The History of Wuhu Island

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I wish there would be a "Switch Sports Resort", where you can discover Wuhu Island in Goo Vacation Style

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deponianer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Isn’t this where Coronavirus came from?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnUncleAtNintendo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wish they'd bring it back

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RQK1996 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this yesterday, it’s a banger of a video. I really want a new wii sports!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CadenK555 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is a great video that made me, an eighteen year old, feel nostalgic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EnnKah πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know about you but woohoo island has always been one of my favorite locations in any video game it's almost like woohoo island is a nintendo character itself i've spent so much time on this island doing all sorts of different activities from flying around in a plane going for a morning jog around the island and racing around wuhu town in mario kart this island is home to so many different activities and things to keep you busy you probably know woohoo island from its main appearance in wii sports resort but you might be surprised at how many times it's appeared in different nintendo games over the years woohoo island has a surprisingly deep and complicated history so i took on the challenge of figuring it all out and putting the pieces together so join me today as we take a deep dive into woohoo island what it is where it started and all the games it's appeared in this is the history of woohoo island before we jump into woohoo island's first appearance let's go over some of the major landmarks and areas of wuhu island this way we'll all be on the same page and i can refer to places around the island without you being confused the first thing you'll probably notice is maka wuhu the giant volcano near the center of the island and luckily for the residents of wuhu island it hasn't erupted in over 200 years sitting just next to makawuhu is duckling lake and summerstone castle the summerstone falls are also just next to these landmarks on the west side of the island there is a huge lighthouse called the candle the candle was accidentally built twice as big as its originally planned size resulting in its massive appearance on the south side of the island near the ocean is wuhu town where there is a main plaza area with a broken clock tower a big water fountain and even a basketball court right next to wuhu town is the starboard harbor and the queen peach a huge cruise ship named after princess peach herself just to the east of wuhu town is the red iron bridge which leads to the kokoba hotel a perfect five-star hotel with nine floors southeast of the kokoba hotel is camel rock which has beaches on both sides if you follow the road up from kokoba hotel you'll go into a mountain tunnel that cuts through the mountain with some openings to show the ocean and if you keep following this road you'll end up at the north corner of the island where some mysterious ancient ruins reside okay stick with me here because we're almost done the last major landmark i will highlight is wedge island a small gulf island to the south west of wuhu island on wedge island you can find the 19th hole hotel crab rock and a whole bunch of golf courses okay i think that should be enough to give you a basic idea of the island and refresh your memory a little bit if you're interested in learning more about the locations of wuhu island there's a great guide that has all of the locations with plenty of facts and information about each one i'll leave a link in the description if you want to check it out and now that we've covered all the major landmarks we can dive into the history of wuhu island and all the games it's appeared in [Music] [Applause] the earliest known appearance of woohoo island was actually in the original wii sports now you might be thinking woohoo island wasn't in that game and you're right while woohoo island does not appear in the release version of wii sports an early beta build of the game featured an extra sport called airplane the only footage that i could find of this beta sport was recorded off-screen at nintendo's e3 2006. in this sport you pilot a plane through rings above an island this island strongly resembles wuhu island there is a large mountain with a lake near the center and a town at the south end with a bridge and even the mountain tunnel the basic size and shape of the island are also similar to wuhu island according to some data miners this island was called we island no not we like what you say on a roller coaster let's all be grateful that name was changed and what looks to be an early version of wuhu town was called wake city obviously this is a very bare bones version of wuhu island but it's still really cool to see this beta plane sport was cut from the final version of wii sports but it would eventually return in a different game i didn't even know this existed before i started researching for this video but this is the earliest known version of what would eventually become woohoo island the next time woohoo island appeared was in 2007 with the release of we fit although it still wasn't called wuhu island yet instead it was called we fit island and while it was a big upgrade from wii island it was still missing a lot of the landmarks and details that wuhu island has today the best way to see all the changes is to look at the map found in the wii fit manual as you can see there are multiple major differences here maka wuhu is called rocky peak and it doesn't appear to be a volcano at all summerstone castle is missing and duckling lake is called summit lake wuhu town is called we fit town and is also missing a lot of the buildings and locations of wuhu town like the basketball courts and clock tower the starboard harbor and