Freezer Meal Kits, Too Many Options! Trying To Keep It Simple!

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hey friend come on in i am working crazy in my kitchen today it's a bit of a mess just get an instacart order i'll share that with you we are in the kitchen today making freezer meals i am out of freezer meals and i want to make some um make-ahead freezer meal kits we're going to do that tonight and i'm preparing for my segment on studio 5 tomorrow morning yeah so everything that i'm going to be cooking here i'll be sharing on that segment so i thought you guys can come and come along with me and get this done and i'll show you how i'm organizing it for the segment and how i'm thinking about maybe displaying it on their kitchen like by the stove encounter area i did a segment for them in may may or june july no july oh my gosh how long has it been i have no idea that was a load of fun i was so nervous but now i know what to expect i know the flow of things so i'm feeling really good but i got a lot of cooking to do because i want to feel my freezers and bring things to the studio so come with me and watch as i prepare for my tv segment on studio five up in salt lake city okay so i just got my order from instacart i did not have time today to run to the store i have oh my gosh that's chicken grease now watch i'll wake up tomorrow morning with a big zit on my face i actually haven't been to bed tonight so i've been working on with my husband and web designer um we're moving our shop over to shopify so there's a lot to do for the planner launch which already happened for you guys just a few days ago i got a lot here and then when i made my instacart order i changed things up but i still might bring some of these things and have them out so all right let me share with you what i got from this insta cart order okay here it all is all right let's start so i had i wanted chicken i didn't have to thaw out i'm already thawing out beef so i wanted to try to make tonight go as quick as possible so i got chicken uh these are chicken tenders and these are chicken breasts so i am going to be using up some alfredo and um so i'm replacing what i'm going to be using up in my food storage room so two four cheese alfredo sauces ricotta cheese two bags of raw shrimp for that's for the stir fry i still might use the meatballs i kind of switched up a meal but i think that might still be on the docket i'm still going to do everything and bring everything um so we have some beef meatballs a red onion yellow peppers i also have red peppers green peppers cilantro two small eight ounces of sour cream two cubed hams for pizza um pizza kits and i did grab their pizza dough it looked bigger online and even reading the size i i just wasn't thinking um i thought i could get two pizza crusts out of it but no so i'm gonna show this if i don't have time to make the pizza crust um for the kids i'll just use these and then we have cilantro four bags of the asian style stir fry we're gonna do stir fry kits i didn't realize this was the replacement the other ones are smaller so we might be able to get two kits out of this out of each one so we'll see um some broccoli florets and then pineapple tip bits i have the chunks so um there are going to be some case lot sales happening here in utah soon and i'm hoping i can get my hands on some tidbits instead of chunks so i have two there for the pizza kits all right this is my instacart haul for these freezer meals so let's get going i don't know if you can see this but my microwave is disgusting i had butter today explode so i gotta clean that up um lovely so we're gonna ignore that i'm putting um back in for the four pounds of hamburger this is for our um taco kits put this back in my dirty microwave and keep defrosting it so defrost one four pounds start so that's gonna get a head start and as soon as it's like pliable that i'm going to break it down and we'll get it going on the stove so okay i mapped out the segment with the questions that they're asking me about freezer mails so i kind of put it in order so my brain conceives we're going to talk about what i love about freezer mails we're going to talk about the tools that we need like our containers our bins bags things like that the recipes that make great freezer meals and that's basically what your family eats so everything that i am showing on the show is exactly what my family eats like i'll try new recipes i share them all the time with you but i'm pretty dang sure our family will like them there's only been less than five fingers on some freezer meals we just didn't like freezer rail kits we're going to jump into the freezer meal kits which you're going to see me put together today so on the menu for our kits we have homemade pizza fajita taco and yeah and then we have some dump and go recipes recipes to use up our leftovers and i'll show you all that okay so that is the itinerary i'm so excited to be invited back on the show they already want me back for the fall so that's exciting it's just fun the whole thing is fun let's get moving i need to get my insta pot out of my country and get a big pot of water boiling i really would like you to boil now i have a five pound bag of russet potatoes that i grabbed at macy's the other day so i'm gonna get these peeled and going okay i'm gonna put a garbage bag in this bowl and i'm just gonna peel it in here do you guys use a peeler or do you use a knife to peel i i just do better with a knife i can't stand a potato peeler i just feel like it goes slower what are you guys i would love to know leave that down in the comments i'm gonna use the american beauty pasta and not my gluten-free because it just will do better with the freezer and all that so we're going to cook up two 16 ounce packages my water is ready i just need to salt it so we don't want to cook these all the way through we want them al dente because when we freeze