Easy Guide for Modding MORROWIND with Amazing Graphics in 30 Minutes - Super Simple Modlist

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modders of morrowind so you want to play morrowind today but also want to have it modded up so it looks kind of amazing and you could play the vanilla version of morrowind but you've seen all of those fantastic videos like my own of morrowind in 2021 and it just looks fantastic however doing those sort of modding escapades can take a number of days to even a number of weeks some people spend years modding bethesda games and you kind of want to play the game today right you don't want to spend the next three days modding and then enjoy the game you want to enjoy it today so today what we're doing is uh sort of stripped down simple very easy to do modding guide and i'm gonna take you through everything without any cuts or edits or anything like that to show you exactly what you have to do and this is by no means the best way to mod it's not even many modders would say this is not the proper way to mod because i'm not using any mod organizers or anything like that because that stuff takes time to get used to takes time to to install and all of that so i i want to keep it as simple as possible and maybe this can act as a base for then if you want to continue modding later you can otherwise you can just get into the game and this should take no more than 30 minutes really but if you're just taking your time maybe up to an hour really but but not that long not that long i promise so first things first you need to go ahead and get morrowind so let me go ahead and show you here this is gog.com so if you there's a lot of ways to get morrowind you could have an old cd uh but keep in mind if you have an old cd you've got to have the expansions as well blood moon and tribunal uh if so you could use an old cd or you could get it off of steam or you could get it off of gog.com now this stuff should basically work with steam uh it does work with steam but it's easiest if you get it on gog because on gog you can download the installer by itself and just as a little note modding morrowind generally it's recommended to not have the game in program files so if you're using steam you might have your steam installed directory already inside program files it can be a little tricky trying to have games in different locations on your computer so if you go to gog.com or if you already own the gog.com gog version of the game then this is the more easiest way because see when you go to morrow india and then you can open up downloads and you can download and install now with galaxy that's their installer thing but down here it's download offline backup game installers this is just an installer file it's an exe and that's what we want and that's what i have so i have this more mods folder just showing all the things that we need to download today this is it this is everything that's all we're doing here is the morrowind install and i've uninstalled morrowind so i've got to reinstall it so follow me along with this installing and set up elder scrolls i have i've totally read the euler and we're gonna install it into c morrowind if you click options you can pick where you want it to go see morrowind is where i'm putting it as long as it's outside of the program files that's the best now again this what we're doing today should work with a steam install inside of program files but sometimes there's like some anti-virus issues windows defenders sometimes blocks files it can it can cause some issues so if you're not entirely sure what's going wrong it could be an issue with files file management in program files so it's safest to put it in c morrowind and let's install morrowind ah installing morrow and it's always a great feeling and uh you know what we're doing today it's it's gonna be surprisingly good because mods have come a long way since the last time i made a guide like this last time we did the morrowind overhaul 3.0 and that every modder people who create mods every mod creator will say the overhaul is outdated it's incompatible it's got problems but it's still been sort of the easiest way for newcomers to just mod the game and start playing right so it's not the best way to do that but the overhaul has been the easiest way for a long time and i want to see if i can make a mod list that will get something very similar but more prepared for future modding because the last time overhaul was updated was what 2012 or something it's getting to be about 10 years old and mods have come a long long way okay we skipped to the end of the install process and the elder scrolls 3 morrowind game of the year was installed successfully fantastic now uh just as a good practice for modding it's always a good idea to just constantly launch the game at every step of modding so let's go ahead and launch the game here and we're just gonna press play to load into the game to make sure it's actually working all right make sure it's actually working we can skip that you know everything seems okay good yep here's the startup this is vanilla morrowind right no biggie no biggie and then we're just gonna exit again nothing's nothing's broken nothing's crashed and also sometimes with programs just launching the game one time helps your pc understand oh okay this is all working correctly okay now we can get to modding so mods we're gonna have one two three four five six seven eight mod downloads here eight mod downloads not a lot not a lot right when when you mod these games it can be hundreds but we're doing eight now when you download things they're gonna be archived files like this so for example you open up a file and it's got more files inside of it uh this is it's it's like a package it's a box and you know they're like zip files or you know they're packages right like a tupperware containing many different things right so it's a file of files now to open these usually you would already have a default software on it you can right click on the file and you'll probably see 7-zip or some extract files if you don't have a way to extract