The Year King Uzziah Died | Isaiah 6:1-5

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[Music] why'd you grab your Bible and turn with me to the Book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 6 for today's lesson in the scriptures again if you're just joining us you know some people say wha what if I'm not an ACK well if you're here with us right now watching you're an a3 cur yeah welcome to the team and one of the things we do is we go verse by verse chapter by chapter a book by book that's kind of the way we roll here at Athey and and even in crisis like this instead of doing a special series on the coronavirus we're doing our Isaiah study just right where we were and I find that these passages always meet us where we're at where you're at in the Bible is where you're at in life and I think that there's a lesson here in Isaiah chapter six that to me is really important and it's going to be perfectly applicable to the days we're living so I'll start with a bit of a story and when I was a Brydon with a bunch of a secret guys on our Motocross we went to this one particular track that was known to be a sand trap track deep sand and had jumps and berms and like all motocross tracks but it was deep sand and that was kind of new to me I was new to the sand I always had more hard packed tracks and stuff but me and a few a the creatures we went over there and this is quite a few years back now but but we got on that sand and we felt really like beginners you know on our dirt bikes and a lot of us had ridden for a lot of years but sand you know was kind of new well this one guy came on the track and he was amazing he was incredible it was it was awesome too right watch this guy who knew how to ride in the sand really well and so I was trying to follow him you know to learn how to do it you know and and you know sometimes if you follow someone who's really good at something you can get better faster but I was falling but the problem is this guy he would rub it in that he was so much better than all of us and we'd try to stay behind him and there was this one huge tabletop jump in the middle of the track and every time he'd just pin it and he'd hit this huge jump and then he'd be up in the air and then he'd turn around while he was in there and just kind of look at me as I was trying to keep up and you could almost hear him under his helmet laughing at me and it was horrible and I thought I'm not gonna let that guy do that and so I thought I'm gonna I'm gonna catch him and I'm gonna pass him and and you know all morning I was trying to figure it out and I was getting better unfortunately I have a very powerful dirt bike at KTM 505 the thing rips and so that was an advantage for me but but but all day long I was just trying but finally as the day progressed I was I was getting to where I could hang with him but I still just couldn't quite catch him and every time we did that jump he'd turn around and look at me and I was like oh what a jerk you know well as the day progressed finally I knew this was the lap because I'd figured out places I was a little faster than him and where I could catch him and just before that big tabletop I on the corner and I was able to get my front tire in front of his and and I was I was leading the way right up to that big tabletop and I thought I'm gonna do it this is it I'm gonna I'm gonna pass them and I pinned it as hard as I could hit the jump as hard as I knew how and sure enough I finally conquered that guy and I passed him ahead of him and I think he was frustrated and all that but it was wonderful felt great and that was a great victory for me that day although there's something that I left out of the story that I didn't tell you to be honest and that is the kid was 8 years old it wasn't a man it was a guy an 8 year old kid on it he was honest he was actually out of cake Kawasaki 80 you know which is a little rocket it's a little miniature rocket but it was it's a minibike basically and I was on a KTM 5 over 5 and and I probably shouldn't be that proud that I actually passed an eight-year-old but I did and he did look at me that time so I was really happy about that well well the moral to the story there is this that you know it's all about who you're comparing yourself to and who you're compare yourself with when you consider your own personal gifts and failures and goods and Bad's and it's funny how you can convince yourself you're pretty amazing but it's all about who you compare yourself with and and this is the trouble that Isaiah has that he finds himself kind of in that mode here in Chapter five in Chapter six and I'll give you a little bit of a preview in Chapter five Isaiah's gonna give to the people of Israel six woes where he says to the Jews woe unto you woe unto you one to you six times he says that and the thing about it here is on Wednesday night we'll actually see what was he's gonna be talking about in fact you know he's gonna talk about the six things were corrupt capitalism he's gonna and we'll talk about that on Wednesday he's gonna talk about hedonism and he's gonna talk about liberalism and relativism and you know intellectualism and alcoholism all the isms he's gonna say woe unto you well into you over and over again and he's really coming down hard on the people because they were in fact kind of messed up people they were people that didn't really know that they were totally walking contrary to God so Isaiah says woe unto you woe and you won't do six times but then we get to chapter six and he changes his tune quite a bit and instead of saying woe unto you suddenly saying woe is me apparently he had a horse named is me no just kidding sorry that's bad woe is me he turns internally and says I am messed up what's the context of this and what makes Isaiah change from woing everybody else to suddenly wooing himself let's take a look it's Isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 and there it says in the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple