Ironworks | September 11, 2021

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well it's good to be back with ironworks uh we've got some good stuff coming in store i've got some heavy duty uh messages that i've been thinking through this uh this last summer but i thought we better start a little lighter i was gonna i was gonna hit it real hard right out of the gate but the lord just said no let's just kind of ease into this a little bit um but uh hey i've worked on a couple more um uh axe sheaths uh so uh last last time we did it we gave a game of axe away uh just because um just because it's kind of fun and iron sharp now you know that theme so i've got a couple in the hopper so i'm trying to think of what i'm going to do maybe maybe some kind of a contest or something we'll figure it out who can eat the most donuts i don't know something we'll figure out something but uh yeah yeah i i think i know who'd win that uh david frost back in the back how many did you eat that one morning david how many donuts 27 donuts yeah yeah that was a few years back i don't know if you still have that game that you once did no it does change as time goes by but yeah yeah that's a lot of donuts it was those krispy kremes those those things are like little cotton candy donuts you know what i mean it's a little different but uh well um you know one of the things that um i was thinking with the lord you know just kind of put on my heart is the idea of what's important you know and it's good for us to um remember you know what is important and what has the lord called me to do and am i doing what god's called me to do um and um and you know and the things that are important to make sure you don't fail in um i remember there's been sort of marks in my life where i thought man if i fail whatever i do i don't want to fail in this and you know one one is by the way um i think when i when my first child brooke was born deb and i you know had this overwhelming sense wow there's a little life that is now in our care and you you dads know how that feels it's just kind of like wow everything changed in my thinking from that point on it was not as much about my career or what i wanted to do or what my life was measuring up to be it was really i just wanted to see my kids do well and flourish and you know it's kind of one of those things whatever you do don't mess this up when somebody says that to you whatever you do uh usually it's a good uh good you know if somebody if they know what they're talking about at least it's like that day i went skydiving years ago i was 18 years old and and i wanted to do the jump myself i didn't want to be like tied to a guy so you have to go through a little extra class time and and basically you get to do a static line jump which i was all excited about that so we did it you know it was exciting and fun and i loved skydiving but the most dangerous part of the day was actually uh when this it was funny the place we was out the beagleboy sky ranch there were kind of some redneck dudes out there they tell you what we were out there skydiving it's like when we drove in they said well we'll see if we can find some gasoline for the plane like seriously that's the guys we were skydiving with but um but it was it was pretty funny but but uh one of the guys when we when we got under the ground you know uh after jumping um uh they had us kind of pull in our parachute and and hold it like this and they didn't want us to undo anything and so i'm like okay whatever and then they put us on this big flat bed hay truck because you know they we were about five miles from the the the um barn where the plane and the skydiving equipment was um after we jumped so they were gonna stick us on the back of this flatbed we were literally sitting on hay bales on the back of a flatbed there was like five of us that jumped and so we're all sitting like this the jump master myself and a couple other guys um but as we went we took off down the freeway um as we're holding the parachute um um yeah you guessed it it's like the parachute would like go and you're like and i looked over at the jump master he said whatever you do don't let go of that thing he said it'll yank you right off the back of this truck that's what he said i was like oh yeah okay and all of us were like you know red white knuckling you know just kind of trying to hang on to our parachute that was the scariest part of my day right there i wasn't jumping out of the airplane but i i could just picture it you know on the freeway you know as we're going i was like poof you know and you'd be gone off of there um but anyway um you know it's a it's that phrase whatever you do uh that that's that's an interesting phrase did you know that the bible says that actually three times the bible says whatever you do and then you can kind of fill in the blank and and and this is a good checkpoint for us as men to say whatever you do well let's let's see what is it that god says to us as men um you know whatever you do don't let go of that parachute uh or whatever you do what is it well two of them are actually in the book of colossians let's start with those two and then we'll uh we'll kind of go to one other one in fact two of the whatever you do's are in this in the same chapter even whatever you do it's colossians chapter three why don't you turn there paul the apostle writing to the church at colossae he's saying um you know a bunch of good stuff about life family being husbands raising children like he's talking about a bunch of stuff your business and how you treat your employees like powerful powerful uh chapter that's it's really practical um i love that about this um but he says whatever you do twice here uh in the king james uh it's whatsoever whatsoever you do but it's the same same thing the first one is found here in colossians chapter 3 verse 17. it says and whatsoever you do in word or deed it's your mouth or your actions do all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god and the father by him that's the first one do all in the name of the lord um now that this is a big thing whatever you do do all in the name of the lord now does that mean you have to run around say like you know some of the televangelist guys in jesus name um past the orange juice like i do all it says all whatsoever we do do all in the name of the lord so all is all so what does that mean well do you have to do you have to name it and claim it now there is something powerful about using the name of jesus in prayer um but that's not really what's being talked about here it's not you know you just naming it and claiming it in the name of jesus you know people getting all you know hyped up on you know naming jesus jesus there's a powerful word there the name of jesus uh is is powerful and glorious i'm not diminishing that but that that's not really what this is