How to Win the PANCAKE ART Challenge! Ryan’s Mommy Ryan’s World vs. Marvel

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one two three it's okay it's okay no no it's flexible the ears fixable no [Music] hey everybody welcome to the studio space today i have another pancake art challenge playing i'm so excited and guess who's going to be the judge today come on in hi guys it's me combo panda and i'm here to judge some pancakes so are you ready hold on what's going that's right i have taken combo panda and i shall be judging the pancakes today if you want to get combo panda back then i want to see the most awesomest pancake ever or else he'll stay in my secret lair [Music] where am i hi hey let me out of here no okay okay okay combo i mean robo come here combo um okay guys and we can't let camo down okay we're gonna try our best okay all right so i'm gonna spin the wheel right and then whatever it lands i'm gonna make and hopefully romo combo will like it or else it's no more combo panda i'll see you in a bit okay we can't let combo down all right all right let's spin the wheel okay let's see what i get [Music] alpha alexa okay i can totally do this okay a cat is not that hard okay i'm gonna make a perfect alpha alexa and then combo's gonna come back all right help alexa here we come i'm gonna start with her hair right she has like a little leaf hair underneath right like a little bang oh hopefully i'll not let it combo down because that's her leaf hair oh no this is a disaster okay and then she has big eyes okay and then her little cute nose triangle nose okay this is like a punk rock alpha alexa okay maybe rubble come will like it better okay then a mouth oh guys oh no it looks nothing like her oh come on sorry i might not be able to bring you back this is not looking good you guys look at this this does not look like alexa whatsoever oh forgot her ears oh she's not a cat without ears all right there help alexa so i'm gonna give her some highlights on her hair really cool highlights hair i wish i had highlights on my hair okay and then she also had like a blue eyes and give her one eye blue and then one eyes green so the other eye green [Music] her tongue is pink and then her little um you know the the bottom part is white her nose must be pink i i forgot okay maybe it's not too late there we go and then a cream color for the inside of her ears no oh no i didn't connect my lines guys this is we're never getting combo back it's okay all right so i'm calling in her ears here on the side this is gonna be great okay her ears on the other side guys i think i'm almost done all i need left is pink because she's pink i'm gonna put pink every one okay pink all over the place here pink everywhere oh no do you think rubble combo be impressed with this will distract robocombo with cuteness don't you worry all i have to do left is just wait to flip her over and then just see how beautiful alpha alexa is she's gonna say alpha awesome okay guys i think it's ready to flip all right alpha okay don't let me down one two three it's okay okay it's okay no no it's flexible the ear is fixable no there you go what do you think is this alpha alexa or is this her long-lost cousin all right guys let's bring in robo combo hey rubble combo what do you think allow me to scan the pancake skinning image does not compute what is this supposed to be oh alexa looks exactly like her oh no resemblance found no what about combo does that mean i didn't pass correct you did not pass combos shall be staying in my secret lair but feel free to send other challengers to make pancakes no okay so i need help in the studio space i'm gonna have other people come and see if they can bring combo back all right let's go we got a safe combo yeah i mean i'm here just to make pancakes but saving combos number one priority okay okay uh ladies first britannia you go first okay i really want let's see i've already made combo and alf alexa in previous months and gill so maybe moe or robocop you gotta be good you gotta make this one good as he's watching and he's scanning and computing that's what roblox is doing ready and go big pancakes something i can actually do okay black and white i can do this right all right i'm gonna do the outline first yeah i've never actually made pancakes so hopefully this works you've never made pancakes okay first of all don't drag that oops what shape is this be quiet there's the little thing there's the feet okay then we got the little arms here and we got the other little hand and okay here we go look i did it you did it okay now now for the hard part it's so bad am i doing good and then her little hair tuft perfect except for the eyes and the mouth she needs a face oh no the big eyebrow oops oh no another one oh no okay and then just to do a dollop of daisy and do another do a dollop of daisy i did it perfect [Music] it's beautiful purple and last but not least purple is purple how is that not purple no no no don't do it don't do it it's fine oops oh sorry not allowed to drag [Music] this i made a pancake i don't know okay we need a football head so first we're gonna start with the football head [Music] okay so we need the headphones so his hair needs to go this way and then his ear could use a panda his other ear that's behind his hair because i kind of messed that up we need a line with the nose how's it going david i'm still waiting for it to cook cook let's do the eyes why do evil people always have green eyes don't you have green eyes oh i didn't notice she's wearing contacts gotta give him all his super cool green highlights boom ready to flip oh no oh no it's gonna break apart already broke [Music] oh no please stay in life i did it i sort of did it there she is she lost part of her hair it's fine now all we have to do is shiny him up and hopefully he turns out to look like robocombo it's me i have a feeling like he's not going to like this pancake very much he cares what roma combo thinks wait no we care we care that's exactly what this video is about is this carrying what robot problemo thinks free combo you're the best robocombo now all you have to do is cook cook i think he's ready hopefully we don't lose any parts because i think robocombo is going to be real mad all right come on look something like a panda or something [Music] i mean it's not as great as mine but you did pretty well do you think robocombo will like it yeah so we can save combo panda from robocombo that's that's what we're