How to Make Roads with Splines in Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal Engine 5 tutorial and today I'm going to show you on how to make a really cool and simple Road system uh using the spline layer system from the landscape it's gonna be a very easy video to follow and fast so let's get started alright so first of all it's gonna go ahead and get a simple on road model that we can use in my case I have found this really cool modern sketchfap which is completely free and I will be leaving the link in the description so you can go ahead and load it now we will be modifying it on blender but if you want to skip this part and you're not very good blender whatever I will be leaving a link uh so you can download the modified version um of the model in the description so you can basically skip into the time they're using on here and the screen uh so you can skip this part okay all right so just go ahead and load the 3D model and just load the fbx just go ahead and extract it into the folder let's go into source and then you can see that we out there they basically the road model so now we have to open Lander to modify it so once you have blender opened we're going to go ahead and just delete all this and then let's go to file import fbx I'm gonna find the rode I'm gonna go into source and get the uh BX loaded in and you can see that we have the road appearing in here and the reason that we are modifying it is that because it is too long then our curves will not have so much um basically space to bend and it will just look very very very bad so we have to make this shorter so let's go and press tab to go into the um into the edit mode and then what we're going to do is just um hit Ctrl R and then this line will appear click it and then another line will appear and basically we're going to use this to basically cut it so we're going to go just into around here so when you see uh the one the first um section I'm gonna go into the second section and just around here just press it and then it will create a loop cut over here so now what we can do is select um all this vertices that are right now on here press X and then press vertices and we'll basically delete all that part of the road and we'll do the same with the other part Ctrl r we go press it and then we can use so one and two so over here we're gonna cut it select all these vertices X and vertices and then make sure you always delete everything we go and now we only have a short section on a road model so that's really cool so now what we have to do is go into edit mode press a and then we have to go into UV editing because the UAV editing will set up to the old um model so now we have to modify it okay so in order to do this what we have to do is go into view align view sorry in viewport and just go into top now just hold alt and um just press the middle Mouse button and then you can go ahead and just move it and to be positioned with forward looking like this so now what we're going to do is press U and then project from View and then this will appear on here with the new UVS you select everything and just go into the scale and then in select in the outer sphere just make it much bigger kind of like this nearly tucking touching the borders all right now I can go back into the layout and you can see that we have our abroad over here really cool but there's something that I want to change and it's the sides I want them to be uh going down let's go back into the edit mode and you select all these vertices and we can just uh with G basically move them okay so it's a bit hard to kind of make it look better so what I I would do is just directly delete this Parts over here and now we can use select the this point and this point control and just with G kind of move it and now it looks a bit better and I'm gonna put this over here so it's a bit smoother and I'll do exactly the same with the other side so X vertices I mean this is just if you wanted uh to look much better so you like this um actually gonna delete that and also delete that and delete that and then I just get this okay I'll move it like this and then if you press e you can extrude so we cannot go ahead and match what we had on the other side I know it's not exact um but it will do the trick uh right now okay okay so once we have our road um we are gonna press a and sorry I'm gonna go back into the UV editing and just press U right from view again and just do update the things the changes that we did uh now we can go back to layout and using the object mode selected and now we can export it so just go in file export as an fbx just find a place you want to export it uh rename it into Road spline or whatever you want and then up here we're gonna use uh limited to the selected updates and now we can use export it as a fbx with all that settings it's default and like I mentioned before you can just load the model in the description okay so now let's hop back into Unreal Engine and let's just go ahead into file new level I'm just going to create a new basic one or you can use the library you want and what I'm going to do is just import these uh Road just drag it into Unreal Engine and now you just press import all with the default settings this is a warning for these within groups I doesn't matter and there we go we have our road over here um as we did it from blender it's really cool okay so now what we're going to do is go ahead and create a simple landscape of course if you already have a landscape where it is okay but I'm just going to delete this floor let's go into landscape and then um you have to make sure that you have enable edit layers ticked uh this is just because we're going to be using different layers for these blinds so make sure that's detect and you can just create it and if you really have the you know the um the last cake ready just selected and just search for edits and you can just enabled there but okay let's go back into landscape mode and now we're gonna go into manage now you can see that we have a layer here which is the default one well right clicking it great and then this is going to be a new one which is going to be the road roads um and then just right click it I'm gonna reserve it for splines only and I'm gonna click yes so we only can use this layer for splints uh it was it's just a bit more convenient for the use that we're gonna do it so now what we can do is just go up here and select these planes too and we are just gonna find an area that we have to do is just hold Ctrl and then left click and now a new point will appear and now we can just find another Point hold Ctrl and left click and now here we go we are forming a road you start go ahead and placing more splines as you can see to make it as how you like in my case kind of like this really really cool you can see their splines are forming and there's already a kind of Road looking like this of course now we have to do some changes to it but as you can see you can select different points and then change the height or whatever and it's rain or basically align um in in its to its needs so it it just a bit more convenient and much better for well the things that we're going to be using it and it's really really cool because you can create really fast and really cool looking levels with it so now we have to place a road so don't worry I will be also leaving a link on the description so you can unload the model that I modeled um for the road uh so you're having troubles of blender you know you can go ahead and just download it so now you select uh the one of the mountains on the uh spline is go onto here into segments so it will basically select all of the spline system and now we can go down into spline meshes we can now add one and then you drag in or Row the splines and there we go we can see that already um the well there's meshes being applied on our system now of course it looks very bad because it's um you know overlapping with the ground and it is too big for some curves okay so to you know fix this what we can do just go into here in the center I just and in the Y access is placed for example a 10 so it will just go up and lift it and now to make it a bit smaller what we can do is go into scale in the x-axis and just put 8.3 for example and now it will start looking much much more better um now I think that we have to do now is just apply a road material into our spline so I'll be using this quick so I'll just go into window pixel Bridge so when it opens just go ahead into the search bar and use search for American road you can see that we have some cool roads so I'm gonna use um this road over here which is to use the fine American Road let's go ahead inside the quality that you want download it and then just press add and will be added into your project so when it's downloaded you'll go into Mexican surfaces and you can see that we have the material on here so now we can use just open the um mesh that we have before is change the material to use the road from the American we go save it and now you can see that we have the material being applied on our road it's really looking really really cool so if we were to go ahead and play the game over here you will see how cool it looks and we can play it has all the Collision set up basically and yeah you know I don't have a vehicle you can start going ahead and driving on your game really cool see guys if you found this tutorial useful and helpful or really appreciate if you like the video and subscribe I have lots of unreal anti-pack details out there so you want to check it out go ahead also we are so near reaching 2K subscribers so if you want to help me out go ahead and subscribe right now and now with all that said bye bye friends [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 54,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5 road spline, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine tutorial, how to make roads with splines, ue5 road, ue5 how to make splines, unreal engine make roads from splines, unreal engine 5 how to make a quick road, unreal engine 5 spline system, unreal engine road system, unreal engine 5 landscape splines, unreal engine 4, ue4, unreal engine 5 how to make road from splines, how to make spline road in unreal engine
Id: eO2HUsC7dHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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