saying when when the bible says you know in the name of the lord whatsoever you do in word or deed and your actions or the things that you're saying you should be able to say i'm doing this in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god and the father by him that's what it says here now um you have to ask yourself this question you know can i do what i'm about to do in the name of the lord um you see when we talk about this phrase in the name of the lord it means in the nature of the lord in his character it's in line with his name um and and that's an important thing for us to think about the whatever you're about to do deed or whatever you're about to say word in word or deed whatever you do do it in the name that is in the nature of or in submission to that's the idea you and i as men we don't submit very well it's interesting that the bible teaches submission for all we should all be submitted first and foremost to the lord secondly we should be submitted one to another um you know if you're a husband that's constantly reminding your wife submit to me woman then you need marriage counseling i'm just gonna tell you right now that's not something you say to your wife um it's hard enough to think of her having to submit to you i can't even imagine that uh but but it is interesting um in that chapter of ephesians 5 it says submit yourselves one to another and venice's wives submit to your own husbands and and the idea is you know as a husband and wife team you submit to each other but there is a point where the husband is sort of the where the buck stops and he's responsible and that's where the wife it's not a god to it's a get to she gets to submit to him but the idea of submission is something that you and i as men need to be really good at one thing i'm so thankful for is um is there's men in my life that i i get to submit to and i'm so thankful for them uh i truly am uh and and you know um the coolest part is you know this this fellowship when i started anthony creek 25 years ago um i'd seen enough ministries uh where the the pastor was sort of the guy in charge and you know calling all the shots and there's several denominations and even some non-denominational churches that have said uh you know the pastor's kind of uh in charge and at the creek you know they talk about the moses model moses was in charge and then there was leaders of tens fifties hundreds thousands and people used the moses model we we we say anthony creek's not really that moses model we're a different moses model um see that model says that the pastors moses at athe creek i've always said uh we'll use the moses model but guess what jesus is the moses in our story like jesus is the head of the church there's no question about that and after jesus i think it should be a group of men governing together under christ it should not be one guy in charge it's interesting there's a lot of buzz right now in the church world those are you guys that follow stuff about what's happening in the church and uh podcasts and stuff there's a lot of hubbub about about um you know leadership and authority and abuse and stuff like that within churches that's kind of a thing being talked about right now but i have to say you know when i started 8th grade by myself me and my wife deb came up here and you know just literally didn't know anybody and we just finally got to know one guy and his wife and then a couple more people and it was kind of cool as the lord grew up but it was always my intention to say i need a group of guys around me that i can submit myself to um and there's a couple reasons one i don't trust myself uh that's one thing two i've seen better men than me uh totally blow it and do the wrong thing and so um so you know very shortly after we started eighth and creek we um we started you know putting these guys in a position we call them governing elders and the reason we call them governing elders is we don't call them bishops um bishops uh is the word actually episcopal and the greek um they're the they're the elders that govern the church episcopal is the word and and um you see examples of a plurality of leadership in acts chapter 15 we're trying to figure out what do you do with these gentiles and you know peter gave his two cents paul gave his two cents but it was finally james that said here's what we need to do and they all said that's it they all kind of felt like they'd heard from the lord through james now you think paul would have said the final word or maybe peter you know the guy that holds the keys to the church according to the catholics he's the pope but he didn't say what the deal was it was it was james and they all agreed unanimously um and they worked together and submitted themselves even paul called peter out once and said peter you're off course buddy and it was like a legitimate you know thing where peter had to say okay i gotta fix that um so in in in that sense i i've always wanted to say you know um we need to submit i need to be in submission to a group of guys so i don't just you know unilaterally say let's do this or let's do that um at anything creek it's always been this way if we make a decision it's got to be 100 unanimous it's not a vote where we're all like all in favor of building a phase two building say all right we don't do that um we pray about it we talk about it we weigh out all the things pray some more and then if all the guys you know say yes this is what we feel like the lord is leading us to do well brett how do you get anything done with having to have unanimous well sometimes it's hard sometimes we had to work through some stuff and it was hard but um but mostly it's been miraculous i'm going to just say it that way mostly it's been over the years just you know just praying through stuff and the lord's kind of giving all of us a peace one way or the other and what's interesting is is sometimes we don't even always agree necessarily but we agree to say this is what the lord is calling us to do um and we all have a peace about that and it's it's a nuanced thing it's not easy but but man as the time goes by and as i watch what has happened to other churches and other pastors and stuff i think man i don't want any part of that and it makes me even more thankful i think for these guys that we have as episcopases the reason i don't call them bishops like some some of the churches is uh the catholics and some of the other more liturgical churches made that word kind of weird and i think of chess when i think of a bishop um uh can you imagine if we had bishops running around here i think that's just a little weird um so we have what we call governing elders which are episcopals which are also called bishops are you guys with me on that that's important now the reason i say that is because i think every man all of us need to be accountable to other people other guys um