and above it stood the Seraphim each one having six wings with two he covered his face with two he covered his feet and with two he did fly and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the doorpost of the door moved at the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke then said I Isaiah then said I whoa is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts why did he realize he was a man that was undone a man of unclean lips why did he say was to me he says it be says for mine eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts it's all about who you're looking at when you're standing there looking at the Jews saying to them you guys are you know whoa and do you owe and do you own do but then he looks and he sees the Lord high and lifted up and he says oh woe is me see the better thing for you and I to do rather than comparing ourselves one to another hey I'm better than you or I think I'm you know smarter or more spiritual or more holy no a bad comparison rather than holding ourselves up against one another what do you look like in light of Jesus Christ when you look at yourself in light of his greatness and his perfection man you start to say woe is me I am undone I'm a man of unclean lips we'll talk about some of this more in detail on Wednesday night excuse me where you know we're going to talk about what a Seraphim is the six winged creature will talk about this heavenly scene of the Lord sitting upon his throne and we'll look at this in more detail but I'd like to consider three questions that I think are pertinent not only to this story but also pertinent for today and the first question that I'd like to ask is who are you comparing yourself with do you think you're a pretty amazing person because while you read your Bible more than those people or because you haven't killed anybody at least I'm not like you know Adolf Hitler at least I'm not you know a person who's horrible and so we start to you know think of ourselves more highly than we should and one of the things of this world is to think of yourself as wonderful and we we've been through this campaign for a lot of decades now where you're a good person people like you you're smart enough you're good enough and MP and you know you you're beautiful and doesn't matter how ugly are you're still beautiful and we just talk ourselves into this you know self-esteem tizzy that is actually anti-biblical goes against God's Word right self-esteem is important yeah to lower it humanity's natural proclivity is to think about ourself to focus on ourselves and human you know culture says yeah it's all about yourself and and to II should have self-esteem the Bible says that you and I are to esteem others better than ourselves man that's such a great thing to do is to esteem others better than yourself that's what the Lord would have us to do and and so Isaiah when he looks at the Lord he says hey woe is me when he sees the Lord you know it's an interesting thing because pride is something that creeps into human nature so quickly so easily it's the way the water naturally flows in our human nature is to be prideful and think of ourselves more highly than we should but it's funny how you know you can almost convince yourself you're you're pretty good until you you see yourself in others it was John Flavell that you know pastor from England back in the 1600s who made this declaration he said they that no God will be humble and they that know themselves cannot be proud I think that's a good statement you see when you when you compare yourself with with Christ rather than looking at all the other people around you this is really good for us it does two things one it keeps you humble two it keeps it simple you know the the simplicity is to know you know I'm a man of unclean lips and I'm a person who's undone incomplete I'm a person who's failed and made mistakes and to remember that when a man forgets to remember his own failures and flaws he starts to think of himself more highly than he should and that's the thing Isaiah's looking at himself in light of God sitting upon the throne and he says woe is me and so that's the important thing to keep that in perspective who do you compare yourself to and I would suggest keeping it the Lord and it'll keep you humble keep saying simple keeps us with the right heart and the right attitude so that's the first thing number one who do you compare yourself to number two when do we see the Lord now this is a big one Isaiah says it was when he saw the Lord that when you saw him high and lifted up on his throne then he says oh woe is me it was when he saw the Lord when did I say I receive this powerful revelation that he's about to reveal to us it's when when when he saw the Lord but when did he see the Lord that's even more interesting it says in the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord High and lifted up upon his throne what's use I have to do and that is what's the deal with Uzziah well if you were with us in our study you remember Uzziah was one of the Kings during Isaiah's term as a prophet of Israel and Uzziah was an amazing King he was amazing to the enth degree in fact let's go back and review who this King Uzziah was and you'll get why it's important to understand this and and why it was that Isaiah finally sees the Lord after use iodized let's turn there to second Chronicles keep your finger here in Isaiah chapter 6 and go with me to 2nd chronicles 26 and there we read about King Uzziah and some of his exploits let's do a little review of that it says here in 2nd chronicles 26 verse 1 it says then all the people of Judah took Uzziah who was 16 years old and made him King in the room of his father a messiah and what did he do well verse 2 he built heel up and restored it to Judah after that the king slept with his father's what's the first thing he did he built he builds a city and the city called a lot today or a lot it's it's a great little town I've been there many times in Israel so in the