the queen peach are also missing i could keep listing differences but i think you get the idea this is a big improvement from wii island but it's not quite there yet it seems nintendo didn't want wii island to go to waste so they converted it into a place for wii fit players to run i don't think nintendo had a long-term plan when they originally created this island but it would eventually evolve and become woohoo island the main location for wii sports resort but before we get there let's talk a little bit about the things you can do on wii fit island in wii fit sadly there really isn't many things to do on wii fit island pretty much the only thing you can do is jogging wii fit has a mode where you can go for a short long or free run around the island this is the best way to get a look at we fit island and if you pass your guide and start following a dog instead you can go on alternate routes that can lead you to more interesting places around the island like the beach it's so weird to be running on the red iron bridge and see rocky peak where makawuhu is supposed to be it almost doesn't feel like the same island without the big volcano in the middle the island is much more detailed than we island was but i wish we fit had more activities to do on the island because jogging is really the only one but don't worry because we fit island is about to transform into wuhu island and be featured in one of the best games nintendo has ever made [Music] yes it's time to talk about the game you probably know wuhu island from wii sports resort this game is seriously one of my favorite games of all time something about it just makes me so happy but i can talk about how much i love wii sports resort in a different video wii sports resort was announced at e3 2008 alongside the wii motion plus and some super awkward e3 stage moments yeah it's easy to see why nintendo changed to pre-recorded directs one kind of cool thing that happened leading up to the game's release was that they turned times squared in new york city into wuhu island for a day they moved in a bunch of sand and palm trees and everyone could try out the game themselves if we ever get a new game featuring wuhu island they better do this again because i want to go [Music] wii sports resort was released in the summer of 2009 and just like that wii fit island transformed into woohoo island all of the previously mentioned changes were made and now this island is more detailed and better than ever while you can only jog and we fit there's way more stuff to do on the island this time around everything from golfing on wedge island to beating the crap out of sami's at camel rock this is the most in-depth experience on wuhu island we have ever had and it's glorious all the activities and sports are so diverse and take place all over the island at different locations but by far the best way to experience wuhu island is the island flyover mode this game mode lets you pilot a plane and fly completely freely all over the island hey wait a minute doesn't this mode look familiar yes it seems like the forgotten plane sport from the original wii sports was eventually implemented into this game although it's much better this time instead of flying through meaningless hoops for points now you have eye points which give you lots of fun facts and details about the location you just passed this was always my favorite mode to play it's just so relaxing and enjoyable to glide over all the scenic views you can play this mode during the day sunset or at night i've spent countless hours in this mode alone and it's a big reason why i love this island so much i just wish there wasn't a time limit because i could play this mode forever some of my other favorite sports are swordplay showdown basketball pickup games and archery all of the sports and mini-games are super fun and the replay value is through the roof in the original wii sports all the sports took place in different separated locations but in wii sports resort every single sport happens somewhere on the island i think this is why woohoo island sticks in our minds so many years later we've played basketball in wuhu town table tennis at the kokoba hotel canoed across duckling lake and thrown frisbees on the beach even inside sports like bowling still have a location on the island one of my favorite things to do was fly over the island and try to find the location of all the different sports when i think of the words nintendo magic my mind often goes to wuhu island something about all these amazing sports taking place on this one island turns wuhu island into something special and i haven't even talked about the music yet [Music] i could talk about this game forever but i'll start wrapping it up here wii sports resort is the game that cemented wuhu island as one of nintendo's most famous locations as well as added so much charm and detail to make wuhu island a place we all wish we could visit and while this game was definitely its largest appearance woohoo island isn't done yet [Music] wii fit plus is the next game to feature wuhu island and this time around it's actually called wuhu island wii fit plus was basically like an upgraded version of wii fit with more options and workouts if you compare the map that comes in the manual of both wii fit games you can see that wii fit plus now features the fully upgraded woohoo island so say goodbye to wii fit island everything matches the wii sports resort version of wuhu island this time which means all the names locations and landmarks are correct jogging is pretty much the same as it was in the original wii fit but of course with the updated island but there are also some new additional workouts that take place on wuhu island these include cycling around the island a rhythm march through wuhu town a strange minigame where you are a chicken flapping around and a segway race through various parts of the island i particularly like the cycling and segway games because this is about as close as we got to an open world version of wuhu island i can't really dive deep into these mini games because i don't actually own wii fit plus so i can't play the games myself but don't