Morrowind in 2023: Why You Should Play & How (to use openMW & Install Mods)

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outlander welcome [Music] comes to the elder scrolls the most fun game in the series is obviously oblivion but the best game in the series is morrowind so i want to talk for just a minute about why you should play and then i'm going to put a timestamp down below that shows where i start talking about how to play the game in this day and age but right now i'm just going to tell you why you need to be playing morrowind and i've got some analogies i'm going to throw at you so first off let's talk about the elder scrolls and what each game is like we'll start off with skyrim and i'm going to use the analogy of heavy metal genres so skyrim is like a really good metal band that's sold out and you can still hear the goodness in there and it's a ton of fun and stuff but a lot of the tropes are there a lot of things you know that make it very friendly are there some stuff starts to feel a little bit samey but you can be totally salvaged by the community which it has been skyrim is a great game after mods before mods i don't even want to play it that's my personal opinion on it and then there's oblivion which is just it's like power metal it's cheesy and ridiculous and you don't know if the developers were taking it seriously or not like some of the stuff is completely ridiculous and you don't know if they meant for it to be funny it's like unintentionally funny but then they're up on stage like and you're like are you serious right now you're playing metal and singing like that and they're like yeah so that's kind of where oblivion is it's just ridiculous and fun in my opinion it's like the sweet spot because you have these charming characters weird ridiculous convoluted plot lines a really curated world but you know it started to go a little bit more comfortable a little bit more mainstream with that one and then you've got morrowind and that is like the prague rock or the progressive metal of the elder scrolls universe it's a little nerdier you know it's really nuanced and some a lot of people are gonna look this and be like well that's a bit much for me but it's like no no sit down and just like you gotta focus on it and listen to it and let it seep in but oh and it also has the most insufferable audience that are always going to remind you that it is superior and while they are correct that doesn't mean that the others are not a ton of fun or even more fun you know i have a lot of fun with my viking medal and the prague guys will always stick their nose up at that i feel like the morrowind community can kind of be that way but with good reason it's morrowind rewards the player like no other elder scrolls game and it does so better than most rpgs it's not going to hold your hand it's not going to tell you where to go but it's going to reward you in ways that you may not be used to with today's modern open world games a lot of it's like they'll give you something to do and then they'll guide you through the entire process it feels almost like you have no agency whatsoever you go here you go here you go here everything has an icon above it you're essentially running around a huge map filled with filler content getting to your other objectives and clicking on them in order and sometimes it'll be a battle sometimes it'll be a delivery sometimes it'll be a piece of dialogue or whatever but they essentially put little breadcrumbs all over the place mark them on your map and then let you go around and um just experience the different bits of content on you know it's basically like they're stringing you along it feels almost a little railroady even though these are open world games and then to fill in the rest of that content they use radiant quests in skyrim or they use these automatically generated quests and all the ubisoft games and stuff where just enemies continually fill up different parts of the map morrowind is not that it is something entirely different now there's some quests and a lot of the quests actually feel like the content of the quest is a bit like a fetch quest but there's something different going on here you have to be an investigator this is how i play morrowind um because the journal's nice and all that stuff but here's my vivec entries and you can't see that very well it's bright i've got a whole page of events the whole page about roon i've got a whole page of balmora and i'm writing down little notes in there because in this game you're actually an investigator even if someone's like here take this ring and go just across town to give it to somebody else okay that sounds like a simple fetch quest i'm going to walk across town but wait a minute there's no quest marker wait a minute i don't know exactly where this person lives and the other person said yeah they were around here somewhere so you're going to have to investigate you're going to go and ask people in the towns where should i go what should i do have you seen this person and they can give you clues and sometimes they'll say things like oh yeah you know i saw that that thief swimming underneath this tree the other day i wonder why they were swimming and if you go swim under the tree maybe there's a treasure chest there that's something completely different just because you listened and paid attention this game forces you to be involved it forces you to explore and it forces you to investigate and then it rewards that investigation so while it may seem a bit punishing and different at first i would encourage you to continue to play and you may discover that this style of play makes you feel