very southern tip on the the you know the the Red Sea there and it's it's you know just a few miles right I mean the borders of Saudi Arabia Jordan and Egypt are all right there within a mile a few miles and you can be out in a boat and you can see all four of those countries and it's just kind of an amazing place but it's very tropical palm trees and Beach and it's just a really kind of a neat place and so as a 16 year old kid he gets a lot and restores it to Judah and builds it so he's a city builder by the time he's 16 verse 3 16 years old was Uzziah when he began to reign and he reigned fifty and two years man that's a long prosperous reign of 52 years of serving God and being the king over Israel and he and listen to this verse 4 it doesn't get much better than this and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord according to all that his father Amaziah did if you recall in our study of the kings and first and then Kings 1st and 2nd chronicles we learned that most of the kings of Israel and Judah were bad they were just bad dudes a lot of sinful wacko kings but a messiah and Uzziah were a couple of the good ones and Uzziah goes down as truly a great king because he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord great guy was King Uzziah and it goes on and it says in verse 5 as long as he sought the Lord God and God made him to prosper verse 6 he went forth and Ward against the Philistines and broke down the wall of gaffed remember the city of Gath where Goliath was from Uzziah went down there and pounded that city militarily there was he was strong and powerful look at the end of verse 10 it says that he had hot vine dressers in the mountains and Mount Carmel for he loved husbandry so not only was he a warrior like to farm and he had you know probably vineyards covering the hills of Mount Carmel and on and on it goes all these things look at verse 14 of chapter 26 second chronicles it says in Uzziah prepared for them throughout all those shields and Spears and helmets and her virgins and bows and slings to cast stones and he made in Jerusalem engines invented by cunning men to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks to shoot arrows and great stones withal and his name spread far abroad for he was marvelously helped till he was strong that's just the King James way of saying he was inventing new weapons militarily and he got the smartest guys together and built these machines that would throw well not only like catapults that would throw large stones but the idea here if you look at the original language he made these giant machines that shot huge arrows like giant giant arrows would come flying at your city and that's probably how he broke down the walls of Gath with his machines and all this man he was an inventor and he was a seeker of the Lord and he was this young king who built cities and was a farmer and just did all this stuff now here's the problem when a guy's got it going on like Uzziah what's the biggest possible problem you might get it if you said it pride you know when you start doing that good as good as use that you start thinking you know I'm pretty amazing huh I can do whatever I want I'm successful at everything I do and you forget that it was the Lord you see Uzziah his one failure his one downfall was at the end of his life and let's read about that it's right here 2nd chronicles 26 16 it says but when he was strong when are you gonna fail by the way when am I gonna fail that's when you're strong when you're doing really really good when things are rosy but when he was strong his heart was lifted up that's pride to his own destruction and that interesting pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall that's that was sadly you Zayas downfall for he transgressed the Lord is God and went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense well Azariah the priest went in after him with 80 priests of the Lord that were valiant men another was these valiant strong men that were priests sons of Aaron they all come in 80 of them with the priests you know this Azariah the priest and they went against his eye of the king and said of them it appertains not to the Uzziah to burn incense the Lord but to the priests the sons of Aaron there consecrated to burn incense go out of the sanctuary for thou hast rest trespassed neither shall it be for thine honor from the Lord God then Uzziah was wroth and had a sensor in his hand to burn incense and while he was wroth with the priests the leprosy even rose up on his forehead before the priests in the house of the Lord from beside the incense holder and Azariah the chief priests and all the priests looked upon him and behold he was leprous and they thrust him out from thence yayyyy himself hasted also to go out because the Lord had smitten him with leprosy and Uzziah the king was a leper until the day of his death and dwelt in a several house the word several there is isolated he was quarantined anybody relate to this he was quarantined as a leper for the rest of his life in his house for he was cut off from the house of the Lord and Jotham his son was over the Kings house judging the people in the land now the rest of the acts of Uzziah first and last did Isaiah the prophet the son of a miz right so what's going on here we've got this amazing great king who was a seeker of God a builder of cool things a farmer a warrior and inventor meant so much going on and then he's lifted up with pride says I'm gonna go in and worship God in my own way the way I want to do it even though I was totally wrong you see there at the temple if you recall there was the outer courtyard there was the general place where people would gather but at the same time we see that you know use I went into the holy place where the you know the table of showbread would be the the golden lampstand but also that altar of incense and a king anyone who's not a priest or a son of Aaron had no business being in the the holy place this King thinking he was good