Sink or Float with 1 hr Easy Science Experiments for Kids | Ryan's World

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[Music] three it's a floating shark i'm gonna see if i'm gonna float on the stars sink or float okay guys first i'm gonna see if the slinky can sink or float i think it's gonna sink three two one it's definitely a swingy [Music] three two one i think it might float [Music] next i'm gonna test out a metal spatula and a wooden spoon i think the wooden spoon is going to maybe go down like this maybe and the spatula will stay up here three two one the spatula went down what guys do you know why some object stinks and floats it's because of the difference in density if if an object has more density than water then it will sink but it has if it has less density than water then it will float so why does this shark float it's because less density than water how many of you guys like apples do you think this apple is gonna sink or float let's see i think it might cover it right let's here okay three two one bam oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh it's like covering hand floating at the same time yeah apple motif next what do you think about this alien do you think it's going to sink or float i think it's going close three two [Music] floating one i am almost drowning don't worry alien i'll save you [Music] okay mr octopus three two one i think they're both gonna float [Music] next i'm gonna do mrs grasshopper and mr crown three two one i think this one's gonna fall in this one my cover let me see one bam oh oh mr crab is closing no pretty much this is grasshopper it's kind of like covering and floating at the same time here i've got a brush let's see it sinks or floats i think it's gonna float three two okay it's floating so the brush floats what does that mean it's less density than water next i got a chest filled with okay let's see if it sinks or floats i think it is going to sink because one point oh not even one point all the treasure but what about all the coins some of them are thinking and some of them are floating wow okay guys next i got a container filled with water do you think water will float in water let's see three two one it sink wait it went back up i didn't even touch it oh maybe if i do so this not actually sinking it's just coming back up and then water hovers on water i got some wooden blocks for feet and it'll sink or float i think [Music] and bam triangle hey ryan do you guys think this is going to sink or float i think [Music] [Laughter] [Music] recap why does something sink or float in water it's because of the difference in density if the object has more density than the water this is what will happen it will sink but if the object has less density with water then it will flow thank you for watching my sink or float experiment remember always stay happy and rise up bye hi guys today we're doing a fun science experiment yeah we are going to test out all the objects around the house and see if it floats or sink oh now let's put some water in the tank ryan do you know how an object sink or float no if the object is less dense than water because that's what the liquid we're using if the optic is less dense than water then it will float and if it's more dense than it will think yeah [Laughter] now that the water's filled up let's go find some objects all right let's go inside and find it let's go let's go now we're gonna look around the house to find some objects so we can see if they shake or float let's find an item and put it in this box what should we use oh it's watermelon you want to see if a water bottle will sink or float okay this one you think are both gonna sink or float what float okay so ryan wants to get the diet coke in the fridge there you go uh-huh the guy coaster sinker flip [Music] like this spiky one i found these balls [Music] here's the banana you guys gonna think it sink or float because i think it's gonna sink [Music] what else should i test that's my pokeballs oh don't put that in the water you need to get a stinker float daddy i think it's going to float but don't test it let's go upstairs to look for more toys a bunch of hot wheels we have a yellow car we're gonna test that one uh-huh okay what else should we test all right what about some disney cars ryan which one you want to bring in which one to take this whoa that's a big one it's my queen yeah oh what about this this is big bust do you think it's gonna float what's up all right let's try this one too what about the pumpkin up there oh this is a cute pumpkin let's get this are you going to sink or float mr pumpkinhead so what else are we testing out blue bats now let's test out this fire truck with marshall and rubble in it hi you guys got a sinker float uh what does think we have so many things what about we test this hammer to see it sinks our float what do you think six all right i think we have enough object here so we're going to bring it outside to see if it sink or float here let's test out