files i recommend just getting 7-zip you go to 7-zip.org and you can download the windows or the versions here so you can just download those and then install 7-zip and then you can go ahead and get things running and now let me bring you through the whole thing right so we installed into just c drive c drive morrowind this is the install folder where we installed we chose to install the folder here and we we're going to be copying folders into here so let me go ahead and go over to my morrowind mods folder and bring you through the process so the first thing we want to do is get the morrowind code patch by the way links will be in the description to all of these things morrowind code patch now you can of course read all of this but we're doing an easy guide easy guide we're not customizing too much you can if you want to do more but we're doing basics click on files right here and then you can see the top one main files there is the mod manager download so the appropriate way of modding is using a mod manager so it's easy to install and uninstall but we're doing absolute basics you want to click on manual download and unless you have a premium account on nexus just click on slow download and that will begin downloading the file right so that's just showing you how to download these things i've already downloaded all of these so that's the process for downloading these things so more end code patch let's open that and we have some files there so for this one let's go to the morrowind folder and just select all of these things and drag it in now obviously you don't need every single file but we're keeping it simple selecting all the files putting it in and then we have this morrowind code patch file right here and we're going to double click that and run it this this is a patcher for the game that just sort of fixes all sorts of things now there's a ton of options here all of these game mechanics all of these visual options mod specific stuff if you have other sort of mods that need things interface changes international options various bug fixes so you can go through each one and see what they do however the default's fine just click apply chosen patches and it does all the things you need right it applies a four gigabyte patch so the game runs faster and it just does everything good and we can close that mod one done if you've never modded morrowind before congratulations you have now modded morrowind let's close these tabs as we go along so we've finished the code patch next we're the reason why we can have so few mods is because a couple of these mods are big ones they do all sorts of things mara and rebirth is a project that overhauls the game it adds in more stuff it adds in more buildings it uh does some fixes it reforms the world it just does a ton of stuff now if you want an absolute vanilla experience of morrowind you can skip this however i've played with this and it it does a lot of good stuff like it rearranges trees and and all sorts of stuff right so i would highly recommend using mar and rebirth it's pretty advanced now version 5.4 at the time of making this video if you're watching this in the future it'll be higher uh however a note we are using a grass mod specifically for rebirth so the version of rebirth you get if you want lots of grass in this game if you want grass the most recent version of the grass limits the most recent version of rebirth so for example if rebirth is at version 5.5 then the grass is only at 5.4 then the grass is gonna glitch out with rebirth 5.5 so last time i did this the most recent version of rebirth was 5.3 i think and the most recent version of the grass was 5.2 so i had to get an older version of rebirth you can find that on their website but for now currently we have version 5.4 so we download the files and again if i go to my mods folder we have mar and rebirth so i open that up and there's a few things in here right note whenever there's a data files folder that means you want to put it where you see data files right sometimes mods just show what's supposed to be inside like that but here we go compatibility patches data files documents we don't again we don't need everything but just select it all and drag it into your morrowind folder don't accidentally put it into a folder just put it into like next to one of these files and it's going to copy over the files from a package into the install directory oh a little bit of a glitch there no problem uh let me just make sure that worked let's drag data files in let's do it one at a time when something happens like that sometimes things just go wrong let's copy the data files over okay if that keeps happening go into data files and copy over all of this into data files and there we go that's working i think it was saying morrowind.ini was not there so after this we're going to fix that so basically when you launch the game earlier maybe start the game up as well so there we go it's copying over the data file so what i did was i went into the data files grab those exact files and putting it into the install morrowind data files area here and you want to replace all the files in this destination okay replace all the files and it can take a while it can take a while because this is this is 5134 files this is an overhaul let me just scroll down and check here no it's fine we should be able to continue like this so sometimes unexpected glitches happen in modding you just have to adapt so essentially to simplify it on what to be safe here on the morrowind rebirth extract file so in our downloads mar and mods downloads here in the rebirth go open up the data files and then copy these into your morrowind c morand data files and then we're taking this stuff and putting it into the data files folder uh because that's the stuff we actually need right so rebirth is now installed so now we've installed code patch and rebirth so we just want to run the morrowind launcher don't run more into more dot original sometimes things can go wrong run the morrowind launcher just to make sure things do work but also this time we've installed something let's