better than a lot of the modern games do [Music] do not mod the combat and if you choose to mod the combat do not mod the um the nonsense of where whenever you swing and hit sometimes it misses what happens when you're playing morrowind the combat was a little different every time you swing it's pretending like you're playing d d or a tabletop game or a turn-based game every time you swing to hit it sees that you're swinging and then it rolls and it takes into account like the other character's armor the other character's dexterity and strength and everything like that and then it tells you if that was a hit or not so when you see a splash of blood or whatever that means you've you scored a hit some people have modded this so that every time you swing and physically see your sword make contact it equals a hit but this completely destroys the balance of the game and it's the combat's not good it's not why you play this game but the way they have it set up is the most balanced rewarding and i don't want to say fun but it's the it's the it's the best way to play so please you know you can mod whatever you want but i would recommend that you not mod the combat [Music] all right so now i'm going to show you how to install morrow and open mw i'm going to start from just a i've got a blank browser page right here you got your morrowind installation there we go then we're going to get openmw it's just openmw resize my screen to 1080p so it's easier for everyone to see all right click on downloads and then right here go to github to get the latest official release which is point uh 0.47 don't don't worry this is everything works in point four seven like all the stuff now you need to scroll all the way to the bottom past all the release notes and right here you have your different versions it'll work on linux this will even work on android people play this on their phone you can play it on your android tablet but we are going to install this on windows so there's the uh windows 64-bit version save file i'm using firefox so my downloads go here i'm just going to click on this and install openmw let's just go through the installation here on openmw you can put this anywhere you want you do not need to put this inside of the um marwin folder but i would recommend putting everything outside your program files folder especially morrowind keep everything outside of your program files folder just in case there's any issues that require an administrator you know like that nonsense so i'm just going to put it into my d drive games and then open mw is where that's going to go you can put it wherever you like really it can even go inside the marlin folder it does not matter where this goes one thing that i think is a little bit frustrating about doing the regular installation is it creates a settings file inside your documents folder so you got to go to my documents my games openmw to get to the configuration files and stuff i don't like it when stuff is in my documents folder i like to keep everything local but maybe let us have a choice openmw team in 0.48 have a choice where we can put our documents let us do a local install or whatever or portable install so the first time you open up open w it'll ask you to run the installation wizard let's run the wizard and then you can pick existing installation since we've already installed this we've got it installed there if it doesn't find your morrowind data file you need to browse and then go to uh put in my g drive into browse go to your morrow end click on data files inside your marwin folder and then click on morrow and esm and it'll be like oh there it is next yes yes there we have it all open up we'll go through this one time just to see our you know our different settings and whatnot so i can change the resolution i'm going to turn off my window border and do borderless full screen now lighting we have three different methods now legacy is going to look just like the original this is not going to mess with so if you want to do vanilla morrow and do legacy shaders compatibility can give you a little more performance and then shaders it runs everything through actual shaders so you're going to have glowing torches and stuff that's going to eliminate the surrounding areas it's not perfect because this is an old engine but it works very well and then we can enable shadows note that if you see shadows going through walls or if you see shadow from someone upstairs while you're indoors coming through the floor downstairs that is something that is kind of built into the morrowind engine it was never designed for shadows this way but just know that nothing is wrong maybe some of that stuff will be addressed in the future but it'll be a big deal to address that i'm just going all out because i've got a beefy computer so i can do 4096 with the shadow map resolution i'm going to leave everything else alone so you can enable all these different shadows and stuff if your computer is beefy and then settings we don't need to worry about game mechanic uh tweaking here under the events tab is awesome we can do a button for toggling sneaks we don't have to hold down the button the entire time you can go through here and see which ones you want to toggle mpc's avoiding collision is really intelligent it's awesome when you're walking through halls and stuff they will move to the side to try to let you buy so i like that a lot and when you get to the visuals page you'll start to see some interesting things here you can start messing around with some of these animations but we're also going to do some uh some mods for that so it's up to you i don't like a crazy view distance