Apply scale? What does that mean? || Blender Concepts

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if you've ever watched a tutorial where someone told you to apply the scale and you didn't understand why you would need to do that then this video is for you so i'm just using blender 2.92 as an example for this and i just have my cube right here let's open up our side panel with n you can see under item right here we have our transform information so when we move our object to the side you can see the location changes you can rotate with r and you can scale with s or you can just drag these values right here and you can see when we do that all these values are different now you can reset these so to reset the location you would do alt g you can see all these go back to zero and this goes back to its original location alt r again all these are zero back to the original rotation and alt s will bring all of these back to one and we have our original scale now say for instance we scale this a little on the x-axis and then we can apply the scale with ctrl a and then choose scale right here you can see our cube didn't change size or anything but over here everything went back to one so now if we press alt s nothing happens because this is now the new original scale and so if we scale this up any different amount whatever and press alt s it's going back to that amount because we applied it it's basically saying this is the new original when this when all of these are one this is the shape that you want to be okay so for example if you were making a bouncing ball animation this is an instance where you don't want to apply your scale basically you want your original scale when it's everything set to one you want it to look like a perfect ball still so that when you you know stretch it and squash it and stuff like that you can always hit alt s and make it go back to the original shape if you wanted to so if you scaled this down and like squashed it and stuff like that and then applied it like that you want to go back to your original shape you're going to have to you know guess like that so like that looks normal but the scale is still all out of whack and when you hit alt s it's squashed again so this is an example of wanting to keep your scale consistent so that you can always revert it back to the original alright so one instance where this is actually important to apply your scale is i'm gonna add a bevel modifier to this you can see this doesn't really look normal and the reason that is is because i didn't apply the scale all right so if we open up our side panel again you can see not all of these are one this one is five right now so if i apply the scale to reset this back to one now our bevel looks normal and you can easily recreate this problem that we were having with the bevel modifier by selecting your object make sure you're in object mode for this and you just scale it again on the x-axis the more you scale it you can see the bevel modifier it starts to stretch and it's not you know the same on this side as it is on this side if you ever have this problem with the bevel modifier make sure you check your scale and if you don't want to be constantly applying your scale like that you can just alt s to go back to the original and do stuff in edit mode so now i'm in edit mode i hit tab to get into edit mode and if i start scaling this you can see that the bevel modifier is still working completely fine um you know you could even start like adding geometry and the bevel modifier is still working completely fine and if we tab back into object mode you can see this is still one so when you do changes in edit mode it's not affecting your scale at all but when you scale things in object mode it does affect your scale right here so another situation where you might have trouble if the scale is not applied is in the shading tab over here and i'm using a checker texture as our example by default if you don't have a texture coordinate plug-in it will be using the generated ones that's what it uses by default so you can see when we scale this on the x-axis and once again we're in object mode for this you can see our checker is stretching and if we plug in the generated that's the same because by default this uses generated so i usually use object for this most tutorials people will use object or uv or something like that it works the same for this too so if we press alt s you can see our checker texture once again looks normal and when we scale this in object mode it's going to stretch our texture so if you're ever in a situation where your textures look like they're all stretched for some reason it might be because your scale is not applied so right now we can see that all of these are not one if we select our object and control a apply scale now our checker texture is no longer stretched and once again just to drive this point home if you scale this in edit mode this will not stretch it won't affect the scale so another instance where not applying your scale might get you into some trouble is with rigging and animating so i'm just going to set up a rigging example right here i scaled all of this in object mode so if we check our transform over here you can see this is all out of whack none of these are one they're all very different so now i'm going to you know select our object select our bones and control p and choose with automatic weights right here so now that i did that you know when we move these in pose mode the armature will follow okay but if we select our object go back into object mode select our object and we reset the scale so that all of these are back to one we can do that again with alt s now this is the original shape this is what our object wants to be and now when we try to pose this this is all broken i have no idea what's going on right now and so now how would you fix this and that's kind of the problem is at this point because we already applied our scale you would basically just have to control z until everything is back to where it was but if you're in a situation like this where it's already been saved um you know you could basically just scale this on the x-axis and try to get back to you know your original size but that's not going to be very easy especially if you're using a shape that's more complex than this tube right here so you can see now we're pretty close and it's it's working all right again but if this is wrong even a little bit it's it's not gonna look good it's not gonna work right basically try to not put yourself in a position where you're binding um armatures to meshes without the scale applied if you notice that you are in this situation um before you change the scale at all just make sure you apply your scale so yeah that's pretty much it i hope that made sense and helps you all understand what it means to apply your skill thanks for watching have a good one
Channel: Joey Carlino
Views: 6,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, cg, cgi, blender 2.9
Id: DK0_FH7miEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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