Craig's Kitchen - Beef Jerky in the Oven

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to Craig's kitchen beef jerky okay everyone loves beef jerky everyone I know loves it but it's expensive you know you can make it yourself you don't need a fancy steamer you don't need a fancy food dehydrator now if you have those things great you're all set you probably already know how to do it but a lot of us don't have those appliances so we can't use them so therefore we have to use what we've got and what I've got is it oven just a plain old kitchen oven all right so you can do it it's very simple now there's three parts to this okay there's three segments to doing this the first one is to marinade okay you want to add flavor to the beef all right the second one is slicing the beef or make preparing it properly so it will dehydrate the way it's supposed to and of course the third part is putting it in the oven and drying it out making the beef jerky no it's this is raw beef that we're using but it does cook and it does dry out and the reason why it doesn't go rotten after you take it out preserves for a long time it's because when you make beef jerky you're removing all the water from the meat so there's no way that any bacteria can Harbor in there it's completely sort of sanitary I guess if you will so that's what we love about it and it's great so let's do the first part of it we'll talk about the marinade making beef jerky the whole secret of it is drying out the meat the marinade is strictly for flavor so if this is not carved in stone the way you do this all right I'm gonna show you the way I do it and you can make up your own recipe based on what I'm gonna do here okay so let's see what we've got we've got ourselves a bowl and we've got a whole bunch of stuff that we like to that we like the flavors of so the first thing I'm gonna do is grab some moisture sauce and I guess we could measure this I like putting in about half a cup I've worst you sure Worcestershire oh that's the bottle right there that's all I've got so there we have it so that's just under half a cup there these measurements are not exact okay we've got some soy sauce okay let's put about half a cup of soy sauce maybe quarter of a cup don't want it too salty this is a what you're doing here a little more what you're doing here is you're making a ham marinade that you like the taste of because if you like the taste of it then you're going to like it on your beef jerky okay so I'm not gonna measure anything here I'm just gonna go for it here we've got some hot sauce you can use any kind of hot sauce you want I like a little bit of spice we might beef jerkey so I'm gonna throw in actually quite a bit of this now you can adjust this at the end you've got some cayenne pepper sure why not you know maybe a teaspoon of that all right we have a little bit of chili powder sorry not chili powder garlic powder here you could put chili powder I'm not sure how that would work but we'll just put a little bit of garlic powder in there half a teaspoon or so or a teaspoon we've got some onion powder you see what I'm doing I'm just concocting I'm just concocting it's all I'm doing there's no measuring here if you want to write down exactly what what you do then you can and then that way you can repeat the recipe got some salt now I'm gonna stir this I'm not done yet but we're just gonna see what we've what we've got here the other thing I like to do is add some brown sugar okay and I think I think my brown sugar is gone yeah it's called a hard so let me scrape some out of here of course if you have fresh brown sugar that would be much more convenient for you let's give that a stir and anything else that you think you might like to put in this it really is up to you these are just the basic things you could even just go out and buy your favorite beef marinade right and you could just do that too you could also put barbecue sauce in here a lot of people call for liquid smoke I can't find it around my area and I've heard that it's not very good for you so what I have done is I went and I got something else this is a jerk marinade well what could be better for beef jerky than a jerk marinade so I picked this up and it smells pretty good to me it's quite spicy so I've decided to put a whole lot of that in there to dominate the flavor with this because I really like to smell that so as you can see this is kind of like a chemistry Frankenstein experiment that you can do and you just make what thing you think tastes what you think tastes good okay so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna have a taste of this all right and see what we've got Wow that's really good that is good it's quite spicy I'm gonna add a little more sugar to this telling you earlier you can adjust this at the end all right if you really want a little treat when you do this go get yourself some teriyaki sauce right that's good in here as well let's take another sample here and see if that's good mmm I like that that tastes very good to me now if it tastes too strong in other words if you think it's gonna be too bold you can add a little bit of water to it but I'm not gonna do that so I'm gonna set that aside for just a moment and let's deal with the meat okay right no um I don't think it really matters what type of beef you use but the thing is is that what we want to do is we want to slice it very thin what this okay we're talking about an eighth of an inch right because this is what's going to allow it to to dry out now there's different ways of cutting it if you want it to you could you know do it on an angle that piece I'm not gonna use because it's thicker on one side there but once you get that going you could certainly go ahead and do it on ankle that way you get a little thicker slices these are very small pieces of course and you could do them bigger than that and depending on what cut of meat you've got you know I just got got what I you know what I could get my hands on here if you've got a thicker piece or you know whatever you can even do you know buy the fast fry things and use them although I think through probably a little they're probably a little thick I'm going to cut this piece of fat out the reason why you cut the fat is the fat can it can go rancid it doesn't preserve it doesn't dry out as well so you