What is NDI? - Why you NEED it for OBS!

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in this video I'm going to be taking you through the NDI features inside OBS and two apps that are on the App Store nd I capture and NDI camera hey guys it's JP here welcome to the channel if you've never been here before and you want to learn all about music tech and looping start now by clicking the subscribe button hit that Bell and you won't miss anything so if you've been doing some streaming online and you've been using things like OBS you may have noticed there's an option which is called NDI NDI is a protocol that lets you send high resolution audio and video wirelessly through your router to your computer NDI is used in the broadcasting industry and is used for a variety of different bytes to send information from one place to another but new tech who are the company you've created the MDI protocol have released two apps on the App Store I'm gonna take you through both apps today and show you what they do and show you why you would be using it for OBS hi so you join us here on OBS where we normally have set up our profile you can see I've got my main scene here of the iPhone scene we're gonna set up an MDI scene now before we do that what we need to do is we need to go to OBS and get the NDI plugin if you can see on your sources and you've got NDI sauce great that's it that's all you need if you haven't got that you'll need to go and get the sauce so we're gonna go over to Safari and we're gonna grab it now so all you'll need to do is basically on Google just go OBS MDI and if you go to OBS NDI the very first one there is a OBS studio plug-in and you'll see it there it says OBS and the I it's available on Windows Mac and Linux as well and just go to github and you can download it then you just install it once you've installed it install a little package it takes seconds and then once you've got it there you'll have an option which is NDI sauce so to save a little bit of time what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use ndo sauce on my iPad I've got my iPad just down here we've downloaded NDI H X camera and we've also got ND IH x capture now at the time of recording this they are both completely free new tech have said they are free for a limited time we don't know how long that's for if I launch the MDI camera app gonna ask me if it could use the camera and if you can use the microphone and once you do what you'll get is you'll get this you'll get a couple of features so there's a couple of things first of all the NBI right in the middle is blue and if that's blue it means it's on and it's broadcasting across your Wi-Fi I'm going to take you through the different setups so we've got basically a zoom on the left hand side we then have a couple of different filters so we can actually adjust the exposure so plus 2 or minus 2 then we've got a light to know if I was using the front-facing camera it's got a light or a flash on board we can utilize that it's also got a grid as well so we can compare ourselves up to match ourselves up to an area and then you've got the NDI broadcast through if I then tap that it means it's not broadcasting but if I've been tap it it's sending that signal across the Wi-Fi we can go back to the gear icon we can turn the microphone on or off because it's sending the audio as well and then we can switch the camera around which I've already done this little speed icon is basically down to latency whether it's really low latency or whether it's really fast I'd like to keep it as fast as humanly possible and then this gear icon turns at that one nice feature with MDI is if you've got a couple of things who maybe you've got an iPad or an iPod Touch and iPhone all pointing at you if you use the front-facing camera then when you change from one to another that one has a red bar around the outside so it shows you which one is active so for the person who is in front of the camera it's a nice little reference you can go our red bar it's over there or it's over there or it's right in front of me now once you've actually got this downloaded then what we can do is we can begin to set up our scene just from a complete novice standpoint I'm going to create a blank scene and we're just going to call it nd I so we've got nothing on there right now we've got no sources we're gonna add in a new source which is an ND i sauce and because of all you got this here and i've already got this going on on the ipad then what i can do is if i pick the source name if i drop this down it should be there and there it is gp's ipad pro and the ihx camera if I click it it asks me what we want to do with it so we're going to go the highest band widths the lowest or the audio only which you can do so really you've got I'm plugged in but you haven't got you don't want to plug the microphone into the iMac you want to plug it in all the way over there and you've got a phone sitting there you could do it that way the sauce timing is done obviously therefore syncing you can do hardware acceleration if you want to and then you've also got latency mode now there's a normal safe mode and there's a low mode so it's low latency but obviously be aware of there's loads of people on your network at the time then then that could slow that down you need a really fast Rooter not a fast broadband but a fast router to be able to get all this information going through so I'm gonna put it on load just for now and then when we click OK you'll probably get a scene there we go so there it is so we can actually then change this if we want to we could change the size of it just as reward on OBS as normal we could add in our different things that we have for our scenes and the reason you would do this is because a it's completely wireless so I can move this around I can just pick this off and move this so high and so this is completely wireless and also the quality of the camera on things like iPhones and iPads is much much better than things like webcams much much clearer but the other thing as well is you can pick the audio source as you have a look on OBS now you'll see that we've got a mic and that's fine that's the mic of the computer and we'll have one there which is my audio interface and now I've turned that off and this one is NDI sauce so it knows that that's actually coming from the iPad so imagine for example you want to pick up the quality of something and you're not near the computer you're on the other side of the room you can do that with that I've got this big red bar to say it is now active if I press the blue button and turn this off it's no longer streaming and you can see though it's paused it at that point because that's the last image it received through the Wi-Fi if I now turn this back on straightaway it picks it up because I've got it in a low latency mode so it's really really smart so right now I could set this off where I could have the video of this one but I could have the audio of this microphone I could have a video of this one over here but then I could have the audio from the iPad it means that it's limitless it means it's really really clever I'm only using one device right now I could use my eye and put another device on I could use an iPod I could use loads of devices but then you need to make sure that your Rooter can handle the traffic going through to send this wirelessly it's much much better if your main computer is plugged in via ethernet to the Rooter so therefore it's a lot faster and you can see there as I start talking more things are happening better traffic there and I lost a little bit of framerate so you have to be we're aware of that okay so the next one is nd I capture and capture is exactly