My Morrowind Modlist || Vanilla Enhanced 2024

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nothing like taking a break from a hard day of questing and grinding at a gorgeous Lake Mobi and since you already hear a little secret this spot right here is one of my favorites for simply relaxing and enjoying the view especially during those early evening hours I mean look at this and speaking of spectacular views I've got quite a few comments asking about my marwin mod list so why don't we talk about it today so if you want your morwin to look exactly like this I have a feeling that you and I are about to become very close you don't want to kill me do you and like this there is someone watching me I can tell and like this stick around as today we're going to go through all the mods and I've been using this mod list for quite a while it's simple minimalistic I like to call it vanilla enhanced because in essence it doesn't change game drastically in terms of mechanics or gameplay it modernizes Graphics to some extent and adds a ton of new lore friendly content with many of these mods even being based on game's concept art so it still feels and plays like vanilla morwin that's one ugly outfit there's just more of it much much more after all these years morwin still has a very active modern community so obviously there are many different overhauls out there there are more modern and perhaps better looking morns depending on your taste so this video won't be about getting the craziest looking game pushing the engine to its limits it's only about my personal modelist that I've been using on my channel meanwhile I also received some mod recommendations and I going to talk about them towards the end of this video so I'm open to all suggestions I also want to point out that this is morein script extender based mod list and not open MW and all mods are available and free at the Nexus mod site and one more thing I don't use any mod organizer or some similar tool for this mod list I did everything manually since it's a fairly simple and doesn't require any complicated procedures while installing so I won't talk about technical aspects that much pretty much all these mods follow the same procedure download from Nexus unpack and drop into Data folder whenever there's an extra step required I'll make sure to point it out and with that out of the way my name is Alec and let's begin at the very core of this mod list are three Essentials without them nothing would work so we should start from here these three main ingredients are morwin code patch morwin graphic extender and morwin script extender the first thing I always do is adding morwin code patch it fixes a number of vanilla bugs and even adds mod specific features like map extension for Tamriel rebuilt script extender is at the absolute core of our mod list and is required by a number of other mods to run it adds functionality and increases performance even small things like weapon shoting for example wouldn't be possible without it now graphic extender comes with a script extender so you may not have to download them separately graphic extender is obviously responsible for all the visuals distant land lighting shaders resolution foe you name it and best thing about it is that it's all automatic with all settings optional it's best to activate graphic extender at the very end so we will talk more about it later after making sure we have all these Essentials we are free to add any mod we like since my playthroughs are heavily focused on Tamriel rebuilt and project Tamriel let's start with the big ones I have a feeling that a lot of folks feel intimidated by a large land mods which is why they won't even attempt installing them when in fact installing TR is very simple these days all you need to do is download the main file and a Tamal data which is a separate file and simply drop them both into marn's Data folder and then register bsas in the Morin in file by simply adding these few lines under archive section and that's it but again it's literally three steps downloading files dropping them into Data folder and registering PSA at this point I probably don't have to explain how I basically cannot play mwind without Tam ra rebuil without the I honestly feel like a huge part of the game is missing and this isn't a critique of vanilla game but a compliment on Tam Rael rebuilt developers behind this mod succeeded in building a vast detailed land that aesthetically and conceptually follows recognizable vanilla morwin style whether in terms of landscape design Quest writing dialogues and I would add that TR not only matches vanilla game but in many ways builds upon and takes its step further cities feel more alive yet that they aren't over cluttered just for the sake of being over cluttered there's a really fine line between improving vanilla experience with Style by carefully expanding on top of it or simply making a mod that looks and feels like a mod one of the main qualities that I look for when I'm choosing a mod is that it should never feel like a mod and tamel rebuilt manages to do that while adding a land mass that is larger than wenell and same goes for project tamrial mods like