Sunday Service - May 31, 2020 - Full Service

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to the Athey Creek ten o'clock service here on Sunday morning we're glad you're with us and we're live nothing recorded here right this is actually our third service so that we've been doing here it's just great to have you guys here with us man make sure and jump into this man don't do it one of things I worry about these church at home services is that it's easy to become more like just person watching it becomes less interactive and so we want you guys to fight against that you got to sing you got to clap you got to jump in this is a worship service not a performance that we're not into the performance thing we want you to to jump in with us and sing along so just picture all of these guys in your living room right there in front of the fireplace singing these songs and you guys are singing along with us okay you guys ready for that let's pray and then we'll jump into it Lord we're so thankful to be able to worship your Holy Name I pray that you would just fill each house or with just the fragrance of praise and the worship that would ascend Lord and may each person just jump in and engage themselves Lord today so we invite you we pray your blessing in Jesus name Amen amen here we go oh I'm gonna say [Music] the strain the strain the strain is burglary this train robbery on all right now what we're to do is divide into around but here's what we're gonna do this is gonna be tricky so you guys at home you had a tune in here if you weren't born from January February March or April you're gonna sing with Joey and you're gonna be one of the trains okay all right if you were born May June July or August then you're gonna sing with Brooke and she's gonna sing the Saints you're either a saint or you're an inked right and so then if you were born in what is it September October November December you're gonna sing with me and you're gonna be I'm gonna sing sing saying I'm gonna shout another sound okay and then we're gonna do the round now if you have an iPhone somewhere in your group got a video record yourselves doing the round okay and then send it in to us let us know because we're gonna see if you do well we'll take it the best one and we'll play it maybe even after the service possible it's possible so let's see what you got at home okay that way we can you can prove that you're actually singing with us and it'll make us all happy all right so we're gonna sing I'm gonna sing sing sing all together then after that we'll go into our round okay so here we go oh I'm gonna sing sing sing [Music] I'm gonna shout break [Music] [Music] hi [Music] I'm gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Lord we are so thankful that we have heaven to look forward to Lord that we get to not just live for this earth for this lifetime but we we look forward to that day we sing songs before your throne and Lord we find ourselves Lord you know in a world right now that's just kind of in trouble and we realize that having a close personal walk with you is what it's all about Lord that even in the midst of the storm before with you we're good Lord as the disciples had you in the boat they were good because you were with them Lord and so I pray that our relationship puts you would draw nearer and closer and that you'd even bless this congregation today as we sing these songs that we would just find ourselves hand-in-hand with you Lord walking with you in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] as I [Music] so [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] close [Music] let it oh dear Lord let it be [Music] Fievel just assume luck [Music] yeah [Music] don't short to the [Music] jeez [Music] let it be [Music] me [Music] those two [Music] [Applause] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] you call me out upon the waters the Creator [Music] I find [Music] my fate was [Music] see this one your sovereign [Music] with feet she won't start [Music] [Music] oceans rise my soul [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spirit lead me where my trust is Without Borders let me walk upon the waters wherever you [Music] my chest is [Music] [Music] [Music] where [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] and keep my eyes above [Music] [Music] we needed patiently I was calling out calling out [Music] their fates of me even when I [Music] your promise always to [Music] [Music] even when I do [Music] ever change [Music] [Music] wallak [Music] my place now I give so now I give you all my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] I love that song I think I love it not just because my daughter wrote that song but I also love that we it's so true that we during difficult times can hold on to the Lord and these are sort of our anchor our rock you know it reminds me of a great story you know it has to do with our relationship with the Lord and you know either look at him as a rock or or an anchor or as a problem you know and it reminds me of the story of their in the open ocean there was this naval captain who was trying to navigate his battleship into this dangerous part of the waters and and you know the dark storm having every kind of on edge and then they saw this little light way off in the distance on the horizon so they thought they better make sure and watch out for collision so they signaled you know with the light the Morse code you know the captain had his men signal to this little light off in the distance turn your vessel 10 degrees to the west and the little light came back if he'd said no you turn your vessel 10 degrees to the west well this this made the captain a little frustrated he said well signal back and tell the guy whoever that is you turn your vessel 10 degrees west I'm a captain of the US Navy so they signaled that off with a little light echoed back to duty and they said no you turn your vessel 10 degrees to the west I'm a private first class well this infuriated the captain he who is this loser telling me what to do so he signaled back no you turn your vessel 10 degrees the West I am the captain of a battleship well the little light came back you turn your vessel 10 degrees to the west I am a lighthouse we don't have a drum set but all that to say man that's us you know sometimes the Lord is telling us here's what I want you to do here's what I want you and he's the lighthouse he's the one that's amove about unshakeable he's the point of reference that keeps us safe we're being tossed in this world of all kinds of opinions and misinformation and all this stuff and and people are kind of wondering what are we gonna do keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus said I am the light of the world the Bible speaks of itself I am oh you know the word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path and I love that the Lord is our light and our salvation and whom shall I be afraid whom shall I fear if Psalm 27 says so the light of the Lord men realize he's the lighthouse he's the one that's not gonna move and that's that's really you know worth focusing in on specially in the days we're living right now so man let's think of song about that I love this song just for that reason Jesus Christ he's our lighthouse amen [Music] in the motherís thing in my doubt in my failures you won't walk out dual grain leave me you are the piece in my trouble CEO you are the piece in my childhood see [Music] you only [Music] oh great they'd fit through you are the piece and mushroom you walk the beat in my turn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] we have each