Easiest Ways To Organize Any Freezer! Freezer Tips & Tour!

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welcome to she's in her apron we just moved into this home a couple of weeks ago with the move we just used this freezer to throw everything in it's very hard to meal plan when things are in chaos how you organize your freezer will help you save hundreds a year on your grocery bill I'm going to be sharing with you some tips to help you determine what freezer is right for you and your family and show you how you can organize any size freezer if you're new to this channel uh I like freezers I like freezers a lot I have our refrigerator freezer and then this refrigerator freezer this big upright freezer that I've had for a long time a freezer that we put in our last Pantry that I got at Sam's Club and then the drawer freezer from Costco in the comments let me know besides your refrigerator freezer do you have a separate freezer is it upright is it chest is it one of the drawer freezers the biggest thing I teach is organiz by Zone and categories but I'm organizing each freezer By Priority each one is going to do things a little differently I thought I was going to store all my frozen veggies in this one I am not down here just as we were taking inventory and marking down what we had we just put the frozen veggies down here this is not where I want them I want them in the other freezer but if you have a standing freezer I would not suggest leaving your frozen vegetables down here this is like the coldest area I would put your bulk Meats if you can down here I'm going to use the pantry freezer that's in the food room next to the Costco shell freezer where all my bulk meat is so far for all the vegetables and we're going to use this for all the bulk chicken a lot of the freezer meals will go in here I want to save this refrigerator freezer here for all the fun food for the kids they could come out they can get their nuggets ice cream popsicles frozen yog yogurts their chicken patties frozen pizzas All That Jazz you know that's going to be there for them okay I don't want them in here this is Mama's domain stay out if you only have one freezer these tips in this video are going to help you out think of your freezers a little differently not just for storing your food yay think of convenience think of your time think of your money here are some quick tips depending on the type of freezer that you have so if you have a side by-side refrigerator freezer the door is going to be the warmest part so use it to store things like bread nuts flour herbs and things like ice packs try organizing it with skinny thin containers now if you have a bottom refrigerator freezer like I have with both my fridges right now you'll likely need to stack some items when you stack like items in the freezer it just helps you not lose anything in there so keep your chicken stacked on chicken and your vegetables stacked on vegetables this is what I've done for years with my bottom freezer so if you have a top refrigerator freezer you can make the most of the Space by creating your own drawers using bins you can even use magazine holders those work great if you have a chest freezer use bins of different sizes to create layers since chest freezers have depth you can keep the items you use the most in the top layers and the items that you might not use as often or if you're buying in bulk like all your bulk Meats down at the bottom for me organizing in the chest freezer I love the recycle bins from The Container Store store because they have a handle it makes pulling things out in categories in your big chest freezer so easy and if you have an upright freezer I love using the bigger bins you could really maximize in there by stacking a ton of chicken in one area beef in bulk but you're definitely able to organize by zoning categories a lot more easier in an upright freezer I love my upright okay so since I brought up bind and vult I would like to thank butcher box for sponsoring today's video butcher box has always been number one a recommendation from me when you want to start having meat and bulk in your freezers but at a good price and a good quality meat so what is Butcher box butcher box is a meat Subscription Service where you decide what cuts of meat you want delivered straight to your door they're frozen right at the peak of freshness and sent right to you so you could just open the box take them out and put them right into your freezer you're getting the the highest quality meat at an affordable price Mr Toodles is going to love this so the different meats that they offer are 100% grass-fed beef free range organic chicken pork raised crepe free and wild CAU Seafood as an East Coast girl that's important to me so you're probably wondering what is the true value of butcher box first of all the price this is everyone's main concern right the least expensive box will make up to 24 meals for you and your family they have two different box options for you they have the curated box where they choose the cuts of meat for you then they have the custom box where you go in and you handpick each cut of meat so for the curated box there's the classic box it's $146 and you get 8 to 11 lbs of meat that's 24 meals in the custom box there's the classic box it's $169 you get between 9 to 14 lbs of meat and you get up to 30 meals you know I know my prices at the grocery