Ryan play Hide and Seek with Emma and Kate!!

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hi guys today we're gonna play hide and seek boys versus girls oh you're going down ryan you're going down daddy what no you guys are going down all right we're gonna hide first and we can hide anywhere in the house all right good luck go let's turn around turn around all right ryan where should we hide what if we hide in the most simple spot ever oh yeah that's good where where would that be i'll follow you huh okay [Music] okay one two three four five [Music] 16. [Music] where are you guys we're gonna get you all right okay where okay good idea okay all right so we turned off the room light so they're not gonna think we're here are we actually hiding inside the closet what is that oh yeah you got you grow so much that you actually grew taller than the other major we bought for ryan's room yeah hey you're taller than four feet where are they mommy and daddy were right and daddy girl are they in the puppet maybe let's see are they in here are they yeah okay now we just wait yeah wait there's stall is going upstairs it's been a long time since we came here we might win they're still figuring out anything i feel like this going up on the stairs are they in that room let's go check no yeah are they are they behind the green screen oh nope in there are they here in this messy room that i have to clean later are they here i hear footsteps this part of the uh-oh true but then they probably get scared if the room is dark so oh yeah they don't even try yeah oh my gosh we went round one ryan daddy already went oh boy rules [Music] hey what about behind there behind that chair are they no it's empty let's see it's empty wait what about they're in they're in ryan's room turn on the lights huh are they in here oh maybe oh my gosh i'm all right so it's our turn hey i wanna be in a safer place you wanna be in a safer place where would that you tell me where you're hiding a closet a closet okay thank you for the hint ryan kate gave me a hint what she's gonna hide in the closet let's see about that okay we should check out the closet yeah one two three four five seven 28 29 30. all right keep counting check out all these cool collections right here gekko oh where should we go [Music] hey guys we're hiding right here all right here we go we're coming all right first question do you think they're downstairs up there [Music] and kate would laugh if you say that maybe chicken made the sound maybe they're upstairs ryan i think i know where are they maybe in the gaming room [Music] going up and [Music] they're not here either no they're not here they're not here no i checked it's not here they're not here so confused [Music] i wonder you ready kate okay guys so kate abandoned us so kate wants to hide with ryan and daddy so it's just me and emma but it's okay because we are gonna find you right when we when i'm at night there mommy's gonna find them here so there's lots of stuff on the floor let's go we're sneaking out where are they they're upstairs are you sure they're upstairs are you sure hey guys guys are you upstairs i i hear them they're the upstairs what is that that's ryan what angry ryan ryan doesn't get angry let's see you guys want to see ryan's angry face where'd he say go that's my angry face your angry face doesn't look scary okay your angry face you don't have an angry face i know you don't really get angry that easily i actually get angry you get angry like at least once a day yeah yeah they i don't think they're gonna hide in ryan's room again i think they already hide there then i couldn't hide again emma yeah maybe [Music] are they here where are you are they in here in the toy mess now are they in your closet [Music] no okay i think because they lost cake so you hear them hey guys i think i hear their voice outside right there [Music] somebody was a little too loud oh oh it's you me it's daddy it's daddy wazoo two three four five six all right okay okay let's hide where should we hide in the closet in the closet okay okay right about right [Music] all right okay you ready you you're a team so for sure they're downstairs right guys [Music] true because we now know they're not gonna hide in the same spot again that's not fun so somewhere new and i can tell [Music] they're gonna make some sound you think it's that way okay okay let's take a little peek okay they don't find us yet there's not there okay i don't know stuff is dropped everywhere [Music] did you do you think it's there there all right let's see oh boy i wish we cleaned the house before we did the hide-and-seek [Music] oh this seems a little bit off right don't you think yeah found you where's kate where's emma no one's not here oh that's strange i don't know that logic how are we down if we couldn't find them for like one second and then