HOW to use HARD OPS - Blender 2.82+ addon tutorial - part 1: Introduction

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hi guys are you here with another tooth for blender hard surface modeling this series gonna be all about hard ups an amazing atom for simplifying the workflow in blender for reducing a lot of clicks into simple actions so we're gonna go from the basic stuff to the most fun stuff so where can you get hard ups from you can get it from Gumroad and blend the market just go to master zero and one zero zero one store front and just download it from there if you don't have a box cutter just grab a bundle and you're good to go now what can you learn about box cutter about hard ups well there's documentation here hob stocks so if you click on that you will be brought into a website that has a lot of content then another place would be to go to youtube channel of masters Eon one zero zero one and just look for videos there and also I'm gonna be dropping some vids on the channel the whole series and basically my entire channel from no one's gonna be about 3d and hard surface modeling so if you enjoy my vids you know what to find them so how can you Easter heart up so it's really easy it's like just you know like and the other I don't go to edit preferences you click on install install from the zip file which you download it from from this website or in other words when you bought it from then you check this box and save preferences and you're good to go now before we move on I want to talk to you about these these items here so in this items tab you can see some recommendations and they're not random because these tools actually integrated into hard ups and I'll show you how in a minute but I'll tell you which ones I used very quickly I use both box cutter and qdubs meter mesh machine bezier my shaper and Digger machine i do not you stop in pies machine tools is better it's also free Adam has more functions and these two it's a personal preference really bad jobs is being taken over by hard ups right now there is a new function called smart apply which does batch operations and the group probe well you know personal preference but these are recommendations for the hard surface modeling workflow so you know look into that if you interested so you got the heart of installed and let's talk about main ease so the first menu of course is going to be the main menu here in this another window right singer all the shortcuts you can change colors of various things etc so you can access all the stuff in here how about menus in blender itself well the main menu will be accessing right this menu is a cue menu so you press Q and depending on which mode you in so let's get out of this look at that mode for a sec if I press on a cube and press Q you can see that the menu looks like this now if I go to edit mode and press Q my menu shifts to something like this however if I have nothing selected and press Q right my menu looks completely different still so it really depends which which menu which mode you're in but Q menu is gonna be one of the main things that you're going to be accessing because that's for all the main tools and other menu submenu so located ok control tilde is not a menu that it's very useful and control tilde is is in many ways all the modifiers located you have some interesting options as well that we will talk about later on in upcoming videos but yeah you know it can be intimidating and sort of evolving it first but don't worry really it's a bit like operating in Photography camera if you know what I mean so you got this extensive menu but once you set it up you just don't go back there anymore because things are being set and all you do is simply you know using the tools so yeah there is a lot of options but quite frankly I don't really go in here because there's no need so you know I stick to the main main areas which are there the center of the workflow so let's talk about other menus well there is another one if you press M so on and punning a menu here for hard ups and instantly it looks actually quite similar to what we had before so if I go control tilde you can see that control till the menu looks very much like one of these menus here on the one of the tops here on the hand panel menu these are some other settings this menu for example here is also interesting aids from the Q menu which can be accessed by clicking Q pressing Q and nothing is selected in the scene and if you go to settings here hard of learning you can see it's exactly the same menu and that's actually a very cool place to visit because you have all the materials for learning but also links to stuff like Facebook page group page and discord channel these two are very active groups there's a lot of people who you know help one another so if you have a question and don't know something about hard ups don't be shy just you know drop a question you gotta get answers in minutes which aren't almost instantly the other disk or tour or Facebook so most of zeon it's also very active on these forums so you know just drop a question there and someone for sure will help you so that's yet another menu here somewhere pressing n then one more my name is old V but you can also access it by pressing Q and going to a viewport menu here and you can see shortcut it's all the old V so you could access this by pressing alt V and it also works in object mode another menu is shift Q shift Q is kind of like a speed dial man if you know what I mean so what really quick and dirty access to the main functions I'll be honest I I don't use it quite often I'm just mainly in queue menu and a control till that it's like 95% of the operation you can see hard UPS icon here on the toolbar on them on the team menu so if you press T this toolbar is gonna pop and if you press all W you can access box cutter if you have it or hard up directly or flip between the W will go you know get you out of the hard episomes so I'll W to get in W to get out and if you are in hard abs menu you can see that I have a new bar on top now don't get you know hang up too much on this bar because it's more of exercise field if you know what I mean like just for testing stuff and having fun with shapes and and modifiers and whatnot but it it has a few interesting functions that I want to talk about okay so let me show you something cool if I select this object and go to operations and modify scroll you can see the modifier start on the left side also you can see the same thing in the main blender the modifier Start menu there is an H menu in here which is usually can bring it up by pressing H and the menu that's near the cursor you can shift by topping tilde so there's total different modes anyway if I start scrolling my mouse up you can see that the modifier stack is going up and you can see that modifiers are being added to the scene one by one so you can see which modifiers have created this object more importantly you can see which modifier effects what like what what's happening once modifier has been activated and this can be very helpful to determine issues in your mesh you can also easily scroll modifiers in this talk but we're gonna talk about it in a different video but this mesh I mean this object it's actually not mash it's just a single vert so if I go back to you know to to the to the beginning you can say it's just a single word that's been turned into plain then cube and then being sliced okay so that's what Smart Objects are about so if I create this cube here if I do the same thing so go to the modifier scroll you can see it's just a vert so if I go to edit mode again say it's just really really odd well it's not really well kind of geometry but it's just a mess right however the cool thing about it is that you can actually cut it so if I go to box color by pressing Y all WI can start cutting in it you know you can start having fun with box cutter in here