and that's one thing we've always encouraged here like even at ironworks is to have a group of of men that you're accountable to and and um and if you don't man it's time to make sure if you're the lone ranger you're headed for trouble uh that's just a pattern i've seen over the years that's pretty pretty uh uh like math you know it just it kind of always works out badly if a guy is just saying i'm you're not the boss of me nobody can tell me what to do that always always turns out badly it might take years but the by the way the longer a guy goes where he's large and in charge and not accountable to anybody the longer that goes successfully the harder the fall in the future i've noticed and that's that's heartbreaking it really is um so all that to say um you know one of the things that we're supposed to look for is this idea of whatever you do do it in the name of the lord which means in submission to the lord and and his will and his word whatever you do in word or deed uh you can you have to ask yourself can i do what i'm about to do in the name of the lord i've used this example before but you know back when my parents they had you know they live more in a smaller house now and just kind of um it's more low-key uh cool but they used to have this house you know in the applegate valley and it was like out there in the woods and a swimming pool and you know my dad built a bunch of houses and then sell them and build and sell and that's how that's how he kind of got his retirement you know um but our house was nice and i remember years ago telling this illustration it'd be like if if some of you guys showed up at my dad's doorstep and said uh hey we'd like to come and just hang out and my dad behind the door might be going you know what i'm saying i mean you know out of the woods out in the country uh you never know and you could be them generally witnesses uh no just kidding um just kidding um so my dad you know he'd be we'll hurry and what if you said what if you said well you know i know brett your son um then my dad he'd start to go oh really how do you know now now here's the thing uh if you um had your cooler with some budweiser in it and you're and you're playing britney spears on a boom box which i'm sure all you guys do um and you know there's just things about you that my dad's like yeah brad doesn't really do the britney spears thing and he's you know he's not really not really much of an alcoholic uh really because he's never and he'd be wondering you you claim to know brett but there'd be something about what you're doing it's kind of like now if you showed up at the door and you said hey uh todd uh uh we're eighty creakers man we go to we go to the creek and we know your son and and and and if you kind of were if what you were acting like and what you were doing was in line with who i am as my dad's son my dad might say well come on in i guarantee my mom she'd start cooking up some good food and and you know you'd take a dip in the pool and you you'd have a great time and my dad they're very hospitable um so i used this illustration years ago uh and um and uh a group of guys were in southern oregon so that let's try that thing with brett's dad they really did and they knocked on the door and uh and sure enough my mom and dad let him in cooked up a meal and they were swimming in the pool like like it it literally happened literally uh so but but you see the point is uh if you claim to know their son brett then there's it's got to be in the nature of that like it's got to be congruent so in in a more important way when you're doing something in the name of jesus christ it's got to be in line with his nature um so you know if you're driving down the freeway and somebody cut you off and you're saying okay i'm gonna i'm gonna flip them off in the name of jesus does that work does that work you know we've got a bunch of kooky people now that probably thinks that does work but it doesn't that's not in the nature the nature of jesus is to do good to those that have done bad to you um the the nature of jesus is to prefer others over yourself let them in uh and and and and the nature of jesus is not to you know be angry at people that have wronged them but to forgive oh father forgive them for they know not what they do so this idea of do what whatsoever you do whatever you do do it in the name of the lord giving thanks to god and the father by him so in modern society we pay little attention to names you know uh you know but often during old testament days you know god would change a person's name abram became abraham sarai became sarah you know it's interesting even in the new testament paul was once saul and there's there's guys that got name changes peter was simon and and god changed days because the important changes in that person or some new development in their life and as as christians you and i we whether we want to admit it or not i hope you know this if you're a christian which i hope you are if you're a christian you are bearing the name of christ um that's kind of an interesting thing the word christian is funny it's used three times in the whole bible um does anybody know before it was called christianity or being a christian does anybody know what was the original name of the church before it was christian anybody the way is that something i like that name the way this is the way um for you uh for for you uh uh well you know what i'm talking about um mandalore anyway um but the church was called the way uh i like that but but when did it become christian well it's a funny story it's it's used in acts 11 26 the word christian uh 26 28 of acts first peter 4 16. but um the the way was the original but when did the word christian was literally meant to be an insult it was the enemies of the church enemies of the way that said you guys are christians little christs you're like little jesus is running around that was the idea it was to be an insult and make people feel bad about what they were doing they were following jesus they were little christ but anybody that knew jesus they're like count me in call me a little christ because that's all i would ever want to be i remember we were in uh jordan once with uh our tour guide steve vinyashai he was a you know jewish guy and and he was our guide and uh we're here we are in you know the middle of uh well not far from amman jordan and um and you know it's a little dangerous for an israeli to be in jordan you know it's not a you know easy situation but but sure enough we get off this bus and um and we're we're at this little town i think called wadi musa and uh and and this this guy looks at our our our guide that was with us from israel we were kind of sneaking him in he wasn't our guide in jordan but we were just kind of acting like he's part of our group but they they picked him out of our group and said hey jew look at