RUTHLESS! Jordan Peterson DISMANTLES Swedish Politician's Feminist Worldview!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel hope all is good wherever you are in this video we have Jordan Peterson this was from an interview he did in Scandinavia with a panel of quote unquote experts including a very feminist lady that as you will see in this video gets destroyed by facts and this is just another way to show you that there's levels to this game and these people were not on Jordan Peterson's level let's get into the video why why do you think so many young men are following you because you you have you have a lot of your own I want the best for them genuinely I'm encouraging them more than you do for young women no no not why do you think so many are young men oh well I think part of it's um technological fluke I mean I I came to prominence at least in part on YouTube because I put my University lectures there and it happens to be the case that 80% of the people who watch YouTube are young men so there's that and it's hard to know how to factor that in exactly but then I'm also I think that young women are encouraged a lot which is fine as far as I'm concerned but I think that that's less true uh for young men now because we believe that there's something pernicious about male competence and activity it's part of a I suppose it's part of the notion that the best way to characterize Western Society is as a tyrannical patriarchy which is a appalling Doctrine as far as I'm concerned concerned how come is that well it's not a tyrannical patriarchy so it's not tyrannical that's the first thing certainly not compared to any other governmental form that currently exists and has ever existed and it's not essentially patriarchal unless you believe that women haven't contributed in immense part to the construction of what we have now so and and I also don't believe that to the degree that it is Pat archal that its structure is dependent on the expression of power arbitrary power on the part of men I think that happens sometimes but only when things go wrong what what what you're doing and doing now as well is is is challenging the the idea of gender equality that is very important in in in um in Scandinavia I think it's it's as you probably know um why why do you think that that can be a problem the idea gender equality I don't think that equality of opportunity is a problem I think that's a great thing and that anyone with any sense Champions equality of opportunity I mean even if you're purely selfish say and purely self-centered you'd want to set up an economy where everyone who had ability could be maximally exploited by everyone else because then we can all benefit from each other's talents and so equality of opportunity is is absolutely useful fundamental principle so but that has nothing to do with equality of outcome those things aren't even in the same conceptual universe and to strive for equality of outcome is well it's a Fool's game and likely to be extraordinarily it has proved to be in the past extraordinarily dangerous as well as impossible so I mean one of the things we know for example is that I don't know to what degree it's common knowledge in Scandinavia but the biggest differences between men and women in the world World in terms of temperament and interest are in Scandinavia and they've maximized as a consequence of your egalitarian policies what do you mean by that it means that the more egalitarian your state the bigger the personality differen is between men and women that's like the it's how do you measure that how do you know that oh well psychologists have perfected at least to some degree the measure of Personality over the last 30 years with very Advanced statistical models and so what you do is you offer men and women well validated tests of preference and of personality and you do that all across the world with tens of thousands of people in multicountry samples and then you look at the difference between men and women and then you rank order that by wealth and egalitarian social policy and what you find is the more egalitarian the society the more different the men and women become the host you just can't comprehend facts so why do you say that it's not his opinion this is how it is there's enough data to support it now and I love the fact that at the beginning of when he asked the question about young men cuz young men in today's society a lot of them are lacking a strong role model in school they're told to being a boy is bad right you're raised by a single mom in a lot of places you go to school your teachers are all women they tell you don't run up to school or don't be aggressive don't be a boy pretty much trying to make little boys or young boys I should say more like women and we're not so I love the fact that he said I want the best for young men and young women but he said genuinely and you can really feel that about JP when he does his lectures and his speeches that he actually cares about people he's not just out there being a mouthpiece and what he said there about egalitarian societies is 100% true if left to their own devices men and women will not choose the same thing he's not against equality he's just against equality of outcome not against equality of opportunity let's get back to the video is this something you can recognize or is it I would say for me it's quite the simple question actually do we want that our sons and daughters should have the same opportunities and uh the same um H the same dreams or hopes for the good thing or no and for me simple to ask that answer that it's yes of course so for me equality and gender equality is very very important for me also when we talk about gender equality is important for me to learn my my daughter that her mom uh can lead and show the way and her dad can hug and kiss her