Sonic Frontiers Easter Eggs & References - DPadGamer

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it's no secret that this game is packed full of references to characters and locations from past Sonic games I thought I would try to compile all of those into one video along with some other fun stuff hence this video looking at Easter eggs and references in Sonic Frontiers starting with some fun stuff fun fact there are no water levels in cyberspace at all which is a good thing out in the world there is some water but not very much still there is enough that it's possible to submerge yourself and once you run out of oxygen Sonic will unceremoniously die if you find yourself in one of the red floating bubble enemies either on Rhea or auronos Islands you'll end up hearing the classic theme and countdown and it is as anxiety inducing as always [Music] foreign [Music] also has lava and touching it means instant death while there is a fun voice line that's not why I bring it up during the minigame where you collect spare parts for tails and the mechanic Coco on chaos Island touching the lava will damage him and pop him into the air kinda recreating the pants on fire animation that we've come to expect from Mario while this might be a coincidence it also might be a fun little reference also I'm sure we've all heard of Sonic's love of chili dogs while the first time he ate a chili dog in a video game was in Sonic Unleashed his sort of connection with chili dogs goes as far back as 1992 written in the story Bible for the Sonic the Hedgehog Saturday morning cartoon apparently Sonic's Uncle Chuck made the chili dogs and Sonic was the delivery boy and along with that you can actually fish up a red can whose description states that it looks like it might have contained chili con carne for chili dogs another fun little throwback can be found in this brief back and forth between sage and Sonic what is your end goal yeah it varies sometimes it's a spinning sign sometimes it's a big old ring also while fishing you can find one of these Eggman signposts now let's move on to the specific references which is mainly dialogue from Sonic and others which I've tried to organize a bit but it's still kind of messy so there is no particular order parts of this island are really lovely I should bring cream here sometime if you don't know Cream the Rabbit was created by Sonic Team to fill the flying roll for team Rose and Sonic Heroes but they decided to introduce her first with Sonic Advance 2. on a more somber note Sonic can say this line Amia cream will never forgive me if I don't bring you back which is a reference to the close friendship between Cream and Amy but unfortunately there is no mention of cream's other close friend and constant companion cheese the Chao still Sonic does have a line where he wonders if there might be a chow Garden hidden nearby but shoots down the idea because it's not the right climate in addition to the Beloved features of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 this is actually a fun reference to the fact that Sega refuses to give us a standalone Chow Garden game because they are cowards also in the final cut scene where our four main characters are preparing to leave the Starfall islands and go off on their own ways I wonder if cream and sticks are free make a road trip out of it Styx refers to Sticks the badger a character first introduced in Sonic Boom rise of lyric as a helpful NPC then becoming a playable character in The subsequent 3DS games you may have also seen her in the sonic boom TV show where she is more of a wacky paranoid character much much like the rest of the show is pretty fun sort of related to cream Sonic has a voice line naming Blaze the Cat what I wouldn't give to have Blaze's help right about now Blaze is an imperial princess from an alternate Dimension Blaze was introduced in Sonic Rush and became good friends with the theme of the rabbit she also played a prominent role in sonico 6 but that's besides the point Sonic also has a Voice sign where he claims that the surroundings kind of remind him of where they found Babylon garden and then he wonders what Jed is up to he's talking about Jet the Hawk leader of the Babylon Rogues which acts as the Rival group in Sonic Riders the three birds in the Babylon Rogues are descendants of the Babylonians the ancient civilization of aliens who became stranded on Earth and Babylon Garden which looks like a Giant floating on Island was actually the Babylonians spaceship the Babylonians also get a mention an Eggman memo number seven who were the ancients they predate any Civilization by a wide margin the echidnas the black arms please the Babylonians hardly the echidnas are of course the people that Knuckles descends from and we just talked about the Babylonians so the black arms is actually the hive mind collection of creatures created and led by black doom and they're also aliens having traveled through space on the black Comet which all originates from the very edgy game Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic even mentioned Shadow by name saying how he wouldn't mind his help right about now as you may know Shadow the Hedgehog is the ultimate life form created by Gerald Robotnik and Sonic Adventure 2. one of the main plot points of that game is Shadow's tragic backstory he was created while Gerald was attempting to create a cure for Maria's illness and Maria and Shadow became close friends and then Maria was taken out by some gun soldiers on that note Maria is of course the cousin of Eggman something mentioned in Eggman memo number 17. never really knew my cousin Maria everyone spoke of her like she was very special all that love for someone who was gone when I was right there and memo number two also name drops gun gun military craft doing in here sage has helped me avoid the worst of it and it doesn't appear to be manned is it the defense mechanism I need to learn more of course gun is uh the guardian units of Nations a military organization first seen in Sonic Adventure 2. they act as a sort of military and Security Branch of the United federations which is basically the primary government of Earth of course the United federations is mentioned in Eggman memo specifically number four I found elements