the Bible has been tried to be proven as false and full of errors and all that stuff and amazingly it withstood centuries no millennia of scrutiny and criticism people have tried to destroy the Bible but it just continues and billions of people have followed Jesus Christ because he is the way the truth and the life the good news of the gospel is reached really the whole world and I believe we're living in days it's not time to mess around all the stuff that we're seeing in the world the nation's warring against each other disease and earthquakes and pestilence and problems and and you know all the stuff that we're seeing in the world today is it's pointing to what Jesus told us would be the last days and I believe this this rapture the church could happen at any moment I believe the Tribulation Period could be right around the corner maybe we're seeing sort of precursor things that gonna happen right before that the Tribulation Period I believe the Millennial Kingdom is coming even as Jesus taught us to pray thy kingdom come Thy will be done and guess what it's coming his kingdom Christ's Kingdom is coming and so this is not a time to play games with God and sort of come up with our stupid opinions and things that we don't even know anything about it's better to say I'm gonna follow what the Bible says I'm gonna do what the scriptures tell me to do and and be on the right side of things I know that that comes off kind of harsh and I don't mean to sound harsh but if hell is real and I'm right and those that disagree with me are wrong my question is this what do you have to lose to accept and believe in Jesus Christ all the people that I know have accepted Christ we found that that's the way to live there's no better way to live on this earth right now than to follow Jesus Christ but when we die we go to heaven for all eternity that's glorious but if I'm and so if I'm wrong and the Bible's wrong so what did you lose the answer nothing but if I'm right and the Bible's right about this what do you have to lose all of eternity in a place called hell with Satan as demons for all suffering for all eternity that that's just that's a big loss well Brett you're just trying to scare us exactly it's the scariest thing I can think of eternal death and hell and the Bible makes the point of it did you know the Bible talks more about Hell and it talks about heaven well Brett this is just great I invited my neighbor to watch this sermon today and you're talking about Satan and how and normally you don't get on hey listen we're just going through the Bible verse by verse chapter by chapter and we just happened to be on the tech text that talks about Lucifer this fallen angel who has caused all kinds of trouble in this world and if there's one thing we get out of this is to know this hopefully you're on the right side of things when it's all said and done when you die or when all this stuff ends that you'll be headed for heaven and Jesus made it clear no man comes to the Father which is in heaven but by me I am the way the truth and the life Jesus was the one who claimed that so that's the thing I hope that you'll accept Christ and be saved that you have the hope of heaven if you're one it hasn't done that I'd love to just make that prayer with you right now and and if you're one is out there just watching and you're not sure if you're a Christian Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 10 tells us how that works out first of all you repent and say okay I'm a sinner and admit that that's not so hard we're all sinners we've all messed up and and we've all made huge mistakes and just repent and say okay I'm wrong the Lord's right repent and then it says if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart the Lord Jesus that God raised him up from the dead that he died on the cross was buried and rose from the grave you believe that plan that God made for Humanity that by that faith it does take faith as you believe it says that it's pure saved by grace through faith not of your works see that's one of the things people think I have to have my good outweigh my bad that's that's a ridiculous notion it's not in the Bible at all the believer will do good works that's part of the deal but that's not how you're saved you're saved by grace through faith believing in Christ and what he did on the cross if you'd like to do that here's what you do right now just you and Lord just confess and say Lord I believe that you died on the cross for my sins I believe that you rose up from the grave and then my sins are forgiven and if you pray that and confess that with your heart through your mouth Romans 10:9 says you are saved well Brett that sounds too easy to be true it's too good not to be true Jesus did all the work that's why we worship Jesus who died on the cross he did all the work he's the one who said it is finished the work is finished what the salvation for the sinner that's the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ hey if that's you and you just accepted Christ and you just made that confession of faith to the Lord man god bless you and I would recommend that she'd find a good church to plug into and get to know the Scriptures better and grow in your faith it's all good thing to do but if you're if you want let us know you don't you know no pressure we won't do anything or sign you up for anything but if you would you want to let us know that you just accepted Christ would you there's a there's a little number you can text and just text on their new believer and I'd be great to hear from you and if you need a Bible or need something we'd love to help you but we won't bug you or you know you know do anything weird but if you want we'd love to hear from you and know that you are accepting Jesus Christ this morning well let's pray as we close this service Lord how thankful we are for the gospel the good news that comes from your son Jesus the work of the cross Lord the idea of death and hell and Satan it is crazy and scary and all that stuff but how glad we are that we don't have to fear Satan or freak out or be all weirded out about that because greater is He that is in us than even in the world Lord you're the one who saves us you're the one who died on the cross for us you're the one who dealt with the sin and the problem so we're just rejoicing I pray on this son Sunday morning that we just feel our hearts rejoicing as we know that our salvation comes from a gracious God who brings us the perfect salvation so bless your church today lord I thank you that way I'm having to look forward to in Jesus name Amen amen well thank you for joining us this morning we're glad we have more than 4200 people right now on line with us that's pretty cool let's see a few photos of some of you guys that are joining with us this morning we can kind of see hey all the way from Sun River over and Bend it's probably sunny over there and Bend I got Bible and the computer out that's great good just good to have you guys over there oh yeah this gal is great I I see her on social media sees she's got a great great sense of humor and she cracks me up I love that and she's there worshiping with us got the dogs a couple a couple cute little doggies they're listed in the old pastor Brent I've been told I put dogs to sleep in my teachings and people do Wow look at that that's a nice group of folks they're in the living room watching the the service that's great oh I know you guys all the way from Frisco Dallas Texas man I love those guys they went over to Paul's missionary journeys with us a couple summers ago and stuff great great couple there hey man it's great to have you guys online glad that you're with us and may the Lord bless you and may you be rejoicing with the hope of heaven and man sharing the good news of the gospel with everybody you meet in Jesus name we'll see you next time
Channel: Lean-into-God
Views: 227
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Isaiah 14:12-17, What's The Deal With The Devil
Id: u24dQstPh7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 52sec (5452 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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