Easy chicken & dressing

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so happy Earth Day it's one of my favorite days of the year it's because I love our so much I want to be a good steward of the land but the good Lord wants this to take care of it love it and see the trees are starting to bed out a little bit and I'm so happy the grass is starting to a little bit greener there's a woodpecker out there I don't have my glasses on oh yeah and that's one of the reasons when I sewed the farm we bought 20 acres of timber on the side of a some people called a ridge and that's the ridge and some people would call it down to bottom of the ridge is holler and that's one of the reasons were called whippoorwill holler and the other reason is because here pretty soon we'll be sitting out here on the porch at night and you'll be able to listen to the whippoorwills and the sound goes right down through the hollow the sky's beautiful this morning if you can sit through the trees but yeah we sold the farm we raise cattle we raised our old mate will raise to hog and horse chickens and we've done it all but the kids grew up moved off and doing their own things so Danny and I decided we didn't need all that because we're getting ready to retire we want to travel a little bit now we're still wanna homestead just not at that abundance to where you can't leave the place because you got so much to take care of but we bought this 20 acres and we put the house right in the middle of the woods and that's why I love it so much because I love the woods it's a little girl that's where I spent most of my time I spent most of my time in the woods at the creek most of the time by myself because I didn't feel like I was by myself that was where I wanted to be with nature now the woods are all around the smoke I said we're not really sitting right in the middle of 20 acres because behind the house it's just thick the woods and that goes down another holler so maybe sometime I'll take y'all down through there because it's beautiful back in there but I just wanted to say happy Earth Day let's all take care of our earth they created it for us and I just I'm gonna take care of it grow my food walk through it discover it and love it it's just the beginning of spring right now that's how the trees are when you're in the Timbers that thick that's what they do they get tall like that because there's not enough space and the Sun doesn't make it all the way to the ground when it's that thick you know so much timber before we bought it had been cut out so you can imagine how thick it was but this is just the front like I said the back is I hope another story so I hope y'all have a beautiful Earth Day get out and enjoy it no dressing it's one of the easiest things in the world to make and I think I think some people kind of intimidated by it chicken dressing but it really is it's really easy to make but I think one of the issues I've had a lot of people say I just don't like dressing or you know or my grandma was the only one that can make trancing that I would eat and I think what it is is you know growing up my grandmother maybe really but I remember in those days she would put bulled eggs she cut up celery big old hunks of onions and you know just stuff like that that she would have no dressing no me I liked it but I know people that don't like that kind of stuff so when I started making more and more dressing in my younger days especially for my children because they absolutely loved to congr essen they didn't want the celery they didn't want the big ol peeling and they didn't want that bald egg chopped up in that dress and I don't blame them and I think it was all about textures mainly it's what it was so I just started making my dressing just as simple as it could be so in place of the onion I put onion powder and I use of course I use my rub sage and I don't I just put in that sage of my dressing just enough to taste it and I think that's another issue with some people's I say oh I just can't tolerate that sight so maybe somebody was putting too much sight in their dressing and they just didn't like that that overwhelming taste and I use the poultry seasoning so putting just these two ingredients on my dressing is it just that dressing tastes you don't have to have all that other stuff in it even though I like it there's a lot of people at home but anyways I'm gonna make dressing today and I thought I'd just bring y'all with me because there's some people that aren't imitated by and it's easy peasy and we're gonna get it done I had somebody come to me and said Laurie I'm having a family get-together would you make me some dressing for us that's working for it and I said I'd love to so I love her to death and I'm gonna help her out make her Pam dressing and so I just thought I'd bring her along and I had I put my chickens in my slow cooker last night and it might quite a bit of broth I might have to add a little bit more broth to it and I'll show you how I I've done that and I'll show you how my chickens look all the slow cooker they look beautiful it smells so good I had smelled always I wake up and they'll not go what is that smell and I prayed over you know it's chickens in the slow cooker so it's all done for me I'll cook my cornbread last night all I