morning [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the varieties you need a sugar so far before the varieties you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] same [Music] already thank you that you are the God that is carrying us you are the God that is ever-present when we find ourselves needing to be carried Lord you carry us let me thank you for that one Elvis not to be like the captain in the story you ignored the lighthouse but I was to see you today help us to hear what you would have to say to us Lord a congregation that is looking to you looking for you Lord to speak into our lives I pray that your word would just ring true in our hearts that it wouldn't be another Sunday but that this Sunday would be one where you speak to us which is an amazing thing that we get to do this morning so go before us Lord and we give you this morning and in Jesus name Amen amen thank you Joey thank you guys nice nice work and once again we're glad you're with us got a few announcements for you to sort of make note of don't forget all the stuff that's happening online this week here at Athey Creek of course Wednesday night Bible study will be continuing our study through isaiah and that'll be at seven o'clock Wednesday but also this week don't forget this is the first Friday of the month so it's gonna be our next prophecy update so that would be 7 o'clock Friday night live from the sanctuary here to your home and the Bible speaks a lot about the end times the last days and it's amazing really how exacting the scriptures are especially as it relates to the stuff we're watching in the world today and last time if you missed our last prophecy update toward the what was that in June or this one's June 5th that was May you can go on YouTube Athy creek youtube's channel and check out our latest prophecy update to get up to speed for this coming Friday if you missed it and make sure to share those with your friends you know you can share them on social media or online or send an email with a share or a text to your friends because it's a great conversation starter about the days we're living and you know and you can use those and hopefully people will take advantage of those prophecy updates so we'll be doing that Friday night and last time we talked a little bit about the more of the techno technological advances that sort of relate to Bible prophecy we're going to go a little more geographical as far as talking about geopolitics as it relates to the Bible prophecy the future is ray'll covering some more of that stuff this coming Friday so join us for that that's going to be great also don't forget if you want to give of your tithe and offering it sure has been a blessing to keep the church up and running as you guys have been faithful to give of your tithes and offering there on our website in the upper right hand corner you can give of your tithes and offering and also don't forget to tag us in your photos even of this service we'd love to know who's with us and who's been watching at each given service and we'll maybe post some of those at the end of today's service see who's out there today with us it's so cool to see that one other quick thing is just the ministry that's taken place with during this Cove in nineteen season I really I can't wait til we get to meet again here in the service and if you by the way if you missed last Sunday's teaching I gave you the why you know why HD creeks not you know fighting and standing up for our constitutional rights to to meet and stuff and we're not rolling over nor are we saying we don't care about this stuff but we're what we're doing is being patient and I did a whole teaching kind of on why we're doing that so make sure and check that out from last Sundays and you again and get that on our website the teaching from last Sunday but I also want to say the ministry that's taken place during this season has been kind of amazing if you were to ask me how things would go with something like this if you hear ago I wasn't meant to be a disaster what good could come from it but actually we've seen so many great things families being helped by this church you know in so many ways and being able to reach out into people's lives sort of the connecting with other groups and people you know we had the guy a real neat brother and sister that are one of the owners of a sweet girl grill here locally and they called us up said man we want to connect with Athey Creek and have you know you guys you know we want to make meals for people who are in trouble we were able to give out like 350 meals to people who are in need from Oswego grill like we're talking legit I mean that's not like delivering Taco Bell that's like that's high amazing food although talk about skidoo I'm not saying anything bad about that of course but men amazing meals we've been able to deliver to people who are kind of going through tough times and stuff and the staffs been busy and and just really cool ministry and more people connecting with us online and also people being saved accepting Christ like we've just seen kind of the level of ministry during this season go a little bit off the charts honestly and it's just been really cool how the Lord takes what Satan means for evil and he's turned it for good so keep praying through this season as we're kind of waiting to get the green light not from Kate Brown or not from the virus we're looking for a green light from the Lord as to when he wants us to you know reopen the sanctuary and get back up and running and stuff like that so we're looking forward to that stay tuned for that like I said Wednesday night one through Isaiah why don't we pull our text from our upcoming Wednesday that's our practice as we're going verse by verse chapter by chapter book my book through the Bible why don't you turn to Isaiah chapter 26 for this morning's text and by the way one of the things I always say and I feel like I can't say it enough because it's so cool that one of the greatest attributes of going verse by verse through the Bible as a church is where you're at in life is where you're at in Scripture and I find it really amazing how the Lord just syncs up the scriptures we just happen to be in with just what we need to hear at any given moment and such is the case today we have a scripture I think that's so appropriate for the days we're living what are the days we're living in well some might say chaos if you look at the headlines of the news today this morning even chaos all over the United States why well there's there's a lot of reasons you know I mean if it's not bad enough to have you know America reeling this week because more than now 100,000 people have died because of this pandemic if that's not bad enough we've got you know 40 million people who've been displaced from their workplace unemployed 40 million that realize how many people that is that that's that's pretty bad enough but if that's not bad enough we had to top that off you know this horrible video and this horrible thing that took place in Minneapolis many Minnesota with you know the killing of this handcuffed subdued black guy who was arrested by these police officers and the video was horrifying and it made the nation once again just totally go into chaos and this has been perhaps one of the worst if you're not one is following the news man the the rioting in all the big cities here in America in the last few nights have been brutal there's been shootings and deaths stores being crashed trouble all around and and basically you know it's some of these started with a vigil you know for George Floyd this this this poor