Easy Guide to HardOPS and Boxcutter for Beginners - Part 2 - Blender Tutorial

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hey guys are you here welcome to part two on basics of box cutter and hard ups in previous part we will talking about the most essential operations and in this one we're gonna be focusing more on you know the fun stuff let's talk about cutters first yeah because you know that's something you're going to be using all the time so when you draw a cutter when you click and drag your mouth and you know release and then draw a cutter um you will draw the basic bullion which is the difference boolean but when you press x during this operation you switch to slash if you press x again you will switch to intersect and then if you press one more time you will switch to inset so now when you press t during uh any of these operations gonna switch to solidify in the insert mode it's gonna be basically adjusting the thickness of this uh insert bit but if you switch back to cutter mode with x and the t is gonna be adjusting the solidification okay now let's cancel it with right mouse button and let's draw it again so now if i draw a cutter right and i press shift t i'm gonna switch to taper okay so you can draw taper cuts all right and if i press w during the cut i'm gonna switch to wedge cut mode now if you hold ctrl while doing this you will switch to a perfect wedge which is basically a 45 degree wedge cut so if i'm going to apply a bevel here you will see we're going to have a perfect wedge now when you draw a wedge card you can press w again to rotate it or turn it off so you can toggle different views here right in addition to all this during the cut you can press r to rotate g to move right and f to scale okay and of course e to extrude so during the cut when you when you draw a card you can press tab to enter so-called pose mode and you can you know manipulate with your mesh you can hold shift and pan it you can click a middle mouse button and rotate it you can zoom in and out and now you can kind of think uh what to do with that mesh but when you press right mouse button you're gonna cancel and when you're gonna press left mouse button you're going to apply so don't click those if you want to adjust it now these dots here they indicate different things for example this one here if you click it you can add a bevel right or a chamfer so you can uh you know at either of these and this one is going to be the depth of the cuts extrusion right this one is the overall shape of it and this one is extrusion from the top another thing that you can do with a cutter is add double battle so you can create a cut press b for bevel and then q for quad bevel in addition to this you can press shift f to create a inverse battle all right another interesting mode of box cutter is gonna be extrusion so if i'm going to draw a cut around this boolean and drop it down to completely you know encompass this shape and press y and this will change the color to a black shape and black color and if you click you will gonna extrude that cutter what it means is that now if you draw it you have this cutter extruded and this is your custom cutter okay so if i draw it now i'm going to be drawing a custom cutter now if you draw this cutter and you want to maintain the the same depth and sort of an angle of this original one you simply hold control it's gonna happen automatically okay so let's say i have a cut in here right and i created the cutter so let's just go back to press d and leave that custom cutter go to regular cut select the cube and when i'm going to be cutting this and let's say i'm going to perform a cut and then i'll think well i actually changed my mind i want this to be a slash cut so what you can do is go here press q go to every scroll click on it which will enable you to scroll through all the cutters on the mesh uh using your mouse scroll wheel then you click right and then you can shift it to another boolean so shift pull and when you scroll your mouse you can shift between all these different modes like for example you know inset press t and then just solidification or keep shifting to let's say uh slice boolean right which is this one so if that's what you want you can you know you can uh just switch it to the time you want as long as the boolean is live okay that important thing to note is that cutters are parented to the mesh so if i move this mesh it's going to move with the cutter right but in this case you see that because we have a slush here we got two different meshes but they shared the same cutter it's a problem because when i move one of these measures the other one gets affected right so what you can do is select both of them go to queue menu go to operations and click on unique wifi this will basically create an individual cutter for each of these meshes so now i can move this mesh with its cutter and i can move this mesh with its cutter so if i move this one here on y axis and i'm going to go to other scroll you can see there's the color and if i do the same thing here and this mesh also has a cutter so this kind of being duplicated and parented to this mesh right in addition to all this we have different types of cutters okay so we have you know regular box cuts so just you know box shape cut right but we also have a circle so if you press d you can change the circle and you can draw it from a from a center and if you hold shift and scroll your mouse you can adjust a number of segments as you can see up here and also on the bottom here and all the other options apply so for example you can draw a circular cut press shift t uh to taper right and you can create a tapered cut if you want to you can um you can create a shift t and then you can press b for bevel right let's just drop it a little bit lower press b for bevel and then shift shift f to invert it you can get something like this which is pretty interesting and if you drop a bevel on the mesh you could have a double bevel on on that shape here you can create different shapes with with a circle so if you go here you can switch it to for example star and you can draw a star and of course you can change the number of segments if you want to and you can create you know cuts like this if you want right and the same principles apply so i can draw a cart and press shift t and it's going to taper it as well press b for bevel and you can create a very easy you know screw-like shape for instance right which is pretty cool so now let's talk about end guns right angles are really cool and amazing stuff with them so let's go to d and we're going to go to an end gone cut and i can simply start drawing an end gone and uh you can see that the angle starts snapping to certain