Easy DIY Weather Science Experiments for Kids to do at home!!

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hi guys today we're making rain clouds in a jar talking about rain clouds guys i think there's one right now excuse me for a second i need to use this emergency umbrella i think it's done now and now we can actually make a rain cloud welcome to ryan's world don't forget to ask your grown-up for help and first you're gonna need to put water inside your jar up to here that's why i'm here to help you poof next use shaving cream and that's gonna be the cloud [Music] and you're gonna need a lot of cloud that's enough [Music] and then you're gonna get some water and you're gonna put it like a quarter like up to here [Music] okay then you get your favorite four colors and then you're gonna have the colors that you got into here green and yellow and blue and red okay guys are you ready to see some rainbow rain yeah so this is the cloud and you're pretending this is the air when you get too much of the water the cloud is going to release the rain like so oh clown's still holding the rain like it's dropping stop holding it now i ordered you to stop stop now you gotta go down any moment now do you see how it's falling already ryan look at the red and now you're doing some blue wow this is a very strong rain cloud ryan is just mixing all the colors together [Music] look at the rain go i'm gonna do it all together wow there's a rainbow rainbow thingy whoa there's so much green look i think there's so much green because the the blue and the yellow mix to green and also there's green by itself yeah wow is this a rain cloud or is this a green cloud green cloud is there any part that's not green no no then you put too much green it looks cool on top yeah it does okay guys so that is a very easy way to learn about rain clouds did you have fun yeah all right i'm mowing the lawn today oh thank you ryan good helmet daddy there's a yeah tornado can't believe that was a real tornado but what if we made our own tomato in a bottle well that's a good idea ryan what all right good good job ryan i think that's enough next i'm gonna put on a connector all right okay twist twist twist good this here whoa it's connected now now we do this nothing's happening maybe we twirl it this part is hard so i'll do it for you okay roll it twirl it pull [Applause] yeah we can use this lamp oil first we're going to try red here we go come on in that's good good keep going yep almost there done now connect it again let's see what happens are you ready so you can see the tornado part a lot better so the center of the tornado is called vortex and that's what you see in red you see that spinning around now let's grab green and blue tornado too all right let's start with the green one first this time ryan's gonna do it let's see if you can put the green oil in there [Music] ah you're spilling it you're spilling it all right good good put the cap on okay give me the other one i'm gonna put it on here done nice now let's do the blue one all right here we go [Music] doing good so far keep going i think that's good all right good job let's put the blue cap like this done flip it first [Music] [Music] there you go look at that it's so cool [Music] here we go whoa look cool nice green red and blue all different colors that was so much fun thank you for making tornadoes with me daddy i think you're ryan i hope you guys have a fun time hi guys today we're making a snowstorm in a jar i'm talking about snowstorms i think there's one coming right now is it done yet it is yay first you're gonna need baby oil [Music] and now i need to fill up halfway so up to here next in your second container add water water water next add some white paint whoa like a toothpaste right guys let's mix it together next you can add some glitter and some confetti if you want [Music] that's enough [Music] okay next i'm going to add one or two drops of blue coloring there you go next get some alka-seltzer like this and then crush it up so since frozen two is coming out and it's just like snowstorms i got me some frozen blind bag thingies let's see who we got whoa we got elsa oh yeah alka-seltzer this is my frozen power [Music] no she's in a snowstorm and we just happened to get anna okay let's follow elsa's tracks elsa i see you down there i'm going to save you ah whoa she's backwards she's floating hi anna you have some powers we don't know about you can hang out there with your sisters anna and elsa are you ready for a snowstorm because here it [Music] everything's going to the top and falling down oh whoa it's popping up i can barely see anything now oh no where's anan elsa oh yeah where are they can you guys survive this snowstorm oh my gosh do you see them no i see anna i don't know where's out there anna's right here i think elsa's somewhere down there no guys they're both drowning [Music] ryan watch out because there's a snowstorm coming too okay ryan it went away the snowstorm is over look i found anna and elsa but once it's done you can do it again whoa hey guys today we're doing the baking soda and vinegar science experiment but first pretend this is a volcano first you're gonna need some baking soda so we have to put it into the funnel inside your water bottle whoa whoa okay next you're gonna put your food coloring into your vinegar and i choose red a little bit more okay guys get ready for an explosion remember ask your parents for help whoa [Music] that came out that was so cool that was really fun but i wish it was a volcano [Music] huh pep hi peck gosh ryan did you know that you can make a volcano out of paper what you care of course you can i'll go make one for you okay i'm gonna build a lego robot it's gonna be my best friend all i need is the last piece for the head and oh it's so cute whoa uh-huh park what are you doing here we got a new science experiment for ryan it's gonna be a giant volcano a giant volcano well uh what do we need for that first thing we will need is a giant box a giant box there's definitely one around here let's see oh over there by combo hey combo pass the big box huh oh this box you got it bree hiya i'm a little teacup shortened [Music] yeah perfect this place doesn't seem too familiar huh what's that looks like there's a volcano nearby let's go investigate whoa this box is huge and it is going to be the perfect base for our volcano don't you think that peck where did peck go oh well let's get started the first thing we need to do is cut this box down so i finished marking my line where we need to cut it's about four inches high which i think is going to be a good height to keep all the lava inside so now all we need to do is cut and once we cut the box it should look like and there it is ah that is the perfect size for our base look how big it is now to make sure that our base is good and strong we're gonna use duct tape [Music] well the box looks great but how do i build a volcano incoming oh there you are i just got back from gathering research data first we're gonna need these a bottle and a cup i think we can use this for the center of our volcano precisely so this bottle is going to be perfect to put all of our ingredients in for the lava but i think it's a little too short that's why we have this cup i think that might be a little too tall we can work on this oh that is the perfect uh maybe we should glue it in place okay just a little bit more glue and i think that should do it i don't think it's going anywhere okay our bottle's not going anywhere but we don't need this cap it doesn't really look like a volcano we need something i don't know what we have to build the body i know what'll work okay trash paper that's a great idea so we're making the shape of our volcano it's kind of a mess right now so we're going to use tape to hold all of this together now to form the body of the volcano with some tape [Music] more paper oh wow peck you found a lot of paper this is gonna be perfect so the first thing that we need to do to start paper machining this giant volcano is we need to take all of this paper and tear it into pieces that we can actually use so something about like that but we're gonna need a lot this guy is very big so yeah this ought to do the trick rip the paper whoa peck great job this is a lot of paper what else do you mean uh well to make paper mache we need paper which we already have and then we need a bowl some water and the most important part glue so this glue is way too thick so the first thing we're gonna do is add glue then we're gonna add water and stir it all together to try to thin it out so we can put it on our paper now all we do easter [Music] or agitate agitate agitate and when you're done it should look something like this now we're all ready for the fun part it's gonna be a little messy so if you're wearing sleeves roll them up first you dunk it in the glue and then you just clean off all the extra make sure the paper is good and kind of soft and then you just slap it on the volcano [Music] slimy [Music] now the hardest part we have to wait for this to dry the volcano will take a while to dry let's go wash our hands ugh yeah i'm very sticky so we'll meet back here later yup i'm gonna go gather more research bye [Music] one day later whoa it looks so good and it's really dry let's see [Music] it's definitely hard and sturdy ready for paint but where is peck peck hiya pack oh yeah i'm at a real volcano and um i think we need to use a great paint well we can definitely make gray peck but just make sure you stay safe okay be careful now gray we don't actually have but we can make it with black and white all right peck uh how do these grays look good all right well it's a big volcano we're gonna use a big brush and let's get started [Music] all right we just finished all of this painting this volcano is huge it took forever peck how does it look it kind of looks just like a mountain it could use some lava some lava oh yeah awesome lava i'm gonna head back now it's getting a little hot over here okay well we'll see in a bit peck now i have a great idea for the lava what better than hot glue i mean it kind of looks like lava right maybe all right let's see so we're gonna try to build it up and see if we can get it to look like some big giant lava trails whoa that looks so cool all right now we're going to use some orange and some yellow to give this lava some color oh just a little bit more lava paint and i think i hear pack made it just in time oh hi peck so we just finished our volcano and what do you think about it i think our volcano is complete looks like the real deal huh looks like the one i saw earlier let's teleport it to ryan yay the last thing we have to do is to get this onto our teleporter potato so let's just lift this guy up i'm just kidding it's paper mache it's really lightweight and off to rhine we go goodbye volcano have fun ryan wow thank you so much pep for this paper volcano it's so cool super cool i'm gonna bring it outside and then i'm going to erupt it let's go first thing baking soda okay guys so let's pour in the