worry cycling and bird's eye bullseye come back later so let's talk about the rhythm march and segway mini-games really quickly the rhythm marching game has you marching around the plaza in wuhu town shaking your remote to the beat it looks like kind of a dumb mini game but it's fun to see wuhu town all decorated and partying and the segway circuit game is where you ride around the same map as the cycling game but this time you're hitting beach balls that come up out of holes in the ground this game takes place over various parts of the island like the beach and wuhu town okay now that those are covered we can move on we'll talk about cycling and bird's eye bullseye later in the video so that's it for we fit plus this next one is kind of strange face pilot fly with your nintendo dsi camera released in the summer of 2010 for nintendo dsi systems and according to this website it features woohoo island so let's see what we got here oh is that supposed to be woohoo island i mean i i can kind of see it if i squint my eyes but uh if this is really supposed to be woohoo island then i think this is the ugliest version yet even the beta version looked better than this this is a very simple game and there's really not much to talk about here but there you go apparently this is another appearance of woohoo island let's just move on to the next game [Music] pilotwings resort was released in march of 2011 alongside the launch of the 3ds in north america there were very few launch titles for the 3ds but pilotwings was definitely the best one i actually really like this game and i think it's a bit underrated pilotwings resort is basically the flyover game from wii sports resorts only expanded upon now pilotwings was actually a series before woohoo island even existed back on the snes there was also a pilotwing 64 on the nintendo 64 but nothing happened with the series until this 3ds game not only do you have a plane but also a jet pack glider and even a squirrel suit there are multiple missions for you to complete that take place around wuhu island and the free roam island flyover also returns sadly it still has a time limit but at least now you can play this mode with a jet pack and glider like i said previously the island flyover was one of my favorite parts of wii sports resort so naturally i love this game plus you get to control the plane without motion controls which makes it a lot easier to control the plane even if some of the fun is taken away in the process i actually think it's pretty impressive they managed to get the full free flight experience onto the 3ds and it isn't significantly downgraded in any way once again the best way to explore wuhu island is this mode and if you collect all 75 eye points in this game you unlock your very own private castle on one of the islands surrounding wuhu island the missions are also really fun they have you completing various objectives like following a car or trying to land in the center of a target with limited fuel in your jet pack woohoo island is pretty much unchanged in this game there are no additions or things missing it's the same as it was in wii sports resort but pilotwings resort is yet another great game that features this island [Music] after showing up quickly as a puzzle in me plaza we're on to the next game mario kart 7. mario kart 7 was released in december of 2011 and featured some new tracks based on wuhu island specifically there are three maka wuhu and woo hoo loop which are race tracks and wuhu town which is a battle mode stage what makes the two racetracks even cooler is that they are not your typical three lap courses instead it's just one long lap split into three sections in the maka wuhu track you start near camel rock and make one big loop around the island going through the cave behind the waterfall passing summerstone castle and once you get up the mountain you glide back down to the beaches and there's even a small landing platform you can grab items on and that's from pilotwings resort you end in a large stadium on the beach but this stadium only appears in mario kart 7 and no other versions of wuhu island i think it's a little strange that you don't enter the volcano seeing as how the track is named after it but i love that it takes place at sunset wuhu island looks great with the sun setting over the ocean the next track wuhu loop starts you out in wuhu town and has you race around the island passing landmarks like the red iron bridge the ancient ruins the windmills and the candle this is another great track it gives you a good tour of the island and there's a cool shortcut where you can go into the ancient ruins really quickly and the final wuhu island-themed part of mario kart 7 is the wuhu town battle course this course takes place at night and is obviously in wuhu town there is the main plaza area with the fountain and everything wuhu town is one of my favorite battle course stages although i may be a little biased between these three tracks we get to see woohoo island during the day sunset and night and while the wuhu town battle course will show up again sadly these two other racetracks will not return which is kind of a bummer because i really like those tracks and they would have looked amazing in hd and mario kart 8. so i guess all we can do is hope maka wuhu and wuhu luke return in mario kart 9. we didn't see woohoo island again for almost two years until the launch of wii fit u in november of 2013. wii fit u launched about one year after the wii u came out and things weren't going so well for nintendo very few people bought a wii u and many people were confused on what the console even was a lot of people thought that it was just an add-on accessory to the original wii and sadly i think we fit you contributed to that why would i buy wii fit u for the wii u when i have we fit for the wii we fit u sold quite poorly and a few months after its release it had only sold under 20 000 copies and was getting price cuts everywhere basically not that many people have played this game but it actually features a lot of appearances from our favorite vacation destination woohoo island wuhu island shows up a total of