Easy TWO PC Stream Setup - OBS NDI (No capture card needed)

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[Music] to PC stream setups is something that you hear a lot of bigger twitch streamers using it ensures that they have maximum gaming performance on their main computer while that second computer handles the brunt of the encoding load well well that most guys use Elgato or a vio or avermedia capture cards that range from one to three hundred dollars or more in Navy I chose case the NDI plugin for obs will give you a free option to accomplish the same thing so let's get into that everyone chris with coalition gaming here and I wanted to revisit a topic that has become our most popular video on the channel so OBS NDI presents a free and easy solution for a two PC streaming setup so long as you have a decently powerful second computer and making sure that everything is gigabit connected on the network if you have any other questions about OBS and di any anything that you may be wondering about that will also be linking our frequently asked questions video linked right over here and also linked in the description below so if you want to make sure your configuration is good go ahead and watch that video or if you run into any issues watch that video it's super helpful anyways so the second computer you want to make sure that specifically the CPU supports ssse3 instruction set that's 3 s's and long story short Intel has supported that since the Core 2 Duo days I believe and AMD has only supported that since the FX days bulldozer was the first generation to support an instruction set for NDI to work sorry Phenom users and Athlon users from back in the day unfortunately you're out of luck but FX and you're you're good to go so let's get to the installation process so here we are at the desktop and well if you don't already have OBS installed make sure you go and grab the latest version from the OBS project website that's OBS project comm and if you'd like to add Activity Feed viewer cow chat ability to skip notifications alerts repeat replay them control the titling of your stream all that sort of stuff selected what game you're on you can all you can do that all through the stream elements OBS live plug-in and that's just at stream elements dot-com / OBS live you see the option to download it there so assuming you have OBS studio already ready to go go ahead and google OBS MDI plug-in and then you'll be seeing this as the first link click the download button we're going to go down to the windows installer Exe you'll see it right there OBS NDI four point six point zero windows installer and you're gonna download that very small file 639 kilobytes and when that is ready go ahead and execute that we're gonna run the installation of the NDI plugin for obs so we can get started on this to pc stream setup tutorial go ahead and run through the installer it will get all the files and stuff that it means installed if it asks you to create a certain directory go ahead and click yes to that if you hadn't already created no BS in DI directory and well that's basically what it's asking for so mine is currently finishing the installation let's see right now it should prompt to reboot the computer and assuming everything on your computer is up to snuff in order to support OBS NDI you'll be fully ready to go once it reboots and there you go it says it right there yes restart the computer now so let's go ahead and do that and we're back the computer has rebooted let's go ahead and open OBS now it'll be a studio opening up that'll be opening up on my second monitor I'll drag it over right now there we are and let's see here you got to go up to tools and then you'll see NDI output settings if you see MDI output settings there congratulations Andy I successfully installed so when you're in here from the gaming computer as you can see my OBS is fully set up as if it was a single PC for streaming I have my gaming scene my talking scene I have my stream starting countdown scene I've run my intro I do all the stuff all through my one computer for the sake of simplicity if I can control it all from here it makes the second computer doing the encoding job much easier I don't have to worry about doing anything over there routing any audio routing anything from there to here in order to hear or anything like that that's just doing the encoding and I don't got to worry about anything else we need to change scenes if I need to do any of that stuff I do it on this computer and an MDI will take that and most of that encoding load that you would get streaming from one computer and ship it off to the other computer so you go let's go to tools Andy I output settings you checkbox main output I call mine OBS red beasts give you a computer a familiar name there then press ok and with that done you're ready to configure the second computer so all you have to do to get the second computer ready to go is run through these steps to install OBS studio and the NDI plugin again it has to be on both computers and when you have everything up and running both computers need to have OBS open in order for everything to be working right so actually one more thing to go over on this computer is you want to go into settings and then configure video now while NDI is turned on you can't configure that setting so we're gonna go ahead and uncheck it and then we're going to go to settings go to video and this is where some people have some issues my base canvas is my monitor that's my gaming computer my base canvas is gonna be 1920 by 1080 what I want to stream at is 720p 60 it looks good and it can be done smoothly with minimal impact across any system for the most part so I'm going to set up my stuff here it's 12 Eddie but 1280 by 720 downscale filter is lanczos and then the common FPS value is 60 this is something we're going to need to pay attention to on the second computer once we shift over to that thinks so make sure you configure the settings for what you want your stream to go out at and again 720p60 is my recommendation for most people and once your configured here just go press ok go back up to tools and your output settings and check the box for main output now if on the fly you needed to make any changes you can do that just fine you want to go to tools and di output settings uncheck Stu main uncheck the main output make any changes to that video section that you need to then go right back check the box and you should be good the second computer should automatically pick up your n di feed if you've already configured the n di source anyways talking about getting the second computer to