the hammer all right do you guys think it's gonna sink or float do you think it's more zinc okay do you think it's more dense or less dense than water more dance more dance more dance let's see oh yeah for sure it sank so it is more dense than liquid water what do you want to try next daddy all right i'll try this cute pumpkin what do you think ryan let's dance so it's gonna float yes is it gonna float is it gonna float ah puppy float so cute i'm gonna try this a bat say sink or flute sink sink what is it's less dense again it's probably because it's hot yeah there's nothing inside right yeah there's air air is actually less dense than water so it helps it float how about my queen oh mom's a trick mcqueen are you ready to go for a swim what object do you want to test next what's next no no my pokemon sink or float no whoa whoa okay i think it's hollow is there a pokemon inside my pokemon oh it flows look at that oh even if you put it down it pops back up oh it's my turn i'll pick my favorite drink diet coke oh diet coke sink or float i don't think it it sinks wait is there anything in there yeah thank goodness thank you i think so too let's see what's your guess mommy i think it's gonna float it's gonna float yeah what do you say because diet coke doesn't have the it has the fake sugar in there it doesn't have sugar in there to weigh it down daddy's gonna see if he can find a regular soda that's not diet and see what happens daddy found the regular soda all right all right let's see so because it has sugar in there it's going to make it more dense than water let's see if it's true you guys ready i'm ready let's see it is going down more maybe it just takes time but regular soda stinks it just takes time yeah bananas i think they float more dense or less dense than water let's dance you guys both things think it's gonna flow yeah come on really ah float what i didn't know that banana is left in there now that can't swim oh like peanut butter darling all right daddy what else should we try stress ball oh he floats what about this one well what about that one what is that the boat ryan made oh boat think or float [Music] okay what about do you think it can hold a ball oh no honey it's sinking what about a sheet of paper stick or float if it's flat float okay let's see oh yeah it does float float what about if you crumble it up into a ball like this yeah float no sink but there's nothing in it well there is something in it nope okay what else do you want to try ryan uh this one miss frizzle all right from disney cars looks heavy it looks heavy i think you put it in the water let it soak up some water and then it squirts you guys see the squirty from the horse the race is on roar hey i know don't splash me it keeps squashing my face what do you want to try next i want to try yourself myself i want to try this whoa got a paw patrol fire truck and a float oh no even if the marshall and rubble snow floats puppy overboard what else do we have here no water bottle tinker float ryan yeah well there's a tiny bit last thing is the hot wheels hot wheels car sink or float mr ryan sink okay ryan says oh you're right definitely sink all the way to the bottom did you guys guess which one's gonna stink or float i'm a toy you're also a toy ryan toy review right right toy now we're gonna make the water blue so blue yeah whoa it looks like a rubble is swimming rubble you're swimming having a swim that was such a fun experiment hi guys today we're going to do a science experiment with pencils and we're gonna poke these pencils through this ziploc bag and the simplest bag will have water inside whoa oh ryan but that means all the water is gonna leak through oh yeah that's a juice bag first let's put water inside the bag okay let's build it up hopefully ryan's telling me the truth because i don't want a big mess now we're gonna put in food coloring for fun i'm going to use blue all right maybe one drop [Music] oh look at the color nice ocean next up we're going to need a sharpened pencil don't forget to ask her grown up for help all right here we go we're gonna poke it through three two two is it gonna work yeah it's not gonna make a mess oh it's poking through whoa look the pencil's inside oh no way guys there's no water coming out what why is it like this how's it working ryan whoa do more ryan okay i'm gonna do a bunch of pencils [Music] what about you try daddy can i do it all right let's see i'm gonna do it at an angle does it work whoa it works whoa up down all right let me do it from opposite direction up down whoa it's working yeah it is well i'm gonna do more whoa oh [Music] there's whoa many pizzas all right i'm going to keep going let's see if i can do all of them i think i poked too much daddy what about we take out all the pencils and see what happens oh good idea let's put in the ball right all right see what happens what's coming up there's so much water water waterfall what are those whoa look at that well there's so much water coming out the shower