in morrowind i think it makes the world feel weird and different most of us played this uh back in the day with fog all around us and that feels more like the morrow end and i think it kind of works but you know i do like to keep the distant land and it'll calculate some like landmarks you'll be able to see in the distance like oh is that vivec yes it is then we have the shaders here normal maps speculars and all that kind of stuff i'm turning on radial fog it will make things look better but most of your textures are not going to have normals and speculars and all this stuff that just makes the textures look a little bumpy or detailed a little nicer shadowing and stuff like that so most of you should leave this turned off unless you're going to be downloading mods to add normal maps and speculars to stuff in the game audio hrtf is a i'm going to turn this on this is really good for headphones because it it allows the audio in the game to be actual 3d spatial audio which is better than a lot of the even modern uh you know elder scrolls games but it it gives you positional audio and it sounds awesome with a pair of headphones i've never tried it with surround sound speakers but i guess you could then camera view over the shoulder is an option i like and i think a lot of you will like it if you move into third person and you want to be able to move around in third person with a camera that's has a i mean honestly a more modern feel to it but you can toggle that on and off and then i like preview stand still it just if you stand still the camera will move out of your character and like slowly rotate around your character so you can look at them and then you can turn head bobbing on and off this is all personal preference stuff interface so showing owned is like if you're trying to steal stuff it'll show you uh that's that's owned i like showing that with my crosshair and everything too this is just contextual menu stuff i like it it adds more information to the stuff in your inventory bug fixes a lot of times you'll sell stuff to merchants and as soon as you sell it to them they'll put it on or they'll equip it or whatever because it's in their inventory this turns that off so that they don't do that that's pretty much all we need to worry about for now i do like adding time to my um maximum quick saves let's do five quick saves and then screenshots are just with f12 jpeg i like adding the time to my save so i can see how many hours i've put into the game at a certain point now we can test it out and see if it works after this we're going to show you how to mod it oh look at that it's a little loud now for some people this interface is going to be too small because it's just not how we remembered it and i'll show you how to change the interface size as well we're going to open up the openmw launcher again show you that we do have a way to change that under advanced and then under interface we have gui scaling factor i do 1.5 and now we can play it again and you'll see it it's much easier to see kind of miss this logo someone made a mod to put the skyrim bethesda you know logo on there and i was like why would you do that see much more manageable inside here we have more options the main thing i want to show you here is just the video options that we have here because we have a fov slider i like to keep it on around 80 but you can put it on whatever you like but we have now have an fov slider in the game which is beautiful we have a details tab here anisotropy um it basically sharpens up the details of textures that are farther away like the ground and stuff then we have a view distance i usually don't go any higher than like three or four now you can turn the view distance all the way up if you want to it makes morrowind feel a little weird and small to me but i would recommend you trying it in different ways so try a linear filter than water there's a new water shader that comes with the open mw that makes the water look a lot more modern and interesting you can try this on and off it's gonna not feel like the vanilla water but i think it looks a lot better and then i if you have a beefy computer you can turn up the reflections all the way to ground cover which means that even the trees and grass and stuff that you have in your game are going to be in the reflections of the of the um the water maximum lights crank that up and then you can you can mess around with this stuff minimum interior brightness i wish we had this on every elder scrolls game so that we could say we could set the brightness based upon the outdoors and then once we go inside we can also have a minimum interior brightness meaning that it will never be darker than a certain low point that you set it helps so much so anyway that's the settings that i like to use [Music] now let's talk about modding there's really two or three different types of mods and we'll go through all of those to make sure you know how to install them and then i'm going to turn you loose and you can install as many mods as you want i've got over 200 mods running on my openmw installation with no crashes whatsoever first off we're going to need to get mod organizer and then we are going to get the latest version by clicking on i'll put all the links in the description for you but i'll just click on releases down here at the bottom of that page we have mod organizer 2 exe or the zip file zip file allows you to throw it into a folder and just use it exe file it's up to you i'm going to grab the zip file and do it all myself but if you want to install this however you like right there is mod organizer before we install mod organizer there's a couple other