doing still doing right yeah we get a spatula okay so this robo combo pancake definitely has to earn some brownie points or some pancake points with with the big guy huh yeah yeah and this cake pancake is just magnificent it's beautiful and it's it's like you were looking at emma oh it's a cute cartoon and it's a little a little kid one of these has to one of these has to win it's judging time let's see how these first pancakes came out ah i see someone tried making the awesomeness that is me in pancake form however my awesomeness was too difficult to capture they didn't even make my mouth the right color it's green just like my eyes duh then the kate over there does look pretty good but i prefer it when her ponytail is facing the right not the left with these round one pancakes i say freedom denied no we failed you know what at least we got good delicious breakfast come on let's get some syrup and let's get out of here oh those pancakes didn't get me free oh i don't know what we'll then we're going to combo we're going to save combo we're gonna save combo [Music] i got emma from ek doodles okay i got a question all right i shall activate my choice randomizer three thousand your subject shall be back peck that's what amanda wanted to do sorry i got a pet all right come on so i need to add her little pigtails and i'm going to make her much smaller than i did my last pancake oh no she's not a perfect circle it looks like dobby dobby i have to do the e backwards because when i flip it it has to look the right direction and gotta make sure her arms are in there not too thin or they might break off so i got peck so let's start this peck body it's gonna be a piece of cake a piece of pancake i'm nervous it doesn't look right maybe if i add a little color she has little yellow hair pins let's see if that works it's all about the details as you can see i made us his eyes a certain color you can't forget his bow tie oh yeah his bow tie i'll get that too very important detail very important detail what are you doing the batter is too runny but i need a little bit for the eyebrow and i'm going to use just a little bit alberto's adding the he's adding the the patented pex snowflake on his tummy it's like a star though it does look like a star because peck's a star i don't trust her she looks wobbly and i think she's breaking into two yeah we have one pancake we have one more left to go [Music] we have one more left to go oh all right he's adding his finishing touches we're gonna have a pancake flip relatively soon hopefully robocombo likes his peck yeah [Music] yeah yeah yeah you can do it man come on peck hey yeah oh gosh oh gosh indeed oh gosh look at this beautiful peck these are submissions to rubble combo hopefully we did good so we can save combo we gotta save combo right peck oh gosh we better save combo that's your pet voice yeah let's see if this batch of pancakes is good enough to free combo panda again the emma looks pretty good except who does their ease rounded everyone knows each should be straight lines what is this a backwards three oh my and what is going on with pack he looks like he is in some serious trouble poor pancake pack yet still freedom denied will combo panda ever be saved probably not come on it's peck i know he's a little dehydrated but come on oh gosh he's still cute yeah man i was sure that emma was gonna get me out of here i'm not surprised about peck though all right let's rescue combo it's our turn let's spin the wheel let's do it i really hope i get dark tight there we go you got this dark titan or red tight got em what's up your turn that's gonna be difficult i really uh want to see how you doing easy all right i want to go for a gus right here yeah and if i don't i'm going to say rats rats you know draw rats come on come on yes i got gus we both got who we wanted so let's go ahead and save combo panda let's do it dark titan has a big big head we'll start with that first that's his hair next is his bottom of the mouth then you got his neck neck and then there's a body [Music] there's his arms there's this other part of the body and more arms and is pretty much there guys now what you need next is more definition the hair more definition like that next you need his eye patch definitely has an evil eye patch right john i'm just looking what you're doing what why did you do that that this eye patch it goes across it goes across his mouth his mouth is lower down it's lowered down in his neck draw the other eye almost there there's his eye it's there and so this is his mouth he's just like he has that little surprise face he's like always surprised because when red time pops out he's like oh they're dying you know i'm getting oh this is gonna look wonderful i top-notch top-notch work i have to say myself all right i really don't know what he's doing over there but i'm going to draw a gus i'm going to start with the black outline so i'm going to start with the eye it looks like you're adding some color to dark titan this is little gloves but sometimes he likes to wear mittens so that's what was that mittens mittens mittens he wears mittens sometimes because he gets hands really really cool those are gloves specifically for the cold correct correct exactly not not because i can't draw a hand it's because he's cold i do like his flowing cape uh back here yeah i yeah that's a small cake right there okay okay it's got some green in here i need the final touch here his eyes [Music] the rest of his eye right there boom look at that guys so i have to write this backward right let's see so it would be like this let's see if i can i think you're right i think you're drawing backwards oh thank you thank you for the clarification yeah don't worry oh it's so runny i think the pressure scanned to him the pressure's getting to him how do you do an ass backwards huh all right let's paint his shirt give him a signature red shirt feeling the fins what are you looking to see if i'm doing it correctly no of course not how's yours coming you know it's heating up right now so it's it's coming going pretty well oh looks like gus had a little accident i was trying to cut off this little point right there and it slipped forward and smashed his eye so we'll see how he turns out on the flip flip on the flippity flop you got it you got it thank you for the support daniel it means a lot that's what i'm here for [Music] oh hurry hurry i'm trying oh there you go perfect oh let's see if i can fix