and show feelings and I think that's something very important for the the the hoods where kids grow up to show feelings to to have these gender equality discussions to show her a way of opportunities and to strive forward and it's important both for uh lonely men and lonely young men but also for women that feel this this roof of gloss uh they need to to fight and to to struggle the roof of gloss to yeah to be uh successful in their lives do you agree on this I think that equality of opportunity is a perfectly reasonable proposition I mean I have a daughter and a wife I do everything I and many many female clients and who I've consulted with and helped and and in many cases uh accelerated helped accelerate the development of their career tremendously it's of obviously of great utility to encourage forward striving in in young people and people in general that that that's not the issue in the least the issue is outome yeah why do you think the the outcome and these countries where the outcome is is is more equal why do you think that leads to a bigger differences between oh because there's only two reasons that men and women differ one is cultural and the other is biological and if you minimize the cultural differences you maximize the biological differences so I know everyone's shocked when they hear this this isn't shocking news people have known this in the scientific Community for at least 25 years and it's been replicated in the last month three times in three separate samples including in science which is the world's greatest scientific magazine by a large margin and it isn't a small effect it's a huge effect but so excuse me what does it mean does it mean that Scandinavian men and women are having more difficulties meeting each other talking to each other than other places no not necessarily but it does mean that there are reasons for differences in um participation rates in different occupations that aren't a consequence of socialization so for example this is especially true at the extremes so for example um on average men are more interested in things and women are more interested in people and that's actually the biggest difference we know of psychologically between men and women and and even though men and women are quite similar all things considered the extremes make a difference so you imagine that in order to become an engineer look obviously not everyone becomes an engineer you have to have a particular temperamental proclivity to become an engineer you have to be extraordinarily interested in things rather than people well most of those people are men and and if you want to become a nurse well then you have to be much more interested in people than you are in things and most of those people are women and so you get differences in occupational choice that are also by the way quite great in Scandinavia especially in the case of engineering and nursing that are mostly due to biological differences and you cannot minimize that by social engineering so and and it's not a bad thing like look one of the things you want to ask yourself is that what is the purpose of setting up a society that offers maximal equality of opportunity and one of the answers is that you maximize people's free choice and if you maximize free choice then you also maximize differences in choice between people and so you can't have both of those but of course it will have have differences as in choice of course because we are human beings but I can't see why it differs between uh me and scav for instance but of course it differs in biological things but not in choices because I think more how we raise them uh how we live uh education sort of uh culture attitudes form a human being whether or not they are a girl or a boy when they grow up and H if I raise my daughter to become a leader to uh be self-confident to to have a high education for instance I think she will have a good platform to become an civil engineer to become a CEO of company or to become a nurse if well that that is what that is what people who think that the differences between people who are primarily culturally constructed believe but it's not what the evidence suggests okay we don't agree that and again this is a lady that says and she seems quite smart right sure she is but they can't handle the fact she says I don't I just agree with you I don't agree with you Dr Peterson it's not his opinion that's what the data shows and I look at the women in my life and it's 100% true just looking at my wife and women do really well in medicine men do really well in the stems field we like to Tinker with stuff women like Jordan Peterson says they're more people oriented my girlfriend is a doctor but what makes her even more happy than being a doctor and going to work every single day being at home and taking care of her family once we started the family she quit her job and decided to just stay home she loves being a mother she loves taking care of us she is motherly more than a man would ever be right women are and that makes her happy she wasn't forced to stop working I would never tell her to stop pursuing her dream if that's what she wanted to do I work from home very easily could have taken care of the kids but no she we're both very conservative people we both have the same values which is what you want in a relationship right you want to you can be different in many ways but you want to be with someone who shares your values and your morals the core things if you can find somebody that you love that shares the your core values in morals you're on the right track just dating a girl cuz she's hot or a guy cuz he's handsome or has money down the road this is not going to work out good for you let's get back to the video the problem that quite a lot of men and also young men are struggling to deal with the fact that women