found them if emma said we're done we're down oh you guys are going down next door that's what she meant you guys are going down another round so all right we're joined fourth we're going to hide from mommy got it everybody's in the same team okay okay why don't you go you guys can actually okay we'll go somewhere else let's go okay let's go okay so all the kids left me they want to be on daddy's team but it's okay because i'm still gonna find you guys so i'm gonna count to ten okay so one two three how about this how about i get the idea come over here you ready right here [Music] ready nine ten ready or not you guys mommy is coming sorry i'm so crazy where are they i hear some noises are they under the table no this table no hmm now he's there right there okay mommy can you get that for me okay no look at us [Music] i see some noising in here [Music] you did great yay but where's ryan wait i haven't seen ryan you know where ryan is okay okay kate's taking me to ryan do ryan hi hey daddy where's ryan where's ryan why bumblebee brian what emma that's not nice where's ryan upstairs hiding up there he's upstairs okay where's ryan i don't know what you couldn't find ryan wait was he there you will see it really guys what no way did mommy miss it what no way i was here the whole time i missed your order and you rushed it back really whoa i gotta do instant replay to see if i can find you ready or not you guys mommy is coming so guys so we change up a team a little bit it's gonna be team daddy and cake a lot of people say kit and w look alike and then emma look like mommy okay look like daddy did you know that all right so this is gonna be the perfect team we're gonna find him in no time hurry hurry hurry daddy's in there right now okay i don't know you decide no let's go together let's go together first come here let's go hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry you're gonna open the door soon hurry okay oh look at the green room that's the spot where we keep looking over there over here over here guys this is a good spot right here [Music] that's a stupid spot true if this is a bathroom we could hide there okay just stay here for now okay okay quick question kate what is your favorite princess most favorite princess it's going to be a very difficult question no one can pick one [Music] okay that's a new information all right i think they're ready ready to go all right we're coming for you mommy ryan hey emma [Music] [Music] this one green screen something cool [Music] huh i think i heard something i think the suspect is in this room [Laughter] oh found you found you [Music] so scary okay guys for the last round they all want to hide from me again maybe because i'm so good i'm just kidding i'm not good okay i'm gonna count to ten you guys ready one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ready or not here we come here we go okay that was lame all right mommy's coming are you guys ready okay this is a little bit tight you know well guys are you guys hiding here too i don't think we're gonna fit this bus is very small and oh my gosh okay all right daddy and kate and emma too ah okay should we check downstairs or upstairs downstairs or upstairs i think i hear some boys upstairs okay let's see okay guys i think i heard voices upstairs so we're gonna go upstairs okay [Music] let's see hmm where could they be are they in this ball pit let's see hello hello hmm [Laughter] oh no daddy you stuck oh no daddy's too big for this [Music] i have to live like this forever oh yeah good idea emma it's ryan can you guys help me find ryan okay it's okay daddy's gonna be okay [Laughter] okay guys thank you for watching our hide and seek thank you for watching remember stay happy and rise up bye keep playing now come on all right so it's raining outside so we thought it'll be fun to do a indoor hide and see yeah so it is daddy ryan and kate versus mommy and emma yeah right so you guys i'll let you guys hide first since there's three of you guys emma and mommy's gonna turn around and count to 10. let's count one two three not much place to hide ryan are you serious man you don't you don't think mommy's gonna know you've got a little bunk on the map okay i'll be behind the uh chair okay fork five six seven eight nine ten yeah you think they're ready you think they're ready ready or not here we come right all right let's see we can find ryan and kate and daddy where should we [Music] let's go let's go where did they go are they on this bed here are they in this bed maybe they're in this bay maybe they're in this bed are you ready let's see anybody uh oh where are they huh do you guys see them anywhere do you guys see them anywhere let's wait wait a minute what is that in the mirror why is that in the mirror i got you i got you and i got you oh that guy's trying to hide back in there hey don't run