his eye oh oh that made it worse let's just leave him alone okay okay i'm not touching him he had a little accident but for the most part he's looking pretty good what about you damn all right guys it's time for me for my masterpiece you want help once again be flipped no oh oh right i'm sorry look at that i don't hate it there he is see the mouth the mouth came out perfectly guys but he's shocked his eye strap goes over between his eye and his mouth that's an interesting choice all right robocombo will this gus set combo panda free no this one definitely will yeah look at this no it's gotta be disgust this guys is gonna set him free scanning pancake intriguing this pancake displays a high level of craftsmanship and skill this may be the one that that what is this does not come cute how is this possible i am deploying multiple theoretical scenarios to explain how this pancake could have happened but i am not able to explain how something this bad exists does not compute does not compute overheating overheating oh no what i think that pancake was so bad that it made robo combo overheat and it caused all his equipment to power off yay wow guys you won't believe what happened well i guess you will believe what happened because i mean you guys are a part of this whole thing but thanks daniel your pancake was so questionable then i made roma combo malfunction wait is that a good thing hey guys welcome to the studio space another fun edition of the pancake art challenge so today is going to be me versus shawn over there are we each gonna spin the wheel and whatever it lands on you have to draw it on a pancake and we have a special guest today to judge gill what up everybody i'll see you soon bye are you ready i'll let you spin the wheel first yeah i got baby baby yoda you were falling down all right let's see what i get here [Music] drawing something green oh no all right the hulk versus baby yoda who's gonna win fourth is with me nash let's get started just smash it okay so i don't know if you're gonna draw just only face with the whole body okay messy hair like mine yep and here's my favorite part okay eight pack eight packs yep one two three four what do you think that's not eight what do you mean you're gonna have a line in the middle you're right you're right i can't forget the lines in the middle the definition it's important oh yeah one hunk was pretty good but lack of detail let me show you how pro does baby yoda he's got a good old big eye you have a big ears like a mickey mouse oh i didn't have a space from this side so he has a small here one side and a big one it looks more like the one from harry potter i'm adding some details because he has little wrinkles that's what makes him cuter oh my gosh baby yo it looks old more like benjamin button yoda all right guys so hulk is green from philly and green everywhere okay green for face we gotta hurry it's burning huh it's britney oh hello it's heavy baby hello [Music] oh his face so big why did i make his face so big time to flip hulk smash you ready one two three oh no wow hulk is tiny except for that all right time is instance guys yeah maybe he's gonna be very cute and turn it around why why is he not cute right now forces with you i got it i feel the force around me all right here we go more like like old yoda all right gayle it's your moment to shine will you pick cute little hulk here that is burst because he'd been on vacay or a cute little baby yoda more like 300 year old yoda then he'll be just 20s in human life man this is tough i mean we've got skinny hulk or old baby yoda hmm [Music] yeah baby yola i knew you're gonna win let's find a baby that's a grandpa yoda you need to stay humble that's how i improved all the time look see this is what i got for being humble all right other people good luck i'm daniel and i'm gilberto it's time to spin the wheel oh i got roblox guy you're up gilbert okay my turn let's see if i get a good one come on easy one uh hopefully it's hard hopefully it's hard here's a bigger question mark so a question mark means that daniel uh he gets to pick what you make which one is he gonna do how about this banana daniel that's spongebob it's a banana right okay guys i got my colors picked out so let's start drawing some spongebob's here one one spongebob wow looks like gilberto is making his box very squiggly ooh what do we have here roblox character is really easy you know it's just it's just a human you know he has a hard hat so we add the hat right here well i'm still in the outline spongebob's really complex after that i'm gonna fill it in with colors why are spongebob's teeth so black kids this is why you gotta brush your teeth i think roblox is going to the disco don't panic it's disco time you know i've done this multiple times now so i already have you know what's in mind you know oh yeah we definitely remember your other pancakes come on blue don't burn on me whoa when i blew three two one oh no oh no what is he pointing to hey you like the beard and boom present i can't even watch it looks like gilbert is adding the details to the spongebob he's got the socks he's got the shirt the squarish pants and as gus would say it looking good meanwhile danny has started warming his pancake up it's going to start cooking now spongebob is getting colored in with his signature yellow my pancakes ready let's see how it turned out and flipping wow roblox kind of looks like cuzco from emperor's new groove spongebob toasty spongebob all right guys we're done with our pancakes now we're going to sit off to be judged and the winner is spongebob spongebob i'm ready to go to the krusty krab you want some krabby patties daniel no no round three he's crunching hey and i'm free and we're gonna make pancakes i mean i'm gonna beat his butt i mean i'm gonna try to make something and watch me lose i guess i guess come on oh no no no come on oh question stay there what does that mean quentin yeah let's see what's complicated elmo i can do that i hope i get something easy because i can't really draw so let's see what happens [Music] so i got the llama from shrek obviously i think that's from fortnite elmo's easy i just need black white red and orange so uh i guess we'll start with the eyes i'm gonna have some big old big old eyeballs now we're gonna do the outside of this place i'm gonna start this guy we'll see what happens um there's a bunch of straight lines so if i can i can manage that so it looks like there's some of