right and do all kinds of funny stuff that's how I created this cube but more more than that you can actually really in a fun way affect the shape of the object itself so if I go to if I press control and hold it right so I go to hard ups hard ups is to be selected for this function to work so we see it will not work in inbox cutter has to being hard up so you can see these dots and these dots can be adjusted the size of them at the size of the text in this menu here these two functions you have different functions in years well you can play with them if you want to but they all relate to this top bar so I can adjust a battle right I can adjust a second petal or the third battle this buffer is clumping so let's let's go to battle modifier and which one is it this one nope the last one clump overlap that's the one now it should be fine it's clamping the bevel which means will not overshoot the very to see there is make sure like a limiter on the battle so you can play with this you can play with a solidify so all I'm doing is pressing control and just clicking it with the mouse and moving it or moving you know to screw modifier and you should right click on it you're gonna get access to the modifier that you know the dot is assigned to so for instance this one will get me access to this battle you see so I have to look for it in the whole entire stack of modifiers let's say like in this box you know when you have a lot of modifiers you don't really wanna look for stuff right so I do is just press right and I can access all the modifiers and cutters you see those blue dots he's a carthoris right so it's really convenient and and kind of follow my to to work then again once you happy with your shape what you can do is go to queue operations and smartdeploy smart apply will collapse all the modifiers in a stack you seen I am on the fire supplied let's do it again so I have all these modifiers here it's gonna apply well this box all right right so let's just collapse them so you can see life I click this and press smart apply right it will collapse my modifier so if I open a stock now you see all the last bevel and weighted normals was was not applied and this house multiplied works he applies everything except the last bevel and weighted normals so now I can just you know I can only do it through the editing through hard ups menu or through this menu in here because bevel is still we have still this smart battle from this smart bar right because if I if I for example applying a normal bevel all right so let's say I create a cube okay and apply a bevel to it right you see I can press control but no dots are popping up because this bevel was not a smart battle so it wasn't actually applied from from this top menu so you can collapse this object and you can now use it for editing because now it's actually a mesh right because before we apply the modifiers well let's show it on this queue it's not really a mesh right I will need to apply modifiers to make it into in order to change it into a mesh right so that's how this this works and then you have interesting shapes like you know screws and stuff you can you know have fun with it right but more importantly that part of the right side is much more interesting in my opinion because this one gives you access to modifier and it is not a cube let's grab a plane it's kind of easier to illustrate it on the plane so that's got a plane mesh and let's say I'm gonna for example one to bevel D and this planes all I have to do is click on this here on this battle you see if you hover over over a function if it offers you more options it will actually show what you can do and there's gonna be a description that it tilted it so now if I press control I can adjust these these panels but if I wanted to adjust the number of segments I have to press control hold it press shift then click and move my mouse up and down and I can adjust a number of segments then I can add for example solidify to it and I can you know again play with a solidify I had another bevel right and play with that battle and this one and then at third bevel and you know you can just keep creating your own shapes other cool stuff that you can do with this menus for example let's apply subdivision to this by pressing control 3 change it to simple and apply and now we have a subdivided mesh if I press R 90 and flip this and apply the rotation okay so control a and apply rotation and I'm going to click on this I'm gonna go into deform but since it's a smart modifier I can hold ctrl and actually move my mouse in the format like this it's a really cool way of working and you know you can just keep adding to this shape for example we can create an array on any axis with ease right or we can create a circular array so what I did is just ctrl clicked on this array because you see if I click on the object and hover over the array I have different options right so the control option so cultural click will erase stuff around the cursor so I read it around the cursor if I just clicked on the right it would be a circularly well I think that should cover the basic functions of hard ups so you know how to download it you know how to install it the installation there is a one more thing I want to tell you that hard UPS is evolving very rapidly so there's a lot of updates and they're coming quite fast blender is evolving too so sometimes you might get some compatibility issues if you are running stalling or installing new versions of hard ups for example right so occasionally once in a month or two you might want to purge a blender which I mean it's uninstalled blender and they go to one of these folders it's a CD drive users your name update are roaming blender foundation blender and simply delete the folder right so you see there is a configure these add-ons and the other one is conflict so you need to just purge the whole folder and reinstall everything from scratch it doesn't take much time I have a video on it as well how to do it for hard up some box color so if you have you know need some help is reinstalling it from in a fresh blender and how to set everything properly then you can just you know watch my video on that I'm gonna link to it and once you do that you so first bundle install everything from scratch and everything should be fine 95% of issues with hard ups in our Python errors I related to config folder so you might wanna look into that first before you know panicking and next videos they're gonna be all about the workflow so you're gonna be using all these lovely functions in here that sort of changed the way one work was blender because that's all hard ups is about it's it's all about changing the way you work making you work faster and more efficiently and sort of focusing more or on creating rather than you know just trying to soldier through some issues or just you know trying to remember that complex way of creating some simple you know performing some simple simple tasks so that's what it is all about more videos are coming I think I'm going to start with something very base and I'm gonna move to more advanced functions but at the end of the course you should be having a very good grasp and understanding of hard ups and you'll see that this item although it might just be very intimidating and kind of scary because it is just a lot of functions and options it's not really that you know that bad so it's a lot of fun thanks for watching guys and hope you enjoyed the vid I'll talk to you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 23,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hard ops, blender addons, hard surface modelling, 3D modelling, Blender 2.82, addons for blender, how to use hard ops, hard ops tutorial, hard ops tools, learn hard ops, blender tutorial, hardops tutorial, hard surface tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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