away i see you already all right so it's our turn i'm gonna put emma into this car here so we can go faster right zoom zoom zoom guys no looking no looking no looking over there okay okay no looking ready emma all right count to ten you guys where should we go one two three four five what i counted about two times oh really ready let's go so we are inside this little laundry area here and he was having a little snack yeah while we wait let's see if they can find us where are they let's see what i don't see them where are they yeah that's right [Music] that's right [Music] it's okay it's our turn all right let's go all right you guys go high all right all right we gotta count to ten okay this is fifth spot you wanna just hide behind it yeah i don't see you anymore friends hiding behind so you daddy's see right all right ready one two three four five six seven eight nine ten all right emma let's go find them all right you guys see them let me know are they under here nope they're not under there let's go early in this closet here no the shoes everywhere where did they go let's go [Music] definitely not in this room all right let's go check it out where could they be where could they be where could they be right let's go check it out i'm looking i don't see them anywhere okay so i checked all the downstairs i can't find them so maybe they're upstairs let's go upstairs mommy's saying are you guys upstairs this is a good hiding spot i know i think we won i see where could they be anybody no they're not in the closet not in the bed not in the bed where would they be all right so we looked everywhere we can't find them right let's go downstairs let's go downstairs maybe they're downstairs we just missed them let's see okay what about daddy's closet we haven't checked there [Music] sitting in the dark where's ryan uh ryan's hiding somewhere where's ryan ryan no no don't tell all me it's our turn to hide ryan and miles go high you guys finding us okay i don't know it's a secret four five six seven eight nine ten it's somewhere upstairs [Music] do you see that yeah [Music] upstairs hold the hole we're still catching up okay ryan already got mommy hi guys just make that sound for what time you were in the box okay so we have to count to ten they are hiding right now okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten shh remember right there when she goes downstairs [Music] [Music] oh okay so we are going downstairs okay let's go find them okay all right okay so emma's gonna be in her little car here let's go find them let's track them down where are they where are they do you guys see them do you guys see them anywhere no are they under here [Applause] wait wait a minute i see a baby baby just run in here i got you and where's ryan there's daddy ryan's not here ryan's not here he's hiding separately what okay all right so i'll let you guys play over there while i track down ryan where's ryan where's ryan [Music] ryan [Music] [Music] where i guess i give up where where you good job ryan all right what should we have it's so limited because you're in this car emma where should we go all right so we're gonna go in the pantry okay all right close the door here we're hiding in the pantry okay yeah yeah you think they're upset [Music] nobody's here right [Applause] oh they're hiding good [Music] oh i hear them stop there right [Music] i think they're downstairs let's go don't see us [Laughter] we're gonna play hide and seek in the crash show yeah in a room we got a giant room here and emma and kate's ready to play hide and seek are you a mommy team or or daddy team okay and mom mommy team our daddy team okay ryan i'm gonna be daddy okay all right guys let's go with mommy come on we're gonna hide all right okay let's go let's go let's hide let's hide one two three four five let's go hide [Music] nine okay okay 15 16 17 18 19 20. we hiding yeah we're hiding let's go [Music] yes we're ready okay yeah are they here hi shh okay okay we're hiding mommy we're hiding we're hiding no i just heard you in there next to the bed no no oh yeah i heard them so obvious well i'm gonna just run away [Laughter] two good hiding spots okay lead us i know daddy that's worse that was one of my spots baby ready or not i gotta mean daddy daddy i need spot we have to find ryan emma and daddy baby okay all right let's go find them do you see them ryan where are you [Music] you guys so easy you're so easy where's ryan where's ryan you guys so easy oh i see somebody crawling i see somebody got you so easy ryan hey know the place to hide go go go go go go we're going hiding good luck it's me and kate and her baby let's go guess who found us emma okay we're gonna hide together now all right okay okay where should we hide where's your behind right here right here okay one two two two three three [Music] okay [Music] wow okay we could