it's a waterfall of water [Music] wow it almost filled up the whole thing thank you for watching a science video about pencils poking through our bags thank you for watching our video bye remember or stay happy and rise up bye guys today we're gonna see which soda can sink or flow that's right we're going to drop those soda cans in the fish tank over here filled with water and we're going to see which one will stink and float and why first i want to try this one that is dr pepper okay let's see pink or float what do you guys think i think it's gonna float all right let's see it's gonna sink okay [Music] i was right yeah it sinked all the way down whoa grinding water no bubbles yeah so why does things sink and why does think float ryan knows this the density is too high or too low that's right if the density is higher than water it will sink and if the density is lower than water it will flow and if it's the same density it will like hover in the water good job good observation the density of water is one one what one one grams per milliliter there's other units but yeah okay ryan wants to test out pepsi pepsi regular pepsi what do you think it's gonna be it's gonna stay okay let's see wow they both sink whoa whoa yeah it did you guys see that okay what else do you want to test out and then coca-cola yes but this bottle was smaller though ryan this can is smaller so what do you think if it's smaller i think it might float float okay let's see it blows it floats what or is it the same density maybe what oh we're gonna wait a while and see what happened to that coke can okay do all the small bottle float let's try to push it down let's see what [Applause] happens it just goes back it just hovers on there wow okay let's try a smaller bottle too let's see if it makes a difference oh okay see this one but that's diet pepsi do you think diet and regular have a difference though let's see we wouldn't put it on top it's probably going to fall off though oh wow like i'm gonna go back up interesting [Music] coke i don't think it's gonna float a diet coke that's diet coke let's see wait what but that's a big can too ryan what does it float huh we gotta put more and see what what is going on and this is a coca-cola but big version that's right so the small virgin float what about the big version wait let's see how heavy this is oh this is way heavier i'll i think it's gonna sink like that what what is going on that coke there it is still the small can float but the big can sink but then that's a big can but it still floats so interesting okay let's do sprite that's a diet sprite so what do you think ryan the no sugar gonna float or sink sink i think okay [Music] what what is happening oh interesting right so both the diet giant size float i'm trying to push it down [Music] oh it actually goes back up now let's do mvp so this is coke zero that's right so this is also coca-cola but it's zero so it doesn't have sugar in there it's different type of chemicals it's gonna float different type of sweetener [Music] it flows too what is going on ryan huh and these are we already oh there's a smaller version okay smaller sprites let's see that's awful no sugar we're smelling it i've never tried this one yet that's sugar okay that's a regular sprite and it has sugar i think it's going to flow [Music] it faint whoa what did you observe with all these soda cans all the diet ones flow that's right except for this one that's not diet but it's float and what happened to all the regular sodas they all sink yeah except for this one so i actually found another can here it's a small version it's regular so we're going to test it out and see today it's going to float yeah it was in the fridge so okay let's [Music] see so it also floats so i guess the smaller cans they float but the giant can sink but if it is giant can but if it is diet it floats right do you know why the diet one floats but then the regular one sink all the way to the bottom sugar the sugar good job so i think these float it's because they're smaller cans so it doesn't have as much sugar so it'll still float see yeah that's so cool brian wants to try a regular water bottle let's see what happens i think it's gonna shake we know it's gonna float whoa it's hovering maybe it's the same density because there's water inside that's right same density as water so all the one with sugar is sinking on the bottom do you know how much sugar are in sodas i know a but lot we get to that let's test out other items around the house let's go okay let's go so we're gonna go and get some items around the house and test them out now we gathered stuff around the house and these are real okay so which items you want to try first enjoy the baseball oh okay so you need a squishy toy it's not a real baseball float it's gonna float whoa whoa definitely float here i didn't know that this was less density yeah it is less dense than water that's why it's like staying on top what else this a sponge sponge get it let's get it