store and I calculated the for the quality that you're getting with Bircher box the money is on point it really is worth it the second value is time they're saving you time when you order everything that you need and it gets delivered right to your doorstep so you can stay out of the grocery stores it's just so nice when you're on a budget and you you know like how much you're going to spend on your meats you can prepare accordingly and you can meal plan accordingly it really is super convenient and value number three is quality you're getting the highest quality meets delivered right to your door at butcher boox they just believe in doing better the animals are humanely raised no hormones no antibiotics the member benefits are so cool once you're part of the butcher box Community you can get access to special member deals and add-ons for each box you order sometimes they'll have limited specialty items there was one year where we got Lobster taals that was exciting so what do you get as a member of butcher box one member weekly deals two recipe inspiration tips and hacks and number three the big one free shipping so if you're interested in taking a look at butcher box be sure to click on the link below for this month's exclusive limited time offer to choose between chicken thighs ground beef or premium steak tips to receive in your box free for a year so with us still moving and settling in getting our freezer set up I definitely want to try the grass-fed burgers tonight look at this burger not is nice and thick M thank you again to butcher box for sponsoring today's video and now let's get back to organizing our freezers okay remove everything from your freezer getting everything out will help us see what we have and decide what needs to be eaten first so you're basically meal planning for the week while doing this I have some meals for the next week that I already see that I can put into the rotation so I found a bag of hash browns that need to be used up some chicken that definitely needs to be used up and some smoothie packets we got to hurry and start Downing so we can make new fresh ones so during this process I noticed some things that we need to eat up if there's a mess in there take the time right now just to hurry and wipe it out you don't have to go too crazy just get it cleaned up but when you're doing this you're going to take inventory we've got to know what we have that way we're not wasting money we can make our meals and meal plan for the week I have my gloves when you organize your freezer seriously use gloves it's so cold your fingers are going to freeze up so fast I've already started this process a few days ago I did start to take inventory my mother-in-law helped me because I thought I broke my finger it's just really badly bruised and it hurts but we're pushing through so thank goodness it's not broken she pulled helped me pull everything out we put them into freezer bags and we took inventory I was talking on my phone cuz it was hard to write so now I'm going to take my inventory and put it on paper when it comes to making an inventory you don't have to get fancy you can just take a piece of notebook paper and write what's in that freezer just post it onto the freezer you want to know what you have that way you don't always have to open up your freezer and let all that cold air out you could just go to your sheet see what you have and you can meal plan for the week if your freezer is magnetizable you could put a small dry erase board on there and attach the dry erase marker onto onto there as well and then you could just write what you have in there really quickly and then when you take something out just wipe it away and you're good to go I keep track of my freezer inventory in my planner it it helps you not buy doubles at the grocery store too this is where it also helps you save money you're not over buying so write down everything that's in your freezer and see if you can start to notice any groupings any categories that way you can see what you want to store them in what type of baskets or bins that you want to use to organize it all so I started organizing the butters on the door just like I did before in the other home I just find this super convenient these bins I got at uh Hobby Lobby and this has all my chicken we took inventory now I just need to put tags on here so let's go talk about some storage solutions for your freezers what I like to do before I head out to the store is shop my home I have lots of containers and I hold on to quite a bit of containers cuz the what if I'm I don't I'm not a hoarder with them them but I noticed that I'm shifting things around my house on where I can use them and I've noticed that with the move certain bins that I've used on organizing certain areas of the home I've switched it up look and Shop your home first before you head out this will save you money my newest purchase for my pantry and freezers are these multi-purpose bins from Ikea I have seen them around for a while and you guys I'm hooked I'm sold these are fantastic so I grabbed the me medium large and extra large size I wanted them in all clear but my store was out so I got these aqua color I really like these for The Pantry in freezer because I can actually see what's in the basket and nothing gets lost I love that they have handles I'm excited to see how they fit in the freezer so what I'm noticing