this all right so my mom is looking great guys you got this one big old eye look at that look at that circle my goodness this is fantastic all right we're going to paint him in so it's speed painting in three two one [Music] got his row of teeth going on here like i said this little details that matter it's a clear uh rectangle roll of teeth right here looking fantastic that job is beautiful starting a very fine line i don't know if it'll make the flip or not so let's flip this guy all right let's get ready guys it's gonna be a journey they're all gonna go on together all right here we go okay you get under there all right here we go something onto something amazing three two one ah look at that llama bam done look at this look at this tell me it's not exactly the same that does look like the fortnite llama oh there's my elmo wow elmo's looking pretty good now almost very clearly mistaken this is my fortnight llama pinata it's perfect it looks exactly like uh the picture who's gonna win this round i'm gonna win obviously guys so there's really no no question no competition here so i'm nice knowing you bree maybe next time you can have a better shot and the winner is elmo i mean like there was no competition really what what do you mean look guys i don't know what happened i don't know i couldn't get a recount we all know what happened i demand a recount um uh can i get a second round four hey everybody i'm john and i'm amanda and we're gonna spin the wheel now let's go i need something easy because i'm not great at drawing let's see what we got question mark john has to pick what you draw on your pancake and go okay i can do a minion all right i'm hoping i get either batman or spider-man and hopefully not any of the ones that i don't know they're drawing come on [Music] spider-man it is starting the minion let's get his outline going let's do this eyeball and then his other eyeball i got two eyeballs going i have two eyeballs i have two eyeballs looks like a chicken nugget so i'm gonna do spider-man's head i'm gonna probably do a profile view maybe get some webs in there add a little bit of extra detail or we'll just see how runny this stuff is and i'll do what i can [Music] very runny [Music] i'm going to make his little overalls [Music] oh it's a webbing i'll let that cook a little bit amanda is filling out her minion giving it that minion yellow all right let's add some red i'm gonna fill in the little cubes [Music] all right let's fill in the eye now you can see amanda is adding the finishing touches to her minions all right do you think it's time to flip i think it's time one two three go whoa i don't know if my minion can compete with that ah okay that guy's gonna be good give him a couple more hours to cook but yeah he'll be good [Music] oh that's taking forever to cook you know what since we're still waiting on hers i'm gonna go ahead and try to do another one let's see if we can create a bad guy for spider-man this is one of the bigger pancakes in the menace double spatula in the minion this is quite a challenge let's see if amanda can flip the minion this is the moment of truth i'm going for it [Music] oh no we lost but the face is looking good regardless of the circumstances this is my minion pancake besides a few issues with a detached arm and you know and this is my spiderman pancake and because i went with a simpler design i decided to make a bonus pancake of venom whoa check it out that venom is sweet and the winner is spider-man [Music] hi everybody welcome to the studio space today we are doing the waffle maker challenge here i have spiderman here it's really cool and guess who's going to be the judge hi luanne oh hi there peck are you ready to judge this waffle maker competition oh gosh yeah it's going to be great i love waffles and i love competitions so this is gonna be fun okay bye now okay gosh okay i'm out of here i'll be back all right let's get this started i'm gonna go first i'm gonna spin the wheel to see what type of waffle maker i'm gonna use okay so i have minion here which is really cool using the spider-man mickey mouse here an emoji all right so let's see what i get okay [Music] whoa is this the emoji waffle maker wow look at this happy face so cute so i have all these different colors here i get to decorate with afterwards this is my batter i'm gonna use and afterwards i get to decorate it okay with yummy treats like sprinkles hershey's whipped cream strawberry banana and blueberries okay let's get started so first we gotta spray it because you don't want your batter to stick then i will put the batter on okay and then i just have to close it and now we wait look at the steam okay that means it's almost ready i can't wait to decorate it i just have to win this competition here is my fun heart eyes look at this beautiful ah where's the face it's faceless oh no i can't win with a faceless emoji one two three oh at least it has on the other side this i can work with all right so let's start the decorating so it's an emoji face i'm gonna decorate it with yellow fill it in everywhere okay so first i'm just gonna go around i don't know what else to say so i'm just saying so next i'm just gonna use this little thing and then just spread the icing now this is harder than a cake like it doesn't spread as well but it's okay it's gonna work just keep spreading just keep spreading i want to do time lapse because i'm just spreading okay guys what do you think you guys see my face so next step is really easy i'm going to frost it with red for the eyes okay i'm going to do a really cool flower effect look how pretty this is let's probably do this later after the inside and i realized that's okay wow the most beautiful thing in the world okay the inside i was just used a regular one it's like a mini heart inside a big that's heart cutest thing ever i'm gonna try gray for the mouth that's all i got okay i'm just gonna fill it in and keep filling until there what do you guys think is this the cutest thing ever do you think i'm gonna win yes we're gonna need some fruits okay okay peck appreciate healthy food besides all the frosting and then sprinkle ten sprinkle time going to top it off with whipped cream stop looking like an emoji face [Music] wait peck's favorite color is purple oh no there's no purple um pink is close enough right i'm just gonna spell peck's name with pink p e c okay peck and then i will just do lots and lots of hearts because i want to show peck some