Realistic 3D Fog Effect - Davinci Resolve Fusion

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hi this is Kari with learn DaVinci Resolve and today we are going to build a particle effect that's going to look like fog you'll be able to use this in all kinds of different projects it's one of my favorite kind of things to do with special effects whether you're doing titles or you just want to kind of add a fog effect into something it's gonna be kind of fun it's probably gonna be a fairly long tutorial today so kind of bear with me there's a bunch of little steps there's a lot of tweaking to make things look right but I'm trying to explain it as we go so you understand what we're going to accomplish and I'm gonna show you right now what this is going to look like so that's the effect we're gonna achieve so stay right there we'll be right back [Music] so to get started we need a fusion composition first if you're on resolve 15 you're gonna go to generators and you'll find it on 16 it's under effects and we're just gonna grab a fusion a composition here and we'll make it like 10 seconds long and right there alright now we're gonna go into fusion and we're actually not going to start off with creating the fog effect we're gonna create the fog particles first so on here I'm gonna do shifts base I'm at a fast noise node and I'm gonna add a saver node and you'll see how all this stuff comes together in just a moment on fast noise we're gonna start on the image frame or the image panel here I'm going to turn off auto resolution I don't want these particles to be the size of the screen I want them to be fairly small so I'm gonna set my size of these images to 200 200 I'm going to go back to my noise panel I'm gonna sell it actually bring this up so we can kind of see what's happening as we go I'm going to take the detail and change it to five so we have more detail and I'm going to set the C to 0.1 okay now we're getting somewhere here and let's also go on to the color page we'll make this a gradient and we'll change it to a radial and on the first stop here I want this to be kind of a middle gray and the end I'm gonna make that black and we're going to Center this up a little bit so I'm going to grab this left handle over here and bring it into the middle and I'll bring the right handle and bring it in about 1/3 of the way maybe so that's kind of what our smoke particles are going to look like but we also need this to be transparent so I'm gonna go over to the Alpha Channel and slide all that down so now it kind of looks like fog particle let's go with that now the saver is going to allow us to save these this whole animation thread out as individual frames are going to be EXR files and then we'll use those to feed the particle system instead of having to create them so it should be a little easier on the system so I've got my saver node here and I'm gonna hit browse I'll go to my desktop and I'll create a new folder called noise and I'll just name it fast fog and these are gonna be open EXR files I see there's not too many choices here and I'm gonna hit save now I need to save these off so I'm gonna go up to the fusion tab and say render all savers and it should create all the different frames there we go 239 took 3.19 seconds not too shabby so next we can go in and start creating our fog effect so I'm actually going to get rid of these and we're gonna create a really basic 3d scene so let's just do a text 3d and we'll just call it foggy and I have that up on the screen here we'll just extrude that a little bit so we have something to work with and with any 3d scene where you need to have a merge 3d and a render node render and then that can go into our media out okay so now we have kind of our scene going on here I'll just gonna Center this up on here there we go alright next we need to start adding our particle system so particles are actually right here on the screen on this toolbar so I'm just gonna click on one and create a particle emitter and then we need a P render node and that's gonna be a next one here now when we're working with particles we need to determine whether we want this to be a 2d scene or a 3d scene and for our purposes here we want this to be a 3d scene so we can add some depth to it so in the node editor we're gonna make sure we select the P render node and in the inspector we're gonna set the output mode to 3d so if this is set on 2d make sure you put that on 3d and I'm gonna put that up on the screen too here so we can see that so now we have this the 3d scene and you know we could go to our single screen there's really not much to see yet but we do have our little particles going on here and we'll go to our P emitter so the particle emitter is where the particles come from so we need to adjust this for whatever type of situation we want it to be so if we look at kind of the options here this is our emitter options the number of particles the amount it's going to vary how long they're going to last and the lifespan variance so if we have them set to a hundred some will be a little less and will be a little more if we increase the variance we can choose colors and the position variants there's also other tools down here for velocity rotation and spin and we'll get to those some other time then we have our style and this is the style of the emitter itself so in the style we're going to change us to a blob so you can see these are kind of big puffy looking circles and it's often good to start with blobs because they're not very or they're not as intensive as other particles and it will kind of help us get things good things rolling so to speak so if we like go to the beginning here where we have where at the end and we can actually play this and we can see kind of what's going on here which is not much of anything is it so we definitely have some some work to do on here because there's no motion so we're gonna go back to our P mitr and we'll go to the first tab there and we need to set the full velocity and let's set the velocity to like 0.2 so now we can I'm gonna zoom out here so we can kind of see what's going on so now it has a direction that it's going so we can change the direction that it's going to go to and you know up down left to right or straight up whatever we want to do and we're gonna set the velocity to or the velocity angle to 180 now it's going the opposite direction okay see that now the particles start at the beginning and