them they'll finish off you know in the freezer so and yes you can freeze pasta you just can't cook it all the way let's see if this hamburger is close to being workable oh some of them are others new i'm going to tip these upside down get them back in all right so the pasta is going now we're going to cube and get everything um in that slow cooker that insta pot oh my gosh yes because when that is done we've got to get the rice in there too because we need to cook up some rice [Music] [Music] do you see cc's she gets she is like this nervous little dog when her collar hits anything on it she gets so spooked so spooked that she won't eat so it's on a paper plate that we change out it's so ridiculous but she's such a nervous nelly all right i think i'm gonna do a well maybe a little more than a half cup like three four cups of water let's do some anti-no nose have you guys tried anti-nonos so good let's put some of that in there this is going to cook on high pressure for 12 minutes make sure that's on the sealant okay it's gonna do its thing it is close it is so close i'm gonna taste one more and see where we're at and then we'll hit it under the water you guys like that facial we're gonna rinse this off and get all that starch no oh man i just wasted a ton that sucks oh that ticks me off oh that's a ton of pasta oh that is so irritating oh that was like at least two kits of pasta [Music] oh i hate wasting food so much and i just put like the hamburger grease like that um hamburger blood down in i wouldn't have grabbed it anyway i'm just saying like can't save it all right cold water i'm gonna rinse this off get it cool down stop that cooking now if you have kids that love pasta these are gonna be fun for them our third child boston he's 15. he does mountain biking and he eats a lot of pasta right now he's burning a lot of calories oh my gosh can i waste any more noodles i'm gonna let this drain i'm gonna put it halfway on my sink here so i don't lose any more pasta and our hamburger is going i need that really cool tool a little bit oh yes right here this is from pampered chef and works the hamburger oh softened up good because that middle was still frozen so oh this one's really frozen oh yeah oh my gosh rick come on kimmy come on put lean your body into it come on yeah oh yeah i still got a little something in me all right i am going to work with this rotisserie chicken because it's going to be part of our leftovers segment and i love getting rotisserie chicken i get it quite often and i pull everything off so i am going to actually pull off the wing um that was a sad little pull but uh oh there we have it because i wanted to roast this up in my oven really quick and i'm gonna grab his thigh and drumstick okay i'm going to take this skin off am i grossing any of you out oh my gosh i know some people can't handle chicken and i am going to take everything off here the two breasts and there's a little bit of dark meat underneath and i am going to take it all off get it in this freezer bag and then this will be part of our leftover chicken segment and what we'll do is make a really yummy freezer meal out of it you could cube it but um i like to have it shredded because then you have more choices for recipes so we're just gonna keep shredding this and make sure i don't get any bones in here all right i gotta go check on my ground beef give it a stir it is browning up right now do you guys like but tell me first do you guys like getting rotisserie chicken and um getting everything off the bone and then i like to put the bones in the slow cooker with some carrots and celery and onions and spices and herbs and create chicken stock and then from that you could freeze that but i like getting at least two uh chicken rotisserie chickens i thought i put two down in my carpet maybe they only had the one because it was towards the end of the you know rush hour i bet they were all taken so um and then that way you could take the bones let them cook in your slow cooker and make a nice bone broth and then you could freeze that and use it later or can it up whatever you want to do want to get the grease out of here so much okay we're gonna need a cup of taco seasoning okay i added the taco seasoning and the water in now we're gonna mix this up and get this simmering i made a mess you guys look at this look at that taco seasoning oh my gosh oh yeah it's okay it all gets cleaned up right okay here is all the chicken from the rotisserie and then i labeled this bag chicken bones and i'm gonna put this in the freezer and then when i get another rotisserie chicken we'll get this in the slow cooker all right i'm gonna shut the blinds it's getting dark and i don't want anyone watching me oh okay just shut the blinds i have lots of eggs to wash to get ready from our chickens but that's gonna have to wait i can't do that now but that needs to get done let's hold the lighting's back let's continue making these kits i had hit the record button but i didn't so these are the trays from our harvest rate freeze dryer and they're so thin that we're gonna use these to get in the freezer so i did a layer of macaroni and i'm gonna get those in there and then i'm gonna get another tray and do another layer and get them in our big freezer so they could start freezing up for us just mashing up these potatoes i have butter um and that seasoning's still there and then i'll add some milk but uh all right [Music] all right i'm gonna get this into a bowl yummy mashed potatoes look at my apron is like sliding off me you guys i gotta tie it again it keeps coming undone when i was over by the taco meat stirring it up apron like fell all the way down look at that so this apron i got at hobby lobby so what i like about it is to tighten it you just pull it and it rises up isn't that cool yes that is freaking awesome so when the strings are nice and long i love that hopefully this will stay on now