Skyrim home of the Nords and Province cidel and all of them require tamrial data which comes in two versions standard or vanilla and high definition I chose high definition as it Blends better with my other texture pack mods in fact Tamriel data is required by a good number of other mods even if they are not related to Tamriel rebuilt that's because tamel data is to my understanding a collection of assets that can be used by anyone so it comes with a set of textures meshes and all kinds of data and we will be using two such shared data files Tam data and O aab data which stands for of Ash and blight like I said they contain large number of assets used by other moders so their work will depend on these files for example one of my favorite mods beautiful cities of mwind requires both of them so all we got to do is simply download them and drop them into Data folder Morin cities are unique and memorable but there was always room for slight Improvement if done right it can make game more Dynamic and vibrant beautiful cities of mwind is a single mod that overhauls almost every settlement what special about it and why I use it it doesn't even feel like a mod and that's because it's inspired by concept art and aims for that vanilla plus experience in other words it's perfect for this mod list also as mentioned it uses Tamil rebuilds data files so it helps blending venell with a tr's Mainland it's honestly all I ever wanted for vanilla towns beautiful cities overhauls towns organically so no town will stand out conceptually and this can be a problem when overhauling Morin towns with single separate mods with their stylistically different approach Town mods are very popular and some cities alone like balmora have dozens of different dedicated mods each offering a unique vision of this popular city so there's a lot to choose from and it can be quite challenging or timec consuming to mod all the towns on your own which is again why I stick with the Beautiful cities with a single installation all the cities get a nice lore friendly grounded overhaul and it comes with optional files for example we can add a statue in balora or a waterfront but for this time I chose only the core version one of my favorite redesigns is Gus it's based on this rather famous Morin concept art with a Mysterious Giant arm and Tower and it just makes the whole village so charming and has more character and there are also new items carefully spread around so for example one of my favorite things is getting this Exquisite Hood from a merchant in pagot you shouldn't be here or a dmer iron armor from a street vendor in gesus I always love these small additions unique or rare items peppered throughout the game it makes exploration meaningful and rewarding and with beautiful cities game becomes even richer anyways I've already said enough beautiful cities of mwind is in my opinion a single best morwin settlement overhaul now I said that beautiful cities overhauls almost every settlement couple of villages out there are left alone and that's because there are other mods that do a great job redesigning them and they are recommended alongside beautiful cities Nordic Dagon Feld is the one I use to turn this isolate Northern Village into a more let's say Nord friendly environment and OAB telora does amazing job expanding the Tani City with landscape redesigns new quests and place in general feels magical and and eccentric which after all fits the overall Tani style it's lore friendly based on concept art and I love simply walking around telora and this comes from someone who usually stays away from the Tani speaking of mods based on concept art Tales from the ashin the great Hive Bon Ben is a rather long title for a very simple addition based on Michael Kirk bride's artwork it adds an imposing enigmatic structure located somewhere in the ashlands I'm not going to spoil its location although with distant land generate on a rare clear day it's easy to spot it from miles away and it looks so alien and mystical from a simply aesthetic point of view it's a great addition to this region being an epic unique Landmark I actually haven't had a chance of exploring it yet but there should be a dungeon inside so there are some goodies to be found within and for an interesting side note I'm pretty sure that K Bri's sketch of this structure was his very first artwork made for mwind and by the way mod Alor random pal seems to have a number of other interesting mods like lore accurate Arena which by the way has a patch for beautiful cities of mwind I haven't tried it yet but I will definitely take a closer look at his other work in near future OAB grazelands focuses on Tel Vos the village of Vos and the northern Graz lands it also works with the beautiful cities and they're kind of meant to go along the overhaul is simply amazing and I also love that it redesigns the area around the Villages as well the farming Village of Voss always felt kind of lonely and Barren out there in the grazelands and now it comes with more details Quest dialogues even some minor scripted events like levitating telani guard which makes sense of course considering telani architecture I also believe I even saw