this this young man said to this this guy in our group you know you understand steve's he's no wimp um you know and he fought in the idf and he's he's kind of a fiery little guy you know uh you know and uh and this guy goes hey jew you know what are you doing here he says and and so steve says hey what do what do you think i'm you know um did you look at my nose is that what like steve gets starts dishing it back to this guy you think my nose makes me is that what you think i'm a jew what do you think i am ariel serra what if i said you look like saddam hussein that's what he said and and were you guys there when this happened uh i think that yeah there might have been a couple of you guys it was kind of quite we were like oh we're in trouble here you're in wadi musa and jordan but um but this guy goes it's like he said ah saddam hussein if only i could become saddam hussein that's what he said we're like oh boy now that was just a couple years before we hanged him uh but anyway uh salaam hussein but anyway that's just a whole nother story um but but the thing that i thought was interesting is here you know one guy was flashing the ariel sharon name and the other saddam hussein and it was all linked to who they were in their identity and stuff and i thought all i would ever want to be is called a christian someone who's associated with jesus christ forgets saddam hussein but jesus there's someone and so when the world meant it to be an insult the church said we like that call us little christ if you want because that's what we want to be we want to become more like christ we want to be people that are all about jesus christ and so that name stuck um and it was originally this term of you know contempt but but gradually it became a name of honor the name of christ means identification that we belong to christ it's like christ's name is on you when you're a christian and i hope that whatever you do you do all in the name of jesus christ knowing that you're taking the name wherever you're going and whatever you're saying whatever you're doing i wonder if some of the things we say with our mouths would would not really be congruent with jesus i mean think about jesus and all the things that he said speaking of all the things that jesus talked about what what did they say about jesus's speech anybody they marveled at his what gracious words are you men of gracious words or are you men of harsh words the only people jesus was really harsh to was the religious leaders that were ripping off people and taking people for a ride and scamming them there at the temple mount and also the pharisees who were you know self-righteous you know legalists jesus called them you know whitewashed tombs their mouths were like open sepulchers or tombs like jesus was fiery and some of them but when it came to the sinner jesus was so gracious and they constantly marveled at his gracious words so it makes me wonder if i'm a person with the name of christ on me and when i say with my mouth is that going to be congruent with his name his name because you and i as christians we're taking his name wherever we go and whatever we say but his name also means authority by the way if you say something in the name of jesus there's an authority to that but you've got to also make sure that that authority is congruent so when you go to my dad's house and if you say in the name of brett i'm here to visit you better make sure that that's really in line because otherwise you know you may not get entry um you know a man's name remember when you used to sign checks before we all took the mark of the beast no i'm just kidding it's not the margin but we used to sign checks and it was that that signature of your name that gave it uh you know money to withdraw you know from the bank um you know the president's name uh is signed into things that make things law um so in the same way when you uh are using the name of jesus you're bringing his authority into a situation as well so it's his nature but it's also identification but it's also authority um you know that's why we pray in the name of jesus that's why people say at the end of prayers in the name of jesus or in jesus name amen uh be careful by the way not to just say that as sort of a routine and jesus amen you know say it when you say in jesus name which it's good to pray that way we're supposed to pray using the name of jesus but make sure when you do that that your prayer is in line with the nature and the character and you're putting his authority on something that is something that he actually would want so if you're praying lord make my boss's head explode off his shoulders i would like to see a pink mist um that's not in the line of the nature of christ that's that's uh that's evil and so you gotta you gotta kind of watch that um uh and so the bible actually says that in fact jot these down in your in your notes but like for example in john 14 um jesus taught us to pray this way in john 14 13 it says and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the in the son if you shall ask anything in my name i will do it that's john 14 verses 13 and 14. i mean this is a promise that jesus gave whatsoever you ask in my name that will i do um you say well brett then i can just say like abracadabra is that what jesus name is a magic incantation no remember it has to be in his nature and according to his plan and purpose and it's going to be signing his authority to it so when you ask something in the name of jesus make sure that it's in line with jesus it's not only john 14 but also john chapter 16 where john talked about the same thing he says in john 16 he says and in that day you shall ask me nothing verily i say to you what sir are we asking the father in my name he will give it to you hitherto you've asked nothing in my name ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full and he goes on in verse 25 and he says these things have i spoken to you in proverbs but the time will come when i will no more speak in proverbs but shall show you plainly of the father and at that day you shall ask in my name and i shall say not unto you that i will pray the father for you so um interesting jesus is clarifying the use of his name when it comes to prayer um so so this is an interesting thing we've got you know number number one on our list of things to consider here we've got do all in the name of the lord and that's that's that's a good uh sort of leash um that you and i are supposed to kind of watch out for and and i like being on a leash because if you let me off the leash i'll do things in brett's name only and you don't want to see that that gets ugly and it's probably ugly with you too but if i say man i'm going to try to stay within that boundary of whatever is in line with the name of christ whatsoever you do do it all in the name of the lord well back to colossians chapter 