guy that was killed they were I think arresting for something and having deal with forgery or something but every police officer I've talked to about this and we have a lot of good law enforcement guys in our church here they're saying yeah that was not police work there was it was eat that was just evil there was evil going on there and I think that that's true and man it's such a bummer because I hate how the narrative makes it like somehow all police work is is evil like that and it's just not the case but there are indications that there's there are wacko police officers that are out there like this guy who's now by the way in jail under charge of third-degree murder some people think it should be at least second-degree murder they should have four others say no first-degree murder but who knows but that that sounds even the other officers are around or probably gonna be up on charges and some I believe are being arrested as we speak that we're there but a horrible situation racism in America you think man why can't we get this thing to stop what a horrible situation and it just you know opens up all kinds of old wounds but because of that you go from the vigil to the demonstration or the you know people that are protesting but then sadly it turns into riots often times and that's what's happening across America in fact here in our backyard if you're not a news person leave it to pastor Brad I need to show you what's going on right here and in Portland let's roll the Portland footage from the last few nights so you can kind of see what's going on these are the images of the knot last night but the night before last last night was bad but the night before was worse and the police had to shoot tear gas into crowds and people were lighting big fires in the middle of the streets and it just got more and more hostile and violent from there here in downtown Portland and and they were starting to crash up stores they lit actually a bank on fire - banks Wells Fargo and also the Chase Bank the fire people came and they let these cars on fire I mean it's like Beirut in the 1980s you know they'll come like a warzone people smashed the windows at the Apple Store and ran out of the store with computers and all kinds of new iPhones and stuff they were loaded up ready to roll getting their free computers and stuff like that this is right in our backyard they broke into the Microsoft and then in other cities Atlanta CNN headquarters was taken over by these violent groups that burned police cars Atlanta man did you see the Atlanta mayor and her appeal it was pretty pretty impressive actually but in New York things are bad in California Los Angeles last night and the night before was nuts and they're really bringing in the National Guard they brought in the National Guard to Washington DC because people were threatening the White House and so police officers were getting bashed in the head and protesters were dragging them around the city like it got it got really kind of crazy in Washington DC it really this is where our nation is where we found ourselves once again with all kinds of unrest and viola New York you know there were really bad riots people are really threatened and they don't really know what to think of this like when's this gonna stop when are we actually going to have peace and people they want peace there they're marching for peace and for these causes and so we we as you know Christians we sit around and think what are we gonna do and how should we feel and what we think about this stuff well if it's not bad enough with the riots to make you feel a little uneasy I remember watching there was one guy that came into the camera and said we're coming to the suburbs you know you know after just smashing windows and stuff and there's a lot of people are like afraid there's people who are afraid there's a lot of people that are afraid because of the coronavirus thing and are you wearing a mask er you're not wearing a mask and there's been real violence and craziness around the country just because of that alone in fact it's amazing you know the the there's some people that are tidying each other for not wearing masks and and then their own groups not wearing masks like the hypocrisy and the whole kovat health thing and who knows what's true should you walk in wet sand or dry sand they argue in California about the beaches and they outlawed walking I think it was in dry sand you had to stay in the wet sand just like these crazy discussions and people are getting all up in a tizzy and angry there was a funny scene I'll show you this in a second where this MSNBC guy was sort of sanctimonious Lee wearing his mask and looking around at these Memorial Day gatherings of tourists and people he's saying nobody even cares about other people's health meanwhile there's this tourist that comes around with his shorts and his and his camera and he's phone you know he's he's filming the guys like look at this guy over here and he goes yeah but your crew how're your crews not even wearing masks like like the MSNBC guy was there with his mask but the rest of his crew largely wasn't wearing masks and so it's just total hypocrisy let me let's roll those mask videos they say they're brave this is their way of getting out this is their freedom from Illinois telling us to go home that's the situation here that doesn't seem to be any social distancing and not a lot of care when it comes to the corona virus Katie so the people they're just not worried about it Calla they're not worried about their own personal safety anybody who is I met some folks actually from Lake Geneva who lived in the area they were staying a few miles outside of town where I were and they said they're worried about it they're worried about that second spike they're worried about folks coming in from Chicago but they'll quickly add at the same time this is a place that relies on that business I think people here one a little bit more funding when it comes to these programs so that they could stay close but again I think people felt like the Supreme Court made the decision here in Wisconsin that it was time to open up [Music] striking images Calipari Cal thank you very much and Kathy Park you are across the country tense moments caught on camera as more businesses and forced new rules to stop the spread of the virus this customer at a Miami Beach Publix went unexploited rant after being denied entrance for not wearing a mask in Alabama an off-duty officer was seen body slamming a woman at a Walmart when she allegedly refused to wear a mask it's also getting violent at places enforcing social distancing police arrested a 25 year old who they say pushed a Texas park ranger who was telling a group to stay six feet apart an Oklahoma City Police say a woman opened fire when told she couldn't eat inside as McDonald's injuring at least two workers and 29 year-old Paul Hamilton out of the store for not wearing the masks when one of them turned around and started hitting one of the guards police say two suspects are the two suspects are facing battery charges the target worker was hospitalized good times during the corona virus craze you know and whether you're wearing a mask it's it's amazing the fights you see these people wearing masks and they're so mad even locally here we've had people go in a rage and start hitting people without masks not you might get the Corona if you if you get that close to people without masks it's just the whole thing is just kind of gone nuts and and and that sort of describes our current climate here in America and are really around the world there's people that