now are more in control of their lives than earlier I don't think that's the problem I think the problem is is that the idea that um the West is a patriarchal tyranny is rapidly translated into the idea that young men who strive forward are to be regarded with suspicion because they're doing nothing but manifesting the same sort of tyrannical power that has kept women oppressed for the last 2,000 years and I think that entire narrative is appalling right to the core so and I don't see that it's helpful to anyone because making young men weak or or allow or or failing to encourage them to be strong that's a better way of putting it certainly does the young men no good and it doesn't do the young women any good at all if they want to find a partner so you're saying that all alone women and men have had the same opportunities always no I'm basically saying that all along hardly anyone had any opportunities I mean if you look at the history of the world um things really started to shift in about 1895 but before 1895 the typical person in the West lived on less than a dollar a day in today's money which is about 2/3 the UN cut off for abject poverty by today's standards and so what happened through most of the history of the world is that men and women struggled mightily together sometimes at each other's throats but mostly cooperatively to keep the wolf from the door and the Tyrant at Bay life was very very very very difficult and the fact that we survived at all meant that fundamentally we cooperated despite the fact that we're Rife with stupidity ignorance and malevolence but what's so terrifying with gender equality nothing except when people gerrymander the data it's like what do you mean by equality do you want women to have their free choice or not if you do they're not going to pick occupations that are the same as the occupations men pick but we have structures today that that women need to struggle they need to to H take a step uh to to have the possibility to become like a prime minister as we talked before we don't have had any prime minister in Sweden that have been a woman for instance H we have a lower rate of female entrepreneurs uh uh men had a higher income than women uh in Sweden uh even if they work with the same uh tasks and we need to work that's one that we need to work with gender equality I think even in the lower class in schools to learn kids how to play with dolls or how to boys how we we need to I think we need to learn boys to be more sensitive but also uh young girls to become more self-confident and I think that's very important to well the problem the problem with that the problem with that is the data indicate that the consequence of the policies that you're promoting have maximized the differences between men and women so that isn't what it's doing now that isn't to say that the movement towards egalitarianism is necessarily a bad thing but tremendous amount of that's being driven not by social policy but by technology I mean you know the narrative that we're fed now is that up until 1960 when the enlightened feminists uh developed their egalitarian doctrines men had kept women down and they finally Rose and the truth of the matter is is that from about 1895 onward there was a series of technological revolutions that were extraordinarily powerful in their impact that allowed women to step forward free of many of the burdens that had kept them back in the past birth control being one of them but only only only one um uh uh sanitary facilities of All Sorts Plumbing had a huge role to play tampons had a huge role to play as did sanitary napkins all of these Technologies developed that enable abled women to uh to to to move forward to move forward with with with less biological imped what Dr Peterson just said there is but has to be true I don't have the data on this but I I like to believe that this man is way smarter than I am the invention of the tampon and the sanitary pad had to have been a massive invention invented by a man by the way if you're not spending a week out of the month bleeding you could be at work more often you can put in more hours end birth control if you're not pregnant for8 months out of the years you can advance more or you could just not get pregnant at all if you don't want to be a boss woman but what she's talking about here is that we don't have a female prime minister and we talk about the CEOs and the SE sues these are competitive positions and often women would be competing against men Cutthroat ruthless men and the data will show one more thing about men and women is men are more willing to sacrifice their life for a goal monetary or successful for status than women are it's more important to men and also women want men with status is one of the big reasons that men do these things we're not the same if left to our own devices men and women again will choose different paths for careers let's get back to the video would what would you say is the best period in history to be both a man and a woman oh clearly now there's no absolutely no doubt about that anyone who would like to wor for the Kos you worry about the chaos well you know it's nice if we could make things better than they are and I would say that just as all around the world we're raising living standards at a rate that is absolutely unparalleled in human history we're also in danger of destabilizing our culture in the west I don't think that's idea part problem part of that problem you you called uh you talk about there is is is what we call the identity politics yes I think that any that oh any political position that puts someone's group identity ahead of their individuality is a regression to a kind of a a regression to a tribalism that will definitely become violent because that's what happens to Tri what's an example of of of identity