3 um i'm going to read this one then i'm going to put it on pause and show you the third one and then we'll come back to this one because i want to make this one be the last one but just to get you thinking about it it's colossians 3 23. here's another whatever you do the bible's saying whatever you do the first one whatever you do do all the name of the lord but here's the second whatever you do verse 23 and whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the lord and not to men whatever you do do it heartily not wimpily or not hardly but heartily that's that's the next one uh but let's put that one on pause and let's go to the there's one there's one more uh whatever you do here in our uh in the scriptures and it's in first corinthians flip over there you can keep your finger in colossians but go to first corinthians real quick uh first corinthians chapter 10. um verse 31. here's another whatever you do if you're going to do something whatever you do you almost hear your mom saying whatever you do um it's like the bible's telling us this first corinthians 10 31 first corinthians 10 31 whether therefore you eat or drink whatsoever you do do all to the glory of god this is an interesting thing do all whatever you do if you're doing something do it all to the glory of god this is one of those things the bible says whatever you do so what does it mean to do all to the glory of god that's that's an interesting thing um you know all is all i mean you kind of start thinking well what about the menial stuff that doesn't matter well i think it's still part of it whatever you do do all to the glory of god um you know you might say brett you just talked about like uh drinking a glass of orange juice how do i drink a glass of orange juice to the glory of god you want to know honestly um when you drink it just be thankful for such a great thing lord thanks for this orange juice um or or uh or give give god glory by letting someone else have the orange juice you say breth that's ridiculous what are you talking this about well did you know that was a problem in the church in the corinthian church they were pushing each other out of the line where the food was uh and they were trying to get to it they're not doing for the glory of god they were looking for their own happiness and well-being um i think you know the idea of you know the even the small things doing it for the glory of god will change who you are as a man whatever you do do it all for the glory of god if you're looking for god to get the glory man that's going to change if you're doing it for yourself to get the glory or for your own contentment or happiness man we're off the course already whatever you do do all to the glory of god and it is funny it even says in this verse you know whether you therefore you eat or drink whatever you're eating or drinking it even uses that as the context due all to the glory of god i remember um when i was uh i always talk about my my trips to africa and and also the south pacific because they were life-changing things and i've been there several times but um but in africa i remember one of my trips i was out in the middle of uh ten coup de gu where i went in this little hut for lunch and this it was it was just so sweet i was told by the way when i got to africa whatever you do don't drink the water here that's what they told me and those of you that traveled to some of these countries you know you don't drink the water you think you know what a flu is you think coronarizers are bad uh just drink some water in a third world country and you'll you'll uh you'll be looking like a rain bird sprinkler from all sides you know it's like seriously uh like like i knew that and so i was very very careful you know drinking bottled water everywhere what but i i'll never forget me and this other pastor that was with me we went into this house of this lady and she was carefully preparing a meal for us and that was just a lunch uh we'd already had some other meals that were quite interesting goat head soup were literally had the eyeballs in it and stuff that was at a pastor's conference that we're at but this lady just had some goat meat which to them that was like the the cream of the crop like that's going to get a ribeye steak at ruth crist for them and uh as it turns out goat beets is it's not bad it tastes like kind of like beef i like goat um but i remember this one time we were just sitting there eating goat but this the sweet african woman she gets a glass of like she's got two glasses in her whole kitchen and she goes into this little vase that's in the corner in the hut and she dips the glass and gets some water out and then i watched her go up to her cabinet and she pulls out this remember those little kool-aid packs um the little little paper packs she pulled out this old it looked like she had been very carefully using the little sprinkles of that just to flavor the water just to get i remember she poured just a few sprinkles of it in in my cup and in my buddies cup those would be and it turned the water kind of this light pink color because she didn't use all of it but but that was like her way of making it just a little nicer for her guests and i just thought oh man this this lady's using her like few spring sprinkles of kool-aid um and you're like don't drink the kool-aid um go do it don't do it but i i i have to admit uh this verse came to mind whatsoever you do in food or drink do all for the glory of god and i remember thinking of mark's gospel in mark you know 16 talks about if you're in the mission field um you can drink deadly poison and it won't hurt you i mean you can handle deadly serpents and you know goofy churches handle snakes out in texas i guess uh that's dumb the idea is on the mission field when you're out doing the service of the lord the lord will protect you from stuff and call me an idiot if you want to but i remember thinking i'm going to drink this cup and i'm going to enjoy it because this lady poured love into it it was like her little sprinkles of kool-aid and it was right out of the water out of the bush there i knew that probably the next day or that evening i'd be paying a price but i thought lord i'm gonna whatever you eat or drink do all for the glory of god and so i drank it down and the cool thing about that was is i never got sick it was amazing like like that's if you know that region of africa that's just totally unlikely um but the lord protected me through that i think it was it was one of those miraculous things the lord just said okay i'm gonna i'm gonna honor that and keep bread healthy uh but but the idea is um i remember when she saw me you know thankful and and and i was able to give glory to the lord by just saying i'm just gonna i'm just gonna drink this and and be a part of this house and love on these people here in africa and it was it was a it