are just up in arms and and you know the economy is is in real threat because of all the shutdowns it's really so sad to see some of these small local businesses that haven't been able to get back to work but the big companies can so these mom-and-pop shops are run they're running out of money they're going bankrupt and and there's so many people saying open up and others I know we've got to keep it closed down and and there's just lots of anger and a lot of unrest in our in our country in our state and so you know the truth is this idea of the battles and the wars and the feuds and the riots they've been around from the beginning in fact in all of recorded history in the last 4,000 years did you know that out of the Flast 4000 years there's only been two hundred and sixty eight of those years that were peaceful only 268 years out of the four thousand year recorded history of the world 268 years of relative peace that's just 8% of recorded history of peace time you know the over those centuries there's been in millenia really there's been 8,000 peace treaty signed by nations but really when you look at it none of them really last none of them are really honored eventually people come in trounce and conquer and pillage and plunder that's the nature of human existence we've got all kinds of anger and hatred we see more unrest in the world today and it's not just our generation remember remember when I was a little kid the 60s everybody was you know Vietnam war and it was just given the peace sign and wearing the bell-bottoms and the peace symbols and and all this and everybody wanted to give peace a chance but man it never lasts you know and we might have seasons of relative peace but it seems like it always tends to naturally flow toward unrest and real danger human nature leads to real danger think about the Jews just the Jews alone you know we have racism in America but there's been racism against the Jews for millennia all the way back to Pharaoh and slaving the Jews - you know Antiochus Epiphanes and the ptolemies the battles there that the you know the and Antiochus or Antiochus really wiped out Jews or if the Romans you know Herod the Great killing all the Jewish baby like it's amazing what the Jewish Jews have endured and then of course the Holocaust and Hitler meanwhile the way the Jews greet each other is Shalom which means peace they say peace when they say I'd everybody every day at peace peace peace they say but isn't that like what the Prophet Jeremiah said they'll say peace peace but there will be no peace and that's true of the world today you know man humanity we crave peace we want to have peace and I think that's because we are created in the image of God and we're and God is the sort of you know the essence of peace in his being he is the peace maker if you would and Jesus is the Prince of Peace but but the problem is you and I while we were created in the image of God we're also in rebellion against God as sinful fallen humanity and because of our rebellion against God the problem is we don't have peace even though we crave it we desire peace but we experience very little peace because of sin James is the one who sort of identifies this for us in James chapter four verse one and two James kind of spells it out about why we don't have peace let me read it to you James 4:1 says what causes fights and quarrels among you don't they come from your desires that battle within you you want something but you don't get it you kill and you covet but you cannot have what you want you quarrel and fight you do not have because you do not ask God man he says what causes rhetorically he asks this question you know what causes quarrels and fighting among you he says don't think I'm from your desires that battle within you you have this fleshly battle going inside your soul and because humanity has this unrest in this battle going on within our flesh our sin nature from our spirit that wants to walk with God there's this warring and because of that there's this discontentment you he says you you want stuff but you don't get it and when you don't get what you what you kill and you covet and you cannot have what you want so you quarrel and fight that's what James says in James 4 verses 1 & 2 man you know basically the problem is not as much the warring against each other it's the war that's happening internally in himself that makes humanity discontented and angry now that brings us to our text here in Isaiah chapter 26 I love this scripture because it's so beautiful and it's it's one that should be I think marked perhaps in every single Bible out there because it's just so helpful I love this verse it's it's Isaiah 26 verse 3 and it says there in verse 3 of chapter 26 it says thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts us in thee thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee because he trusts us in thee man if you keep your mind not stayed on what you're wanting remember James said no no you don't want that you know James is saying it's because you're warring in your flesh and you're not getting what you want that you have no peace and you're angry at people but here it says oh if you keep your mind stayed upon the Lord and I would put in their estate upon his word upon his truth upon everything that God is and stands for if you keep your mind stayed upon him the Lord says I will keep you in perfect peace notice the word perfect peace there in your margin of your Bible it says peace peace the English translation goes - perfect peace because oftentimes the Hebrew would say something twice in the Hebrew language to sort of put an exclamation point on it and so he'd say you know that's what keep him in peace peace double peace extra peace perfect peace is the idea there and I wonder if there's two pieces here actually being talked about we'll talk about that in a second two pieces yeah now here's the thing that's kind of funny about this one of the things you have to do is when you study the Bible make sure you're checking out the context of any verse especially when you find yourself taking one verse and really focusing on it you also have to look at the context of that verse who is it that is in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee you say well that's me it's not it's right now we can get that not necessarily kind of but not really what do you mean Brett well the context of this check it out let's read the first verse of chapter 26 it says in 26 1 it says in that day now pause for a second remember you Bible students when Isaiah says in that day what day is he talking about and this is something that you have to kind of read your Bible and study the scriptures to kind of start to get the nuance but when when Isaiah saying in that day he's talking about the Millennial Kingdom when Christ comes and intervenes in humanity it's also called in the Bible the day of the Lord in that day what day the day of the Lord what's the day of the Lord well this is the day that's coming in the future where God steps in to humanity and intervenes you'll find people today critical of God men god forbid that they do that but they are well if God is love why doesn't he fix the bad and get rid of evil and help the diseased and why doesn't he you know intervene in humanity the answer he will the Bible tells us he will and he has a perfect timing well I don't like his timing who cares his ways are higher than your ways his thoughts are wiser than your thoughts he's got a reason and we can even go into the reasons perhaps why he's you know delaying the day of the Lord there's actually reasons for that but but