a concept art of a levitating Tani guard so it's all lore friendly and then there is Talos already a unique structure in vanilla game with this overhaul it becomes in my humble opinion one one of the wonders of wenell it gained a significant amount of verticality and it's yet another place I haven't had time to explore but I'm sure it's just as intriguing from within as it is from outside Nord we all like better bodies so for NPCs I use good old Better Bodies a well-known mod that makes Marvin characters smoother it's nothing mind-blowing or spectacular just a basic body enhancement on the other hand simply walking fixes that goofy walking and running animation so now all characters walk and run more realistically and familiar faces is a vanilla friendly fix for heads and hair familiar faces mod was actually recommended to me because I couldn't find a good head replacement mod this may be a unpopular opinion but head and hair mods for Elder Scrolls in general are to me some of the least good ones and I don't mean to offend anyone but so many of them make elves too human and humans too doll likee looking more like Hollywood actors and very out of place Skyrim isn't famous for that but I think morvin also suffers a little bit from it so without going into further discussion on this topic I'll just say that for now I prefer to keep vanilla heads but smoothed out by familiar faces a mod that does a great job doing just that with weapon shoting marwin finally has visible equipped weapons and boy it doesn't make a difference one-headed weapons are play based on character's hip and large twohand weapons are on the back and it also comes with an option of having a shield on the back which I really love and bows and crossbows even use visible Quivers to display the equipped ammunition it works for both player character and NPCs it seems like a small addition but it totally changes the vibe of the game seeing all those magnificent weapons displayed on characters and also I should mention that it works for literally all weapons including those from the mod now we're going to talk about two mods that enhance atmosphere first one is glow in the dark and it gives Windows a pleasant orangey glow during night time making towns more alive and there's also an option to have interior sunrays and the vapor Mist adds a lot of haziness to the game I was actually skeptic about it to be honest thinking it may change morind a bit too much for my taste but once I saw clouds of mist rolling around Hills and above the lakes in my own game I was instantly addicted I especially love walking through the Mist in morning and evening hours it's also great for screenshots and just enjoying views now Vapor Mist will affect the frame rate so be aware of that Morin enhanced textures or me is my go-to texture mod and the only thing it does is simply upscaling vanilla textures through AI many use this texture pack as a foundation for further more polished modding but for me honestly it feels good enough and it Blends well with the one added by tamri rebuild data that come in HD version there's another very similar mod called intelligent textures I tried it and for some reason I honestly forgot why I decided to go back to me but they do pretty much the same so it's all about personal preference in past I used other high resolution texture packs but honestly many of them don't really fit the game that well they often seem too bright or change vanilla's memorable recognizable atmosphere and a collar palette so upscaled original textures are in my opinion a best option for a vanilla enhanced experience okay now for the sound mods AA is the main sound overhaul and it works with all the big land mods honestly only after trying it out I realized just how quiet vanilla game can be at times AA adds much needed constant wall of Ambient sound all throughout the game and depending on location or even time of the day we can hear people talking in the distance usual Town ambients water splashing opening containers or doors while standing near the cave exit we hear the outside noise all these sounds add so much immersion and again everything is optional and fully customizable once you try AA it's nearly impossible to play without it I don't think I can ever play again without it as sound design was in my opinion one of the weaker points in vanilla Muse allows music customization adding new songs and even making them play only in specific regions so for example dungeons will not play dungeon related music and so on it's one of the Great ways to modernize mwind I use it together with the other music packs like music overdose and Tamil rebuild soundtrack as through Muse both can be dispersed into specific regions with that said recently I found myself playing mostly without music as I enjoy being immersed in the ambient sounds thanks to Aura CSO or character sound overhaul is a dynamic customizable sound overhaul of the movement combat and item sounds of marwin for someone who loves immersion and those of realism in my fantasy this one is really a must it lets you customize the sounds of your character or other empathies so for example it lets you hear that clanky heavy armor as