pick up that n di source it's time we show you that let's do that and so here we are at the second computer OBS studio and the n di plugin have been installed as per the process that we already went over so just do that over again on the second computer and again you could look at tools you see in di output settings there means you're good to go however we're not gonna be messing around in this section you don't need to check any of these boxes here because the second PC is where you capture the main PC in order to do that you want to add a source so we're gonna hit the plus sign or you could right-click and click add but we're gonna click the plus sign and then you go to n di source and the AI source here you want to give it a familiar name my computer is called bread beast so that's what I'm gonna call it ok now you can type here in the source name in case you have issues finding it however if your computer is already been discovered on the network by the NDI stuff you can just click this drop down and there it is you may see sort of a funny-looking name on the left side on the right side the name that we gave it on that side of things should reflect right here so I gave it OBS red beast there it is select it bandwidth leave that on highest sync you can mess around with the sync it's just like audio visual sync if case things go out of sync you can try internal or source timing but I generally just leave it default and everything else you can leave alone mate latency mode is something that's actually relatively new so normal will give you just a normal latency as far as how buffering works with this with MDI however if you want a smoother stream you can select low which is an experimental setting however I heard it works pretty well your stream she'll be smoother in the long run so go ahead and give it a try on low but try whatever works best for you once you're here you can just press ok and it should appear on the screen and then we go ahead and press ok and there it is I'm actually capturing one of our older youtube videos on OBS on my gaming computer so we're seeing exactly what's in OBS off of the gaming computer and look at that no capture card no nothing happening all over the network this is great so once you have this configured you can actually go to settings and inside of settings you can this is where you have to configure your stream stream go ahead and do twitch or YouTube or whatever service you're using connect your account or just drop in the stream key output this is defined more with your upload connection right here in bitrate but we want to be using the x264 encoder in advanced mode x264 will give you the best image quality for the encoding and the keyframe interval of 2 should that's what you need for youtube and twitch and most streaming services CPU usage preset we're gonna set it to fast faster also is good very fast as the the standard essentially but we're gonna set it to fast this computer is just dedicated to streaming and you can dedicate more CPU cycles to encoding the stream the bitrate well that should be defined by your maximum upload however its which has the non partner limit at 6000 so the closer you can get to $6,000 the better your stream will look so let's go to video this is where it's very important that you match it up to the output scaled resolution that I talked about on the gaming computer so base canvas and the output scale resolution which is what you're going to be streaming at should both match up to what the output scaled resolution was of the gaming computer as well the downscale filter needs to match and the integer FPS value needs to match so we're going 720p60 and then we can go ahead and press ok so now you're ready to stream you can just go ahead and click start streaming and it'll light up your string something else I wanted to show you guys here real quick is that literally everything gets transferred over from inti as you can see here the NDI source for red beast has the audio bar going so any audio stuff you can figure over there desktop audio microphone all of that will go through India and be captured by the second PC to be streamed so literally you're going to be mimicking a single PC setup because it is the simplest way to execute this and all that second computer doing is doing is encoding the stream and sending it out how awesome is that and there you have it one more note on the CPU on a streaming computer is that you probably want at least a quad-core if you're going to be doing 720p 30fps streaming but if you want to do 720p 60 1080p 30 or even 1080p 60 you're gonna want a hyper threading quad core and that way you have enough cores and threads available for to support that encoding load high presenting quad core or better 6 cores 8 cores 10 cores the more the better because then you can take that CPU preset and go slower and slower with it and the slower you go with it the better your stream is going to look at any given encoding that you have it on anyway so that's the way I recommend OBS NDI be used in a 2 PC stream setup there are more creative ways to use it of course and if you guys use it any other way I'd love to hear how you guys are using it leave a comment down below with your configuration are you doing a different kind of 2 PC stream setup are you introducing a lot more computers into your stream setup are you juicing other cameras like the OBS in DI cellphone camera the video that I did linked right over here by Hawaii and hustle down below you can do all sorts of cool stuff with OBS n di and I want to hear about it so again leave a comment down below if you guys like this video click that thumbs up button click that subscribe button we always got more coming and let's talk tech let's talk in the eye let's talk anything there's a discord link down below to join our discord follow us on Twitter Instagram Facebook everything linked down below we'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Coalition Gaming
Views: 638,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs ndi, how to stream with two computers, two pc stream setup without a capture card, how to stream with 2 computers, how to stream with 2 pcs, how to live stream with two computers, two pc stream setup, 2 pc streaming, how to dual pc stream, two pc streaming without a capture card, two pc, 2 pc streaming setup, dual pc streaming without a capture card, how to setup a streaming pc, two pc streaming without capture card, 2 pc streaming setup without capture card, two pc setup
Id: 4q1rXLcXRLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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