for sake of this topic it's not the day of the Lord yet when's the day of the Lord happened it's when I believe the first amend the first Thessalonians chapter 4 says you know those others are alive and remain shall be caught up and meet him in the air and then we get to be with the Lord from that day forward 1st Thessalonians 4 1st Thessalonians 5 says comfort one another with these words well after the rapture of the church then comes the period seven years of tribulation God pouring out his wrath upon a Christ rejecting sinful world and that's him intervening that's him stepping in the day of the Lord the rapture of the church seven years of tribulation and then Christ returns the second coming of Christ where Jesus will come and you know we talked about the Battle of Armageddon a couple Sundays ago and then Christ will what rule and reign from Jerusalem and man Isaiah has already told us a bunch of stuff about the day of the Lord like Isaiah chapter 2 verse 4 says and he shall judge among the nations he shall rebuke many people they shall you know beat their swords into plowshares they shall take their you know Spears and turn them into pruning hooks and Isis nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn of war anymore so there's gonna be this peace that will come in the kingdom when Christ comes and rules and reigns and and not only peace with among people but peace in all of nature if you're an environmentalist don't hug a tree pray for Christ's return because the Bible says during that money'll kingdom all the trees of the field shall clap their hands the mountains will rejoice man the answer to the world the global warming and the problem is Christ to come and rule and reign and make all the wrongs right that's gonna happen during the kingdom it doesn't mean by the way we should trash the earth right now some people think that what I'm saying there means that we think that we just should trash the earth no the Lord did tell us to be stewards and we're to be good stewards of this earth but right now the earth is in a fallen condition and that makes a lot of sense of why things are going the way they are my family was reminded of that recently we during this co vid lockdown we had one little bright spot of light at our house there where this little cute little bird she was a cute little bird for whatever reason she found this little fake wreath that was on our front porch it's just a plastic wreath nothing fancy but it was fake and she saw fit to make her a cute little nest there in our little wreath on our front porch and so bird later little eggs we were all kind of excited to see the you know nature right on our French porch and and we we just watched the eggs every day we'd step out the front door and kind of take a peek and now there were five little eggs and this little bird would come and you know sit on them and and you know and all that well one morning I got up just a couple days back and we were all really sad because the eggs were gone and I looked down on the porch and there all these little broken up eggs and you know it looked like they'd been splattered there on the concrete and the nest was sort of overturned and I thought man what happened who did this well I got on my little blink camera because we have that on the front porch and I can actually see what happened it was an evil blue jay that came in and turned to the nest and the eggs poured out and and the the blue jay I've got him on video there slurping up the egg yolks and we were kind of bummed because we were excited as his little birds and and you know we were kind of sad and actually my daughter's like dad I don't think we like blue jays anywhere those are nasty Birds and then I had to remind them we do the same thing every morning when we have our omelets and our eggs we're taking from a hen who laid her little eggs and every day we come and take those away and guess what that's just the fallen condition of humanity that's just the ugliness of the world mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom at its finest survival of the fittest as its called that's because the world is ugly there's death and the fall of man did that but there's gonna come a time where no longer will the blue jay steal from the nest in fact the even the wolf will lie down with the lamb not to have lamb chops but to just lie down with the lamb the little child the Bible says in the Millennial Kingdom will handle a deadly snake but it won't hurt him the millennial kingdom is going to be the ultimate season time period of peace why because the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ will be ruling on the throne from Jerusalem there will be no peace on this earth until the Prince of Peace comes and rules and reigns not globally between the nation's not even in the country that we live in the United States we're not gonna see a lasting real peace until the Prince of Peace rules and reigns you say but that's just great we look forward to when Christ comes and when he rules and reigns but some pastor you are you're telling us that there's no real peace until the Prince of Peace comes and and you're saying this verse that I've applied to my life that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee you know for him that trust of the Lord you saying I can't even apply that because that's for the Millennial Kingdom that's what the point is of this in verses one those in fact let's read all those verses verse one all the ways are says in that day that's the day of the Lord shall this song be sung in the land of Judah we have a strong City salvation will got a point for walls and bulwarks what's gonna be our walls and our bulwarks salvation of God open ye the gates that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in that will keep him the Millennial person in in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in the trustee and the Lord forever for the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength and then it goes on and talks more about the Millennial Kingdom and we'll look at that on Wednesday night you say great Brett so that's for the Millennial Kingdom I was hoping I could say that he'll keep me in perfect peace if I keep my mind stayed upon thee but you're saying that's the kingdom but here's the thing remember I told you that it says that will keep him in peace peace well there's two kinds of perfect peace because the K the kingdom of God has sort of a dual nature by the way remember all these prophecies we've been looking at in Isaiah that has a dual fulfillment we have the near fulfillment of prophecy and the far fulfillment of prophecy and we'll the Kingdom has a dual nature in and of itself by the way there's confusion because of that some people argue that we're living in the kingdom now in fact there's a group of you know churches that call it the kingdom now or Dominion theology where we're living in the kingdom right now man I hope you don't believe that because if you do be depressed if this is the kingdom of God right now who how does that reconcile with what the Bible says the kingdom will be it's gonna bring in everlasting righteousness and an end of sin Daniel chapter nine says when Christ comes and rules that's not happening right now but there's people saying yeah but the kingdom is now well it's not not the literal physical kingdom of God that's gonna come when Christ returns the future physical literal external kingdom why well there's a second tier of this kingdom that is different and it's more internal instead of being external literal future physical kingdom there is the internal spiritual present