doesn't this make it like heavier yeah whoa wait still float if we put water nope still float right trying to push it down oh still float wow looks like you're not getting me down ryan you can try this okay so we have a quarter yeah but it's gonna be probably a different result with the penny and stuff maybe i don't know oh it just went all the way down where'd it go oh there it is you guys see it it's right over there so it's sinked definitely way more dense than water yep and now we got this nerf bullish let's see sink or float whoa it's like the sponge huh it just like stays on top that's cool and now we can try this avocado real real avocado sink or float you guys oh it's going up ryan it's going up oh oh it's going up all right let's try to push it down is it going to work is it is it [Music] [Music] scoop scoop the avocado up and then drop it oh oh no what if i do this what's [Music] definitely float and this glasses it is 100 uv protection yes bye-bye [Music] so there you go if you ever drop your glasses in the pool it's going all the way down so make it water protection yeah now we can try baseball juggling balls yeah there you go it's gonna fall yeah apple is floating too wow orange wow [Music] wow they all float all the fruits so far that we have in here floats this is so far most of it floats yeah look at that oh except this avocado it's staying down this time what what's what's working wow look at that no way is there too much water inside maybe [Music] maybe the water got inside and lay it down yeah all the cokes that sink we notice that they're regular cokes with a whole bunch of sugar inside right yeah so ryan's gonna pick up the coca-cola and we're gonna figure out just how much sugar is inside yes okay so each coca-cola bottle on the back will have a label and you notice here it tells you exactly how much sugar is inside it'll tell you it says total sugar 39 grams and then here is a diet coke and if you notice here the total sugar actually says zero but because there's no sugar they actually added other chemicals in there to make it the taste the same so it's actually not good for you either but we're going to see how much sugar is inside this coke so this coke it says it has 39 grams of sugar right okay i'm gonna cup on here i'm gonna zero it out ryan's going to put lots of grams sugar in there to reach 39.9 grams eight grams okay another eight grams still not 39 grams of sugar whoa okay right now we're at 32 grams of sugar so i should put a little bit now 34 grams of sugar yeah it should be 30. oh 37 okay so oh there it is 39. good job ryan so this is how much sugar that is in this diet coke here so that's why it weighs it down it sticks it good to drink sodas all the time why because they have a lot of sugar a lot of sugar yeah and also they have chemicals that's right good job it has bad chemicals for your body right yeah yeah okay guys i hope you guys have fun learning with ryan about density and about how things think and flow what this is 370 grams well the whole container is 370 grams let's see there it is guys 370 grams for the whole container but that's also including the container back to where we were doing we're talking about thank you for watching and learning with ryan hope you guys have a good day and learn about density and learn about why things flow and learn about why it's not good for you to drink so much soda all right hi guys today we're making homemade lava lamps like this okay so i have to wait a little bit and look what's gonna happen look that's cool you like it yeah [Music] so here's what you need bottles food coloring alka-seltzer oil and optional if you want it glitter yeah so this one we have glitter inside but you don't need glitter first step always ask a grown-up for help what's up ryan hi hey what you need help on i need help with baking this lava lamp okay here we go so we got oil i need three four oil in each container all right right on ryan so put the funnel like this [Music] you see it coming down yeah one down and three to go all right let's keep going it's done now fill the rest with water you do that and i told your winter stuff never mind i'll do it i always ask for adults for help i'll play on the stuff okay [Music] perfect reflector next we're gonna keep doing okay just take a closer look and just tell me when to stop counting on you you cannot overfill either perfect we're gonna done here if you look here there's two layers there's water on the bottom and there's oil so oil and water doesn't mix right yeah why why yeah why doesn't water and oil not don't mix they hate each other good job ryan because they have different density yeah water is more dense than oil and now we're gonna put food coloring first one is green okay maybe ten drop would be enough wow you see how it goes all the way down like going down yeah let's shake it up a little bit just make sure you drop all the food coloring to the bottom isn't it interesting how it only colors the water and not the oil yeah why is