Wii Sports LOST BITS | Unused Content and Unseen Secrets [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another lost bits video right here on tetra bay gaming the series where we explore the scrapped unused and unseen content in video games you guys have been requesting this a lot and in this video we'll finally have a look at Nintendo's number one selling game to date or you know we sports as it was eventually renamed now sure the insanely high sales numbers for Wii Sports were basically the result of the game being included with the initial batch of Wii consoles that were sold to everyone and their grandma but regardless this was a new era for gaming a revolution and I think it was a great way for Nintendo to give players a glimpse at to what the Wii was a boat anyways we got a ton of scrapped modes graphics and more to go through so go grab your Wii Remote it's time to wait almost forgot to put on the wrist strap safety first it's time to find some lost bits okay so let's start things off with probably the biggest thing that was cut from Wii Sports the final version of Wii Sports that was shipped along with Wii console starting November 19th 2006 and that makes me feel old as you probably know had a total of five playable sports baseball bowling boxing golf and tennis or as I like to call it waggle the Wii Remote as fast as you can to win but it turns out that initially in the game's development there was actually a six sport that was planned to be featured this other sports was in airplane mode and it was seen in footage of the game at e3 of 2006 so only a few months before the release of the game in this build bowling and boxing were reportedly missing so it seems like they were added in to replace this airplane mode seeing us how polished bowling and boxing are in the final release I would bet that this e3 build was pretty early in development because the game must have been pretty close to production at this point this is likely as we see a more basic title logo of the game in the title screen that also of course was scrapped anyways this airplane game would have had the player can rolling the pitch yaw and roll of the aircraft by tilting the Wii Remote accordingly the plane would fly around an island and the player would have to try and fly through numerous rings yeah we know that's always a good time this island looks very similar to whoo-hoo island which first appeared and we fit and then in several other games like Wii Sports Resort Pilotwings resort and even Mario Kart 7 it is very likely that this stage was an early version of what would eventually become Lulu Island if this all sounds very familiar to you you probably played Wii Sports Resort because although slightly modified from this III build essentially the air Sports Island flyover mode from Wii Sports Resort is the same thing as in this III build so I think it's safe to say that either the developers of Wii Sports saw that the airplane mode just wasn't ready or polished enough for the games release or it just didn't work as well as they wanted to with a standard Wii Remote with the introduction of Wii MotionPlus years later I'm sure Nintendo saw that this mode was now viable with the improved motion control accuracy and then revisited this idea I honestly don't mind the game being removed from the original Wii sport since I think it would have felt sort of out of place and removed from the rest of the more conventional sports and I think the mode definitely fits better with the whole island theme of Wii Sports Resort unfortunately to this day no playable version of this original scrapped airplane mode has been leaked to the public and there are no remnants of it in the games files but hopefully one day we can come across a beta build of the game with this mode still intact next up let's chat about some unused graphics and textures first up strangely enough left over in the files of the game are these textures numbered 1 through 9 if it's not immediately obvious these textures are the same as the ones used in the billiards game scene and we played there's also this texture among the 9 which is the texture used for the cue ball there are two theories as to why these billiard ball textures are here both of which I think are somewhat possible theory one suggests that since these textures are found with the rest of the games boxing mode files the billiard balls might been intended to be used for the dodging boxing training mode with Matt here the second theory is that just like the airplane minigame the billiards mode was also planned to be included in the sports and was developed to some capacity before ultimately being cut now I really think the second theory of the billiard mode being repurposed into we play makes a lot more sense than Matt here chucking billiard balls at your meat he may be the most powerful me of them all but I just don't think it's as likely next also boxing related is this very low res image of what looks like a boxing match just based on the name of the file it seems like this was meant to be displayed on the TVs in the boxing stadium and it was probably a placeholder for the view of the camera that shows the fight on the screen in the final game it appears whatever the idea was for this texture apart from the video feed of the fight it was probably scrapped in favor of this texture showing some motivational messages and the Wii logos following that is something a bit less interesting an unused graphic of a default me head for some odd reason this file is identical in both based on the a and face dummy B apparently these images were to be used to test the scoreboard in the baseball mode moving along to the bowling mode now looks like there's an early version of the bowling lane itself the unused Lane has some crude gutters a different texture as well as a different and way lower resolution texture for the back wall and if you're curious here is a side-by-side comparison of both lanes some speculate that this Lane would have been seen in the e3 2006 build of the game but as I mentioned earlier bowling was reportedly not available in the demo that year and since there's no available footage of the mode from e3 that year to prove its