do better than ryan we care we can go okay now we've got a high ryan one two three daddy we're not hiding it let's put pillows there are we ready we're ready daddy stay on this so they can't see your feet hurry all right you guys see daddy and ryan anywhere where where you see them where are they where are they are they here no where are they daddy where where daddy maybe under the table no where are they do you hear something you hear something they're there let's see let's see something's still something's still wrapped around i'm in the hiding room yeah are you hiding what is this where's ryan we're still looking for ryan i found you that's a good hiding spot it was taking a long time for us to find you all right girls you want to hide again they're counting we're gonna hurry we gotta hurry we gotta hurry no you can't ryan go cheating bro seven hey i said close it nine ten we're hiding in the closet emily we lost kate we lost kate we don't know where she went okay i found you what are you doing here you sure they're here all right they found us now they're gonna hide again ready to count [Music] no not ready don't listen to kate okay let's go back down nothing you go right we're coming we're looking downstairs okay anybody downstairs where's ryan and kate and daddy where where okay let's go check it out let's go they're here anybody here are they in here no no no they're not here ryan where are you ryan maybe they're upstairs do you see them upstairs i see somebody upstairs you found me too easy easy easy where's ryan i don't know i thought you guys followed me oh not yet maybe lying downstairs just got downstairs want a mission for ryan hmm where ryan maybe right there check it out maybe ryan's there you see ryan hi i was hiding here the whole time i got you gotcha mommy's gonna hide by myself all right everybody turn around and close your eyes all right so emma decides to hide with me too emma we gotta go hide we're outside let's go hide let's go hide they're climbing up the little thing oh really all right let's go find them hey that's your secret base hey ryan do you know what today is yeah this today is fourth of july and emma's over there playing with her toy yeah and kate's over here with mommy right kate are you ready to hide oh no i don't know you you meet her daddy and ryan's team okay mommy and kate's gonna hide are you ready all right guys turn around turn around turn it around count to ten count to ten all right where do you want to hide where do you want to hide today [Music] six seven eight nine ten that's twenty it's twenty let's go ten i did ten and ten let's go find mommy and kate mommy where are you okay where are you [Music] mommy's gonna be in this corner over there on the couch and you guys go hide all right mommy's turning around you ready to count yeah okay one two let's go in the bedroom two again it's so easy [Music] all right guys ready or not mommy and kate's coming right let's go let's see okay go get them let's see let's see are they under there are they under there [Music] yeah i got you guys got you guys i got you i caught you there he is got you too that was easy peasy right okay today is ryan's first day going to music listen you [Music] let's go [Music] thank you yellow yellow [Music] hi today ryan needs a what do you need a haircut it's getting long yeah look it's all the way over here yeah super long and today's ryan is going to the big boy haircut place right yeah you ready for your haircut ryan [Music] [Music] did you cost me [Music] [Music] your hair's wet i know there's water on it all right now it's easy to cut my hair [Applause] you are so cute why did you say thank you scissors paper three two one go oh good rock serious paper three two one go good so if you get in the same direction you lose yeah okay lock scissors paper [Music] [Laughter] [Music] go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] three two one same direction good job ryan has two points three-point wins okay rock scissors paper no three two one go ryan point down and daddy went up so he's safe rock scissors paper three two one [Laughter] lock scissors paper three two one oh nice dry point up and then he went down okay i got you rock scissors paper rock scissors paper three two one is up up [Music] yeah ryan's good at rock paper scissors today we're gonna play hide and seek yeah so we're in the disneyland hotel and it's a little bit late in a literally cold so we thought we'd play a game inside oh hide and seek it's gonna be kate daddy and ryan versus emma and molly we beat you girls all right so i'm gonna turn around okay and i'll count to ten you guys hide okay [Music] i'm tired here you find your own place oh no where where should we hide okay because ryan wants us to hide somewhere here because he gets scared by himself okay i'm gonna be uh behind the car then okay [Music] so it's mommy you know my counting is in one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yeah where they go do you guys see them do you see them anywhere in the background yeah all right let's go find them okay [Music] daddy i wanna hide here because this is actually a good spot i hear noises i hear noises i hear noises over there emma uh-oh go get them emma go get them let's see let's see are they there are they there are they there yeah let me go get them here you go let's see they're in there let's see [Music] we found you guys we found you guys and then where's ryan where's ryan i'm still missing ryan ryan's on this side i don't want that here no brian what's this right here what's this blob here that's just a cake that's cute i already found you [Music] all right all right now it's our turn to look for you guys yeah how are you gonna count the ten all right you come to town while mommy and emma go high okay let's go let's go let's go let's go emma four five six seven eight nine ready kate ready yeah let's go find mommy where mommy okay all right we're in the bathroom here and we're trying to get some shoes when we wait we're behind there there's the bathroom see i'm trying to trick her and say where i'm going i know she's not in the bathroom oh okay let's go let's go let's go follow your brother let's see mommy one's looking no no not there [Music] oh we're taking a little break she wants to do it too wait i guess that's fine as you she's not laughing all right so it is daddy and kate and em and jordan team boys and girls of course we're gonna find them okay all right i'm gonna count to ten you guys run ready no twenty okay twenty go one two six seven eight nine ten right here okay eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifty 17 18 19 20. oh yeah uh-oh let's go let's go let's go let's go yeah let's go let's go where do you think they're at where where anywhere let's check the kitchen yeah that could be anywhere right i'm scared [Music] all right okay down here you guys see them down here on the chair underneath the chair no and maybe in the kitchen kitchen kitchen kitchen drawer nope okay what about this living area here underneath the crib anybody nobody okay maybe they're in this room again they're a little bit loud in here i think anybody anybody anybody anybody ah anybody i hear noises i hear noises let's see okay no no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] this anybody here anybody here no wait a minute i see a baby i see a baby going on here i see a baby and i see daddy [Music] are you switching teams i'm not what's your team called my team is called uh well i like i like tinkerbell team pixie and pixie what about astronauts oh yes do you roblox lame emma's like blame blame blame roblox all right i'm gonna play cool got you no i just want to see if i can find me we're hiding where's mommy [Music] where's mommy hey mom where's mommy yeah so kate found us but emma cannot find us emma come come okay so ryan's gonna be in and team cool look at that yeah team cool yeah let's go let's go team four five six right heading there you guys i like somewhere else be right here all right so ryan's hiding there mommy are you going oh she wants to hide here she wants to hide there too with you ryan no okay emma you're gonna give us away emma there you go hi hi hi hey guys come on you're giving us away [Laughter] they found us you found me you found me yeah they're so cute hiding over there you guys hiding you guys hiding you want to join too how three of you guys hiding over there [Laughter] hi kids today we're gonna play family scavenger hunt joining us and also miss kate she's gonna be on mommy's team okay so ryan's gonna spin the spinner and see how many things we need to collect that was not a big number nine oh we each need to collect nine things okay all right so everybody nine cards all right let's see what mommy and kate has to collect here we gotta collect the wallet oh but we don't have it you don't have these oh yeah nothing no i think i have it daddy has a musical instrument don't worry okay something blue and a ticket something italian we don't have a ticket a ticket a deck of cards yarn oh where would i get yarn okay one more what would i get this oh we have it yeah you have to uh this is for sure we don't well then we don't have olive something plaid okay a can opener we don't have this oh you have a can opener yeah and we have socks yeah sure doll yeah we have a lot of dolls okay what is that gold something gold oh you guys ready yeah all right so you collect your stuff and put on this pad here and mommy will collect her stuff and put it on this cat and whoever finished first wins are you ready yeah okay on your mark get set go go go go okay oh no they already found one thing something blue oh i found it a blue shirt a blue shirt okay so we