enough to do it hey I'm better than anybody I seek the Lord I'm a good person so he did something that was totally against the Lord's plan and purpose for the people of Israel and because of that the Lord smote him with leprosy interesting and then he died sad end to a guy who reigned for 52 years in Israel before he died of leprosy and had to kind of go down in shame man we got to remember those who are lifted up with pride the Lord will take them and remind them of who they are a leprous human you know it's interesting as we see Isaiah seeing the Lord on the day where use iodide that's when he finally saw the Lord I wonder if Uzziah actually had to get out of the way I wonder if Uzziah was such a great king that the people of Israel they were looking to him to be their Savior he's the one who invented all the weapons he's the one who was their king and bringing them prosperity it was almost like Uzziah had to die this glorious king he had to be taken out of the picture so that people especially Isaiah would see the Lord High and lifted up upon his throne I wonder what the eu's ayahs are in our lives I wonder what it is that eclipses the Lord you know I think that perhaps in our day there's so many things that can gotta get in in the way of the Lord and and see that brings us to the to the you know that really the that second point of our study today and that is not only number one you know who do you compare yourself to but when do we see the Lord we see the Lord it says really like Isaiah when use iodized we see the Lord first you know we we look at Uzziah who's this great king and and all that but but he gets in the way how is he getting in the way well it's interesting by the way Uzziah the reason what he did was so bad somebody said well big deal he's just trying to pray and offer incense to the Lord what's so big about that well that's an important thing do you know in the Bible there there there would not be any person who would be all three prophet priest and King and the Bible was very specific in the word you know was given very clearly to the Jews there's only one who would be prophet priest and King and that would be the Messiah he would do all three of those roles King of Kings he would be a prophet of all prophets and a priest of all priests and and the problem is Uzziah is messing up that picture because he was a great king but he had no business moving in the role of a priest and that's what he was doing by going into that temple you know it's interesting when people do stuff religiously that might seem pious and might seem amazing it's almost like the Lord is harder on some of those guys and when they take it in their own way and do worship in their own way it's almost like the Lord is more brutal to those guys than perhaps people that are out doing horrible things out then on the street but he's messing up a big picture as the king is not supposed to operate as a priest only Jesus would do that so use I had to be taken out of the picture so that he wouldn't get in the way of the Lord of lords that's important so you know as we look as we look at this it raises these questions who do you compare yourself to hopefully you don't compare yourself with each other because we can make ourselves look pretty good when do we see the Lord it's only when Uzziah died and and Uzziah had to die before you know before he could see the Lord and that brings us to the final and the last point of today's study and that is number three who are we looking - who is the Uzziah that is getting in the way of our Savior in our Lord Jesus Christ there's many things that try to get in the way of Jesus I think part of that you know Satan's tactic is to have many you know antichrists or against Christ things that sort of stand in opposition to or eclipse or cover Christ and you know it's amazing even good things can get in the way I mean going to offer incense the Lord that's a good thing but it was wrong for that to the king to go in there and offer that what is the use ayah that has to die and I wonder if part of Uzziah died this last few weeks here in America because like Uzziah we Americans are successful you know we're all of those things you know you might even argue that we're seekers of God you know there's still a lot of people in America who seek after God you know they're in America we're inventors of weapons we've invented some of the most horrific weapons in all of history that nuclear bomb came from the United States in World War two we invented weapons men were prosperous were the land you know from seed to sign shining sea amber waves of grain were farmers the heart of our country like all the things Uzziah was America is you know we're powerful people fear the United States even as they feared and and you know use I had a name all the things use I was America is and yet now in our moment of weakness as we have this disease I kind of wonder if you know maybe we find ourselves you know weakened to the point where we realize woe is me maybe some of you guys are saying that literally wowsie wowsie whoo-whoo woe is me I remember the cartoon character that used to say that maybe we're saying that as we're stuck in our houses with nothing to do did you see the thing where there's the old guy sitting telling his grandkid yeah back in 2020 we had the coronavirus and we sat around and we exchanged memes on social media that's that's how we survived you know it's it's a funny season we find ourselves in where we're all kind of locked down and we'll feel like we're suffering but we have this coronavirus this this you know this plague if you would and it sort of reminds me of a science and the ear King Uzziah died I saw the Lord High and lifted upon a throne I wonder if maybe this is a moment for us this time where use I is not doing so well you know our nation we don't know what to do isn't it amazing I mean this week everything changes so fast this week the United States past all the other nations including China and Italy as far as the