things i want to go ahead and download here one of those is that we that we need to download is python just by going to downloads now you'll need python to connect a bridge between mod organizer and openmw because mod organizer was made to do mods for skyrim oblivion morrowind and several other games but in order for this to work with openmw we'll just need to just have python installed on our system so just save and install python and then we can leave this alone so i'm just going to assume that you're going to be able to install this it's super easy and then we're done just have it installed and then we need there we go we need a plug-in called mod organizer to open openmw now what this does is it allows us to export the list of all of our mods to openmw so that we can play morrowind using openmw without any problems and we'll have all our mods let's go on go to files here openmw right there 3.0 manual download it says hey you better have mod organizer and oh by the way you you are going to need to have a account for this but i assume that a lot of people if you want to do mods will have that you can go ahead and start playing the vanilla game right now you don't need to mod the game it works it works better than it did originally so i'm going to download and just have this ready so there we go i've got that ready all right now it's time to um drag and drop a few things all right i made a folder here called mod organizer test that i'm just going to use for this video and i've got my mod organizer zip file right here i'm just going to drag and drop the contents right in there i'm not going to open it up yet this is the mod organizer to openmw zip file that i just downloaded okay so we that there's the python file openmw mw whatever and icon so we can see what we're doing it just shows the little icon in the uh the program so just drag and drop those into the plugins folder make sure they're in there yep openmw there's that little icon perfect all right so now we can close this zip file close close open up mod organizer for the first time and now we're going to connect this to a few different things you want to connect this to your nexus account so that you can download nexus mods but we also need to go ahead let's create a global instance there a portable instance yep there we go if you create a global instance it'll install it on your app data i'm going to just create a local instance here there's morrow and it showed up on the list if not you'll have to browse and find morrowind all right where is the data going to be stored i'm just going to put everything in the default locations but you can put the data in the mods wherever you like like your downloads there we go finish you don't need a tutorial because i'll show you right now so the first thing we're going to do is click on settings click on theme and then i like 1809 dark mode but you can do whatever that's so much easier on the eyes so this is mod organizer on the left here this area here is for all the mods you have installed a lot of times mods will just install here and they'll be just like textures and stuff like that but some mods also have plugins and the plugins go over here so it's essentially a virtual folder this allows you to install and uninstall mods test things let things break and mess around without doing anything to your morrowind installation or your actual morrowind data folder it does it makes no changes so since we're only messing around with a virtual folder we can do anything we want so the other thing we need to worry about here is downloads whenever we download stuff from nexus it'll automatically go here and then we can install it so there's the little puzzle piece right here if you click on that we have export to openmw so very easy stuff i want to click on tools and click on settings you can change your paths if you want to have your mod downloads go somewhere else because what happens you'll have mod downloads once you install the downloads you can delete them unless you think you may want to uninstall and try things again and you can just change all the paths and stuff here i am connected to nexus if you click on the nexus tab here it will ask you to connect you click on connect it will it will touch base with the api and then make the connection and then you'll be able to download from right in here now let's install a few different mods uh when it comes to modding you can just download almost any of these mods the only ones that will not work are the ones that require the morrowind script extender there are a few mods that do require that the reason they don't work is because they haven't built a way for openmw to handle scripts just yet they haven't figured out how they're going to do it do that so you can't install any openmw mods that are like that and then you can't install any graphic extension mods because those are all designed for the original the original game so you're not going to be installing any of that stuff having said that openmw looks really good but it does not look as good as morrowind graphics extender that has like more shaders and inclusion and crazy god rays and just makes it look more like a modern game but here's the thing if you're going to install the morrowind graphics extender it's going to look amazing it's going to run very slowly and it's going to crash frequently i crashed so many times trying it with the graphics extender i was like i'm done i just pushed back from the table and i was like i want to play this game but you know and i want it to look awesome but it's not going to happen with openmw it looks really good still a few graphical effects that i would