kingdom of God right now remember when Jesus taught us to pray he said thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven or as one of those Gospels in earth as it is in heaven so you say well Brett what's the deal with that well here's the thing the kingdom's coming when Christ comes when he's the second coming that's gonna be the physical literal Kingdom but do you remember when Jesus said those mysterious statements like the kingdom of God is among you what's that mean what about when Philippians part of me Romans chapter 14 verse 17 says for the kingdom of God is not meat nor drink but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost there's not he's Paul's kind of telling us there's more to the kingdom than just the physical part there's a spiritual nature of righteousness peace that's what we're talking about today in a time of unrest and a lack of peace and a you and I longing for the kingdom when Christ comes and the Prince of priests peace has seen it upon the throne all those are gonna be good days but what do we do right now what are we do in the meantime well that's where we have to realize that the kingdom of God guess what the Prince of Peace while he may not be ruling and reigning in Jerusalem physically right now guess what he is living and at home in your heart as a Christian the Prince of Peace is sort of enthroned in your heart you know your body is this Tabernacle to the Holy Ghost and the kingdom of God is not meat nor drink but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost your body is a temple to the Holy Spirit you have this the kingdom of God dwelling within your heart in your life and thus while we may not see real peace until the Prince of Peace is seated on the throne you can have a peace beyond measure in your heart in your mind while the whole world's going crazy how many people need that how many of you are freaked out by what's going on and you just say oh Lord I need a peace in my heart well it's there for the taking I love what Jesus said about this you know about being the Prince of Peace listen what Jesus said in John 14:27 Jesus said peace I leave with you my peace I give to you not as the world gives give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid man that would be the good word for today is that peace that Isaiah is talking about it's it's talking about the future kingdom of God but you and I we can claim that verse not because Jesus has seen it upon the throne in Jerusalem but because he's seated in the in the home of our heart Jesus that's why we say when you become a Christian you're asking Jesus to come into your life into your heart and it's Christ in you he dwells in you the Bible says the Prince of Peace so Jesus is talking about that I'm gonna leave you Christian Church with a peace that passes understanding peace give I do you not as the world gives the world gives a temporary pseudo fake peace but I'll give you a real peace even in the midst of the storm isn't that why Jesus was at peace there taking a nap in the boat while they were in the midst of a storm the disciples were freaking out but they could have chilled because they had the Prince of Peace in their boat just like you and I could chill today because we have Christ in us our hope of glories Jesus Christ in you so he says let your not your heart be troubled don't let it be afraid why because I'm gonna give you a peace not as the world gives give I unto you now in Philippians 4 he tells us how to do that if you're a Christian like Brett that's great theologically theoretically to have Jesus our Prince of Peace but why do I feel this unrest in my soul when I watch the riots and when I see the Kovan thing and it just gets my goat and makes me mad to see what's happening with this whole thing hey Philippians chapter 4 gives you and I the prescription how did how to have the peace of God that peace that is beyond measure how do we get that well it's Philippians for many of us have this memorized I'm gonna quote it from the New International Version where it says you know do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition or supplication as the King James puts it with Thanksgiving present your requests to God let your requests be made known to God and it says the peace of God which transcends or passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus see that's the thing you and I we need a guard around our heart because our heart is is leaning toward anxiety and worry and stress and frustration and anger you and I we need a guard around our heart in these days we're living and how do you do that it says that what will happen if you pray that's what it says here it's basically if you break it down it says worried about nothing pray about everything and and and be thankful for anything that's what he's saying be anxious or worried about nothing man if you're worried today about your finances the Bible says I don't the Lord says I don't want you to be worried if you're a Christian worrying has no place in the life of the believer you know when you think about it worrying does nothing but make matters worse you know Solomon wrote in the proverb proverbs chapter 12 verse 25 he says an anxious heart weighs a man down your burdened down with worry and it just weighs you down it slows you down and make makes you not be able to do as much because you're weighed down with an unnecessary weight an anxious heart weighs a man down but prayer be anxious for nothing pray about everything be thankful for anything that's what the prescription is from God you and I as Christians we have this beautiful privilege of even though things are kind of disastrous in Portland right now even though the Kovan thing has caused unrest and anger and fear even though the economy is tanking and the unemployment's skyrocketing you and I can have this guard around our art that's the peace of God and and and it comes through prayer and that's why it says the Lord he will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee and he trusts us the lead man you put your trust in the Lord you pray about everything be anxious for nothing but be thankful for everything you know Jesus talked about this kind of faith that that gives you that you know confidence in the Lord he talked about it in Mark's Gospel chapter 11 let me read it to you in mark 11:22 it says jesus said answered them and said have faith in God whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe those things which he hath said shall come to pass and he will have whatever he saith therefore I say to you what thing soever you desire when you pray believe that you shall receive them and you will have them now some of you're like awesome I'm gonna pray for a Ferrari but see it says when you pray have you ever noticed that your prayers when you're praying to the Lord it's like you're the Lord's put-up conscience within you that keeps your prayers in check you've ever found that to be true where you're praying and you're praying for something that's not very cool that you know the Lord is not in - and even by it crossing your lips like the high price didn't pray that lets go extreme let's say you hate your boss at work and you're so ok lord I pray that you would kill my boss that his brain would explode you know that's probably not really in line with what the Lord would have and for you to pray that if you were to pray that you'd be feeling like I'm such a loser I can't even believe I asked the Lord to kill my boss of course you're gonna have conviction but I found even the more subtle things your Super Bowl team there used to be a time where we had