Microsoft Designer Tutorial

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You can use AI to design like a pro. I pulled  together the following design and it took me   about probably two to three minutes and I'm not  a designer and that looks pretty darn good. We're   going to look at a brand-new tool called Microsoft  Designer. And this is one of Microsoft's first   products to incorporate Copilot, which is an AI  assistant that makes designing things a breeze.   Let's check out how you can use Microsoft Designer  right now. To get started with Microsoft Designer,   head to the following website. You could click  on the card right up above or down below in the   description. Once you land on this website, click  on the button that says Start Designing. This now   drops us on the Start page for Microsoft Designer,  and one of the biggest differences you might   notice is we're not just dropped into a blank  canvas where we have to come up with a design   idea. Instead, over here on the left-hand side,  it says to describe the design that you'd like to   create. So, here I can type in some text and then  the AI will generate a design based on that text.   If you're having trouble coming up with  inspiration, over on the right-hand side,   we can see all of these different sample  designs, and one of the really neat things,   when I hover over any one of these designs, I can  see the text that was used to come up with that   design. So over here, I can type in some text,  and I'll get a similar high-quality design to   what we see over here on the side. Now that is  pretty cool. Over here, I want to design an ad   for the Kevin Cookie Company. And specifically,  I want an Instagram post. And in that design,   I'd like to include some cookies, some milk,  and I really want to project a wholesome image.   Down below, I could also add some images, or I  could even use AI to generate images. But for now,   I just want to see what the AI comes  up with, so I'll click on Generate.   And check that out, over here on the right, I now  have all of these different designs that I can   choose from. And some of them look really nice.  And some of them even use motion graphics. That's   pretty cool. If I want to see a large version  of any one of these, here I could click on the   magnifying glass, and I can look at it in a little  bit more detail. Now, if for whatever reason,   I don't like any of these designs, I can simply  click on Generate again and that'll give me   another 15 different images that I can choose  from. Right up here, I could also select the   size. So maybe it's an Instagram post, so I want  it to be square. Or maybe it's a Facebook ad and I   want these dimensions. I could choose that. When  I select one of these dimensions, that'll also   regenerate all of these different designs. Looking  at these different designs, I really like this one   where the cookies are falling into the milk. I  like that action shot. I think that can make for   a good poster. Now, it's not perfect as it is,  but the good thing is I can select this and then   I can make further refinements and tweaks right  down here by clicking on Customize Design. This   now drops us into the main designer interface.  And what I really appreciate is here I already   have a design that I can start from and I'm not  staring at that blank canvas. We're going to use   the designer interface to modify this design. So,  we could change things like the text, the colors,   the different visuals that appear here. And in  a moment, we'll do some of that. Over on the   right-hand side, here I see the co-pilot again.  And this is the AI that generates different   design ideas. So, if I wanted to say, swap out  this design and maybe test out a different one,   here I have all of these different ideas. For  now, I'm happy with this design, so I'll click   on the X right up here. First, I want to modify  where this text appears. Right now, it's sitting   up over this splash of milk and I don't want  the text to interfere with all of this action.   I can select any object on this design and here I  can reposition it to a new spot. One of the nice   things, here when I drag it around, here I get  these nice helpful guidelines telling me that   this is now centered on the page. Also, when  I have say text or any other item selected,   here I see different tools that allow me to  modify that item. Here, for instance, I can   click into the font, and I can modify the font.  I can also adjust the font size. So, I have all   these different tools to get this to look exactly  how I want it to look. I also think it would make   sense to include a logo for the Kevin Cookie  Company on this ad. Over on the left-hand side,   I'll click on My Media and here I can upload  different media files into this project. Here,   I can bring files in from my computer or here from  my phone and I can also choose any one of these   different cloud service providers. I've already  uploaded a logo for the Kevin Cookie Company,   so I'll select that right here and that inserts  the logo onto my project. Just like with the text,   I can select this object and I can move it  to a new position. Here again, I'll use those   helpful guidelines to place it right here in the  center. Over on the left-hand side, here I can   apply various effects, filters, or I can even make  manual adjustments to this logo. But I think the   logo looks good, so no need to make any changes.  But I do think that it needs to be a little bit   bigger. Here, I can click on this handle icon,  and I can drag my logo so it's larger. I think   that's a good size, and here I'll center it right  in the middle of the ad. That looks really good.   