like to show up namely god raise and a little different you know maybe some maybe some depth of field which is kind of weird for a game like this but i've got over 200 mods and i'm constantly messing with stuff when you mess with mods it does not corrupt your save files like it does in the original game it just works todd howard also it hasn't crashed one time and i've been dragging and dropping my entire installation from one computer to another and it still is never i'm playing it on multiple different systems i'm i've played it for hours and hours no crashes none and it runs consistently around 90 to 130 fps 300 fps indoors so openmw is the definitive way to play i think we can do without a few crazy mods for the fact that we can actually play the game now all right so let's get a few mods so you can come to you know the nexus and just browse around for mods and find some stuff that you like and it should work a lot of times it's going to work leafy trees revived let's go ahead and grab this one we'll install some trees why not come here click on files i'm just going to click on mod manager download it'll ask me to do a slow download so yes sure now check that out as soon as i started installing it it showed up under show that i clicked download it showed it up showed it it showed up right here under my downloads when it comes to modding open morrowind best place to go is modding hyphen and then you have these different lists you can follow click on browse all lists and we have these options here that we can go through um i really like expanded vanilla or i heart vanilla director's cut for first playthroughs if you want like full-on graphics overall you can go through these different options and look at them but these mods they know work with openmw and they give you all the information you need so i'm going to click on expanded vanilla so it takes the vanilla game keeps the vanilla feel but adds 230 mods you don't know what to install them all but you can go through this entire list and install them i'll show you a few different types of mods that we can install first off i'll show you just a simple hatch for textures and meshes by clicking on the patch for purists i'm on modding it tells you all the details that you need to know you know if you need to do anything you can read this this is the description pulled from the other page but if there's any usage notes like hey you know you need to like do anything you need to jump through any hoops or anything it'll tell you here but there's not really much there so i'm just going to click on download now takes us to the download page go to files then i'm going to do the mod manager download scroll down again and press slow download because i don't have the premium subscription there it is once it's finished downloading you just double click it to install it'll ask you to give it a name if it if the name's okay that's fine sometimes when you're installing one mod and then you're installing a patch for that very same mod it'll prompt you for this and you need to like write you know patch 2007 is following i'm not even live what cool anyway we don't need to do that here so i'm just going to hit ok and then you put a check mark on it and that installed all the stuff right there's the patch for purists things are not in the right order right here but don't worry these are all the plug-ins see when i press the check mark here it installed the patch for purists plug-ins over here regular one needs to be on top it doesn't matter check this out if you come over here and do like open an explorer it'll open the folder where you've installed that and show you all the stuff that it's installed totally not necessary but you know there it all is that's um how 90 of your mods are going to be like that easy you just click them let them download and then install them put a check mark you're done so let's show you something that's a little more difficult tamriel rebuilt is a lot of fun it's huge it adds tons of stuff onto the game and you can see here we have tamriel data and tamriel rebuilt those are two different things we need to download them both for this to work the way the modder did this is very intelligent tamriel data has a ton of data it's just textures and resources and different stuff like that and anyone else who's making mods can use this to make mods so it's basically a giant database of data that anyone can use and a lot of other mods use tamriel data so you'll see some mods require it which is kind of cool they made that separate and then tamriel rebuilt is the actual content tamriel data has something here says requires bsa okay that's different than before that's a requirement so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the download page on both of these and start downloading them they're big files so this took us to and there's different options down here you can download stuff right here or you can go over to the nexus and download it i'm just going to download it right here because it's going to be faster 65 megabytes okay doing a manual download tamriel data is big because there's a lot of data a lot of textures and stuff download from uh google drive let's do the high resolution this is gonna be faster just for me instead of using the google drive links you can totally go and click on morrowind nexus for tamriel data it's probably easier to do it this way and then just click on mod manager download with the high res textures it's probably easier to do it this way but google drive is a little faster it's downloading see it's already done that was way faster it takes a little much longer to download here but i would probably