vinegar wow there's so much green [Music] guys today we're doing a do-it-yourself snow glow oh just in time for holiday yeah you can try it after watching this video you can try at home yeah and don't forget to ask a grown-up for help cannot do it by yourself this is perfect to make a gift for your families maybe your sisters or mom and dad or grandma grandpa or birthday party for your friends too so here's everything you need to get started you need some water you need some glycerin this will make your water thick for the snow globe get some glitter stuff and then little pieces you want to put into your snow globe so these are actually ornaments we had from last year we just cut off the string and that's what we're gonna use so we actually bought this diy snow globe so you can put stuff by yourself and then make your own original one but if you don't have this at home you can just grab mason jar from the pantry and then use that this is awesome nice snow globe something's inside yeah let's store that with these small gloves okay then we're gonna pick a pieces and see how you want to decorate i think santa claus and a fire truck okay so ryan has his piece like that and then daddy so i'll do snowman and a reindeer maybe just a tree yeah whoa actually i'm gonna add a tree now oh good idea yeah you have some space left nice next use your glue gun to glue the pieces together make sure you always ask grown up for help because it's super hot daddy has to be careful glue guns get hot [Music] yeah i'm sorry santa it's going to be a little bit warm you're burning it okay he has shoes on christmas i'm santa claus what i don't sound like santa girls oh my gosh oh my god why is it shaking what are you doing [Music] it's very tight ryan you put a lot of stuff on yours yeah you should put santa claus a little bit now i jump a little bit that way oh he was a little too centered oh no ryan i'm sorry but there's no space for a tree maybe right here is that good yeah sure it's poking him oh oh oh oh oh there it is all right now for my ornament let's put the tree first this is the easiest one flat surface in the background okay and then let's do a reindeer all right his feet so tiny stay stomach stay next you're going to fill your snow globe with water all right this is heavy so daddy will do it we got distilled water but you can use regular water it works too [Music] perfect a little more next we're going to add some glycerin to make your liquid thicker okay you only need just a few drops i think that's a lot more than a few drops daddy that's enough all right dude okay good next let's mix it up you're aboard mixing it up you can make a tornado like mine [Music] next picture favorite glitter and put it in all right i'll pick this one look at ryan okay sparkly oh that's cool oh nice i'm gonna mix it up just a little bit of this too a lot of snow a lot of snow let it snow frozen two is coming up this year all right next you put the lids in you guys ready upside down world what do they look like we'll cover with so many things go i'm sorry guys okay now we're going upside down [Music] the cover too okay now we're gonna turn it around and shake i think i put too much it's like blizzard winter wonderland i didn't put too much watch oh yours cool what's going on i can't see anything can you see mine oh there you go hi guys [Music] woohoo all right here we go there it is a fun easy do-it-yourself family fun activity for the holiday hi courage this is a perfect gift i'm gonna give this to emma katelyn now we're gonna try a bigger version with the mason jar whoa look at that the snowman so tall hi older brother or are you me in the future oh i'm first to the snowman so we actually found a little toy little kitty laying around the house so we thought she's perfect yeah you use any toy thing around the house that you want yeah all right now we're gluing together okay tree first tree it goes down all right snowman i'm frosty the snowmobile why are you so tall drinking milk all right here we go whoa same height that's the tree oh the tree's a little taller because it's half hmm of course i thought you wanted that one looks hot keep shaking dripping dripping dripping dripping a little kitty little kitty okay that's good let's put some water [Music] [Music] oh yeah it does look like a snow yeah think i'm thinking a little bit more okay good nice all right now let's put it in all right quick wow cool cool spin wow whoa spinning next is optional but you can put ribbons at the bottom to make it cooler [Music] oh it dries fast a little bit hard to be careful very careful okay guys now we're done and now we're going to give these to emma and kate but for right now daddy you can have this one oh thank you this is for me thank you ryan shake it it's a snow globe so if you shake it yeah what's inside santa claus santa i like christmas to me thank you you guys like it yeah wow snowy hi guys thank you for watching our do-it-yourself snow globe bye remember always say happy rise up bye [Music]
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 12,285,373
Rating: 3.8786898 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, easy DIY science experiment, easy science experiments for kids, easy DIY kids science experiments, weather science experiments, Science experiment for kids, homemade science experiments, science experiments for kids to do at home, baking soda and vinegar, kids science video
Id: HC8YmBHq_9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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