got something blue what do you want to do oh dvd yeah paw patrol good job if you guys don't know i'm holding kate with me on this scavenger hunt okay a blue sock a blue sock okay this is ryan's sock drawer here oh this counts right it's blue yay all right we got two things let's go let's go find your brother where did he go there he is you found it which way i'm picky oh mario let's see what else we have to find here uh a wallet oh mommy has a wallet okay all right i got a wallet here all right so let's put our three things up tell me where instruments are in the office it's a guitar electric guitar oh no ryan has a lot already okay mommy only has three things it's not fair okay i think ryan has a plaid shirt here okay plaid shirt all we need is one more thing what is it something gold something gold oh gold mario a meatball we still need three more things chocolate playing card and can opener we're done you're done let me check something gold okay mario let's see white powder salt okay bottle cap is that okay a musical instrument okay doll mario doll okay dvd paw patrol what else hair brush hair brush the same shape is that it yeah nice you guys won good job you guys now the ladies are asleep after we played scavenger hunt now we're gonna play hide and seek okay so you want team daddy and mommy by herself yeah all right i'm gonna give you 10 seconds ready go quick yeah 26 games 10 seconds go one two three four five let's go maybe they're upstairs you guys think they're upstairs let's see mario you can be on my team let's go mario anybody nope they're upstairs i'm sure i'm sure they're upstairs oh why is this door closed oh fishy knock knock knock knock ready or not mommy's coming anybody anybody anybody who we found you where's daddy no where's daddy okay all right mario all right let's go let's go where should we hide where should we go 10 ready or not here i come let's let's do go i see you something yeah [Laughter] that was too easy i saw you oh no all right your turn mommy was not good okay let's count again maybe that way okay oh i see them they are upstairs i know it and i saw them run this way hmm where could they be i don't think she can ever find us where did they go in here why is his door locked they always lock the door you guys in here hello mario here oh can't open the door got you guys you guys ready okay ready go go go i see your foot already yeah okay guys last time you last time mommy last time okay okay ready let's hide good spot okay all right i'll give you a little bit longer so you can find a better spot okay all right i'm gonna count to 30. oh wow 25 26 27 28 29 30. ready or not mommy and mario's coming they're downstairs i think i hear their voice we'll give you some more seconds we'll give you 20 seconds okay 20 seconds all right was it easy yeah i saw you going in this room so ryan's gonna act on an animal and we're gonna see if we can guess what the animal is let's see uh let's see do you guys know what that is is it a dog yay all right another animal ryan says let's see let's see what animal is this you guys um you guys know what that is wow we even hopped over this toy hmm is it a bunny bunny can hop is it a frog yay nice did you guys guess the frog okay ryan thing's gonna do one more for us let's see what he got now hmm an animal that licks his hand is it a butterfly just kidding do you guys know what animals ryan's trying to do is it a cat because you send out yeah did you guys guess the camera did i say to you yeah you did you got meow ron says is not an animal this time but i'm not sure what he's trying to do like a monster nope a monster truck motorcycle what goes wrong a race car a race car yes yeah did you guys guess a race car okay so ryan wants to do another animal he says last one and this time is gonna be hard oh it's gonna be hard ryan says okay oh that's your animal your animal is just like a statue this is your animal are you sure like this that's this is hard are you a rock animal is it a horse and that is hard moving really slow an animal that moves really slow oh that animal moves slow i don't think it's an animal why what is it what moves like that i don't is it a camel i don't know do you guys know i have no idea what animal is this that just crawls around super slow what is it i give up brian it's a turtle oh a turtle did you guys guess a turtle that goes super slow around that's a good one ryan
Channel: Kaji Family
Views: 3,396,675
Rating: 4.1910152 out of 5
Keywords: hide and seek, hide n seek, hide and seek game, kids hide and seek, Ryan's World, Kaji Family, kids activities, activities for kids, extreme hide and seek, 1hr kids video, kids video, video for kids, Emma and kate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 26sec (3866 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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