was a moment it was a moment in my life where i feel like the lord did a radical work in my own heart but that's what the lord's asking of us whatever you do food or drink but but whatever you do you know do it all to the glory of god um jot down first timothy uh chapter uh four um you know speaking of you know orange juice for breakfast and giving glory to god how do you do that first timothy 4 verse 3 through 5 it says this some you know people forbidding them to marry and this is in the last days by the way and commanding to abstain from meats which god hath created for them to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth for every creature of god is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the word of god in prayer so this idea of giving glory to god what you know people get weird about you know food of eating and legalism and all this stuff but the idea is whatever you do give glory to god so you know you know if you're not a christian uh you can't give glory to god drinking a glass of orange juice but if you're a christian you can give glory to god lord thank you for this that you've given me and when you eat it with thanksgiving or drink it with thanksgiving you're sanctifying it is set apart for the lord and it's giving glory to god so the funny thing about this one is man um when we talk about um you know do all to the glory of god whether it's the big things or the little things um uh you know to drink uh lovingly by the way the corinthian church um you know um uh and their their bad behaviors first corinthians chapter 10 verse 33 talks about how they were not giving glory to god they were being stingy but it can be done with the intention of of giving glory to god whatever you do give glory to god again if you're doing stuff that's bad can you give glory to god for that if you're doing things that are sinful see i love the safety net that this provides when we're doing this this thought of whatever you do so the first safety net is whatever you do it in the name it's got to line up with his nature and his character whatever you do do it all for the glory of god but the last one the third point is whatever you do and let's let's finish with this one this is whatever you do do everything heartily let's go back to colossians uh chapter three here um where where it says colossians 3 23 whatever you do do it heartily as unto the lord and not unto men um again uh heartily one thing that i've noticed about men in modern days is we've learned to be pretty chill especially american men we're pretty chill and we'll oftentimes sit back and sort of let other people uh the other half if you know what i'm talking about let them do all the hard work when it comes to being passionate or doing something heartily you want to raise the kids yeah you want to take them to church yeah you can go do that um you want to do family devotions uh honey you can do that i'll just sit back and you know we we whatever we do we do hardly not heartily and there's there's kind of this laid back chill that's what men do we let the women do it and and it's a funny thing you know anthony creek's been accused and of being having too much testosterone and we've been told that before and i i'm kind of well that's great i like that that's a compliment now in this day and age of toxic masculinity um there's there you know you'll hear people say you shouldn't have a church like that well um i i believe there's plenty of churches that are very soft and that are very uh centered on women uh especially in the portland area um and it's it's a hard thing to find a church where there's actually men who are passionate and men who are leading contrary to what everybody else says the men are supposed to leave the church that's what the bible says and if if you've got a problem with that you don't have a problem with me you have a problem with the bible first timothy you know talks about how the men are supposed chapter two chapter three the men are supposed to lead the church but oftentimes when men weasel out of that job the women will step up and do it and it's not because they're not capable that's for sure women are capable but god just says this is what i want and and the problem is um because of our day and age where men are being pushed back and and being called toxic and and misogynistic and all these names that people like to call that you know we have to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater a lot of men i've noticed because of the controversy that swirls today a lot of men are just kind of mousing into the back corner saying okay i don't want to be considered toxic so they're not leading some people have mistaken leadership for just being brutal and mean and you know disagreeable but if you're a leader of any kind man or woman there's going to be people that'll disagree with you and you'll have to kind of steer things and it's funny all that's considered toxic today be careful with that and don't step away from your responsibility as a man to be a leader in your home um that's one thing whatever you do brothers we've got to do it heartily with a passion with a strength i'm not talking about brutality and mean-spiritedness that's where some churches have gone awry where they said men should leave the church and so they they sort of become these you know battering rams that's not the lord jesus so so it's funny we have to kind of thread the needle here to be strong men that are passionate and doing what we're doing heartily but also being gracious and loving and kind like jesus very important whatever you do do it heartily as unto the lord um the big things i love david and goliath story you know david did that heartily he's just a young kid and when he goes down he doesn't sort of you know uh creep down to the valley of ela and sort of hide behind a rock and hope that goliath doesn't see him he comes running down the hill and he's yelling at the giant as he's running and the giant's yelling at him but david just comes and sticks a stone right between the guy's eyes like like that's doing what you do heartily he's not just i mean he's running whoa i mean i just love the aggressiveness of that that's just so good big stuff um you guys remember uh you know uh abhishai one of david's mighty men you can jot this down first chronicles chapter 11 is one of the places you read about the mighty men of david but in first chronicles 11 20 abishai the brother of joab was the chief of three and if you know abhishek he's really good at killing people that was his talent he was really good at that he knew how to kill people in many ways but abhishe the brother of job was chief of the three mighty men for lifting up his spear against 300 whom he slew all of them um and he had the biggest name among the three of the mighty men um the idea is this guy went into battle and killed 300 men just