existence at the event the unused bowling lanes very well could have been either from an earlier or later build of the game then there's tennis and although there aren't any notable unused graphics or anything there are some early screenshots of the game that show how it used to look like before undergoing some pretty big changes apparently the game was to initially feature Mario characters before changing to early me versions that looked like traditional Japanese dolls known as kokeshi before finally changing to the me designs that we saw in the final release now finally moving on to golf and here's where things get spicy left over in the games files are several normally inaccessible golf courses some more complete than others some of these I was able to load in and access myself but others I wasn't and could only view their model file on my computer anyways first up is golf course FC 18 if you played the game golf on the NES you may have noted that all of the holes in the golf mode of Wii Sports are actually remakes of holes from the NES game this unused course is modeled after the 18th hole from the NES game but for whatever reason just wasn't completed and is still left over in the files it is named FZ 18 which follows the naming scheme of all the rest of the holes with FC probably standing for Famicom the Japanese equivalent of the NES and then the number of the hole from the NES game that was being reimagined this unused map is pretty unfinished and is incredibly small so we've touched on the e3 build quite a bit at this point and again here we have next Golf Course III which just like the name clearly suggests is the course that was used at the live demo of the game at 2006 S III thankfully this time I was able to load this course into the game this version that's left over in the game's files doesn't use the MOR cartoon-like textures and lighting of the e3 demo and instead now just uses the more realistic one seen in the final game there's not much else to say here it's a pretty basic hole but still cool that it's left over here for us to find next up is golf course survey and this course really isn't a typical hole of golf at all the course is circular and is surrounded by trees has these red and blue lines and also has these numbers indicating the distance away from the center it is believed that this may have been intended for a driving range of for the player to practice hitting the ball certain distances and angles to improve their game surveying land is the art and science of determining the 3d position of points and the distance and angles between them so the name of the course definitely supports the idea of this being a practice rate and last but certainly not least is my favorite unused hole golf course angle which is basically a test map and you guys know I love me some test maps this very large stage has to be viewed from certain angles to truly see all it has to offer this test map has various terrain and land deformities at different angles like the file name suggests there's sand and fairway bumps hills and even some stair like formations all intended to test how the golf balls physics will react to these obstacles I always love farting around in these test rooms so I'm glad I was able to load this one in I would love to be the guy that gets paid to test games and rooms like this here I also noticed that the Sun will appear halfway inside the ground I assume it's to provide proper lighting here but yeah still pretty weird to see last I think I should mention that there are some more rumored unused tennis courts however their legitimacy is questionable there is video proof of these courts and they are set to be using files from a beta build of the game forced into the final release but I couldn't find any sort of legitimate beta version of the game floating on the Internet so until this can be verified I have my doubts this one just looks like some of the textures were corrupted and then this one just looks like the practice court textures were replaced with ones from we play again I could certainly be wrong and these are indeed real unused beta courts but like I said I have my doubts until there's some verifiable proof and for the last stop of this video lads I've been kind of teasing it throughout the video but now let's finally try moving the camera and see if we can find some hidden content that is normally unseen we'll go through all the modes in order here so let's first start off with tennis and where else to start but the main tennis chords just outside of normal view we can get a better look at the spectators there are also several buildings around the court which all seem to feature this same texture what looks like some sort of park or golf course and here the same texture is even stretched out across several windows unfortunately even though it's cool to get a closer look at these buildings from angles we normally can't there is nothing inside of them surrounding the court area we can also have a closer look at the background texture which appears to be an image of a real-world town no idea exactly where this could be but it definitely looks like somewhere in Southern California to me till now I always thought the character position select screen background was just a flat image before transitions to the game but nope turns out it's actually the entire court map placed sideways pretty cool little trick there Nintendo then there's the alternate practice court which doesn't really have much besides the three courts it's basic there's nothing really out of view but one thing that's somewhat interesting is that from afar you can see that there is some additional lighting added to the middle court that is being played on seemingly out of nowhere batter up it's time to check out baseball just like with the pregame tennis trick baseball also has one of its own it turns out the screen at the start showcasing the batter and pitcher is actually sort of a screen of its own which as you can see I can zoom in and around I can control the camera simultaneously in both angles which is kind of cool and the only 3d model here is the versus in the middle now in the actual baseball diamond we can again have a look