EASY Road and Junction Tutorial for Unreal Engine 5 [+ FREE ROAD MESH!]

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hello guys and welcome to this new tutorial where I'm gonna teach you all about roads because almost every major game especially if it's open world and especially if it's in a modern day setting uses some type of roads on their open map so today I'm going to teach you how to do just that to populate your open map with very nice looking roads as you can see I took the terrain from the last tutorial and simply applied an auto material to it it's the one I also linked in the description in the last video so feel free to download it and support the creators of course it's free by the way but nonetheless without further Ado let's get straight into Rhodes and before we can start creating new roads you first have to import two things because I put two download links in the description one download link is for the asphalt texture and the other download link is for the road texture and also the road mesh so both of these are very important if we just go to import you see these five you will get with the texture with the link and these three um you will get with my download link that I'm gonna put on Google Drive or something um yeah so you got that too so if you have these imported then it will automatically um create a material for the road mesh and it will call it new road one so if we go in here I already changed it but if you import it it will look like this so it will only have the um specular texture sample and what we have to do now is we simply go to the content browser and we take all these textures except for the color texture and you just drag them in here and yeah now you'd simply have to connect them so as you can see this is the roughness we're gonna save this for last I'm gonna explain also why we do that but first yeah let's take this ambient occlusion we got our normal map put it in here and we also have our uh what is this I think this is uh no yeah um displacement so we're gonna put that into not World position offset that's the mistake that I made at this at the start but we put it into pixel depth offset because this will actually like uh put the single pixels at a different depth and just really gonna give you what you're looking for so here's what we have so far uh the only thing that's missing is a roughness texture and that's because normally when you plug this in um this will make we're gonna see here in a minute so this will make the roads very glossy as if it was wet or something and we don't want that so we're gonna go ahead and take a multiply nodes we're going to plug this into a plug this into roughness and now for B we can type something in and we're gonna multiply the roughness by two so it's rougher and less glossy and now if it loads you can see it looks a little bit more realistic it looks like actual asphalt um and yeah that's uh that's really it that's everything we need for the texture so far and we can hit save okay so now we got the main rope material done what we're gonna do next is we're gonna duplicate it two times uh wait let me yeah duplicate once and we're gonna call the first one New Roads junk for junction okay so we got this hold up we're gonna duplicate this again and we're gonna call it neuro junk one or anything really it doesn't matter um so what we have to do we go into the first one and uh we only have to change this texture so um so you want to go look for asphalt and you gonna plug the standard asphalt texture in this texture sample and you're gonna hit save okay so now for the last material uh neuro junk one you're gonna do basically the same thing you're gonna go in here and look for like just line because that's what I called it um and so now you only have the line on the right which this will be important for the Crossways later on you can just use the plain S4 texture also um but the lines really make the junction come together a little bit more nicely because then the lines will connect and you'll see you'll see so we're just going to hit save like we did with the last one all right so now that we got all of our um we got all of our materials ready we're just gonna go into the new Road open this one and we're just gonna check if it has the right material and it has so that's very good if it doesn't if it's just like without textures you just have to go in and look for your rope material but it has this so this is very good so we can close this and we can get into actually creating our first road and to do that we will go into landscape mode and um we're gonna go to manage and then you'll have a tab that's called splines and if you press Ctrl and left click you can create so-called control points and you can just really like paint the trick not really pain but you can like draw the track that you want uh with these control points and um what we can do now is we can basically if we select all segments we can basically tell the program to populate this spline with so-called spline meshes so like meshes that will appear along the spline and if we go look for roads we will find the new road and we're gonna have it here and as you can see this does not look right so we have to change the forward Direction I think in my case it's y yeah right very good um yeah you might have to just try around with this if you don't know what orientation your model has but in this case it's y for forward and Z for up then we have to change the size let me just check what it took for this I did some testing as you can see uh okay 0.6 we're gonna go in ahead again um select all segments you can do this up here um and then just put 0.6 to all of these values yeah and that's it so now you get the size right but it's still like this doesn't look like a very nice Road you got all this grass coming through and stuff like that you got it like the ground covering it and we're gonna tackle this issue and um it's a lot it's very easy um so you have here on the left you have the option to deform landscape to splines and we're gonna hit only select it you should always do only select it because otherwise it will make it for every spline it's it's potentially going to ruin stuff that you did with the terrain and stuff like that so always put it on only select it and you're going to click on this so yeah as you can see um it did something here but it still didn't quite do what we want there's still a lot of ground above the road almost more ground above the roads that's a very easy way to fix this if we