open up data files and we can scroll down and you can see all these morrow and rebirth ones just double click to put an x next to all the morrow and rebirth you can ignore the rest for now we're just doing this stuff here mourn rebirth press okay and then we're gonna press play and then make sure the game runs make sure the game runs right let's actually press new and make sure we can actually get into the game the cinematic plays we can see jew stand up there you go you were dreaming what's your name okay so everything seems to be working the game's rather dark because i've dropped the gamma but there we go there's the game there's the game game's working last night storm could wake let's exit i heard them so you could test it further actually get into the game and all of that but seems like nothing's broken good let us continue we're gonna go back to our mods folder rebirth now done we've copied those files over let's close the tab next we have morrowind enhanced textures this is a texture pack which used some ai technology to upscale all the textures right using machine learning 100 vanilla friendly so it gives you the same vibe as the original game but all the textures are just more hd they're just better right so we're going to get this if you go to files you can scroll down and see met current version is 4.1 it might be higher and you just do manual download and you're going to get the [Music] met file here and if we open that we can see it's just got a textures folder in there so when we go to our morrowind install folder c slash module you open up data files and that's where the textures go so sometimes mods come with a data files folder and then the thing inside sometimes it just comes with the thing inside so you got to be careful not to put like the data files folder in the data files folder it can be confusing but just be careful of that so you see textures here you see textures here we're going to grab this textures folder from our pack and drag it don't drag it into one of these folders drag it down to just over this the file area drag it over and it's gonna start processing now this is just a texture pack not too much can go wrong with this just make sure you overwrite any files right this is another 4491 file so we've already modded at this point morrowind with about 10 000 files isn't that amazing now of course replace all the files in the destination replace all the files we're putting new textures on we want to replace the old ones there we go and now the texture pack is installed we can close this package we can close the website okay now we're gonna do grass grass is a little bit more complicated but similar things we want to get the aesthesia ground cover grass mod again go to files and just do a manual download of this first main file and we're going to end up with [Music] this one and you can see look at the folders there's textures and meshes which means it goes in the data files folder data files see meshes textures so grab these folders and put them into the data files folder where you installed morrowind nothing to replace great the grass is now in uh so that's all we need to do for that we can close this and now we get to the grass for more and rebirth 5.4 we go to files do the manual download and then we're going to get this file here uh grass rebirth and here it's data files right there's stuff inside there so when you see data files you want to go to where there's data files and then pop that in so that puts in these two these two files right here right we can close that we can close that so grass not done yet but the files we need are there right so now i actually kind of sort of stopped modding at this point well well i skipped these next two rather i didn't stop modding it and there's one more step at the end here uh i sort of stopped here because i was okay with the vanilla bodies and stuff but uh we can do this robert's bodies and facelift to update the body textures and and models and also the heads and the hair i'm i'm okay with vanilla but we can do this anyway because sometimes you associate the original characters with certain looks and you don't want to change it but we'll do this robert's bodies again files just do the manual download there's no option here fixed main meshes and then we go to our mods we have our robert's bodies see there's a data files folder so we're going to go to morrowind where there's a data files folder and drag that in let it process good robert's body's files are in and then we're going to do facelift again same thing files manual download of this uh this uh the meshes and the textures we're gonna need this meshes and textures manual download of the meshes manual download of the textures this is two different files do note here two separate downloads for this one mod right we need these two right so when we go to our mods folder you can see we have facelift meshes and textures so let's do the meshes and you see meshes we go to morrowind which means it's in the data files folder and drag the meshes where there's a meshes folder but just over to the files here let it replace the files okay and now let's do the textures let's go back to our mods folder the facelift textures so morrowind data files there's textures let's drag that over good replace the files and then we're done with facelift and that's the main file sort of modding stuff right we don't need to run the game right now because things can be a little bit odd before we we actually do this next step this next one is sort of a program that just reprograms morrowind i don't i don't know how to explain it in layman terms but basically that's it it's a program that affects the program and if you go down here to the files this is mge xe marwind graphics extender is what it's called and you can get the executable installer right and that can do it or a manual install both should work but i got the manual install just to keep it in the same veins of what we've been doing and this has a bunch of stuff so i did the manual install manual download to get this file here right this package so you can see it's got