you walk and each type of weapon has its own sound and so on overall there are many sound additions and improvements that bring Morin to a new level of realism your character May cough if sick or breede heavily if tired it's all optional CSO works great with aura and Muse and I believe that these three mods together are all you need for mwind in terms of sound overhaul library of Vic is largest library in wenell and with r mey library of Vic overhaul it becomes a truly memorable place and what's best it's fully compatible with beautiful cities it also adds new lore books from both Tam rebuilt and OAB data it has new NPCs and even quests mostly related to finding some lost literature it really complements both Tamil rebuilt and beautiful cities I mean seriously it's a great addition for all the Book Lovers and makes the city of VC more Majestic and important Maga expanded allows for new magic effects adding a variety of spell TOs and Grims now I rarely use magic except for restoration I'm kind of simple like that but it's nice to have it in game and and this magic effects come in different packs so there's a lore pack based on some spells found in previous games there's also a weather pack allowing to manipulate weather or even Tamil rebuild pack and the way they work it's very similar to Skyrim you read the tone and learn the spell however in order to learn the spell player's Maga must be greater than twice the Magicka cost of that spell in other words to learn a spell you must be an already advanced magic user with high enough intelligence and some to can be simply bought in shops while some rare ones lie hidden out there somewhere for today I decided to try out a couple of spells I found a really interesting one called summon Mammoth for 30 seconds a mammoth it's rather expensive too but yeah there are plenty of summon spells including creatures from Tamil rebuil and Skyrim home the Nords I suppose since mammoths live in Skyrim I've never seen mammoths in morind so let's take a look together shall we [Music] holy cow and there are also unique teleportation spells targeting specific locations so for example I've got a spell that teleports me to akamura it's a rather interesting idea I have to say again I think that there's a lot of roleplay potential with these TOS it's supposed to be balanced and lore friendly which is why I decided to use it maybe I'll finally do a witch hunter play through because of it it makes me wish there's a spell of permanently summoning a mammoth and repop in Soul time with him wouldn't that be cool now this is something very simple I never used many submods for Tamil rebuilt but one I always come back to is unique Tavern signs I just love their design especially in collar version they had much charm and vibrancy to the cities with delayed expansion player won't be attacked by dark brotherhood assassins right from the start and be able to harvest their pricey armor for gold it never made sense to me being marked by dark brotherhood right from the beginning so with this mod they'll come after you only after advancing fairly deep into the main quest and it also fix the rumor issue with blood moon where almost every Imperial Guard has his son sent to Salim so we are directed to Salim only after reaching a certain level perfect placement add an option to arrange and place any interactive item even allowing us to rotate and mount them on the wall it's very simple and perfect for arranging home which is why I got in the first place I actually think that arranging Interiors in Morin is fun as items stay wherever you place them unlike in Oblivion and Skyrim where they tend to let say fly around often I guess because of game physics so if you plan on arranging your collection of items or decorating a house this is a very practical and very simple tool to use Supreme follower system has been on my mod list for a long time even though I rarely use it now while working on this video I discover that the mod has been removed from Nexus for some unknown reason careful with that friend there could be another place to find it or if not there are probably other similar or perhaps even better more update mods that do the same for me Supreme follower system was more of a fun little addition to the game I used it few times in my last let's play and it's honestly entertaining being able to recruit any NPC and order them to follow you around and even give them items now Morin is notoriously clunky when it comes to followers and game is meant to be played solo so don't expect SCM level mechanics however I think that it can be used for Creative role playing the way I do it is recruiting NPCs that actually know me and have high enough disposition NPCs that have reason to be my followers then I can share items with them let's say food a better weapon or even restore health potion although I'm still not so sure if they can use potions on their own there are also heal other spells and it can be both challenging in and fun taking care of your follower making sure he or she survives each hostile encounter even using console commands to level them up along our character and it doesn't have to be some long lasting Journey