How to Install & Use Overlays in OBS | Tutorial

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making your stream look good and stand out to others is not really that hard I'm going to show you step by step exactly how to do that from where to actually get these overlay packages and how to actually install them in OBS without further Ado let's Dive Right In now there are a ton of different places to get these overlays from whether they be free or custom made or even just a couple of bucks like 40 or 50 but personally I recommend you starting out with one of these three places I mentioned or another place that might just have pre-made assets reason why you want to use pre-made stuff when you first start out is because if you start using this and you decide this really isn't the look you're going for a few months down the road it would be really upsetting if you spend a few hundred dollars and then you wasted that versus if you only spent like 20 or 40 bucks on a package and then stopped using it after a couple of months all right so the three places I recommend are either going to be visuals by impulse nerd or die or owned or own 3D I don't I don't know which one it really is but either way they'll be down in the description below these can be three places that I've used before personally myself and I've also seen them in the industry for a very long time so I highly highly recommend checking these places out as they have reasonable prices and some pretty good overlays to start out with especially when you're new to streaming now personally in this video I'm going to be using visuals by impulse I'm actually going to show you a free package I found and if you guys want to download it as well Linked In the description that way you guys can follow along and you can see how installing it actually works alright so first things first let's go to visuals by impulse okay head over their website then we're going to want to go over to the store and once we go to the store we'll want to scroll down so here you can drill down into the different categories they have whether it's animated stream packages stream deck icons that kind of stuff we're just gonna hit free and yep so you can see all these free icons here for your stream deck there's a pizza party bundle but the one I'm going to be showing you guys how to install and how to use today is going to be luxury right here this one so this is a free package that comes with everything that you pretty much need whether it's you know overlays different scenes they're also animated too or not animated depending on if your computer can handle animated or not so you get both of them which is going to be pretty awesome so if you guys want go ahead and download this right now all you have to do is hit add to cart you check out it's name your price you don't have to name any price you can just download it for absolutely free now that we got our overlays go ahead and over to OBS and start installing it all right so this is what the bare naked OBS looks like by the way before we go any further if you guys don't have this downloaded make sure you guys go download OBS also we have a full tutorial on the best settings for OBS so in case you haven't followed that guide please make sure you guys go check it out should be right up above me and then once you guys complete that come back here and we'll continue the how-to video on how to add your overlays now if you've already done that Kudos and if you actually watch our video double kudos to you for doing that we appreciate it so without further Ado let's go ahead and create all the scenes that we need so we're going to go over to our scenes right here and we're going to click on just chatting we want a starting soon screen gameplay scene and then maybe intermission and ending soon alright so let's go ahead and go to our gameplay scene and we're going to start setting this one up first you'll see why afterwards so what we want to do is we want to add a webcam so let's go ahead down to video capture device we'll hit Elgato Basecamp and perfect there we go we have our ghetto FaceCam added I'm actually still really surprised by how good this actually looks so now we have the Elgato face cam so let's go and add our border to this so go down to where it says sources hit the plus button again now this is where it gets tricky if you found a static overlink which by the way static overlay does use less resources so if you're doing a single PC stream or if your computer is a bit older I recommend doing static because it's not going to take up as much resources as an animated package would if you're doing a static overlay you're going to want to go ahead and add image and that's going to be what it is is that they're all just basically images because they're not moving and they're not movies or anything like that now if you have an animated overlay like the one we just downloaded the luxury one you want to go ahead and do a media source as that's exactly what that is so we're going to add media Source do webcam overlay and then we're going to click OK browse now one thing I didn't actually mention to you guys make sure you know where this is actually at so personally as a recommendation I have a whole folder says assets so usually I have like a stream folder in here that has all the stream assets I have transitions in here text music clients that I'm working with all the assets that they use it's really really helpful to have this organized that way you can go ahead and know exactly where it's at in case there's any issues with it you need to re-add it or anything of that nature or if you remove OBS and reinstall OBS it's very very helpful knowing exactly where it's at so let's go ahead and drill down into where we put it I just put this one in the actual project folder since this is what I'm working on probably bundles luxury perfect so now we're going to go to overlays animated and there we are now we have our webcam overlay right here we'll click ok now if you guys are doing an animated overlay you want to make sure that you do a loop I'm going to show you guys why because technically this is a video file that plays for so many seconds if you don't choose use it to Loop it will basically just play for the first time and then it will disappear so make sure you guys hit Loop if you're doing an animated package if you're doing a regular package or a static looking image you won't have to worry about this I'll go back through and I'll show you how to do this static one as well but just in case you want to add animated since they're so cheap nowadays and very easily accessible we're doing it this way and click OK and there we are and now we have the two things now we just gotta basically line it up and make sure everything looks good on our webcam so we'll go ahead and do that we can just use our arrow keys to make sure it's lined up perfectly and there we go now we have our animated webcam overlay already and then also what's really cool from here is if you guys want you can actually select this hit shift and select this other one when you right click it you can then also group these together we can just call this webcam so now what's really cool is we can lock so we can now move this as a group so that way if we resize it it's going to resize the whole thing and it's not going to change the size of the webcam or the overlay so we can go ahead and move this to wherever we want to so in case you want it over here or you want it over here it makes it super easy so that you can just move them together without worrying about you know moving one