lifting up his spear like big things he did it heartily he'd go out there heartily what about banaya first chronicles 11 22. banai is another dude that you wouldn't want to mess with banaya the son of jehoiada the son of a valiant man named kabzil who had done many acts he slew two lion-like men probably giants of moab he also went down and slew a lion in the pit on a snowy day what's the name of that audio series uh that does the mighty men anybody know that oh if you haven't i'll have to get that for you guys and there's like an audio series and this guy writes all these stories of the mighty men and david and it's just it's crazy like he it's sort of historical kind of fiction but it's actually the the telling of what happened it's so like this story of banaya talks about he's in the pit and he gets in there why he's in the pit but the lion roars and he can smell the meat of the previous meal the lion had before as he's roaring in his face like like he gets you right into this story and um but um but i mean these guys were tough and whatever they did they did heartily man they went for it but but here's the thing i love about this and this is why i'm talking about the mighty men they did things heartily but not just the big things killing lion like men or killing a lion or you know killing 300 men with your spear but they also did their menial tasks heartily one of these mighty men a guy you know it depends on which scripture you're going to but in second samuel chapter 23 there's another description of mighty men acts and behaviors but this guy's name was uh was shama in uh second samuel 23 verse 11 it says after shamma the son of aegee the heroic the philistines were gathered together unto a troop where there was a a piece of ground full of beans and the people fled from the philistines but shama stood in the midst of the beans and defended the ground and slew the whole army of the philistines um he was guarding a field of beans like uh you know what's the old saying that's like not like a hill of beans or well i don't know like like literally he's guarding a bean field i'd say bon appetit man uh philistine army eat up have your beans um but uh but i love that this guy says i'm not letting you have this field of beans and single-handedly wipes out a whole philistine army it's a small menial task but he does it heartily there's a lot of times i think we men we we do good on the big things but it's the small things where we drop the ball whatever you do do it heartily as unto the lord and and and not unto men a lot of the things we do is for the appearances and so that we can at least sort of keep our reputation or have people not mad at us or whatever the reason why we do things but you do things heartily as unto the lord and not into men everything we do whatever you do do it heartily just just with all your gumption with everything you can muster up um you know um all this you know it says as to the lord do heartily as unto the lord um it's we're in it to the lord your relationship with your wife is not for yourself or not for her even but be married and do it heartily as unto the lord and not unto men your job and your career do it heartily and i love when i see men that have careers and their businesses and they're doing it heartily knowing that they're they're carrying the name of christ into their work that they're doing but they're doing it with integrity and with honesty and and and it's it's you're realizing that you're actually doing it before the audience of one when you build that house or you know when you fix that plumbing or when you wire the electricity through the house or whatever your job is you know you're realizing you're bringing the name you're doing it before the lord there's a story i've heard of uh the queen of england years ago she was out in the gardens but this particular day she was just wanting to do some gardening so she just wore her normal kind of gardening duds not fancy at all but she was out there well it started to rain really hard big kind of storm and she just got soaking wet and she was out there kind of by herself in the gardens by buckingham palace but she went to one of the servants quarters and knocked on the door um and the servant lady opened the door and said what do you want um all she saw was a lady in kind of her wet sopping clothes with her hair stuck to her face and she's like what do you want she says could i borrow an umbrella okay but you better bring it back tomorrow so she handed her the umbrella and slammed the door um and the queen took the umbrella and went back to the palace and all that the next day with her you know uh court and her fancy carriage and horses and you know all the people and security and all that they came riding up to the house and and she gets out knocks on the door and there's the queen of england and she's like oh and she bows down and the lady freaks out and says i just wanted to give your umbrella back and the lady kind of freaked out realizing who she had you know screamed at the day before um someday you and i are going to realize what we're doing is in front of the lord of lords the king of kings everything we do everything is open and naked before him with whom we have to do that's why you and i should say man i'm gonna i'm gonna try to be the man that whatever i do i'm gonna do all things heartily as unto the lord as if the lord's standing right there um and not unto men if you do stuff for the men to for what they see jesus said you'll have your reward the pat on the back you know uh you know uh when you do your alms or giving don't sound your trumpet jesus said in matthew 6 2 don't you know toot your horn that's what the hypocrites do jesus said in the synagogues where they want to be seen of men and jesus said verily i say to you they have their reward when they get the accolades of men but when you do things before god heartily the lord will see that and he'll reward you in heaven according to the bible don't you'll never be satisfied trying to please men by the way um or impress people um a lot of times we like to try to impress people with the car we drive or the career we have or our family man that's a shallow and empty endeavor but if you do things to to impress the lord as a worship of giving glory to the lord then you'll find real fulfillment in life so my challenge is pretty simple on this saturday morning for us guys today the whatever you do statements of the bible whatever you do do all in the name of the lord that's his nature submitted to him whatever you do do all to the glory of god giving him glory for every good thing and whatever you do do everything heartily as unto the lord and not unto men um verse 24 by the way back at colossians 3 um the the verse after that is kind of interesting in colossians 3 23 that's the whatever you do hardly on the lord not amen but verse 24 will