perhaps taking a follower on a road to certain location possibilities are Limitless all right upon adding all the mods we can finally sort them all out and generate distant land for sorting my mods I use mlx or mocks and it's very easy to use so for example here's my mod list I'm going to share my own graphic extender setup but everyone is free to experiment and customize according to their own preference I prefer generating only up to five cells of distant land five cells are in my opinion perfect balance between having nice views and not revealing too much this way I get to enjoy scenery even see hints of mainland from waterfeld or vice versa and not to mention it saves few frames along the way shaders are very important as well as how you order them now graphic extender will come with quite a few but I also downloaded a step Shader compilation because of one specific Shader color mood and here's my list of active shaders shown in the mod configuration menu along with other settings in any case it's very easy to experiment and switch them around until finding your own ideal look and finally let's briefly discuss frame rate I tend to play with frame rate locked at 60 and this can be easily done through graphic extender I read some somewhere that it helps overall stability and in general I'm old school enough to not really care about having highest frame rate now my laptop uses RTX 2060 and 16 GB of RAM however laptop's 2060 is not equal to a proper desk Club 2060 in reality my graphic card is more equivalent to GTX 1070 with that said I have a stable frame rate throughout most of the game I'm going to show some unedited footage of me roaming around with the frame rate counter displayed on the top left corner seen any elves as you can see even in overhaul balur or vivec largest cities and highest frame rate hitters my frame rate remains pretty stable with Tamriel rebuil however things are a bit different cities like old Ean har and akamura are notorious frame rate Killers one of the heaviest hitting locations in game at least that's my impression are these narrow streets in Old Ean har and at times my frame rate will drop even below 30 I should say that I'm using OBS for recording and without recording on the same street my frame rate is constantly above 30 so there's a slight difference and that goes for the absolute heaviest Hitting Zone in the entire game one of the most frequent criticisms of Tam real rebuilt that I've seen is the low frame rate in major cities I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what causes it as I don't believe it's only due to poor optimization but whatever the case is C rebuilt on the other hand offers hundreds of hours of highest quality content and I'm more than ready to sacrifice few frames for it three blessings Sarah so there it was my rather minimalistic morwin modelist meanwhile I received some recommendations so I'd like to mention the dream is the door a simple mod that makes the entrance to the cavern of Incarnate visible only during the Twilight I haven't tried it yet but I'll definitely consider it for future especially because of two other mods that focus on enhancing this rather important part of the main quest line valy of the wind overhaul does just that overhauls the Valley of the wind with massive wind torn Cliffs and Fallen trees while Cavern of the Incarnate overhaul does the same for the cave interior so with these three mods combined the entire quest for the moon and star is even more epic and memorable another mod that I want to mention although it's not on my current mod list is kima's voice of wenell it's AI based obviously and it voices pretty much every single line of dialogue the reason for not using it on my Let's Plays is because of the sheer amount of voiced lines I feel like there will be too much to listen to however it's something I definitely try for a personal playthrough as I love hearing these characters talk although I don't really mind text based dialogues either as for the openmw I'm kind of out of the loop with it but I'm pretty sure that by now it has all these mods or at least similar ones I actually tried openmw last year but I switched back to script extender mostly because at that time I couldn't find some of the musthave mods like sound overhauls so at the moment I have everything I need with the current script extender based mod list and that was it an overview of my current marwin mod list please let me know if you know of any mod that will make a good addition and with that said thank you for watching and I see you soon
Channel: Borean Knight
Views: 10,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morrowind, Modding, Modlist, Mods, Nexus, Bethesda, Creations, Showcase, Tamriel Rebuilt, Guide, How to, Wabbajack, OpenMW, 2024, Graphics, Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Oblivion, List, New, Modern, Project, Tamriel, Amazing, Beautiful, shaders, Lore, Friendly, Narrative, Essay, Fun, Trending, Viral, Youtube, Todd Howard, Vivec, RandomPal, OAAB, Epic, Home of the Nords, Cyrodiil, Enhanced, Meme
Id: gw7ev2HN0nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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