numbers of those infected with you know kovat 19 coronavirus and and you know we're the largest group now you'd think with the United States with our modern technology and our medical help and all this you think we would somehow be able to curtail this but it's just once again showing that we are really not as smart as we think we are and and you know it's funny out we like to talk like you know we're gonna win and we got this thing conquered and the human spirits gonna overwhelm this thing and you know but the truth is God alone is the one who could save us it's the Lord who gives us brains to think about how to fix the problems and you know it's it's amazing how during these times people will either get bitter or get better and and I hope that you and I in this time instead of freaking out or being upset if we realize like Isaiah man maybe you Ziya had to die maybe you know were you putting your trust in the good old USA may be either Uzziah in your life is Donald Trump maybe you're looking to Donald Trump to save us maybe you're looking to your church oh man I gotta get my AC creek you know and online hey I'm glad we're here but we're not your answer pastor Brett's not your answer you know even your spouse or your job or your paycheck or whatever it is that it could be all good stuff but could that be the thing that you've been putting your trust in the Uzziah that has to die so that we might see the Lord High and lifted up upon his throne that's what I want I think the Lord might have us learn from this lesson today Isaiah had to see his friend Uzziah died the King so that he could see the Lord High and lifted up by the way you know when we're pride prideful you know we were always saying us like we're proud to be an American it's exactly kind of that pride that gets us into trouble just like Uzziah was prideful and got him into trouble I've always thought it's funny when I really sit down and think about it how it's odd that we get prideful about things we didn't do we drive fancy cars and we're prideful about that look at my car but actually shouldn't the guy who made the car or the company that invented that car maybe get some of the credits there's an old saying from Saint Francis of Sales he said this it's an old quote he says some men become proud and insolent because they write a fine horse or wear a feather in their hat or their prideful because they're dressed in a fine suit of clothes who does not see the folly in this if there be any glory in such things the glory belongs to the horse the bird and the tailor I think that's true the horse the bird the feather in the cap and the tailor who made the suit not the guy who's wearing it in the same way you know we as Americans get kind of puffed up and prideful and we get our eyes off the Lord we start thinking it's all about us it's in times of trouble where we actually start saying man we we need to look to the Lord and it's amazing how people turn back to God during crisis like this so what does it take for us a pandemic where use AI has got to die the the things we once totally put our trust in and we forgot that we were in and trusting in it because it was so comfortable for us that we forgot that we were just cruise control everything's great I look at our financial portfolio man we got air conditioning we got antibiotics we've got you know the comforts we of home and our our economy was booming and all this stuff and then suddenly boom we see as I had died and now we look to the Lord that's the hope that that we have by the way Peter made the same mistake of having something that need to kind of get out of the picture because it was eclipsing Jesus do you remember there in mark chapter 9 or Matthew chapter 17 the the story of the Transfiguration it's an interesting story where Peter and James and John were taken up to the high mountain place apart and it says that they were there and they watched Jesus a little ways off and he turned bright white he was glowing mm-hmm and suddenly Moses and Elijah was right there with them and and and Peter I love was says they're not knowing what to say Peter said do you ever do that just say stuff when there's dead air and you don't know what you're saying but you say something anyway that's Peter so not knowing what to say Peter said Lord it's good for us to be here let us build three Tabernacles one for you one for Moses one for Elijah well then the Lord speaks from the booming sky and says this is my beloved son hear ye him and Peter James and John fell down like they were dead men the Bible says they're flat on their face Peters little dissertation there got shortened Lord it's good for us to be here build temp temples you know ten tents one for you one for Moses whom now now here's the mistake Peter was making I believe that he was putting Jesus sort of on the same plane as Moses and Elijah he ain't got understand for a Jew in that day to see Moses that'd be like us seeing Abraham Lincoln ER or you know Teddy Roosevelt or or George Washington like one of the great heroes of our ancient country you know suddenly you know Peter sees Moses who gave the law to the Jews Elisha the Prophet that called fire down from heaven I'm Peters all pumped oh yeah I wonder now this might be reading into it all admit but I wonder if Peters killing this Moses Jesus our good old buddy probably been hanging out with for last three years Elijah Wow but oh yeah Jesus will build a temple for you too but Moses it'll and that's why I think God boomed from heaven and said Peter this is my beloved son not this is my son and Moses Elijah I think that there was a there was a problem where Jesus was eclipsed in Peters mind by these two great heroes of Old Testament lore you know and so so when he now here's the thing that I love about that story it says and when they looked up they fell down like dead men it says when they looked up they saw no man save Jesus only man I love that how thankful am i for that I'll tell you why because can you imagine if Peter