Easy Fog In Fusion - DaVinci Resolve Motion Graphics and VFX Tutorial

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[Music] hey guys casey ferrand thanks for checking out another video of mine here on youtube today we are talking about a easy easy way to make some really cool fog effects inside of fusion it just takes a minute and it's super rad here's the kind of thing we're going to be making oh this is a really simple technique that I use all the time I'm excited to share it with you let's jump into fusion Here I am on the fusion page of differentiy resolves 16 I'm gonna go up to the media pool right click and I'll say new fusion composition and it asked me some settings I'll just say create then I'll double click on the fusion open it up here in the fusion page here we have one lonely node media out now grab this and drag that to the right I'm also gonna grab a background node just grab that and drag that down and connect it to my media out this is pretty much where I start with all motion graphics help set the settings and it's just kind of nice to start with a black background let's get to adding the fog on the toolbar here in the middle of my interface the second icon over is called fast noise now grab this and drag it down if you've used After Effects and used fractal noise this is basically the same thing really what it does I'll hit one on the keyboard is it generates these kind of cloud things and if you select this node and go up to the inspector there's all kinds of things you can do to adjust what it looks like I'll just hit two in the keyboard to bring this up so we can see it a little easier and pretty much you can play with these until you like them I like to boost up the detail a little bit and boost up the scale a little bit so you can kind of see the structure of the clouds a little bit easier I'm also gonna take this and just merge it over my background I grab the output of the fast noise node and drag it over the little white square on the background node that'll make a merge node it just says put fast noise over that black background I'll select my media out node and hit two on the keyboard to bring it up in this right-hand viewer and now we're getting somewhere looking foggy I select our fast noise and I have all different kinds of options here one that's really cool is seve what that does is pretty much just change this kind of animates this cloud texture and if you're making something like fog it doesn't change super fast but it will change a little bit over time and so what I can do is just push the seed rate up a little bit and I'll click off and hit spacebar and just see about how fast that's going I want it to be pretty slow maybe something like that point zero two four and depending on what you like you might adjust the detail contrast you can also go up here to the second icon and adjust the colors so if you want white fog or you know maybe some kind of greenish fog I like to make it just a little off white usually fog isn't usually perfectly white so that's pretty good let's get it to animate a little bit we already have it moving a little bit because of the c3 but let's have it kind of drift from left to right super-easy go to the first icon here in our inspector right here where it says center where it says 0.5 I could either just animate this myself would you just take a second or I can use an expression I'm just gonna type equals in that Center X and what that'll do is add a little expression and it will ask for a point right now it has nothing and then point five so what I want to do is animate this first X value of this point so I could type time and let's see what that does what that's gonna do is set my center to the current frame so if I'm on frame 56 is going to be 56 this is probably gonna be way too fast and a rewind to the beginning of our comp and yeah it's crazy sauce so what I can do is just divide time I like to divide it by a hundred I'll go to the beginning of our comp and here we have it moving sideways so let's divide it by 500 there that's nice and tasteful the good thing is we always have that fog moving as long as time is going forward so we don't have to worry about keyframes or anything what I like to do is use this for a background for graphics or you know for a title that comes up and just has like a little bit of fog in the background in the easiest cheapest way to make it look like there's just ground fog in what kind of behind a graphic is just a straight up mask it with my fast noise selected I'll just go here to my toolbar and select a rectangle mask that's just going to mask it under a rectangle the width I'll just push out to 1 and the height maybe will bring it down and I'll bring the center down to be kind of the lower part of this screen I can also soften the edge of this mask just by pushing up this soft edge and starts to soften it like that I do have one problem that its softening the edges on the sides which is not necessarily what I want so what I can do is just make this a little bit wider than the screen maybe I'll put in two instead of one and then I won't have that problem anymore but I want that to be really soft I can even adjust the height to make this a really soft little piece of ground fog and we'll play this there you go nice and spooky so yeah this works great if you have maybe a graphic or a title that comes up here I've definitely used that once or twice you can even use this as a visual effect if you wanted to and merge it on top of a picture let's try that real quick I have a picture of a field just grab that merge that over by a background now I have some fog kind of going across the field you get the idea it's very versatile versatile that's a word that means you can use it for lots of stuff I use it for lots of stuff I hope you guys enjoyed it I use this technique to add a little bit of spice to things all the time if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comments below if you like this hit like and for more post-production and fusion and compositing graphics tutorials make sure to hit that subscribe button here on my channel on YouTube my name again is Casey Faris I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 45,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve vs premiere pro, davinci resolve 16 color grading, blackmagic fusion, blackmagic fusion 16, blackmagic fusion tutorial, blackmagic fusion motion graphics, blackmagic fusion vs after effects, blackmagic fusion templates, fusion titles, color grading LUTs, ground control luts
Id: NX8fwYOt6wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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