that i don't know for real next we're gonna do a range orange there you go again ten drops [Music] oh it's slowly going down oh that one's just staying there is it going to go up wait once it goes down it looks so cool it's like a little bubble of a food coloring get hit [Music] that's so cool that's cool i think it's gonna just stay there but i gotta mix it up so i'm sorry you can't stay there forever let's mix it up i don't think he's oh yeah it's going down see oh eventually all go down because it's higher than steven oil earlier okay it's like a washing machine okay good looking good ryan looking good all right let's do oh rose pink oh there you go that's plenty yeah close the cap and mix it up [Music] good job they kind of look almost the same yeah oh yeah pink and orange are the same the last one is purple this one works hopefully pretty good there you go all right good job they're floating you're gonna get that down ryan mix it up please okay [Music] wow cool [Music] nice perfect next step alka-seltzer okay so the piece is a little big so we got to break it up ah that's easy get it oh good job ryan all right let's do it together three two one [Music] like yours ryan whoa there you go this one looks good actually let's see oh i like the orange one too it looks so cool and the pink one see it does look pink it looks like actual llama yeah i like it so when it comes out it looks pink wow i like the orange one because it's actually lava yeah it does look a good lava there it is super easy and simple homemade experiment thank you for watching our video about lava lamps bye remember always stay happy and rise up bye bye guys let us know which lava lamp is your favorite color oh my favorite's pink my favorite is blue blue because we have the glitter in it yeah it's really cool all right guys bye bye hi guys today we're gonna make an exploding volcano this is what it looks like inside and now we're gonna put it together so first you're gonna need 1 4 cup of vinegar and don't forget to ask you're growing up for help hi next app food coloring let's add the vinegar into the volcano [Music] three two one whoa it's coming out oh volcano a blue volcano now we're gonna make rainbow explosions first add vinegar up to here [Music] next add a couple drops of your food coloring [Music] okay [Music] next add your baking soda three two one [Music] are you gonna come back up [Music] is it gonna go down and go back up again it will i think [Music] okay let's do the next one now for the green three two one [Music] [Music] i don't think it's gonna go back up bye-bye next with an orange or yellow it's actually gonna come out yellow so yeah yellow three two one thank you for watching our fun video with vinegar and baking soda thank you for watching bye if you want more science video please please subscribe and like and turn the notifications below bye-bye hi guys today we're making rain clouds in a jar talking about rain clouds guys i think there's one right now oh excuse me for a second i need to use this emergency umbrella i think it's done now and now we can actually make a rain cloud don't forget to ask your grown-up for help and first you're gonna need to put water inside your jar up to here that's why i'm here to help you [Music] poof next you shaving cream and that's gonna be the cloud [Music] and you're gonna need a lot of cloud that's enough [Music] and then you're gonna get some water and you're gonna put it like a quarter like up to here okay then you get your favorite four colors and then you're gonna have the colors that you got into here green and yellow and blue and red okay guys are you ready to see some rainbow rain yeah so this is the cloud and you're pretending this is the air when you get too much of the water the cloud is going to release the rain like so oh clown's still holding the rain like it's dropping stop holding it now i ordered you to stop stop now you gotta go down any moment now you see how it's falling already ryan look at the red and now you're doing some blue wow this is a very strong rain cloud ryan is just mixing all the colors together [Music] look at the rain go i'm gonna do it all together wow there's a rainbow rainbow [Music] thingy whoa there's so much green look i think there's so much green because the the blue and the yellow mix to green and also there's green by itself yeah wow is this a rain cloud or is this a green cloud green cloud is there any part that's not green no no i think you put too much green it looks cool on top yeah it does okay guys so that is a very easy way to learn about rain clouds did you have fun yeah all right guys thank you for watching bye or stay happy and rise up bye to do the opposite of rain because it goes down bye guys hi guys today we're gonna be making a rainbow baking soda and vinegar science experiments are you guys ready yeah okay guys first step is you're just gonna need a cup of baking soda and then your favorite color so what color you guys gonna add green okay go ahead