got to do is get this morning and put it together and put it in the oven and take it to my friend so let's get started okay I'm gonna show y'all the chicken that cooked in the slow cooker I put two little chickens in here last night and I picked in some cooking and see there they smell really good but we're not putting my two chickens in here I put water just level with the backs of the chicken because I wanted enough broth and then I put just a little bit of salt and pepper and I put a little bit of my poultry seasoning in there and then I put about a half a stick of butter in there so this broth is gonna be real buttery gonna be real good and that's all I put in there so that that process is done easy and a one do now is I'm chickens I'm gonna debone them I'm gonna strain my my broth to get all these little things out of there and then we'll go from there I have about we had biscuits when probably one night for breakfast and we had breakfast for supper and what was left over I stuck in the freezer because I knew eventually I'd be making dressing because I make dressing on set for Sunday dinner a lot too so I thought them out and then I've got a sleeve of crushed crackers and I've got my broth from the two chickens that I cooked overnight in the slow cooker and then I've got some backup broth right here just in case I need more my cornbread now you I use Aunt Jemima buttermilk corn meal mix because that's my favorite and that's just what I use but I made two batches now if you're just making for your family one back to one pan of cornbread tune that but I needed two pans to make sure that I had enough for this family get-together so my two batches of cornbread now when I made my cornbread up I made it just like you do with the directions on the back but what I do is I add my sage my poultry seasoning and just a little bit of pepper to my batter and I cook it in my cornbread as it's just like you cook regular cornbread instead of coming back and mixing it all up afterwards and we're some reason I always work so good for me it gives that cornbread you know I'm really with all that seasoning cooking into that cornbread just makes it taste that much better what I'm gonna do is I'm going to taste it and see where it's at so I can tell how much I need to add as I'm mixing it up I can taste the sage and the poultry seasoning and it tastes like dressing already so I won't be adding any salt to it because between the cornmeal mix and my broth was probably plenty of salt might want to salty now I'm choking on the cornbread but what you do is get your hands in there and work that cornbread up you know we used to make a dressing for the kids at school and the teachers and they loved it and you talk about a bunch of dressing we made it and then big old stainless steel pans there's a log dressing but you just work that up you don't have to get every what a clump out but you want no big clumps of corn braiding there rush it it choked on it they don't want to take my leftover biscuits that's funny and I'm just gonna break them apart wish they got me something drinking yes you ever took it about it a big old bottle hombre that took you to death huh now if you don't have any leftover biscuits you can take bread slices and toast them up in that toaster or whatever it take about so sick license for six slices it depends on if you made it one batch of two batches of cornbread and when I added my sage to my cornbread I added one I started out with a 1 teaspoon a teaspoon poultry seasoning and just a little bit of pepper in there so that's what you can start out with excuse me but you just break your biscuits up from being at that freezer is coming one end got kind of hard get me some water any wife won't be tasting cornbread on video anymore some chuck me to death but you do you have to taste stuff as you go because you can overdo it on anything so I always taste everything okay I got the biscuits and some reason the tops of these are hard and then I got sleeve it actually crackers let's go put them in there you know what I've got a bigger boat than this but it's occupied right now so I'm in it I don't know just gonna have this one it'll be a living fool I guarantee by the time I get done but I'm real good at knitting that so you can see I'm just mixing all this together it was one sleep of crackers of course I had saltine crackers so there's salt there too and it's a two batches of cornbread and then I had about seven biscuits like I said you can use bread anything you got leftover it doesn't matter there's some kind of context all this over here this am I being mixing about and like I said corn breads and there's one of the easiest things tonight so don't let it ever intimidate you chicken addressing it's something that most people do like and like I said before I've had people say oh I just don't like dressing and then no and I'm not I'm not saying this to brag about but they will eat some of mine those days when I like that dressing but it's I think it's because I don't put some of those the onions and the celery and the eggs for I think that's probably the only difference because I don't do that and that's probably part that they don't I would say that they don't like and I'm tell you right now I'm afraid my bones might not be big enough but