finish with this it says knowing verse 24 that of the lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the lord christ um you know realize that when when you die and go to heaven these whatever you do statements that we've looked at these three they're going to matter in eternity and the lord is going to reward you and bless you that's what he says knowing he you know paul just assumes we know this whatever you do do heartily as the lord knowing that of the lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the lord christ don't forget who you serve and and whatever you do do it for his glory in his name and do it heartily can i ask you just one thing what are you doing right now that doesn't fit with the lord's nature and character what are some of the things you're doing right now as a man that you could never say in the name of jesus the way i'm treating my wife right now in the name of jesus i'm going to do that i'm going to continue to do that does that work can you look yourself in the mirror and say in the name of jesus i'm going to continue to treat my wife the way i'm treating her right now because if you're not doing that big trouble troubles coming um if if you're doing stuff in business right now where you can say in the name of jesus i'm cutting those corners and uh nobody knows but i'm you know skimming from this account or i'm i'm being dishonest over there man you got to break that stuff off because you know whatever a man sews that's what he's also going to reap the bible says that and also you know the lord sees it all so that's why we have to kind of say man i gotta make sure that what i'm doing i can say in the name of jesus i'm gonna actually do the sin and if those things in your life don't really fit that that template of the name of jesus and if you can't do what you're doing to give glory to god maybe it's time to change what you're doing um what are the things that you're doing that the lord's called you to do and you're doing it but you're sort of dragging your feet you're not doing it heartily you're just barely doing it hardly doing it you know maybe the lord put it on your heart to lead your family and family devotions you know that's what god's called you to do so once every two or three weeks you kind of sort of gather the kids and the family together and sort of trying to tack on some sort of bible story with the little guys and your wife's just begging you honey come on let's do family devotions more often yeah well you know you can do it you're just doing it heartily when the lord would say i want you to do that heartily whatever you do do all things heartily unto the lord with with heart and with fervor and with passion what is it that the lord's called you to do that you've not done very passionately the lord saying i i want you to get up and get going um you guys that you know work out or have been in some athletics sometimes it helps to have somebody crack in the whip that's where coaches come in handy um i've always you know when i used to compete in power lifting i used to love to lift but it was always really hard to lift just by myself it was hard to be inspired you know but when there was somebody there uh you know kind of spurring me on i could always do a lot more somehow you could just get a lot more done and the workout was way more profitable but you know the funny thing is if you don't have that drive you're just going to kind of do it hardly and then you're getting no benefit ask yourself lord what is it that you've called me to do and and i'd like you just to kind of right now just uh have that attitude of prayer and say lord show me some specifics brett's talked about the broad paintbrush stroke about whatever you do the glory of god the name of god do it hardly as unto the lord the whatever you do statements but but maybe you need to zero in on a single point and say i need to make sure i can ascribe the name of the lord to what i'm doing there and i can't right now time to change something or maybe there's something that you should be doing with a passion and a fervor but you've been dragging your feet time to light a fire and and let the lord just kind of crack the whip a little bit and say let's get going what is it that the lord would have you to do and you're doing it for your own glory and your personal gain and benefit but you're supposed to be doing it for the glory of god and what do you need to change to make it to where god gets the glory rather than you just some real legitimate you know logistics uh questions that you need to ask yourself otherwise we hear you know another bible study and we come and go and we kind of go okay yeah whatever brett talked about the whatever you do statements and then we go and do nothing then it's it's a waste of time but if we if we walk out of here today saying okay lord i'm gonna here's one thing that i realize that i need to tighten up or fix then we have been iron sharpening iron sharpening the countenance of a friend that's what we're doing here so let's let's let the lord speak to us even now while we bow our heads lord i thank you that you have called us to a higher level to a better way um lord so many men have become complacent we see in our culture lord just the kick-backed attitude of just kind of chill and let everybody else do what they're going to do and and yet lord you've called us to to be men that are doing everything heartily is unto you not to men all the things we do are for your glory and and we're supposed to be able to do what we do in your name lord in line with your nature and character and i i pray lord that you'd give us um very specific things lord just put on each brother's heart lord right now put on their heart just the change that you'd want to put in them lord give them both the will and and the power to do what they need to do lord we know that we can in a sanctuary like this our spirit is willing but oftentimes it's our flesh that's weak so i pray that you just strengthen my brothers may they walk in victory i pray that this wouldn't be a a reminder of religion or legalism but lord we realize these are things that are get to's not got to's um we're the ones who end up blessed when we're obedient to your word lord we forget that i think and so just remind us i pray that that we would go passionately from this building with a new course and and things that might be corrected and and um and a redirecting of our energy and our efforts so lord we pray your blessing on the brothers as we go our way uh cause us to do your word lord be doers of your word and not just hearers only in jesus name we pray amen you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 5,837
Rating: 4.9847326 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: RX6o47sSQTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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