but isn't that cool so if you want one you know instead of just how they make them so small like this grows with you so that is fantastic so these are going to cool because i eventually want to freeze them into portions so i'm just going to put that over here all right let's start on the taco kits do you see how like she's like please drop something please this is what she does guys i trip over her all the time that's what paigey does she lays in that funny position and she waits for me to drop food it's been like one minute since you dropped something okay she just wasn't talking about she's wagging her down she's so cute for the stir-fry packets i am going to rinse off some basmati rice i never really rinse off my rice when i like cook it i just don't but when it comes to freezing my rice i want that starch out am i doing this right okay i'm gonna get this in the instant pot this is two cups of rice i am going to cook up maybe six cups maybe eight cups of rice yeah eight cups doing rice can be kind of intimidating in the instant pot this one website said that for not hard or al dente um the best way that she found was doing 1 in 1 4 cup water to each cup of rice okay so high pressure 6 minutes okay we'll do that i did spray the bottom of my instant pot um the woman on that website said that it helps with sticking so i've never done that before so we're gonna test it out rice is in there um potatoes are waiting for me here so let's get the taco kits put together okay what i like about these taco kits is that it's perfect for the kids right so if if it's a saturday um i mean i can make them bitter bigger for the whole family but it's those times when the kids are hungry and um it just i don't know it just the tacos to me just seem more of something that the kids could get and and heat up and and do so you could do two cup portions uh and that's what i'm going to do so we'll do taco meat and i'm going to put 8 22 okay so you can make it bigger for the size of your family but i want to make these for the kids so like after school like if i know they're coming home i could take one of these out you know let it sit out and do its thing and the kids can have their afternoon thing going on you know what i mean okay got my taco meat it's all cooled off and i guess um a pound is two cups i was reading up on so once you've cooked down your meat like two cups is a pound that's what i saw on the interwebs we could check and see if that's true i got a scale here let's see that 10.5 oh i'm doing half cups duh go kimmy geez louise can you tell i haven't gone to bed yet i've been up for a long time okay this is 1.14 so i'm just gonna [Applause] jeez we've got we guys blah blah blah i need to go to bed okay so this is one pound i know you're all gonna say all the plastic i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it and we can make this with all containers but that's where it gets bulky in your freezer so oh wait let's write on it but i see what you're saying so i know but you know what i just i just can't help myself we love tacos oh my gosh [Applause] yum yum yum all right out of four pounds of ground beef for one pounds for kits so we can make four taco kits okay so that part's done now let's put um let's get our cheese together for that so we just opened tonight this bag of mexican style cheese from costco now this is this part is really desire how much cheese do you want right so that's a cup of cheese i'm gonna do maybe two cups the kids love the cheese on it so there is two cups of cheese and if you want to write on it that there's two cups of cheese then um go for it and so when you take this cheese out of your freezer you're gonna have to like whack it to help separate it okay that's why we're using already pre-shaded shredded cheese it's got like that coating on it all right let's do another one all right now we're going to put some um flour tortillas in these are the fajita size or you could do the street taco size one two three four five i want to do six one two three four five six one two three four five six oh i don't think i bought more of these so i'll finish these kits tomorrow i'll go buy some more of these but i definitely need to have some in for the studio five segment i'm just gonna put flower tortilla flower tortilla okay so i'll get more tomorrow not a big deal you gotta go to the pharmacy anyway so we'll do six [Applause] i'm gonna take this bag and i'm going to write taco kit and we're going to put a pound of our taco meat our cheese and our tortillas in here if you really want to jazz this up besides just this this is pretty darn cool right we could do one more element to it so what i have here are these little four ounce containers i got them off amazon i ordered them today and they came within like a few hours how crazy is that all right my insta pot is slower leafing for um it slow released for 10 minutes while it was supposed to it did 16. so now i'm releasing it so let's open this up so you have these little cups right so we can put some salsa in there [Music] give it space for it to work its magic in the freezer they stay on pretty good if you're a little nervous you could tape it down they're seem really sturdy but you know how things happen do you have to do this with salsa no but there are times where we are out of salsa and it's a complete bummer then i have some sour cream or you can mix your salsa your sour cream with your salsa you could do that and only have one of them in there that's not a bad idea if you're a worrywart like me you could do this okay so i'm going to put some green onions in one green onions freeze very well i have froze these before put them in a container that way i could drop them in things even if they're frozen they thought super quick put green onions in this one i mean you can put them in a baggie it'll probably save more room but i'm going gonna try it out like this and then you could