with these multi-purpose bins from Ikea I could definitely fit three of the large and one of the medium I think I'd be cutting it a little too close to fit a another large here ooh I can get four of the large multi-purpose bins on the Shelf aome now that you have your containers you're ready to organize your freezer you could have bins that say treats maybe you freeze your chocolate chips candies for the holidays an area for your nuts maybe you could separate your meat section like you have your normal meat but maybe you already have meat or poultry that's marinated and that's in a different area section for your Seafood your bread so maybe for all your freezer meal kits in one container uh the your homemade TV dinners that you made in one container maybe your barbecued stuffed in in an area a section if you store lunch meats maybe it's a little bit over by the bread a bin for your fruit and maybe an area where you can find all your Frozen bags of like veggies a bin or a basket for your baking I like to freeze pie filling I love freezing cookie dough I like to store Taco kits Pizza kits you could do pasta kits burrito kits there's so many I only have two Taco kits left in my freezer I do have a video where I share with you how to make kits I do have a video I'll leave it below for you but I am making more soon so definitely tune in there's so much that you could do in so many ways to take advantage of your freezer so you can make things quickly and maybe you have a section in your freezer or a certain freezer dedicated just to your make aead meals I do have a freezer for that yeah I may have a problem but hey it gets dinner on the table it makes it so convenient I definitely love to double and triple some of our recipes and get them in the freezer cook once feed the masses several times label what you can now I'm guilty sometimes of just throwing something in the freezer I run the freezer food show here so it's like I know what we have so when working with the freezer my mother-in-law was helping me my mother-in-law's like what is this bag it looks like meat or something I'm like oh that's shredded turkey and she's like how do you know that I'm like well one I put it in there just a couple of months ago so I know but I'm always in there but for some reason Derek got a hold of that bag and didn't know what it was H that would be horrible so label everything even if you think you know what it is and you'll remember trust me you don't want to mix up chicken stock with pineapple juice done it so put what it is and the date that I went into the freezer so label the containers or label the sections of your freezer according to the zones and categories that you created you may know how you organized it all but the people in your household might not have a clue it makes putting things away a breeze others can actually help you go to the freezer and put things in the right section you can use the Avery labels you can use stickers you can even put a piece of masking tape on and write on the piece of tape do you but make sure you label I got a sneak peek of my dad's freezer system he does a really good job of organizing and he's letting me share it with you my dad also has the drawer freezer from Costco and by the looks of it the priority of this freezer is to store his cheese and frozen vegetables it's so easy to access them I would say probably the number one thing that gets lost in your freezers are the frozen vegetables all right let's take a peek in his standing freezer ooh he's got the clear bins as well I am liking the clear bins more and more okay I am seeing a lot of beef and chicken turkey some pork interesting he is utilizing the door with all his ground beef I don't know if I would store ground beef on the door but he has them sealed up really good with the vacuum sealed bags that makes a huge difference it looks like he uses his food saer machine a lot and he's got the bags labeled well my parents must know the bins very well because the bins aren't labeled but that's okay they're the only ones that utilize this freezer and he says that this chest freezer is just just mainly goodies so all your ice creams and popsicles and here is his top refrigerator freezer this looks like it's housing all the convenience items some TV dinners butter some bread very good I hope this inspired you to organize your freezers or just give you a few ideas on how you can store things in category zones or a new method of doing things don't forget to click that link down in my description box for butcher box you get to pick an exclusive deal on on the ground beef the chicken and the steak tips that you can get free in every box for a year you don't want to miss out if you want to start doing some TV dinners freezer meal kits or just need some freezer meal make aead inspiration I have the videos for you right here and in this video here I'm sharing with you 40 foods that freeze well you'll be surprised thank you so much for joining me we'll see you soon bye
Channel: She's In Her Apron
Views: 114,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: she's in her apron, freezer organization, freezer storage, freezer hacks, freezer tips, deep freezer, deep freezer organization, butcherbox, food storage, freezer bins, freezer, chest freezer
Id: 19f0D2fILbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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