love heart yay okay so i'm officially done i'm gonna let peck decide if i win or not all right good luck to all the other people oh gosh my first waffle to judge it's so colorful all the yellows and blues and reds and it has my name oh gosh oh but i really should wait until i see the other contestants first and they don't decide let's see the next waffle hey everyone i'm here to do a waffle competition and so i'm gonna spin the wheel here let's see which waffle i get okay we're ready for this okay so i got minion i wanted to do a question mark because that's easy but got minions so that means i get a minion waffle maker oh that's so cool video oh good it up too much uh technical difficulties i i definitely i i made our waffle batter explode everywhere i didn't think the the cap was just gonna pop right off i was just trying to make a waffle here but i'm waiting for it to heat up and hopefully the waffle doesn't turn out awful because that would be really bad for me there he is how you doing bob beeto come on bob get free beeto vito yes yes let's decorate a minion gotta start with some yellow actually i think i'll start with the blue i want to do his jeans here first okay all right so [Music] blue jeans working on getting a little bob's jeans going on here's overalls and overall i think it looks pretty good but i'm really worked on it that much so we're gonna keep going and uh i didn't just look at a picture on my phone that's not what happened okay now it's time for the gru logo gotta get really small here so let's see i'm gonna make sure you do it right i don't agree to be mad right now i'm doing the eyeballs we got him he's one-eyed bob right now we'll make him a two eyes he's not that minion so it's funny because the minion the pancake color actually kind of works for him but yellow is way more of a minion color so i'm still gonna color him up yellow [Music] so here's my fully frosting painted minion waffle uh i'm not done decorating it though because there's still a few more things here off to the side so i'm going gonna trick him up and make him look awesome so right now i'm fishing out really tiny blueberries gotta find the smallest ones since i'm using these for the minions buttons i didn't want to do any uh button work with any of the frostings i really wanted to stand out and have a reason for me to use all the extra stuff hey there welcome back to my pancake all right so waffle waffle huh whoopsie welcome back to my waffle so i'm gonna take some of these smaller strawberries and cut off these ends try to maybe give him like some lights you know you gotta be able to gotta be able to see when you're working right give him a little chocolate syrup to stand on okay he needs a floor you know what i gotta use with a minion banana it's a minion so there's a minion a little mini banana minion's standing there proudly with his banana and here is my minion submission for the a waffle decorating contest coming with a chocolate syrup floor banana that he stands with and strawberry lights oh gosh the minion it looks so lifelike i feel like i'm crew it looks really good but i don't know about the chocolate in the floor it looks kind of gross and the banana it's it's kind of big but i mean i mean i really like it i really love this waffle oh gosh it's getting difficult picking a winner already oh let's see what the next contestant has what up it's my turn i'm to split the wheel to see what i have to decorate question mark what do you mean question mark what do i have to do a doctor pick one are you going to pick one yes paul i am gonna pick this one and for you i choose spiderman you get to use spiderman spiderman i love spiderman cool awesome it's his face i'm gonna imprint his face on my waffle i'm gonna make a waffle man it's gonna be so yummy yeah all the fruits and other stuff spiderman waffle yeah oh it's not coming out fast enough oh there we go no no why did i do that oh no that's the worst idea ever help don't tell you what i got it all right can you cut the camera please thank you for the napkin while i clean up we're gonna let this cook all right all right spiderman make me a good waffle please [Music] it's time to take out the waffle oh look at him it's it's spider-man spider-man he's a waffle about to go in my belly look it almost burnt too but now it's good and crispy that's a good waffle you wanna smell it here smell it all right we're gonna make him look exactly like spiderman and we're going to do the outlines of the web on his face [Music] i'm a regular waffle picasso i'm done with the outlines now i'm gonna fill it in with red oh all right there's his face his red face awesome all right now we're gonna do his eyes okay i'm gonna use gray for his eyeballs it's not really his eyeballs but it's where his eyeballs should be so i don't know if they are balls how does this spider-man see oh well let's do this a nice gray color i think i might have found a second job here if anyone needs a decorated waffle call paul's decorating waffle services exactly like spiderman wait hey hold on hold on oh no his eyes are white the middle of his eyes are white i did the whole thing gray here let's no i got a better idea better idea white eyes wide eyes boom fixed it looks just like spider-man time to put the finishing touches okay boom then he's gonna be attached by chocolate spiderwebs chocolate spiderwebs oh it's so runny i didn't think it was going to be so runny spider-man you like bananas yeah i like bananas bananas look delicious i knew he liked bananas that's delicious we're going to add some banana right here oh that's great another one right here boom even better i think spider-man loves unicorns we're just gonna put this right here ah yeah unicorn spider-man for the win oh you know unicorns also love sprinkles yeah spider-man spider-man spider-man sprinkles sprinkles sprinkles sprinkles sprinkle sprinkles sprinkle sprinkles man that looks delicious i'm submitting this to be judged with the other waffles hopefully i win mom would be so proud oh gosh well um this is sure is something um it kind of does look like spider-man but the the banana horn at the top looks kind of weird and honestly it's it's a little messy and it's a lot messier than the other ones let's see what's next it is my turn to participate in the waffle making challenge thing apparently we have all these characters so [Music] mickey mouse that's easy right i think i mean it has oh boy but it doesn't look like mickey