always reuse these cups okay so we have uh green onions sour cream and salsa at the bottom of our bag we have our taco seasoning our cheese and our flour tortillas we can put that right in here you can also put cilantro in there but i don't like i'm not a big fan of frozen cilantro if i know we're gonna have these and we're menu planning um i'll go ahead and shred up some lettuce and then chopped up tomatoes stuff like that okay this i think is easier putting the containers on the side like this and then everything else yes there we go and there my friends we have a taco kit all right we are gonna make a fajita kit okay so uh we're gonna start with our peppers do you guys like to put green in your fajitas we're going to wash these up we're going to slice them and we're going to slice up an onion so let's wash these do you like green bell peppers in your fajitas or just the red and the orange red and orange is usually what people put in there yeah you don't want green all right well you don't have to put green in there all right we'll keep it to the pretty color then mr toodles help me decide that because i like it but all right that is done okay so i am getting help tonight with store-bought pizza dough i love making our dough but you got to get help where you can right i'm just debating um do i make these ones with brooke on camera or have one already made made and then make one with her that's what we're debating on right now i guess i'm stuck on like which ones we make with her and have already done so if you guys remember from my pizza kit video your dough is in another bag with a little bit of olive oil in it um so it doesn't like stick to the bag as it rises i'm just debating which recipes um that are a recipe to make with her and i keep flip-flopping and this is something about me i hate i i'm such a flip-flopper i'm like oh but we could do this oh we could do this you just need [Applause] just [Applause] okay and then you put your pizza dough in that way it'll rise in here and it's got the oil so it will not stick to the back voila because we love making homemade pizza but if i when i'm like oh i have to make the dough i gotta take out my bosch i gotta take up the flour like you know i gotta do i gotta do all that and it's just like so you can do it this way or you can make your pizzas and freeze them um in their shape we've never done that we just never had the room to do that but if you have the room you could totally do that i just went into my freezer and grabbed my frozen pepperoni so i had frozen pepperoni in this bag i'll leave the full video to the pizza kit video down below so you can see it so now we need cheese and i got a big bag of mozzarella cheese so and cheese is all preference because you can't go wrong with jesus you can see my ring light this is not a good angle all right let's go down here one [Applause] two three i don't know we're just gonna fill this up you can't i've never been like oh we have too much cheese like that's never happened so we're gonna right here on this one um we're gonna write pizza kit all right so you've got your cheese your pepperoni you could add mushrooms you can add onions i'll probably mix some of those up and take that with this okay and you put them in here then pizza dough this might actually need a little bit more oil in it seeing how this one is turning out [Applause] [Applause] get the air out good all right this goes in the bag as well [Applause] and boom got yourself a pizza kit okay so this is the shrimp fajita kit 8 22. okay so for this kit you're going to need a fajita seasoning packet bam then you need some of your fajita vegetables i've got these nifty food clothes i love sweetie gloves i know right so then um i'm gonna put now this of course kit like i said before the other taco one just depends on how many people you're feeding how big you want to make it right but like i'm going out of town for our conference and derek's got all this stuff for him and the kids are just for the kids to feed the kids you know now they're gonna be not as crunchy as they were once they're in the freezer though that's the bummer part but that's okay that's okay it's still gonna be yummy it'll be better not doing it in the slow cooker you can make fajitas in the slow cooker and i've done that but derek and i don't like how the peppers taste like they're just not crunchy you know okay so you have your peppers you have your fajita seasoning mix these are tail off peeled into veins so here's our shrimp and you or you could do chicken or you can do steak okay but we're gonna do shrimp because yum you can actually keep it in its packaging if you want and not take it out okay why waste more plastic so you could fit him in here okay then your vegetables [Applause] okay your fajita seasoning now you could leave it like this and call it good and there is your shrimp fajita kit or or you can grab some tortillas there's eight of them here of course add as many as you want but get your tortillas in your bag that way like i did earlier today i'm like oh i thought i had more than i did you won't run into this problem you have you will have enough to feed your family boom now i kind of like putting two packets in um but i actually like homemade fajita seasoning so much better and we're going to be making all those together in just a few weeks so there you go boom now just seal it up this will fit really good you didn't have to touch the shrimp all you had to do was just chop up your veggies and you're done [Applause] and boom shrimp fajita kit i was silly and didn't wash all the peppers so what i'm gonna do is finish washing these get them chopped up and then i'll put them in a container and take them to the studio with me and i have another bag of um i have another packet of fajita seasoning mix i have more shrimp and we can put that bag together on the air as well why stickers why why derek is helping me put the