Also, when I double-click on the image, here, I  could also crop it. So here, I could drag this in,   but I don't need to crop it, so I'll leave  it as is and then click on Done. Now,   what good is an ad if people don't know where they  can order these cookies? So, I'd like to include   our website address. Over on the left-hand side,  I'll click on Text. And here, I could insert text   into my project. Here, I could simply choose  one of these headings or I could choose one of   these pre-created options down below. Now, I just  want something basic. So here, I'll click on Add   a subheading. And here, this inserts text onto my  ad. I could double-click into that and let me type   in our website address. Now that I've typed in our  website address, here, I'll select the object and   let's move it to the very bottom of the ad. And  here, too, I'll make sure that it's centered.   Unfortunately, it's a little bit hard to read this  text because the contrast isn't that good. It may   help if I insert a visual behind it. Over on the  left-hand side, let's click into Visuals. And   you could insert all sorts of different visuals  into your design. Here, we see all of these   different cookie images. And what's really neat  is the AI has an understanding of the context. I'm   building an ad for a cookie company. So here, I  get all of these different cookie recommendations.   Right up above, I could also generate images.  Here, I could pull in different photos,   different graphics. You could even pull in videos.  So, you have all of these different options.   Now, I want to just insert a solid color behind  it. And if I go down a little bit, we have all   these different filled shapes. Here, I'll select  a rectangle. And let me position that so it covers   up the entire text. I'll place it here and let  me expand it right up to this border, and here,   I'll expand it to this border. The color of the  rectangle doesn't match the theme of my ad. But   right up here, I can select this eyedropper and  I can select any color from this design. Let's go   with this blue color right here, and that applies  it to this rectangle. You might be wondering,   well, what happened to the text? And right now,  this rectangle is sitting right up above the text.   With the rectangle selected, right up above, I can  adjust the position of this rectangle. Right now,   it's sitting on the text. I'll click on this. And  here, I can send the rectangle backwards. So here,   I sent it back and now we see the text. That looks  pretty good. I think it would be really nice if   maybe you could see a little bit of the cookie  behind this rectangle. Here, I'll select just   the rectangle, and with this object selected, here  I have all of the controls related to this object,   and one option is opacity. When I click on this,  I can add some transparency. So here, we can see   a little bit of the reflection and the cookies  behind the website URL and the rectangle. I   think that looks pretty classy. This ad is looking  really nice, but it's missing a little bit of that   secret sauce. And my trick to driving sales is to  always include a photo of Cookie Monster. I mean,   who doesn't love Cookie Monster? Over on the  left-hand side within visuals, right up here,   let's click into generate. And I can use AI to  generate an image. And here, I'll simply type   in Cookie Monster and let's see what the AI comes  up with. And look at these adorable pictures of   Cookie Monster. These things are guaranteed to  drive some sales. Here, I'll click on this image   and that now inserts it into my project. The  one downside is it looks like Cookie Monster   has a different background than my poster. So  here, I want to put Cookie Monster right here,   but it doesn't quite match. When I click on  Cookie Monster, over on the left-hand side,   I have different effects that I can apply. And  one of them is to remove the background using AI,   and then I also have the option to blur the  background. Let's try removing the background.   And just like that, the background disappears.  That is pretty fancy. Here, I'll adjust the size   a little bit and let's position him right  there. That looks perfect. As we've been   working through and building this poster, I've  adjusted the colors to make sure that it matches   with the Kevin Cookie Company brand. But over  on the left-hand side, I can also set up what's   called a brand kit. And this is where I can go  through and select my different fonts. Here,   I can select all of my different brand colors. So,  when I come in to build an ad in the future, it'll   incorporate all of my fonts and all of my colors  directly into these designs. That'll save me a lot   of time in the future. I think this poster looks  really good and I am ready to start showing it on   Instagram. In the top right-hand corner, I can  click on download, and I have a few different   options for downloading this design. Here, I  have various formats that I can choose from. I'll   select PNG. Here, I could also make the background  transparent. You could remove the watermark,   and here I could download, copy as an image, or I  could send it to my phone. So, lots of different   options here to get your design onto your  computer. To start another design, right up on   top, here, I could click on new design or over on  the left-hand side, I can click on this dropdown   and here too, I can also start a new design. If  I click on my designs, here, I could jump back to   any previous designs that I've made, and I've been  working on lots of different posters for the Kevin   Cookie Company. There are lots of good options.  We'll have to see which one converts the best.   It's really amazing how easy AI makes it to design  something that looks really beautiful. And the   part I love the most is it really eliminates that  blank canvas problem of how to get started. To   watch more videos like this one, please consider  subscribing and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 266,873
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Keywords: kevin stratvert
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Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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