mouse let's see oh never mind look how cute that is oh boy that's the best mickey i got i'm sorry i apologize all right i wonder if that's enough oh no we're spilling over the sides it's fine you know what we'll just close it and what that let that sit okay all that steam has got to mean that it's cooking right not burning hopefully not burning let's see okay well he's cute oh he looks so cute just ignore all the stuff around him and the little burnt part it's fine it's gonna be fine so we're just gonna clean up all these lines oops without hopefully taking off a part of his face so i just finished cutting out all the edges and now it looks like mickey mouse so we're gonna start with doing his skin face tone stuff i think i'm just gonna try my best to follow all these lines and we'll just kind of clean it up when we get to the black is what i think we're gonna do i'm also going to go all the way down to the plate because i wanted to look super 3d and we're going to build them up and i think it's going to look super cool obviously we don't want him to look like grandpa mickey so we got to smooth out all these wrinkles and give him his little young look a little too many wrinkles on his face we're getting rid of them uh so uh it kind of looks like a thing but uh we're gonna go ahead and try to add the eyes and it's gonna be super cute though i promise he just needs a few more details like some eyeballs and a mouth and a nose and the ears oh my gosh i still have so much work to do it definitely has a face and how we're gonna do the really fun part um because i don't want to have to smooth it and do all that work and this is kind of hair right i'm gonna go ahead and make little tiny star pattern piping and i think it's gonna look really cool because it's gonna give him some texture he's gonna look so cute [Music] almost done just a few more stars which is good because i barely have any black icing left gonna add some color we're gonna do some little swirls to give us let's add some sprinkles we're going to try and do this without you know making a huge mess everywhere because we just want like a little party yeah that's cute yeah we're going to make it cute and healthy okay you know what this is turning into a mess i'm not very good at adding this slippery slippery fruit am i i'm ruining everything all right this is my mickey mouse pancake i'm submitting this for judging hopefully um was it just me or did she just call this a pancake silly free this is a waffle and speaking of waffles this is quite possibly the greatest waffle yet it looks just like mickey and the colors are amazing you can look into his eyes and it's like i'm staring right at him good job marie this waffle is amazing and this amazing waffle makes you the winner hooray congratulations bree really oh it's definitely those ear hairs that doesn't sound right it's definitely all the little texture and little eyeballs in the mouth and probably the swirls because let's face it i think peck just likes color oh boy hey wait a minute only i get to laugh like that thank you so much peck for choosing me as a winner i mean obviously it's the best looking waffle but uh i appreciate it pack your best oh hi everybody welcome to the studio space today we're doing the disney cake decorating contest and guess who's gonna be the judge oh hey there combo hey luanne are you ready for this cake decorating contest yes and i'm gonna win right combo you did mine yeah you had a pretty good track record i think so yeah try your best okay thanks combo let's get started [Music] round one okay so here to do the cake disney contest with me is bree oh boy i'm already nervous okay let's see who i get okay mickey mouse yay oh gosh okay what's an easy character come on easy character stitch okay stitch is one of my favorites i think i got this i hope i'm gonna do mickey's face first okay so let's see here loan is starting off on her outline of mickey mouse see you using that for loan she's cheating down there just kidding that's in the rules it doesn't work look at this i'm trying to figure out [Music] looks like mickey's neck is broken okay so we gotta make his face a little flat we'll make this work so he needs to have a rounder head with some little hairs on the top is it a duck it's a jerk exactly like mccain am i right i could totally tell this is mickey kind of looks like the knockoff mickey mouse luanne exactly all right mickey's going okay got the red red tongue okay i was like mickey wear lipstick ah i can just barely see stitch's face starting to form on breeze so i'm just gonna fill it in with black here okay so just carefully using my cake making skills that i just learned luanne is a cake artiste everybody ooh bru you've got a really nice outline going i already see stitch like perfectly so i'm gonna color him in i'm gonna add some blue we don't really have the perfect stitch color so we're going to kind of have to improvise a little bit all right so we're filling mickey in with his color we got stitch we got the nice blue all over stitch trying to smooth out his face without getting too much of my border in the blue color i already lost my daughter the border's gone so now i'm gonna add in the lighter color that's kind of like the inside of his eyes and the underneath of his what is this his mouth jaw i think that's his chin chin that's what it is look at luanne adding her frosting puffs i knew she was a true i'm gonna artiste it off i'm just gonna add some sprinkles around mickey mouse okay give it a little more color here sprinkles every artist needs sprinkles artiste my bad i need me to add it on mickey mouse totally almost done with my mickey mouse i guess freeze finishing stitches ears and smoothing out the colors doing the red border because i have extra time [Music] what do you think oh boy i'm ready they might look like a bear a little bit instead of a mouse but you know all right time to judge the cakes from round one so the classic mickey's got a lot going on with him got a really big head mickey's still got sprinkles all over his face that's okay mickey likes these sprinkles but stitch oh it's simple but elegant kind of almost feels a like hawaiian or something [Music] all right combo crew i've made up my mind and the winning cake is stitch stitch for the win what about the giant ears those ears could have been bigger luanne mickey should put mine to shame all right celebration time uh let me think of a song celebrate i'm sorry i was