a data files folder so let's go to c morrowind where we see a data files folder and we're going to copy all these files over let's copy all of these over and replace usually when you're modding you replace the files in whatever you're doing because whatever you install later replaces the old one so it's only an issue if there's two mods that overlap things and then you want to maybe want to keep the old stuff that gets complicated but for now just replace all the files there we go and we've installed the mod well we've installed marine graphics instead well we've put the files there anyway so now we have everything we need in the morrowind folder right right pretty quick pretty quick it's only been like 25 minutes plus install time uh so oh 20 yeah so now you want to run mge xegui this is the program that does a whole bunch of stuff right so here there's a lot of options there's a lot of things you could do you you could instead of using anti-aliasing here you could use your nvidia graphics card all sorts of stuff but for now for now let's just do the easy thing and pick the highest option that supports here so like if i try to put 16 it says your selected anti-aliasing level is not supported by a graphics card that's fine what about times eight great and it's filtering just try push things up this depends on your system like you could leave it as default but if you have a good system you can probably run this v-sync do not put x2 x or x4 you could put on but don't put higher than that you want to enable shaders this is important enable shaders and then click shader setup here there's now quality presets again it depends on how powerful your pc is but you can always come back and change it to be lower later so just try the highest let's put very high and press save that's all use the preset it's fine one important thing you might want to change here is fov there's an auto fov right here right which sort of sets the field of view in game for you now typically you'd want to leave it alone but if you wanted to change it you can uncheck that and type in the field of view you want like maybe you want 85 instead right maybe you want 85 instead that's fine or you could just auto fov and it detects your screen and everything but just to show i'm going to put 85. sometimes you just want it a little narrower it depends like if maybe how far away you are from the screen you can change that right here right good now you want to go to the distant land tab right i'll minimize that to keep things clean here distant land we want to have distant lands set up now this is a process that makes things in the game that are far away appear right it sort of creates stuff but it's all based on the mods you have installed right so let's click on the distant land generator and you have to pick the mods you want included in this generator so start by clicking current load order and then have a look through if we've left anything out uh so for example we are using robert's bodies right uh are we using anything else i think that's the only thing that we've installed that we need to turn on at this point robert's bodies which i don't even think you need to turn on it's just humans but i'm just matching this to the the files that we're using we installed robert's bodies now here is where you want to turn on grass rebirth and grass rebirth right this is an important note because we're turning this on here but we're turning it off somewhere else grass is a bit weird because you want it to appear in the distance and nearby so distant land we turn on grass rebirth right here make a note of that grass rebirth is on in distant land setup right so that looks good and then let's continue now here again this is vram usage for your land textures i've got a good graphics card so i'm going to put it up to max and it shows the vram usage this is not a huge amount but if you're on like a 2 2 gb video card then this might be rather high but if you're on like a 16 gb video card you should be fine even 8gb it should be fine right again you can always come back and redo it for lower settings so try the highest and see if it works and then we want to create land textures good these processes can take a while now mesh details i'm going to put it to ultra high i have a good setup so i'm putting it to max and then we've got to wait for this to finish processing it can take a while okay the landscape textures are created so now land meshes ultra high create land meshes and see that's processing so we can look at the other options here grass density you can choose how much grass you have generally i like to put 80 percent uh but recommended settings tend to be like between 30 to 80. so if you think it's too much grass you can adjust that but i'm just gonna put 80 there mesh detail level i'm putting full distant texture reduction technically you could put none but it says it could really impact performance so we're going to leave that as default default default include reflective waters and interiors increases load time i've got a fast pc so i'm turning that on generally you could leave this all as default right you you but you can tweak it if you want so i'm just going to lower grass density get grass density to 80 and turn on reflective waters in interiors and then we can create statics now this usually takes the longest it could take a while so let's just wait until this bar fills up that took a while i hope you got yourself a cup of tea a cup of coffee or something a snack while waiting uh but it's done it's done we just waited for that bar to finish and now we're finished you can click on finish and now all of these options turn on and there's a few things you can change so for example the often recommended draw distance is six cells now though actually in terms of the mystery of the morrowind sometimes i prefer five right the higher this is the worse the game will run so if things are lagging you can try and drop this to four right i wouldn't really go lower than four it gets very very closed in beyond that but uh five is a nice default six if you want to see a bit further