kate did some red emma did some green and ryan did i even know next you're gonna need to agitate to get something to agitate [Music] good girls good emma good ryan look guys mine's almost fully blue wow yeah you're agitating good i can make this i'm gonna mix it a little more yeah so you guys colors are going good see red green and blue good girl good voice okay so we done with our three cups now we're gonna do these three okay so kate's going to do orange and then emma's gonna do yellow and then ryan's going to do purple good there you go add your color purple it still doesn't look like yellow it will good yellow guys it does enough okay there it is purple's out but it's okay look at the bubble look at that giant purple bubble all right start agitating there you go agitate agitate and take activate x8x okay we got our rainbow colors nice okay guys so now we're gonna pour all the colors into this pan here so kate you can start first with red pour it in yeah there we go okay we got our red and now we're gonna do an orange all right there we go orange nice good job cakes [Music] there you go good i help you it's okay there you go good girls wow so beautiful huh it's like a rainbow now we do blue good there you it's go okay so we accidentally forgot the green here so ryan's gonna pour the green yeah there we go whoa it's okay we can fix it spread out the green it looks pretty huh yeah there's actually a lot of girls yeah but now we need purple that's right purple yeah wow so beautiful rainbow dash yeah almost done good job guys we're gonna need some vinegar here of course okay i'm gonna pour some vinegar in each cup for you guys okay there you go pick up some vinegar and then just do it yeah i'm gonna squeeze like this you see the bubbles emma look whoa look i put some bubbles [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i have a reaction that's cool there's this spot you guys haven't done yet okay i'm gonna do it on one single spot okay whoa that's giant [Music] another one [Music] wow look at the bubbles okay we're gonna pour it now [Music] that was fun huh yeah [Music] whoa that's super cool yeah thank you for watching our baking soda and vinegar rainbow science experiment bye remember always stay happy and rise [Music] up hi guys today we're gonna make oobleck and once we're done we're gonna make it vibrate like this all you need is cornstarch and water aqua okay so you're gonna need two full cup of corn starch one one two now my mom's gonna put in food coloring for me so this is optional you put any color you like ryan likes purple so i'm putting in and one cup of water don't forget to always ask a grown-up for help and never eat your science experiment correct yeah here we go time to mix [Music] okay so while ryan's mixing i'm gonna actually make my own so i can pick different colors so again two cups of cornstarch one two i'm gonna pick red red okay and one cup of water three oh look it's looking red already time to mix we're having a agitating mixing party mommy is really kind of working oh nice yeah wow okay it's done whoa look at this it's like slime yeah it's so liquidy i'm gonna make a ball now i have a ball oh it's melting ball whoa look how it's melting through my fingers yeah it's so cool how much can you pick up ryan whoa whoa that's so cool hey ryan do you know if ooh black like this it's a solid or liquid i think it's a solid and it's a liquid it's called non-newtonian fluid oh so ryan already knows that's right so what happens is when you pick it up it flows down like a liquid right we if you squeeze it really hard it feels like a solid yeah i'm i'm trying to pick it up like really weak and using barely any energy and it's really easy why are you trying to punch at it and what does it feel like when you punch at it yeah boxing gloves [Music] it's really hard to punch it is because it's a solid yeah okay ryan are you ready to make other colors yeah all right one two three snaps so there it is we made all different color ooh black so we got pink we got orange we got blue we got yellow and green now let's make a vibration party okay guys we got a giant speaker yes we need something with a lot of face so we can see the ooh black vibrate now before we begin the music's gonna be very very loud so there we go get noise cancellation headphones okay ryan do you even hear me ryan oh he doesn't even hear me okay guys let's get the new black and let the dance party start are you ready he's ready okay here we go i'm pouring it in i'm so excited okay whoa [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] [Music] it's like this all right music stop okay that was like so cool ryan need to pick up your headphone now take off your headphones there do you hear me now yeah okay guys that was like the most amazing thing we're gonna clean up and we're gonna test out mine okay now we're gonna try out the red oh black what what red okay all right guys let's get the party started again here we go whoa look at that [Music] whoa it's so