from my own eggnet the United Federation even Planet Don Park Kingdom race data and quick aside Planet dhanpa kingdom is a location mentioned in team Sonic racing and it's worthy racing industry philanthropist alien the Don paw calls home that's cool and all but I'm waiting for Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing to become Canon because then I could talk about Banjo-Kazooie without going off topic back to this impromptu Sonic Adventure section Sonic has two voice lines mentioning Rouge the Bat I wonder if it's too late to call Rouge and ask her to steal the other emeralds for me she was also introduced in Sonic Adventure 2 acting as the dark story equivalent to Knuckles also while on Aries Island Sonic can give us this voice line it's dry but there's no ghosts I'll take my ghost 3 desert thank you it's possible that a ghost-free desert is calling back to either death chamber where Knuckles went through a level filled with ghosts that takes place inside of a pyramid in a desert or maybe it's talking about the hudoro enemies which are ghosts that can be found in sandopla zone from Sonic and Knuckles also sandopolis is mentioned by name and another Aries island-specific quote from Sonic also its stations where is mentioned was it who stopped Eggman from blowing up Station Square huh and one cut scene just discussing the ark but together you stop the ark overcame Neo Metal and of course Neo Metal was the big bad in Sonic Heroes that game had four trios the team Sonic Team Dark team Rose and team cha Onyx Team Dark had Shadow Rouge and e123 Omega a robot who gets name dropped by Sonic twice I bet Omega would have loved to take on those Titans that is some heavy Firepower Omega would be jealous interestingly the only person that Sonic seems to bring up in a way that shows that he doesn't like them is actually Zava I bet zavok would feel right at home here wonder how he's doing terrible I hope zavac is the leader of the Deadly Six the villain group of Sonic Lost World and he also appears in Sonic forces as a imitation the Deadly Six is also mentioned during a conversation between Sonic and Tails whatever assaulted the island sure packed a punch that was on par with Dark Gaia easy as you may know Dark Gaia the primordial God that dwells within the Earth and uh also the fact that he's Canon means that his light side counterpart chip is also Canon which may or may not be a good thing depending on what you think of Chip also from unleashed the Arid country of shimara's mention when Sonic talks about wanting to eat more of their signature Curry and a bit out of nowhere man I could probably call yakker all the way on planet wisp with this thing yakker was the white wisp that acts as a guide for Sonic and Tails throughout Sonic Colors also relevant Eggman memo number 13 mentions his two robot lackeys the ages performing at Peak efficiency you wonder where I went wrong with Orbach and Cuba Orbot first appeared and Sonic Unleashed unnamed but was then given a name and a more prevalent role along with cubot and Sonic Colors perhaps the most out of nowhere reference which surprised many I bet tangle would love climbing around these ruins he's referring to Tangled the Lemur a character who originates from the idw's Sonic comics and thus far has only appeared in Sonic Dash and Sonic forces speed battle two mobile games with basically no story if you don't know in the comics she becomes an ally of Sonic and eventually joins the Restoration Group which was a group formed from the resistance Group which is what fought off eggman's Army AKA basically the events of Sonic forces fall apart that said in Sonic forces the primary antagonist is infinite a jackal who somehow managed to be even edgier than shadow in the hard mode exclusive Shoot Em Up boss battle in Frontiers the end this is a bunch of ominous spooky stuff along with the words I am infinite while it's possible that they're trying to make a connection to a character I think it's more likely that it's just being used as a cliche because the whole monologue is filled with grandiose yet vague statements but who knows lastly there are a bunch of other locations that are name dropped so I'll just roll through them real quick I wonder if there's a palace hidden inside the volcano like on Angel Island what is the connection between the Ancients and Angel Island is there one what of you what do you think of the balls and Mystic ruins really getting some Sky Sanctuary Vibes here but older so many balloons maybe they drifted in from spagonia brings back memories of rail Canyon Red Mountain had a view like this too I'm getting flashbacks of lava Reef this looks like the shrine on Angel Island and that looks like a broken off color Master Emerald so much fresh powder and me without my snowboard closing things out all this stuff brings up to the topic of what is Canon it's worth mentioning that Takashi Azuka head of Sonic Team said in an interview that if we're talking about the comics the Netflix series and the games moving forward the idea of trying to get all of them into the same universe or even if it's not exactly the same universe at least having them feel like they're part of a connected universe is something that's very important to us along with this Ian Flynn the writer of Sonic Frontiers said in an interview with IGN someone's back with Sonic Frontiers Sega provided the story backstory plot upbeats usable characters and so on so yeah that's pretty cool now let's end things here thank you so much for watching Big thanks to my channel members for their support and an island size thanks to Captain crayfish for being a Super Fan if you are interested in some more Sonic Frontiers videos or just Sonic videos in general I got you covered but also other stuff like Mario and Zelda and things that's it for this one goodbye [Music]
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 236,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic Frontiers Easter Eggs, Sonic Frontiers References, Sonic Frontiers Call Backs, Sonic Frontiers, Sonic, Sonic Forces, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Adventure, Easter Eggs With DPadGamer
Id: uXc_7YucRss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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