nine times and we fit you so let's go through them jogging is back once again and it's better than ever the island has received a new crisp visual update and there's also more options this time like in the first we fit game there are dogs you can follow that take you on alternate jogging routes you have to pass your trainer when the dog runs by and then start following the dog instead but in we fit you there are dogs and cats and there's way more of them this means more alternate routes and places to see one of my favorite ones is when you follow a cat up a ramp and start running on the rooftops of different buildings in wuhu town and you eventually end up finishing on the queen peach there are so many different paths to take so now you get to see more of wuhu island and probably my favorite new addition to the running mode is that the time of day and season can change so now you can jog at night at sunset or even when it's snowing in winter this marks the first and only time we have ever seen different seasons on wuhu island i love this jogging mode because it gives you a good sense of scale for the island maka wuhu looks so massive towering over you while you run the red iron bridge is huge and wuhu town actually feels like a town now that we can see it up close all of this was in the previous wii fit games but the jogging mode is best experienced and we fit you because of the new options and improved visuals the next exercise to feature wuhu island is one called orienteering in this game you walk around wuhu town trying to find certain me's as you can see this is pretty close to having an open world version of wuhu island but sadly it falls short in a couple of ways first off there's a time limit so you can't really explore at your own pace i guess that it's supposed to be a mini game where you try and get a high score but all i want to do is run around the island the second problem is that a lot of the island is restricted you can explore a little bit past these signs but not much further the area you get to explore includes wuhu town the open grass areas above wuhu town the area around summerstone falls and the windmills and candle it's a pretty good chunk of the island but it just makes me wonder what the rest of the island would be like i wonder if the entire island is modeled in this open world format or if it's just this area and the third problem is the way you control your me this is wii fit which means you have to walk in place to move and twist the gamepad to turn this is a very awkward control layout and it doesn't work very well but i guess it's meant to give you a workout if you walk too fast you fall over and the gamepad constantly needs to be re-centered because it starts to drift all over the place so yeah it's a decently fun mini game and it's almost like an open world wuhu island but it falls short cycling is the next game that has wuhu island cycling was originally added in wii fit plus but like i said earlier i don't have that game so we'll be looking at we fit you this one is very similar to orienteering only now you're on a bike you walk in place to pedal and use the wii remote to steer it still isn't perfect but it's a lot easier to control than orienteering and the best part about cycling is that there's no time limit you are supposed to reach these flags in as little distance as possible but we won't be doing that this is as close as we have ever gotten to an open world wuhu island it really just makes me want the real thing a fully explorable wuhu island would be a dream come true once again a large part of the island is blocked off so this is basically just orienteering only on a bike with no time limit next up is bird's eye bullseye this is another one that was added in wii fit plus so i'll be talking about the wii fit you version on the beginner difficulty you fly around the ocean outside of wuhu island and eventually land on the queen peach not much to see there but on the advanced difficulty you get to fly around the main island you start at the top of summerstone falls and work your way down the island as you can probably imagine controlling this chicken is pretty awkward and difficult so that takes some of the fun away and sadly there is another time limit and this one's extremely short you're supposed to land on platforms to increase the time limit so if you try to go off and explore you can't make it very far before time runs out the next couple games really only use wuhu island as a background so we won't go as in depth there's rowing crew where you race in the waters right outside of wuhu island trampoline target where the trampoline you jump on is placed in the center of wuhu town and as you go higher you can see more of the island hose down which takes place in wuhu town scuba search where you explore the depths of the waters outside wuhu island and finally free climbing which takes place in front of the clock tower in wuhu town alright that was a lot to get through aside from wii sports resort and pilot wings this game definitely has the most appearances of wuhu island we got pretty close to an open world we got to see more of the island like the scuba diving game and we even got to see wuhu island in different seasons sadly from this point on wuhu island only appears in small cameos in different nintendo games this is the last major appearance of wuhu island super smash bros for wii u was released in november of 2014 and included two stages that featured wuhu island these stages are woohoo island and pilotwings let's start by looking at wuhu island this stage flies all over the island landing at different places along the way you really get a good look at the island when it flies directly above it this is one of my favorite versions of wuhu island it got a visual upgrade for smash bros and it looks amazing i'll quickly list off all the places you could land while playing on this stage there's the top of makawuhu the frisbee dog beach in front of camel rock the wooden bridge in front of summerstone falls a boat that cruises around the island a small group of rocks at sea the top of a power cruising gate the water fountain in wuhu town the center