they'll run until the end so if you want them to already be there when it starts that's gonna be another setting that we'll get to in a different point but for right now we're just gonna build it kind of one step at a time here now if we take a close look at this they're all moving at the same rate and that's definitely not something we want it doesn't look natural at all now there could be a reason for doing that depending on the effect that you're trying to go for but it was something like smoke or fog that's definitely not going to work right so we need to add some variance to the velocity so let's set the velocity variance to 0.1 0.1 all right now let's take a look at it so you can see some are moving faster than others but and there's there's just a little mix to it which is nice right now it's pumping out a lot of these particles way too many for our needs so I'm gonna change the emitter number 2.3 now let's see what we've got here okay starting to look a little bit better now we have kind of a blob starting about every three frames it of course that doesn't sound like a big number but it's always easy to change and we kind of want to build up two things now I did set this for 10 seconds so that's 240 frames and right now the life span is set to a hundred and if we said let's try to say this 250 oh I set it to 500 we set it to 50 they're only going to last half of the time but we do want them to last pretty much the whole scene so I'm gonna go ahead and bump that back up to a hundred so that they're gonna continue to fill the scene so sometimes you want to change the shape of the PE Mitter if you're doing something like a firework or something that that actually starts at a point then you need that to be a small point if you're doing rain sleet snow hail fogs haze you don't want it to be a point that it's coming from you want it to be a much bigger angle so we're gonna go to our region tab over here and we're gonna change the sphere to a cube and now we can adjust the size of that so I'm gonna set my height now you can see it's gonna be kind of coming out from different sides of it there we go let's move this over here and right now they're coming they're still coming from a very narrow spot and it'd be fine if this was kind of a 2d or we just wanted it in front of it but we kind of want to fill the scene we we're gonna have fog in front and back of our object so we definitely want a little more depth to it so now you can see what I've got going here is they're coming from this whole cube so for right now we'll leave this here until we get the rest of our our objects our text down there all put together with this and then we can always adjust things now we're going to bring in the fog that we created with the fast emitter so I've got a bin here called fog I'm just gonna go here and go import media and I'm gonna go to the first file there and select open and now I can drag this down here I'm gonna change the name on this by hitting f2 and change this to fog EXR so I know what that media in was and on the P emitter we need to go to our style and we're gonna change this to a bitmap and when they do that this new arrow comes up on the emitter that's going to allow us to connect our fog to the emitter hope this is making sense so far we're kind of getting there but now look at the difference in the little particles they actually look like the little puffs of smoke that we created before so I'm going to go back to the dual settings here let's go ahead and connect our P render to our merge node and I'm gonna go to our media out so this is what we've got so far kind of little puffers going on it's not really the most interesting looking thing yet but we're getting there and okay we got our fog emitter here let's look at our lineup okay that's looking good okay so everything's kind of centered around that cube which is what we want we want stuff in front and behind so we're kind of making some progress there so let's go back to our P emitter because obviously these little Puffy's aren't doing exactly what we want yet we'll get there though we'll definitely get there and we want to make sure we're on the style tab and we're going to go to size controls and we're going to set our size to 0.5 and we're gonna change our size variance to point zero five so I'm gonna add point zero five there so you see it's kind of starting to look like something all right it's definitely a little more now I'm running this on a 2016 5k iMac 32 gigs of ram and also and as soon as I did that notice how much slower it's rendering here this stuff does take up some processing power so if it's kind of laggy on your machine yeah it's probably gonna be laggy there's not much you can do about it in another video we'll probably talk about how to optimize things and see if we can make it a little smoother for it to work with because those are there are a couple tricks that can work now we also want to give I said we don't want to start all the way on the right and have nothing there we want fog to be in the scene so I'm gonna go to my P render and we'll go to pre generate frames and I probably want this to be well let's play this and see where we get where we kind of want it to be it's probably gonna be around the halfway point all right so probably right in the looks like about let's call it 1:15 so I'm gonna pre generate a hundred and fifteen frames but and also by doing that what I might end up with is running out at the end and I don't want that to happen either so I'm just gonna stop this so we can see no it's all good we're looking good so far we're making some progress here okay so now to make it a little more realistic we're gonna make sure we're on our render 3d node we're gonna change the render type to open GL renderer and in here we're gonna go to sorted accurate that's gonna give it a little bit more natural look to it it's kind of liking that so far and we could add some coloring to it if we wanted to but for right now I think we'll just kind of stick with this and let's give it a little play here it's still still not looking quite right right so we'll go to our P emitter again and we'll go to our controls node and we probably need to give it a little bit of spin so let's give some Z variants like 0.5 so now stuff is moving along a little bit better I'm kind of liking that so far if we increase that you will get even more spin out of it but it's way too much we just need just a little bit of