what you would think all you have to do is start recording and what this does is it will capture the whole image like you would do a screen recording now the difference is instead of doing screen recording and then sending it later it broadcasts that screen recording live so if I click this right now and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to set this up so the NBI source is still the iPad and if I now click this and go nd I start broadcasting it's gonna broadcast now and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go into this source just here and just click it and instead of camera now we should have iPad pro display and then if I change this over so now it's on my iPad now I can pick the iPad up and again completely wirelessly and as soon as I swipe out of this it puts it in the right frame rate OBS is clever enough to figure that out and and also we can send that so imagine for example I've got my main camera so what I can do is let's just add my video capture device which is my iMac camera there we go hi guys and I'm going to move this like that and I can put this one on top there we go and move that to a position which I am happy with it's not that for the corner there put me there and maybe I could put some text or words here as we're going through the toriel of how to do something and this is fantastic because this is completely wireless again the more devices that you add on it's going to actually have a latency problem if you haven't got the best Rooter on the planet but it is really really clever and if we just go back into NDI source again we can keep a low experimental latency and there's a couple of different things you can change the color space if you want allow hardware acceleration there's loads of options now the other way to stop this is if you were to actually go up to the top here we can say stop broadcasting screen with NDI as soon as i hit stop it will stop and the last scene will actually stay on so it stays on there it won't just go away so you would have to maybe change the scene over to say go back to this and go there we go we've changed back over to our scene one of the really cool things you can do with OBS is you can record your live stream directly to your computer have a look down here and if you have a look at start streaming if you click that it'll auto start recording but you can click start recording on its own so you've used NDI and you've got some cameras everywhere and you want to set this up you can actually start a recording from home and you could upload that later the great thing as well is it can record the really high quality audio I'm getting somewhere with this so let's go into settings so when we go into settings I'm going to show you this let me just drag this down and we're gonna go into output and you can see just there it says recording path uses I've just put - movies that's fine you can generate file names and things like that but the recording quality is the same as a stream if you change this you can go into completely lossless quality now it does give a warning it's really really big sizes now the reason why you would do this or if you want to open the audio bit range or the audio quality or the recording quality things like that is because then what you could do is you could use that performance and upload it so if you've got a performance that you've done and you're like this is amazing I need it to be like a recorded performance it's like they're almost like a recording but it's live then you can actually upload your live stuff to dislocate district kid gives you the availability to upload as many songs as you want for one price per year and that is $19.99 so if you've done a really cool performance live streaming and someone said that's really cool I want it like available on my Spotify on my Apple music you can do that so what you can do is when you upload your song you can actually turn around and say instead of I wrote this song you can say no another artists wrote it it's a cover cover songs are okay to upload so you can upload a song that's performed and recorded by yourself but the music was written for someone else for example if your band played smooth criminal' written by Michael Jackson's totally okay digital kid we'll make it really easy to legally sell your cover song how many times have you actually played a song streaming or if you played a version of a song and actually you've got a little bit of a click or a twinge from somewhere like Facebook or some other platform where they've gone mmm that's not you that's written by someone else we're gonna pull that or what we've like they're just a doubt like us a bit of a kick so this way what you can do is you can actually get a license for your version that you do maybe you've changed the maybe the timing or you've done like a bossa nova version you can actually upload that to district kid and it's totally okay and they will find a license for you so district kid obviously is around for 19.99 cents per year but we have done a special link which is on the screen now and this gives you an extra seven percent off no matter which version of district aid you go for so there's loads of different tiers go and have a look at them but for $19.99 and then seven percent off that you could upload a thousand different streams if you really wanted to imagine how many albums you could create so there's the two apps guys the capture app is amazing because of course you can capture anything on your device if you're showing gaming or you're showing things like tutorials like I've done in the past you can capture the whole device and show every gesture that's on there the camera app is self-explanatory there's some nice little features there but what I want to know is would you use it the advantages of course is that you can use it wirelessly you don't have to plug anything in but the disadvantage is you do need a fast Rooter so you have to send that information across otherwise you will get things like dropouts let me know if you would use it in the comment section below a quick shout out to everyone who's subscribed to the channel if you haven't and you've seen a couple of my videos things like this one the streaming for musicians how to get better audio and video give it a click it's been quite popular and also if you see the couple of my other videos maybe consider subscribing to the channel as well hit that bell and you'll know when the next one is coming out if you want to take it a little bit further you can do bye-bye me a coffee on bar me a coffee calm all the links are in the description box below there is a buy me a coffee option there's also no a membership option as well there's some nice little perks on there go and have a look and show you what's on offer if you want to learn more about OBS then have a look at this video this is how I set up OBS specifically for me and my streaming needs and also have a look at this video how you can get better audio and video for streaming for musicians thank you very much for watching I will see you on the next one
Channel: JohnPaul Music UK
Views: 42,072
Rating: 4.8905983 out of 5
Keywords: obs, ndi, what is ndi, ndi obs, ndi hx camera, ndi hx capture, iOS apps, wireless webcam obs, best obs settings, facebook live, how to live stream, how to use ndi hx capture, ios apps 2020, ios apps free, live stream, live stream music, live streamers, ndi hx camera app setup, ndi hx camera app webcam, ndi hx camera iphone, ndi obs and ndi phone apps, best obs settings for streaming, ndi hx camera app, ndi hx camera app obs, ndi hx camera ios
Id: 1OyfzQ-sHRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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