of the swordplay coliseum and finally the top of talon rock overlooking wuhu town and the red iron bridge that's a lot of locations to fight at this stage really gives you a good tour of wuhu island and i love seeing all these locations visually upgraded for smash bros the next stage is pilotwings which takes place at both the old pilotwings snes map as well as wuhu island you don't land on wuhu island at all in this stage instead you just fly around it on the back of a plane but this plane still takes you all over the island flying in out and around all sorts of landmarks both the wuhu island and pilotwing stages deliver a great look at wuhu island and the visual upgrades give the island a fresh coat of paint mario kart 8 deluxe was released in april of 2017 just two months after the launch of the nintendo switch while woohoo island showed up in mario kart 7 it was absent from mario kart 8 on the wii u but with this new deluxe switch version of mario kart 8 we received a new updated battle mode three new stages were made and three older stages returned and you guessed it one of the returning stages was wuhu town from the 3ds of course it received a graphical overhaul and it takes place during the day this time around woohoo town looks completely different all the buildings have much different colors and designs that's not the only difference though maka wuhu looks different it's wider and less smooth and i think this is supposed to be the queen peach it's placed in exactly the same place the queen peach should be although it looks nothing like it i think i prefer the good old queen peach with the red color scheme but i guess that's just what i'm used to the red iron bridge and basketball court are both pretty much the same but my favorite new change is the new look for the candle they added a new base surrounding the candle and i love it the candle always looked a little strange because there was nothing at the base so it kind of looked like the model was just put directly onto the grass while this new base makes the candle look a little bit shorter i think it's a good improvement and i hope it stays around for future versions of wuhu island it's pretty cool to see this new version of wuhu island although i can't decide if i like all the changes it was great to see wuhu town return to mario kart but i wish the two other tracks also returned those tracks would have been amazing to see in hd with updated visuals now we move on to wuhu island's last appearance super smash bros ultimate was released in december of 2018 and is the last time wuhu island has appeared in a nintendo game sadly there isn't much to talk about here because it's just the same two stages from smash bros for wii u woohoo island and pilot wings there are some minor visual upgrades when compared to the wii u version but everything else is the same as you can see wuhu island looks a bit cleaner and more crisp in smash ultimate but i think i actually prefer the wii u version maka wuhu looks a lot more boring and less interesting and ultimate but i think most of the locations you land at look better smash ultimate has better lighting overall than smash wii u so areas like the beach and swordplay coliseum look better it's just kind of sad to see wuhu island's last appearance is a small and reused one i'd like to take a second and acknowledge all the amazing mods and custom player-made versions of woohoo island it's clear that i'm not the only one who loves this island because there are countless amounts of cool mods and creations based around wuhu island everything from running around the island as mario in super mario 64 to playing call of duty zombies on a wuhu island-themed map some of my favorites are woohoo island and minecraft and seeing the mario kart 7 wuhu island tracks in mario kart wii there's almost an endless amount of player created wuhu island content and it always brings a smile to my face [Music] well i think that's everything as far as i'm aware that's the complete history of woohoo island but i'd like to talk about the future a little bit here how could we see wuhu island used in upcoming games i think the best way to bring back this island would be switch sports resort a remaster of all the wii sports content so far as well as adding some new features i would like to see all the sports from the first wii sports return like baseball and boxing i think they could easily create a new building in wuhu town for boxing and they could put the baseball stadium in the open fields above woohoo town i also think all the pilotwings resort content should be brought over into the airsports mode hopefully the joy cons would work for motion controls but there should probably be some button control options too and the number one thing i want from a new wii sports game is a fully explorable open world version of woohoo island where you can walk around the island select sports to play and use all different types of vehicles to get around just imagine walking to wuhu town jumping in a plane flying high above the island and then jumping out and skydiving back down below it would be so much fun to explore wuhu island freely i also think it would be awesome if you got your own house somewhere on the island that you could go inside and customize i could talk about a potential switch sports resort game all day but maybe i'll save that for another video i really hope we'll see wuhu island again someday and hopefully soon it took a lot of hard work and researching to make this video but it was also a lot of fun if you enjoyed this video i'd appreciate it if you'd consider subscribing let me know in the comments what you think about all this i'm pretty sure i covered everything in this video but if you think i missed something about woohoo island be sure to tell me i guess the only thing left to do is to kick back relax play more wii sports resort and hope a new wuhu island game gets announced soon thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Nintendo Hero
Views: 1,258,261
Rating: 4.9675822 out of 5
Id: yxd04rkspeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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