spin to make it look right and there we have kind of a cool fog effect let's go ahead and go to our edit page of course you can keep adjusting this and adjusting this this kind of looks like little puffy clouds right now probably not exactly what we want but you can see how the smoke is moving in the smoke looks very natural but let's go ahead and try and play around with it just a little bit more and we'll probably play with this the size if we bring it down more but notice it's only letting us go to 0.5 now where if I go to 1 all right so sometimes a slider will only let you go so far and you kind of have to push it to do something so often you can just type in a number that's going to increase the value that you're allowed to put into there so let's go ahead and give this a play and that's looking quite a bit bigger I think we can really kind of fine-tune this by adjusting the size of our pea emitter so let's go ahead I think the width is fine let's give it some more height again we're already maxed out on our height so let's make this a 2 now it's going to make sure that it's outside of the frame which I think is really going to make this effect work all right things are starting to really come together with our fog but I'm not keen on how the lifespan variance is let's go ahead and go back to here and we'll change our lifespan variance or will increase our lifespan to more than what our frames are right we had it set at a hundred but we actually have two hundred and forty frames and we're starting late so we want to make sure that we have good coverage so I'm just gonna call it 350 now this should be a little bit more normal it's still kind of puffing in there which I'm not too keen on so I'm gonna pull the emitter a little further away so they're not starting right on top of it okay that's looking pretty good I'm gonna slow down the fog a bit so it just kind of moves in like that let's try pulling it back a little further there we go now we have a much more natural-looking fog effect let's go ahead and let this render so we can play it back in full time okay now that it's rendered but remember now we moved that emitter over so now it's not starting where we want so we're going to have to increase our our pre render time again and once it's going there isn't a lot of movement so it's not like there's a lot of like extra wind or something so we're going to improve that as well so we're gonna go back into our fog here and let's see where we need to be so make sure we select our P run frame and right now we're set for a hundred and fifteen frames but it's not quite enough so let's pre generate maybe a hundred and 150 frames so now let's go to the beginning not quite enough we'll call it 200 frames we really just want it to be there and we'll go to the end here we'll make sure everything's good there so now we have fog throughout the whole scene but we need to add some turbulence to it to add a little random chaos Ness so with the pea emitter selected I'm gonna go shift space and I'm going to type P turbulence all right and we'll set some options in here so let's set our density to 75 and let's see what we get here okay that's definitely a little bit better I got a little bit of movement going on so we can try playing with the strengths seeing what we kind of get there all right so we're getting a little more movement around and front and back strengths going on so kind of like that the higher the density the kind of the the less chaotic it will be but we'll still want some turbulence so it just looks a little bit more natural and let's let's go ahead and let's add a spotlight and I'll put that connect it to the merge 3d and I'll pull this guy out here and we need to make sure we turn on our 3d options for lighting and shadows so we want to go to our render 3d go to our light lighting and we're going to enable lighting that way we can have some light effect going on in here I'm going to take my spotlight and let's just warm up that light just a tad so we're getting some light effect going through the fog onto the letters now this will probably take a little bit longer to render then without the lighting effect because that's adding a whole lot more processing to it but it's still going pretty good on resolve 15 this will probably take quite a bit longer which is why I'm doing this on 16 so I can actually get through this tutorial in a fairly short amount of time so it's definitely much better on 16 with the right hardware I don't recommend using 16 for production use although all my videos lately have been using 16 and it's been working quite well for me so now watch the the movement in here that's what I really want you to pay attention to so we have this turbulence going on and now we have whoa we have a very very realistic fog effect going on so that's it you've created your first particle effect [Music] I hope you enjoyed that I said particles are a super powerful feature within resolve because you could do everything from a fog effect to fire and rain snow leaves blowing birds a you can create all kinds of effects with the particle system and this is just barely barely scratching the surface on some of the settings but using the fog is going to get you started with something that you can probably use over and over and over again so I hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching be sure and like the video give me a big thumbs up on there if you'd like smash down on that subscribe button and hit the bell icon to get notified whenever we have new videos come out and for the people that asked yes there is a patreon page now slash ke r ryg carey G that's me headed up over at patreon I'll do some special stuff for any of you patreon supporters out there really appreciate you guys asking for that so I put that together for you as always thanks for watching I'll catch you next time bye bye you
Channel: Filmmaker Central
Views: 19,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, fusion 9, Fusion 16, davinci resolve fusion, learn fusion vfx, davinci resolve 15, video editing, resolve 15 fusion, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, visual effects, fusion basics, Fog effect, Particle, Particle emitter, Learn davinci resolve, resolve 15, learn fusion, fusion 15 tutorial, fusion tutorials, davinci resolve fusion vfx, davinci resolve tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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