politics playing that role well it happens every time people Divi divide themselves into tribal groups I mean what we're trying to do to make peace is to bring people under the rubric of something approximating a single identity a shared identity and I mean the evidence that people fight in tribes it's the that's the entire evidence of the human race and the farther back you go in time and the smaller the tribal groups become the higher the rates of intertribal warfare and the higher the rates of homicide and and and this you're talking about this is part I I think it's part of why you also are people feel some kind of ambivalence towards towards you also you I mean we call you controversial from time to time and um I don't know do you like that being controversial do you enjoy provoking groups like like uh no and I don't provoke people I just say what I think I just say what I believe to be true well that's no I don't have you ever been onine I say what I believe to be true and people find that provoking that's not the same as me provoking people if I was provoking people I would be setting out to upset them and I'm not setting out to upset them I'm just setting out to say what I believe to be true and I'm a very so you're following the the the the rule we talked about yes and when I'm talking about gender gender issues for example in personality that's actually one of my my fields of expertise I know the literature and it says exactly what I said it says and as I said as well it's been replicated three times in the last month the London Times came out three weeks ago and said that the finding that gender differences maximize as egalitarian policies are developed is now one of the most solidly grounded findings ever produced by social scientists so you know you can make of that what you want it's not something that I particularly enjoy it just happens to be the case so what are the fake news about Jordan peton oh well the the fake news is one is that I'm provocative it's an older interview and we're seeing all this today with the identity politics right the black community the the white Community lgbtq the trans we're not just a society now everybody has to belong to the group and group is more important than the individual now we have stuff like Dei and affirmative action instead of judging people on the Merit of their character we're judging them based on their group or based on their skin tone or ethnicity or where they're from and no good comes to that because every week the most victimized group becomes the most important person and the media just plays people against each other judge people on the Merit of their character only and you solve that problem let's get back to the video is it is it like uh do do you come from an environment where where where weakness was a bad thing where self-pitying was a bad thing um where where self-pitying was a bad thing I would say yes I come from that background but that was that was part for the course I would say when I grew up and I mean where where I grew up it was still a frontier place in some sense you know my town was only 50 years old and people were essentially self-reliant to the degree that that was possible it was certainly the case Within my family on on both my mother and father's side and the idea was but this wasn't particularly what would you say unique to my family you know the ethos was feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to be of much utility you should get out there and do what you can do and and straighten your back yes if you can do that and I got lots of encouragement from from my parents from both of them um certainly I have a very good relationship with my mother who I loved very very much and uh we we shared a sense of humor which was lovely and my dad although he was a harsh Taskmaster um also was very encouraging to me in that he believed that I could do whatever I put my mind to and he helped instill that conviction in me in a manner that I hope wasn't and isn't too um let's say narcissistic it wasn't a matter of priv it was a matter of drive and dedication and effort and so that was Jordan Peterson in my opinion man still one of the greatest of all times I as a Canadian used to watch his lectures before he was the famous Dr Jordan Peterson they were great they're still great and I recommend anybody listening to this if you're a fan of his if you just maybe you're not a fan maybe you want to get to know his stuff more the early stuff the university lectures they're long 2 hours 3 hours they're excellent the maps of meaning series he did excellent I love what he says there about encouraging is that encourag them as a kid a lot of kidss don't have that today when we see this a lot of kids don't have a male role model in their life or more and more single mother households and the metrics and the data on single mother households versus two parent households is incredible the rate of incarceration teen pregnancy High School Dropout you can go on and on how good it is to have both parents at home for children he's talking about how his dad told me he could be anything he want to be and I think kids need that they also need to hear though in my opinion is not only that you can be whatever you want but that to do that is you're going to have to work every day day in day out week in week out monthin month out year in year out very hard to get there I hope you all enjoyed it if you did as usual smash that Thumbs Up Button consider subscribing to the channel helping grow and I'll catch you all in the next video peace out everybody
Channel: The Based Conservative
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Id: 0Ik8TEiBp6s
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Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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