football where people gathered and they watch sports back in the day well you know people I'm gonna pray for my Super Bowl team but when you're praying for something that's stupid some guys and have a you know ball that's shaped funny and they're trying to push it across the line and we're praying oh lord help my Super Bowl team but what about all the other people pray for their team does the Lord even care who wins the Super Bowl I think he does by the way but for very different reasons than you and I have but all that to say praying for something like that I mean there's times where the Lord will convict your heart is like that's stupid don't even you're talking to the King of Kings the Lord of lords there's plenty of other things that we should be praying about so rather than being totally freaked out about racism we need to guard our hearts so we got to say we're gonna have the peace of God rule our hearts about that rather than being freaked out about the economy and the rioting and the covet and all that stuff pray about everything and I'm not just talking about and I got to be careful here because the Lord honors prayer and just in general but I wonder if we've lost the art of just the fervent prayer of a righteous man you know I feel like we've become you know TV dinner prayers God is good god is great we think for the food amen and that's suddenly your prayer life oh you're a faithful prayer servant of the Lord because you just sent a little quick prayer and I'm not knocking the quick prayers because those are cool too but at the same time man could we be missing out on something as far as the power of prayer listen to this one in James chapter 5 he talks about prayer and and what what it looks like listen to this he says is there anybody sick among you James 5:14 let him call from the elders of the church and pray over him with the anointing of oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and if you have committed sins they shall be forgiven him confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that you may be healed listen the effective or effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much and then it goes on and talks about Elijah when he prayed for rain and if you go back to first Kings and read that story it's really cool because Elijah talking about a fervent righteous man he gets into this position of Prayer what was it was it kneeling nope it was the birthing position like a woman giving birth to a child the lie she gets down there with his head between his knees and start spraying with fervor and and it's the fervent prayer of a righteous man and then then James uses it Elijah is the example when was the last time you went to your knees or postured yourself with passionate crying out to the Lord because frankly that's what we need to be doing when it says you know be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known the Lord and and I get the sense that that's not just tacking on a prayer at the beginning of dinner there's kind of this fervent prayer that the Lord is say that's what I want from my people and then if you are praying with fervor men it's that peace that passes understanding that I will give to you where it'll guard your heart in your mind but not until you commit to that kind of prayer you know I always hear of you know pastors calling their churches to fasting and prayer and and I think that's cool and there's there's times to do that I I sometimes feel like we maybe it's bad of me but I like to reserve those times for real cataclysmic times when when a pastor says we're gonna say on the trumpet call people to prayer this might just be one of those times where we should be saying hey it's time to give ourselves to fervent prayer of a righteous man or a righteous woman as we're seeing our city burning down as we're seeing our country burning down in in Minneapolis 230 plus businesses have been destroyed burned down wiped out where they can't work and and because of the rioting there they've calculated that that's more than 10,000 people that are out of job now just from the last couple nights of rioting it might even be more as of this morning who knows but man things are in a real feverish pitch right now and we as a church rather than griping and grumbling shouldn't we be anxious for nothing but giving everything the Lord in fervent prayer and letting the peace of God come in and rule our hearts and minds and see that's what our scripture in Isaiah is telling us that will keep him or her in perfect peace whose mind is mind is stayed upon thee that's going to be perfectly fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom but right now today as a believer in Jesus Christ if you're a Christian guess what you can have that perfect peace you can have that peace peace why to pieces the peace that's coming from the kingdom but also the peace that's happening in your heart because the Prince of Peace lives in your heart in your mind man we need to go to prayer we need to be not anxious not freaked out not not even you know there is a place by the way for righteous anger and you know I see some of the stuff that happened when I see that what happened with that that situation in Minneapolis you know with George Floyd there's an anger that stirs up to me it's a broad yeah what do you write you're saying or I just can't say that it's real righteous I get myself in an anger that's not so healthy and righteous so what do I need to do first thing I need to do is not be anxious or angry in that way but to be giving it to the Lord in prayer Lord show us what to do heal this nation forgive us for our sins as a nation Lord might call you to do something called to some active you know ministry or some way to try to fight against the wrong things that are happening in this nation like racism but you also have to understand you need to be called by the Lord to those things but the prayer of a fervent righteous man or woman man that's gonna make anxiety flee and if you keep your mind stayed upon the Lord guess what he will keep you in perfect peace now who are you are you the the mother is trying to raise children in a day of rioting and kovat virus and people telling you what to do and and you know all the voices man can I give you a word of advice Jesus is the answer that you're looking for it's not to isolate your kids and put padding on them and put them in a room with no media you can't do that today but it's Jesus are you afraid of the coronavirus that you're gonna get it you're gonna die a brutal death of suffocation are you freaked out by that Jesus is the answer he's the one who can heal our bodies and we can put our trust in him and if it is our time to go it's our time to go and there's nothing you can do about that and if you're a Christian good you're gonna go to heaven peace Jesus is the answer for the coronavirus person who's afraid what if you're not afraid of the current coronavirus I think it's all a bunch of baloney and it's just the government power grab of socialism and Kate Brown is just trying to control churches and all the other things and you're angry about that Jesus is the answer there's gonna be humanity doing wacko stuff that's just going to happen until Christ's return I'm not saying we do nothing about it I'm just saying being bitter and angry and all that stuff that's not helping if you're that person you need Jesus Jesus is the answer are you afraid of what this shutdown is doing to our economy and you're worried about your financial portfolio and your 401k Jesus is the answer are you an African American who's just had it with racism and the