technically you could go up to like 12 but your game will probably start lagging but you could you could go up to like as many as you like honestly but let's stick it to six for now because that's the usual recommended we can turn on blur reflections right that could be cool and also dynamic ripples is nice 50 is a bit high though so set it to like 12 right so we what we're doing in this these are all options but just like a recommended settings draw distance up to six we can blur reflections in the water and turn on dynamic ripples and set it to 12. now there's a lot of other stuff you can do in this there's this dynamic lighting's coefficient but we're not going to mess with that right now uh you you could look into that but it that's a complicated thing for a first time thing but what you can do is on the in game you can just for now click on allow yes to all load errors right in case there's an error of something gone wrong instead of having to click yes on like 100 errors sometimes you just want a yes to all button so you want to do that right just turn that on and that's that's good that's good like you could mess like you can actually do like weather settings if you really want but no let's not mess with any of that let's just close it right we're going to close the morrow in the graphics extender bam now we are pretty much done but in terms of lighting i just want to guide you through one more step now this is an iron i tweak which is a configuration setting so in the morrow and install directory in the mar and install directory there's going to be a morrowind file right don't get confused not the one with this icon you see this morrow in here it's not that that says application you want this morrowind with a white piece of paper and a gear and it's a configuration setting this you can open right open with notepad and it's got basically the settings of the game right this notepad has settings in the game and it's got a lot of stuff technically you could go ahead and tweak all sorts of things in here but we're just going to tweak a couple things so if you control f to find things right control f you can just look for attenuation a t t e n u a t i o n right attenuation actually you could probably just search for yeah a 10 and you'll find light attenuation okay we'll close that and here there's just a few numbers here that personally i like to tweet so i got my notes here so the first one is uh linear okay linear radius mult we're just gonna set that to two make sure use quadratic is one yep okay quadratic value i'm gonna put four right and the quadratic radius mult we're gonna put to 1.7 now these settings here you know there's a lot of preferences some people tweak it one way or another they tweaked it all sorts of ways but basically we did the radius malt to the quadratic value to 4 and quadratic radius mult to 1.7 right three number changes that's it three number changes and then make sure you control s or you just go to file save make sure the file's saved and then close the notepad good good so now we're ready to run the game remember morrowind launcher if you're creating any shortcuts or anything based on this don't run these things here i i've experienced some issues running direct like that morrowind launcher also that the launcher brings up this window which is very important right this window because we need to open data files and make sure everything we need is turned on which currently robert's bodies is not on so let's turn that on because we already turned on the rebirth stuff and the grass rebirth do not turn on the grass in this data files folder do not our distant lands generator has already generated the land the grass rather so we do not need this do not turn this on leave it alone leave it so we just turned on robert's bodies and all the more and rebirth stuff here and that should be good we're gonna press ok and play and hope nothing goes wrong sometimes things just go wrong something breaks all sorts of things right oh something's gone wrong okay no no it's fine it's fine i think i forgot one thing i think i forgot one thing let me just check no no it's okay it's all okay it's fine there's just a bit of lag oh sometimes it's stressful modding these games let's click on new and see what happens first does the cinematic play yes let's skip the cinematic let's make sure everything's running and working things might load in a little slower end up there you go you were dreaming what's your name there's jube with his new hot bard now there's a lot of people who say like oh the heads don't perfectly match the bodies this is an issue um with more mod like modern mods like a lot of people like robert's pods but he hasn't done the heads yet or there's some issues sometimes but it's okay most of the time people are wearing clothes anyway i am gamer zack well not even last night's storm could wake you i heard them say we've reached morrowind i'm sure they'll let us go okay quiet here comes the guard this is where you get off come with me all right so everything seems to be working and looking okay we've got our lights and everything so this might be a little dark but we'll do some lighting adjustments soon once we're on the outside sometimes it's good to just make sure everything triggers let's see if her voice line triggers the sooner you leave the sooner we can move on looks good get yourself up on deck and let's keep this as civil as possible looks good and now let's have a look at the new modded morrowind and it's working it's working uh so all the textures are the ai upscaled textures the water looks great the grass is in everything looks good yes yes so obviously you can mod things even further than this but i think this is good this is where they want you head down to the dock and i'll show you to the census office okay good you finally arrived but our records don't show from where all right so i'm just gonna go default here uh but the heads and hairs that we've modded in should show up here [Music] yep okay that's good let's go with that great i'm sure you'll fit right in follow me up to the office and they'll