really want to do that let's I'm going to continue to get this cut up and we'll we'll come back when when we're all set for the next step okay alright so there we go as you can see my beef jerky slices are a little smaller than I'd like them got some longer pieces here but you can choose the cut of meat but you don't want them too small my wish list for this particular beef jerky session would be to have a slightly wider slices but as you can see I sort of cut them against the grain so that when you go to eat them they're gonna come apart a little easier when you bite them so now basically all you do is you put them in your marinade okay make sure that marinade is the way you like it and don't hesitate to play with it and adjust that until it's exactly the way you like I actually took some of the smaller pieces out stuff here and I put them on a plate and I'll use the minister fry or something like that with some onions and have myself a little snack okay so let's get ourselves e a spoon just make sure all these things you don't need any fancy containers or things like that just to make sure they're all covered now that we're also going to put some pepper in this like some fresh ground black pepper but I'm not gonna do that until we're putting them on trays all right and you'll see why so look that is absolutely as you can see it looks awesome this has to marinate for at least 6 hours but I'm going to let it marinate overnight because what you're looking at here is anywhere between 6 and 8 hours in the oven so this is a time consuming project so you might want to split it into two nights err days and the more you let this marinade the more flavors will absorb into them so cover this up with some foil and we're gonna put this in the fridge there you go let that marinate I'm gonna let them air if you marinate for 24 hours so you know through the magic of video we'll be back I'll see you tomorrow Cheers [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys well we're back it's the next day and this has been marinating for well about 18 hours oh it smells overhead okay it smells great now what I did was I took a couple of strips of it and I put it on a plate and I stuck it in the microwave and cooked it for 30 seconds tried it and I am very excited about this beef jerky it's gonna taste absolutely it does taste absolutely amazing it's hard for me not to go ahead and just eat the whole the whole bowl the way it is okay the first thing we're gonna do as you can see got a little paper towel station here and I'm going to take them and we need to dry them off okay so we're gonna just take them and we're gonna place them on some you know paper towel this is you know pretty pretty straightforward and I'm gonna do this until see we've got all different sizes here and depending on I said like I said before depending on the kind of beef that you've got your you might get wider strips than I have here but anyway so I'm gonna lay them out on here and I'm going to dry them off with this other paper towel okay so I got a full batch here I'm just gonna put the top on it's important that you dry them because well this is what we're trying to do is dry the meat so the more you can get more moisture you can get out of it now the better off you are later so that's what we're doing here now there you go that's the best I can do now let's move this out of the way for just a moment and talk about talk about what we're gonna dry it on first thing you're gonna do is you're going to set your oven for 170 Fahrenheit now that's what my oven goes down to the lowest my oven will go some people's oven goes down to 150 Fahrenheit and if that's the case fine that's no problem anywhere between 150 and 170 is perfect what I've got here is a little couple of little contraptions here simple baking baking dish with some tinfoil on it and I went to the dollar store and I got myself a couple of things like racks or whatever that I can put on here because you want the meat to be suspended so that it can dry evenly so there's one and the other one I have is again it's just a concoction here you know same thing little thing dry the meat on so I've got a full complement of meat here we're just gonna take those off stick them there for now and we're gonna start loading the meat onto the tray and there's no secret here the meat can touch but they don't want them to overlap all right so this is not something that you're gonna want to watch me do kind of like watching grass grow so when we get this done and we get the rest of them of the meat out and dried and on to our racks and then we'll get it onto sticking them in the oven cool nice thing we're gonna do fresh ground pepper okay this is going to give it an absolutely beautiful flavor at the end okay nice little thrift store pepper grinder there we are [Music] that's it all right there you have it it's in there and it's gonna be probably about another five to six hours before I even bother to check that but you know keep an eye on it and I will show you how to tell when they're done in the meantime I've got myself some white wine and we'll be back Cheers all right listen it's been about seven hours and I've looked in on these things a few times and checked them and I think at this point we're done get them out oh yeah all right listen let's have a look at them and see when I can tell they're done just by looking at it you see when you bend when you bend them and they Bend in one spot like that it only bends in one place but it doesn't break all right so that's what you want these are done now I'm gonna give this a truck give this a whirl I should say give this a whirl Cheers oh yeah oh my god that's so good so thank you guys so much for watching I'm gonna go sit somewhere watch some YouTube and myself few of my homemade beef Jerky's thank you so much for watching Cheers [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CraigTube
Views: 148,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food (TV Genre), Jerky (Dish), Oven (Culinary Tool), Beef (Food), Cooking, Recipe, beef jerky in the oven, oven beef jerky, easy beef jerky, beef jerky at home, how to use beef, how to cook beef, how to preserve meat, how to preserve beef
Id: zdg6inhuf5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2015
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