barbecue chicken street tacos together in the slow cooker um but we're gonna put the slow cooker um like the part that you could take out the bowl in the refrigerator so tomorrow all he has to do is place it in and let it cook in the morning and then we'll have dinner tomorrow night in the slow cooker all ready to go because after i get done with taping the segment i'll be coming home and finishing up things for the planner lunch and we won't have to worry about dinner because it is in the slow cooker ready to go i shared that on a video recently the best of crock pot video i'll have it linked for you i have to have a lot of onion in my fajitas i can't stand it when the ratio is like a ton of peppers and like hardly any onion these are all ready to go great okay it is one in the morning and i have got to go to bed because i have not slept um i've been up for well over 24 hours so i'm on how many coming up on 48. i'm coming up on 48. yes if you were to stay up for another five hours six hours you'd be 40 now okay i gotta go to bed so we figured out the meals um i had too much on my list too much and it was stressing me out so we whittled it down i opened my freezer and a tray of the macaroni fell i was not having luck with that pasta so we decided we're gonna showcase a lasagna kit on a display but basically just the tip is telling them that you don't have to cook your lasagna noodles that's the tip okay i'm going to i redid the rice because the basmati the way that the ladies said it it it made it into mush i shouldn't have high pressured it i should have just did the rice option i have all this basmati rice here which is not going gonna go to waste we're gonna make stuff with it so we're gonna wrap this up and put it away and we are showcasing the pizza kits the taco kits the stir fry kit using leftovers and um the tip on the lasagna and i feel like i'm missing something but we are ready to go i'll share i'll finish sharing all that with you we'll finish putting some kids together but first i gotta go to bed i gotta go to bed um and then you'll see the setup at studio five so join me in a minute tally and i are here we're setting up our kitchen space right so i'm gonna i'll put you guys somewhere and you can you can watch us figure this out [Music] ready [Music] hey friends okay today went well it is now in the evening and we have dinner done we made dinner last night and prepared it this is the barbecue chicken tacos and actually shared it on a slow cooker video with you guys just this past week it's on the video that's best of crock pot those are on there it's delicious so that is dinner tonight all ready to go we made everything put it in the slow cooker and this portion here then took that out and put it in the other refrigerator so this morning all we had to do was just throw that on there plug it in turn it on and we were good to go today went well but it was also hard um i had so many options and i just had too much on my plate i wanted to share all the things and you just can't in a six minute segment and then i kept flip-flopping last night i could do this or i could do this this is who i am i have too many ideas in my head tried to execute them all that it stresses me out i need to learn to keep it simple and i was on the phone yesterday with my friend karina from life's little things and she said kimmy i'm gonna tell you what my son told me and he said mom remember to kiss and she said what keep it simple stupid but i'm not stupid so i'm gonna use it as keep it simple sweetie keep it simple and that way i don't get overwhelmed sometimes having too many options gives us the anxiety it stresses us out i start second guessing my other options so having too many options is too stressful so keep it simple sweetie so that's the lesson that i learned so it was just gonna be for the show freezer mail kit so i was like oh okay that's easy the fajitas the pizza um the stir fries right and i was gonna put together the pasta one i didn't end up making it but stay tuned um but then when i got the show notes and the questions that were going to be asked to me it messed with my head it made me go oh well if we're going to talk about this and i could show this and she mentioned this so i could show this that's where it tripped me up but all in all when it was time to film at the studio the questions were done a little differently and we went with the flow of what we were talking about so having too many options can mess you up big time and that's what happened to me all in all it turned out great it was a ton of fun but did you guys notice that in the pizzagate i forgot to put my sauce in oh yeah stayed tuned um with all the food that i bought all the meals that i thought i was going to do i'm going to make up a ton of freezing meals for back to school because i was excited to do the segment because it was perfect timing because i need some freezer meals in my freezer so i still need a lot more and i'm going to take all the groceries that i didn't use i'm going to be taking all the ideas that i wanted the recipes that i wanted to share i'm going to make into another video for you guys and we are going to fill our freezer so i hope it motivates you thank you for joining me i have two videos right here for freezer meals that will motivate you to get going and getting in your kitchen but remember don't pick too many options in your freezer meal making session and keep it simple thanks for joining me and we'll see you soon bye
Channel: She's In Her Apron
Views: 114,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freezer meal kits too many options, freezer meals, freezer meal prep, Batch cooking, pizza kit, taco kit, shrimp fajita kit, studio 5 ksl, make ahead meals, food prep, lunch freezer meals, dinner freezer meals, easy freezer meals
Id: m4NYXEv4xjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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