versus the other and then messing up how they're actually overlaid there we go that is how to add the animated webcam to your webcam overlay now as I said before I do want to show you guys how to add the static one as well so what we're going to do is we're literally just going to go down here to this plus symbol again we're going to go to add image this time and we're going to do webcam overlay static now we're going to go to browse overlay static click webcam so now because if you notice when we're looking for the animated it didn't show it because that's not an image now we go to static and there we go that is it which is perfect click OK and that's it and then all you have to do is just line this up the same way we did before all right let's just say that's good technically you can just take this and drag that down and boom there you go now you have one that's static that's not moving so less resources being used or you have one that is animated that's gonna be the only difference while we're going through this is that if it's not animated it's just an image if it's animated that is a media source all right let's move on to the next all right so let's go to our starting soon so we're gonna again just click on the starting soon scene and then we're gonna go down here to the plus button underneath sources and then we're going to add media Source we're gonna do starting soon screen all right now we're gonna go to browse all right so from here you want to go to screens animated and then you're going to want to do the starting soon screen and again you want to make sure you Loop this click OK and there we go luckily this package also comes with text that are already pre-made for us so we can just go ahead and hit this plus button we're gonna add images and we're gonna do starting soon text browse and we'll do starting soon there's stream starting and there we go so we can literally just leave it like this and we'll just let this play until we actually want to start our stream and then once we do we can just hit our gameplay or we can do our just chatting all right so for the next scene let's go ahead and set up our intermission so once we go to intermission now we can hit this plus button right here and what we're gonna do is we're going to add a media source and we'll hit intermission screen browse screens animated I will do intermission then boom there we go now the cool thing is is once you're trying to add an asset that you've already added in as a source you can just hit this plus button so for instance our webcam which should be right in the middle there go ahead we'll hit oh wait you see that I made a mistake I didn't press Loop and that's what happens when you don't Loop it it turns off so if you notice now it's going to continue playing once this timer actually hits seven [Music] there restarts now if I took Loop off of this and it gets to the end turns off don't be like me and don't forget to turn on the looping effect okay so now we need to add our webcam since we have a big Blank Space right in the middle so go ahead and hit add Source go to video capture device now if you notice there's an existing right so this already exists we've already made this source so click OK and there we are now one thing that's weird about this is that our webcam is actually laying on top of this so in case you didn't know this the order in which you have things down here does make a difference so what you want to do is you want to take this and drag this down so that way we have our webcam underneath our actual overlay now it looks kind of weird because it's just my face and it's got some weird moving screen right so we want to go ahead and add the words intermission to this which luckily this package has that so go ahead and hit the plus button and then we're going to add an actual image and we're going to say intermission text all right we'll hit browse and we'll go to oh no screens text intermission there we go now we know it's an intermission screen so in case you wanted to sit there you want to chat with people this is a great way to do it intermission hey we're just taking a break whatever you know get up P move around you know get some water drink some more coffee and now we have an intermission screen so next up we're gonna go ahead and do the VR we'll do a BRB actually I totally forgot about that let's do BRB be right back so we just created the new scene so again come to this plus button underneath sources go ahead and add media Source we'll do B BRB screen click OK browse greens animated be right back Loop go and now we want to make sure that we add the text to it as well so it's an image because it's a PNG vrb text browse sorry I know I'm going a little bit fast but again we just gotta go through the folders be right back find out where they're at and then there you go be right back so that way you can go ahead and change it to where if you need to get up and go use the bathroom or something like that or you just want to let people know they're going to be right back you can go and do that boom there we go BRB and then we'll go and do the stream ending since that is the last scene we need to make so let's go ahead and click on stream ending hit plus and then we'll go to the media Source extreme ending well browse screens animated stream ending Loop Loop it then we'll add the text so again we'll come down that plus button we'll go to image stream ending oh text all right stream ending there you go so technically right now we have everything we need set up so we can literally just sit here and if we want to do starting soon we have our starting soon screen we have our gameplay screen we have intermission screen ending and also be right back screen as well now one more thing I'm going to show you guys how to do since it is including the package is the transition transitions are kind of cool they just add a little bit more of like flair to your stream when you're changing from scene to scene then we're going to go ahead and do a stinger so we're gonna hit yes to the Stinger now once we have this singer added we're going to want to go ahead and change the transition point to about 2 000 milliseconds what this means that there's going to be a delay between when the actual scene changes and when it's going to the next one the reason why is because when it's used like this notice how it says a we do preview transition this closes and comes back and now it's B and that's what we want we want to make sure that the transition fully closes and then it goes to B so now that we have that properly set up where it's at 2000 milliseconds if we go to change our gameplay screen to our starting soon it should look like this bam and there we are and there we go adding overlays and sourcing them has been that easy hopefully you guys thought so too if you guys thought this was an easy awesome tutorial go ahead and give it a thumbs up if you guys like this kind of content make sure you guys get subscribed for more how-to content and until next time my name is Ivy Paula I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Pipeline | Becoming a Creator Podcast
Views: 6,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pipelinegg, content creators, stonemountain64, snoopeh, facebook gaming, becoming a streamer, pipeline, facebook live, how to become a content creator, how to become a streamer, how to create content, how to become a youtuber, video editing, twitch, twitch streamer, obs tutorials, audio filters, OBS
Id: pxB9ET8gZH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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