recommend most people just do it this way that way it's easier now how do we install that since we downloaded it as a zip file how do we how do we get that installed so i click on file install mod downloads here and i'm just going to do this option twice there's tamriel rebuilt and asks me what i want to install faction integration i'm going to leave that alone preview content there's more content that they haven't fully finished yet i i want to see that travel network sure yeah that sounds like fun travel network for the preview content as well yeah sure but i don't have habits travels if you have another mod called abbott's travels put a check mark on those as well so there we go it's going to install all that stuff when i put a check mark on this you'll see we have all kinds of things some exclamation marks that we're very worrisome we're going to install another mod here and i'm going to do tamriel data oh it's confused where's all this stuff so inside here there's the core and then there's a file patcher ignore all that you got to click on this stuff yeah yeah yeah so what we do here is we need to find the folder that is supposed to be our data folder and then set it as our data directory there we go that's our data directory there's that file converter in there don't worry about that for this video we don't need to worry about that so there we go we've selected our data uh directory amarillo data five okay it's going to take a second to install all this you can check mark this as well so tamriel data has been installed doesn't matter which order they're in and now we have these exclamation marks up here what do these mean well if you hover over one it will tell you what it means it's missing a master file tamriel data.esm oh where's that so these things they need tamriel data.esm so you just put a check mark on that there we go [Music] while we were on it said requires bsa okay so we have to register bsa files now what we need to do is we need to add those files or those two things to our config file where is that config file well it's in your documents just your c drive your documents folder whatever inside windows my games openmw that's where it is you'll see an openmw.cfg i'm using notepad plus plus to open this up yes open it up there it is all this stuff here it's added all of these uh openmw can you know config you know variables it says like okay here's all your data here's you know when you're looking for the data load up these things load up these mods it's essentially telling everything what to do so we need to set up some fallback archives for um these two things for the pt data and the bt data navigate all the way to the top and you'll see fallback half an archive equals morrowind tribunal blood moon next up is pt data and tr data it's just telling morrowind to load up the tamriel rebuilt data and all that stuff so there we go hit save on this all right now we need to be able to run openmw from inside of mod organizer and it's pretty easy to do just by clicking on see this here we've got morrowind and morrowind launcher let's just go ahead and add openmw to this list by edit clicking on the plus button here add from file okay there we go navigating to my openmw folder openmw.exe and i'm also going to do another one for the launcher so hit open on that good hit apply i'm going to add one more add from file and then i'll do the launcher apply okay so now look over here we've just added those two things so i've got morrow and openmw launcher if you hit run it'll open up the launcher close that then we've got openmw dot exe hit run right from inside of mod organizer we're good to go so let's load up a game here there we go oh god i can't play like this i have to do this because i worship false gods there we go caps lock allows me to always run there we go i need to do a button to make the ui disappear this is uh morrowind it's very vanilla version of morrowind right now running pretty good so there we go we're in the game we can move around and stuff show you that new water shader real quick and then we'll go back and i'll show you a couple more types of mods that we can install i think the water looks good but that's just me i'll show you what the water used to look like options video so nice to have this tab here there we go here's the original water this this what is it forgot how to jump there we e i don't have my configs all set up yeah i forgot uh and this this water came out it blew my mind this game came out it blew everybody's minds like how are they doing this [Music] let's install a couple more mods to get you going down the right path sometimes you're going to find a mod like this that is if you just search for openmw you're going to find some specific mods that are made for openmw a lot of these assume that you're not using mod organizer which you absolutely should be and they are something called an omw add-on file so i'm going to do a manual download and show you how this one works there we go manual download slow download there all right there it is i'm going to open this file's location see there there it is that file all this file is is really just a packaged file with a bunch of stuff in it and we can change the extension to esm and it'll work with with morrowind so let's just do that i'm going to drag and drop it to my desktop because i'm sloppy watch this put it on my desktop change the extension to esm now it doesn't need to be caps yes i'm going to be like ah it's going to be unusable oh it's going to be usable now watch this create a folder call it whatever you want to call it like this is called the elder souls go inside here we're going to need