just go to if we just select one control point and we go to select all connected control points um then we can we see all the points selected and we're gonna put the mesh vertical offset to 10 so it's going to be 10 above the ground and as we can see voila it's very different it's a lot better it's a lot better you can actually see the roads but we still have the issue with the the plants by the way you won't have this if you don't use an auto material this is just if you use like old material with foliage but you can just wait hold on yeah right you can just go to a layer that has no plans and draw with this layer and your roads will be clear still got a little issue here but yeah it's not that important the next thing I want to show you is how you can create Crossroads because this is something I struggled with for a lot of time but I found out a way to do this and it's actually a lot easier than many people think so what you're going to do is you're just gonna put the spline right here oh by the way if you add new control points you have to redo the mesh vertical offset but I'm just going to leave that zero for now actually I'm gonna I'm gonna remove the plants here real quick we have our one control point and then we're gonna add another one where we want like the other parts of the crossroads just like that and also we do that so we want a road to go out here between those two control points and what we will do is basically have this one selected hold Ctrl and click about here oh by the way you should probably disable use auto rotate control points because it will mess up your splines and stuff but so we've got the first one and we're gonna go from this one to this one just like that and as we can see we already have kind of the shape of a junction so we already have that pretty down pretty well um but the textures still look weird because you've got all these lines intersecting and as you can see it's also not the same level so what we're gonna do uh about this problem is we're gonna try to get all the control points at the same Z chord in it so they're all the same height so I'm just gonna type in let's say 50. that's a little that's a little high maybe maybe it's say 10. yeah I think I think 10 is good um and also here you do 10 and here you do 10 as well you still got some problems here which is because we still have to account for the rotation put this to zero and put this to zero as well and of course this should be zero two so now you can see these are all the perfect Heights all right so now next thing we do is we select all these um all these control points and we do the mesh vertical offset so we don't have the terrain stuff like that put it to 10 and then we're gonna select these and we're gonna deform the landscape all right what's that no yeah we're gonna we can worry about that later um but for now we have our crossroads right here and what you want to do now is you want to have these intersecting lines you don't want them so you will select all these segments and you want to go to material overrides right here it's right under the mesh um and this will basically assign a new material to just these segments um and if we search for research for S no yeah right if we search for New Roads oops you will see our materials here so neuro junk neuro junk one and the Norman you wrote ignore this I did this for testing um we're just gonna select neuro junk and you can see boom blends perfectly so yeah as you can see these roads blend very nicely actually let me just yeah yeah all right so this already looks very good but there's one thing we can do to make it look even better all right so this already looks very nice but there's one more thing we can do to make it look even better and that is using our just line texture so we're gonna go to material overrides and you're gonna look again for junk and you're gonna choose New Road chunk one so that's uh the material with the line and right now this is um at the wrong this is the wrong side the line is appearing but we can just use the x coordinate and we put minus so this way we will invert it and the line is going to be on the other side and holy this this just looks so good um it Blends so nicely so we're gonna do this for all the uh splines all the segments we got here and uh yeah we also have to flip this one so just hit a minus 0.6 and if we go out of landscape mode you can see that we have a very nice Junction right here yeah so this already looks very good um there's actually one more trick um that I want to show you which is which can be useful when you're connecting different uh blind Network because the trick I just showed you you can only do that if you're working with the same spline Network so here we got this street and we've got these two streets so what I did here is I edit the plane with the same texture that we also used for this Crossing just just without the line so I only took like the asphalt texture and I made a plane that is the same height as all these roads um then I put the crosswalk no not then I put the sidewalk on the side I also did this with splines and mega scans acid but if I just put this here like you can barely notice that uh I've used a plane here like it's very it's a very smooth transition um and yeah so this is another way to make Junctions but in my opinion this is the best way to make the Junctions because it's very easy and also very efficient when you have the plane it's it's a very uh tedious work to get it like exactly the same height as the road uh and so here you just have to copy some values and it will blend automatically more or less and also you get you don't need a sidewalk to uh kind of mask the edges because um you get the edges very nicely done with this line here and it really looks like this is just like one piece it's uh it comes together very nicely if you ask me all right so that was it for this video uh thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you learned something and if you did feel free to let me know by giving the video a like or sharing the video with friends who also want to know how you can make these very nice roads feel free to subscribe to the channel if you don't want to miss out on any future videos or any future tutorials so I hope I will see you in the next video and until then bye bye have a good one foreign
Channel: JzTz
Views: 58,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RCv3dFUjOf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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