history of our nation and slavery and where we are today and all the stuff Jesus is your answer man you got to bring the Lord into your heart your mind and not let the bitterness take over see that's the problem that I see with some of the rioting that's going on is there's just so much anger and bitterness and that it's becoming destructive and that's not going to end good for anyone that's the bummer bitterness is not the answer Jesus is the answer man we can go on and on but the answer is always Jesus now here's the thing as I close you will never have the peace of God unless you're at peace with God did you hear what I just said you will never have the peace of God that I'm talking about that undescribable immeasurable peace the peace that passes understanding the peace that the Lord gives to you not as the world gives you will never have that unless you're at peace with God and the thing that made you not at peace with God is you are a person human with a pulse humanity man we've all sinned we've all fallen short we've all done bad stuff it happened starting with Adam and Eve and it's gone right on through to you and me and and that that has caused separation Isaiah 59 the Lord's not his hands not short that he cannot touch you in his ears not deaf that he cannot hear you but it's your sin that separates you from God you are separated and you are sort of without help until Jesus came Jesus is the one who reconciles you to God the Father and how did he do that you can be at peace with God through Jesus Christ Romans talks about how Jesus was the one who brought in that reconciliation of humanity to God through Jesus Christ how did that happen while you were a sinner you and I you owe a debt that's horrible of sin the Bible says the wages of sin or the cost of your sin is death eternal but instead God says oh I would that none should perish now eternal death but so that people could have eternal life he sent His Son Jesus who died on the cross paying your penalty a bloody brutal death on the cross he died and then he was buried and then he rose from the grave proving who he was there's a reason the whole world was turned upside down when Jesus rose from the grave and and Christianity took off like wildfire because people saw him with their own eyes change the world forever and anyone who would confess and believe that Jesus died for their sins that means they repent of their sins just change your mind go the opposite direction say I'm a sinner I'm gonna go the other way doesn't mean you're perfect nobody's perfect it just means you're recognizing your sinful nature and that you want to go the opposite way and then you confess Christ that he died on the cross for your sin my sin you believe that you can why do I say that because Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 10 says if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart the Lord Jesus Christ that God raised him up from the dead it says you will be saved period and until you do that until you're saved until you're a Christian you will have no peace you will not have the peace of God until you're at peace with God peace with God comes from becoming a believer being a Christian doesn't mean you go to church every Sunday being a Christian doesn't mean you're weird or carrying a huge Bible or paying a tithe or offering being a Christian is somebody who's acknowledging I'm a sinner and I repent and I turn to Jesus Christ and believe that he died for my sins and I accept that free gift of salvation if that's you and you need to do that today don't wait another day you're gonna have struggling in your heart and your mind you may have thought you're a Christian because you were born in a Christian home or how to Pastor for a dad you might have thought you were a Christian because you you knew Bible stories or you sang Christian songs that doesn't make you a Christian what makes you a Christian is a repentance of sin and belief in Jesus Christ that's it if you've not done that I'd like to pray a prayer of confession of faith this morning if that's you would you just sort of whisper this prayer and come from in your heart from your heart through your mouth to God and he'll hear it he's amazing God can hear all these prayers at the same time that's God's nature so let's pray if this is you pray this prayer dear father in heaven I believe in your son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sins and I believe that he rose up from the grave and that I'm forgiven help me to walk with you thank you for saving me in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen if you prayed that prayer the Bible says the Lord heard it and he sees your repentant heart and he holds your sins no more against you he's blotted out your sins and you're forgiven and now as you seek the Lord in prayer you'll find the peace that passes on the Lord's lift the burden remember those worries that weight you down those will be lifted let the Lord just lift all that stuff off of you and you'll be the one person here while the world is falling apart around us you'll still just have this quiet confidence because Christ is in you the Prince of Peace man may the Lord bless all of you guys if you're a Christian man just bask in the peace of God keep your mind stayed upon him keep yourself in prayer and be anxious for nothing and that's how we're gonna get through the corona craze that's all running through the riots and the racism and all the issues is it's gonna be Jesus we got to bring more of Jesus into our lives more of Jesus into our country and then until he comes and rules and reigns that's your and my job it's all about Jesus let's let's pray lord I pray as we close now this service I pray you just guide and direct my brothers and sisters through these difficult times give us hope patience help us to put our trust in you Lord guard our hearts and give us that perfect peace we pray in Jesus name Amen amen let's see who's joining us there before we close a few picks once you're good and roll those and see who's oh I know who did this iPhone Joe he's a guy on social media that I see who does notes and it's quite amazing I you know his notes are better than my notes like if I had that paper up here I wouldn't even need any other notes he he nails them down oh yeah there's crystal nice to see you guys got the iPad out cool and let's see we ready Creek pasture bread from the Las Vegas Airport boy Las Vegas is another place that has had some trouble so I'm glad you guys are safe from the rioting oh yeah look at that that's a great crew right there I love that family one of our great law enforcement officers there we got a lot of police officers and that's the thing that bums me out about some of this stuff is all these great men and women who served in law enforcement are you know sort of you know taken down because of this one wacko dude who was just totally totally whacked and it just kind of bums me out be praying for our law enforcement we should definitely be doing that there and the thick of it right now well the peace of God is where what we need so may the Lord bless you and may his peace flood your heart in your mind in Jesus name god bless you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 1,779
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Athey Creek, Christian, Fellowship, ACCF, West Linn, Oregon, OR, Portland, Church, Service, Sermon, Teaching, Jesus, Bible, Study, Isaiah
Id: cuvjOO4b80s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 14sec (4934 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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