to create a data folder here we go just drag and drop that into the data folder turn this folder into a zip file or 7-zip file all right there we go now we can install this i'm going to cut this thing open up hit file install i'm going to paste it in here like a barbarian there it is the elder souls we just made this check mark the other souls3.esm we just created that file by changing the file name you're almost never going to have to do this but if you hit that one speed bump and you see that omw add-on file you're gonna be like what is this i don't know now you know some other files like this one which i really wish worked for openmw called pursuit this allows foes to chase you through doors that go to the next area with morrowind you can kind of cheese the game by like if you aggro something as long as you run through a door one of the doors that loads the next area not one of the doors that just opens and closes if you run through one of those doors they can't follow you but this script will allow them to follow you now this one requires scripting if you click on the files here and do a manual download go it tells you that it requires the openmw latest nightly build because the current build 0.47 does not support scripting so if you want to do any of these files that require scripting you're going to have to use a different build of openmw and i'm almost to the point where i want to do that anyway we can download that and i'll show you what it looks like so there it is and it gives you a file called an omw script file it's like a lua script this is not compatible with the current like release version but i wish it was because i really want that mod [Music] rolling on down on expanded vanilla let's talk about foliage so ground cover is a little different because ground cover if you just install it using mod organizer openmw is going to think that every little piece of ground cover is an actual item in the game as in like a something you cannot walk through like an actual mesh and texture like it basically thinks every piece of grass is a chair and we can't have openmw doing that because for one it'll murder your performance and number two every time there's a blade of grass you're going to get stuck on it so when you're doing ground cover and out of all these i think rimmer rose that's how i'm going to say it so i think rimro srimaros ground cover is is my favorite it's the most subtle first is a little like too much in your face uh aesthesia is pleasing maybe a little bit too many flowers for me um but i like this one the best you can pick whichever one you like by looking at all the differences then i'm gonna um i'm gonna download this first i'm gonna go to the download page by right clicking on that and opening it new tab or whatever there it is files i'm gonna do the standard mod manager download ignore this whenever you see mge dot uh xe that's the marwin graphics extender don't worry about that morrowind uh the openmw does not need that so download this slow download now i'm going to open this page and get all this stuff right here ready yes all that so it's going to take a minute 90 megabytes just give it a minute let it download the ground cover okay now we can pick what we want here openmw style stuff thicker grass that's up to you vanilla resolution texture is new we're using tr that's tamriel rebuild and i'm also using the preview content i'm not using this though the legend of all right there we go and install you put a check mark on this it brings up all these freaking plugins you need a check mark on this but then you have to manually come over and uncheck all of these you don't want these files to open this way it doesn't work but you need it check marked over here because this is the texture and this is the plug-in file that tells all this grass to be installed in all these different regions soulstein but now we have to tell our config file that all these things are what to use so openmw open up that config file see all this fallback stuff let's scroll all the way down to the end of that good grief there we go see this line that says encoding when whatever when 1252. push enter a couple times and then i'm going to paste all this stuff i'm going to put this on tech syndicate in the post there because this is more comprehensive than the one on their website because it also includes all of the preview area for tamriel um reloaded so all that's there this will tell our open uh morrowind that all of this all these files to use them all as ground cover i'm going to save this so if we go back here see like what else do we do oh there's a settings.cfg we have to add all of this to our settings.cfg so copy this inside that same opening mw folder you'll see we also have a settings file with nothing in there brown cover true there we go you know what let's bring the density up i don't have time for less i'm going to do 0.9 if your computer can handle it you can crank up the density now we've told the settings to enable ground cover and i'm also going to do the puzzle piece here and then click on export to openmw hit ok it's going to change oh it's going to modify things see it added more stuff right here all right let's run this now we can run it there we go look at that we got grass it's growing in the water i've turned it up too aggressively see now we've got some nice grass around here cool i actually made some my own grass meshes i mean i didn't i recolored some of these but you know it's running great [Music] so here is my file i'll put my settings.cfg on tech syndicate as well so you can follow along so here's what i've done with mine i've got apply lighting to the environment