it's one have to do okay so that's all there is to that and now see where Danny put it my first edge I'm going to put and there's even so people don't put eggs in their dressing now I do for the richness so I'm gonna put two pretty necks and then girls have really be done good everybody's like in twenty hands and you're all doing real good I've got two eggs and I've got my broth I'm just gonna start pulling this broth in here and it is still a little bit warm that's not gonna hurt nothing now you want my moist dressing and you see some of the stuff that settled at the bottom I'll put that in there you want a moist dressing nobody wants you know they had to slice it down some people do I don't want to slice my but I don't want it super either when it comes out of it so you got a happy medium in there somewhere so even that was not enough broth so I'm gonna put my extra bath in here so I'll get it to the consistency that I wanted and when I get it where I wanted I bring it closer you know chicken addressing being easy as it is it's always a good crowd pleaser to type somewhere people just like there's some chicken and grits in Turkey interesting now I always make a little bit of gravy to go with it I'll do that to show you now you can see about that consistency [Music] do y'all remember your veremos dressing you know grandma's dressing was always the best like I said I had to adapt my dressing to my kids and different people that just weren't happy with dressing that had all that stuff in it I think I'm pretty good with that you see it's just not running but it's just moist enough but you can see it falling off the spoon but the thing about it is you know that that cornbread is gonna keep up it's going to keep soaking it dressing it I mean that brought that so I think I'm there now looks good now as far as more seating in this I feel like in me I would taste it right now but I know people become feel it's got raw eggs in it someone do it I want to put a teaspoon of onion powder in this and that's where the only taste it's not going to be a big onion taste is going to be just a soul onion taste I'm not going to put any more poultry seasoning in it because I really could taste that in the cornbread I'm gonna put a little bit more safe now some people like their dressing bringing with sage and I just can't do it go I just can't do it and so that was about a half of its about tasting sage and I'm gonna put about a half a teaspoon of celery seed I'm not gonna put any more paper Michael putting more salt in it and that's it that's all it is to that dress now I'm going to get my chicken together I got two little chickens now the reason I've done two cuz I'll double the recipe if you're just doing it for your family do one panic or Braden and just pick one chicken that's all you need so I want to deep on my chicken and get it in there and then I'll show you before I put it in I'm just gonna do bone my chicken it's not a pretty sight but it's really good you just gotta make sure that you don't get these little bones in there you know I'm telling you any time I do I hate to admit this I have to do bone the chicken and put it in a dumplings or anything suits I don't know how which I'm being very careful then you'll find that little bone every time mr. Brown I mean I wish that I was the one that would find it but nope he'll find it every time they don't know how it got in I think it just jumps in there cuz I'm so careful with it sometimes at least the chickens cooked up really good nice slow cooker yeah if there's one thing I've ever bought in my life that really has helped me out and I'm not saying a crock-pot because I'm tired before you get home from work a crock-pot will burn everything plumb out but the slow cooker they'll cook and I shut off and state one there's been the best things for me because we're at work but anywhere from 11 to 12 hours a day sometimes so if I'm able to get a 4:30 in the morning and get my stuff together and get something in that crock-pot and it's ready when I get home I know a lot of people do that and it's just a good deal but yeah I've been very careful be bombing this chicken like I said it's not a pretty process but it's just part of it that slow cooker gets these chickens so moist and I always pick them breasts down so that breast to get really moist and what I'll do is I'll put most of this chicken in the dressing in that I'll say some to put on top just for appearance to make it look good so you'll know that there's chicken in there my kids dearly love chicken and dressing if there's anything they'd rather have but that's what it would be and my daughter-in-law she knows she's she makes really good dressing too and like I said it's just not a hard thing to do I remember the only time I remember my grandma making dressing was at Thanksgiving and Christmas so it was one of things that I guess was just a special thing to her you don't because I don't remember her making chicken dressing for any for just you know a Sunday dinner or anything like that but we do because the kids like that my grandkids love chicken and dressing and I love to see them sit down and eat that dressing just like and come back for more it makes a grandma feel good now I'm gonna say the rest this chicken looks awful for the for