cool all right stop all right ryan you can take out the headphone now headphones yeah [Music] okay guys that was so cool okay so do you know why the vibration makes the oobleck jump up and down to have a dance party i think so why do you know you want me to explain it for you because the vibration like makes it move so it's like that's right yeah but here's also another reason why the dancing parts of the oobleck are actually sound waves moving through the solution if you change the pitch or frequency of the music the sound waves will make the oobleck dance differently thank you for watching remember always stay happy and rise up bye and be very careful because your hands will get dirty so you have to wash it with soap hi guys today we're making a bubble inside a bubble so first you put this water it's not special and so it's about one cup of water next you need one tablespoon of sugar and then pour it into your one cup of water [Music] and the sugar will make the bubble more unbreakable then you'll need two tablespoons of dawn [Music] soap one [Music] next you have to take agitate agitate 10 hours later next put the mixture all over the table [Music] [Music] and then spread it out so next you get yourself a straw and then dip it into the mixture and then you put it here and you glow whoa whoa very cool ah like an igloo oh it's a giant one now you're gonna need more bubbles whoa look you almost did it [Music] okay so ryan's gonna try and i'm gonna try to you just dip it in and you just blow oh there it is oh nice he did it right a bubble inside a bubble okay a bubble inside a bubble inside a bubble so close okay we're gonna keep trying okay whoa ryan look at him he put a bubble inside a bubble whoa all right guys we're gonna try to do a flower okay eat a lot of that [Music] yeah that looks cool [Music] we're gonna try to make the biggest bubble whoever can make the biggest bubble win okay bible contest let's see [Music] does that count it's two bubbles that's ryan who's winning hey i'm still making it over here what i can move mine oh all right guys we're going to tell you to play our bubble that's how you make a bubble inside a bubble inside a bubble if you want thank you for watching a bubble inside a bubble inside a bubble inside a bubble remember always stay happy and rise up bye the bubbles are gonna rise up that's a good one whoa guys today we're gonna be doing the raisins in soda experiment so first you're obviously gonna need some raisins next you need some soda and then you put it into a cup i'm gonna use a funnel so that it doesn't spill okay there and bam oh there's me oh bam do you guys see all the bubbles that's the carbonated gas [Music] next get another container and fill it up with water okay do you guys see any bubbles here nope because the water does not have any gas but the sprite does next i'm going to put some raisins in the sprite and some raisins in the water let's see what happens whoa there's a lot more bubbles now more raisins more more whoa guys there's so many more bubbles now whoa now let's try it in water what happens hmm nothing is happening okay let's put some more hmm nothing is happening in the water but there's a lot more bubbles whenever i put it in the sprite wait guys this reason is floating back up it's going up and then one's going down that one's staying up oh now it's going up oh no it's going down oh no it's going down whoa on the water side it all stays the same it always sinks to the bottom but on this side it's going up and then it goes down and then it goes up and then it goes down and then up and then down so here's how it happens when the raisins are dropped into the soda it sinks to the bottom because the raisins are more dense than the soda when the soda releases carbon dioxide bubbles the bubbles will attach around the outside of the raisins with enough bubbles around the raisins it helps lift the raisin up to the surface of the water however when the bubbles pop the raisin will sink back down again this continues over and over until all of the carbon dioxide gas escapes that's why some of the raisins go up and then down for the soda but for the water it stays down the whole time wow up down up and down [Music] okay guys thank you for watching my raisins experiment remember or stay happy and rise up bye up down
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 21,565,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, sink or float, science experiments, kids science experiments, science experiments for kids, 1hr kids video, 1 hr kids video, video for kids, easy DIY science experiments, science experiments to do at home, science experiments to do for kids, sink or float experiments, educational video, educational video for kids, Kaji Family, educational video for toddlers, toddlers learning video, kindergartener video, kindergartener learning video
Id: G26yca1M5I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 8sec (3968 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.