trying you worked so hard to decorate your cake and now there's victory you shall take all right blow out your candles did you make a wish oh it's okay you get the next chance okay so i lost this round so brie is going to continue on to round two with another challenger okay so good luck oh man let's do this a whole another time see you in round two bree all right i'm back for round two this time i have amanda with me and we're gonna hopefully get some really good characters i mean i'm hoping for stitch again but i doubt that's gonna happen [Music] move on oh that seems so hard i don't know let's see who i get [Music] ariel oh i think i can do her this this would be a piece of cake piece of cake ha ha ha piece of cake okay milan kind of has like an egg shaped head so we're gonna try to give her an egg shaped head show time on round two and here we go we're starting on our outline of mulan oh and there we go with ariel i'm doing most of the body i need to blend a little of the arms mulan's head kinda looks like a balloon that's in the middle of popping i'm trying to clothe her she needs clothes because this is ugly but i don't know that this is really gonna turn out much better looks like amanda is adding the red hair look how it flows so naturally very nice touch meanwhile gray is working on the wardrobe for mulan i think she might be trying to avoid doing the face i'm not avoiding the face you're avoiding the face yikes so now ariel's finally getting a face yeah this is a very delicate process here hope it turns out better than our last mermaid the pancake mermaid no one wants to think about that one okay we're gonna attempt to maybe start with the face because man okay we're gonna attempt it we're gonna attempt it right we can do this yeah bree you got this meanwhile amanda is adding the fin and tail look at that attention to detail and bree's having a giggle fit what's going on bree so ugly whoa is that a big nose she's like plastic surgery gone wrong but i have like starfish hands okay i have a solution to see but just put a starfish over the hands and that's perfect she's just holding two starfishes there you go starfish fix maybe nope she erased it only happy mistakes breathe now they're adding the finishing touches on round two and we got a nice yellow border going on around ariel yeah i don't want to know why it's yellow underwater looking it brings border be popping oh you got fish is going on but you're still not doing flounder where's sebastian the crab this is my failed attempt to make a crab it kind of looks like moe down there oh the porter and flowers look really good on mulan well i wonder who won this round okay so we're finished and we are submitting our cakes for combo to review i hope you can tell which characters these are all right so let's check out the round two cakes it looks like mulan is about to save our country actually it almost looks like a heroic pose mulan might do at the end of the movie now i think that cake looks great moving on to the ariel cake um it's a cake yeah i'm kidding i probably couldn't do that good it looks really good except yeah the face the face is a little off which makes it look a little weird and then the fishies could have been like more actually related to the movie because she's got like a whole bunch of undersea pals or you know at least like give her a big gill or something to hang out with you know make play some roblox that would have been cool and the winner of round two is three seriously uh thank you that's great i mean but you i'm happy i lost everything it's okay i'm just gonna eat my cake now and this concludes round two of our disney cake decorating challenge competition ariel all right time to celebrate big decorator winner is free she decorated a cake like disney i hope they don't copyright strike me four singing this song please okay this time i know better i'm gonna make a wish yeah don't forget your wish i got it [Music] [Applause] hey everybody welcome to the studio space today we're doing cake decorating challenge and guess who's our judge come on in that's a lot of water hey everybody it's me big gill and i'm here to judge some cakes what's going on luanne we are doing the cake decorating contest super hero edition oh yeah sounds good and you have to pick the winner okay i'm not gonna do any special favors for aquaman so i'm gonna be super fair and judge everyone equally all right see you soon bye all right guys so it's me versus daniel over here hey what's up guys all right guys let's see which superhero character i'm gonna get [Music] spiderman okay let's see what i can get whoa i got iron man guys all right guys let's get started so spider-man is right i'm going to use red as the base here i'm just going to do a whole bunch of red more red a lot more red so guys we want to do for iron man he has a red and yellow helmet we start with the base right there perfect this is our base and then you want to fill in the rest right here the name of red so i've actually took all of daniel's red so come on the wind that's a lot of red icing ooh all right guys it's time to add the yellow to this all right so here's a little square block right here it goes back up daniel is using the yellow to detail iron man's mask looks a little like ramen at the moment ah okay he's spreading it out i see it now and there's the base layer something of his mask time for the eyes so eyes are pretty simple it's just two little lines like this perfect beautiful and here's his serious iron mouth reconnect reconnect reconnect hurry oh he looks sad iron man does look pretty sad oh cheer up tony just ignore every just ignore the mouth it's just that's what it's supposed to look like okay guys i'm spreading it out but why does it look so rough like it's not smooth at all look at this oh look how horrible this looks final step we're at a border to this it's going to look really really fancy you guys want me to do your wedding cakes i got you i only charge 500 a cake pretty good so i finally got my cake all red now for the spiderweb i'm using brock here start at the center connect it later okay so spiderweb i'm gonna go for the extra credit and add some sprinkles everyone loves sprinkles on their cakes crinkles yum i love sprinkles sprinkles making a web is harder than it looks it takes spiders about an hour to spin a web one is going just about that right pace does it look like a spider web you guys i've tried but i think real spiders be jealous