the top of the dressing and I'm gonna start this up good and by the time I get to start up I might add you see a consistency of the dressing I might add just a little more broth as I go because I do not want a dry dressing that you don't want it's okay either so like I say there's always a happy medium and there somewhere if you just find it that's once you did a couple of times it's okay just to make me happy I'm gonna add just a little more broth not much okay right there's the consistency so I'm happy with it now that's okay I'm gonna get this in line roaster and I'll be back just a minute I've got my dressing ready and I put safe from that chicken I put it on top just to make it for the appearance make it because we all eat with our eyes so uh I'm gonna put this in a 350 oven and I'm gonna check it at 30 minutes now if you just had one batch which would have been one pan of cornbread it would probably take about 30 minutes to cook at 350 but this was two batches the dressing is a little bit thicker in my pan so I'm gonna check it at 30 minutes and if it don't seem done enough to me I'm gonna let it go just a few more minutes so we come back we'll have dressing done and we'll make some gravy to go with it now I've got two about four tablespoons of butter the reason I put that much because I'm making quite a bit of gravy chicken gravy for the dressing now and I put four tablespoons of flour in there too and you can see how dark this is getting because this is the way I was taught to make gravy for your dressing and want to make a roux and that's what gives it that dark rich flavor so that's what I'm doing I let it cook till it started getting brown like this and that's when you start making a roux and this is kind of like what we you make a roux when you're making gumbo now I've got some chicken broth I'm gonna start pouring it in I got about four cups I'm gonna stop it hiccups and let that cook just a little bit I'm gonna start picking it up again it's just like you're making regular dry Gertie except you're using milk and a lot of times when we're making when I'm making like if I fried some pork chops I make a roux gravy and a rude gravies just gonna be a brown or gravy then your regular white gravy you've just picked it so it made that roux and it's just so much richer flavor especially with them pan drippings from the pork chops really good okay it's starting to thicken uh no I have not put any salt pepper in here because I'm making this for somebody else and I just don't want to over salt it or seasoned it so I'm being careful with it I'm gonna put just a little bit more broth cuz it's starting picking up I'm just gonna keep stirring some people don't even worry about the gravy over the dressing I do I'd like to put just a little bit over my dressing and I know some gravies dressing gravies are a yellow color and they're pretty good but I just like to stretch our deeper flavor and my gravy so I'm gonna let this cook just a little bit and thicken up and then I'll touch it off with a little bit of cream at the end I thought I'd put a little white on seven-tier I forgot I had the lights off it's daytime and there was enough light around the house I'll just walk around pogobat my gravy and I didn't turn light on some maybe y'all say something now anyways you can see how a rich that gravy is and this cooks for a little bit and trying to thicken up a little bit more I've got a little bit of half-and-half here and I'm just gonna put I warmed it up a little bit I don't like putting cold anything in my gravies because you're just gonna cause it to limp up if you do that and this is just gonna make it a little creamier but that's all it is to make them just a little bit of gravy for your dressing and since I'm going to be traveling with this and taking it somewhere I'm gonna let it cool down a little bit and I'll put it in a mason jar with a lid on it and that's how I'll deliver it to the lady I'm making it for I tasted it while ago and it needed just a little probably half a teaspoon not even that much I just been 1/4 of a teaspoon of poultry seasoning in it no salt and it's done so I'm gonna get all this together and we'll be ready to go with it the dressings done guys it's good and brown on top golden brown since it was a double batch it cooked for 45 minutes and so single batch cornbread you know one pan of cornbread dressing talked about 30 minutes it took 45 you don't want overdo it and dry it out and I also made a little bit of gravy to go with the over the dressing I had just enough broth left to make a little bit so I've got in this jar that's how I'm gonna take it over there I'm gonna put full over it and put the lid on it and I'm off to deliver this peanut dressing and I hope y'all enjoyed this video I've enjoyed doing it and maybe anybody that was intimidated about making chicken dressing it's really a very simple process so so just do it do for your family it's always good always easy so give me a thumbs up share it I love you guys and we'll see you later [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 304,903
Rating: 4.9422436 out of 5
Id: 965iLBQeZ9g
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Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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