points now what does it mean so when you draw an end gone first of all you will notice that automatically it stops the angles the reason why it stops to angles is because by default you have this angle lock here enabled okay if you don't want this angle lock to kick in you can hold ctrl to release it right if you want to switch the angle density or you know the increments of angles to which it's going to snap you can do it here you can set it to 5 for example by default it's 15 and it's going to be a little bit more you know precise snap okay so you can create a handgun very easily and let's just draw it and you can see now here it's going to snap to this dot perfectly creating a 90 degrees angle like that then you can press b of course and you can you know bevel it and you can create a really cool shape shift t and taper it as well so it works with end guns as well okay another cool thing that you can do with angon is that uh you can you can draw a shape like for example a wall with a thickness so if you turn off this cyclic here you can also switch it up in here if you want to um you can draw an end on with a thickness which you can adjust by pressing t right like that so if i deselect everything and start drawing here you can see that i can start drawing a shape like this and i can press t to adjust thickness of it click and then i can extrude it like this press b for bevel and uh press q to remove the cube battle the quad bevel and i got something like that which is awesome right so you can create very quick walls and stuff with it or you know maybe even cutters because you could use this one as a cutter so i watch this i can still change the thickness of it so i can go to operations modifier solidify i can change the solidification of it i can use it as a cutter if i wanted to so if i you know grab a cube here and make it bigger and grab this shape and make it taller and make it bigger you know i could basically slice it like this right so shift two and boom i got something like this so you can you know create really interesting stuff with it okay it's important in which view you are in terms of cutting so if i'm in on perspective view and you you know you want to draw in an object orientation what it means is that when you press shift v menu you'll be seeing orientation of your cut so object mode means that you will be drawn off of a face so along the normals or the direction you know whichever face is pointing at so in this case it's gonna be here if i'm going to draw off this phase it's going to be like that if i'm going to have a corner here okay i'm going to press shift b to bevel this right and if i'm going to draw from here you know my counter is going to be oriented accordingly right but i can switch it to view mode and if i do that i usually work in orthographic so i'm going to go to let's say top view orthographic and then when i when i draw i'm going to be drawing in view mode meaning it doesn't matter um you know harm oriented i'm gonna be always drawing from the view okay if you are drawing on the shape so i'm gonna start drawing within the shape parameters i'm drawing an object view but if i start drawing from outside the shape i'm drawing in view mode and this is basically something that's called i think um auto auto view mode or whatever it's really cool and convenient because you don't really have to switch between them so often if you don't want to and another really awesome option here on the object mode is the alignment to to the edges okay that's really important so let's say you have a diagonal edge here and you know you wanted to align yourself to to that to that edge you can see that it's aligning but it's aligning to to this to this top edge so if you press shift v and switch from local orientation to the nearest edge now you can actually align yourself to any edge you you know you are close to right or you could align yourself to the longest edge so the longest edge on the mesh basically so it's gonna follow the orientation of the longest edge on the mesh right i never use these two i just you know don't really care i use these these two modes 100 of the time i'll literally never use these two so there's one more thing i want to show you and that's a line cut now in box mode you can draw either in local orientation or this local orientation here or nearest edge orientation but you can also draw in a custom orientation which is a line box so if you click on this here or um here in the menu so you're gonna be in nine books orientation so what you can do is draw a line and snap it like an engine to an angle and then when you snap it then release then you can draw a shape and you know you can basically align it to any angle that you want so if you want to misalign your cut this is the best way to do it occasionally you have a problem with aligning your cut to to an edge using this algorithm then line box is perfect because it's you know you can align it perfectly to any really edge on your mesh right when you draw a card okay and you control the depth of the cut you know you can cut to any depth you want already but if you want to cut through the mesh all you need to do is just draw and click and this is going to enable something called laser cut which means it's going to cut through the mesh um through the whole depth of the mesh okay so draw and click draw and click right draw and click you see what i mean so you can draw and adjust it and click or just simply draw and click a lot of people ask me like you know which one should i go with box cutter or hardups i mean it's you should treat it as a one add-on because they they work so well together and occasionally i don't even know which tool is you know which item because it doesn't really matter it's like one massive add-on for me it's an environment think about it as an environment okay not not two separate atoms because they just have so many tools that interact with one another you can't really i mean you can use one or the other but it just makes zero sense to me to be honest so the best way to learn them is to learn them both at the same time all right so in the next video we're going to be talking about combining both workflows together maybe we're going to be talking about some hard dubs tools and how these two atoms you know work together in tandem alright thanks for watching and see you next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 1,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, hard, surface, tutorial, scifi, blender tutorial, hardops tutorial, boxcutter tutorial, beginner, easy, hard surface, boolean workflow
Id: 5mKMaXOegpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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