knew it okay guys so i got the surface and now i have to do the spider webs on the side of my head hurts i use those muscles use those muscles don't have any muscles use those muscles oh no stop looking like a spider web i don't know what happened [Music] all right guys so i got all the spider webs now i got to do the eyes okay so i'm going to do black outline on the eyes i can't see his eyes i don't think spider-man can see with those either it's not over okay hold on i can fix this [Music] of course you can just cut okay so now i'm going to do the white on the inside okay so let's see if i can do this here oh nice technique loan doing a dollop like daisy spiderman spiderman gotta do this spiderman cake okay guys so i got pretty much spiderman okay now i'm just gonna add some fun blue sprinkles right blue sprinkles on a red spiderman oh blue and red i see what you did there for the final touch gotta have a spider on the spiderman it makes sense is it a squish spider i have not done 3d effect oh if we had 3d okay does that look like a spider at all too and the leg just suddenly got bigger i'm freezing okay didn't need to add that spider but it was a pretty cool creative choice bam okay guys our superhero cake is done now gil gets to choose the winner whoever wins gets to blow out a birthday cake i'm gonna win big girl me me me me this stuff we've got iron man and spider-man the shape of iron man is good the sprinkles are a lot but festive and a spider-man cake has a very 3d look to it [Music] head coming on now [Music] what make a wish yeah i'm a winner okay guys we're gonna bring in two other people from the office okay to see they can do better than us all right good luck who could it be it's me it's me jason and whoever this guy is i'm john we're decorating cakes look at this beautiful thing i've never done this before so i'm excited [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's see what character i'm getting [Music] what the hulk ah that makes me so mad oh wait i actually have experience making milks are you gonna make a smash cake all right let's see what i'm getting [Music] captain america all right captain oh man hey try not to hit my elbow sir please oh we have tiny space i'm trying to draw over here [Music] and off they go starting on their cake decorations john is starting on his character while david aka jason starts filling in the background [Music] how's it going jason oh it's going great look at all this green i think i'm doing pretty good covering up everything wow david i mean jason is taking forever to spread the icing all right i just finished with the head i'm going for more of a scotty young style captain america drawing or scotty young who scottie young [Music] anyway uh yeah it's more cartoon style and it's coming out pretty well being my first time doing cakes and all wow that captain america is on point he didn't even have to trace anything are you sure you haven't done this before hey guys let's shoot for the moon oh wow hulk looks difficult good luck jason looks like david is getting the hang of outlining hulk definitely doesn't look easy to do meanwhile john is filling in captain america's suit cake decorating can be so satisfying to watch if done right [Music] and there he goes onto the red icing filling out the shield nicely progress support so far so good i did the most of the outline on the outside now it's time to fill in the details just get that really angry in there gotta channel all my anger into my frustrations and put it into the cake anger cake hey no idea jason's giving hulk some definition and finishing hulk's hands very nice and it looks like john is smoothing out some of the colors then i'm going to start on drawing the background possibly adding some other characters his face looks like he's old man captain america can be very wrinkly right now oh captain america does look a little wrinkly and there he is captain america [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello he watched off captain america smile [Music] now jason's adding purple oh that looks messy looks like david's struggling with that border normally when you do a border you use one of these tips right here and it gives it a pattern like i've done at the bottom of this captain america cake leave me alone finish it off john's adding a background [Music] looks like dave is getting the hang of this border nice work [Music] and time i'm done me too i think we know who the winner is right yes so now we're gonna present our cakes to big gill so he can choose who the winner choose even though we pretty much know who it is we pretty much know who it is make the right choice go okay okay the winner i think is pretty obvious hulk looks so angry hulk smash and captain america looks ready to fight for his country and the winner is captain america all right let's put some candles in this cake to celebrate wait wait you're not putting candles in this masterpiece no no no no no candles going in this cake it's already good as it is okay well john you're disqualified so by default the winner is hulk means i win yeah candles thank you mr candle he's a jolly good cake maker for he's a holly good cake maker light them up you won by default a win is a win yeah doesn't matter if you win by one point or 50 points so the only thing that matters is that you win or in this case that you smash i just want to congratulate you on your fair win you deserved it it was a lot better than mine yes it was 100 thank you [Music] wishes come true kids this has come true [Music] oh yeah congratulations to the winners if you like this video subscribe and give us a like and don't forget to tune in for more cake decorating videos and for now i guess i'll see you later gil gang bye
Channel: The Studio Space
Views: 10,417,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the studio space, ryan toysreview, ryans family review, Family Vlog, day in the life, office vlog, ryans parents, vlog, vlogging, studio fun, mommy vs. daddy, ryan's mommy, ryan's daddy, Ryan’s World, studio space, ryan’s mommy, ryan’s mommy studio space, pancake art, pancake art challenge, marvel pancake, marvel super hero, fun challenge, food challenge, pancake challenge, spiderman pancake, spider man pancake, spider man, baby yoda, baby yoda pancake
Id: faz1D_kEsG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 38sec (4298 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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