finish your release nice nice now when you're testing mods it's always good to head on in get into the game get into the game to make sure it's really working because some things can go wrong here right ah yes we've been expecting you you'll have to be recorded before you're officially released there are a few ways we can do this and the choice is yours okay i'm just gonna give him the info and that's fine very good the letter that proceeded you mentioned you were born under a certain sign and what would that be and for now i'm just gonna pick the steed by the way there's one thing in game that i would do once we're out of here that i think you should do now before i stamp these papers make sure this information is correct yes that's fine good good show your papers to the captain when you exit to get your release fee look at these new hd textures now lighting and stuff is not the most dramatic right so under options want to tweak this gamma correction right personally i'd like it a lot lower right somewhere around here i think so the lighting pops a little bit more now there are lighting mods and everything but just drop the gamma it helps make things look a bit nicer might be a bit too dark on your screen it really depends on your monitor so if your monitor is slightly dark i'm just going to boost this up a little bit for your benefit but tweaking the gamma setting continue through to the next building and talk to selasgravis does help a lot in terms of the atmosphere so let's get out of this building [Music] all right don't worry we dropped the gamma a bit it's still nice and bright outside [Music] take that ring good and then we get out of this we gotta talk to celas gravios about morrowind and duties and then goodbye now let's get out so here we are out in cedar neem the new modded morrowind in a very simple thing now one thing that i i would change is let me find a spot to really show this off okay here's some shadows on the ground i think they're moving too fast so i'm going to press the tild key the squiggly line on the left of one or above tab typically and i want to type in uh command cons command line which changes how fast time passes right i'm going to put set space time scale space two space six set time scale to six enter and now you see these shadows moving a lot slower right and when you're walking around now you won't notice them as much right they're not zooming by time scale can be used for all sorts of things right if you press the up arrow key you resume the code if you put 6000 time flies but it's good we're going to night time there we go nice modded okay this is night time let's set it back to six it's another way to wait with a bit of drama but okay set time scale six here all the torches come out and this is where i like to set my gamma settings right uh so we can see the new town with the lights right it's pretty dark it's pretty dark but this is where i like to go into the options menu and adjust my gamma to where it wants to be like this is way too dark this is way too bright oh this is not reflecting in the recording right this is not reflecting in the recording i think right if i do this yeah it's actually not showing up on the recording it's a weird thing right i've made it way too bright just realize i don't think it's showing in the recording so adjust this to your liking right because you might be seeing it how you might like it's fine okay weird weird program stuff this isn't actually reflecting on the recording i think for you guys so i'm just gonna drop the gamma for me so it looks like nice dark nights right the skies are dark the lights are popping a little bit but it's a little hard to see because it is nice except for him he's right there right and that that's it right you get into the game after all the modding set the time scale to six adjust the gamma to your liking preferably at night time so you can adjust how how dark things are at night like this this looks very ominous to me it's very dark there's no lights out there right i don't know if i can i'm stealing a light i'm stealing a light so that i can equip a lantern there we go there's a little light on me can i travel can i travel let's skedaddle okay so you see i have like a little bit of a light now which helps light things up when i walk right up to things but adjust the gamut how you like this is balmora the new modded hd thing looks good right i'm gonna step out of the town here and show you just one last thing which you might like let's actually wait you know let's wait in the dramatic way set time scale 6000 until it's daytime the stars pass that's good so the morning time now one of the cool things i just want to show off is the water you know we did that ripple effect thing the water does actually have ripples now look at that that's nice good just a little note the grass does actually shift as you walk through it see that oh there's a cliff racer right there that's not good but yeah see the grass does sort of move as you go through it which is nice right a lot of the changes like you saw that red tower in cedar neen that's part of the new uh rebirth we've got these wooden gates that lock at night everything looks nice and cool there's some new buildings and stuff [Music] but there we go that's that's morrowind that's marlin it's all modded ready to go lovely sunlight and everything and it's good right that's nice there we go morrowind's done
Channel: GamerZakh
Views: 219,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, morrowind, morrowind game, morrowind gameplay, morrowind mods, morrowind game mods, morrowind graphics mods, morrowind graphics, modding morrowind, morrowind mod guide, morrowind mod list, let's play morrowind, morrowind 2021, morrowind mod list 2021, 2021, the elder scrolls iii, the elder scrolls 3, elder scrolls, tes, mods, modding, graphics mods, morrowind gameplay mods, the elder scrolls morrowind, morrowind walkthrough, morrowind tutorial, morrowind playthrough
Id: 5oyvT5QDuh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 50sec (2630 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.