at all the lovely fans which love to flash I guess surprisingly instead of just using some generic park image like the tennis court here the texture on the window actually looks like a true reflection of a baseball field when pitching moving back the camera reveals that all the catchers turn into ghosts very spooky also not very unseen but it was cool to plop the camera in the empty dugouts I definitely think it gave the game sort of a different feel playing it from this angle ah yes the great sport of bowling looking behind the player we can get a better look at the bowling balls or should I say bowling yeah I don't even know what shapes call these but the coolest part here lies in the upside down land yep this is a similar reflection technique that we saw in several games like Mario Kart 7 where to create the illusion of reflection models are duplicated and flipped only here it's kind of different as the models aren't really duplicated but instead the view of the camera is let me try and explain see here some things like this garbage and vending machine are actually flipped but all the other Me's appear very disproportionate at times that's because the reflection is basically just displaying what the camera would see if it had been above ground confusing I know but I hope that made at least some sense we can also see how bowlers beside you snap into existence as well as how the pins get swept away into oblivion I hope this me didn't have dinner plans or anything cuz this practice bowling alley has no doors or any way to escape golf may not have as much unseen stuff but man is it nice to just look at all the scenery I also think it's really cool to see all the areas from angles we aren't supposed to so we can see how some of the mouth tens just don't look right we can also get a closer look at the castle on hole 5 which bears some resemblance to the summer stone castle from Lulu Island again woohoo island didn't officially appear until we fit but if this castle is indeed supposed to be the same castle then this only further supports the idea that woohoo island may have had its debut in this games airplane mode it's also really cool to look at all these holes from a bird's eye view and compare them to their original NES golf counterparts another cool thing about golf is that even though the mini maps appear to now be to the images since they don't move a full 3d model of each hole exists in the files and it looks like these more basic models were used for the mini maps these look similar to the FC 18 unused hole I mentioned earlier so this leads me to believe that that file was only the minimap version of this what's even more interesting with these map models is that they all still use textures that were used in the beta but nowhere else in the final release and this is the only instance of beta texture use like this that I'm aware of and last up is of course boxing here again the intro screen works just like the baseball one in the ring we can have a closer look at all the deformed fans some of which are just lacking most of their body am I being too harsh from the spectators in this video so the TV screens here replicate what the camera sees kind of like what we saw in other games like mario kart 64 the only difference here is that it appears that these TVs only display the cage and fighters so I couldn't do the tripi TV effect like I always do which was a major bummer the boxing arena is really dark but I looked up and around and there just wasn't much more to see here lastly is the training dojo with the master himself mats it's a pretty small building but it was still cool to have a closer look at all the posters mats low polygonal trophies as well as the scale in the back which upon closer inspection appears to maybe be a Nintendo brand weight scale a fine addition to any Nintendo fans collection I'll take 10 when I was younger playing this game I always wondered what the outside of the building could look like there's really not much out here that we haven't seen in other areas but I can't say that I'm disappointed just being able to finally see the building from the outside was just so awesome and that's basically all the unseen and I guess semi unseen content I could find overall the game was pretty tidy there weren't any random models found out of bounds which honestly I was pretty surprised with given that this is a launch title but regardless I thought it was still really cool to see some of the tricks the developers employed throughout the game and with that guys concludes this we sports lost bits video and I hope you enjoyed it when I had the idea to make this video I certainly didn't think it would end up being this long as always if you enjoyed this video be sure to slap a like down below and let me know what other games you would like to see covered here on lost bits in the future also I got to give a huge special thank you to our da a deep game research trevor trash bandicoot and all the amazing contributors over at the cutting room floor for helping me a ton with making this video possible if you enjoyed this video and want to see more you can do so by clicking on the card right here and if you want to stay even more up to date or support the channel be sure to subscribe here check out my merch at tetra big gaming comm as well as swing by my other social media things all of which will be linked in the description below but as always guys thank you all so much for tuning in and for all of your supports and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 764,185
Rating: 4.9326868 out of 5
Keywords: Wii Sports, Wii Sports Unused Content, Wii Sports Lost Bits, Wii Sports Cut Content, Wii Tennis, Wii Sports Unused Golf Courses, Wii Sports E3 2006, Wii Sports E3, Wii Sports Beta, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, TetraBitGaming Wii Sports, Wii Sports cut golf course, Wii Sports Boundary Break, Gaming, Video games, Nintendo, Wii, Nintendo Wii, wii sports hacking, hacking, glitch, hacks, Matt Mii, Wii Golf, Wii Lost Bits, Wii hacks, Wii sports secrets, Mario, Wii Sports Resort
Id: 6sHjKsge9Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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