James and John came down from that mountain the Mount of Transfiguration probably Mount Hermon there in Israel and they came down the mountain and can you imagine if Peter and James and John came down with Moses only some people would say that'd be great the giver of the law that's what we need more of the law rules and regulations to get people to do good stuff do you know we've already tried that one the law kills no one was ever saved by keeping the law Moses would have been a sorry exchange for Jesus what if they looked up and saw Elijah only yeah that's what we need we need Elijah Elijah's the one who we look to for for rightness you know if people are worshiping other gods we'll fry them just like Elijah did when he fried those prophets of bale and killed them and slew them by that brook down by Mount Carmel yeah we need Elijah that power of God do you understand that Elijah would have been a sorry exchange for Jesus too you see Jesus he was the fulfilling of the law Elijah's power was pipsqueak compared to Jesus Jesus is the one that was to be seen not Elijah and Moses and that's why they all went away and that's why Jesus when they looked up they saw no man saved Jesus only you and I sort of have our things that get in the way the Uzziah they eat the Moses the Elijah where we we don't remember the Lord himself and we're looking to everything else to save us to be our strength to be our thing that makes things right and and maybe during this season where we see Uzziah died where the United States we're not as countries and control as we think we are and we're kind of vulnerable as people this is the time where perhaps our country will see the Lord High and lifted up on his throne maybe this is the time people will be more receptive to the gospel message to realize that they really aren't in control of themselves we really aren't as secure as we think and it makes us turn to the one who's high and lifted up seated upon his throne in the year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord High and lifted up upon his throne hey if that's you and you've never accepted Jesus or believed in Jesus man I'd encourage you to accept the Lord and believe the gospel is really clear and simple it's you and I are sinners and the the price you and I owe because of that sin in all of the universe we owe this this debt of death that's what the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God there's no one right just not anyone and the wages of sin is death eternal death and hell but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ you know and you almost forget all that you you forget things this stuff I just said when things are rosy and we got everything going on really good but in times like this when you feel vulnerable you think man what happens if I die of the coronavirus what happens when I die what's gonna happen and this is where we need to look to Jesus who's the author and the perfecter we need to look to Jesus as our Savior and how are you saved you accept the work that he did on the cross you believe that it's true you believe that Jesus died on the cross was buried and then rose from the grave proving his claim of Messiahship that he's the one who saved the world Jesus raising up from the dead and Romans 10 verse 9 and 10 says if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart to Lord Jesus that God raised him up from the dead it says you will be saved maybe we should let some of the use ayahs die in our lives you know the comforts or the things that we think are saving us and really realize that it's only Jesus Jesus only look up this morning and see Jesus only not use a ax not Moses or Elisha just Jesus he's the answer for the world today maybe your old-timer Christian and your love for Christ has grown cold because of the use eyes maybe maybe you thought you're a pretty good person and things are good and then in this coronavirus you kind of realize your own frailty and maybe you're like Isaiah where it's not that you need to be saved as much as you need to realize man I need to get my eyes back on Jesus maybe I was more into myself my career my hobbies or whatever maybe those use eyes have to die as well that you might see the Lord more clearly that Jesus becomes more of a reality to you today than perhaps even he was three weeks ago that's my prayer for all of you for us today is that we get closer to Jesus these ayahs die and that we see the Lord High and lifted up on his throne let's pray together and Lord we are thankful that your word reminds us of all these things Lord we that we can relate to Isaiah as he saw the injustice and the sin and the junk in his people and in his nation and he's declaring the woes we feel that but when he saw himself in light of you Lord he saw that he was a man of unclean lips and he was undone and Lord we too we see that when we compare ourselves to you you're so perfect in all your ways there's nothing in you that's lacking and that's why they say holy holy holy Lord that that wholeness that lacking for nothing that that's who you are so we look to you today and I pray during this pandemic this crisis that we're currently going through Lord I pray that they would see you more clearly high and lifted up on your throne Lord saved the unsaved I pray that you'd used my brothers and sisters who are tuning in to this service that they would be more bold and and that they would maybe invite their neighbors to watch Bible teaching online or to to point people in the right direction to to your son so rather than just sitting around trading memes and complaining about quarantine lord I pray that we'd be a people that would point people to you that you'd be honored that you'd be glorified in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 9,176
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Micah DePaoli, Oregon, Through the Bible, s2-292, Isaiah, Salvation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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