maps true normal maps true i'm using normal maps on mine you'll see clamp lighting false i recommend doing that i recommend doing force per pixel lighting to true if you have a beefy computer and i recommend turning up your max lights to 64 if you're using mods that add lanterns or candles because if you have um normally if it's like 32 and if you have more than 32 light sources people with torches background lights window lights if you have more than 32 it'll just turn off a bunch of lights and look kind of weird so i keep that up i have radial fog on and a few other things here so you can see all that there but again i'll put all this on tech syndicate so you can get access to all these configs i'm just going to go ahead and grab all this shader information so those are the few types of mods you're going to have to uh work on the ground cover and also the sky has a few things you'll need to do one more thing i want to note before we go into our before we leave i'm going to make another video showing every single mod that i have installed but this is the video showing you how to get openmw up and running and all the mods and stuff skies 4 is really pretty i just note a few and so when you install skies 4 you've got to do all this stuff here in your config file it's one of the only other ones you have to do that and then you're going to need to um see right here it tells you you gotta you got to mess with this raindrop stuff like that they must be deleted so you need to do what i just showed you you can do it this way by just after you install it right click on the mod go to open an explorer go to the textures and then find that raindrop this is all grass and stuff find the raindrop and delete it but you know what as long as you're following this it'll tell you what to do requires a little bit of effort but a few hours of this and you'll be on your way to hundreds of hours of rewarding gameplay with an engine that just will not crash [Music] most of these are just you know you download and install them however you like and you can stack them and stuff like that let's get a couple texture mods and stuff for just for the hell of it download mods is so fast does mod manager download slow download yeah they're all going to be showing up here under the downloads tab oh look there they all are so now i'm just going to install this one familiar faces there we go great better waterfalls uh let's do tamriel rebuilt water we don't need vanilla resolution textures we want the higher quality so there we go tamriel rebuild water there we go yeah yeah actually i don't think we need that leafy trees yeah let's get all these trees going and we just start check marking these things you notice sometimes there's a little lightning bolt that's that's got a thing here what does that mean well what this means is it's overwriting some files over here this is stuff like all textures and stuff so whatever textures you want to be the boss you put them on the bottom because they overwrite everything above them like this one if you double click on it it says that hey all these files are being overwritten by our my tamriel data these are overwriting our tamriel data mine all these different heads tells you what the conflicts are and then you can rearrange them being like no i want this one to be on top and i want this one to be here so you can see here what it's all over writing and then you can rearrange them to make sure that whatever textures you want to be the the main textures now why would you do this sometimes you'll download a mod that'll be like it retextures all the imperial stuff and then you find one mod that retextures imperial i don't know weapons and armor that you like better but you still want to keep all the other imperial stuff like the stones and whatever so you install the the one that does everything first and then the specific armor mods that do just the armor install that next and you can drag and drop them around and then the armor will be from that one mod whereas everything else will be from the other mod that makes sense hopefully everyone enjoyed this video and i hope it got you playing morrowind and devs thank you very much for creating openmw like this engine is blowing my mind how how well it runs so thanks very much for creating this so you can keep this in my opinion very important open world um open world game open world rpg alive so play it let me know what you think if you're someone who's only played skyrim or only played oblivion skyrim i'm curious to know what do you think of this game stick with it you're going to want to put it down when you first start playing and it's going to feel difficult and hopeless because you don't know where to go because you're used to things holding your hand and telling you where to go this game's not extremely difficult but it is in the beginning there's a big learning curve but after you get into it trust me it's going to be really rewarding so enjoy it head over to epic pants check out this stuff now you know the drill wonderful you can get this wonderful mouse or hey you can even use this to control morrowind if you like i won't judge you online only a jackass would tell you how to have fun and i'm not going to be that that person see you later
Channel: Tek Syndicate
Views: 613,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tek Syndicate, Crit TV, hardware, nerds, geek, technology, science, games, gaming, culture, tech, computers, Serious Business
Id: zIERxklN2xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 28sec (2608 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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